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Sviridov Alexey Viktorovich Central Bank. Who is behind the attacks on Obukhov

In one of the largest registrar companies - JSC "Status" - there have been serious personnel changes. The general director of the registrar, Mikhail Nedelsky, who led the company for seventeen years, as well as his first deputy, left Status. Despite the fact that the company will be headed by a native of the Central Bank, difficult times await the registrar, since this business is very dependent on personal connections.

Status is one of the largest Russian registrars. According to the Central Bank, as of January 1, 2017, the company ranked third in the market in terms of the number of registries serviced (more than 6.6 thousand) and the number of registered persons (more than 2.4 million people). The company's assets at the beginning of the year amounted to more than 713.2 million rubles, own funds - more than 326.1 million rubles. According to Kommersant's information, the former deputy general director of Computershare Registrator, and currently the director of global markets of Sberbank CIB, Veronika Vasilyeva, and the former general director of the registrar R.O.S.T. Ludmila Mironova.

Mr. Sviridov, who was elected General Director of Status on September 8, comes from the Central Bank. Now he holds the position of Advisor to the Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Vladimir Chistyukhin. Previously, Mr. Sviridov worked as Deputy Head of the South-Eastern Regional Branch Federal Service on financial markets. "Alexey Sviridov has decided to continue his career outside the Bank of Russia," the Central Bank said. Mr. Sviridov himself was unavailable for comment.

3rd place in the market

in terms of the number of registries served and registered persons was occupied by the Status registrar at the beginning of 2017

As Kommersant was told by sources from the professional community, the tense situation in the Kaluga branch of the registrar could become a formal reason for changing the leadership at Status JSC. In April 2017, a branch in Kaluga opened VTB-Registrar, one of the main competitors of Status. The new structure was headed by Georgy Poltoratsky, who moved from a similar position in the Kaluga branch of Status JSC. According to Kommersant's sources, this led to tense relations between the companies.

“Mr. Poltoratsky went to work for a direct competitor. Behind him they began to leave regular customers, who have served their registers in Status for many years, ”said one of the interlocutors of Kommersant. According to him, in July 2017, joint-stock companies that wished to transfer their registers for servicing from Status to VTB-Registrar sent a total of more than twenty complaints to the Central Bank. “Status management refused to transfer registries to a competitor under various pretexts. Clients considered the pretexts far-fetched and began to complain, ”the interlocutor of Kommersant explained.

But another Kommersant source is sure that the Kaluga conflict was only the "last straw". According to him, the regulator has already had complaints about the "inflexible position" of the top management of "Status". Mr. Nedelsky objects to such an interpretation. “We have strong positions in Kaluga. The conflict with competitors has been settled - we have officially concluded something like a peace treaty under the auspices of the SRO NFA. So this situation has nothing to do with my decision to leave the company,” he commented. The press service of the regulator said that "the Bank of Russia does not comment on existing companies and does not interfere in their activities."

Mr. Nedelsky believes that the “Kaluga case” has become an object lesson in compliance with ethical standards V competition for the entire registrar market, so that “it is unlikely that any of my colleagues would ever want to participate in something like this.” In his opinion, the change of leadership in Status will not affect the overall balance of the market. At the same time, market participants believe that after the departure of Mr. Nedelsky, it will be more difficult for Status to maintain its leadership, because this business is largely based on personal connections. Clients, emphasizes one of the registrars, "will be poached and outbid by any means," especially in the regions.

Alexei Viktorovich Sviridov (literary pseudonym - S. O. Rokdevyaty) - Russian science fiction writer, bard, active figure in the movement role playing, a participant in several all-Union conventions ("Sidorcon-89", "Interpresscon-94", "Aelita-94", "Zilantcon-94", "White City-99", etc.).
Born in Moscow, after graduation high school entered the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman. He never received a diploma, because after the third year he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army (1985-1987), after which he worked at the MMZ "Experience" (ANTK named after Tupolev). Starting in 1993, he sold books at a fair in the Olimpiysky sports complex, performed his songs on the Arbat, and then became seriously interested in role-playing games.
The first publication took place in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. And literary fame for Alexei Sviridov was brought, first of all, by two funny and clever parodies of works of the fantasy genre. Firstly, the writer cruelly mocked the cliches of the genre in his “Small type set for creating brilliant works in the fantasy style”, and secondly, “Zvirmarillion” (1993) is a very famous and first in Russia parody of “The Silmarillion” by J. R. R. Tolkien.
In 1993-1995, he published the Feng-Gil-Dong newspaper, later he was a member of the editorial board of the role-playing game magazine My Kingdom. In 1996, his first novel, The Man from Iron Island (1985 - 1987) and the story Ten Minutes Out the Door, appear in the author's collection Worlds Nearby.
In 1997, in the Star Labyrinth series, Sviridov's fantasy parody novel The Cool Hero was released, the action of which takes place inside a computer game.
And a year later, the Azbuka publishing house published the novel Fighters. Broken Sky, co-authored with Alexander Biryukov and starting the Fighters trilogy about Russian aces fighting in the skies of Yugoslavia against NATO pilots. His continuations were the novels "Russian Turn" (2000) and "Russian Falcons" (2002)
After spending some time in the shoes of a professional writer, since 1998 Sviridov began working at the Nival Entertainment company as a screenwriter of computer games. He has, in particular, co-authorship in such games as Rage and Rage 2: Lord of Souls. Sviridov also participated in the publishing project "Angelica in Russia".
Alas, the serious illness that Sviridov fell ill with in 2001 interfered with the writer's creative plans.
The writer died in a Moscow hospital on the night of June 1-2, 2002 from blood cancer.
After the death of Sviridov, the novel "Interworld Customs" (2003) was published, co-authored with Elena Vlasova, the collection "Magic Things" (2005).
His last novel, Return from the Edge of the Night, was completed by Sviridov's friends Gleb Serdity and Alexander Biryukov and was published in 2005.

At the end of last week, it became known that the secretary of the Samara regional branch of the Civic Platform party, the ex-head of the Samara branch joint stock company Status Registrar Society Vladimir Obukhov filed an application with the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Samara Region. According to some reports, the reason for the businessman to submit an application to the investigating authorities was a whole series of events that took place around Obukhov over the past five years: the statement states that certain criminal structures have repeatedly attempted to take control of the Samara branch of the Status company. on September 8, the change in the leadership of the Status Registrar Society: Mikhail Nedelsky left the post of general director, and Alexei Sviridov, a native of Samara, adviser to the deputy chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, took his place.

Showed interest in businesses defense complex?
Last week, it became known that Samara businessman Vladimir Obukhov filed an application addressed to the chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, and the head of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Samara Region, Valery Samodaykin. The document emphasizes that for several years certain criminal structures have been trying to take control of the Samara branch of the Status company. According to observers, it is possible that the interest of a number of reputable businessmen in the activities of the company may be due to the fact that Status is currently one of the three largest registrar companies in Russia that maintains the register of shareholders of enterprises. Moreover, among the clients of "Status" are large enterprises military-industrial complex, including companies that are part of the state corporation Rostec headed by Sergey Chemezov.
According to some reports, the events of 2016 became the apotheosis of the proceedings around the Samara branch of Status, when one of the local reputable businessmen allegedly offered Obukhov to steal a controlling stake in a large Samara enterprise, the value of which shares can reach more than 1 billion rubles. Obukhov seemed to be given a choice: either the entrepreneur agrees to participate in, to put it mildly, a dubious business deal; or another candidate will be selected for the post of director of the Samara office. According to unconfirmed data, Obukhov refused to participate in the division of shares of a local enterprise. Some time later, at the suggestion of the now former General Director of Registrar Society Status, Mikhail Nedelsky, Vladimir Obukhov was dismissed from the post of head of the company's branch.

Implemented multi-move
Significantly, Obukhov's statement to the investigating authorities coincided with another event that also occurred at the end of last week. As early as September 8, in unofficial circles, they began to discuss the likely resignation of Mikhail Nedelsky from the post of General Director of Status Registrar Society JSC. Yesterday, September 11, this fact was confirmed by the Kommersant newspaper, announcing that Nedelsky, who had headed the company since 2000, as well as his first deputy, Natalya Petrova, had vacated their positions. A native of Samara was appointed to the post of Status General Director, Advisor to the Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Vladimir Chistyukhin Alexei Sviridov.
It should be noted that Sviridov, who for several years served as an adviser to the Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia, was well aware of some commercial transactions of the Samara branch of Status, since the Central Bank acts as a regulator of the activities of all registrar societies that maintain the register of owners valuable papers. Accordingly, Sviridov could not have been unaware of the scandalous events mentioned in Obukhov's statement to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation that had taken place around the businessman over the past five years. In this regard, a logical question arises: is Sviridov in any way connected with the persons from whom Obukhov received an offer in February 2016 to participate in the fate of a controlling stake in one of the Samara enterprises?

Reference: Joint-Stock Company Registrar Company Status is one of the three largest registrar companies in Russia that maintains the register of shareholders of enterprises. The head office of the organization is located in Moscow. The following companies are among the shareholders of Status: PJSC Sberbank, JSC Sberbank Leasing, OJSC CB Energotransbank, LLC Rusagro Group of Companies, LLC investment company"MMK-Finance".
The company maintains a register of shareholders for more than 6.5 thousand joint-stock companies Russia and is an authorized registrar of the state corporation Rostec. CEO"Status" until September 8 of this year was a member of the Committee for Interaction with Minority Shareholders of PJSC Sberbank, a member of the Board of Directors self-regulatory organization"National Stock Association" Mikhail Nedelsky.

A country: Russia
Was born: 1965-10-12
Died: 2002-06-02

Sviridov, Aleksey Viktorovich (literary pseudonym S. O. Rokdevyaty) - Russian science fiction writer, bard, active figure in the role-playing game movement, participant in several all-Union conventions (Sidorkon-89, Interpresscon-94, Aelita-94, Zilantcon-94, White City-99, etc.).

Born in Moscow, after graduating from high school he entered the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman. He never received a diploma, because. after the third year, he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army (1985-1987), after which he worked at the MMZ "Experience" (ANTK named after Tupolev). Starting in 1993, in the troubled post-perestroika years, he sold books at a fair in the Olimpiysky sports complex, performed his songs on the Arbat, and then became seriously interested in role-playing games.
The first publication took place in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. And literary fame for Alexei Sviridov was brought, first of all, by two funny and clever parodies of works of the fantasy genre. Firstly, the writer cruelly mocked the cliches of the genre in his “Small standard set for creating brilliant works in the fantasy style”, and secondly, “Zvirmarillion” is a very famous and first in Russia parody of “The Silmarillion” by J. R. R. Tolkien.
I read The Silmarillion even before the army, in one night (because it had to be returned in the morning), and even in the fourth typewritten copy - samizdat, however! And naturally, when in 1992 I managed to copy S. Yakovlev onto a floppy disk "Silm" in in electronic format, I was very happy and in awe beforehand... But in the process of reading, there was less and less reverence, and at some point I could not stand it: at the working EC-1841, I hung the text of Silm in one window of the Lexicon, and in the other I began to retell it in my own words. At first it was just a joke, but then it suddenly turned out that much of what is presented in The Silmarillion as sublime and heroic can actually be understood and described from the standpoint of simple everyday logic, and heroism suddenly suddenly turns into stupidity, nobility into meanness, and so on and so forth.
Upon learning that I was writing Zvir, Nienna spoke with such contempt: "I already know forty-eight such continuations and alterations." "Well," I replied, "I'll be forty-ninth!" And indeed, I became S.O. Rockninth.
First, Zvir was distributed electronically, and then in 1993 Lev Lobarev (Lin) and Max Kachelkin did a great thing: they published Zvir with a circulation of 510 copies! The publication sold out quickly enough, and had a resonance: someone liked it, but someone ... Not really. So, for example, someone Yevgeny Itkin burned his copy, told FIDO about it, and called on everyone else to make a fire from the rest of the Beasts. According to rumors, someone even threatened to arrange physical punishment for me, but, alas, Perumov's laurels, as a victim of the reprisal of the evil Tolkienists, passed me by. About a year later, the Saratov publishing house Truba decided that right now the moment had come when a collection of parodies and banter on Tolkien themes would be in demand. This is how the Zvirmarillion collection appeared - the one in the red cover. He had a circulation of 30,000 (now not every “Blind man shoots a lame man” is printed like that), and therefore the “red beast” can still be found on store shelves. Moreover, what is interesting - "Pipe" paid a fee! Azhno in 45 dollars, honor by honor. So, as it turned out, it happens that banter brings practical results. Alexey Sviridov

In 1993-1995, he published the Feng-Gil-Dong newspaper, later he was a member of the editorial board of the role-playing game magazine My Kingdom. In 1996, his first novel appeared in the author's collection "Worlds That Are Near": "The Man from the Iron Island" began in February 1985 at a lecture on political economy, in the third year of Baumanka.
I opened a fresh barn book (then it was a great chic to write lectures in barn books), but instead of all those smart words that the lecturer was telling us, my playful hand brought out: “I saw such entertainment in the coffin ...”.
And the adventures of high-tech guys in the world of Middle-earth poured out. True, at that time I didn’t really read anything except Watchmen - the rest in the fourth copy on tissue paper was given to me for one night, so you can imagine what a mess was going on in my head. Because of him, in fact, I undertook to describe not the places where the War of the Ring took place, but a certain region, much to the south.

Aleksey Sviridov finished this book already in the army (in particular, he wrote the last, fourth chapter there), while away the time on long combat duty.
In 1997, in the Star Labyrinth series, Sviridov's fantasy-parody novel The Tough Hero was released, the action of which, as written in critical articles, “takes place inside a computer game. There is indeed a cool hero and helicopters in which the Rebels for the Republic against Democracy fight against the Rebels for the Monarchist Empire.
But the author himself categorically disagreed with the critics and wrote the following about his book:“This book is, in a sense, a big banter. Moreover, the banter over the stamps and hackneyed moves, used in almost all genres of science fiction and fantasy. It was started just like that, and then it was called even more impudently - "The amazing adventures of an obviously tough hero." But then, in the course of work, it suddenly turned out that writing just a cheerful banter is boring. And that the characters who were conceived as parodic characters also have some feelings, some desires. Somehow it turned out by itself that the "Cool Hero" very quickly ceased to be just a "mockery of everything." And what did he become ... Judge the readers.
And a year later, the Azbuka publishing house published the novel Fighters. Torn Sky”, co-authored with Alexander Biryukov and starting the “Fighters” trilogy about Russian aces fighting in the skies of Yugoslavia against NATO pilots. But with this publishing house, the authors had a small scandalous story associated with unpaid royalties to the authors, so that subsequent reprints and subsequent parts of the trilogy were published by other publishers.
After spending some time in the shoes of a professional writer, since 1998 he began working at the company "Nival Entertainment" as a screenwriter of computer games. He has, in particular, co-authorship in such games as Rage and Rage 2: Lord of Souls. Sviridov also participated in the publishing project "Angelica in Russia".
And on July 9, 2001, the last entry appeared on his personal website:
“Actually, this news will be sad and sad. I became ill, and very seriously ill. That is, it is so serious that for the next two years I will spend more time in the hospital than at home, but there is no question of working or getting out somewhere. The same is expected with updates and changes on my page: it is unlikely that I will be able to do this. These are my sad things. It goes without saying that the address ceases to be relevant - the letter will get there, only I will not read it. You can write to, there is at least some chance that I will read this letter and answer it.
Six months later, on January 20, 2002, a concert in support of the writer was held in the capital's recreation center "Mayak", in which bards well-known in the circles of "role players" participated, but a serious blood disease completely killed Alexei Sviridov.
The writer died in a Moscow hospital on the night of June 1-2, 2002 from blood cancer.
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