Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Scenario for the extracurricular event "Cook's Day". Scenario for presenting the profession of a chef at a festival of professions Scenario for an event on Chef's Day for students

Chef's Day, celebrated annually on October 20, is a holiday whose existence we owe to the World Association of Culinary Societies. This professional holiday everyone who is directly related to the world of cooking. On this day, concerts, feasts, and entertainment events are organized for the heroes of the occasion, which, in turn, are not complete without competitions and games.

Hot bun

A simple game that will appeal to preschoolers, schoolchildren, and elementary school students. The only props we need are an inflatable light ball, preferably a medium-sized beach ball, which will play the role of a hot bun. The players' task, sitting indoors or outdoors in random order, is to pass the ball to each other, hitting it with their hands, as in volleyball. The one who catches it or fails to return it is out of the game.

The most dexterous cook

For the next competition you need a deep bowl and a lot of dummies of vegetables. If there are no dummies, you can use different objects, for example, Stuffed Toys. The task of the players, and there are only two of them, is to overcome a difficult distance with many obstacles, without losing all the vegetables piled up in a bowl along the way. You can place chairs, skittles, bottles, and so on in the form of obstacles in the room.

Nice rhyme

This competition can be announced at the beginning of the entertainment event, and its results can be summed up at the end of the holiday. The host invites all guests to come up with a rhyme for the word “Cook”. This is not an easy task. The winner is the one whose option turned out to be the most successful. However, you should be prepared for the fact that there will be few options overall.

Rash, don't be sorry

3 people are invited to participate in the game. Each player is given two vessels. One is filled with sugar, the other is empty. Everyone also gets a teaspoon. The task of the contestants is, at the signal from the presenter, to transfer the sugar into an empty container as quickly as possible, using a teaspoon for this. At the same time, it is important not to spill this product, performing the task not only quickly, but also as carefully as possible. The results of the players' work are judged by the guests of the entertainment event.


The competition, which can be held for both children and adults, involves two people. Each player is blindfolded, after which the assistant allows the contestants to try different products, which they will have to identify only according to their taste. Players can be warned in advance that they will have to guess the taste of different berries, and at the same time diversify the assortment of these berries, say, with a piece of lemon without skin or a piece of pickled cucumber. The winner is the one who correctly identified all the products, including the “dummy” one.
You can modify this competition and make it more “extreme”. In this case, the host invites the participants to try a dish made from incompatible products. This, for example, could be marshmallows sprinkled with ketchup and wrapped in pita bread. As in the previous version, the player will need to guess what they just ate.


The competition is a drawing, which is held in two stages. In the first stage, participants (there may be 3-4 people) are asked to quickly peel boiled potatoes (one small potato at a time). However, the players do not even suspect that they will then have to quickly eat the root vegetable. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Nuggets of Wisdom

They prepare for this competition in the following way: they buy a pack of buckwheat, open it, paint 12 grains with bright nail polish, dry it and add it back to other grains. Everything needs to be mixed and moved into a deep bowl. You need to prepare 2 such vessels, for two players. The task of the latter is to find all 12 colored grains as quickly as possible. At the same time, you cannot pour buckwheat onto the floor or table. The fastest cook is the winner.

From the pantry to the kitchen

A good competition for children. For this you need to take one medium weighty watermelon, and also mark the “start” and “finish” lines in advance. Everyone who wants to participate in this game is divided into two teams. The competition is held in a “relay race” format. Each player takes turns rolling the watermelon across the floor towards the finish line. In this case, each player can take no more than three steps at a distance, after which he needs to return to the team, thus allowing the next participant in the column to run to the watermelon. The team that manages to finish first wins.

Corn relay

An interesting simple competition for which you first need to boil and judge two small heads of corn. The finished heads of cabbage are given to the teams (each has one corn). Their task is to separate the corn kernels from the head of corn with their hands. One person cleans one row, then passes the product to another. The game continues according to this principle until one of the teams completely clears the head of corn.

Knowledge is power

A simple game for little cooks. You need to prepare cards in advance with images of different popular dishes and their ingredients (each ingredient is a separate card). Participants in the game, looking at a dish card that they can draw from a bag at random, need to quickly and, more importantly, choose the right ingredients for preparing such a dish.

Chocolate Madness

For of this competition You will need such props as an apron, a chef's hat, a fork and a real large chocolate bar. All this is placed away from the children who volunteered to take part in the Chocolate Madness. At the leader’s signal, the children take turns throwing the dice. The one who gets a 6 runs to the table with a chocolate bar, puts on a hat and apron, takes a fork and tries to use it to break off a piece of the sweet treat. He does this until the next player rolls a 6 on the dice. The competition continues until the entire chocolate bar is eaten.


A fun game that requires a variety of foods (for example, a piece of bread, a slice of lemon, a spoonful of honey, chocolate candy, etc.), as well as a roll of toilet paper. Using a roll of toilet paper, the presenter creates a winding distance (2 pieces in total are needed), where players will encounter various food items on plates. Players start one by one. Important rule– you can move from one product to the second only after the first has been completely eaten (chewed and swallowed). The glutton who finishes first wins.

Vegetable portrait

For this creative competition You will need two baskets of a variety of vegetables. A game for two teams, each with 3 people. At the presenter’s signal, the players begin to “make up” a portrait of a famous person from the products offered to them. No more than 10 minutes are allocated for this competition. The winner is determined as follows - guests of the festive event will have to guess who is depicted in the portrait of each team. The most believable portrait brings the players victory.

On first name terms with a meat grinder

Probably every house has Soviet meat grinders, so you can easily find these in the amount of 2 pieces. Beforehand, the meat grinders are dismantled, and it is in this form that they are given out to two players, preferably boys. Their task is to temporarily assemble a mechanical device that is actively used by housewives in cooking. The winner is the competition participant who assembled the machine quickly and correctly.


Simple and fun game, in which 3 people can take part. Each is given a bowl in which foods such as peas, buckwheat, beans and rice are mixed. The players' task is to sort all the products for a while. The one who completes the task quickly wins.

Full and satisfied

The cook has prepared a delicious dish and he can not wait to treat the guest to them, only the trouble is that both hands are busy. A game for two teams, 2 people each. One player is covered with oilcloth and seated on a chair. The second person is given a bowl of jam (pour a little) and a small spoon. The chef's task is to feed his guest without his hands. To do this, you will have to pick up jam and pass it to your friend, holding a spoon in your teeth. The winner is the team that “destroys” all the jam faster than the other.

Emerald City

For this competition you will need green marmalade. Each player (and there are only 2 of them) has the same number of gummy candies. Their task is to build a tower of sweets, laying one marmalade on top of another. The one whose tower turns out to be the tallest wins.

We invite residents and guests of the Izba to participate in a new competition dedicated to
World Day Cooks and at the same time - cute, round, cute Gluttons!

Every year on October 20, chefs and culinary specialists from all over the world celebrate their professional holiday - Chef's Day. The international date was established in 2004 at the initiative of the World Association of Culinary Societies. This organization, by the way, has no less than 8 million members - representatives of the culinary profession from different countries. Therefore, it is not surprising that the professionals of world cuisine have found their own holiday. Chef's Day is celebrated in more than 70 countries. In addition to the culinary specialists themselves, government officials and employees also take part in organizing festive events. travel companies and, of course, business owners Catering- from small cafes to famous restaurants. They organize skill competitions among chefs, conduct tastings and experiment with preparing original dishes. The profession of a cook is one of the most sought after in the world and one of the most ancient. History, of course, is silent about who first came up with the idea of ​​​​cooking meat from hunted game or plants collected in the forest. But there is a legend about a woman whose name gave the name to the entire industry - cooking. The ancient Greeks revered the god of healing, Asclepius (aka the Roman Aesculapius). His daughter Hygeia was considered the guardian of health (by the way, the word “hygiene” came from her name). And their faithful assistant in all matters was the cook Kulina, who began to patronize the art of cooking, called “cooking.” One of the main events of this day is skill competitions among chefs. The first recipes written down on paper appeared in Babylon, Ancient Egypt and Ancient China, as well as in the countries of the Arab East. Some of them have come down to us in written monuments of that era, and if desired, anyone can try to prepare the dishes that the Egyptian pharaoh or the emperor of the Celestial Empire ate. In Russia, cooking as a science began to develop in the 18th century. This was due to the spread of food businesses. At first these were taverns, then taverns and restaurants. The first culinary kitchen in our country opened in 1888 in St. Petersburg.


Considering the children's "specificity" of our Magazine - "Hut on Seventh Heaven" - we decided
to establish, in parallel with Cook's Day, a children's analogue of this holiday - Glutton's Day.
There are many cute gluttons described in literature, including heroes of children's books.
Let us only remind you of the extremely cute glutton Winnie the Pooh. Remember, create your own gluttons, come up with recipes for the most gluttonous dishes - have fun to the fullest! The topics can be very diverse, but they should all be related to cooks, culinary specialists, all sorts of goodies and literary characters who sometimes abuse these goodies.

Our rules remain the same:

1. No more than two or three poems from each author, up to 60 lines in total.
2. Only poems for children and youth are accepted - without eroticism, invective language and attempts at discrimination on any basis specified in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
3. Place poems in the review - it is advisable to highlight the names of poems in capital letters. This will provide them with better “visibility” on the longlist when voting. But don’t forget that the best visibility and audibility comes from talent, ingenuity, good humor and humor!
4. Benevolent criticism is essentially not prohibited. It is “politically incorrect” to insist on one’s own opinion when the author refuses to follow it.
5. The deadline for accepting works is October 20, 2018, 22:00.
6. Editing of works is permitted (in the reviews themselves) until the deadline for accepting works.

We wish you bright creative discoveries and good luck, and success in the competition!

For inspiration:

Pancake epic

Mommy is a master at baking pancakes!
And I'm watching from behind...
Mom turns away from the pancakes a little,
I - grab one! and so he was!

Then she went to buy jam,
And I ate - well, to the point of being “stupid.”
When the guests came to our home,
They decided that a brownie had gobbled them up!

There was also a version about a baby...
I listened to them almost without breathing!
But it happened: the baby, they say, is too small,
There were pancakes - a whole dump truck!

Comfort. Sandwich. Igor Lagerev

Elena Evseeva on

Get out of here, sandwich!

I'm angry today -
I can't fit into a skirt.
I'm so thick
Absolutely not needed!
I won't eat lunch
I'll lose weight like a skeleton.
Get out of here, sandwich!
Find another belly!

Comfort. Sandwich.

Don't be sad my friend, our life is
A farce, believe me, not a drama at all...
It’s unpleasant, of course, that “scat”
A capricious lady told you.

Mirrors are to blame for everything:
They don't have a waist. The lady is offended:
It seemed like it was before the holiday,
But now for some reason it’s not visible!

And hence the nervous breakdown...
But let me reassure you -
There are countless of us who live forgetting
Where is she and what is it?

Editor-in-Chief Adela Vasiloi




Once - meatballs,
Two - cutlets,
Three - dumplings,
Five - manta rays.
Mom is cooking
And for this
I love her!
And you?!


Dad is in the kitchen. Mom is gone.
What will be for lunch?
Sauce, pudding, casserole?
I agree with the manga.

Dad every minute
The refrigerator opens
For some reason he
Leafing through the cook's book.

Dad sees on the pages
Pilaf and fried poultry
Fish in dough, vinaigrette,
Sweet poppy seed roll.

There are dumplings. On a long list
A whole range of excellent dishes...

The choice is made, and the sausages
They are boiling loudly in the ladle!


I'm in no hurry to go for a walk:
I eat milk noodles
And the noodles crawl into the plate,
Jumping off a spoon like a squirrel.

I grab the noodles with my palm:
- That's it, you won't run away!
And she goes back into the soup.
- Stop, noodles, because I'm not stupid.

I can handle you, noodles,
You are tasty and good.
I don't want soup or pilaf.
I am an excellent noodle maker!


It smells like dough, it smells like baking,
Dad and I both can't breathe,
We don't need any extra words...
The pie is already ready,
Golden, most delicious.
Only who could have thought
That it’s not a grandmother, but a mother -
I baked the pie myself!
Grandmother closed the door:
- It’s time for me to go on vacation now!


Oh, and a thick SANDWICH!
The whole thing doesn't fit into your mouth.
I'll eat the sandwich and then BROD
I'll swallow it with some tea for lunch.

Alena Ranneva 10.20.2018 22:52

2. Gluttons-amateurs

Our Andryusha
Likes to eat -
It's always in his mouth
There is food behind the cheek.
He hamsters her everywhere,
He hides sandwiches in his desk.
Per lesson in one sitting
He will eat six sandwiches!
The eyes are not visible because of the cheeks,
It became round, like a bun.
If it goes on like this -
Soon he won't come through the door!


Breakfast for dear mother
We prepare ourselves:
They took the bowl, oops!
Rice flakes,
Milk at risk
Pour into a bowl
Let's sweeten it up a little
A piece of butter,
Stir with a spoon
Let's wait a little...
Three minutes
and it's ready,
Eat, mom!
Be healthy!
The whole cooking recipe
Hidden in the microwave!

Tamara Vtorova 10.19.2018 23:10

3. Bon appetit! (SELECTION)


For the sake of argument,
I'm not at all
Not a Glutton
Just -
A lot of


We baked pies... With my brother!
Everything turned out - not too...
Even the cat - for a reason! -
Our (dough!) is not easy to eat...

Only dad - he is always
To everything - with a grin! -
He told us: - Wow!...
Delicious... dumplings!


To our cozy country house
Somehow a gnome showed up...
He looks like a wonderful guy,
Let's just say - arrogant... too!..

He climbed (with his feet!) onto the bed,
And let's shout with all our might:

I want pies... with potatoes,
And more pancakes... with okroshka,
Two bottles... of lemonade,
Fresh apples! - from the garden,
A kilogram of sweets... overseas,
Lollipops - delicious! - a handful,
A cup of oh-so-small cutlets! -
It will turn out to be a modest... lunch!..

Wow - requests!..
I'll give you apples - no questions asked...
Anything else - sorry! -
Go to another restaurant!..

I offered you everything I could!..
... Don't trip over the threshold!

Nikolay Belozubov 10/19/2018 20:52


“Uncle Fedya ate the bear!” -
That's what people say.
But Fedya did not eat the bear,
I was just glad to see the bear.

But Lyosha ate his galoshes.
Why don't people say
About the glutton Uncle Lyosha? –
Talk about appetite!

Grisha ate a poster nearby.
Maybe someone says
About the glutton Uncle Grisha? –
Talk about appetite!

Aunt Zhanna ate a bath,
And no one speaks
Neither about the bath, nor about Zhanna,
Talking about appetite.
Why doesn't he speak? –
So as not to spoil your appetite!
Ah, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
How delicious are you?
With Parmesan and spinach,
With meat, fish, almonds,
With sour cream, chocolate -
Well, let’s take a risk with everything we eat!

There's only a crunch behind my ears,
Let me burst, so be it.
And I won’t burst, having devoured this, -
I'll go on a diet tomorrow.

Al Ef 10/17/2018 21:28


The mouse Tishka has -
Fashionable pants,
Fashionable shirt,
There are two pockets on the side.

There is fringe on the pockets,
Not pockets - bins:
They contain nuts, dried fruits,
Crackers and buns.

Oh! - Tishka sighs,
- The load is too heavy!
To make the load lighter,
Gotta have a snack.

Snack after snack
My stomach became a huge burden.
- Puff-puff, uh-uh,


In the morning Mur Murych Kotov,
Getting ready for work
Ran through the dew
Ate three fat carp,

Ham big piece
And lay down to sleep in the shade.
He slept there for two hours
Muru dreamed of sausage,

And smoked on the plate
Fragrant sausages...
Rested, gained strength,
I felt intense hunger.

Dipped his mustache in sour cream:
- No, I won’t eat sour cream.
Not suitable for diet!
I'll eat chicken cutlets.

Having swallowed the cutlets right away,
With sadness I remembered about work:
– A cat’s life is not easy!
It's better to drink milk

Dream about this and that
Under a spreading bush...
Mur Murych Kotov dozed off
And he didn’t go to work.

For uncaught mice
Moore was kicked out.

Elena Tolstenko 10/16/2018 21:38

7. THE DIET IS CANCELED (selection)


The gluttonous cat has grown fat,
He does not accept diets.
I put it in his bowl
Bio-clean food:
Cabbage leaf, lettuce leaf,
A couple of spinach leaves.
The cat ran into the kitchen to his mother:
- Eat this grass yourself.
Always put it in a bowl for me
Two cutlets and a sausage!


They say I'm a glutton!
I'll become a fat man soon.
I imagined it! No,
I don't eat candy anymore!
Sandwiches, pies,
Cupcakes, gingerbreads, horns,
Chips, puff pastries, chocolate,
Pastille and marmalade -
Now you have to forget everything.
What can I do?
Porridge, vegetables, salad,
Maybe honey mushroom soup?
I imagined it! No!
I'll eat soup and vinaigrette,
Only this will happen tomorrow,
And today on my platter
Bring pizza, bun,
Sweet pudding and cheesecake.
Mom and Dad will say in unison:
- You have a sweet tooth and a glutton.
This is true, it is true:
I love to eat delicious food!


Today we are alone with dad
We baked a pie for mom.
In the center are sugar roses,
Nearby is a sprig of mimosa.
That's the beauty
Beauty and deliciousness!
Let your face and dress be in agony,
But in my mother’s eyes there is happiness.
Mom is happy, no doubt about it.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!

Lyudmila Shmidt 10.16.2018 17:31

8. COOKS (selection)


When you look into the eyes of semolina porridge,
She is in no hurry to escape from the pan.
But it’s worth turning away for a moment,
In the kitchen, streams will pour.
The evil porridge hisses as it runs away:
- Yeah, missed it.
The cook is bad.
Now you can’t wash either the pots or the tiles,
The owner is such a total loss. –

Evil semolina porridge.
She is our punishment!


Woman, I brought a mammoth,
It's all delicious, from tail to ear.
I am hungry!-
- Hungry? What's the question?
“I’ll feed you,” answered the cook.
- Sharpen your knives, drag the cauldron -...

Now the fire is crackling in the hearth,
Dashingly butchering a mammoth,
The cook cooks for my husband.
Fries, steams, cooks and bakes...

Cook is an ancient profession,
It is counting down from distant years.
Prose and poetry in every kitchen
Delicious food still lives on.

9. Glutton-Glutton

Once I asked Zhora
To support the conversation:
- What do you love, tell me -
- What do I love? Well, hold on...
I love sausage rolls
With ketchup and onions together,
Hot borscht with sour cream,
The pie is rosy from the oven,
Pancakes with jam, with meat,
With feijoa and pineapple,
With butter, cheese and caviar -
I'm a pancake eating hero.
I also love potatoes
Both in uniform and puree,
And cold okroshka,
If it's hot in the yard.
Fish in batter, all smoked
Cakes, pizza and cookies,
Sausage of any kind
I'm always ready to eat.
An hour has passed, another is coming,
Zhora gives away the dishes.
- Stuffed cabbage rolls, azu, cutlets,
And pates and sweets,
Chips, crackers, sardines,
Oranges, tangerines,
Any berry -...
- Zhora,
I think you're a glutton.
So many dishes in one sitting
Not even a giant can eat it!
Aren't you tired? -
- No!
It was one lunch.
Shall I tell you about dinner?
I've worked up an appetite! -
- No, merci, please, no need,
I'm already sick of eating.

Tatyana Stukova 10.18.2018 18:40



I don’t work at the dacha -
I fish on Khopra all day.
Even though it's hot on the river,
I will not return lightly:
For your beloved cats
I want to catch some fish.
They are waiting on the shore -
I can't deceive them.

No matter how many fish you catch,
The catch for cats is small.

Our dad is an excellent cook.
He knows how to cook soup
Pearl barley porridge
And a kulesh of different cereals.
And today he fried
Pasta with sausage
And seasoned with pepper and curry*.
Mom screamed: Oh-oh!
This is junk food! -
Forget it forever!
I'll feed you something delicious tomorrow
Diet cabbage.

We waved our hands
And they told our mother:
“Dad the cook is great!
Dad is the only cook for us.
And besides, by the way,
All my friends are very jealous.”

* curry - a mixture of seasonings


Let's fly to Aunt Tonya
Always at three o'clock sharp.
At this time on the balcony
Delicious food awaits us.

How to be so hospitable
Or fly to lunch?!
On a rainy, gloomy, winter day,
There is no better invitation.

Ovchinnikova Tatyana Sergeevna

11. GLUTTER COOKS (selection)

Mom and dad are at work
I'll bake them a cake.
Beat sugar and egg
And added flour
I did everything right -
Mom and Dad will be happy!


The baby himself ate today,
I smeared porridge on my ears.
Nose also ate porridge,
Even if I didn't want to.
A little bit got into my mouth.
It was tasty, but not enough.

By the big pie
Two enemies met.
And while they were eating that pie,
The two enemies cheered up.
Those enemies made peace...
These are the pies!


Cooked semolina porridge
My brother and I are having lunch.
And they didn’t know, they didn’t guess
How much trouble there will be with this!
Either lumps or burnt,
Sometimes it’s liquid, sometimes it’s thick,
Then he runs away somewhere,
Lo and behold, the pan is empty!
Still, they cooked it for dinner,
It was delicious - no doubt about it.
They ate the porridge and praised it,
It's a shame it's not for lunch!


The cat in the kitchen kept spinning
And I learned to cook:
Boil soup, bake a pie -
Now he could do everything!
Delicious! Tanya is glad
She even needs supplements.

Cook mom, cook dad,
The cooks are two older brothers.
Well, even though I’m a child,
Their assistant cook.
Cook, cook day and night.
Would you like to help us?

Tatyana Kazirina 10/13/2018 20:12



Salads - For brother,
Pancakes - for grandma,
Compote and porridge -
To my sister Glasha.
And so be it,
I can have tea with the cake.

Itching inside. I have a toothache.
It's clear to everyone. I don't drink, I don't eat.
Well maybe a little bit
I'll take something:

A sip of milk and a piece of cheese,
Pea soup, half a spoonful of porridge,
Tender cutlets, sweet candies,
Tea with jam


I run, I fly, I barely moo!
Needle. Injection. Asleep. Gone.

Hour. Two. I don't drink or eat at all.
Well maybe a little, just a piece
Fish and potatoes, chicken leg,
A glass of juice, a ripe banana,
Blinkov with caviar


Popsicle or cone?
Bun or pie?
Soda or kvass?
Pear or pineapple?

Chocolate or marshmallows?
Ryazhenka or kefir?
I would eat it all at once, but
Last time my stomach hurt.


There was a CHOCOLATE on the kitchen table.
It was beautiful and smelled very sweet.
I sneakily bit her a couple of times.

But here's an unsolvable mystery:
Where did the chocolate disappear by morning?

Maria Lavruk 10/13/2018 18:15


It was a nice day.
The children went out onto the meadow.
Masha is cooking dinner
It's a secret for friends for now...

I put jam in the soup,
Chocolate, two cookies,
Pasta, onion
And a bunch of dill.
Salt and pepper for order,
I stirred everything with a spatula,
Covered the top with a lid -
That's it... I cooked lunch.

- Help yourself! Spoons nearby...
Everything is so delicious and for free!
But friends are all at the same time:
“I lost my appetite a long time ago.”

This upsets Masha -
Well, at least try some tea.
I have my own secret:
Tea with sand - nothing better!

Boris Zakharchenko 10/12/2018 11:05


This probably happens once every hundred years:
The weather was very bad
It rained for the seventh week.
Kashchei the Immortal caught a cold
And now, here it lies. Sick.
They didn't write it in old fairy tales
How to treat such misfortunes,
After all, it’s hardly on his ribs
You will adapt the pepper patch.
Apparently he won't recover soon...
There's no way to ease the suffering
Not a tincture of fly agarics,
No magic spells.
All he can do is lie down.
It will get better, maybe in the morning...
Otherwise you'll have to go
To bow to Vasilisa the Wise.

Vanechka, eat your porridge quickly.
Generously butter the slice!
To have something to stick to.
And also where to inject.


Empty refrigerator...
How strange...
The sour cream has disappeared somewhere.
A couple of cutlets are missing.
There are no amateur sausages.
And where is the carton of milk unknown...
And the Cat, as if he didn’t know me at all,
Lies motionless, like a carcass,
And he barely moved his tail,
Not a cat, but
Yes mom! The task was not easy,
Find out how many things can fit into the Cat.
Our conclusion is that probably
Our cat is like a sock

Delmi 10/11/2018 11:02 Igor Lagerev


Mom kneaded the dough
Power appeared in the test,
And it grows and swells:
“I am the most important person in the kitchen,”
Proudly the dough announced:
- And I have not only strength,
From soft white dough,
You can do whatever you want:
Pretzel, bun and cheesecake,
And a loaf, and a cupcake, and a bun,
You can sculpt a figurine,
So similar to Murka,
And the baby elephant and the mouse,
And a big bear cub.
Then mom came into the kitchen,
To cook for little children:
Pretzel, bun and cheesecake,
And a loaf, and a cupcake, and a bun.
This morning to Mama Gala
The children helped together
But they didn’t make cheesecakes,
Favorite toys:
And the baby elephant and the mouse,
And a big bear cub
And a tailed figurine,
So similar to Murka.
And also your palms
On a rolled out flatbread.
So, forgetting about everything in the world,
The children worked for an hour,
After all, sculpting from miracle dough
Very, very interesting!


Hey, hi, said the omelette
Warm frying pan:
- I'd rather have any cutlets
And a big herring,
First, you, prepare me -
Let others be jealous
May I fry, beckoning
The smell and the sight.
But the frying pan sizzles:
- So tell me then,
If it is not a secret,
Why are you better than cutlets?
He answered: - I’m good to everyone -
I look like the sun
My wonderful, delicate taste
Every toddler knows
And I am very useful,
The children all love me
Their immunity is strengthened,
If they eat an omelette.
He convinced the frying pan
Fries an omelette for breakfast,
And cutlets and herring
Cooks for everyone's lunch.

Lyudmila Levina 3 10/11/2018 16:23

18. ABOUT APPETITE (selection)


Our grandmother is tired
She lay down to take a nap for an hour.
Well, I didn’t interfere -
She sat down with a book in the corner.
I quietly read a fairy tale,
Only a sensitive nose “hears”
The smell of cake, what's for tea?
Grandfather brought it in the morning.
I wrapped my nose with a scarf,
Turned away from the table
And I didn’t look at the cake,
To stay away from sin...
The nose still “hears” clearly
Delicate vanilla in the cake
And a hint of lemon zest,
And just a little bit of ginger.
There's probably condensed milk in there,
Or maybe marshmallow...
But I'm a tough girl
I didn't even take a crumb.


Lost appetite -
Whoever finds it, let him call!
Soup and porridge are waiting for him,
And my sister Masha.
He was with her yesterday afternoon...
But I bought some sweets
I just ate five candies
No appetite!
Soup, cutlet, porridge are getting cold -
Masha doesn't want to eat them.
Sitting at the table, sad:
Lost my appetite...

Tamara Bazilevskaya 10/11/2018 11:51

19. About cooks and about Masha


You cook deliciously
Thank you for that,
Cooking and baking is an art,
Like the poet's poems.

Masha loves to eat sweets
He will eat five servings, not just one.
Masha became plump and smooth
Both in length and width.

Became round, like a barrel,
He only goes through the door sideways.
"I'm alone among the girls,
Like blood and milk!"

That's what she says stubbornly.
“Obesity,” writes the doctor,
You need to move, lady"
Masha, you know, is chewing kalach.

Anatoly Lisitsa 10/12/2018 16:26


A loaf of bread was eaten by a fly
And her belly swelled.
A flea from a velvet shirt
- Wow, how dashing you are!

Our Vadim and your Michel
Boil vermicelli together
And Malvina and Abram
Soft-boiled eggs will be boiled for you.

Put more vegetables in the cabbage soup,
And not pike and dried bream,
Also look for sorrel for them, -
Then the cabbage soup will be delicious!

When the hunchbacked Yaga
Cloves, galangal, pies,
Kovriga, pot of dried apricots,
Life is not bitter for the hag.

Hamster baby Mila
She fed me pasta,
And Camilla with her brother Mishka
They fed them to the mouse.

The greedy Zhora fried his veins
The glutton ate them for dinner!
The misers also ate the veins,
And they grew fat, but did not grieve.

Antosych 10.10.2018 09:39


Small crocodile
won't fit into anyone's
because not
and the damned glutton!
Very nice...
after lunch,
And I’m not picky when it comes to food:
Will eat a tapir, a capybarra,
and a couple of toucans!
Look, you are smiling,
got rid of the "hare"!

And he lives in the Amazon,
And ready for lawlessness!
The frogs threw a party:
They quickly caught all the flies at gunpoint,
Mosquito - on sight,
Let him squeak as long as he is whole,
The mosquito can't escape the croak!
On a tributary of the Amazon
There is neither a boat nor a junk,
Because it's not China...
But the water bus is open.

Hey frogs, come on!
Press your paws towards your belly.
Take up all the seats
From teeth to tail!

Tram line
Nimble - caiman.
About starting navigation
I'll let you know by radio!

Just don't be late -
There are piranhas in the river.
Exactly at seven o'clock in the morning
It's time for them to have breakfast!

At ten - a modest snack:
Tadpoles and midges,
Well, at one o'clock there is a big lunch.
Do you understand or not?

At half past five there is a buffet,
And Brazilian pickle...
Here you can wade along the river
People don't recommend it!

I promise: I won’t eat it myself,
I love strawberry jam...

- You, frog sidekicks,
I ate it, but my soul is croaking!
Sperm whale named Pasha
I didn’t feed anyone porridge -
Sperm whale, with steamed cod,
The lot ate and the sail cracked:

Poor sperm whale
Wild cough from compote!
If he chokes on porridge,
Pasha's cough will make him cough again...

That's why the sperm whale
Not a cough swallower at all!
He doesn't want to choke -
Convinced cashphobe.

“We don’t want to eat porridge!
Switched to another mode..."
And for Pasha this regime -
It’s simply not easy,

Because on nutrition
The entire universe holds together!

Children about professions: Profession "Cook"

Dear friends! In this issue we will tell you about a very necessary and interesting profession cooks Collected here various materials for preparing classes with children preschool age, how in kindergarten, and at home. Children will get acquainted with new concepts and terms, go on an excursion to the canteen and meet the people who work there - the pastry chef, the baker, the dishwasher. We also offer you attributes for the game - you can download ready-made menus, cards for the game "What's Extra", price tags, signs, etc. This material can be used in kindergartens as mobile folders.

You can also download an interesting and educational children's electronic presentation , which will tell the children the whole path of transforming chocolate from the fruits of the cocoa tree.
Attention! The presentation requires a password, you need to click the "Read Only" button.

Profession "Cook"

Today you and I will go on a new excursion. Today we will get acquainted with the profession of a cook.

Who is a chef? A cook is a person whose profession is cooking. Who do you think can work as a cook? Anyone who loves to cook can work as a chef. How easy do you think it is to cook? You say: “Of course, because my mother and grandmother cook every day. And everything they do turns out very tasty!”

In fact, cooking is not an easy task! It’s easy to cook two or three bowls of soup and fry some potatoes. But making 100 servings of soup cooked in a huge saucepan taste delicious, or preparing a truly delicious lunch for several hundred people is very difficult. It’s no wonder that chefs spend a long time studying to cook well.

Where do you think a chef can work?

Now you and I will go to the dining room. What is a canteen? The dining room is a large room in which people eat. There is a canteen in kindergartens, schools and factories.

Kindergarten cook

A star sparkles in the sky,

The mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball,

Only the cook can’t sleep -

The cook gets up after dark.

The porridge gurgles lightly,

And the scrambled eggs sizzle,

And to the delicious noise and hubbub

Appetite enters the bedrooms.

We'll sit together in the dining room,

Like a huge family.

I'll be a cook in the dining room -

That's what I decided myself!

Example dialogue:

IN.: Have you ever been to the cafeteria?

R.: Was.

IN.: Did you like the way the food was prepared? Was it delicious?

R.: Yes

IN.: Who prepared the food in the dining room?

R.: Cook.

IN.: What is the chef wearing? In regular clothes or in special ones?

R.: To the special one.

IN.: That's right, the cook must be dressed in a snow-white robe and cap. The cap covers the cook's hair to prevent it from getting into the food. After all, it is very unpleasant to find hair in food. The chef's robe should always be clean and without pockets. Various small things are put in the pockets, and the cook should not store small things (buttons, combs, pencils, etc.) in his pockets, as they may accidentally get into the food.

IN.: Do you think the chef washes his hands before he starts cooking?

R.: Washes.

IN.: Certainly! Before preparing food, the cook must wash his hands with soap, rinse them thoroughly with water and wipe them dry with a towel. While preparing food, cooks also keep their hands clean. To do this, the kitchen always has a tap with cold and hot water, soap, and a towel hanging.

IN.: What do you think, does our health and beauty depend on what we eat?

R.: Yes.

IN.: Of course it depends! In order for us to move, study, work, play, we must eat. After all, it is with food that we get a large amount of vitamins. Different foods contain different vitamins, so your diet should be varied. Many foods need to be cooked before eating. This is what chefs do.

So, we are going with you to the dining room. Today we will watch the cook at work.

There is a special room in the dining room for cooking. What do you think it's called? Well, of course, this is the kitchen.

The cook gets up early in the morning. He comes to his work before everyone else, because he needs to have time to prepare breakfast. In the kitchen, the chef has items that help him in cooking. What do you think these objects are?

Admire, look -

The North Pole is inside!

Snow and ice sparkle there,

Winter itself lives there. (Refrigerator)

Four blue suns

In grandma's kitchen

Four blue suns

They burned and went out.

The cabbage soup is ripe, the pancakes are sizzling.

No need for sun until tomorrow. (Gas stove)

I don’t eat myself, but I feed people. (Spoon)

Among spoons I am a colonel.

And my name is... (Ladle)

There are four legs under the roof,

Above the roof - soup and spoons. (Table)

Hard, full of holes,

Prickly, clumsy.

What will they put on her back?

She will immediately devour everything. (Grater)

When it boils, steam comes out,

And whistles and blazes with heat,

The lid rattles, knocks.

- Hey, take me off! - shouts. (Kettle)

Together with the cook we will come to the kitchen. What will he cook for breakfast? What do you most often eat for breakfast? Of course, porridge. Wash the cereal thoroughly and pour it into boiling milk; the porridge must be salted and sweetened. Every chef uses his imagination when cooking. After all, he can add something unusual to every dish. For example, he can put raisins or dried apricots in porridge, and the porridge will immediately become tastier.

And you also need to brew delicious cocoa. The cook will have time for everything!

Well, breakfast is ready. Soon people will come to the dining room for breakfast. What should the cook do now?

The cook prepares plates and spoons, cups, napkins. And as soon as people arrived in the dining room, they neatly put the delicious porridge into plates and poured cocoa into cups!

The cook does not forget to smile at everyone and wish them bon appetit!

But the people ate and left. Here the dishwasher comes to the aid of the cook. Who is this dishwasher(fix the word)? This is the person who washes the dishes. His responsibilities include rinsing the dishes well and putting them in their places. This is a very hard and responsible job.

What will the cook do now? Maybe rest? Of course not. He still has to cook lunch and then dinner.

Well, now we’ve been to the dining room, but where else can a cook work? A cook can work in a cafe and restaurant, in a pastry shop (cooking shop), or in a bakery.

A cook works in a pastry shop - confectioner(fix the word). What does a pastry chef do? The pastry chef prepares sweet and flour dishes: pastries, cakes, pies, candies.

A cook works at a bakery baker(fix the word). Buying bread at the store and bakery products, few people think about how and by whom they were made. And they were made by bakers. The bakery never stops its work; bakers work day and night, during the day and night shift. And all this so that we have fresh bread on our table at any time.

What qualities do you think are needed to be a chef?

The cook must have a good memory, because he must remember how to prepare certain dishes, how much and what products to put, what side dishes to serve (i.e. vegetables, cereals) for cutlets, chicken, fish, meat.

The cook must be clean.

The cook must be very attentive.

The cook must have a well-developed imagination, because the cook not only prepares the dishes, but also decorates them before serving. And many chefs come up with their own dishes and give them names.

Well, we got acquainted with the profession of a cook. Next time, carefully watch how your mother cooks, maybe you’ll come up with some interesting ideas!



Cheerful cook

I'm cooking


Nothing tastes better -

He's the only one like that.


Anywhere -

Not great

And not small.

Up I

Threw him up -

And he caught it.

He's an acrobat.

Like a circus performer,

With agility






To you

Can't see



Semyon Ostrovsky



And today in our group

There will be a new game:

All the girls are cooks

And the boys are cooks.

We put on robes

Head caps.

And saucepans with scoops

They were laid out on the tables.

Our cubes are potatoes,

And a carrot is a pencil.

Even a ball will become a bow -

Our soup will be delicious.

Let's salt everything, stir it,

Let's pour it into plates.

Let's have fun planting the dolls

And we'll feed you before bed.

Today we are cooks,

We are chefs today!

But we’ll wash the plates,

After all, the game is over.



Give the cook the following ingredients:

Poultry meat, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes... And then

Delicious food awaits you.

Sergey Chertkov


The cook is creating at the stove,

It's like he soars on wings.

Everything is seething around him,

The kitchen is his forge.

Each of his creations -

Just a fairy tale, delicious,

Thoughts, creativity flight.

Anyone who has tried it will understand.

Profession COOK (PARABLE)

Why did the student return?

Philosophers once gathered and argued about which profession was more important. One said:

– The teacher is the most needed. It is impossible without education.

“Without builders, a person will have nowhere to hide, and humanity will lose beautiful buildings,” said the second philosopher.

– Musicians, artists and poets make our lives special. Art distinguishes man from animals, exclaimed the third philosopher.

Here the student and at the same time the servant of the owner of the house intervened in the conversation.

– Dear scientists, you have forgotten about the profession of a cook.

– You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking is not an art. Go, prepare dinner,” the owner got angry.

The student silently left the room. On this day, the philosophers did not wait for lunch; the student disappeared. The owner had to prepare dinner himself. Unfortunately, after eating the philosophers felt ill and went home.

The owner found another servant. Time passed, and the philosopher, the owner of the house, noticed that his friends stopped visiting him, and he himself was unable to think after eating. The philosopher thought, and then fired the new cook and sent a note to the former student with one phrase: “Cooking is not a craft, but an art.”

Soon, pundits began to gather again in the philosopher’s house. The discussion was interrupted only by a delicious lunch prepared by the student.

“Cooking is not a craft, but an art,” the owner said after dinner.

Didactic games.

"What's extra" cards.

Goals and objectives: To develop children’s ability to distinguish between the same and different things. Develop attentiveness and ability to generalize. Develop coherent speech.

There are playing fields depicting the food needed to prepare various dishes. There is one extra item on each card.

A game: Invite the children to look carefully at the cards and determine what is superfluous on these cards and explain why.

Word game “Cooking compote”

Goals and objectives: Developing attention, intensifying the use of adjectives, expanding the vocabulary.

The presenter says:

Today we will cook compote, I will name the berries and fruits, and you will tell me what kind of compote you will get from them.

For example:

Strawberry - strawberry, raspberry - raspberry, blackberry - blackberry, apple - apple, pear - pear.

Note: You can also play other word games: Cook soup, make salad, bake a pie, etc.

Word game “Waiting for guests”

Goals and objectives: Development of attention, consolidation of the names of dishes, expansion of vocabulary.

The presenter says:

Guests will come to us today. Let's set the festive table. I will tell you the food or food, and you will tell me where to put it.

For example:

Sugar - in a sugar bowl, candy - in a candy bowl, butter - in a butter dish, bread - in a bread box, fruit - in a vase, etc.

Plot-wise role-playing game"Dining Room (Cafe)"

Tasks: To develop in children interest and respect for the profession of a cook. Cultivate an attentive attitude towards visitors and a culture of communication.

Roles: cook, pastry chef, dishwasher, waiter, dining room visitors.

Game actions:

The cook “prepares the dishes” (places game items on the plates), “pours” drinks into cups, and hands them to the waiters.

Developed by: Natalya Vlasova

This material is intended for personal use only. It is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to publish it in other online publications.

Natalya Yurasova
Entertainment script “School for Cheerful Cooks”

Entertainment script in the middle-senior group « Cheerful Chefs School» (together with parents)

Target: Expand children’s ideas about the profession cooks.

Tasks: Promote the ability to work in a team, develop dexterity, speed, to cultivate respect for people of this profession. To help parents master the skills of interaction with their child when conducting entertainment, leisure, using as a method of play.

Preliminary work

Conversation about profession cooks, learning poems. A selection of riddles. Excursion to the kindergarten catering unit.

Equipment: caps, baskets, dummies of vegetables and fruits, pots, chairs, buckets of water, disposable cups, products for making sandwiches (pre-cut, containers with sand, molds for sand, scoops, spoons, lids, graters, etc. (for orchestra , certificates.


Instructor physical culture Educator

Progress of the event:

Instructor: Hello, guys and dear adults! We invited you to fun competitions, at the end of which...

Educator: Stop, stop, stop. First, the children must guess our riddle. Listen carefully.

We are in the dining room early in the morning

Cook, fry, boil.

People have long known

That our work is invaluable.

Children: Cook.

Educator: That's right guys.

Instructor: Yes guys, you are right. The cook is a person, whose profession is cooking.

Educator: Where can I meet cooks? What kind of clothing does he wear?

(Children's answers)

Your mothers, grandmothers and even fathers become real cooks in the kitchen. The best food is the one that is prepared with love. From generation to generation, people passed on the secrets of preparing various dishes. Each nation has its own national cuisine.

Instructor: Today we will organize a competition in our makeshift kitchen. You can feel real cooks. And your parents will help you with this. The fight will be monitored by a competent jury, consisting of the head of the kindergarten and parents.

First we need to split into 2 teams.

The presenters divide the children into 2 teams and help them decide on a name and motto.

1 team "Gluttons"

Motto: “We are a team, the highest class, we will quickly eat everything from you”

2nd team "Vatrushki"

Motto: “You won’t be able to pull our funny cheesecakes by the ears”

Educator: To begin our competition you must take an oath cooks.

Oath cooks

1. Wash your hands with soap before each food preparation.

Children: We swear!

2. Before use, rinse vegetables and fruits with water.

Children: We swear!

3. Do not use piercing or cutting objects without permission.

Children: We swear!

4. After cooking, wash and put away used dishes.

Children: We swear!

5. We will cook borscht and cabbage soup so as not to poison anyone.

Children: We swear!

1 child:

Want I'll be the cook.

Cabbage soup, potatoes, soup.

Make delicious cookies

And a glorious treat,

So that our mother said

What a miracle, your porridge!

2 child:

Give food for the cook:

Poultry meat, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes... And then

Delicious food awaits you.

Instructor: Guys, in order to prepare any dish for us, the first thing we have to do is go to the store.

Adults and children know:

There are shops in the world.

They sell bread and salt,

Bay leaf and beans,

Tomato, carrot and tea

Whatever you want, choose.

1 competition "To the store"

Each team is given a basket. The first participant runs to "shop", takes one of the products and goes back. Passes the basket to the next participant. Whose team "will buy" more products.


Instructor: We have purchased the necessary products, and now you have to separate the vegetables from the fruits.

2 competition "Vegetables fruits"

There are 2 pots on the chairs. Between them there is a basket with vegetables and fruits. One by one, participants run up to the basket and put a vegetable or fruit into the pan. They come back and pass the baton to the next one.

The presenters check whether the task was completed correctly and sum up the results.

Educator: And now I propose to check how you can solve riddles. Do you know the utensils?

3 competition for children "Puzzles"

The presenter reads a riddle for each team in turn, and the children guess it. If one of the teams finds it difficult, then the other answers.

I'm puffing, puffing,

I don't want to get warm anymore.

The lid rang loudly:

“Drink tea, the water has boiled! (Kettle)

Carrying water

To please the owner;

Lives with him

Until it falls. (Cup)

Unapproachable in appearance

Standing with his arms akimbo,

And inside, look

Treat inside! (Sugar Bowl)

I keep it hot

I keep it cold

I have both the oven and the refrigerator.

I’ll replace it for you on your trip. (Thermos)

If I'm empty,

I don’t forget about myself,

But when I bring food,

I will not pass by your mouth. (Spoon)

It can be deep.

It can be small.

However, this is not a river. (Plate)

Teapot girlfriend

Has two ears

He cooks porridge and soup for Yulia.

And her name is... (Pan)

Hard, full of holes,

Prickly, clumsy.

What will they put on her back?

She will immediately devour everything. (Grater)

Among spoons I am a colonel.

And my name is... (Ladle)

I make thin dishes,

Delicate white and sonorous

They have been burning since ancient times.

I call myself... (Porcelain)


Instructor: We went to the store, sorted through the vegetables and fruits, and now we’ll test your dexterity.

4 competition "Water Carriers"

For this competition you will need two pans, which are placed on the chairs opposite each team. Buckets of water and disposable cups are located next to each team.

At the signal from the presenters, the first member of each team takes a disposable cup and scoops up water from the bucket. Carefully, so as not to spill, carries the water and pours it into the pan. He returns and passes the glass to the next participant. The team that fills the pan the fastest wins.


Instructor: Oh, what vegetables should I choose?

For salad, vinaigrette and cabbage soup?

How can I figure it out and understand

What should I choose for lunch?

5 competition "Cooking borscht"

Each team is asked to choose the vegetables needed to prepare borscht (beets, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, onions). The team that completes the task faster wins.


Instructor: You guys are great! All tasks are within your power. Now let's move on to the most interesting task.

6 competition "Vegetable Sandwich"

From the offered products (pieces of vegetables and slices of bread) Participants must make a sandwich and give it a name.



But to become excellent cook,

Girls need to cook smartly.

Here is a place for those who want it and the dough is right there.

Here are the molds - get them right away.

7 competition “Let’s bake a cake”

On the tables, in containers, there are wet sand, scoops and molds. You need to run to the table, put sand in the mold and "bake" cookie. Return to the team.


We managed to win thousands of the sweetest victories

You are on the food front, preparing everyone's lunch.

And, working with my soul all day long here,

You will agree with me that the soul is now singing.

While the jury is summing up its results, I propose organizing an orchestra cook and sing a funny song.

Orchestra « Cheerful cooks»

(children to music) Accompanying play on utensils: spoons, ladles, graters, lids, etc.)

Competition 8 – exam for parents "Presentation of a healthy dish"

Participants talk about their dish and share recipes.

Educator: Here we come to the end fun competitions. Both teams worked hard and achieved good results.


How many craftsmen are there in our school!

You showed the highest class in cooking!

Let's welcome the winners of the competition,

The best players are honored with applause and prizes.

We begin the presentation of graduation diplomas schools« Cheerful cooks» .
