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Congratulate the personnel officer on their professional holiday. Congratulations on the personnel officer's day: cool poems. Why is HR Day celebrated twice in Russia?

Day personnel worker October 12 is celebrated every year in Russia. We did not forget about this important event in 2018. At this time, you should definitely congratulate all professionals on the holiday. They can send poems, pictures and SMS.

I hasten to congratulate you on the Personnel Day
And wish you inspiration in your work,
And even though sometimes the work is not easy,
I wish to do everything with special zeal.

May success always await in your career,
And let there be no grief in life,
I wish you to be always happy
And do everything in a good mood!

Today is Personnel Day.
His work is not easy
Write orders, remember the Labor Code,
And things are always busy.
But let you at home
Love will certainly warm.
Let the work be forgotten
So that it was not at all up to the Labor Code,
So that the heart bathes in happiness.
And everything came true, what was dreamed of

In the works, in the worries of the personnel officer,
He was not used to hitting bucks.
After all, the main resource is personnel.
Here you need to "sweat" fairly,
To take everything into account and remember everything
In the flow of affairs, always huge.
And even on a holiday - an honorable day -
You have a little light full of work.
So that labor does not seem like a torment,
Let's break it for congratulations.

Let the money rustle in your pockets:
Big, worthy of your salary -
For the sea, cottages, for the car!
Let the vacation be frequent, long.
Let there be time for dreams
For entertainment, for festivities.
And even on a gloomy day and gray
You - warmth, love without measure,
Smiles bright, radiant!
Thank you very much for everything.

Pictures and congratulations on the Day of the personnel worker in prose

In the very heart of October, the kindest holiday in the world hit - International Day of the Girl. And with all my heart on this day I want to congratulate our little sorceresses. Let your fairy godmothers give you a fairy tale of childhood and decorate your life with colorful balloons. Enjoy your fairy tale, I hope it never ends for you.

I congratulate you on the Day of the personnel worker and sincerely wish tireless work, calm and prosperous activities, confident success and the right decisions, good choices in life and sincere happiness, high incomes and good health, understanding of loved ones and love.

Dear staff members! Congratulations on your professional holiday! Let your staff be grateful, programs do not hang, and work will always be appreciated. We wish you always good health, strong nerves, inexhaustible strength, inspired energy! New victories, good luck and simple crazy human happiness!

On the day of the personnel worker, accept congratulations and warm wishes for good health, vitality, prosperity and success. Let good luck, prosperity, purposefulness always accompany you in your personal life and at work. I wish you the respect of colleagues, the love of loved ones and understanding of others

Pictures and congratulations on the Day of the personnel worker in SMS

In life, everything is decided by frames.
Everything will be recorded, everything will be taken into account:
Who is on maternity leave, who is at the desk,
All sick-lists will read
All vacations will count
Vacations will be written so-and-ak ...
Frames! I congratulate you!
We can't do without you!

Who, when and where studied,
How much, by whom, when did you work,
And when we get a vacation,
Only a recruiter will answer!

And today, without fail,
Everyone should congratulate them
After all, to keep the answer for the frames,
This, brothers, is not a trifle.

Happy Worker's Day to all personnel,
class specialist,
Laughter, joy, gifts,
Have a wonderful day.

Let them be to you
suitable frames,
Surround let everywhere
Real people!

History of HR Day

Personnel Day is celebrated on October 12. On this day in 1918 in Soviet Russia, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved a document with the title: "Instructions on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia." According to another option, HR Day is celebrated on May 24th.

If we delve into history, we will see that the problems with the selection of people for the implementation of certain works arose many centuries ago. Initially, the shortage of workers was solved with the help of military operations. The captured people became slaves, who raised the well-being of their masters with their labor. Time has passed, the slave-owning practice has sunk into centuries, and it was replaced by labor for remuneration.

Even in the slave-owning states of the Ancient East (Egypt, Sumer, Arcada) they were engaged in the selection of personnel. In Egypt, a school of officials successfully functioned, in which civil servants were trained. When selecting a school, physical development, mental abilities, cultural level and other characteristics of applicants were taken into account. A strong school of selection existed in ancient China. But the highest achievements in the selection of specialists come at the time of the dawn of Ancient Greece.

Since the 18th century, the practice of "employment for wages" has spread very widely. Annalistic evidence that has survived to this day says that the first employment service was created in the 14th century in Germany.

The first recruiter in Russia was Peter I. During the period of large-scale financial and administrative reforms, our country needed well-trained, competent specialists, so Peter the Great began to invite such people from abroad. At various times, up to a thousand shipbuilders, engineers, financiers "written out" from abroad served in Russia.

The problem of recruitment existed in those distant times, it is still relevant today.



Everyone knows - in the personnel department
Lots of important stuff:
The personnel officer will issue certificates,
Who came when he was sick
And remind you about vacation
Will explain about laws
The sheet will fill out correctly
And confirm with a seal.
He knows all the employees
And keeps track of all the dates
Sends to study
Sometimes in the military.
Fill out forms,
Will help in a business dispute,
And decides that the children
Take a ticket to the sanatorium.
Without such a person
The team - nowhere
Let him remember this
Leadership sometimes.
We heartily congratulate you
And we wish you
What was planned - came true
And the fire in the eyes did not go out!

Head of Human Resources
LLC "Kinomax-Perm"
Zolotko Oksana Arkadievna



Frames always decide
There are thousands, not hundreds,
You know that it is
You are a staff member.
May there be happiness for years
Health will be strong
And remember that important fact
That cadres are people.

The team of Kinomax-Volgograd LLC.

Dear Colleagues!!! I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Personnel Worker!
I wish you a tart taste of victories, favorable circumstances on your professional path and a sunny mood. May all your plans come true, and good luck in all undertakings !!!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Samarskaya.

You keep lovely
With a confident hand
Our salary, pension
And a record in the labor.
Let everything be ill, absurdities
Out of sight!
And let happiness stick
And won't let you go!
Mighty health to you!
May each of your milestones
Brings prosperity
And an ocean of hope!

Natalya Yuchina

Thank you for being! Be healthy, happy and loved!!!

Svetlana Lebedkova

Dear Colleagues!
Let me sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - HR Day! I sincerely wish you a good working mood, creative passion, patience and understanding for those who are looking for work, successful work and good relationships with those who have already found it in your organization!

Hope Kosteeva.

Dear Colleagues. Happy professional holiday! Without you, we are nowhere, I wish you good luck and all the best.

Sincerely, Valentin Borisovich.

Congratulations on HR Day
Your role in the firm is great.
Hire, fire,
Orders, work books to draw up.
Everything must be strictly according to the law,
You need to know labor laws.
Happy holiday, I wish you success
May God help you everywhere.

Olga Nikitenko.

Dear Colleagues!
I wish you all great health, good luck and mutual understanding in everything and always!
Dear magazine prosperity and even more subscribers!

Vyatkin S.V.

Thank you for your congratulations and help personnel work! Journal "Personnel business" prosperity, talented authors and grateful readers!

Sincerely, Ivanova Irina
Leading Specialist of the Human Resources Department

I congratulate everyone on the holiday! All personal happiness, success in work, more subscribers, interesting, professional headings!

Stepashkina Zinaida.

Dear Colleagues! I congratulate everyone on their professional holiday! I want to wish with all my heart a good spring mood! Let every day start with the most important desire to work! And not only to work, but to enjoy what has been done! I wish you and your loved ones health, well-being, family warmth, good luck in all your endeavors and may there always be faithful and reliable friends by your side!

HR Manager Narine Yurievna Pogosyan.

Happy holidays to all colleagues! Success and prosperity in personnel work.
With all my heart I wish you health, which is not enough,
Fun - it never gets in the way
So that there is luck - it comes infrequently,
To have joy - it is easier to live with it and to have prosperity - it gives confidence.
Once again, Happy Holidays everyone!

Evgeny Torgachkina.

Happy professional holiday everyone! I wish you all success, health, good luck!

Uralskaya Ludmila.

I have been a subscriber of your magazine for many years and look forward to the next meeting with my assistant with constant pleasure!! A lot has been written about the usefulness of the magazine in our work! Having received the next issue of my favorite assistant, I drop everything and read it with great interest. I am a HR manager with a lot of experience, but I always find something new and useful. I sincerely thank the publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Vasenina and her team for such a useful and beloved magazine! I wish you all health, creative success, stability and prosperity!

Alevtina Shumakova.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on your professional holiday!
I sincerely and sincerely wish you Have a good mood happiness, health and prosperity to you and your families! Let your desire to come to work with a smile and give it to people will be natural and constant. And remember that the slogan "Cadres decide EVERYTHING!" no one has canceled yet!

Elena Kurnosikova
With endless love...

Congratulations to all colleagues on the holiday!
Let there always be our favorite magazine “Personnel Business” on the desktop, fewer problematic situations.

And on the festive table - our champagne!

Valentina Bardonova
personnel of JSC "Moscow plant of champagne wines"

Thank you very much for your congratulations!
I work as an accountant, and the staff is under load.
But I like it, though there is never enough time.
I wish all personnel officers success in this hard work,
be especially careful, because personnel work requires
specific and punctual costs.
May there never be erroneous entries in work books!
Happiness, peace and love!

Congratulations to the magazine. Prosperity, success and more interesting articles!!!

Ivkina Marina.

For staff members
We'll buy cakes
And congratulations from all of us
Wish hundreds of times
Get them an award
For faithful work
Detailed, attentive
And very entertaining
valuable employees,
HR staff!

Personnel officer - you are an irreplaceable and valuable employee, the success of the entire campaign depends on your choice. On the day of the personnel worker, I would like to wish your professional skill understanding people helped you in life. Let only kind smiling faces surround you, and work will not be a burden. May all your dreams come true! Happy holiday!

Personnel is your responsibility
What a year
And despite the mistakes
Your service is on.
Your hard work
Helps us to live
And congratulations to us hunting
To lay on your table today.

Without you, any work is a mess,
You can't do without good staff.
They need to be selected wisely from the crowd,
And you are doing it successfully!
Let each employee give a flower,
Today is your day - congratulations!

You select frames skillfully,
Find jobs for everyone.
And even if a timid one approaches,
Always provide work.

And we want to wish you today
Good luck and patience on your holiday.
Without you, we are just people in this world,
And with you - there is a dream and a chance in life.

So open windows, doors quickly,
After all, congratulations are rushing to you.
Brings you joy, excellent fireworks,
And be happy on your wonderful day.

Be you a cook, be you a carpenter
(All professions honor).
Only staff member
You will be processed and submitted.

Congratulations on your birthday
Will send on vacation on time
And send me into retirement
And all merit will be taken into account.

Let's congratulate him on the holiday
We wish you many more years.
Praise for his patience
We send him a big hello.

Today we congratulate you
Happy personnel day
I'll tell you guys
The work is not easy.

You have a talent for psychology
There is a feeling for people
See at a glance
You are drunkards, loafers.

We wish you at work
We do not know mistakes
And the shots are only the best
We want to pick.

He chooses the best
He's recruiting
Fills the ranks of workers
Always all-rounder.

Who is on vacation, who is still sick -
The personnel officer knows about it,
And we congratulate you soon
You on this holiday, at this moment!

You are always used to working with people,
And it's so responsible is not easy,
We wish you good luck, personnel officer,
We wish you prospects and growth!

Everyone celebrates your holiday
Today we give you congratulations,
Good luck at work, friend
And we wish you happiness at home!

A simple ordinary person
But he is important in life,
He sits in the personnel department,
He is, in general, "paper" ...

I've been a little late
In the personnel department was
And they gave me a subtle hint:
Like, don't be late, son!

We have collected the best congratulations on the day of the personnel officer in verse for you on this page. But first, a little history, why is the day of the personnel worker celebrated twice in our country?

The history of personnel service in Russia began in the 19th century. On May 24, 1835, the tsar's decree "On the relationship between the owners of factory establishments and working people" was issued. This document regulated the relationship between employers and employees, such concepts as " employment contract”, “compensation upon dismissal”, “compensation for loss of working capacity” and others, and also established minimum size wages.

Therefore, the Day of the personnel worker is celebrated on this day. The holiday was established in 2005 at the initiative of the All-Russian Personnel Congress. Today, the date of May 24 is an unofficial holiday for employees of personnel departments.

Another date of celebration is connected with the traditions that have developed in Soviet years. During this period, the personnel service in our country has undergone significant changes. On October 12, 1918, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved the "Instruction on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia."

In the RSFSR, the first personnel apparatuses (personnel departments) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were created. At all enterprises of the country, certain rules for hiring and dismissing employees were introduced, for each position developed job descriptions. And personnel officers began to celebrate their professional holiday on October 12.

Send an unusual, cool audio greeting that will be delivered at any specified time as usual phone call.

Our beloved leading personnel officer,
We congratulate you on your birthday today!
With all our hearts we want to wish you.
Good health, success and luck.
Let it walk easily through life,
Eyes always shine with joy.
Light up everything with a smile
Emotions, tenderness, family warmth.
Let all the bad things bypass you
We wish all dreams come true.
Give, radiate goodness
We wish you all the best from the bottom of our hearts!

The character is firm, the look is attentive,
Friendly with colleagues
Professional at work
And select staff.

She is efficient and beautiful
And so valuable to the team.
Today we are glad to congratulate
Head of HR department.

For your honest work
For kindness and care
We all respect you very much
We wish you love and happiness!

Lots and lots of staff
It ran through your office.
But they achieved a place as a reward,
Only exceptional footage.
You love working with people
You don't judge them by their looks.
You always work beautifully
Strengthening the strength of the team.
different days for you
bright and clear,
May this holiday
It will be wonderful!

Happy HR Day!
Happiness, growth and success,
Let them stay behind the scenes
All annoying interference.
Easier, brighter everyday life will become
And longer weekends
The frames will be - just a miracle:
Volitional, fighting.
All paper work
Happens with a bang
There will be joy - without an account
And full of goodness!

Today for HR
Prepare a lot of kind words
And we want to congratulate you
You mean a lot to us
After all, it's up to you to decide
Who to hire
Is it time for vacation?
We heartily congratulate you.
May your work be forever appreciated,
Don't let the shots let you down
Let life be more beautiful every day
Good luck in your work.

HR is always on a pedestal
Everywhere you respect, honor,
You always know everything about the staff.
It gives you a special status,
Frames decide everything, which means
Your contribution to the success of the entire team is great,
Health, happiness, joy, good luck,
Happy Holidays, recruiter!

The time has come to congratulate you -
Today is Personnel Day!
I want, my friend, to glorify you,
Your work is not easy

As it may seem.
So let you always be lucky!
I want to smile more often
Less problems and worries!

Our dear personnel officer,
On a professional holiday
We congratulate you
Our employee is brilliant!
Prepare the questionnaires
And you will have a conversation
the best candidate
Find a job.
We wish you optimism
When solving problems.
Health, happiness in personal life,
Good, peace and good luck!

Today we want to congratulate you
Staffing is interesting
After all, people have already had an eye,
What everyone is capable of you know.
Confident in yourself for sure
You are professionals in your field!
We congratulate you on the day of the personnel officer,
Good luck with your recruitment!

Frames decide everything that has been proven
Us world practice more than once,
You are HR specialists
Success depends entirely on you.
You are in the office not only drinking coffee,
You are the right hand guide,
Only professionals serve in the personnel department,
I congratulate you on the Personnel Day!

Personnel workers are walking today
Our employees congratulate them all.
And even the director decided to encourage -
Give flowers and an envelope with money.
Yes, our personnel department is worthy of course
Flowers, kind words, heartfelt wishes
For their serious work, we respect them
We wish you success in your work and happiness.

The order and in the personnel the strictest accounting -
Your merit, without embellishment,
The authorities are definitely lucky with you,
You are just an ace in your business!
And you get tired, like any person,
From the data of questionnaires and books,
Relax in the company of friendly colleagues,
Celebrate your holiday, recruiter!

You keep lovely
With a confident hand
Our salary, pension
And a record in the labor.
Let everything be ill, absurdities
Out of sight!
And let happiness stick
And won't let you go!
Mighty health to you!
May each of your milestones
Brings prosperity
And an ocean of hope!

We are staff workers
Congratulations today
Attentive, reliable,
And we wish you all the best.
Good luck with your work
Health and prosperity
peace of mind,
paper order.

I would like to congratulate all personnel
And wish you patience in your work,
Less busy days for you,
More strength, color mood!
I wish you only friendly colleagues,
So that work is only a joy!
Let success accompany you in your career,
And things always go up!

Even more pictures of the personnel officer's day

Congratulations on the personnel officer's day are cool

I wish the best shots
Don't sing about retirement mantras.
Employees to, and colleagues
Learned the full taste of privileges.
So that incentives are at work,
The concerns were nice.
I'll tell you simple words:
“So that the personnel do not know the leak!”

accepts documents,
Arranges for work
Knows everyone like a FSB officer -
It's a recruiter, of course!
Everyone wants to be friends with you
To keep the position.
We respect the HR department
Congratulations to them today.
Let's walk now
Discipline break
And congratulations to the team
All personnel officers are beautiful.

Everyone knows that personnel officers
There are no trifles in work.
Sometimes you need to be in the office at the moment
Find required document.
And hold a meeting with the applicant,
And record in the labor record.
We wish you success from the bottom of our hearts
And congratulations on a big holiday!

Close-up! Motor! Shooting start -
In the frame now only a personnel officer!
Don't scream so loud around him/her -
The personnel department is used to silence!
Here for your any question about people
You will be given an answer for sure;
But today we will not ask -
Happy Human Resources Day!

Oh, you cadres, our cadres!
Work not for reward!
Scribe docks for wear,
Noting everyone at work!
Before you every day
This is such rubbish!
Don't let your head spin!
Hey, let's have some fun!

Everyone knows - in the personnel department
Lots of important stuff:
The personnel officer will issue certificates,
Who came when he was sick
And remind you about vacation
Will explain about laws
The sheet will fill out correctly
And confirm with a seal.
He knows all the employees
And keep track of all the dates
Sends to study
Sometimes in the military.
Fill out questionnaires
Will help in a business dispute,
And decides that the children
Take a ticket to the sanatorium.
Without such a person
The team - nowhere
Let him remember this
Leadership sometimes.
We heartily congratulate you
And we wish you
What was planned - came true
And the fire in the eyes did not go out!

I wish the staff member patience,
So that no one ruffled their nerves,
I also wish you creativity and zeal,
Let there be enthusiasm!
To always write easily
And there was no mistake in the documents.
And for people to come
In your office always with a smile.

A person who knows all care workers,
Checks documents when applying for a job,
And when, according to the plan, a vacation, or who gets sick when ...
The personnel officer always owns such information.
All problems in the team and gifts in New Year,
Employment contracts, bulletins, translation…
He has no equal when it comes to human resources.
The personnel officer keeps all the statistics on personnel properly.
From the bottom of our hearts, we hasten to congratulate you on the day of the personnel officer.
And trust us, we know your lot is not easy.
With gratitude for your work, understanding, warmth
We wish you success and that you are always lucky.

Congratulations on the Personnel Day!
Your work is not easy
Get to the bottom of all the workers
And offer the best position,
motivate, teach
Pay the right amount.
I wish you joy and blessings
To escape the last enemy,
So that all wishes come true
The body bathed in champagne,
No one to get on your nerves
Great passions reigned!

We've been waiting for this day for a long time
And that date has finally arrived.
We congratulate you on the day of the personnel officer
Employees of the personnel department.
In all matters, may you always be lucky,
Let them love you in the work team,
Personnel records will be in order,
And your life is on the positive!

You have one concern -
You are hiring
Reading resume in a row
Chatting with applicants!

So and so you approach them,
You find zest in them
And then on your own,
You invite to work!

May you be healthy and happy
Take cover from the bad weather
Under the umbrella of great love
Always keep her faithful!

Who's here in personnel matters
And labors spends days?
Who will look askance at the diploma
And he says: “Well, breathe!”
Looks in the work book:
Everything is in order, fig - in it!
Who sweats sorting
Billet bulletins?
Let the end of care come
In life there will be harmony and sense.
Happiness in personnel work,
The one that is not a wolf!

Hire a person
The task is sometimes difficult!
I want to congratulate you personally
Happy Personnel Day!
I want you to smile
With every mistake
And so that people, too, to you
Gave smiles!
So that the frames do not square,
And because of their stubbornness,
The priest was not so in the "soap",
And there was no rudeness!

Our staff
The very best class!
Just a personnel officer
Get used to picking up people
Not by clothes
And in my mind!
On a bright day, personnel officer!
Real pro
For all!
Joy and love
Waiting for you in life
Only success!

Lords of personal affairs,
Our spirit guides!
You have not seen the light
Digging in folders!
Truth is obedient to you;
You are with us - not in vain;
And I scream sincerely
Shout to you
Not from a herd feeling -
From the love of the people:
Leading personnel -
Happy holiday today!

Personnel entertainer, mass hero,
Psychologist and scout, your day is coming!
We wish you healthy long days,
Travel in the summer, gentle seas!
Find footage on a nudist beach
It is easy to litter with large funds!
So that you invite us all to this holiday,
Remember, you are responsible for those that tamed!

To arrange an employee for the enterprise
And we all write absenteeism for a month
You can do anything: accept, hire, fire
But not out of fear, we will congratulate today

(Name), although you are a personnel officer
But we honor you not for piles of papers
Yes, simply, you are a good person and businesslike
You will always help with a word, if something goes wrong.

Accept from us and the team as a whole
These humble fragrant flowers
And in our evening, we are a small department
Let's celebrate together, just like you!

And in joy and in sickness
And on weekdays and on fireworks
You are our strict personnel officer
Bring your work

We definitely get paid
Recorded in labor
We are already counting the days until the award
And you quietly keep your count

Who has a month left before the decree
Who should go on vacation
Someone just needs your advice
And I've been on sick leave since yesterday

Personnel Day in 2018 is celebrated on October 12. On this day in 1918, by the decision of the People's Commissariat of Justice, the "Instruction on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia" was adopted and the first personnel apparatus of the internal affairs bodies was created. For the first time, the tradition of celebrating a professional holiday - the Day of a Personnel Worker - appeared precisely in the personnel services of the internal affairs bodies. Gradually, it was instilled in other enterprises, along with employees of the personnel services of the internal affairs bodies who transferred to them.

It so happened that many personnel officers of our country celebrate their professional day on May 24 in the old fashioned way. Here, too, the date was not chosen by chance, because in 1835 a decree was issued on the relationship between working people and places (factories, plants) where they worked for hire. That is, then it was approved legal form relationship between employer and employee.

Successful leaders have always valued HR. And with the transition to market relations This profession is in high demand. Not only the ability to perform all production tasks, but also the level of competitiveness of the company depends on the right staff. It is the qualifications and personal qualities of hired workers that become the key to the success of any enterprise. To find such miracle workers, to see the hidden potential and weed out superficial bravado and the personnel officer should.

Beautiful congratulations for HR Day

Also, all the routine work on the preparation of documentation related to personnel falls on the shoulders of personnel officers:

  1. They know very well labor Code and help resolve any contentious issues between subordinates and management.
  2. The personnel officer will monitor how the obligations regarding benefits and social guarantees workers.
  3. They turn to him when it is necessary to issue a sick leave, pension or vacation.
  4. The duties of a personnel officer include tracking seniority, length of service, harmful working conditions and other nuances that affect payments.
  5. If necessary, it is the employees of the personnel departments who organize meetings with a psychologist, social workers.
  6. They carry out certification of workplaces, agree on holding refresher courses.

And the work of personnel officers does not end there ... It is difficult now to even imagine what would happen if there were no personnel department in organizations, where employees who are in charge of everything and everything perform huge amounts of work. The work of a personnel worker is invaluable, and the work team is the result of his work.

Congratulations on HR Day

Congratulations on the day of personnel officer in prose

The personnel officer selects candidates more carefully than military intelligence agents ... Today we have come to distract you from work, and, congratulating you on the Day of the personnel officer, wish you all the best! Be healthy, live in prosperity! Let the work not tire and add experience!
On the day of the personnel worker, accept congratulations and warm wishes for good health, vitality, prosperity and success. Let good luck, prosperity, purposefulness always accompany you in your personal life and at work. I wish respect of colleagues, love of close people and understanding of others.
Dear staff members! Congratulations on your professional holiday! Let your staff be grateful, programs do not hang, and work will always be appreciated. We wish you always good health, strong nerves, inexhaustible strength, inspired energy! New victories, good luck and simple crazy human happiness!
We hasten to congratulate the most important "frame" of our friendly team on the professional holiday. We wish you respect from colleagues, promotion from superiors and obedience from documentation. Let you always be appreciated and never appreciated, and work brings only pleasure.
Happy professional holiday to all personnel officers! We wish you success in this difficult task of controlling the movement of work resources. You know that behind every line in your papers is someone else's work. You remember this responsibility and bear this burden lightly and with dignity. Thank you!

Congratulations on the day of the personnel worker in official prose

Congratulations on HR Day! Vacations and sick days… Who is entitled to what salary and how to distribute work in order to exceed all the plans of the authorities… There are so many worries on your shoulders, and take our word for it, we appreciate you very much! And we collectively wish you all the best!
The personnel workers celebrate their professional holiday today. Employees of the personnel service always honestly do their job, selecting staff. It can be said about these people that they decide everything. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. We wish you great inspiration in your work, so that peace and tranquility always reign in the family circle. So that colleagues always treat you with respect. May all your wishes come true. Be always happy. May the Lord keep you from trouble.
In any enterprise, the most indispensable and valuable employee is the personnel officer. As if all new employees go through an X-ray, getting a job. After all, success at the factory or at the company depends on your choice. Personnel service celebrates its holiday today. We wish you only joy and good luck. May your work never be a burden to you, may only words of gratitude be addressed to you. Let hope, faith and love never leave you in life. May this holiday be successful.
It is not easy for HR workers, but work is so necessary. It is they who hire the best of the best, it depends on them whether the entry in the work book is correct. We appreciate your work, thank you for everything, and sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. May your work always bring you pleasure. Let all dreams turn into reality. We wish you fast promotion on the career ladder. Peace, prosperity, good luck and great happiness to you. May the guiding star always show you the right path.

Funny congratulations on the day of personnel officer

Let in the life of a staff worker
Always be happy, okay!
There will be no quarrels, no insults, no losses,
And always open the door to your people!
Let the sun shine slyly through the window,
Let your life be a continuous movie
Laughing happiness more often eyes
And people want to say "thank you"!
You accept their gratitude with your soul,
May there be more love in your life!
Let joy sparkle in your eyes
Any mistake may be forgiven!
Congratulations to the staff member!
Let it not spoil your mood
Neither a miserable drunkard, nor a boring debater,
Let the stray not go to work!
good shots let them hurry to you
So that you help them in a difficult fate.
To ensure that all documents are kept neatly,
And let your place be neat!
Today is personnel day.
Accept congratulations!
I wish that in the documents
Differences are gone!
So that there are no mistakes in them,
Good shots for you!
Let it be in your life
Just what you need!
Let the unnecessary go away
Let the bad go away
And the future will be better
And it leads you forward!
Psychologist and prophet
Sometimes there is a personnel officer
Responsible and obligatory
He is accustomed to order everywhere.
With different problems
The staff approaches him
And even gifts for the holidays
More than once the personnel officer chose.
But today is different
We hurry to you with congratulations
So that happiness, health, good luck,
All the best - wish from the bottom of my heart!
Everyone knows - in the personnel department
Lots of important stuff:
The personnel officer will issue certificates,
Who came when he was sick
And remind you about vacation
Will explain about laws
The sheet will fill out correctly
And confirm with a seal.
He knows all the employees
And keep track of all the dates
Sends to study
Sometimes in the military.
Fill out questionnaires
Will help in a business dispute,
And decides that the children
Take a ticket to the sanatorium.
Without such a person
The team - nowhere
Let him remember this
Leadership sometimes.
We heartily congratulate you
And we wish you
What was planned - came true
And the fire in the eyes did not go out!
HR is always at work
Every day in a new care,
Those to accept, and those to fire,
There is no need to argue...
But today is an autumn day
Prizes can only be expected
After all, today is your holiday
Our dear staffer.
Lots and lots of staff
It ran through your office.
But they achieved a place as a reward,
Only exceptional footage.
You love working with people
You don't judge them by their looks.
You always work beautifully
Strengthening the strength of the team.
different days for you
bright and clear,
May this holiday
It will be wonderful!
Frames decide everything, so it was, is,
And it will be so, life has proved it,
Great responsibility and honor
Be in the Human Resources Department
On this holiday we wish you
To please the soul with the results,
Family so that there is time and business,
So that the salaries of personnel grow!
Frames decide everything that has been proven
Us world practice more than once,
You are HR specialists
Success depends entirely on you.
You in the office not only drink coffee,
You are the right hand guide,
Only professionals serve in the personnel department,

Congratulations on the day of the personnel officer in verse

Who's in HR
And labors spends days?
Who will look askance at the diploma
And he says: “Well, breathe!”
Looks in the work book:
Everything is in order, fig - in it!
Who sweats sorting
Billet bulletins?
Let the end of care come
In life there will be harmony and sense.
Happiness in personnel work,
The one that is not a wolf!
Frames always decide
There are thousands, not hundreds,
You know that it is
You are a staff member.
May there be happiness for years
Health will be strong
And remember that important fact
That cadres are people.
Your service is both dangerous and difficult?!
Not the police, but in the frames, because she is!
Why is it dangerous and difficult?
Because she's in the office!
We congratulate you today from the bottom of our hearts,
And we wish the personnel accountable to everyone to grow!
May this day bring joy
And with smiles will bring miracles to everyone!
Congratulations on the Personnel Day,
Your role in the firm is great.
Hire, fire,
Orders, work books to draw up.
Everything must be strictly according to the law,
You need to know labor laws.
Happy holiday, we wish you success,
May God help you everywhere.
They think that cadres decide everything -
But it's up to you to decide:
Who holds what position
Who needs to leave, alas.
What trainings for the team
Make a suggestion this time
For strength to sound in unison,
The company prospered with a bang.
Calculation of seniority and salary,
You know the awards
Can't live without you guys
But where without you, personnel officers?
Let the orderly squads rush
Your beginnings ahead
Let happiness accompany you,
And the words of love sound in the soul.
Holiday HR Day
You today, personnel officer,
I wish the best!
You are accustomed to being scrupulous -
'Cause it helps

Skillfully select shots,
Big responsibility!
Here you need to show wisdom,
It doesn't happen otherwise!

We wish you business with your
Well managed!
More energy and strength
And smile more often!
Staff worker notes
Your holiday, and I want to say -
We wish you happiness today
And in all matters to succeed!

Personnel - you are always paramount,
And in any enterprise
We need a personnel officer, by all means,
Without him, we will not pick up people!

The personnel officer knows how to look through,
Feels lies and truth a mile away!
May luck always warm you,
You radiate kindness into the world!
Accept congratulations
Today, recruiter!
Good luck and be patient!
I dedicate a verse to you!

May happiness be endless
Fate will give you!
And carefree joy
The world will reward you!

Miracles to you, inspiration,
Thank you for your hard work!
May the joys of the moment
This life is waiting for you!

Beautiful congratulations on the day of the personnel officer to the woman

Beautiful congratulations on the day of the personnel officer to the woman

The character is firm, the look is attentive,
Friendly with colleagues
Professional at work
And select staff.

She is efficient and beautiful
And so valuable to the team.
Today we are glad to congratulate
Head of HR department.

For your honest work
For kindness and care
We all respect you very much
We wish you love and happiness!
We go to the personnel department,
When you need a vacation
If you need a day off
Or promotion.
And when they call
Sign in the order
Well, or in some other
royal decree.
And today we came
Themselves - not on call!
Congratulations girls
Thank you for your work!
Our precious mistress of personal affairs, owner of skeletons in closets, mistress of secrets hidden in darkness! With all our hearts, we congratulate you on such a significant and fateful date for our lives, which so successfully coincided with your personal holiday - the Day of the Personnel Worker! Perhaps we will not wish you anything special, because we believe, not without reason, that already tomorrow unpleasant entries may appear in our work books. Therefore, we confine ourselves to standard words: good health, creative success and great human happiness!
On this bright professional holiday - HR Day, I want to wish you to always remain as cheerful, cheerful, purposeful and the most beautiful! Without you, the company would have fallen into decay, because only you can combine the amazing qualities of an excellent psychologist, an incredibly good, sincere person and a highly qualified specialist! May there always be balance in your heart and soul so that sadness, disappointment and sadness never overtake you. I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and, in addition, I want to wish you a swift career development and, of course, the fulfillment of all cherished desires! Happy holiday, Happy HR Day!

Congratulations to a woman colleague

Personnel officer - a psychologist of the human soul,
Thanks to you, cherished dreams come true,
You have a lot of work on your shoulders.
You always surround people with care.
All personnel officers, congratulations,
Let your work inspire you
Let your career grow rapidly
Let luck always go side by side
Hello staff worker!
I congratulate you!
Everyone is looking in your direction
Smile, love!

'Cause you're on the flank
You equalize the system, you give a start,
Though not in the highest rank -
Handing out tickets!

All who passed the test
You are treated like family!
Your auditions are dates.
Let there be no empty samples!

Happy HR day from the team

I'm used to every candidacy
Look through a magnifying glass personnel officer.
You, a strict lady, pleasant in appearance,
We congratulate you on HR Day.

We wish worthy applicants,
Working days are quiet and calm.
So that your recruited personnel
Worked smoothly, did not deliver trouble.

To have enough time and energy
Understand that life is beautiful, the world is beautiful.
To be sad less often, smile more often,
And so that peace, harmony and happiness reign in the soul.

Wishes in verse to a woman on HR Day

You see through all the resumes,
Who writes the truth, who lied a little.
The subtle psychologist, Freud in the guise of a woman,
We congratulate you on the Personnel Day.

We wish that work always gives
The mood is pleasant, persistent positive.
To be a well-coordinated, reliable team,
A well-chosen team.

So that in life there is a loved one,
Reliable and strong family
And a sea of ​​positive emotions
Given to you by family and friends.
Congratulate a lovely person
We want a Happy Personnel Day.
This woman at work
Trained eye, steady hand.

Everything can: fire for absenteeism,
To scold someone a little
Send both on time off and on vacation,
Hire a newbie.

Ac summary and tests of the pros,
For the chief a stone stronghold.
If you need to build a team,
That personnel officer will not let you down!

We wish you to be always successful,
Satisfied own destiny.
Let there be drive and happiness in life,
And you only dream of peace!

SMS Happy HR Day in verse

You, who are more beautiful and smarter than all,
Let me congratulate you on the Personnel Day
And wish you guys good luck!
Be cheerful, perky and bold!
Let luck roll right into your hands
And there will be enough joy for a century and more!
Receive SMS - it has one wish -
Be beautiful on Frame Day to outshine everyone here,
To have the right to invite you on a date
It was necessary for the men to earn more!
Today is a holiday in the personnel department,
So forget about business on this day!
Shine with beauty, catch congratulations!
Good luck in everything, love, patience!
Let everyone have a personal life
Not just good, but great!
Let the salary grow from year to year,
And the family grows stronger, and prosperity grows,
And in the house let there be such weather,
It's like summer when everything in the world is in bloom!
Today is an unusual holiday -
Today is Personnel Day!
Let the salary be decent
Let the work be easy.
I wish you sincere fun
To make it easy on the soul
Be in a good mood
Always fly high!
You, as a staff member,
Accept congratulations!
You have hundreds of green bills,
In general, do not count the money!
Personnel is our future
So work harder!
Your life will be happy
And to the problems - be simpler!
Personnel is our everything!
The truth is known
I wish you easy
fast, interesting
And with zeal always
Work from the heart!
Never be sad
Let the worries go!
You are a staff member
Today is your holiday!
By the way, you are a hunter
And always be like that!
Work you hard
Hands down!
Let the faithful be near
Reliable, good friend!
You are a real recruiter
Skillful, experienced, intelligent.
Let not your face be darkened,
Do things prudently.
Respect your superiors
Strive for career growth
And never be discouraged
Then everything will be easy in life!
The time has come to congratulate you -
Today is Personnel Day!
I want, my friend, to glorify you,
Your work is not easy
As it may seem.
So let you always be lucky!
I want to smile more often
Less problems and worries!
Your day, personnel officer, has finally come:
You are a real creator in your business!
And I, without a doubt, wish you simply:
Good luck, luck, career growth!
Today, on Personnel Day,
I sincerely wish you:
Work to be easy
The boss was sane!
To never be afraid
Reports and bad weather,
To be lucky in everything always,
And, in general - just happiness!
Short poems with the Day of the Personnel Officer
Congratulations and wish
Our dear personnel officer,
So that not by word, but by deeds,
Your status has been marked.
To a solid prize,
The management awarded
And health would be for life
Never failed.
Today is personnel day
With what we congratulate you!
Your merit is great
We know this for sure!
We wish you warm looks,
Smiles bright, gentle.
Let good words sound
In everyday worries!
More importantly, there is no work with personnel,
And there are many benefits to society from you.
You know a lot about employment
Officer, do your duty.
Responsibility is big - to work
All employees are accepted according to the Labor Code,
And in that your merit is great,
Congratulations on HR Day!
You, personnel officer, bake about us hourly,
You lead our papers with an imperious hand,
Make sure they are all right.
And the documents weren't playing hide-and-seek.
So let them lie down in silence on your holiday,
And you hurry to the table!
No wonder everyone is saying around
We really need your experience!
Without personnel, a company is like without hands,
And your triumph is well deserved!
