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Business for bouquets of soft toys. Business idea do-it-yourself bouquets of soft toys

Making bouquets from soft toys is very attractive and. Agree that, sometimes not knowing what to give, we present a person with an absolutely useless thing. Plush bouquets are an original version of a gift for any celebration, so the popularity of this service is growing rapidly, and with it the earnings of people involved in this business.

In this article, we will talk not only about how to make a bouquet of soft toys with our own hands, but also about how to turn this hobby into a full-fledged business.

To begin with, it is worth talking about the pros and cons of the business on bouquets of soft toys. In fact, there are many more pluses and now I will prove it to you.

Advantages of soft toys business

This area of ​​​​earnings differs from others by the opportunity to work from home. No need to spend money on office rent, wages staff, quite realistically on their own, right at home to establish the production of plush bouquets to order.

Small investment. It is worth noting that this business does not require practically any costs from a novice entrepreneur. Bouquet materials can be bought in bulk at low prices, so it is quite possible to mark this as a plus. Agree, few business areas have such a noticeable priority.

Work in free time. You do not have to quit your job or study, you can earn money in your free time. Believe me, if you learn this skill, then making bouquets will not take you much time.

Cons of business on plush toys

There is only one minus - this is the time spent on learning the skill of creating plush bouquets. But this can also be a plus, because instead of a thoughtless waste of time, you can learn a new occupation, and even a profitable one.

Have we convinced you that making bouquets of soft toys is a profitable business? Then go ahead, let's look at other aspects of the implementation of this idea.

Before proceeding with the implementation of this idea, it is worth deciding on the direction. There are two options, you can combine them or use them separately.

Video: Making a bouquet of toys in 5 minutes!

Making bouquets of soft toys with your own hands

To do this, as mentioned earlier, you need to purchase material, best of all, in bulk. View courses and videos on the Internet on creating gift arrangements from toys. Try to make a few bouquets in order to practice this business. Then you can start selling.

Buying ready-made compositions

The second option is to buy ready-made bouquets from toys for the purpose of further resale. In this case, you will earn on the difference between buying and selling. This option is suitable for those who do not know how to create compositions on their own. All you need is to find a product at a bargain price and order several options. Bouquets are best sold on the eve of the holidays, keep this in mind.


Creating bouquets is only half the success, you still need to correctly sell them at a favorable price for you. This is how a smart entrepreneur should think.

In order for your product to start selling, you need to tell people about it. How to do it? Fortunately, in our time there are many ways to promote, for example, advertising on the Internet. Enough effective method attracting the right audience is the placement of advertising on the website of your city, popular forums, as well as in in social networks. Thus, you will certainly have buyers in the shortest possible time.

Sales area

An established distribution channel is the main source of success for the whole business. It is very important to take care of this nuance in order to avoid failure.

Your goal is to establish cooperation with as many outlets as possible.

flower shops

Flower shops are sure to be interested in such goods as bouquets of plush toys, especially on the eve of the holidays. And if your product is creative and unusual combination, then the demand for it will be great.

Some entrepreneurs even manage to conclude contracts with large supermarkets for the supply of a large batch of plush bouquets. You can follow their example, if it works out, then the profit from this earnings will be large.

Video: Children's bouquet with a soft toy

Sale of goods via the Internet

You can start selling plush bouquets via the Internet. On your page on social networks, place information about the product, prices, deadlines, delivery terms, as well as photos of examples of finished bouquets. Over time, you will have the first clients, the main thing is not to disappoint them, it is important that they leave positive feedback about your work.

Creating original bouquets of toys is a promising business idea, both as extra income, and the main work. If this idea you are interested, you can try to implement it.

Thus, we can draw a definite conclusion that it is quite possible to open a business in the service sector, even with a minimal budget. As an example, we recommend reading an article about being in your city.

Do not be afraid of failure, remember that success comes only to those who take risks. You are ready, then forward to the goal. I wish you creative inspiration and quick profits.

A bouquet of sweets is a beautiful, edible, original gift, which you can make with your own hands and give to relatives and friends for the holiday. Bouquets of sweets win against the background of ordinary flowers and sweets, because such a gift will be distinguished by its special beauty, originality and uniqueness, which cannot be purchased in any store.

Having received such a wonderful gift, your loved ones will remember it for a long time and will be very flattered by such attention from you. Is it possible to make a business by making such unusual gifts as candy bouquets? Let's find out!

Candy bouquet making business: is it possible?

If you have a lot of free time and a desire to do what you know how and get paid for it, a candy bouquet business can be quite an interesting solution. As a hobby, this activity may not bring big income, but when you develop it to a large scale, draw up a competent business plan, candy bouquets can really bring you very good money.

The production of such gifts will take you a lot of time and effort, be prepared for this. Later, when you get comfortable in the sales market, it will be possible to hire several workers and open a mini-enterprise, but it is not advisable to do this right away.

Where can you learn this craft?

But if you can’t study alone, you can try to acquire the necessary knowledge from experienced craftsmen. Such people can be found in many cities, they will be happy to help you and teach you everything you need. The cost of their training sessions is from 10 thousand rubles. There are also various books that contain the secrets of making candy bouquets.

Correct price calculation

So, you already know what you need to write down in your business plan first: you need to learn how to make candy bouquets yourself. And here is the next important question: "How to calculate the cost of a bouquet of sweets?"

Each such gift that you create will be unique, and therefore different in cost. This is due to the fact that sweets, their cost and quantity in each bouquet will be different. Also, consumables included in the bouquet will have a certain cost, which should be included in the total price.

So how do you know how much a bouquet will cost?

Don't think it's very complicated math. Bouquets of sweets, the production of which is rather lengthy, but not the most expensive, are evaluated as follows. We calculate the price of your created bouquet by multiplying the cost of all products by 2.

For example, if you spent 500 rubles on a candy bouquet, then you should sell it for 1000 rubles. Therefore, you personally will receive 500 rubles for your work. But be careful. If the order has some complexity of execution, you have the right to ask for a higher price for your work, it is very important to correctly evaluate your work.

You can, for example, look for similar works in specialized online stores and see their cost. But the price depends on many factors - this is the level of skill, the number of orders, the cost of materials, the purchasing power of the people of the locality in which you live. Also, you may not find desired material for bouquets in your city, and you will have to order it from other localities or drive there yourself, and this all increases the cost of your bouquet.

Where to find buyers?

While you are still new to this business, it is better to distribute your first creations to friends and acquaintances with a request to return the money for the materials spent. It will be beneficial for you in terms of experience, because your budget will not get poorer, but your skill will increase. Plus, your friends will admiringly praise your talent to their acquaintances, who in the future may become potential buyers of your product.

Therefore, write down the following in your business plan: bouquets of sweets made in the first batch should be given to friends, colleagues, and acquaintances for all kinds of celebrations. So you will gain experience, and earn a rating, and make advertising for yourself. Do not worry that at first you will not receive money for your work. This is normal, you just need to go to your goal, otherwise open successful business will not work.

And what if not to give, but to sell?

When your skill becomes more advanced and you feel ready to work hard, you can try to offer your product to flower shops. And so that they have an idea about your work, provide photos of already completed candy bouquets. So hosts flower shops will have an idea of ​​your skill level and your capabilities. The price should be set at least 50% of the cost of the bouquet. But don't forget that outlets They will “wind up” their trade margin on your product.

And so that the buyer knows you, so to speak, “in person”, attach a small business card with your contacts to your candy bouquet. Then the buyer will be able to contact you directly with the order or recommend it to one of his friends.

We advertise our services wisely

You can offer your services on city websites, forums, advertise. But you can also create your own site dedicated to the sale of candy bouquets. There you can post photos of bouquets that you have already made, with detailed description and price. Then people will have an idea about your products and approximate cost.

Bouquets from soft toys fairly new direction beautiful plush a composition that is suitable for any occasion - birthday, wedding, anniversary, birth of a child, christening, New Year, marriage proposal and for a gift for no reason.

This bouquet won't wither, but toy soft bear remains a pleasant memory for a long time or forever, so this fact can be used as a great business idea.

Business idea for making plush bouquets

Organize mine shop where it will be sold soft toy, handmade ready-made bouquets works from soft bears And plush bouquets, made seller-designer, taking into account the wishes of the buyer.

First, a business plan is created, including:

  • description his intent;
  • determination of market needs;
  • the amount to enter a business niche;
  • sources of funds;
  • additional products;
  • forecast revenue;
  • his future name;
  • marketing organization program;
  • licenses and permits;
  • other necessary items.

Marketing research should be carried out in order to analyze the future sales market and assess competition.

Plush bouquets with your own hands - what do you need?

Suppliers finished children's soft toys many in every city. This is due to some benefits customs clearance imported goods for children and souvenirs. In addition, predictable peak sales are associated with almost any holiday - toy soft bear donated no less than flower.

You need to purchase the following components for the compositions:

  1. smallplushtoys 40-60 rub/pc.
  2. Decorative materials:
  • designer fabric;
  • floral paper;
  • ribbons and bows;
  • living and tissue flowers;
  • assortment for decoration - beads, rhinestones, mini fruits, sweets;
  • tools and equipment for cutting materials;
  • bases on which it is attached bouquet from bears;
  • thermal gun and glue sticks for it.
  1. Branded packaging, at the initial stage it can be presented small business cards interesting uniforms and branded bags with the plush company logo.
  2. Besides this, there is ordinary a list of legal issues - business name, brand creation and much more. However, don't get hung up on this. It is necessary to start small and develop gradually, in the chosen direction, this will become a successful basis for the business.

Business promotion

Associated with good clientele, which consists of young people. Young boys and girls are always located do atmospheric purchase, but they will not always have the opportunity to purchase an expensive bouquet. Therefore, the range should be plush bouquets 4 types:

  • simple compositions, where there will be 1 toy, worth 200 - 300 rubles, which are purchased simply by mood;
  • children's - as a gift to the baby, in the same price category, hand the child immediately stretches herself get toy from such a gift;
  • ready bouquet for the average budget in the category of 500-700 rubles;
  • exclusive, with many plushtoys, completed with candy, rhinestones, gold-plated roses and other luxurious decor. The cost of these products can start from 1 thousand and reach 3-5 thousand rubles.

Can you think of mine plush highly profitable inexpensive bouquet using tiny toys, which are sold with key rings and cost about 10 rubles / piece in bulk. At the same time, you should show prudence and find the edge of the minimum sale that will not reduce the average bill. After all, if compositions for 100 rubles appear on sale, people who would buy plush bouquet for 200-300 rubles. Then a profit of 60-70 rubles. from each budget, in fact, it will begin to reduce the potential profit by 100-150 from a simple bouquet twice.

Marketing activities to attract will consist of:

  • from promotions with the distribution of information leaflets;
  • helium balloons in the department, which attract many;
  • information on the network, for this you need to start a group or organize mine website.

You can consider the delivery service of individual bouquets and a gift investment in any plush bouquet in the form of a mini postcard good wishes. You can also create a YouTube channel in order to talk about your offers to a wide audience. In addition, you can open an online store and arrange delivery in your city. In addition to making bouquets with your own hands, you can expand the range of products by making unusual slippers with your own hands.

Business registration

If there is no vision, how quickly can you develop mine business and expand, it is better to stay at the IP. It is cheaper than opening an LLC and especially closing it if the business suddenly does not live up to expectations.

The seller must be upscale, friendly, well-versed in the assortment and able to win over different people and children.

Ideal if mine the seller will be experienced in florist or gift design, hand which is stuffed on the decoration.

Manufacturing unique bouquet requires creativity. Cooperation with a designer or designers can be organized on a contractual basis and they can be charged a percentage of the transaction

Business plan - a bouquet of toys with your own hands

  1. Starting costs
  • initial purchase of the assortment - 50 thousand rubles;
  • opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC - 15 thousand. rub;
  • cash register 10 thousand rubles.

Total: 75 thousand rubles.

  1. fixed costs
  • salary to the seller 25 thousand rubles;
  • rent of a department or boutique from 15 to 30 thousand rubles rub;
  • designer services 5 thousand rubles.

Total 45 thousand rubles.

  1. Target average daily revenue - 5 thousand rubles:
  • simple handmade bouquet of bears or with one bear will cost approximately 100 rubles;
  • cost price bouquet from 15 -17 toys will be about 500 rubles.

Revenue 150 thousand / month.

Markup on plush bouquets is 200 300% sometimes more, so the gross profit will be in the range of 75-100 thousand/month, and the net income will be 30-55 thousand/month.

Demand beautiful and original bouquets was before and will be in the future. All people have holidays and events at any time of the year and it would be very nice to see more departments with kind and non-standard gifts. I suggest you take a look at other business ideas with a small investment or visit the business ideas for women at home section.

Bouquets of soft toys: business features + its pros and cons + 5 steps for implementation + financial plan.

Thanks to the consumer attitude to many things, society becomes more spoiled and demanding. For this reason, the business world is constantly updated with new creative ideas, which not only make our life more comfortable, but also bring brightness and unusual sensations into it.

Bouquets of soft toys- relatively new Russian market which is already popular. Agree, many people experience a headache when they come up with what to give a loved one.

The option with flowers is certainly a win-win, but still banal, besides, the buds will wither in a few days, leaving no memorable moments behind. But a plush bouquet will not only surprise, but will also please its owner for a long time.

So, today we will talk about how to organize this business idea and turn it into a way to make real money.

Features of the business of making bouquets of soft toys

Any business, including the manufacture of bouquets of soft toys, must begin with an analysis of the field of activity.

Despite the fact that plush compositions have been in demand for several years, this niche cannot be called completely filled. Still, there is still a category of consumers who have not heard of such an interesting gift option.

For this reason, the competition here is not so fierce, so if you have a good imagination and fully master the skill of making bouquets of soft toys, you can make yourself known.

When implementing this business, you should focus on youth. It will make up about 80% of your target audience. You can surprise your customers not only with a beautiful and unique design of a plush bouquet, but also with its high-quality execution.

And this is the main feature of the business. If you want to do your own making bouquets of soft toys, then you need to learn how to make them.

The first attempts may fail. Errors may be due to ill-conceived design or inaccurate execution. Therefore, the first compositions may remain a reminder of the beginning of the path.

Recommendation for this case: do not immediately buy a bunch of materials. Start by purchasing everything you need for just a few items. After trying your hand, you will understand whether you will like this business or not.

Having started a business, you need to constantly monitor the offers of competitors and follow the trends. Buyers before buying a bouquet of soft toys will study all possible product options. Therefore, you should offer them original and trendy options.

Bouquets of soft toys: advantages and disadvantages of business

If you have decided that this business idea is for you, then you should know how to weigh the pros and cons.

Selling Benefits:

  • such a business can be easily organized right at home, besides, at first it can be combined with your permanent job or study;
  • this is a great way to realize yourself for creative individuals, as well as for those who are looking for themselves;
  • relatively small investments at the start - since the production of plush bouquets can be arranged at home and dealt with on your own, the costs of renting and hiring staff immediately disappear.

Among the minuses, there is only one- learning how to make bouquets of soft toys. Otherwise, you will have to put the matter on stream and hire personnel who will deal with it. But in this case, investments will be several times higher.

An easy way to start a soft toy bouquet business

Even small business requires a plan that includes a clear course of action and financial calculations. This is especially important in ideas that require small investments.

First, you need to decide how to do business., and then, if necessary, learn the skill of making bouquets of soft toys.

Registering a business right away and then studying is extremely reckless, because, perhaps, you will not succeed, and then you will have to wrap up the business.

Next stage is the search for suppliers of materials. After you try to make a few bouquets, you will understand what you like to work with and what style your compositions will be. And starting from this, you can choose the right materials that will suit you in terms of quality and appearance.

Step 1. Choosing the Way of Doing Business

You have several ways to do business:

    Resale of ready-made bouquets of soft toys

    To do this, you need to find those who make them and agree on the wholesale supply of ready-made bouquets. After that, you will put a personal margin and will resell the products.

    Opening of own production

    You can hire staff who know how to make bouquets. Moreover, for this you don’t even need to rent a separate room, since you can simply find people who will have to make the required number of bouquets.

    In return, you will provide them necessary materials and then look for buyers.


    This way is the most "free". You will choose the design and content of the bouquets yourself, thereby realizing yourself in creativity. If you choose this path, you will be able to organize production at home and work only for yourself.

It is the latter option that we will consider in our article.

To implement it, you will need to buy:

By choosing this path, you will be able to make bouquets to your taste in order to form a permanent assortment, as well as fulfill customer orders. For example, the client himself will choose the number of toys, their color, packaging, and so on.

Step 2. Mastering the skill

The easiest way to learn is to watch master classes on the Internet. On YouTube and various forums, you will find many detailed videos on how bouquets of soft toys are made.

The second way is to find those who know how to make plush bouquets and take personal lessons from them.

In general, the process of creating a composition cannot be called complicated. It is important to use high-quality and beautiful toys and materials, to have taste and be neat.

Plush bouquets don't have to be huge. Even when using small toys, you can create a small but stylish composition. There are also options using 1-2 cubs or bunnies surrounded by decorative elements.

You need to learn how to make different variations of plush arrangements to offer customers choice and be more flexible than the competition. This is all the more important if you work to order, and the client needs something that will meet his wishes.

Step 3. Business registration.

Often, bouquets of soft toys are a hobby for those who love needlework. But those who want to build a business on this, albeit in the form of additional income, must register their business.

And great for that fit shape property - IP.

When registering, you will need to select the OKVED classification. It is constantly changing, but as of 2017, code 47 "Retail trade, except for motor vehicles and motorcycles" is suitable for the sale of bouquets of soft toys.

The keyword is “toys”, so when choosing a code, you need to focus on it. And here the following classification will be available:

Step 4. Search for suppliers

At this stage, you need to find trusted sellers of toys and supplies.

But this, unfortunately, is not a reason to increase the cost of the finished composition, as competitors will offer the same compositions at lower prices.

To get started, buy small batches of toys and other items. As orders for your plush bouquets grow, you will be able to purchase already large quantities of the necessary materials.

Step 5. Business promotion

Regardless of how you organize your business - you will offer exclusively your own assortment, work to order or combine these two methods, you need to talk about your bouquets of soft toys.

There are several ways to find your customers:

    Stationary sales

    You can offer cooperation to flower or souvenir shops. In this case, you will have the opportunity to realize several ready-made bouquets of soft toys at once.

    Opening your personal store at the very beginning is impractical. Since you will be limited in the target audience, it will also affect the size of the initial investment and the cost of maintaining the business.

    Through the Internet

    Here you have a huge field for promoting your own business:

You can also resort to various tricks. For example, discounts regular customers, or holding promotions in the form of selling a bouquet of seven toys for the price of five.

Financial plan for making bouquets of soft toys

Here are some approximate numbers that you will be dealing with.
  • The purchase of equipment will cost about 12-15,000 rubles. If you have a sewing machine, then the costs will be reduced by 7-8 thousand.
  • The cost of one simple bouquet of soft toys varies from 500 to 900 rubles. More complex compositions will cost more, but their retail value will be higher.
  • The cost of one plush bouquet - from 1500 rubles.

Since you will, your expenses will be reduced to the purchase of equipment and materials, as well as advertising.

The business will pay off in 3-4 months. During this time, you should sell about 40 finished compositions. In general, you can reach such an indicator in a month of fruitful work. Of course, at first, while you are just starting to promote your business, your orders may be 15-20 bouquets, but in the future they should grow.

If income and orders “freeze” in one place during the first few months of work, then this is the first signal that you are doing something wrong. Therefore, constantly work on advertising.

Do not focus only on Internet users. Distribute business cards and brochures, order outdoor advertising in your city, advertise in local media, look for stores that are ready to cooperate.

Bouquets of soft toys is a promising line of business that can be implemented even with small investment. Such an unusual gift will definitely find its buyer. To do this, in addition to high-quality production of interesting and original compositions, you must constantly take care of advertising.

Do you want to make an original gift with your own hands?

Watch the master class on making bouquets of soft toys:

At first, you can sell your products via the Internet or contact local stores. And having already promoted your business, you can think about opening your own point of sale, for example, a small pavilion in a shopping and entertainment center.

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