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Take a photo with flowers without buying them. Photo shoot with flowers: ideas and tips. Good luck and nice stylish photos

Today, there is probably not a single person left who does not have his own selfie in his archive. After all, this version of a self-portrait is becoming more and more popular every day.

Who doesn’t know yet: a selfie (English “selfie” from “self”) - oneself, oneself or “oneself”, as they call it in our manner) is a picture in which a person captures himself using the front (rear) camera ) tablet or smartphone.

  • Trick 1: Posture

You may notice that some people turn out very well in any photograph. As a rule, those who manage to choose the ideal pose for themselves and carefully practice it are lucky. It’s worth looking for one for yourself, after practicing a little in front of the mirror. You can take several pictures at once in different poses, carefully studying each of them and noting errors. As a result, the same the best option will reveal itself.

  • Trick 2: head tilt

Is it possible and how to take a beautiful selfie by tilting your head? Girls often ask about this. Yes, and how! The correct tilt of the head will help emphasize the beauty and elegance of the face. It is enough to tilt your head slightly to the side and your face will instantly change. In this position, the cheekbones become clearer, the contours become graceful, and the eyes become large and expressive. This simple but effective trick is usually offered to their models by famous professional photographers. The main thing is not to overdo it with the tilt, otherwise the image will turn out somewhat comical.

  • Trick 3: Raise the device above your head

This way you can capture your surroundings. To make the photo original and unusual, you should take off not only your face, but also some of your clothes and surroundings. This is especially true for pictures taken outdoors. For example, take a selfie against the backdrop of a colorful landscape or a unique cultural monument. A self-portrait interspersed with the living world is perceived much more welcomingly than single faces. Thanks to the expanded borders, the photo is richer in detail. It is important to make sure that background There will be no unnecessary objects, people or animals in the photo.

  • Trick 4: take care of high-quality lighting in advance

The right light is the key to anyone nice photo, including selfies. With high-quality lighting, the picture turns out brighter and more beautiful. In this photo, your hair always looks healthy and shiny, and your skin looks well-groomed and smooth. Since most users do not have the opportunity to set up professional artificial light, it is worth looking for a quality replacement. First of all, it is the bright afternoon sun. If you take a selfie at home, you should go to the window and face it. The device at this moment, on the contrary, will be turned away from the light source. But you should not use the flash during the day. Otherwise, the face will turn out to be too pale and white, or completely overexposed.

  • Trick 5: Selfie-Perfect Makeup

It is important for representatives of the fair sex to remember that the usual makeup in the photo may look duller and faded. Therefore, before taking a photo, it is worth emphasizing your main advantages with the help of cosmetics. For example, create a spectacular “smoky eyes” using the power of eye shadow of different shades, and also apply a high-quality highlighter to give the face freshness and radiance. In a selfie, such makeup will not look too flashy and unnatural, but, on the contrary, will emphasize the attractiveness of the face and make it a little brighter. Still, stick to maximum naturalness and naturalness.

  • Trick 6: beautiful photo = filters + suitable applications

Today users are offered great amount programs that will help make selfies spectacular. If they are not installed on your smartphone or tablet, then such add-ons can be easily downloaded. The programs and filters discussed will allow you to hide numerous imperfections in your appearance - whiten your teeth, remove skin imperfections, and more. The main thing is not to overdo it with improving your photos. Let naturalness be their main decoration.

Incredible facts

Have you ever taken a selfie and then looked at it and thought, “Is this really what I look like?”

Most likely, the problem is the wide-angle distortion of the smartphone lens and other overly wide cameras that portray us as strange and caricature-like.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to solve the problem if you understand the optics of these devices.

It's quite difficult to look normal in photos, and smartphones don't make it any easier.

Smartphone manufacturers create them with wide-view lenses that distort and stretch the face in an unsightly manner.

This is because the focal length of the camera lens changes the curvature of the object it is photographing. A wide-angle lens makes your face look cartoonish, while super-long lenses make you look flat and squished.

This is why photographers tend to use a lens with focal length 85 mm - which is much longer than on any smartphone.

How to make a good slefie

But you can take smartphone photos in a way that will make you look good in the photos.

The trick is to understand that Most of the distortion is at the edge of the frame and is emphasized by any part of the body protruding towards the camera.

For example, in this photo the girl's jaw looks much larger than in reality, as it is pointed at the camera.

Move back a little, move your head a little closer to the center of the frame and keep your chin and forehead equidistant from the camera. As a result, the selfie will look much more like what your face looks like to other people.

Smartphone photos that place your head in the center of the frame and a little further away than usual tend to make you look more glamourous.

How to take a beautiful selfie

Here are some more tips to help you look your best in selfie photos.

Follow the one third rule

This means that you need to position your face so that your eyes are approximately level with one third from the top of the photo.

Tilt your head at an angle

This simple trick highlights your cheekbones and makes your eyes appear larger, giving you a cute look.

Find good lighting

Good lighting will make your skin look nice and your hair will look shiny. It's best to take a selfie next to a window or outside in natural light.

You can use a curtain to diffuse sunlight or another light source. This softens your facial features and makes your smile more attractive.

Hold the camera slightly above your head

This will give you a more artistic look and will allow you to show off your cleavage and beautiful outfit.

Photograph the attractive side

Every person has a more attractive side that is more balanced and symmetrical.

Stretch your neck

Avoid a double chin or lack of a chin. Lift your chin slightly and lengthen your neck. This will highlight the face, especially the jawline.

Use two hands

Most selfies are taken with one hand, but sometimes it's easier to get the right angle if you hold the phone with both hands. Using a selfie stick can help in the same way.

Pay attention to your shoulders

We often don't notice, but when we pose for a selfie, our shoulders are often hunched or in an unattractive position.

Instead of keeping the camera parallel to the camera, turn them slightly to the left or right.

Don't be too serious

The more you enjoy taking a photo, the more it will be to you and the others. Plus, you can look back at the photo and remember the fun times.

Taking selfies was invented quite a long time ago, but selfies gained real mega-popularity with the development of Internet technologies and mobile phones. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in taking a selfie. Just point the front camera of your smartphone at yourself and press the corresponding button.

It is quite possible that for regular photo this will be quite enough. But for quality - no. Everything is much more complicated here. How to take a beautiful selfie? What nuances should be taken into account? What is most important - the right angle or good facial expressions? Perhaps there are some secrets to effective photography? More details about this in our publication.

What is the point of a selfie?

The popularity of selfies is understandable. After all, such photos are the most in a simple way Capture yourself almost anywhere at any time. Using a selfie, it’s so easy to share your emotions and moods with friends. But it’s much more pleasant to do this when the photo turns out to be of high quality. After all, in modern world social media have special meaning.

There are several rules, following which you can certainly get a high-quality selfie and a beautiful selfie on your photo. Let's look at them in more detail.


The ideal option for shooting is natural lighting. The fact that even eminent professional photographers, whose arsenal is very expensive equipment, always prefer shooting outdoors. The secret is that in such conditions you will be evenly illuminated. In addition, you will get the ideal contrast of the photo. But here too there are some nuances. For example, when shooting on a bright sunny day, annoying glare is possible. Therefore, you will have to act carefully. You shouldn’t shoot with the sun shining straight into your back; it will be difficult to correct such a photo.

But sometimes it turns out that you have to take pictures indoors at home or at work. What to do in this case? It is very important to come closer to the light source, your face should be directed towards it. But other options are possible: the source will be located on the left or on the right. Selfies that are obtained when a person slightly tilts their gadget when taking pictures are very impressive. Another option for taking a picture is when you tilt your head slightly, to the left or to the right. Experiment like this, finding the most successful ideal angle in which the face looks best higher up.

Photographers do not recommend holding the phone above head level when taking photos. The exception is those shots in which there are several people. It is not necessary to look directly into the lens when taking a photo. You can glance to the side. This produces very impressive and somewhat mysterious photographs.

Facial expressions

A few years ago, selfies with pouting lips were quite popular. But times change, and now such pictures look, at a minimum, funny and ridiculous. It is important to be sincere in the photo. A smile or laugh should be natural, not forced. Recognizing a fake smile is easy. In this case, the eyes “do not shine” and there are no facial wrinkles.
To look younger, don't smile only with your eyes. Be yourself - there is nothing more effective than natural laughter and fun. Photos with sunglasses always look great. Especially in cases where you don’t know how to work with your eyes correctly.

Some good ideas for spectacular selfies

How to take a beautiful selfie at home? As easy as pie. It's not difficult at all. It is enough to use a few successful ideas.

Selfie with a pet

Photos with animals always look impressive. But you shouldn’t look for exotic things on some islands; a photo with a pet may turn out quite good. It doesn’t matter who exactly it will be - a cat or a dog. After all, such animals are all very photogenic.

Wind and photo

Selfies in the wind are simply amazing. Hair and clothes that fly away under the influence of air currents create a special effect, adding a certain zest to the photo. The result is a more expressive look, and the face, slightly hidden behind strands of hair, will look incredibly beautiful.

Together with your loved one

Selfies of lovers turn out very beautiful. Agree, girls love to take pictures, but guys - sometimes it’s simply impossible to get them to pose for the camera. In this case, a selfie would be the ideal option. In this case, a huge number of successful poses are possible.

Selfie spontaneously

Often it is these spontaneous photos that are the most successful. And you shouldn't expect any special moment. Appreciate what you have right here and now. You can take a selfie with your phone on the bus, in the office, on the way home, or in a cafe. These unexpected photos are often better than the ones you planned in advance.

With kids

Children always look spectacular in photos. And selfies with them certainly turn out very good. In principle, it is difficult to find an unsuccessful photo of a child. Yes, and adults next to him will look directly and emotionally.

Lying down

Photo lying down has its important advantages. When you lie down, your body is as relaxed as possible. It is in this position that the face will look especially beautiful and impressive. It is better to take this photo with the hair lying softly on the pillow. In addition, it is important to choose natural makeup with an emphasis on natural beauty.

Unusual image

Photos in an unusual atmosphere and an atypical image always look especially impressive. They will certainly attract everyone's attention. As a rule, such selfies are taken at parties.

In a men's T-shirt

This selfie will look incredibly attractive and sexy. Especially if you focus on contrasts - a men's shirt or T-shirt several sizes larger and incredibly beautiful makeup.

In underwear

Another option for an incredibly attractive selfie is in underwear or a swimsuit. But here it is important not to cross the fine line beyond which sexuality gives way to vulgarity and lack of taste.

F editors

Getting a masterpiece instantly by simply pressing a button is almost impossible. But you can achieve this effect using modern photo editors. You don't have to use a computer to do this; it's enough to use software, which is installed on your smartphone. For example, you can apply one filter or another, hiding all sorts of technical flaws or flaws in the picture.

Main conclusions

In fact, there is no single solution or biggest secret to taking the perfect selfie. It all depends on the specific situation. However, it is important to be able to use your imagination. After all, it’s always the most unexpected decisions, those that surprise are the most valuable. Always try to capture your most important life events, emotions, experiences and joyful moments, everything that our life consists of. So that years later you can be content with bright and high-quality photographs that will revive all these unforgettable moments of happiness and joy.

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Of course, any bouquet will look beautiful in the lens. Omsk is full of beauties, in whose hands bouquets acquire even greater charm. But in order for the photo to be effective, it is necessary, first of all, to take care of the lighting in the room. Mobile phone cameras are not so advanced to take a high-quality selfie in a dimly lit room, so it is better to take a photo in sunlight in a well-lit room or outdoors.

If you are returning from a date in the evening, where you were given a luxurious bouquet of flowers, then it is better to take a selfie near illuminated shop windows or lanterns so that there is enough light.

At weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, selfies with friends and, of course, with flowers are also popular. It is worth remembering here that slefi is best done by the person in the center. The camera lens should be looking straight ahead. At the same time, if the phone is positioned vertically, then the eyes of those taking pictures will be directed to the center of the picture, but if the phone is taken in a horizontal position, then the eyes will be directed to the side. This almost always happens and it’s worth taking this into account. At least you can warn your friends about it.

It is very important to take into account your own proportions when taking a selfie. For example, girls with a long face should not be photographed from above, and if they have rounded cheeks, it is better to be photographed half-turned. A triangular face will appear harmoniously in the picture when the camera is held up from underneath.

In addition, some features of the face and body can always be hidden or emphasized with a bouquet of flowers. A selfie in the mirror with flowers in your hands is very popular. The most modest beauties prefer to focus on the bouquet, covering their face with their hand or turning it away from the lens. Also, fashionistas often take photographs with a bouquet of flowers while lying down, when the bouquet is simply lying next to them.

  • Most the best choice in Omsk

    Here you will find magnificent bouquets of flowers, as well as original flower arrangements. We have the most stunning flower baskets for sale. You can also order wedding decorations with fresh flowers and all wedding floristry from us.

  • Quality control

    All compositions and bouquets from our online store site (Flora1) are created from the freshest flowers, high-quality floral material and fashionable accessories are used. We guarantee you fast execution of any order and prompt delivery of the order by our courier.

Admit it, you have more than once had the desire to take a photo with a colleague’s bouquet that was given to her for her birthday and post it on Instagram and write something like: "Thank you, mysterious stranger".
Yesterday the following announcement spread across the Internet:

“Do you want your boyfriend to be jealous? Are your friends jealous? We will bring a gorgeous bouquet of 101 roses especially for you. Upon arrival, you will have 10 minutes to take as many photos and selfies as you like. The cost of renting flowers is 1000 rubles with delivery throughout Moscow! We deliver flowers on March 6, 7, 8 and 9.
P.S. Add a box to your bouquet Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Chanel, Guess, Armani, Tiffany & Co+ 300 or TSUM package + 100.”

We decided to figure out how flower delivery for selfies works and who is behind it.

Reposts literally poured into the account @roserent , in which the advertisement appeared. Social media users are ironic: “What kind of business is this?” Others believe that this is very relevant, because many girls just give them a reason to take a photo with a huge bouquet. Buy 101 roses with your own hard earned money from advertising "Bloom" I still feel sorry for the money. And here is such an alternative!

Many even began to offer own ideas, how to complement such a bouquet. For example, an expensive car. “Do you want to please chicks? Or to make your classmates and colleagues jealous? Or do you want your boyfriend to be jealous? We will bring a premium Lexus LX car (Luxury replica of Toyota Land Cruiser) especially for you. After arrival, you will have only five minutes to take as many selfies as you can,” commentators wrote under the post.

However, jokes are jokes, but the service works!

We decided to check the service and wrote to the account’s “direct message”. We received a response literally within 10 minutes. Ordering delivery is simple: you give the address, time and date - where and when to bring 101 roses. At the door you hand over the money, grab the bouquet (already dressed and made up for a selfie, of course) and, while the courier is waiting, take photos “as much as you want” (you will need to pay for additional time 400 rubles, if you don’t make it within 10 minutes). And then the courier picks up the flowers and goes to the address of the next order.

“I believe that the proposal may find its clients, but since the service is unusual, so far they are just asking a lot of questions, people also wish good luck and say that this is relevant, it is very nice to receive such support. By the way, most often people ask about delivery to Makhachkala, Grozny And Ingushetia. So, I think it makes sense to develop in these directions.

We are already agreeing on a date and time with several clients. For now, you can only order roses because this is a trial launch. If successful, it makes sense to think about expanding the range.
I think that the service is still more aimed at girls who need attention,” said PEOPLETALK account creator @rosesrent Evgeniy, who told the day before "Afisha Daily" that he was inspired to create the page by girls who were photographed with a bouquet in a cafe.

Now we are very interested - will business work? By the way, as soon as the account appeared Evgeniya, other pages with similar services and a large number of subscribers began to appear on Instagram (apparently, they decided to go for quantity rather than quality). And today there was news that a certain resident Krasnoyarsk I also decided to steal the idea - only in my hometown she charges 1,000 rubles for 15 minutes for a selfie with roses. By the way, flowers are also often rented abroad. True, not for selfies... Bouquets can be rented for holidays or for a professional photo shoot. But it’s not clear how it works - after all, the flowers fade...

What do you think of this idea? The girls in our editorial office, when asked whether they would use such a service, unanimously answer: "No!"

And celebrities look at such a proposal with caution. Yesterday, for example, the TV channel presenter MUZ-TV Nick posted in my Instagram a scan of a photo with roses and wrote: “March 8 is coming soon. Girls, take it into your arms. Take as many photos as you need." Other celebrities responded to his post in the comments. For example, Rita Dakota wrote: “I’m just screaming really hard” (that is, “laughing”); a: “I even re-read it a couple of times, I thought it was a joke. Some kind of f**k.”
We also decided to ask the stars - could they use such services? Masha Shumakova called the startuper “well done,” but she herself admitted that she was still for real gifts. She also doesn’t suffer from a lack of attention on social networks, and besides, her fiancé gives her flowers.

However, there are also fair comments under the posts in the account with roses: “ Good idea! Especially for those who only don’t post photos of themselves on the toilet on Instagram. And then for more than half of the Instagrammers it’s like this: they gave me a bouquet (or bought it myself) - see my photo with a bouquet from my beloved, I took a toy in my hands - thank you, dear, for the gift, I’m eating something - my beloved cooked me dinner. What you give, buy, eat, it should be for yourself, and not for the whole world. So this offer with a bouquet is very optimal for 80% of those living here.”

So if business Evgeniya and other daredevils who adopted his idea will go uphill - we won’t be surprised. It seems that soon social networks will begin to control us completely - whatever you will do for the sake of it!
