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Keynote app for iPad. Why are Pages, Numbers, and Keynote paid for on new Apple devices? What is keynote on iphone

Fair, not overpriced and not underestimated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without asterisks, clear and detailed, where technically possible - as accurate and concise as possible.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs require much less time. The website shows the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and responsibility

A guarantee must be given for any repairs. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check the quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half the success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works with suppliers directly, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven spare parts for current models, so you don’t have to waste extra time.

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This is very important and has already become a rule. good manners for the service center. Diagnosis is the most difficult and an important part repair, but you do not have to pay a penny for it, even if you do not repair the device as a result of it.

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Good service values ​​your time, so he offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of a service center: they can be done correctly and according to technology only in a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient to fit in before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service has been known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years and has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, and recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the service center are restored.
Other service centers trust us and refer complex cases to us.

How many masters in areas

If there are always several engineers waiting for you for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
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Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist should answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you can imagine what exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

If you want to see on our website answers to your questions about everything related to Apple technology, programs and services, iOS or Mac OS X, iTunes Store or App Store, ask them via . Answers to the most interesting of them will appear in the materials of this section. We received the following question:

Good afternoon Can you tell us what exactly the Keynote app on Apple Watch can do? How does it manage presentations and where? Can I use it to control a presentation on a MacBook? Can it control presentations on iPad or iPhone? How does the watch decide which device I want to control Keynote on?


Control Keynote With Apple Watch- a non-trivial task. To begin with, the watch cannot connect directly to a Mac, so the Apple Watch does not have direct control over the OS X version of Keynote. But the iPhone version of Keynote can work as a remote control for desktop Keynote in presentation mode. And the version of Keynote for Apple Watch can act as a remote control for the iPhone version of Keynote. Simply put, the watch is a remote control for controlling the Keynote remote control for Mac on the iPhone =))

This way, the device you control from the watch is detected on the iPhone:

  • if the iPhone is connected to a projector or monitor via an Apple adapter, or connected to Apple TV via AirPlay, then the Apple Watch controls the presentation on the iPhone, and the application will not work with other devices
  • If Keynote on iPhone is in remote control mode for Keynote for OS X or Keynote on another iOS device, then the watch controls that presentation

Finally, let’s remember how to set up pairing between Keynote on different devices. Make sure that the devices to be paired are in the same Wi-Fi networks and they have Bluetooth turned on. Launch Keynote in iOS and click on the iPhone icon in the top bar:

Clicking Continue will enable discovery mode on your iPhone.

After that, go to Keynote settings on your Mac. You will need to go to the "Remote Controls" tab and click on the "Connect" button next to the iPhone:

If you want to control with using iPhone Keynote on the iPad, you will need to open any presentation on the iPad, click on the wrench icon in the top bar, select “Tools” from the menu. presentations”, then click “Allow remote control” and enable this feature.

Deleting linked devices is done in the same Keynote settings menu for OS X and iOS.

Error. A banal error somewhere in the App Store mechanism or even deeper leads to the fact that many users encounter a problem when trying to download one of the applications of the iWork suite on a newly purchased device. No one pulled Apple's tongue - she herself stated that for new owners of her technology, Pages, Numbers and Keynote would be completely free. However this problem very easy to get around.

But first, some advice for those who do not want to face such a problem in the future. First thing after purchase new iPhone or iPad, download all three applications from the iWork package from the App Store so that there are no further problems. So that they do not take up space (although they do not require very much), you can even delete them, next time there will be no problems when loading. Now let's return to the problem described in the title.

How can I download Pages, Numbers, and Keynote for free on my new Apple device?

Step 1. Go to the App Store app and search for the name of one of the three apps, for example, Pages

Step 2. If it is paid, and it costs 329 rubles, go to the section Selection(otherwise, the error has passed you by, you can safely download directly from here)

Step 3. In the section Selection Scroll to the very bottom and select the App Collections quick link

Step 4: Click the button Apple apps

Step 5: Download any iWork app for free

I repeat, this instruction will only be useful to owners of new Apple devices who are experiencing problems downloading free iWork applications.

Everyone should know this:

  • Password on iPhone
  • How to Record a FaceTime Video Call Using a Mac
  • How to remove an app from App Store purchases

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Keynote for iPad- what kind of miracle application is this, you ask? Let's figure it out together. Apple and this company's products are, of course, very good. But this is how it happened in the office world software, which is considered the de facto standard of Microsoft Office. To be fair, it is worth noting that this moment this software package is more convenient than iWork for creating texts, working with spreadsheets... However, there is one application from the iWork package, it is called Keynote. It will definitely give a hundred points ahead to its competitor PowerPoint in terms of convenience, ease of use and the results obtained.

So, presentation software - Apple Keynote. Worth in AppStore $9.99 and allows you to use your beloved iPad not only for entertainment, but also for creating presentations that can safely be considered a reference.

Steve Jobs actively participated in the creation of Keynote, and who else if not him understood a lot about how to make presentations. Steve himself always used this application in its desktop version for his performances, including for showing iPhones and iPads.

Is it worth installing Keynote and learning it? This will no doubt be useful. The point is that the creators modern presentations corporate, those who want to achieve impressive success prefer to use this program, giving it preference over Powerpoint.

The first thing that captivates is the friendliness and intuitive clarity for the user. Having dealt with basic functions You can already create original presentations that create the desired, positive impression of your work with a minimum of time.

Working with Keynote

Having launched the application, you are taken to the main screen, where you can create a new presentation, open a ready-made one and edit it. Creation new presentation launched by clicking on the symbol «+» , located in the upper right corner and selecting the item "Create Presentation".

The application interface is made as simple and rational as possible: there are 4 buttons in the upper right corner: formatting, insertion, tools, playback.

Adding slides is done by clicking on the button located in the lower left corner. There are several standard types to choose from, but you can choose a blank form and show your creativity.

If you need to change the order of the slides in the created presentation, simply swipe down on the selected slide and drag it to the desired place. You can and should make transitions between slides, the application has a good choice built-in options for beautifully changing images during your presentation.

Adding photos, shapes, charts or tables to slides is done by clicking the button "Insert", located in the upper right corner. The ability to create three-dimensional graphs and diagrams, as well as their animation, deserves special mention. Agree, looking at a beautifully presented graph that shows your growth rate in animation is much more interesting than sitting and delving into boring columns of numbers.

After you have added a new object to the slide, you can start editing it using the tool "Format Brush". Select the desired object, then the brush format and the application, depending on the selected object, will offer you several different options for formatting it.

Changing the size of an object is also done simply, like everything else in iOS: you click on the desired object, a blue mark and a grid appear, thanks to which it is convenient to resize and align the object, placing it in the way that is convenient and best for you.

Does Keynote have any disadvantages? Oh yeah. The most important thing is that the package contains only 44 themes for creating presentations. This is a lot only at first, then, when the excitement of using this application subsides, you will frankly miss the available standard set.

The second drawback is related, in principle, to the ideology of Apple and its technology. To demonstrate a presentation directly from your iPad, you must use an Apple TV, which you can connect to over the air. If this device is not available, then you need to buy a special adapter in order to transfer information to the TV via the HDMI port. But this is a fundamental feature of Apple technology that you have to put up with if you want to use the most user-friendly devices and excellent software.

But overall, today, this is the best and most convenient application for creating high-quality presentations with your own modest efforts. Good application to achieve beauty in your style without much effort.

Where to download and buy Keynote

The application can be downloaded from the AppStore or iTunse. Download link:

The cost of the program is 9.99 USD, and her size 319 MB. What I especially want to note is that Keynot supports the interface in almost all languages, including Russian.

Hundreds of new programs and applications appear every year. It is impossible to keep track of them all. And some of them are absolutely useless. But not KeyNote. Few people know what kind of software this is. Moreover, disputes may even arise between Windows and Mac users. Why and which ones? Let's find out further.


Chances are you may have heard about KeyNote a couple of times. It is not easy to guess what it is, since its name practically does not suggest any thoughts.

We'll look at two KeyNote programs. One works with the Windows operating system, the second can be run on Apple devices.

Windows application

What is KeyNote for Windows? This is old software that is designed to work with text information. It is easy to structure, display and store. The program is implemented using Delphi. It is still distributed under Open Source and Mozilla Public Licenses. Application revision 1.1.

It’s very strange, but it’s definitely difficult to say who developed the program. According to some reports, a Polish programmer worked on it.


The software was first released in 2001. The developer maintained its functionality until 2005. Two years later, a Spanish programmer began working on the program. He added several new options and then changed the name to KeyNote NF.

It is impossible to say that no one has used the application during all this time. Still, they were engaged in it and promoted it. It has been featured in reputable publications a couple of times, and was also awarded by the popular PowerTools forum.


KeyNote for Windows is a useful and simple program. It is often called the “Notebook”. The interface is represented by a pair of tabs on which the data is structured. All information is shown as a hierarchical tree structure. Text documents are presented in the form of notes. They can be easily formatted.

The application has plenty of functions:

  • Easy to find by request necessary information. There is a global search for all content.
  • There is also a software keyboard shortcut setting.
  • You can assign an icon for each tab or note. There are enough graphic elements included, but they can be installed additionally.
  • Data encryption and password protection of the entire program.
  • Compressing information in KeyNote.
  • Working with similar programs: joint export and import of files of different formats.
  • Using macros for repetitive operations.
  • Application of plugins, templates, styles.
  • Activate dynamic notes that are stored in external files.


When the Polish programmer was replaced by a Spanish one, new functions were introduced for KeyNote. Many people already knew what this program was. Therefore, we were happy about the changes.

So, some of the innovations include:

  • Unicode support;
  • the appearance of a checkbox that hid or displayed part of the note;
  • notification tones;
  • changing the mechanism for working with tables;
  • adding new interface languages;
  • the emergence of mirror copies, which became a continuation of dynamic notes.

Apple app

The reviewed application for notes and any other application, but the program of the same name for Apple devices creates and demonstrates presentations.

Apple KeyNote is a lesser-known software because it can only run on one operating system - MacOS. In addition, even the owners of Apple gadgets themselves do not use it often.

This may be due to the fact that the program is paid. Some people would be sorry to pay $10 for a tool that has a bunch of offline and online analogues.

Nevertheless, those who downloaded this program leave only positive reviews. It has a wide range of tools for working with presentations and supports popular formats. You can use KeyNote on both MacBook and mobile devices.

Features of Apple KeyNote

The program under review, like it, is included in the software package. It became the proprietary “Apple” software iWork. The component is needed for creating and playing presentations and can work in conjunction with text editor Pages and the Numbers spreadsheet app.

It's easy to work on projects quickly. There is integration with iCloud for this. The cloud helps you create a project on the go.

Difference between the two applications

Many people compare KeyNote to PowerPoint. This is true, since the tasks of both programs are identical. But if all other iWork components pale in comparison to Microsoft Office elements, then KeyNote, on the contrary, turned out to be more successful. It is this program that is increasingly becoming an assistant for corporate tasks.

KeyNote and PowerPoint certainly have general functions. If you have used one of the programs at least once, you will definitely be able to figure out the second one.

Of course, the Apple version has a different interface and an additional set of tools. It is more concise and modern. Perhaps that is why it has become the best tool for many.


Chances are, if you notice the clean design and clear toolbar, you'll immediately know it's KeyNote and not PowerPoint. On the main screen of the program there are all available options at once: opening a project, editing it or deleting it.

To start working on the presentation, you need to click on “+”. From the list of options, select “Create”.

In the upper corner of the screen, basic tools for work are offered. The format brush changes the properties of text and other objects, working on font style, size, color, etc.

The insert button can add different elements to the slide. You can supplement your presentation with anything: screenshots, images from a camera or gallery, graphics and other objects.

Tools play a service role. They help you customize slide transitions and also share presentations. You can also add a comment to the slide for other project participants. You can use the play button to view your work.

Of course, these are not all the available functions of the program. But there is no point in describing them all, since you have definitely encountered them in other similar applications for creating presentations.


KeyNote turned out to be a universal concept. It hides both a Windows program and an Apple application. Some people come across Keynote Upper-intermediate, but don’t know what it is. It just so happens that this is an educational book that has nothing to do with the two programs in question.

This textbook was published by National Geographic Learning. It is needed for studying in English. A special feature of the book is a high-quality selection of educational videos from TED Talks.


When trying to figure out what KeyNote is, you often come across a program from Apple. Few people know about Windows software, because it has an outdated design and primitive functions. Now there are a large number of analogues on the market that have many possibilities for the user.
