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Ad blocker for iphone 4s. Disable ads that redirect to the App Store. Using antivirus and ad blocking software

Although advertising is called the engine of progress, there are too many of them on some sites. Particularly annoying are pop-up advertising messages, trying with all their might to send the user to another tab or even to the application page in App Store. Special ad blockers can help you deal with ads in Safari on iPhone and iPad once and for all, the installation of which will be discussed in this guide.

Banners on the Web when surfing with the Safari mobile browser can be divided into three conditional types:

  • Acceptable - the usual advertising banners that do not differ in any antics. They just look at the user from the side panels of the site, only the most intolerant people to advertising cause indignation
  • Annoying - pop-up messages when going to a site or page, which most often, even when closing, take the user to the advertised page.
  • Malicious - blocking Safari banners that require you to transfer a certain amount of money to the hacker to unlock. It is not very easy to stumble upon such banners, but wherever the address bar leads users.

Step 1: Go to the App Store and download one of the popular Safari ad blockers like Adguarg

Step 2: Launch the application Settings

Step 3. Go to item safari -> Content blocking rules

Step 4: Activate the ad blocker you downloaded from the App Store

In most cases, after that, you will need to launch the blocker application, which will activate and configure the necessary settings. Once the installation is complete, you can try the blocker in action - launch Safari and go to the site where the ads annoyed you before.

Note: Almost all ad blockers have settings that users can change manually. You can configure a lot: white list, blocking rules, select available filters, etc.


How to remove ads in iOS?

iTunes has dozens of great blockers, and each one works differently. The best blockers iPad and iPhone ads prevent intrusive ads and don't charge marketers to whitelist their ads. Some of the market leaders allow non-intrusive ads for mobile devices, and this is more correct, since sites need ads to earn some money and keep working. Usually, the user can decide for himself whether to add the favorite site to the exceptions, or whether the ads on it are too intrusive.

Apple introduced ad-blocking technology in iOS 9, allowing developers to create many Mac-based ad blockers. iOS 11 further expands the ad blocking experience by providing the ability to block trackers that monitor what you do online and which ads you should be shown. But this technology is not enabled by default.

How to enable ad blocker on iPhone or iPad:

  1. Install the lock app from the Apple App Store.
  2. Open and customize features if you need it.
  3. Go to iOS settings, go to Safari, click on Content Blockers.
  4. Select your app and activate it.
  5. Enjoy: Since Safari is the default browser, when you open any link from email, messenger or website, Safari will open and annoying ads will be blocked there.

The best ad blockers for iOS

To name one unequivocally the best and ideal is simply impossible. Because different brands offer their own functions, features, have some features. Nevertheless, we can advise three popular options that enjoy well-deserved respect from Runet users and the whole world.

AdBlock for iOS

AdBlock is a little different from other ad blocking apps. It uses your iPhone or iPad's proxy server to facilitate ad blocking across the entire device, including apps, other web browsers, and games. In the $1.99 Pro version, you can use DNS proxy to assign any IP address in the domain and block mobile trackers.

If you want to block all ads, including those that appear on your favorite free games, AdBlock can really help with that. By the way, you can sync your ad blocking settings across all your iOS devices via iCloud.

AdGuard for iOS

AdGuard blocks dozens of different types of ads to speed up Safari browsing on iPhone and iPad. You can set up rules for specific websites and manually block ads from sites as you visit them, or use ready lists filters such as EasyList and EasyPrivacy. With AdGuard Pro for $1.99, you can add the ability to use a local DNS proxy to block ads outside of Safari in other web browsers and apps.

Requires some understanding of the settings, but then it becomes very convenient.

Users have been waiting for this for a long time, but now this service is available for free use in the Apple App Store. This is the ability to remove ads in the Safari browser on iPhone and iPad. Effectively blocks everything unnecessary, provides privacy and saves battery, and also helps to spend less data.

Offers its own Adblock Browser with great functionality that is worth a try. It's pretty fast and flexible. The service, of course, shows some "acceptable" ads, but this feature can be turned off, although it is not too intrusive.

It is very difficult to describe all the services, since there are quite a lot of them. But if you're just going to try Ads Remover on iOS 11, we recommend choosing one of these apps that's guaranteed to be effective, safe, and convenient.

No matter what device you use, there is one thing that annoys absolutely everyone - it's ads. Today we will talk about how you can remove ads on your iPad and iPhone.

The topic is very interesting, because we are faced with this problem almost every day, and we know absolutely nothing about how to get rid of it.

How to disable ads in apps on iPhone/iPad?

As you understand, everyone wants to eat, and therefore, by downloading the free version of the product, you get a lot of ads that appear everywhere.

Ways to deal with this phenomenon are quite simple and now I will list them:

  • We turn off the Internet. All advertising usually comes from the Internet, so simply turning it off, you get rid of this problem very easily.
  • We pay money for disconnection. With the option when the toy is online, it is impossible to play without the Internet. Here you have to pay for the premium version.

Now is the era of applications, when everything seems to be free, but at the same time we get a lot of ads. In some cases, this is tolerable, but there are times when it is simply impossible to use.

How to remove ads in Safari on iPad/iPhone?

Many users of their devices prefer Safari as their default browser. It is especially convenient when you have a MacBook or iMac and everything is synchronized.

Naturally, there are quite a lot of advertisements that can be found when searching for information you need. You can get rid of it in one way - "blockers".

Starting with iOS 9, it became possible to install applications on your iPhone and iPad that simply remove rooted ads. Here are a couple of them:

  • Crystal (paid);
  • Adblock Fast (free);
  • Purify Blocker (paid);
  • 1Blocker (Free);
  • Blockr (paid).

As you can see, there are both free and paid versions. The choice is already yours and do not forget that sometimes everything does not work as correctly as we would like.

How to remove YouTube ads on iPad/iPhone?

Well, the last case where you can often find ads is YouTube. In recent years, its popularity has grown quite significantly.

Surely you like to watch a lot of videos on your iPad and iPhone, because it is quite convenient to do it on large screens.

But, as soon as you get into the taste of watching a video, then annoying ads immediately appear and sometimes it can not be removed after five seconds.

There is only one solution to the problem - YouTube Red. This is the name of the paid subscription from this site and one of the advantages is watching videos without ads.

In addition to comfortable viewing, we are also given a bunch of different features:

  • watching videos offline, save and watch later;
  • playback in background, most often more convenient to use with music;
  • Free access to Google Play Music.

All this miracle costs 12 dollars a month. I don’t know how much the subscription justifies itself, but you can definitely save your nerves, because you won’t see ads anymore.


In fact, this is probably all I wanted to tell you about how you can remove ads on your iPad or iPhone. Like all cases listed.

Maybe I missed something and if so, then write in the comments what it is and I will definitely add information about it.

Since the official release of iOS 9 in the App Store, it has been noticeable. But they didn’t last long at the top of the store: some disappeared without a trace, others simply “didn’t take off” and remained only for a narrow audience of users. Why did it happen?

Probably Apple deliberately did not popularize new feature iOS 9, so as not to deprive most sites on the Internet of earning money by displaying ads using banners. Just a few days ago, on November 19, the publishing holding Axel Springer sued the Blockr ad blocker because it believes that the application's activities on the media concern's websites are illegal. And this is just one of several cases.

Now there are very few applications for blocking ads (at least in the Russian store). For unknown reasons, users prefer not to download such software, perhaps due to distrust of the developer and fear for their personal data.

In many ways, application developers themselves played a big role in this situation. So, for example, the Peace blocker only became the leader among paid iOS applications, when its developer removed his . He considered that it was wrong to deprive companies of honest earnings.

Therefore, now few people use such programs - and if they do, it is only for specific sites.

The browser was developed by an apple company and is installed by default on all Apple gadgets. Now quite popular, especially popular on phones (iphone). Thanks to iPhones, it can compete with all modern browsers. Until recently, it had one big problem, installation of add-ons (extensions) was not supported, but the developers realized their miscalculation and from version 6 they gave the green light to add-ons. Now all the functionality can be expanded, both internally and with the help of external plugins and sites.

Let's go straight to the question how to remove ads in safari” and look at some ways in which you can implement this.

  1. Remove pop-ups using Safari settings.
  2. Installing the Adblock add-on.
  3. Using antivirus and ad blocking software.

Go to the video showing the use of these methods:

1. We remove pop-up windows using the Safari settings.

If you need to remove only pop-up windows, then go to the browser and on the top right we find the button “Display the main Safari settings menu”. In the drop-down list, there may immediately be an item "Block pop-up windows", if it is, click on it. If it is not there, then we find the “Settings” item below and go to it.

Window lock works, move on to the next method.

2. Installing the Adblock add-on.

You can find an add-on on the network and download it, it works perfectly, copes with its task to the fullest. I previously devoted an entire article to this topic, so I recommend that you go, read and follow all the steps. Here is the article: “”, painted in steps, it won’t take much time.

3.Use of antiviruses and programs for blocking ads.

In order to remove ads in Safari, you can also use other software products in the form of antiviruses, programs that block all ads (Adguard, Ad Muncher). But one minus this method in that you need to install them on your computer and they will eat your resources.

4. Installing the Adguard add-on.

Adguard - probably the most The best way to block and disable ads in Yandex browser. Details on how to install and configure it can be found in the article: "" The article fully describes the installation of this extension and provides a video for more detailed information.

If you use the methods described above together, you can get a good result in the form of a block, but for this you need to go through and configure all the steps that are described above. Forget about advertising, once and for all. Boost your productivity exponentially. I'll go write the next article, see you again on the pages of our blog.
