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How to make the very first slide in a presentation. How to make a presentation slide in PowerPoint. The Best Presentation Apps

Now even a schoolboy needs the skill of creating presentations. Not a single report can do without visual materials. The visual range makes the information more interesting and digestible. Therefore, everyone needs to learn how to make a presentation on a computer.

What is a presentation, for what purposes is it created

A presentation is a document that includes textual and graphical data, and sometimes audio. The pages that make up a presentation are called slides. The purpose of the creation is to improve the perception of information by listeners, and this is also done in order to make the report more exciting and memorable.

It can be presented:

  • electronic;
  • through the projector;
  • printed on a printer in the form of graphic materials;
  • posted on the Internet.

The presentation is created in special programs designed for this. One such program is PowerPoint.

Main components

Every presentation is made up of:

  • text;
  • tables;
  • charts and other graphs;
  • drawings;
  • animations.

Some reports also use video and audio materials.

How to make a presentation on a computer using PowerPoint - step by step guide with screenshots

One of the most popular programs for creating visual materials for a report is called PowerPoint. It is included in the Microsoft Office package along with Word and Excel, so almost everyone has it on their computer. Therefore, everyone can learn how to make presentations.

Work begins with the creation required document. This is done as follows: on the desktop, right-click the taskbar, in which you need to select the "Create" command, and in the window that opens after that - " Microsoft presentation Office PowerPoint. After selecting this command, a document will be created on the desktop, by default named "Presentation".

Double-clicking the left mouse button opens the document, it looks like this:

How newer version PowerPoint, the more modern its design

You can choose a different type of slide using the "Layout" subsection

After that, you can start working with its content.

General design

It is better to start work, starting with the choice of design. This is what the layout will be. "Design" is the third tab in the top left corner of the window:

All kinds of slide designs are compatible with both old and new versions of PowerPoint

Here you can choose the overall design of the slides, the color scheme of the design, fonts and applied effects. Here is what you can choose from in each of these tabs:

You can also use the effects found in the "Transitions" tab

You can choose the color scheme from the proposed range, or you can create your own design style:

Do not choose colorful and eye-catching colors

In the "Fonts" section, you can also choose from the proposed ones or enter something of your own:

Do not choose a rare font if you are going to show the presentation on another medium: it may not recognize it

Another important component of PowerPoint themes are effects, they provide customization of appearance. Theme effects can be applied automatically, whether the theme has been previously applied or not. You can also apply effects related to another theme by clicking the Theme Effects button, which is located in the upper right corner of the Design tab.

Work with text

One of the main components of the presentation is information in text form. The text is inserted into the body of the slide, usually from a Word document using the "Copy" - "Paste" command.

In addition, for working with text in PowerPoint, the Review tab is provided, with the help of which tools you can perform the following actions:

  • checking for spelling errors;
  • translation into other languages ​​(using the tools "Reference books", "Thesaurus", "Translation"), and to mark text or individual words for a specific language, use the "Language" button:

Optionally, in the "Home" section, you can change the font and other text parameters:

PowerPoint is easy to digest thanks to its lightweight and intuitive interface.

Working with images

Images add visibility to the presentation and make it more interesting for listeners. You can insert an image into a slide like this:

  • save the desired picture to the desktop;
  • sequentially select the “Insert” - “Picture” tabs in the upper left corner of the window, the “Insert Picture” window will open, where you need to select a graphic document, in this case it is the “225” file, which you must click on:

If your picture is not found during the search, try changing the query to "All Pictures" in the lower right corner

The result will be the following:

You can adjust its size on the slide yourself.

Working with tables and graphs

Inserting tables and graphs into the slide body is carried out in the same way as adding pictures through the "Insert" button (for this, you need to select the "Chart" button here, after which a window with chart types will open; you need to choose which type you need:

You can also change the colors of chart objects, their number

As a result, 2 windows will pop up: one is, in fact, with a chart of the selected type, and the second is with a table of initial data for the chart:

Inserting tables into a slide is carried out in the same way (see the left side of the window):

If there are more than eight columns, then you can add columns yourself by right-clicking on any column and choosing the desired location

After creating a table, the Design tab opens, where you can adjust the table format, color, and other data

Here you need to set the necessary parameters of the table and fill it with data.

Working with video and sounds

Video is inserted in the same way as photos and pictures, but when you add a video clip, the buttons "View", "Sound volume" and other tools for working with video files appear in the upper left corner of the window:

As you can see, you can select a video from both your computer and the Internet.

If the video will be shown on another medium, then you must definitely download the video and transfer it to it, otherwise the video will not be displayed

Working with animation

Animation is needed to customize the playback of slides, namely, the features of their appearance one after another. In the "Animation" tab, you can choose the following ways to change slides:

Animations make the presentation more interesting

  • lack of animation (slides will simply turn on one after another without any additional effects);
  • discoloration;
  • fading through black;
  • cutting;
  • cutting through black;
  • dissolution;
  • appearance from above, below, right, left;
  • symmetrical circular slide change.

Here you can also adjust the speed of the slide transition, as well as the sound design of the transition.

Save and run

There are two ways to save a document:

  1. Through the "Office" button: in the drop-down window, select "Save" or "Save As" (in the latter case, you can give the presentation your name and select the location on the computer where it will be saved).
  2. Through the "Save" button: in this case, you just need to click on it and then close the presentation:

The presentation is launched through the "Show" button, which appears when you right-click on the presentation:

You can also do this in PowerPoint in the Slideshow tab.

After clicking on this button, the presentation opens, after which you can start the slide show:

Slides can be switched using the space bar

Additional Information

When showing slides, you can use various graphical tools for clarity, for example, a pointer (it is called by right-clicking on the screen):

The dot in the picture is the pointer

Other presentation programs, including online

There are other presentation tools besides PowerPoint. Let's consider some of them:

  1. impress. Almost the same as PowerPoint. Unlike PowerPoint, in Impress you can export a document not only to the standard view, but also to HTML and SWF formats, but converting to a video file is not possible.
  2. Kingsoft Presentation. Allows you to work on multiple presentations at the same time. You can insert text, graphics, charts, tables, videos in Flash format into slides. The document is saved in Kingsoft Presentation (.dps) format or in PowerPoint format(.ppt). You can also convert your presentation to pdf.
  3. ProShow Producer. Unlike previous tools, ProShow Producer is a professional paid program. You can download a free trial version for 15 days. Provides ample opportunities for working with templates, including adjusting the brightness, contrast, removing the "red-eye" effect.
  4. PromoShow. A program for creating promotional presentations and clips containing 3D effects. Allows you to work with text, video, photos. Includes about 120 effects. But for ordinary ones, for example, educational presentations, such a program is simply not needed.
  5. Prezi. English-language program for advertising presentations. Like the previous one, it presents a wide range of opportunities for creating clips, but subject to English proficiency.
  6. VideoScribe. Program for creating animated presentations. This approach allows you to present information in the most interesting way, for example, to interest potential customers. The program contains a large selection of animation methods.
  7. slidedog. SlideDog is a program for combining various graphic objects, text documents, videos, animations, audio tracks, web pages and even YouTube videos. The program can even be synchronized with mobile application and manage your presentation from your phone.
  8. Hippani Animator. A program for creating video presentations, it can also add sound. When saving a presentation as an HTML document, remote broadcasts can be performed. The program is paid, the trial period is 30 days.
  9. wink. Makes presentations from actions performed on a computer screen. It looks like a video clip.
  10. Adobe Presenter. In addition to the same features that PowerPoint provides, there are tools for creating online tests and surveys.

As can be seen from the above, there is a wide range of tools for creating presentations. However, if you need a presentation for a training report, PowerPoint will suffice.

General rules and design secrets

Exist general rules, the implementation of which is necessary for your report to be successful:

  • presentation of information should be as simple as possible;
  • graphic information should prevail over text;
  • the speaker should not read from the slides;
  • text and pictures on slides should be large;
  • You need to carefully prepare for the performance and rehearse it.

If these conditions are not met, the listeners will initially tense up and get annoyed, and then they may even fall asleep.

How to avoid common mistakes when creating and displaying

Here are the most common mistakes people make when creating presentations and how to avoid them:

  • sorting information. Instead, present information as concisely as possible;
  • black stripes on the sides of the picture on the slide (photo format 4:3). Use widescreen instead;
  • placement of the logo and contacts of the organization on each slide. Instead, leave this information on the title slide only;
  • use of typical pictures that are copied from document to document. Instead, use original photos;
  • photo with a white background on colored slides. It is better to remove such a background.

If you follow these rules and avoid common mistakes, it will be much easier for your listeners to perceive the information that the presentation carries.

How to Create a Unique PowerPoint Presentation: Video Tutorial

How to work in PowerPoint 2013/2016?: tutorial video

Presentation skills are useful for almost everyone. modern people. If you do not have goals for creating professional slides (for example, for advertising campaigns), then special programs, in principle, will replace PowerPoint. There are general design rules that you should learn before making a presentation in order to avoid the most common mistakes.

Hello! For a long time I wanted to write a post on how to make a presentation on a computer using the PowerPoint program, thanks to which I implemented the introductory part in the free video course "".

Personally, I really liked this idea, I hope you do too, and whoever did not watch this video presentation lost a lot.

If you are planning to make money online in the near future by selling your own information products, then you cannot do without presentations. Look around, in almost every video course, the creators build a dialogue with the listener only through slides, where they explain all the ins and outs of the topic being disclosed.

The same goes for offline performances in front of an audience. I know for myself how much easier it is to digest information if it is presented in this way, and it is much easier for a speaker to attract the attention of listeners through beautiful and informative slides.

No wonder this direction has received such a huge development in economics, engineering, marketing, design and other industries. After all, it has long been proven that what a person hears will be able to remember by 60%, what he sees - by 70%, and what he hears and sees - by 90%.

I decided to divide this article into 2 parts in order to separate computer programs from online services in which will learn to create beautiful presentations.

What is a presentation?

As practice shows, all good presentations made by computer programs consist of the same set of components, and your task will only be to choose each of them.

Program. A special program should be responsible for the work of the presentation. If you are doing it on a computer, then the best solution is free program PowerPoint, which is part of the Microsoft Office package, by the way, is also where everyone loves Word and Excel.

Anyone who does not want to load the computer system with third-party programs can use online services that perform the same role as PowerPoint. Perhaps the most powerful is Prezi, which will be discussed in the article "".

Text. Where you will take the text, decide for yourself. If you write it from your head and your own developments, it’s cool, but not for every type of presentation you can do this.

For example, for scientific reports, it is best to take the text from textbooks, essays, term papers, as the presentation will have a scientific style and the gag will be inappropriate here. Also, do not forget about forums, websites, as well as blogs, where you can always find information of interest.

Images. Thanks to the pictures, the information in the presentation acquires a visual coloring. You can use your own photos as sources, but 99% of creators resort to image search from Yandex and Google.

Sound. Monotonously changing slides are of no interest to anyone. It would be nice to put nice music in the background, and throughout the presentation of the material, turn on the soundtrack with your own voice so that the listener understands what is happening on the screen.

What should not be in a presentation: 4 beginner mistakes

If you are going to make a presentation correctly, then pay attention to a number of mistakes that beginners make.

#1 - Audience. You need to know what audience your presentation will be designed for. You should not try to please beginners and professionals at the same time, as the presentation of information will be different for each of them. Keep in mind the age of the audience and their interests.

#2 - Convenience. Think about where you will show your slide presentation. How far will the audience be located from you, whether it will be convenient for them to read the text and hear the speaker.

Also take care of the colors of the slides, because very bright colors will only distract the audience and cause inconvenience when reading.

No. 3 - Decoration. Do not sculpt the text with one footcloth. Feel free to divide it into paragraphs and increase the line spacing if you want listeners to read it from any distance.

#4 - Bloat. Don't overload your presentation with pictures and other bells and whistles that will only irritate your audience by giving the false impression that you didn't want to take the presentation seriously.

How to make a presentation in PowerPoint

We now come to the practical part of this guide. It makes no sense to explain what the graphic component of the presentation should be, since this issue is dealt with by a separate science - infographics. I will only talk about the technical side of working in PowerPoint.

Launch the PowerPoint program this moment I'm using the version that comes with Office 2007.

If you have already used some other product from the Office line, then there is practically nothing new for you. appearance will not be.

All programs from Office, Microsoft creates one similarity, where calling card is a tabbed ribbon at the top of the screen that includes a set of editing tools.

Below is a slide, or to be more precise, its workspace, where dotted lines mark places for text, images, videos, graphs and charts - in a word, everything that needs to be shown in the presentation.

Such places can be rotated, resized, moved around the slide, deleted or added new.

To the left of the working area of ​​the slide window, a tab listing all the available slides in the presentation is displayed. In this way, you can create new slides and quickly move on to editing them.

Introduction to the contents of PowerPoint is over, now let's move on to creating the simplest presentation, which is the basis for more complex ones.

To do this, in the "Home" tab, click on the "Create Slide" link and select from the proposed layouts the type future presentation.

I decided to make a presentation consisting of three slides, so I repeated this procedure several times.

Then, in the "Design" tab, select the color scheme for each slide. Here you can change the background style, color, font, color scheme, as well as page size and slide orientation (portrait or landscape).

To add an image to the presentation, go to the "Insert" tab, select the "Picture" element, find it in the computer files and confirm the choice.

As for the chart, here you will first need to choose a template. The program offers a huge variety of ready-made charts to choose from: line, pie, scatter, etc.

Then a window will open in Excel, where you should enter the data values.

In a test presentation, I displayed income accounting using a bar chart.

We create a table in the same way. The constructor will automatically prompt you to select the number of columns and rows.

After that, it remains only to fill in the values.

The soundtrack for the slides is added from the "Sound" element. In the same way as the picture, you will need to select an audio file on your computer.

After that, we select it in the presentation, and an additional menu "Working with sounds" - "Options" appears. From where you can make volume settings, the type of playback (on click or automatically), the maximum size of the audio file.

By the way, if the latter exceeds the specified limit, then the file will have to be saved along with the presentation, and only a link will be inserted in the slide.

After the content of the slides is ready, go to the "Animation" tab and add effects. PowerPoint has a huge selection of bells and whistles, for example, I like it when slide transitions occur in the form of an appearance from the center.

You can also specify how the slides will change during the presentation (on click, automatically and after a certain period of time).

At the final stage, it remains to determine the order in which the slides are shown in the presentation using the Slide Show tab. Specify which one will be the first, how long it will take before the shift, etc.

If you suddenly need to edit a computer presentation in Office of an earlier version, then when saving, select a format compatible with PowerPoint 97-2003.

At the end of the post, I will tell you how I made a presentation for my video course. After you have added slides, placed pictures, text and set up animation, turn on the program to record video from the monitor screen Camtasia Studio.

Then you launch the presentation and, with a mouse click, change the slide show and read out their contents. Before saving the resulting video, I add background music.

Everything is elementary, but most paid information products are created according to this principle, so go for it.

That's all for today, next time we will continue to study this material, but only on the example of online services. Bye!

A presentation is a great way to make your presentation more understandable and interesting to the public. Now presentations are created mainly in the PowerPoint program, which comes with Microsoft's office suite. In this article, you can get acquainted with a small step-by-step instruction on how to create presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint. The article will be relevant for PowerPoint 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

Step 1. Launch PowerPoint.

To start creating a presentation, simply launch PowerPoint. This can be done using a desktop shortcut.

If there is no shortcut for PowerPoint on your desktop, you can launch the program by searching the Start menu. To do this, open the Start menu and search for "PowerPoint".

Step number 2. We choose the design of the future presentation.

After PowerPoint is launched, you can immediately start creating a presentation. It is best to start with design, for this go to the "Design" tab. On this tab, you will see a large list of ready-made presentation designs. Choose one of the available options.

To the right of the list of pre-made designs, there are Colors, Fonts, Effects, and Background Styles buttons. With these buttons, you can adjust the selected design to your requirements. You can change the color and font of the text, the background color of the presentation, and add additional effects.

If ready-made designs are not enough for you, then you can search the Internet for other templates for PowerPoint presentations.

Step #3. Create slides.

After choosing a design, you can start creating slides for your future presentation. This is done using the "Create Slide" button, which is located on the "Home" tab. Click the down arrow below the Create Slide button to open a menu of available slides.

In the menu that opens, you will see several types of slides. These are the Title Slide, the Title and Object slide, the Section Title slide, the Two Objects slide, and so on. Choose the type of slide that suits you and click on it with the mouse. For example, we will create a title and object slide. This will result in a new slide with a title at the top of the slide and an empty box at the bottom.

Step number 4. Filling in the created slides.

After creating a slide, you can fill it with information. To get started, you can change the title of the slide, to do this, double-click on the inscription "Slide Title" and enter another text.

After the title is entered, you can fill in the empty field under the title. If there should be text under the heading, then simply click on the empty field and enter the desired text.

If there should be some other information under the heading, for example, a video or a picture, then for this you need to use the buttons that are located in the middle of this field. There are six buttons available for inserting tables, charts, SmartArt, photos, pictures from your PowerPoint library, and videos.

When creating presentations in PowerPoint, photos are most often inserted, so we will consider this option. In order to insert a photo from a file, you need to click on the button with the image of the photo. After that, a window for selecting a photo will appear. Select the desired photo and click on the "Insert" button.

The photo of your choice will then appear below the title of the slide.

Thus, you have created a PowerPoint presentation from one slide. To add another slide, return to the Home tab, click the New Slide button again, and add another slide to your presentation. After that, you can fill in another slide with information. Repeat this procedure until the presentation is ready.

Step #5: Preview your presentation.

In order to evaluate the created presentation, go to the "Slide Show" tab and click on the "From Beginning" button there. After that, the presentation will open in full screen, and you can see how it will look in its finished form.

You can also click on the "From Current Slide" button. In this case, the playback of the presentation will not start from the beginning, but from the frame where you stopped while working with the presentation.

Step #6: Save the presentation.

After the presentation is created, it must be saved. To do this, open the "File" menu and select the "Save As" option.

As a result, a window for saving the file will open. In this window, you need to select a folder and click on the "Save" button. This way you will get the file PowerPoint presentations in PPTX format, which you can then open and continue creating your presentation.

If your presentation is already ready to be shown, then you need to additionally save it in a different format. To do this, you need to use the “File - Save As” menu in the same way, but before saving, change the format to “PowerPoint Demonstration”.

After such saving, you will receive a file in PPSX format. The advantage of this format is that the presentation starts playing immediately after opening it, while the interface of the PowerPoint program does not even appear. But, files in PPSX format cannot be edited, so the presentation must be saved in both PPTX and PPSX formats.

If you want to present information in a structured way business partners or the whole room at the event, it is worth making it in the form of a presentation, not a Word document. A concise presentation of the main ideas will serve as an excellent accompaniment to oral speech. And it doesn’t matter if you still don’t know how to work with the relevant programs - how to make a presentation on a computer: step-by-step instruction with a photo will tell you in detail.

Presentation plan

Before picking up a mouse or typing, think over a speech plan. You can build it according to one of the run-in templates, for example, “Problem - solution - arguments”, or think over your own version of the structure. The main thing is that the sequence of presentation should lead the audience to the idea that you put into the presentation as the main goal.

What to use to create a presentation

There are various tools for preparing presentation materials:

  • editors installed on a PC. If you are in doubt about which program on your computer is better to make a presentation, try the de facto standard PowerPoint and one of its analogues, for example, the free Impress from the OpenOffice package. Compare the sensations and choose the right tool for you;
  • online services that require only a browser. Both Microsoft and Google and other companies have such tools.

How to make a presentation on a computer in PowerPoint

For example, let's figure out how to make a presentation in the most popular Point. All screenshots below assume office suite 2013 or newer. In 2010 and 2007, the steps may be slightly different.

How to create a presentation and add slides

To make a presentation, you must first click on the “Create” item in the “File” section of the Power Point menu, and then select one of the proposed options on how to arrange it (you can then change it yourself). Each theme comes with a good mix of backgrounds, key colors, fonts, and other settings. You can also immediately click "Create", then the "empty" template will be used.

To add slides, use the special button in the "Home" submenu.

Clicking on the bottom of the button will open a selection of one of the preset slide layouts.

If you want to make a picture as a background, or fill it (with a single color or as a gradient), select Design from the presentation menu in Microsoft PowerPoint and then from the tools select Background Format. A special panel will open where you can switch between options and adjust their parameters.

Changes you make are applied to the selected slide by default.

Hint: The quick save command is Ctrl-S.

Work with text

To add an inscription to the desired element, first click on it. After that, you can type text.

In PowerPoint, you can use various decorations, such as a colored background under the text or changing the color of the letters, to make your presentation look beautiful. To do this, select a piece of text and then use the appropriate element from the main tab.

If you need to change the background or border of a text element, then first select it with a click, and then on the Format tab, use the buttons to fill or outline the shape.

The Text Effects button in the same section allows you to add:

  • shadows;
  • reflections;
  • backlight;
  • relief.

You can also expand or transform text.

Inserting additional elements

To insert images, use a separate button in the Insert section. By clicking on it, a file selection dialog will open, where you need to specify an image and click "Insert". Also in this section of the menu there are tools for adding tables, charts and other elements.

If your own graphics are not enough, you can choose to insert an image from the Internet. The search is performed using the Bing search engine developed by Microsoft.

Life hack: for quick insertion, you can use the icons that appear directly in the empty field.

How to make a hyperlink in a presentation

If you're preparing a presentation to send to someone, knowing how to hyperlink it to an online resource will come in handy. This is useful when you need to add regularly updated content, but the file will no longer be available.

Select the piece of text that will be used as a link. Next, open the "Insert" menu, and in it click on the link button. A submenu will appear with two options.

Working with multimedia

To make your slide presentation more lively, you can add a media file on your computer to it, or you can create a new one. To do this, use the corresponding item in the insert submenu.

By clicking on it, a choice of options will appear:

  • video - allows you to specify a video from a PC or from the Internet;
  • sound - allows the integration of an existing track or the recording of a new audio fragment;
  • screen recording - calls a special module for recording actions, in which you can specify the area, activate sound (from the microphone) and display the mouse pointer.

Applying transitions and animations

Animations, as well as transitions, the developers considered enough important elements presentations to make separate menu tabs for them.

Various preset options are available for transitions between slides, such as shift or fade. By default, they are not active, so choose the appropriate type yourself.

Additionally, you can specify the sound used, set the duration of the effect and specify when it should work - on click or after a certain time.

The animation submenu allows you to apply effects to individual slide elements. For example, you can set up the sequential appearance of list items, as in automatic mode by a set delay, and by a click (if the presenter prefers to manage the process himself).

Demonstration and presentation

When the preparation is over, you need to rehearse the performance. You can make a presentation right on your laptop, as if you were presenting a presentation to potential listeners. To do this, go to the "Slideshow" tab and select the leftmost icon (if you want to start from the very beginning) or the second one, to start from the current position.

Nearby is an icon for conducting a demonstration via the network. This a good option if you want to show it to a remote listener. However, there is another way that allows you to make a full-fledged video from a presentation on a computer, including media inserts, both photos and music - this is to run it as a slide show recording.

In this mode, you can add voice-overs and pointer movement to your slides. Also, the program will automatically fix the time intervals. After that, all that remains is to use the "Save As" option from the File submenu.

And specify one of the available video formats as the result type - for example, MPEG-4.

Keep in mind that this operation may take a significant amount of time, especially on weak PCs.

Online tools

If you need to make a presentation for free, but want to do without PowerPoint, you can use online tools (however, you can hardly do without registration). However, if you already have a Microsoft or Google account, the corresponding services will be available to you.

PowerPoint Online

An online version of MS Presentation Editor is available at . Its principle of action coincides with a similar program for a PC.

However, there are also some differences. For example, there is no option to add a chart in the insert panel. But pictures, tables, shapes and hyperlinks are easily added.

Also, by default, a simplified display mode of the menu ribbon is used, but it can be returned to the full view with the switch at the top.

Google Slides

Google has allocated an entire domain to create a new presentation - .

You can also jump to the appropriate tool directly from the service itself .

Functionally, the editor is similar to its counterpart from Microsoft - and even knows how to save it in its format.

Plus there is support for charts along with other objects.

How to avoid preparation mistakes

Leave only the most necessary slides. If there are too many of them, the attention of the listeners will be overloaded, they will hardly remember everything.

The same applies to the content of the slides: it is better to leave only the key thoughts or ideas, accompanied by a vivid and memorable illustration. Long text should be avoided, as the audience switches to reading and stops paying attention to the speaker.

If you need to mention some facts, it is better to use slide notes. In PowerPoint, you can open them from the bottom of the screen.

Finally, check the presentation for errors - factual, logical, spelling. All of them reduce the credibility of the speaker.

The modern world has entered a stage of active progress, which is already difficult to contain. New technologies are created, new companies are opened, various communities appear, corporations are created, people are educated, etc. Such active development requires a technological approach to providing information, which, in fact, drives all these processes. It is the ability to correctly provide data, colorfully describe processes and, with the help of computer technology prove your point of view - all this allows you to achieve incredible success and results. That is why people needed the ability to create presentations. But here the question immediately arises, how to make a presentation with slides? How to make it colorful and acceptable? What programs are needed to implement the plan? From this article you can get everything necessary information, which will allow you not only to understand how to create representative presentations, but also how to do it in all available ways.

What is a presentation?

How to make a presentation with slides? The answer to this question is quite simple, so at first it is worth understanding the meaning of this word and its meaning. Presentation - a universal and interactive presentation of various kinds of information using text, statistical data, diagrams, sound, video, etc. Thanks to this feature, you can colorfully present information, compose great amount data and put it all before the public in a concise and understandable way. The presentation has the property of heightened understanding, that is, those who follow this type of presentation of information and listen to the speaker perceive the data much easier and remember them more easily. It remains only to figure out how to make a presentation on a computer with slides. This can be done in several ways, thanks to universal programs.

How to create a presentation?

It is a set of slides with various information that you need to be able to line up in logical chains and present to the public correctly. How to make a presentation with sound and slides? This is not a problem: almost any program that is related to the creation of interactive performances has sound overlay functions. Therefore, this moment is not so unattainable. How to make a presentation with slides and music? The principle of adding music tracks will be identical to how a simple sound is added. Therefore, there is no need to worry about this possibility. It is there, and it is not so difficult to use it. But to be able to create the presentation itself, you need to understand that this requires special programs. For example, Word, PowerPoint, Sony Vegas and many others. It is also possible to create presentations directly on the Internet, with several people at once. And almost each of these tools has everything you need to create high-quality interactive material. But in order not to look for what exactly to use for a long time, the recommendations of our article will already give their own tip on best programs in this category.

Universal program "Word"

How to make a presentation with slides on Windows 7? It is enough to have the Word program for this, which at first glance is intended for typing and formatting it. But if you correctly approach the use of the functions of this program, then you can create a high-quality presentation, however, it should be borne in mind that animation cannot be added, but it is not always needed. Otherwise, Word has all the tools to create full-fledged interactive content. The main thing is not to forget to turn on the "view mode" during the speech, which will allow you to scroll through your presentation. It is also worth noting that "Word" is budget option creation, if, for example, you do not have the opportunity to use more versatile programs. The program is so simple that the question of how to make a presentation with slides in Word should not be difficult. It just takes a little effort.

Other Creation Options

So, how to make a presentation with slides in Word? There should be no more problems with this question, since almost everyone uses Word. But there are other questions that may arise unexpectedly in the process of deliberation. For example, how to make a presentation with slides on Windows 7 without using specialized programs? Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to do this, even the option with separate pictures should not be considered, because they also need to be created somewhere. It is better to use all available means and not rack your brains.


How to make a presentation with slides in PowerPoint? To do this, just install this program for yourself and use it. In the process of working with this tool, you will find a huge number of various elements that will allow you to create an interactive presentation with the highest quality. Thanks to PowerPoint, all the highest quality and incredible presentation interactive projects are created. This program is a versatile and the best tool for creating presentations, which is recommended to be used in the first place if the amount of available functions and quality are important to you. How to make a presentation with slides in this program? The main thing is to give free rein to your imagination and understand what exactly you need. Feel free to experiment and use whatever is available on the toolbar in PowerPoint. Only after careful attempts will you be able to figure out and understand how real masterpieces are created.

Presentation features

It is rather difficult to judge the possibilities of interactive projects, since they depend primarily on your desire and imagination. It is the one who creates the presentation that breathes life, colors and interest into it. Regarding the technical side of the possibility of creating interactive, there are a lot of possibilities. You can upload videos of any production, and insert music, adjust the display time, add animation, graphics, tables, text and much more. There are no restrictions on this, except perhaps in time, because presentations cannot be endless. The rest is complete freedom of action. The main thing is that you need to clearly understand your topic, your goals and simply skillfully handle all the elements of the program.

Universal software package

That, in fact, is everything you need to know about how to make a presentation with slides. Thinking and dreaming about a specialized software package is not worth it, since it simply does not exist. You can personally assemble your own assembly of programs. For example, PowerPoint should become the basis, in addition to it, a video editor is needed that allows you to perform operations on video and sound. A program that allows you to work with images will be a plus, but Photoshop is perfect here. That, in fact, is all the necessary assembly, which allows you to approach the creation of personal presentations with the highest quality and fruitfulness. It remains only to learn everything, but this is up to you, since training can last in different ways, and the goals of obtaining new skills are always different. Understanding these programs is not so difficult, the main thing is to have patience and desire, which, in fact, is rare. And if you really want to gain professional skills in this matter, then do not hesitate - start mastering right now. The programs have a Russian interface, which will facilitate the process of self-development.

Presentations are the future

So, the question, in which program to make a presentation with slides, we think, should no longer worry you, since you can easily answer it to anyone who is interested. It should be understood that, despite the progress, new technologies, the active development of the IT component and programs, the presentation will always come first in any project. And if you master the art of creation now, then in the future you will not have problems with this direction in any field.
