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I will rent my body for tattoo advertising. The best selection of materials for the question: Which company is willing to pay for tattoo advertising on my body? Forever and ever

Billy Gibby, who once promised to set a world record for promotional body tattoos, regrets he can't turn back the clock. After selling his skin for almost a decade, the man changed his mind.
The American, covered from head to toe with tattoos, has become quite a well-known personality on the worldwide web.

The failed boxer often drew attention to himself with his unusual actions: a man working in low-paid positions gave his kidney to a stranger, and then began to offer his body as advertising space.

Now Billy's face is covered in inscriptions that do not carry cultural significance or a motive that hints at the worldview of this person. Instead of artistic patterns, Gibby's skin is full of advertisements, and most of the sites that ordered the tattoo no longer exist. The words “freak”, “video” and the domain suffix “com” are the most common.

The idea to use himself as a living billboard came to the mind of an American ten years ago, when he combined two jobs and was desperate for money, so he placed an online casino tattoo on his back that brought him $ 10,000.

Now not only the man's body, but also his face is covered with 38 tattoos, which he wants to get rid of. According to Billy, he was driven to sell his skin by fear for the children and a progressive disease that he did not know about.

The fact is that the man was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depressive psychosis - a disease characterized by mixed states: depressive and manic, or euphoric and inhibited.

“Because of my condition, I could not stay at one job for a long time, although the authorities always treated me well. But it was not bipolar disorder that made me look for new clients on the Internet, but fear for my children. The thought that I would not be able to pay the rent and they would become homeless chilled me to the bone. Children are much more important than my face,” says Gibby.

The doctors convinced the tattooed American to take special medications stabilizing his condition.

“I have always believed that the world is unfair and people hate each other. I tried to help others. But after the treatment, I realized that I was wrong in many ways. Who donates their kidneys to strangers? And if my child needs a donor organ, will someone come to his aid? I do not regret what I did and the drawings on my body. The only thing that upsets me is the reflection of my face in the mirror, ”the advertising man says bitterly.

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The first myth is a temporary tattoo. Temporary tattoos do not exist. What is a tattoo in essence? Subcutaneous paint application. If you apply a special paint and not very deep under the skin, then the pattern will indeed lose its shape and shape after a while, but will not completely disappear. After the so-called temporary tattoo, a blurry spot can easily remain on the body. Therefore, no self-respecting master working in a tattoo parlor will undertake to apply you a temporary tattoo.

The second myth is that a tattoo is very painful. Many who are going to decorate their body with an intricate and not very pattern think about how painful this process is. Some are ready to pay any money in order not to feel anything when drawing a picture on the body. Indeed, every tattoo artist should have everything necessary in order to make local anesthesia at the request of the client, but is it worth it to rush to lay out your hard-earned money for additional service? Worth asking...

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Ready-made business plan for a tattoo parlor

The ancient art of tattooing is experiencing a rebirth. Decorating the body with drawings has become fashionable. And where there is fashion, there is an opportunity to make good money. A Moscow tattoo parlor has a monthly profit of more than $5,000.

Client portrait: from artist to minister

The first firms that turned "body painting" into a mass service appeared in Russia in the late 80s. Today there are dozens of them in Moscow alone. And the ranks of such salons continue to grow following the growing interest in tattooing and related arts - piercing and body art.

The tattoo has ceased to be perceived in our country as an attribute of the criminal world. Commemorative signs are applied to the body not only by rock stars, athletes and young people who imitate them. For example, a year ago the minister of emergencies Sergei Shoigu, whose left bicep is now decorated with a drawing with the symbols of the Ministry of Emergencies.

Typically, tattoo parlors perform a range of services. That...

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How to care for a tattoo

So you passed long haul. After the first acquaintance with what tattoos are and why they are needed, you spent some time studying the features of various styles, inventing the plot of the future picture and creating the final sketch. After the idea of ​​a wearable painting was completely ready for implementation, you found a qualified craftsman who not only understands the idea, but can also perform even the most complex work with high quality.

Before a person who makes his first tattoo, a number of important questions inevitably arise:

If you have read the previous articles answering two important issues, it's time to talk about tattoo care. As you already know from the previous article, in the process of drawing with a needle, the skin is subjected to mechanical stress, resulting in a burn. There is no need to have illusions about the harmlessness of this process, because the part of the body on which the picture is applied is really ...

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Nowadays, drawings that are applied with henna (biotat) are a good alternative to conventional tattoos. Henna drawings last only a couple of days, being a bright decoration for the body. Temporary tattoos are much safer jewelry than regular tattoos, because there is no risk of skin infection. Biotatu were and are more of a feminine adornment than a masculine one.
The technology of drawing a pattern on the skin is very simple. With the help of henna, you can decorate the body with any pattern. Temporary tattoos can be easily applied to any area of ​​the skin. Usually they use a ready-made stencil or make a tattoo drawing using parchment and connect the lines. Some craftsmen have learned to draw without a template. But for inexperienced people, it is better to use a template prepared in advance.
Henna paste can be prepared on your own without any special skills, or you can go the easy way and buy a ready-made tube in the store.
If a tattoo made with henna is properly cared for, then it ...

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Dear friends. The game takes a long time to load. So be patient. Everything will be uploaded soon :)

Everyone loves jewelry. Someone wears watches, someone wears jewelry, and someone prefers to decorate their body with drawings, that is, tattoos. Of course, you can make a simple tattoo for yourself, but it is better to contact a master who will quickly and professionally fulfill all your wishes and help you achieve individuality. Are you ready to try yourself in this role? If yes, then the flash game “Tattoo Salon” is for you. With it, you can get acquainted with the sequence, technique, and even the specifics of the work of a tattoo master. In this game, everything is very consistent and painted point by point. This is done to avoid confusion. First you need to choose one of three girls who are potential clients - Draculaura, Frankie Stein and Clawdeen Wolf. After making your choice, the client will introduce herself, tell about herself, as well as what kind of image she would like...

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Salons, except for tattoos, should still work as A. Shop (sell equipment and consumables) and B. School (train masters, improve existing skills, organize exhibitions and master classes). This, of course, is not as profitable (in terms of quick cash returns) as the tattoo itself. But it is necessary to raise the image of your salon "in the eyes of the public."

Opening a tattoo parlor: Opinion of the authorities

According to the documents, we have no tattoo parlors. The opened salon is equated to a treatment room and goes through the same stages of registration. In addition, each employee must have a sanitary book. The presence of a medical education, on the contrary, is optional. However, SES likes to go to tattoo parlors more often than anywhere else.

Opening a tattoo parlor: Study

A novice tattoo artist needs to carefully study the books (there are 3 of them so far) by Roman Egorov, the guru of Russian tattoos. In addition, it is advisable to attend a tattoo convention, the best of which are held in...

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Tattoo Henna Recipes

Recipes for making henna tattoo paste (mehendi)

The composition of the henna tattoo solution may vary. We present the most popular of them.

For breeding henna, strong tea, coffee, red wine and even walnut tincture are used. A little sugar, lemon juice and eucalyptus oil are added to the mixture. The intensity of the pattern depends on the quantitative ratio of the ingredients. Usually henna is taken as much as necessary to complete the drawing. In India, recipes for henna tattoo compositions have been passed down from generation to generation.

The proposed option is one of the traditional ones:
1. A very strong brew of tea is being prepared (the stronger it is, the darker the tone of the pattern will turn out).
2. Half a cup of tea leaves is mixed with the juice of half a lemon and 2 tablespoons of sugar.
3. With the resulting solution, the henna powder is diluted to a thick paste.
4. Composition for mehendi...

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Ready business tattoo parlor plan

The term "body art" today combines all types creative works“on the body” - piercing, tattooing, permanent makeup, creating picturesque paintings for one party. However, do not be misled by the word "art": in the vast majority of cases, these "folk crafts" are, first of all, very profitable business and only then - art for sale.

Personality Production Line

All types of body art are as old as the world. The oldest tattoos dating back to the fourth millennium BC were found on Egyptian mummies. The practice of applying permanent drawings under the skin was widespread among many peoples. For example, among the ancient Slavs, this was the privilege of married women - the keepers of the hearth.

A sharply negative attitude towards tattoos in Europe began to be cultivated with the spread of Christianity. But already in the 18th century, from distant islands where missionaries were sent, sailors began to bring...

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Mehendi (mehndi) is a beautiful body painting using natural henna, this is a whole art that originates many centuries ago.
For five centuries, the women of mysterious India have depicted beautiful and exquisite designs on their bodies. IN modern world many girls use henna for mehendi for the sake of pleasure, as well as in order to emphasize their style and uniqueness.
Drawing is applied completely painlessly. Henna drawings for mehendi can be very diverse, it all depends on your imagination. You can apply them yourself using special mehendi stencils.
Application is made on clean skin, it is desirable to additionally degrease the application site with an alcohol composition. After application, it is desirable to withstand the paste for 6-8 hours. Then gently scrape off the remnants of henna with a blunt object. Gaining color mehendi during the day, it reaches a dark brown color. On the palms and feet, henna painting always appears brighter and lasts longer. To maintain the drawing...

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Fifty years ago, the tattoo was considered a sign of rebels and social outcasts - bikers, sailors. However, now a simple average girl may have a unicorn on her ankle or butterflies on the bottom of her back. Tattoos have been a part of our history since the Stone Age and they are featured in almost every culture around the world - from the ancient Greeks and Romans to Africans, Native Americans and Polynesians. Below are 10 facts about tattoos, ranging from the stigma of prostitutes (tramps) to gangster body art and mummy tattoos.

10. Legality

Now on the streets of cities such as Boston or New York you can see a lot of tattoo parlors, but few people know that such a rapid development began recently. Many states took extreme measures to ban tattoos altogether in the 1960s, when the hepatitis outbreak hysteria reached a breaking point.

In New York, tattoos were banned from 1961 until 1997, which caused artists to...

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commercial tattoos

A commercial tattoo is usually done for one of two reasons: the desire to make money or stupidity and bigotry. This type tattoos originated in the old days, when tattooed artists who traveled with numerous freak-shows showed their bodies for money. In the 18th century, men and women showed their tattoos to onlookers willing to pay at fairs. Given the scarcity of inexpensive entertainment in those days, they were ready to pay for the spectacle of tattooing. However, at the present time, this profession has lost its former popularity - they no longer look at a person with a painted body as a freak, and, accordingly, there is nothing to pay for.

But the XX century opened a new subspecies of commercial tattoo - Brand name tattoo. Apologists for this type of tattoo put logos of various companies on the body, and often without getting a penny for it. The most popular company whose name can be seen on the bodies of fans is, of course, the firm ...

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Body like a billboard: "This place could be your ad"

Advertising on tattoos is a product of the "era of creativity". The more companies understand that they can promote their brand in this way, the more people want to sell the most attractive parts of their body for this. And, for example, they place ads like "I will rent the body as advertising space" on the eBay auction.

"The use of tattoos in advertising, like any other visual image, is appropriate if it corresponds to the main purpose of the advertising message," says Olga Dashevskaya, managing partner of the PR Inc./DDB Russia Group agency. "Advertising is always a visual impact, and one cannot say that that tattoos have some special properties. However, the brand manager of the Everest group of companies, Alina Zebelyan, rightly notes that in the era of creativity, "r Advertising has ceased to carry its original informative function and has turned into a race, no, not weapons, but designers, art directors and their boundless imagination."

skull billboards

Computer scientists are also people who are fond of. Companies that make their favorite technology and convenience software sometimes become so important to them that they decide to immortalize their logos on their bodies. Photo gallery of "computer" tattoos.

People in Russia are afraid of tattoos

"The tattoo in advertising has become something like a vampire image that attracts all the attention target audience, - says the candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, head of the advertising department of the Moscow State Institute. E.R. Dashkov Mikhail Nikitin. - And the advertised (and advertising) brand itself of perfume, skin care products, shaving cream or underwear is no longer the attention of a potential consumer. "Full commentary by Mikhail Nikitin.

"Advertising on tattoos brings results only in isolated cases," says Zebelyan. smile, but everyone is well aware that the tattoo is temporary, people are paid for it, and we ourselves are stuffed with advertising in the most sophisticated forms.In Russia, this phenomenon has not yet gained popularity, although I think not too many will risk using this method in the implementation of their marketing strategies".

An interesting type of advertising that flaunts on the human body in the form of a tattoo.
It originated back in the 90s.
Hostgator Dotcom, formerly known as Billy Gibby, decided that his own body would help him make tons of money. He invited various companies to use his skin as advertising space. Now Billy's face and body is filled with tattoos.

In principle, the practice of advertising on the human body has become quite popular in our time. Hostgator Dotcom started this type of promotion in the middle of 2000. He wanted to earn a lot of money without any problems in order to finance his boxing career and provide for his family, the man even set his sights on breaking the existing Guinness record for the largest number of corporate logos in the form of tattoos on the human body. Billy is still selling advertising space on his face.

As you already understood, Billy is a very strange person who does not fit into existing social patterns. The man is a supporter of organ donation, once he donated one of his kidneys to an unknown patient who needed urgent surgery. Billy Gibby himself justifies the choice of such an unusual profession: "I took such a step just to make sure that my children would not be homeless." To date, Hostgator Dotcom has 37 tattoos all over his body, most of them on his face. However, in Lately the man had trouble finding buyers. It looks like the "live ad" market is fading away, and Billy has to scour websites looking for deals.

Was it even worth it to disfigure your body like that?

Jim Nelson of Illinois agreed to turn the back of his head into a CI Host advertisement for $7,000. Nelson's contract details specifically stipulated that the hosting company's logo tattoo was not to be removed for the next 5 years. Only startups could go for such a madness, and this direction in its current form is entirely their invention - larger and more established companies would never allow themselves to be associated with such a dubious activity as branding human flesh.

Tamargo's new acquaintances are primarily interested in his tattoos, but when they try to access any of the websites in the browser, they sometimes stumble upon a 404 error. Joe's body is an advertisement for a business that no longer exists.

Joe Tamargo showing off one of the logos

One of Tamargo's tattoos mentions the website, created to help Martha Stewart. The illegal speculations of the end of 2001 became known to the authorities, and the business woman was charged with fraud with securities. Later, Martha went to prison for 5 months and safely served her sentence, but the tattoo with the slogan that is useless today remained on the skinvertizer's arm.

You should not think that Tamargo does not care at all about the fate of his customers: for example, he bought, the domain name of the site of a former supplier of male potency pills, and tried to do anything with it. In vain. On the other hand, Joe is not going to remove tattoos in the foreseeable future, but he will not add new ones, and if he does, then at least for a higher fee.

Tamargo doesn't take it easy appearance: He is often mistaken for a criminal and sometimes asked to leave because of the addresses of porn sites posted on his face and hands, but the tattoos allowed him to earn 220 thousand dollars for his family, and now the advertisement remains a proud reminder of this.

Another of the most famous skinvertizers is Caroline Smith (now Williams). In 2005, a young mother from Utah sold a spot on her forehead to online casino for $10,000, which she needed to private school son. It is not known for how long this money was enough for her, but due to changes in US law, Golden Palace is not working today, and in some states the domain name from Caroline's forehead is blocked.

Image copyright getty Image caption Wearable ads appeared on boxers even as a sign of protest

Russian Internet users were impressed by the story of 19-year-old Yana Makarova from Perm, who sold her left buttock to advertisers for 5,000 rubles ($100).

In Peter Greenaway's film "Intimate Diary", released in 1996, the main character applied the texts of her books to the bodies of male volunteers in calligraphic handwriting.

In May 2015, a student from Perm, Yana, undertook to wear a tattoo with an advertisement for a computer game on her thigh, in connection with which she walks the streets of the city in ultra-short shorts.

In case of a cold snap, the girl has a contractual obligation to move to the gym or swimming pool and show her tattoos there.

Now the student is considering whether to pass place for ads on the right buttock. "I still wear short shorts," Makarova told LifeNews.

BBC recalls the history of the issue and amazing examples of wearable advertising.

What's easy in the tropics...

In the Brazilian city of Tabani in the state of São Paulo, Edson Aparecido Borim lives, who has 49 promotional tattoos on his chest, back and arms.

Image copyright Marcos Lavezo. G1 Image caption Edson Aparecidou Bonim is ready to advertise anything, as long as on his skin

For him, it all started in 2006 with an argument with a friend in a bar.

Since then, Borim charges from 50 to 400 reais ($16.4 to $132) a month from the advertiser, depending on the size and location of the picture.

Due to the specifics of the work, a man spends almost all the time on the street half-naked.

As Borim emphasized in an interview with the BBC, if a client refuses advertising, he crosses him off the list forever.

Dotcom heyday

One of the first who went to place a permanent advertisement on his body is American Caroline Smith (now Williams), who in 2004 placed an online casino advertisement on her forehead for 10 thousand dollars.

As noted by Smith-Williams, she went to this for the sake of teaching her son in a private school.

Image copyright Marcos Lavezo.G1 Image caption Many tattoos are so expressive that it is clear even to a person who does not know local realities that they are advertising.

Phantom addresses

Many of these companies have already ceased to exist, and people are left with traces of invalid Internet addresses on their bodies.

"Don't get me wrong, it's very funny," Mark Greenlow, a businessman who sold advertising space around his neck on the Internet in 2006, told BuzzFeed. eBay auction.

Then a place on the skin of a young man went to the hosting - now

According to Greenlaw, he needed money after the army. Now he himself oversees a small but successful Internet project.
