Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Analysis of the range of drugs based on. Marketing analysis of the range of medicines based on oxacillin. Segmentation of the assortment by manufacturer


Chapter 1. Marketing approaches to the study of the pharmaceutical market of medicines

1 The value of marketing research in the study of the market of medicines

2 Methods for analyzing the assortment of medicines

Chapter 2. Marketing analysis of the range of drugs based on oxacillin

1 Commodity characteristics of oxacillin (classification group, taking into account various classifications, pharmacological action, application, features of storage and dispensing from a pharmacy)

1.2 Classification groups

1.3 Release forms

2 Analysis of the range of medicines produced on the basis of oxacillin, approved for use in the country by the number of trade names, by forms of release, by countries, manufacturing firms, by dates of registration)



Annex 1

marketing medicinal merchandising oxacillin


infectious diseases known to mankind ancient times when epidemics covered vast territories, including entire states and peoples. It is not for nothing that infectious diseases are called "pestilences".

Infectious diseases are diseases that are caused and maintained by the presence in the body of a living damaging foreign agent - the pathogen. It enters into a complex biological interaction with the human body, which leads to an infectious process, then an infectious disease. The infectious process is the interaction of the pathogen and the human body in certain conditions external environment, the body responds to the impact of the pathogen with protective reactions. concept infection means the state of infection of the body and manifests itself in the form of a disease or carriage.

Infectious diseases are a serious global problem. According to the World Health Organization, 16 million people die from them every year in the world. Despite differences in the structure of causes of death, this problem is acute not only for developing countries, but also for prosperous states Western Europe And North America, as well as Russia. As emphasized at the G8 summit in St. Petersburg, this dictates the need to reduce the negative impact of infectious diseases on the population, as well as on the healthcare system and the economy of various countries.

The main group of drugs used in the treatment of infectious diseases are antibiotics. The invention of antimicrobial drugs was one of the most important events in medicine of the 20th century and opened the era of antibiotic therapy, which made it possible to etiotropically treat infectious diseases. Currently known great amount synthetic and biosynthetic antibiotics active against various groups microorganisms, and, consequently, various infectious diseases caused by them. The appointment of antibiotics is justified only if laboratory tests confirm the presence of a specific microorganism-causative agent. Based on the results of the data obtained, the doctor selects an antibiotic based on information about the sensitivity of the identified microorganism. In case of inadequate selection of the drug, not only the therapeutic effect may not occur, but the patient's health will be harmed. Self-medication with antibiotics is prohibited because it leads to the formation of antibiotic resistance in bacterial strains, which in turn increases mortality, as well as increases the cost of treatment.

Antibiotics are one of the most widely used groups of drugs used in various fields of clinical medicine. Means for the treatment of infectious diseases are the fourth largest in the world in terms of sales. Among them, a significant proportion falls on antibiotics.

The global market for antibiotics is estimated at about $22.5 billion and different countries accounts for 6-21% of the entire pharmaceutical market. The leading pharmacotherapeutic classes by sales volume include cephalosporins, broad-spectrum penicillins, and macrolides.

Currently, the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation is oversaturated with antibiotic drugs and their range is constantly expanding, the need for marketing research in this area, which is relevant and promising, is revealed.

One of modern representatives A class of antibiotics is oxacillin - a bactericidal antibiotic from the group of semi-synthetic penicillins, resistant to the action of penicillinase. The drug blocks the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall by disrupting the later stages of peptidoglycan synthesis (prevents the formation of peptide bonds by inhibiting transpeptidase), causes lysis of dividing bacterial cells. Active against gram-positive microorganisms: Staphylococcus spp. (including producing penicillinase), Streptococcus spp., incl. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Bacillus anthracis, anaerobic spore-forming rods, gram-negative cocci (Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis), Actinomyces spp., Treponema spp. Inactive against most gram-negative bacteria, rickettsiae, viruses, protozoa, fungi. Resilience develops slowly.

The purpose of this work is to conduct a marketing analysis of the range of drugs based on the drug oxacillin.

To achieve the goal, you must complete the following tasks:

To study the importance of marketing research in the study of the drug market.

Consider the main methods of analysis of the assortment of drugs.

Carry out a merchandising characteristic of drugs based on the drug INN oxacillin.

To study the range of antibiotics based on INN oxacillin.

Objects of study: statistical, financial statements pharmacies, publications scientific journals, register of medicines, etc.


1.1 general characteristics marketing in pharmacy

Trade, or exchange, seems to have existed throughout human history, although at first on a limited scale. Nevertheless, marketing as a leading force in society is a relatively new phenomenon. It could not become something really important until humanity began to produce more than is necessary to meet immediate vital needs. This happened at different times in different parts of the world. It is for this reason that the level of understanding of the laws of marketing varies throughout the world, although fast development international trade gradually smoothes out the differences.

Marketing is the process of planning and implementing activities related to the creation of a product, pricing, promotion to the market and distribution of goods, services and ideas through the exchange of consumers and organizations in order to satisfy needs. The concept of marketing implies that the main goal of the organization should be customer satisfaction, and not profit maximization. In other words, the organization must be customer-centric, seek to understand customer needs and meet them quickly and efficiently in a way that benefits both the customer and the organization itself. This means that any organization should strive to obtain both information about customer needs and information that will help determine how these needs can be met most effectively. However, one should not forget about the financial interests of the organization itself, since in a market economy this seems impossible.

Critically important part systems that provide such data are marketing research. There are two schools of marketing research: on the one hand, supporters of the formalization of research and its results, i.e., the use of quantitative estimates, the use of statistical and econometric models, etc., and, on the other hand, supporters of informal analysis, qualitative assessments, graphical models . In specific marketing research, a high degree of formalization of the research process (the use of mathematical apparatus, statistical modeling methods, etc.) is often combined with a non-formalized, descriptive description of the phenomena and processes being studied, and qualitative assessments. Marketing research methodology allows you to successfully combine both of these areas. It should be emphasized that the following methods are most widely used in the list of marketing analysis methods. statistical methods: absolute, average and relative values; time series and distribution series; groupings; index analysis; graphical method, trend models, methods of expert assessments. The choice of analysis methods is dictated by a number of factors: the nature of the processes and phenomena being studied, the degree of urgency of obtaining conclusions, the structure of information, the availability or limitation of information, the possibilities of using computer technology, etc.

Marketing research can improve the quality of accepted management decisions by providing relevant, accurate and timely information. Each specific decision involves the presentation of a unique need for information. The information that can be obtained as a result of marketing research contributes to the development of adequate strategies. Marketing research is the process by which an organization communicates with consumers and the public through information that is used to identify marketing opportunities and problems; generating, adjusting and evaluating marketing activities; monitoring marketing activities; improve understanding of marketing as a process. In the course of marketing research, they obtain the information necessary to solve existing problems, develop methods for collecting information, analyze it, and formulate recommendations that are communicated to interested parties. Marketing information is figures, facts, information, estimates and other data necessary for the analysis and forecasting of marketing activities. It should be up-to-date, reliable, focused, complete and relevant.

The collection of information about the market, goods and services, needs and their demand, competitors and prices is carried out in the audit process - this is the name of marketing research necessary for conducting a situational analysis of the external environment and the activities of the organization itself.

Currently, the world market is dominated by the concept of social - ethical marketing. This concept is quite consistent with the tasks of pharmaceutical marketing. The most complete definition of this type of marketing belongs to N. B. Dremova, according to which marketing in pharmacy is managerial activity pharmacy enterprises to optimally meet the needs of the population in goods for the preservation and promotion of health, while at the same time contributing to the improvement of the financial performance of the pharmacy enterprise and strengthening its market position in competitive environment. The main tasks of pharmaceutical marketing are the formation of a range of products and a permanent consumer audience, the organization of sales and promotion of goods, increasing consumer satisfaction.

As noted above, the activities of any organization are aimed both at meeting the needs of consumers and at making a profit. In this regard, it is necessary to stimulate demand, try to interest the consumer and encourage him to make a purchase. However, the demand for medicines (drugs) is quite specific, it has a number of differences compared to the demand for other goods.

Stimulation of demand for medicines through pharmaceutical marketing leads to market transparency, and attempts to manage demand by controlling the flow of information and limiting marketing make market mechanisms ineffective.

The free flow of information is vital to a market economy whose main goal is to satisfy the needs of consumers. In healthcare, patients, doctors and Insurance companies make choices about goods and services based on own purposes and assessments of the economic situation. In order to make an informed choice, each of these players needs complete information about the availability, cost, and quality of competing products and services.

In an efficient market for health products, the balance of supply and demand is constantly changing under the influence of information that is distributed through the marketing mix. This is the classic role of marketing in economic system. However, there is an opinion that by stimulating the demand for products and services, marketing contributes to the increase in health care costs, forcing the system to use drugs unnecessarily and in excessive amounts. However, drug value decisions are best made by consumers who know their personal needs and can make good value for money decisions when they have good and truthful information.

Of course, the system is not perfect, and sometimes drugs are misused, but their poor use due to low levels of patient adherence to treatment or because the doctor did not prescribe them is much more common and costs society much more. Compared to other treatments, medication is usually the cheapest way to get effective results, and underuse of medication leads to higher treatment costs rather than savings.

Information about medicines is needed to ensure market transparency, so it is important that marketing practices are organized properly and that the information is correct. Examples of bad marketing practices by pharmaceutical companies include misinformation, unsubstantiated allegations, or bribes (hidden or overt). Therefore, the quality of information should be controlled, but not its quantity.

It is especially important that any changes in the drug market are carefully thought out and do not violate the efficiency of the market, achieved by several decades of development. The biggest drawbacks of marketing in the health care system relate to the fairness of the distribution of goods and services, including medicines. Therefore, the task of politicians is to ensure the general availability of medicines without destroying the efficiency, economy and innovativeness of the existing system.

In addition to the main activity associated with the definition and satisfaction of consumer needs, marketing must perform an additional task - to prove to organizations that pay for treatment, the economic value of the product. Government, healthcare organizations, employers, and other health care buyers are scrutinizing the prices and value of all elements of therapy, including drugs.

In the 1980s, pharmaceutical companies began to respond positively to these new market needs. They began to consider technology assessments and proof of value as the new rules of the game. The largest companies began to provide cost-effectiveness analysis data, confident (and for good reason) that the market demand for this kind of information would increase.

Pharmaceutical companies have played a critical role in shaping, funding and improving the new field of knowledge called pharmacoeconomics. The first fruitful efforts in this area were made no later than 1977 by Smith, Kline & French, which demonstrated the radical economic benefits of using cimetidine as an alternative to gastric ulcer surgery. In 1981, Duncan Neuhauser, a professor of epidemiology and public health at Case Western Reserve University, reviewed the company's economic study, appreciated its high contribution and expressed support for such an analysis "in a wide range of medical interventions."

Pharmacoeconomics continued to evolve, and this moment scientific literature replete with comparisons of alternative drug treatments with each other, comparisons with other treatments, and estimates of the value of a drug relative to its price.

These currents have become the driving force behind market processes. Number of published evaluations of various drugs in terms of pharmacoeconomics in Lately is growing rapidly. The research covered areas such as quality of life assessment, treatment outcome measurement and analysis decisions taken. Companies pay Special attention ensuring that pharmacoeconomic research is an informative and evidence-based component marketing strategy product. The technologies they invented are now used as serious decision-making tools by various bodies and government officials.

Thus, it should be noted that as Russia enters the civilized market relations, awareness of the role of marketing as a tool to increase the efficiency of solving various problems of society, the role of marketing will increase and its tools will increasingly adapt to specific market conditions and the specifics of the activities of individual organizations, including pharmaceutical ones.

2 Methods for studying the range of medical and pharmaceutical products

The modern pharmaceutical market in Russia is characterized by the steady growth of the product range. Over the past decade, there has been a significant expansion, replenishment and deepening of the range of all major groups of medical and pharmaceutical products. This trend is especially pronounced for medicines. If at the beginning of the 90s of the last century in the country 1.5-2 thousand names of medicines were allowed for use, then in 2011 this figure amounted to more than 20 thousand items, taking into account the forms of release.

There have been qualitative changes in the range associated with the introduction of new drug groups in terms of the mechanism of action or chemical structure and individual original drugs. However, in more the increase in the product range is associated with the registration on the Russian pharmaceutical market of a large number of generic drugs - generics of foreign and domestic manufacturers. This significantly increased the possibility of choosing the necessary drugs, taking into account modern approaches to the pharmacotherapy of various pathological conditions, individual features the course of diseases, consumer preferences of end consumers.

For employees of health services and institutions organizing drug supply to the population, the actual problem is the formation of a rational assortment policy that contributes both to meeting the needs and strengthening the market position of a pharmaceutical organization. For this purpose, a detailed marketing analysis of the range of drugs registered with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and approved for drug circulation on the Russian pharmaceutical market is required. In this regard, we briefly touch on the main methods for studying the range of medical and pharmaceutical products.

The concept of marketing analysis of the range of drugs presented on the Russian pharmaceutical market, developed by employees of the Kursk State Medical University (N. B. Dremova, E. V. Reprintseva, O. V. Khorlyakova, T. A. Oleinikova), includes the stages of preparing a systematic list Drugs designed to meet the needs of target segments of the pharmaceutical market, and its analysis in a number of different positions, including the names of active ingredients, drugs, firms and manufacturing countries, composition, origin, dosage forms, novelty and other features. This concept has been repeatedly tested on the example of individual groups of drugs.

In addition, one of the main conditions for the formation of a rational assortment policy, which allows to increase the market capacity and improve the drug supply of the population, is the study of the competitiveness of drugs. Dremovoy N. B. et al. an algorithm for assessing the competitiveness of drugs for wholesale and retail pharmaceutical organizations is proposed. A phased study includes the selection of drugs for comparison, the study of the parameters of competitiveness, the calculation of their weighting coefficients, the calculation of the integral indicator of competitiveness, taking into account consumer and economic indices. The results of the study allow us to identify the most competitive drugs that can be recommended for inclusion in the assortment portfolio of a pharmaceutical organization.

ABC and XYZ analysis are also applicable to the formation of an assortment portfolio of purchases. ABC analysis is based on the Pareto law, or the 20/80 rule, which means getting 80% of sales from selling 20% ​​of the items. These products make up the most valuable group - A, which requires constant and scrupulous accounting and control, since its share in the assortment is 20 (15)%, and in sales - 75-80%. Group B - less important goods: their share in the assortment is 30 (20)%, and in sales - 15-20%. Group C - low-value goods for a pharmacy, since their share in sales is 5-10%, and in the assortment - 50 (75)%. Thus, using this method, it is possible to identify the most important assortment positions of drugs that must be included in the procurement portfolio for sale to the population.

At present, various modifications of the ABC-analysis method have been developed. An example is the two-factor ABC analysis according to the method of P. V. Grek, the essence of which is to reduce the two-factor analysis into a convenient visual form for one index, as well as to replace the Lorenz curve illustrating the Pareto rule with the “Commodity loop”, which shows the turnover of goods well .analysis is an assessment of the significance of the analyzed goods depending on the frequency of consumption or variation in implementation. It allows you to structure the assortment according to the factor of consumption stability and the possibility of predicting changes in demand. Group X includes goods with occasional minor fluctuations; for them, as a rule, the sales forecast has a high accuracy (50-55% of the total number of assortment items), so it is possible to create stocks. Group Y consists of periodic consumer goods with known trends; when forecasting, the sale of goods has an average forecast accuracy (about 30% of the total assortment). Group Z includes goods without an identified consumption pattern, therefore it is difficult or impossible to develop a forecast for their consumption at all (approximately 15-20% of the total assortment), therefore these goods are purchased as the need arises.

Analysis of the range of drugs can also be carried out for medical prescriptions. In this case, the analysis is carried out according to the following sources of information: prescriptions, outpatient cards, case histories. The sample can be continuous for a certain period of time (10 days, month, quarter, year) or special (for individual medical specialists, according to certain types morbidity, etc.). The received information can be processed using computer technology, for which the statistical characteristics of the sample, the coefficients of the intensity of prescriptions (consumption), as well as the completeness (degree) of the use of the range of drugs by pharmacotherapeutic groups are calculated.

Quite effective are the sociological methods of researching the range, allowing short term get up-to-date information based on public opinion. In this case, such methods of obtaining information as a questionnaire survey and interviews can be used. These methods are used to study the demographic and social structure consumers, the impact of their individual requests on the overall picture of demand. There is a mathematical algorithm that allows you to calculate the actual demand for individual products and use them to manage the formation of the range.

In addition, sociological methods of researching the assortment use such a technique as expert assessments - obtaining and studying the opinions of specialists in a particular industry related to the drug market. Methods for questioning experts include: interviewing, correspondence questioning, mixed questioning and business games (a method in which questions are not asked to an expert, but his reactions to a change in the situation are recorded). To obtain expert assessments that most accurately reflect the essence of the analyzed phenomenon, it is necessary to involve highly competent specialists in this field in the examination. It should also be remembered that the accuracy of assessments depends not only on the competence of experts, but also on their interest in the results, on a conscientious attitude to the work of both experts and organizers.

There is a method for studying the range of drugs, called graduation. This method is a qualitative assessment of the trade nomenclature of a particular institution using attributive and alternative characteristics such as: drugs of “favorable” and “unfavorable” market conditions, “risk” groups, etc. It can be carried out based on the results of statistical processing of questionnaires for expert evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of drugs. The calculated weighted average drug scores are grouped and rounded off within the conditional score limits. Based on the results of the grouping of weighted average estimates, it is possible to calibrate the studied range of drugs. At the same time, the following groups of drugs are distinguished: having a “favorable” market situation - these are highly effective drugs that enjoy “authority” among experts, pharmacies are recommended to increase the volume of purchases of these drugs; Drugs of the “risk” group are drugs that have certain disadvantages, their sales tend to stabilize or reduce demand, which requires informed decisions on the issue of their purchases; Drugs with “unfavorable” market conditions are a group of drugs that are not in demand or have serious side effects, the decision to purchase such drugs should be negative; unvalued drugs are drugs that this group of experts is not familiar with, in most cases this group includes new drugs that have appeared on the pharmaceutical market in Russia in the last 3-5 years and which have not yet been in this market segment.

As can be seen from the above, a comprehensive study of the range of drugs of a certain group makes it possible to obtain a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the range of drugs that satisfy a certain need, taking into account their classification, technological and production characteristics.

The results of the analysis are necessary for the subsequent study of the availability and use of the relevant groups of drugs in regional and local pharmaceutical markets. On their basis, recommendations are developed on the formation of the optimal assortment of drugs in pharmaceutical organizations.


1 Commodity characteristics of medicines based on oxacillin

1.1 Description of pharmaceutical properties

Oxacillin is a bactericidal antibiotic from the group of semi-synthetic penicillins, resistant to the action of penicillinase. Blocks the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall by disrupting the later stages of peptidoglycan synthesis (prevents the formation of peptide bonds due to inhibition of transpeptidase), causes lysis of dividing bacterial cells.

Active against gram-positive microorganisms: Staphylococcus spp. (including producing penicillinase), Streptococcus spp., incl. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Bacillus anthracis, anaerobic spore-forming rods, gram-negative cocci (Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis), Actinomyces spp., Treponema spp.

Inactive against most gram-negative bacteria, rickettsiae, viruses, protozoa, fungi. Resilience develops slowly.


Absorption is fast and complete. Stable in slightly acidic environment. Communication with plasma proteins - about 90%. Т1/2 - 30 min. The time to reach Cmax after i / m administration is 1-2 hours, the concentration decreases rapidly by 4 hours. With parenteral administration, higher concentrations are achieved in the blood than when taken orally. In the pleural fluid, it is found in concentrations reaching 10%, in synovial and ascitic fluid - 50%, in bile - 5-8% in relation to its concentration in blood serum. It does not penetrate through the intact BBB, with inflammation of the meninges, penetration increases. Penetrates through the placental barrier, found in breast milk. More than 40% after i / m administration is rapidly excreted by the kidneys, with bile - 10%.

Indications for use:

Infectious diseases caused by gram-positive microorganisms that produce and do not produce penicillinase:





Postoperative, wound infections, infected burns;

Bacterial endocarditis;



Dosing regimen:

Adults and children over 6 years old - 2-4 g /

Children under the age of 3 months - 60-80 mg / kg /, from 3 months to 2 years - 1 g / day, from 2 to 6 years old - 2 g / day

Newborns and premature babies - 20-40 mg / kg /

Side effect:

Allergic reactions: pruritus, urticaria, less often angioedema, bronchospasm, in rare cases, anaphylactic shock, eosinophilia.

From the digestive system: dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea); pseudomembranous enterocolitis, oral candidiasis; hepatotoxic effect - more often develops when administered at a dose above 6 g / day (hyperthermia, nausea, vomiting, icterus of the sclera or skin, increased activity of hepatic transaminases).

From the genitourinary system: hematuria, proteinuria, interstitial nephritis, vaginal candidiasis.


Hypersensitivity, incl. to other beta-lactam antibiotics.

With caution: a history of allergic reactions and / or bronchial asthma, chronic renal failure (CRF), enterocolitis against the background of the use of antibiotics (history).

With caution: chronic renal failure.

Special instructions:

It is not advisable to use for infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to benzylpenicillin.

Drug interaction:

Increases the toxicity of methotrexate (competition for tubular secretion).

It may be necessary to increase the dose of calcium folinate (the antidote of folic acid antagonists) and longer its use.

The combination of ampicillin or benzylpenicillin with oxacillin is rational, since the latter, by inhibiting the activity of penicillinase, thereby reduces the destruction of ampicillin and benzylpenicillin. The spectrum of action with this combination becomes wider.

It is necessary to avoid joint use with other drugs that have a hepatotoxic effect.

Drugs that block tubular secretion increase the concentration of oxacillin in the blood.

Antacids and laxatives reduce the absorption of the drug from the gastrointestinal tract.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

The drug is dispensed by prescription.

Terms and conditions of storage:

List B. Keep out of the reach of children, in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 2 years.

2.1.2 Classification groups

Anatomical-Therapeutic-Chemical Classification (ATC) is an international classification that takes into account the pharmacological group of the drug, its chemical nature and the nosology of the disease for which the drug is intended. - Antimicrobials for systemic use - Antimicrobials for systemic use - PenicillinsCF - Beta-lactamase resistant penicillins

J01CF04- Oxacillin<#"justify">2.1.3 Release forms

fl. oxacillin (in the form of sodium salt) 1 g.

Powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration of white or almost white, hygroscopic.

Powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration of white or almost white, hygroscopic.

fl. oxacillin (in the form of sodium salt) 250 mg.

Powder for solution for intramuscular injection of white or almost white color, hygroscopic.

fl. oxacillin (in the form of sodium salt) 500 mg.

Tablets 500 mg; 250 mg;.

2.2 Marketing research of drugs based on oxacillin in the Russian and regional pharmaceutical market

2.2.1. Subjects and methods of research

In the course of conducting a marketing analysis of the range of drugs based on oxacillin, a concept was used, the idea of ​​which is a phased analysis of the range according to specific characteristics: the country of manufacture, dosage forms, registration in the Russian Federation, and also by composition.

Monitoring of the market situation was carried out on the basis of a content analysis of official sources of information about drugs: the State Register of Medicines (2013), the Russian Register of Drugs (2006-2010), the Vidal reference book (2011), the reference book of drug synonyms ( 2011, 2013), as well as on the basis of 11 pharmacies in the city of Kursk - Pharmacy No. 6 of Kursk Pharmacy OJSC (Pavlunovskogo St., 5), Pharmacy No. 122 of Kursk Pharmacy OJSC (K. Marksa St., 65 a) , Pharmacy No. 3 OAO Kursk Pharmacy (79, Internatsionalnaya St.), OOO Pharmacy"Avicenna" (st. Zapolnaya, 47), LLC "Alla" (st. Zapolnaya, 41), LLC "Alla" (st. Studencheskaya, 1), Farmakor (st. Radishcheva, 80) , IP Kholyavin M.M. (Dimitrova st., 37-b), Be healthy (Lenin st., 30), Healer (Radishcheva st., 87/7), IP Kustavinov A.N. (Ave. Khrushchev, 12).

2.2.2 Research process

Analysis period: March - April 2014.

At the initial stage, the range of drugs based on oxacillin, registered in the territory of the Russian Federation at the beginning of 2014, was studied on the basis of official literature sources. The analysis included preparations of all dosage forms. In total, during the content analysis, 18 TN and 26 MD were selected, the results of systematization of which are presented in tables in absolute terms (number) and relative values(percentage of subgroups).

The structure of the assortment of the studied group of drugs, established in the course of marketing analysis, is presented in Appendix 1.

2.3 Marketing research of oxacillin-based drugs in the Russian pharmaceutical market

In the structure of the assortment on the basis of the country of manufacture, the share of domestic drugs prevails - 88.5% (23 drugs), foreign manufacturers occupy 11.5% (3 drugs) (Table 1, Fig. 2).

Thus, the main country producing INN Oxacillin is Russia (88.5%). An analysis of the assortment in the structure of foreign manufacturing countries showed that in total, proposals from 2 countries were registered in the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Among them, India is the leader in terms of the number of drugs - 2 drugs (7.7%), the Republic of Belarus is in second place - 1 drug (3.8%).

Table 1

Producer countryK - in proposals (drugs)Share, %CompanyNumberShare,%Russia2388.5%Biosintez OJSC27.7Biochemist OJSC27.7Sintez OJSC1038.5Shchelkovsky Vitamin Plant OJSC13.8Bryntsalov-A CJSC519.3Kraspharma OJSC27.7Akrikhin KhFK OJSC13.8Republic of Belarus13 .8% Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations RUP13.8India27.7%Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited27.7Total: 26100%26100.0

Fig.2 Producing countries of drugs based on oxacillin (%)

Among the manufacturing plants, Sintez OJSC (Russia, Kurgan) produces the largest number of drugs - 38.5% (10 drugs), CJSC Bryntsalov-A (Russia, Moscow) is in second place - 19.3% (5 drugs) . The third place is shared by JSC Biosintez (Russia, Penza), JSC Biochemist (Russia, Saransk), JSC Kraspharma (Russia, Moscow) and Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited (India). Slightly more than 10% of the market of oxacillin preparations is divided among themselves by 3 manufacturing plants JSC Schelkovo Vitamin Plant (Russia, Shchelkovo), JSC Akrikhin KhPK (Russia, Moscow region) and RUE Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations (Republic of Belarus) (Fig. 3) .

Fig.3. Manufacturers of drugs based on oxacillin (%)

An analysis of drug registration numbers showed that the Russian pharmaceutical market was actively updated only in the first years of the 21st century.

table 2

Dynamics of registration of oxacillin preparations in the Russian pharmaceutical market

№ p/p Year of registration Registered LPTotalShare, %1200427.72200513.83200627.742007415.4520081350.06201027.77201127.7Total: 26100.0

Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that half of the drugs in the territory Russian Federation registered in 2008 - 50.0% (13 drugs). In 2007, 15.4% (4 drugs) were registered on the Russian pharmaceutical market, in 2004, 2006, 2010 and 2011 - 7.7% each (2 drugs each). The smallest number of drugs based on oxacillin was registered in 2005 - 3.8% (1 drug) (Table 2, Fig. 4).

Calculation of the assortment renewal index for the last 5 years.

The assortment renewal index is calculated by the formula:

n - the number of offers on the market registered during the last 5 years (2007-2011); - the total number of offers on the market (see table 1 of Appendix 1).


Based on the calculations, we can conclude that the assortment renewal index over the past 5 years is quite high, it is 0.81.

Rice. 4. The structure of the range of drugs based on oxacillin by the date of registration (%)

The analysis revealed that the range of medicines consists of solid dosage forms (powders, tablets and capsules). The dominant position is occupied by powders - 72.1% (19 drugs), among them in approximately equal amounts, powders for preparing a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection - 38.5% (10 drugs) and powder for preparing a solution for intramuscular injection - 34, 6% (9 drugs) (Table 3, Fig. 5). This is due to the fact that they are indispensable in emergency situations, when a disease (sepsis, abscess, postoperative, wound infections, infected burns, bacterial endocarditis) can threaten a person's life. They are followed by capsules - 19.2% (5 drugs), and the smallest share is occupied by drugs in the form of tablets - 7.7% (2 drugs). In the case of outpatient treatment (cholecystitis, cystitis, meningitis, sinusitis, etc.), the presence of solid dosage forms facilitates both the prescription of therapy and patient compliance with the drug regimen, they are more familiar to patients. Also, it enables them to be independent from the medical staff. Thus, the presence of solid dosage forms in the range of drugs based on oxacillin is also justified.

Table 3

Type of dosage formNumber of offers Share, %powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection1038.5powder for solution for intramuscular injection934.6tablets27.7capsules519.2Total:26100.0

Rice. 5. The structure of the range of oxacillin preparations by types of dosage forms (%)

Based on the data entered in Table 4, it can be concluded that the range of Oxacillin INNs is represented by both combined - 61.5% (16 drugs) and mono-drugs - 38.5% (10 drugs) (Fig. 6).

Table 4

Number of offersCompositionSingle preparationsCombined Quantity Share, % Quantity Share, % 261038.51661.5Total: 1038.51661.5

Rice. 6. The structure of the range of oxacillin preparations by composition (%)

Marketing analysis showed that the domestic pharmaceutical market has a target segment of drugs based on the drug substance oxacillin, which allows doctors, together with pharmacists and patients, to select drug therapy individually for each patient, depending on the diagnosis. Based on the results of the analysis, an assortment contour was developed for the target segment of the Russian pharmaceutical market - drugs based on oxacillin (macrocontour), which is shown in Figure 7.

Rice. 7. Macrocontour of the range of the target segment of the pharmaceutical market of oxacillin preparations (%)

The macro-outline of the assortment has the following characteristics:

produced mainly in Russia - 88.5%;

most of the preparations based on oxacillin are produced by Sintez OJSC in the city of Kurgan - 38.5%;

by composition - these are mainly combined drugs - 61.5%


on the territory of the Russian Federation, most drugs were registered in 2008 - 50.0%;

produced in the form of solid dosage forms - 100.0%, among which powders for intravenous and intramuscular administration predominate - 38.5%;

the degree of renewal of the assortment for 2007-2011. is 80.77%

This macro-contour of the target market segment will subsequently be used for a comparative analysis of the assortment of the local market in Kursk (meso-contour).

2.3 Market analysis of medicines based on oxacillin on the example of pharmacies in Kursk

At the next stage, a study was made of the actual range of drugs based on oxacillin in the local pharmaceutical markets of Russia: in 11 pharmacies in the city of Kursk: as a result, it was found that 13 TN and 19 LP are represented on the local market.

The structure of the range of drugs based on oxacillin by production characteristics

According to Table 5, in the structure of the assortment of the local market in Kursk, on the basis of production, Russian drugs prevail - 94.7% (18 drugs), the rest - 5.3% (1 drug) are imported drugs.

Of the 2 manufacturing countries, the drugs of which are registered with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, on the local market of Kursk there are drugs from 1 country - the Republic of Belarus - 5.3% (1 drug). Oxacillin drugs manufactured in India are not represented on the regional pharmaceutical market (Table 5 and Fig. 8).

Table 5

Analysis of the range of drugs based on INN Oxacillin by country of origin and firms:

Producer countryK - in offers (drugs) Share, % FirmNumber - share, % Russia 1894.7% Biosintez JSC 210.5 Biochemist JSC 15.3 Synthesis JSC 736.8 Shchelkovsky vitamin plant JSC 15.3 Bryntsalov-A JSC 526.3 Kraspharma JSC 210.5 Republic of Belarus 15.3% Borisovsky plant of medical preparations RUP15.3Total: 19100% 19100.0

Rice. 8 Oxacillin-based preparation countries (%)

Among the manufacturing plants, Sintez OJSC (Russia, Kurgan) retained its leading position - 36.8% (7 drugs), followed by Bryntsalov-A CJSC (Russia, Moscow), whose share increased slightly - 26.3% (5 drugs). The third place is shared by JSC Biosintez (Russia, Penza) and JSC Kraspharma (Russia, Moscow) - 10.5% (2 drugs each). The smallest number of drugs on the Kursk market is represented by 3 manufacturing plants: JSC Biochemist (Russia, Saransk), JSC Shchelkovsky Vitamin Plant (Russia, Shchelkovo) and RUE Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations (Republic of Belarus) - 5.3 each % (for 1 preparation). Preparations based on oxacillin manufactured by Akrikhin KhFK OAO and Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited are not available on the regional market (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Manufacturers of drugs based on oxacillin (%)

Updating the range of drugs based on oxacillin

The analysis of drug registration numbers showed that drugs registered in recent years are represented on the pharmaceutical market of Kursk to a small extent (Table 6, Fig. 10).

Most drugs available on the pharmaceutical market in Kursk were registered in 2008 - 47.3% (9 drugs), significantly less than in 2007 - 21.1% (4 drugs). 10.5% (2 drugs each) are drugs produced in 2006 and 2010. The share of drugs registered in 2004 and 2005 is small - 5.3% each (1 drug each). It has been established that there are no “new” drugs based on oxacillin registered in 2011 on the pharmaceutical market in Kursk.

Assortment renewal index of the analyzed drug group for

the last five years was 0.79 (Iо = 15/19), which roughly corresponds to the Russian market.

Table 6

Dynamics of registration of oxacillin preparations in the pharmaceutical market of Kursk

№ p/p Year of registration Registered LPTotal Share, % 1200415.32200515.332006210.542007421.152008947.362010210.5

Rice. 10. The structure of the range of drugs based on oxacillin by the date of registration (%)

Characteristics of the range of drugs based on oxacillin by types of dosage forms

An analysis of the local market in Kursk showed that the range of drugs based on oxacillin does not include all types of dosage forms registered outside the territory of the Russian Federation. The leading place is still occupied by drugs produced in the form of powders - 84.2%, however, their ratio has changed. Powders for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration and powders for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular administration have equal shares - 42.1% each (8 preparations each). Capsules make up the remaining 15.8% (3 preparations) (Table 7, Fig. 11). Such a dosage form as tablets is not represented on the pharmaceutical market of the city of Kursk.

Table 7

Analysis of the range of drugs based on INN Oxacillin by types of dosage forms

Type of dosage formNumber of offers Share, %powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection842.1powder for solution for intramuscular injection842.1tablets-capsules315.8Total:19100.0

Rice. 11. The structure of the range of oxacillin preparations by types of dosage forms (%)

Characteristics of the range of medicines based on oxacillin by composition

Based on the data in Table 8, we can conclude that the range of Oxacillin INNs is represented by combined - 57.9% (11 drugs) and mono-drugs - 42.1% (8 drugs) (Table 8, Figure 12).

Table 8

Analysis of the range of drugs based on oxacillin by composition

Number of offersCompositionSingle preparationsCombined Quantity Share, % Quantity Share, %19842.11157.9Total:842.11157.9

Rice. 12. The structure of the range of oxacillin preparations by composition (%)

Thus, the marketing analysis showed that the target segment of oxacillin preparations is present in the domestic pharmaceutical market of Kursk. Based on the results of this analysis, an assortment contour was developed for the target segment of the pharmaceutical market in Kursk - drugs based on oxacillin (mesocontour), which is shown in Figure 13.

Rice. 13. Mesocontour of the assortment of the target segment of the pharmaceutical market of oxacillin preparations (%)

The assortment mesocontour has the following characteristics:

produced mainly in Russia - 94.7%;

most of the drugs based on oxacillin are produced by Sintez OJSC in the city of Kurgan - 36.8%;

by composition - these are mainly combined drugs - 57.9%


on the territory of the Russian Federation, the majority of drugs were registered in 2008 - 47.3%;

produced in the form of solid dosage forms - 100.0%, among which equal proportions have powders for intravenous and intramuscular administration and powders for intramuscular administration - 42.1% each;

the degree of renewal of the assortment for 2007-2011. is 78.95%

2.4 Comparative characteristics the pharmaceutical market of Russia and the local market of the city of Kursk

A study was made of the actual range of drugs based on oxacillin in the local market of Kursk. In the course of the analysis, the level of availability of drugs from individual countries and manufacturers was established (Table 9). The analysis of the mesocontour of the assortment in the local market by groups of manufacturers showed. In pharmacies, drugs are most represented domestic production- 94.7%, which confirms the presence of the prevailing part of these drugs in the general assortment on the Russian pharmaceutical market.

Imported drugs are not widely represented - 5.3%. It should be noted that there is no offer of such a country India in the regional market. The drug of the Republic of Belarus is presented in full on the regional market. Domestic medicines are represented quite widely - 78.3% (Table 9).

Table 9

The structure of the range of oxacillin preparations according to the country of origin ( comparative analysis)

Country-manufacturerNumber of LPDsMarket share in Kursk,%Company-manufacturerNumber of LPDsMarket share in Kursk,% RFKurskRFKurskRussia231878.3Biosintez JSC22100.0Biochemist JSC2150.0Synthesis JSC10770.0Shchelkovsky Vitamin Plant JSC11100.0Bryntsalov-A CJSC55100.0Kraspharma JSC22100, 0Akrikhin HFC JSC1--Republic of Belarus11100.0Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations RUE11100.0India2--Ranbaxi Laboratories Limited2--Total:261973.1261973.1

As noted earlier, the analysis of drug registration numbers showed that the pharmaceutical market in Kursk is largely represented by not the most modern drugs based on oxacillin. In full measure, the pharmaceutical market of our city contains drugs registered in 2005-2007 and 2010 - 100.0% each. The years 2004 and 2008 are significantly less represented - 50.0% and 69.2%, respectively. It should be noted that there are no “new” drugs of 2011 (Table 10).

Table 10

Dynamics of registration of hypertensive drugs in the Russian pharmaceutical market (comparative analysis)

№ p / p Year of registration LPD Market share in Kursk, % RFKursk120042150.02200511100.0320062 2100.04200744100.05200813969.26201022100.0720112--Total: 261973.1

When analyzing the types of dosage forms, it was found that the powder for preparing a solution for intramuscular injection (88.9%) is most fully represented, the powder for preparing a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration is slightly inferior (80.0%). Capsules account for 60.0%. There is no such dosage form as tablets at all (Table 11).

Table 11

The structure of the range of drugs oxacillin by types of dosage forms (comparative analysis)

Type of dosage form LPD Market share in Kursk,% RFKursk powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 10880.0 powder for solution for intramuscular injection 9888.9 tablets 2-capsules 5360.0 Total: 261973.1

Table 12

Analysis of the range of drugs based on oxacillin by composition

Composition LPD Market share in the city of Kursk, % RFKursk Monopreparations 10880.0 Combination preparations 161168.8 Total: 261973.1

A detailed analysis of the local market in Kursk also revealed that single-component drugs are the most represented in pharmacies - 80.0%. Combined drugs, despite their greater number relative to single drugs, are presented in a smaller percentage - 68.8% (Table 12). In addition, indicators such as the range depth coefficient and the degree of assortment renewal were calculated: Range depth coefficient (KG):

KG \u003d Gbaz / Gfact, where

Gbaz - the number of drugs allowed for use available in the city of Kursk

Gfakt - the number of drugs registered in the Russian Federation

CG = 19 / 26 = 0.73

2) Degree of renewal (Yo):

Uo \u003d m / Ao, where

M - the number of new drugs approved for use in the last 5 years in Kursk

Ao - the total number of drug names approved for use over the past 5 years Russian market

Analyzing the data on the assortment depth indicator, it should be noted that the obtained value is insufficient - almost a quarter of the drugs registered in the Russian Federation are not represented. As for the "novelty" of the drug, the picture is similar, drugs registered in 2011 are not represented in the city at all.

Analyzing these indicators, it can be noted that the pharmaceutical market in Kursk does not have the full variety and number of dosage forms for drugs based on oxacillin - the most common LF - tablets, as well as the latest drugs are missing.


In this term paper the following studies have been carried out:

1. Studied theoretical basis marketing research, which shows that they play an important role in pharmaceutical activities.

2. We also found out that today the main and most effective methods analysis of the assortment of medicines are: ABC analysis, XYZ analysis and combined ABC / XYZ analysis.

3. Oxacillin is a bactericidal antibiotic from the group of semi-synthetic penicillins, resistant to the action of penicillinase. Active against gram-positive microorganisms. It is used for infectious diseases.

4. The analysis of the assortment of the medicinal product based on the INN of oxacillin was carried out, the tables show that the pharmaceutical market is represented by 18 trade names (Table 1), of which 16 trade names (88.89%) are domestically produced and only 2 trade names (11 ,eleven%) imported production(Table 4)

The assortment of the medicinal product was analyzed by composition and it was determined that 6 items (33.33%) are mono drugs and 12 items (66.67%) are combined drugs (Table 2).

Further, it was determined that on the pharmaceutical market, INN oxacillin is produced in the form of powders for preparing a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection, these are 6 trade names (33.33%), powder for preparing a solution for intramuscular injection is also 6 items (33.33%) , in the form of tablets 1 trade name (5.56%) and in the form of capsules - 5 trade names (27.78%). The results are presented in table 3.

At the final stage, we calculated the index of renewal of the assortment of the drug for the last 5 years, it was 0.67, which is a rather low indicator.


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Annex 1

The range of medicines offered on the market based on INN Oxacillin:

No. Trade name Dosage Composition Dosage form Country Company Registration number Availability in pharmacies of Kursk mg+125 mg_____ Ampicillin sodium salt, oxacillin sodium salt powder for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular injection RussiaBiochemist OAO R N002766/01 29.08.2008-3 Ranclave 250 mg + 125 mg _____ Amoxicillin, Clavulanic acid coated tablets India Ranbaxy Laboratoriz LimitedP N013099/01 27.07.2011-500 mg + 125 mg - sodium 667 mg + 333 mg _____ Ampicillin sodium, oxacillin sodium powder for preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injectionRussiaSintez OAOLSR-004808/10 27.05.2010+5Oxamp-sodium333.5mg+166.5mg 133.4mg+66.6mg_____ Ampicillin sodium, oxacillin sodiumpowder for solution preparation for intravenous and intramuscular injectionRussiaSynthesis OAOOR N002576/01 26 .05.2008+ 6Oxacillin500mgOxacillin sodium salt______powder for solution preparation for intramuscular injectionRussiaBiochemist JSCOR N002184/01-2003 12/25/2008 +7Ampicillin, Oxacillin-Borimed 125mg+125mg_____Ampicillin trihydrate, oxacillin sodiumcapsulesRepublic of BelarusBorisov Plant of Medical Preparations RUPP N01 0963 09/23/2005 + 8 Oxamp 125 mg + 125 mg _____ Ampicillin trihydrate, oxacillin sodiumcapsulesRussiaSynthesis OOPN002258/01 22.10.2008-9Oxacillin500mgOxacillin sodium salt______powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular administrationRussiaSynthesis OOPN000067/03 18.09.2008-250mg10Oxampicin125mg+125mg_____Ampi cillin trihydrate, sodium oxacillincapsulesRussia Shchelkovsky vitamin plant JSCOR N003524/01 06/17/2004+ 11 Ampiox 0.125 mg + 0.125 mg _____ Ampicillin trihydrate, sodium oxacillin capsules Russia Bryntsalov-A ZOR N003911/01 02/16/2010 + 12 Ampiox-sodium 333.5 mg + 166.5 mg _____ Ampicillin sodium, sodium oxacillin powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration Russia Bryntsalov-A ZAOR N000315/01 13.10. 2008+133.4 mg+66.6 mg13 Ampiox-sodium 333.5 mg+166.5 mg_____ Ampicillin sodium, oxacillin sodium powder for solution for intramuscular injection Russia Bryntsalov-A ZOR N000315/02 13.10.2008+133.4 mg+66.6 mg14 Oxacillin500 mg Oxacil sodium lin ______ powder for solution for intramuscular injection Russia Kraspharma JSCOR N000238/01 13. 08.2007+250 mg15Oxamp-sodium667mg+333mg_____Ampicillin sodium, oxacillin sodiumpowder for solution for intramuscular injectionRussiaSintez OAOLSR-006432/08 yRussiaAkrikhin KhFK OJSCOR N003733/01 10.11.2004-17Oxacillin500 mg 250 mgoxacillin sodium salt ______ powder for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular administration OAR N000067/01 09.11.2007+18 oacacillin1000 m Goxacillin sodium salt ______ powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administrations of OALSR-007068/0 8 04.09.2008+

Tags: Marketing analysis of the range of medicines based on oxacillin Diploma Marketing

To characterize the assortment, the main indicators are used

Assortment indicators:

  • W Latitude;
  • Ш Completeness;
  • W Depth;
  • Ш Structure (share);
  • W Update index.
  • 1. The breadth of the assortment is characterized by the number of assortment groups of goods available for sale.

An indicator of the breadth of the range is latitude factor- ksh:

Shfakt. - the number of groups, subgroups of goods available in the organization or produced by the industry;

Shbaz. - the number of groups, subgroups of goods allowed for use in the country and presented in the State Register of Medicines and Medical Devices.

For example: if among the assortment groups of goods in a pharmacy there are 3 (there is no medical equipment), and there may be 4 groups (see classification), then

Ksh = * = 0.75

2. The completeness of the assortment is characterized by the number of subspecies of one type of product available in the organization or produced by the industry. Subspecies of such goods as drugs can be dosage forms: tablets, dragees, capsules, injection solutions, ointments, suppositories, etc.

An indicator of the completeness of the range of drugs is completeness factor- Kp:

Pfact. - the number of names of dosage forms of one drug or one pharmacotherapeutic group (PTG) available in the pharmacy institution under study;

Pbaz. - the number of names of dosage forms of one drug or one (FTG) approved for use in the country.

Ideally, this ratio should be 1.0. However, in real conditions it is lower and, depending on the volume of work of the pharmacy, the demand for drugs or FTG, which are in the range of 0.4-0.8.

3.Deep range characterizes the presence of varieties of one type of goods available in the organization or produced by the industry, i.e. These are individual product options. A variety of drugs is understood as specific drugs of a certain dosage form, concentration dosages, packaging, etc.

An indicator of the depth of the assortment is the coefficient of depth Kg:

Gfact. - the number of names of drugs of one drug or FTG available in the pharmacy;

Gbaz. - the number of names of drugs of one drug or FTG, approved for use in the country.

4. The structure of the assortment is the quantitative ratio of groups, subgroups, types, names of individual goods in a common set of goods. The assortment structure is calculated as the ratio of individual groups to the total number of goods included in the assortment. Structure indicators can be expressed as percentages or fractions of a single whole, i.e. from unit.

The structure of the drug assortment is characterized by the share of individual FTGs in the total number of drug names available (or sold) in a pharmacy.

share individual FTG in the assortment is calculated by the formula:

Aftg - range of FTG (number of items),

Ao - general assortment (number of items).

In addition, the share of each group can be calculated by turnover:

The structure of the drug assortment is also characterized by the share of sales of individual FTGs in the total volume of consumption. Thus, among the leading groups in the structure of the assortment of drugs, antibiotics, cardiovascular, psychostimulants, analgesics, drugs for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system and the gastrointestinal tract predominate.

Range stability characterized by a change in indicators of breadth, completeness, depth and structure of the assortment for the studied time periods.

The formation of the assortment of the organization involves its constant replenishment and updating in accordance with the needs of the population.

Range update- this is the replacement of existing goods with new ones with the best consumer properties that most fully satisfy the needs of consumers:

The range is updated in two directions:

  • 1. introduction of new nomenclature positions;
  • 2. exclusion from the State Register of Obsolete Goods.

Degree (index) of renewal (lo) is the proportion of new products introduced to the market during the last year, five years, or other time period under study:

lo = m/M, Where

m - the number of new products,

M - the total number of items of goods in the assortment of a pharmacy or approved for use in the country.

The higher the o, the better the update is.

To characterize the assortment of a pharmacy, an indicator of the completeness of the use of the assortment of drugs can be applied.

Completeness of the assortment Drug (PI) characterizes the degree of use of the range of drugs available in the pharmacy for a certain period of time. Pi is calculated using the formula:

a - the number of names of drugs of one drug or FTG that are in demand in the pharmacy during the study period;

A - the number of names of drugs of one drug or FTG, available in the assortment of a pharmacy.

To analyze the indicators of the assortment of drugs containing diphenhydramine for a conditional pharmacy (calculate the coefficients of completeness, depth, renewal index and completeness of use).

Outgoing data (conditional)

1. Determination of the coefficient of completeness of the assortment.

According to the State Register in Russia, 6 dosage forms of dimedrol are allowed for use, incl. angro powder (kg), tablets, sticks, suppositories, solution for injections in ampoules and syringe - tube. In the pharmacy during the study period, 4 dosage forms were available: Angro powder, tablets, suppositories and injection solution in ampoules. Hence:

Kp \u003d 4: 6 \u003d 0.67

Calculations showed the value of Kp<1, что не способствует полному удовлетворению потребности населения в случае индивидуальной лекарственной терапии.

2. Determination of the assortment depth coefficient.

According to the State Register in Russia, 9 diphenhydramine preparations, including angro, are allowed for use. The pharmacy had 6 in stock, incl. angro, tablets of 2 dosages and ampoules. Hence:

Kg = 6:9 = 0.67

Since a number of diphenhydramine preparations are not available in the pharmacy, the received Kg is also less than 1.

3. Determination of the update index.

According to the condition, the new drug is dimedrol sticks of 50 mg. Therefore, the index of renewal of the assortment of diphenhydramine drugs is small and amounts to only:

Io = 1:9 = 0.11

4. Determination of the completeness of the use of the range.

In the process of studying the range of dimedrol-containing drugs, it was found that out of 6 drugs available in the pharmacy, 5 drugs were in demand: angro powder, injection solution, 50 mg and 100 mg tablets, 20 mg suppositories. Hence:

Pa \u003d 5: 6 x 100% \u003d 83.3%

Thus, when developing an assortment policy in a pharmacy, attention should be paid, firstly, to increasing the completeness and depth of the assortment of dimedrol-containing drugs through the purchase of missing drugs; secondly, on the introduction of new drugs into the assortment of the pharmacy and the better use of existing ones.

Methods for studying the range of medicines

Currently, various methods are used to analyze the assortment of the pharmaceutical market, depending on the goals set in the marketing research.

In most cases, this can be an analysis of the assortment of the regional or local market and the use of drugs by medical specialists in the treatment of outpatients and inpatients. The information obtained in the course of such studies makes it possible to form an assortment policy of the organization depending on the supply of goods available on the market, as well as on the demand for drugs.

Belopolskikh Mark Viktorovich
Master's student of Rau im. G.V. Plekhanov,
Russia, Moscow
Email: [email protected]

Scientific adviser: Mkhitaryan Sergey Vladimirovich
Professor. Department of Marketing Reu im. G.V. Plekhanov,
Russia, Moscow

Analysis of the assortment policy of the Dobry Doctor pharmacy

2.1 The position of the Dobry Doktor pharmacy on the pharmaceutical market in Moscow

The Dobry Doktor pharmacy chain was established in 2008 and includes pharmacies and drugstores. All pharmacies are under unified management and have licenses for pharmaceutical activities.

The assortment of pharmacies includes more than 9,000 items. Pharmacies have a wide range of not only medicines, but also homeopathy, medical cosmetics from leading companies in the world, medical products, hygiene products, mineral waters, aromatherapy products, dietary supplements. In 7 pharmacies, two years ago, they began to sell orthopedic products with the involvement of an orthopedic doctor as a consultant. Currently, the pharmacy network has 30 pharmacies in Moscow and cities near Moscow (Pushkino, Reutov, Ivanteevka, Zheleznodorozhny).

According to the Vedemecum publication for the first half of 2016, the Kind Doctor pharmacy chain is ranked 173 out of the TOP-200 pharmacy chains in Russia in terms of financial indicators:

Revenue with VAT for the first half of 2016 - 241 million rub.

Growth compared to the first half of 2015 - 63,95%

Number of pharmacies for the first half of 2016 - 30

Average revenue per pharmacy per month in the first half of 2016 - 1.36 million rubles

Market share - 0,05%

The network management pays great attention to such a marketing aspect as the location of its outlets.

All pharmacies of the network are located as conveniently as possible for the consumer. The selected pharmacy is located 1 kilometer from the metro station Akademika Yangelya Street, in a residential area. It is located on the first floor (trading) floor of the business center, next door is the Miratorg grocery store, on the second floor of the business center there is a 24-hour fitness center. All this provides the pharmacy with a large flow of customers and fame in the area.

The high concentration of pharmacies, especially in large cities, leads to fierce competition between them.

In this regard, the search for answers to such questions is becoming increasingly relevant: how to ensure leadership among competitors; How to keep existing customers and attract new ones.

Competitors of the Good Doctor Pharmacy:

Gorzdrav, Kirovogradskaya 42 (100 meters from Dobry Doktor)

Gorzdrav, Akademika Yangelya 2 (near the metro station)

Samson, Akademika Yangelya 2 (near the metro station)

Competitor analysis

Consumer requests What can offer
Competitor No. 1 Pharmacy "Good Doctor" Competitor #2 Competitor #3
points taking into account weights points taking into account weights points taking into account weights points taking into account weights
Quality of service (0.05) 2 0,1 5 0,25 4 0,2 4 0,2
Low prices (0.2) 0 0 5 1 4 0,8 4 0,8
Assortment (0.1) 4 0,4 5 0,5 4 0,4 4 0,4
Reliability Guarantees (0.1) 4 0,4 5 0,5 4 0,4 4 0,4
Delivery terms (0.05) 0 0 5 0,25 0 0 0 0
Location (0.2) 0 0 3 0,6 5 1 3 0,6
Preferential payment terms (0.08) 0 0 5 0,4 0 0 0 0
Consulting (0.12) 5 0,6 5 0,6 5 0,6 5 0,6
Preparation of medicines according to individual prescriptions (0.1) 5 0,5 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sum of points 20 2 38 4,1 26 3,4 24 3

The Good Doctor Pharmacy received more points due to low prices, service provided and high quality of service. Therefore, we will build a strategy for ensuring competitiveness based on these competitive advantages.

The low prices at the Dobry Doktor pharmacy are the result of a small margin and due to a wide analysis of suppliers' prices (a particular drug can always be cheaper from one of the suppliers). And the number of drug suppliers is planned to be increased (in order to increase the range, to organize the search for drugs that may not be available from other suppliers and to ensure lower prices than competitor prices).

Competitive advantages of the Good Doctor pharmacy

low prices, discounts on holidays, pensioners

high quality service


use of merchandising elements and marketing tools in their activities

marketing approach

automation of management processes

legal regulation of activities

expansion of the range (orthopedics and consulting orthopedic doctor)

the possibility of ordering goods, receiving applications from the public

Competitor No. 1

discounts for pensioners

Competitor #2


shop floor decoration

Competitor #3

highly qualified staff


shop floor decoration

Competitors in their activities use the methods of "unfair competition":

enticing specialists

spreading false negative information about employees

and thus violate the Federal Law, Art. 10, point 1

Consider the strengths and weaknesses of organizations, their opportunities and threats, see Table. 9 and 10.

Thus, we see that threats can be translated into strengths, and weaknesses into opportunities.

SWOT-analysis of the pharmacy point "Good Doctor"

SWOT analysis of Dobry Doktor pharmacy competitors

Competitor No. 1 Competitor #2 Competitor No. 3
Strengths Located between Pyaterochka and Magnit stores. Highly qualified specialists, large trading floor, location near the metro. Good service, wide range, highly qualified specialists, modern equipment, location near the metro.
Weak sides High prices, low advertising costs, small product offering, lack of modern equipment. shortage of specialists in the industry Lack of specialists in the industry
Competitor No. 1 Competitor #2 Competitor No. 3
possibilities Range expansion Expansion of the range, organization of free doctor's consultations
Competitor No. 1 Competitor #2 Competitor No. 3
Threats Decrease in incomes of the population leads to a reduction in demand for imported medicines Emergence of competitors. Fertility decline Decrease in incomes of the population leads to a reduction in demand for imported medicines Emergence of competitors. Fertility decline

Each of the competitors has its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, the head of the Good Doctor pharmacy needs to pay attention to the weaknesses of competitors in order to use them as "opportunities" for their pharmacy.

The meaning of competition is to win specific consumers who use the services of competitors, and not to act against rival enterprises. But in order to win in the competition, you need to have a certain advantage in the market, be able to create factors of superiority over competitors in the field of consumer characteristics of the product and the means of its promotion on the market. Dobry Doktor Pharmacy creates these factors of superiority over competitors, uses them in its daily work and wins the competition. Working on the market for more than 5 years - it attracts new customers, keeps regular ones, satisfying their needs - it makes a profit and opportunities to further expand its field of activity.

Reducing product prices is not the best way, because it can lead to ruin.

Specifically, the assortment policy of the Good Doctor pharmacy will be discussed in paragraph 2.2.

2.2 Analysis of the assortment policy of the Dobry Doktor pharmacy

ABC analysis allows you to:

Determine the optimal stocks of medicines and parapharmaceutical products by the names of the pharmacy

assortment that most affects the turnover, in order to eliminate defects and failures;

Differentially address pricing issues;

More efficient use of own and borrowed working capital;

Select priority suppliers, develop new conditions for working with suppliers.

Profit from the sale of the Kind Doctor Pharmacy

Product groups Revenue General costs Profit
in money units in % of the total
Medications 12350756 9075073 3275683 65
Orthopedics 1300630 485329 815301 16
dietary supplement 1856020 1354653 501367 10
Medical cosmetics 420150 176548 243602 5
450000 275678 174322 3
Homeopathic preparations 320400 289347 31053 1
56400 23741 32659 1
Total: 16754356 11680369 5073987 100

"List of assortment groups in descending order of goods"

Product groups Position share in % Group
Medications 65 65 A
Orthopedics 16 81 A
dietary supplement 10 91 B
Medical cosmetics 5 96 B
Sanitary hygiene products 3 99 C
Homeopathic preparations 1 100 C
Medicinal herbs, tea, balms, herbal remedies 1 100 C
Total: 100

The structure of the pharmacy assortment is made up of mandatory assortment products, the formation of which is influenced by the list of vital and essential medicines.

The total amount of sales of the studied pharmacy for 2016 amounted to 16,754,356 rubles, the volume of sales of goods was 14,759 pieces. The total number of nomenclature positions of the pharmacy is 7. 80% of the turnover (13,651,386 rubles) is provided by 2 product groups: medicines and orthopedic products. They made up group A. The leader in sales at the Good Doctor pharmacy are medicines. Group B consisted of two product groups, but which are characterized by a large depth of product names - these are dietary supplements, they provide about 10% of sales revenue (1,856,020 rubles), and medical cosmetics 5% of revenue (420,150 rubles).

The remaining drugs of the studied groups of the pharmacy range accounted for 5% of the total sales volume (450,000 rubles). Their list includes 3 product groups: herbs, teas, balms, herbal remedies, homeopathy and sanitary hygiene products (bandages and dressings, bandages, heating pads, douches, crutches, canes, napkins, etc.).

Many of the group C drugs listed were not sold during the study period, although they were available.

Next, we will conduct an XYZ analysis, this is a method that allows you to analyze and predict the stability of certain business processes or business objects (for example, the stability of sales of certain types of goods, the predictability of market behavior of various groups of buyers, fluctuations in the level of consumption of certain resources, etc.). P.).

"The coefficient of variation

Product groups Sales per quarter Average sales per quarter, rub. Coefficient of variation in % Group
1 2 3 4
Medications 3256341 3025570,5 2981155 3087689 3087689 3 X
Orthopedics 348569 289654 250057 412350 325158 19 Y
dietary supplement 410354 541236 423165 481265 464005 11 Y
Medical cosmetics 75654 142321 162552 39623 105038 47 Z
Sanitary hygiene products 74659 144562 135056 95723 112500 25 Y
Homeopathic preparations 68425 115323 31429 105223 80100 41 Z
Medicinal herbs, tea, balms, herbal remedies 18632 11792 7542 18434 14100 33 Z

In combination with ABC - XYZ analysis - this is the identification of unconditional leaders (AX groups) and outsiders (C Z). In total, when conducting a combined analysis, we obtain nine groups of goods:

Table 3.5 "Joint analysis of ABC and XYZ"

Product groups Position share in % Profit share with cumulative total in % Group Group
Medications 65 65 A X
Orthopedics 16 81 A Y
dietary supplement 10 91 B Y
Medical cosmetics 5 96 B Z
Sanitary hygiene products 3 99 C Y
Homeopathic preparations 1 100 C Z
Medicinal herbs, tea, balms, herbal remedies 1 100 C Z
Total: 100
X 1 - -
Y 1 1 1
Z - 1 2

It can be seen from the table that there are no goods of the AZ, BX, CX groups in the assortment of the pharmacy.

Products of group AX (drugs) are characterized by high sales volume and stability. It is necessary to ensure their constant availability, but it is not necessary to create an excess safety stock, since the demand for goods in this group is well predicted.

Goods of AY (Orthopedics) and BY (dietary supplements) groups with high turnover have insufficient sales stability, and, as a result, in order to ensure their constant availability, it is necessary to increase the safety stock.

Products of the BZ group (medical cosmetics) are characterized by low sales predictability. Attempting to ensure guaranteed availability for all products in a given group with excess safety stock alone will result in a company's average stock being significantly increased. For the goods of this group, the ordering system should be reviewed. Part of the goods must be transferred to the system of orders with a constant amount (volume) of the order, for some goods it is necessary to ensure more frequent deliveries, select suppliers located close to the warehouse (and thereby reduce the amount of insurance inventory), increase the frequency of control, entrust work with this group of goods to the most experienced manager of the company.

For goods of the CY group (sanitary hygiene products), you can switch to a system with a constant order volume, but at the same time form an insurance stock based on the company's financial resources.

The CZ product group included medicinal herbs, teas, balms, herbal remedies and homeopathy. If possible, these products are best removed from the range. In any case, they need to be regularly monitored, since it is from these goods that illiquid assets arise, from which the company incurs losses.

Any purchase of drugs is associated with high costs for the company (logistics, storage, etc.), as well as with direct risks, such as write-off of goods by expiration date. Keeping an accurate, balanced purchase is a priority for both the wholesaler and retailer, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, where many drugs are seasonal, which means they are subject to significant sales fluctuations.

To analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the assortment policy of the Kind Doctor pharmacy, I conducted a survey, the purpose of which was to study the consumer preferences of drugs sold by the pharmacy as a means of increasing sales and conducting a more effective assortment policy.

To conduct the survey, a questionnaire was developed that allows achieving the goal and solving the tasks of this event. The respondents were between the ages of 25 and 65. All respondents answered the same questions.

50 respondents and the number of visitors to the pharmacy per day were identified and involved.

Primary survey analysis:

For questions:

1. How often do you visit Dobry Doktor's drugstores?

Answered: YES - 38 people, which amounted to - 76%; NO - 12 people, which accounted for 24%.

2. Are you satisfied with the range of medicines sold in the drugstores of the Dobry Doktor company?

Answered YES - 15 people, which amounted to - 30%; NO - 35 people, which accounted for 70%.

3. Are you satisfied with the prices for medicines in the drugstores of the Dobry Doktor company? (on a 5-point scale)

Put 3 points - 8 people, which amounted to - 16%; 4 points - 16 people, which amounted to - 32%; 5 points - 26 people, which amounted to - 52%.

4. What medicines do you buy most often? You can mark several groups!


A (cardiology) - 14 people;

B (dietary supplements) - 12 people;

B (sanitary facilities) - 13 people;

G (orthopedics) - 7 people;

D (Cosmetics) - 3 people;

E (Herbs and herbal preparations) - 2 people;

F (homeopathy) - 8 people.

5. Does the pharmacist's advice influence your choice?

Answered: YES - 40 people, which is - 80%; NO - 10 people, which amounted to -20%.

6. How would you rate the service provided by Dobry Doktor's drugstores?


A (Excellent) - 6 people, amounted to 12%;

B (Good) - 25 people, which accounted for 50%;

In (Bad) - 19 people, which accounted for 38%.


A (Good) - 4 people, which amounted to - 8%;

B (Bad) - 30 people, which amounted to -60%;

B (Not seen) - 16 people, which is -14%.

8. Which group of products presented in the pharmacy do you consider to be insufficient? You can select multiple answers!

A (cardiology) - 34 people;

B (dietary supplements) - 10 people;

B (sanitary facilities) - 9 people;

G (orthopedics) - 17 people;

D (Cosmetics) - 5 people;

E (Herbs and herbal preparations) - 7 people;

F (homeopathy) - 3 people.

Based on the survey results, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Pharmacy points "Good Doctor" are often visited by consumers;

The percentage of dissatisfied customers is high in terms of the quality of service and the completeness of the assortment group of medicines and orthopedics;

Respondents are more satisfied with drug prices;

80% of respondents listen to the advice of a pharmacist;


  1. Kryazhev D., Napalkova A.TOP200 pharmacy chains in Russia for the first half of 2016 // Electronic version of the magazine "Vedemicum" - 2016, № 18 - Access mode: - Date of access: 12.12.2016
  2. Golubkov E.P. ABC- and XYZ analysis: conducting and performance evaluation // Marketing in Russia and abroad.- 2010.- N3

To optimize inventory and reduce losses, the economics of trade offers several methods for working with the assortment. Each of them is not something unshakable - depending on the current demand, assortment strategies are used in a complex way, and exactly those methods are applied to each of the product groups that will help increase sales. Having become acquainted with all four basic strategies for working with goods, you will be able to develop your own - a unique and inimitable assortment work system that is optimal for your pharmacy and your customers.

Method one: expanding the pharmacy range:

The assortment expansion strategy involves the introduction of new product groups in pursuit of an increase in the overall turnover of the pharmacy. It is not difficult to guess that such activities are financially costly, but it is this method that is justified at the stage of opening a pharmacy enterprise, as well as when a pharmacy receives the status of a pharmacy.

If the pharmacy management is ready to direct the profits to development, then expanding the range is a win-win step. New products will almost always find their customers, especially if they are in such popular groups as medical cosmetics, baby food and other products for children, orthopedic products, diabetic products, etc.

If you do not know in which direction to expand the assortment of a pharmacy, use ready-made proposals voiced by law.

Pharmacies, except for drugs, are allowed to leave:
vegetable raw materials in the original packaging;
medical products (patient care items, medical equipment products, including prophylactic purposes, diagnostic tools, therapeutic and prophylactic underwear, hosiery, bandages, child care items, first aid kits, etc.);
personal hygiene items (means) (skin care products, hair care products, aromatic oils, etc.);
optics (ready glasses, glasses care products, etc.);
mineral waters (natural and artificial);
therapeutic, children's and dietary nutrition (food additives for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, etc.);
cosmetic and perfumery products.

Expansion of the range will require more than just money. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for pharmacies that occupy a limited area.

Method two: remove the excess:

If overstocking and excessive write-offs are problems for your pharmacy, then you should think about narrowing the range. Are all product groups in your assortment equally profitable? Perhaps you should think about the complete or partial removal of individual product groups?

The strategy of narrowing the assortment is relevant in the event that there is a catastrophic lack of money. Sometimes it is necessary to eliminate certain types of goods in the assortment under the influence of external economic factors - such as the global crisis. Often, the narrowing of the assortment gradually leads to the death (closure) of the pharmacy ...

Whatever your reason for using a narrow down strategy, there are certain categories of products that you can't touch: painkillers, cold medicines, cardiovascular medicines, antihistamines, and so on. Buyers will most painlessly endure the lack of medical equipment in the pharmacy, medicines of rare demand (they can be brought under the order) and parapharmaceuticals.

It is worth remembering the inevitable consequences of using this method - a decrease in the number of random purchases and a decrease in the average cost of purchase.

Method three: we deepen a specific product group:

The strategy of deepening the assortment group is one of the most fertile for use in the pharmaceutical business. It can be used in different ways: depending on the location of the pharmacy, depending on the qualitative composition of the clientele, depending on the season, etc.

Everyone knows that in the summer it is worth expanding the range of repellents and antihistamines, and in the winter add vitamins and cold remedies. But not everyone follows the appearance of new products on the pharmaceutical market, especially in the provinces, where the work of medical representatives to promote new drugs is not always well established.

There are product groups that always need deepening. First of all, these are over-the-counter drugs for pain relief, where new, more effective and safe drugs appear every year. A typical example is drugs based on ibuprofen, a proven and reliable non-narcotic pain reliever that has been known since 1969. What did you know a couple of years ago about Faspik, which today has seriously ousted such favorites of the NSAID market as Nurofen and Mig 400?

Deepening the range of a particular product group can go in several directions. The first and most important of them is to identify and obtain information about novelties of the pharmaceutical market: more modern, effective and safe medicines that can potentially be in demand by our target audience. Let's look at the strategy of deepening the assortment group in more detail using the example of Faspik.

Perhaps the most common reason for visiting a pharmacy is the desire to get rid of pain. It can be an annoying migraine, severe toothache, pain in muscles and joints, women's pain on critical days - anything ... And the task of a good pharmacy is to satisfy consumer demand as much as possible, offering not only the usual remedies, but also market novelties that have an increased safety profile. , high efficiency and speed of onset of the therapeutic effect. So, we are looking for information:

Faspic is a new pain reliever that contains the effective analgesic ibuprofen and the natural amino acid L-arginine, which allows the drug to act faster and safer. In Russia, the drug has been on sale since 2008 and is very successful, since it has a number of advantages compared to older analogues:
effectiveness - clinical studies confirm that the effectiveness of the oral form of Faspic is equivalent to an injection of a strong analgesic (for example, ketorolac);
speed - when taking Faspic, the maximum concentration in the blood plasma is reached after 15 minutes, which is 3-4 times faster than similar drugs;
safety - it is confirmed not only by the long experience of using ibuprofen (since 1969), but also by the presence of the natural amino acid L-arginine in the preparation. L-arginine has gastroprotective properties and provides a gentle treatment of the patient's stomach.

The next step in working with the assortment group is to offer customers a larger number of dosages of popular drugs. Zambon offers Faspik in two dosages - containing 200 or 400 mg of ibuprofen. It is far from always necessary to take the medicine at the maximum dosage, and, seeing several options for a popular analgesic on the window, the buyer gets a choice: which Faspik should he buy?

The third area of ​​work to deepen the assortment is to offer customers a greater number of forms of release of popular drugs. Faspik has an advantageous difference - the presence of such a dosage form as granules for preparing a solution of 200 mg and 400 mg No. 12. At the same time, the desired effect occurs faster, and the medication becomes even safer: the active substance has less contact with the gastric mucosa, is absorbed faster and relieves pain.

It is not always easy to swallow a pill. Solution pellets are a great option for those of your patients who don't like (or can't) take pills. But tablets also have a number of advantages - a small package can be put in a purse and take medicine outside the home, when it is inconvenient or corny to dissolve the granules.

The fourth way to deepen the assortment group is to expand the range of offered flavors of popular drugs. So, taking Faspik is not only effective, but also pleasant: the manufacturing company offers various flavors (mint (granules 200 mg No. 12), mint-anise and apricot (granules 400 mg No. 12)). This is how the simple NSAID ibuprofen went from a simple pain reliever to a pleasant and varied drink in 40 years!

It is important to choose those product groups for deepening, with the preparations of which the buyer can easily get acquainted. Faspik is an over-the-counter drug, and it can be placed on any display shelf convenient for you and your visitors. Do you want to increase sales and "accustom" patients to a good drug? No problem! Just place the entire line of Faspic products in the checkout area.

Having taken up the deepening of assortment groups, it is necessary to pay due attention to the emerging defect. All new drugs you introduce (names, dosages, flavors, forms of release) should not only be in sight, but also constantly available. If you allow a defect in these drugs, you risk losing all the positive effect you have received - people, unfortunately, wean much faster than they get used to.

Method four: we thin out the goods on the pharmacy shelves:

New drugs appear, and old ones, inferior to them in efficiency and safety, gradually die off. Each product has its own life cycle, often artificially extended by advertising. In a situation of falling interest of visitors, it is appropriate to use the strategy of thinning out the assortment group - the withdrawal from the assortment of goods that are no longer in demand.

Such goods are very easy to identify, and not only by the layer of dust on the packaging! Putting the product on display, you supply it with a price tag, which indicates the date of receipt at the pharmacy. If the product is dated the year before, is it worth having it in stock? When you see more than 5 items of stale goods within the same assortment group, you should think about thinning out this group of goods as a whole.

Working with the assortment of a pharmacy and defects is the second most important task of a pharmacist after working with visitors. Using the methods described above in practice, you are working on turnover and increasing sales. Nothing that is needed should be forgotten, nothing that is needed should not be ordered. It is easier for automated pharmacies to track demand trends - after all, an impartial computer issues a defect to a pharmacist, and a human employee can only make his own corrections.

Formation of demand.

Demand and demand for pharmacy products:

For this, defect analysis is used, i.e. defective magazine, in which they record, firstly, those names of goods that have run out, and secondly, those names that were not previously in the assortment of the pharmacy organization, but visitors ask them.

Although many pharmacy organizations use this method, but as practice shows, this is not enough. The fact is that many visitors to pharmacy organizations, not finding the right product in the window, do not always turn to a pharmacy specialist, but silently leave. In addition, the defect analysis does not show an "inactive" demand for an assortment that could be purchased from a pharmacy organization. We are talking about “quality of life” products, in particular, drugs with innovative, more effective dosage forms, as well as cosmoceuticals.

Practice also shows that the system for fixing defects is often not reliable enough for various reasons: this is a high workload of workers and dishonesty.

It is recommended, in addition to the defect analysis, to carry out an objective analysis of information on the assortment structure of the market of the settlement, city or town in which the pharmacy organization is located. It is known that each city has a certain assortment policy. It has been established that if any product in this market is bought in significant quantities, then it makes sense to trade this product.

Useful for determining the demand, and hence the range, is also a "cross" analysis of the price lists of several of the largest distributors operating in the regional market. At the same time, positions that are simultaneously present in their assortment are distinguished.

Having carefully studied the demand, they begin to determine the need for them.

It should be emphasized that it is impossible to determine the need for pharmacy products without well-organized accounting and product balances according to the nomenclature, grouped according to the most important signs of consumption.

When determining the need for a product, it is necessarily based on its actual consumption. In addition, they take into account the identification of patterns of changes in demand for goods and also take into account a whole range of factors affecting their consumption.

Medicines, unlike other goods consumed by the population, are a specific group.

The need for medicines is not constant and depends on the incidence of the population. Influences the use, especially, those means that are used for prophylactic purposes or that are used for sanitary and hygienic purposes, and an increase in the general cultural level of the population.

The need for pharmacy products, including medicines, is increasing as a result of population growth, an increase in its material well-being, as well as an improvement in medical care and an increase in the number of health facilities.

The difficulty in determining the need for medicines and other pharmacy products is due to the presence of a large number of factors for their consumption, as well as a large number of these products, especially medicines.

Therefore, when determining the need for goods, they are guided by various factors and various methods.

When determining the need for drugs, all drugs are conditionally divided into three types.

The first type of LP- These are drugs of specific action that are used to treat one or two diseases, for example, anti-tuberculosis, anti-malarial, anti-tumor. Their consumption depends entirely on the disease and the existing level of medical care for these types of diseases. Therefore, when determining the need for them, data on the incidence rate and approved instructions on the procedure for treatment and the required amount of medicines used are taken into account.

The results obtained are then compared with the actual dynamics of consumption of this drug over the past periods. If the drug is dispensed to the population on preferential terms (free of charge), then it is ordered taking into account the allocated allocations for this drug.

The second type of LP- these are narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs, including ethyl alcohol, the consumption of which is limited by standards and special rules, and which are subject to quantitative registration. In this case, they proceed from the analysis of the actually allocated funds for the corresponding period or proceed from the consumer's requirement, adopted earlier. Moreover, when comparing the application with the estimated need according to the standards, all dosage forms containing these substances are recalculated for a pure drug.

The third type of LP- These are broad-spectrum drugs that are used to treat various diseases or their prevention. These include, in particular: antipyretics, analgesics, sulfonamides, antibiotics, vitamin, hormonal and other drugs.

The basis for determining the need for these drugs is data on their actual consumption for the required period. If necessary, determine the need for the week, look at the consumption for the week, etc. In this case, of course, seasonality must also be taken into account. So, for example, in winter or early spring, the consumption of antipyretics will be higher than in summer. Although in some cases, under certain circumstances, an increase in the sale of certain drugs is also possible.

That is, when determining the need, a number of factors must be taken into account. For example, the appearance of a new doctor in a polyclinic, whose patients are provided by a certain pharmacy organization, will immediately affect the list of prescription drugs, because each of them has his own favorite drug for the treatment of a particular disease.

In general, the need for certain products of the pharmacy assortment depends on many factors that are specific to each pharmacy organization. After determining the need, it is necessary to select a supplier.


Whatever your assortment is - huge or very modest - do not forget the main thing: your task is to satisfy the needs of customers and offer them exactly what will help solve current problems with well-being, become healthier, happier, more successful.

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