Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

List of production capacities. The production capacity of the enterprise. Effective equipment operating time fund

Production capacity is calculated in the analysis and justification of the production program, in connection with the preparation and release of new products, with the reconstruction and expansion of production.

The methodology for calculating production capacity depends on the form and methods of organizing production, the range of manufactured products, the type of equipment used, the nature of production process.

To fully calculate the production capacity of the enterprise, you must have the following data:

1. quantity, composition and technical condition of equipment and data on production areas. The calculation of production capacity includes all available equipment of the main production assigned to the workshops (both operating and inactive due to malfunction, repair, modernization), with the exception of reserve equipment and equipment of experimental specialized areas, the list and number of which is approved by order of the head of the enterprise.

The established procedure for accounting for the amount of equipment taken into account makes it unprofitable to keep excess equipment at the enterprise for a long time. Thus, the production capacity calculation method encourages the enterprise to ensure that all available equipment is installed, and all installed equipment actually works.

2. Progressive technical standards for equipment productivity and labor intensity of products. The following equipment performance standards are distinguished: passport, planned, technically justified, actual. When calculating the production capacity of newly built enterprises, passport equipment performance standards are adopted, for operating enterprises- technically justified performance indicators of the equipment, but not lower than the passport.

3. The range of manufactured products and their quantitative ratio in the program. Distinguish planned, optimal, actual nomenclature. The range and quantitative ratio of manufactured products are established based on the rational specialization of the enterprise, workshop or site. When determining the production capacity of an enterprise, the planned nomenclature and assortment (labor intensity) of manufactured products are taken. When calculating the average annual production capacity, the increase (decrease) in capacity due to a change in the range of products is taken into account in full.

4. Production areas of the main workshops of the enterprise. The main factor in determining the production capacity is the size of the production area, that is, the area where the technological process of manufacturing products is carried out. Auxiliary areas (repair, tool shops, warehouses, etc.) are not taken into account.

5. Mode of operation of the enterprise. There are two types of operating modes of enterprises: continuous and discontinuous. A continuous mode of operation is established for such enterprises in which the stoppage of production and the start of the production process are associated with a long period, large losses of power, raw materials, fuel, worsening the technical and economic indicators of production (metallurgical, chemical enterprises).

Individual production units of the enterprise can operate continuously, in the production cycle of which natural processes have a significant share.

Intermittent operation is established for enterprises in the production process of which the stop and start of the production process does not lead to noticeable losses in power, raw materials, materials. Typical representatives of enterprises operating in a discontinuous mode are machine-building, instrument-making plants, sewing shoe factories.

6. Fund of the operating time of the equipment. In practice, three types of time fund are calculated:

    calendar fund is the total operating hours of the equipment in the planned period. It is equal to the product of the number calendar days per year for the full number of hours per day (365 * 24 = 8760 hours);

    Nominal (regime) fund of time determined by the mode of production and the duration of the working day:

where K n is the calendar number of days in a year;

B is the number of days off and public holidays in the planned period;

C is the number of shifts per day;

D is the duration of the shift in hours. If necessary, losses for the overhaul of equipment are taken into account.

    Effective (real) time fund includes the time during which work on the equipment will be performed to produce products:

, (6)

where: P r - the percentage of planned current downtime.

The production capacity of the enterprise is determined by the capacity of the main (leading) production units - workshops, sections. Leading are such production shops, in which the largest part of fixed assets is concentrated and where the greatest amount of labor is spent on manufacturing products. The production capacity of the leading workshops and sections is determined by the capacity of the leading group of technological equipment. When choosing a leading workshop to determine the production capacity, the specifics of the industrial enterprise are taken into account. The objectivity of the production capacity indicator, the reality of plans for the production of industrial products and the efficiency of the use of investments depend on how correctly the leading production shops, sections of the equipment group are chosen.

The method of calculating the production capacity of a site, workshop, plant is largely determined by the type of production. At enterprises of serial and single production, the calculation is carried out by groups of equipment and production units. The determination of production capacity begins with the calculation of the throughput of units or groups of equipment. Distinguish units of periodic action, subject-specialized and units with technological specialization.

The production capacity (M r) of a workshop, a site equipped with the same type of subject-specialized equipment (looms, spinning machines, etc.) is determined by the formula:


where: P h - hourly productivity of the equipment;

Ф pl - planned useful annual fund of the operating time of a piece of equipment, in hours;

H - the average annual park of this type of equipment, taken into account when calculating the production capacity.

The production capacity of batch units (chemical units, autoclaves, etc.) is determined by the formula:


where: In m - the mass of raw materials;

Ф pl - planned (useful) annual fund of equipment operation time;

t cp is the duration of the raw material processing cycle;

K vg - output coefficient finished products from raw materials.

The production capacity of workshops for mass and large-scale production is determined based on the planned (useful) fund of time and rhythm, or tact, of the conveyor:


where: Ф pl - planned (real, useful) fund of the conveyor operating time, min;

t is the cycle of finished products leaving the conveyor, min.

The production capacity of an enterprise or workshop with homogeneous equipment of the same type is calculated by the formula:


where: Ф pl - planned (actual, useful) annual fund of equipment operation time;

t units - time spent per unit of production (labor intensity), h / m 2;

H - the average annual number of the same type of equipment.

For units and machines with technological specialization, power is calculated by determining the need for machine-hours for these units or groups of machines and comparing the results with the available time fund.

Calculations for production areas are carried out mainly only for low-mechanized assembly and foundry shops, the output of which is limited by the size of the production area. Throughput by production area is calculated by the formula:


where: P p - production area of ​​the workshop, m 2;

Ф pl - planned (effective) annual fund of the workshop (section) operating time, days.

For the most complete use of the production capacity of the enterprise, installed in the leading workshops, it is necessary that the capacities of the leading workshops fully comply with bandwidth other production and auxiliary shops. Therefore, the production capacity of the enterprise should be determined taking into account the elimination "bottlenecks" in production with the development of the necessary measures. The elimination of "bottlenecks" can be carried out in various ways: in some cases, to eliminate it, it is necessary to upgrade the equipment; in others, to revise technological processes and norms; thirdly, to reduce the range of work due to cooperative deliveries, and sometimes by increasing the number of shifts in a given area of ​​work.

Compliance with the throughput capacity of the contingency of the leading workshops, sections and other links of the enterprise is determined by calculating the contingency coefficient according to the formula:


where: M 1, M 2 - the capacity of workshops, sections, units, for which the contingency coefficient is determined, in the accepted units of measurement;

Р ud - specific consumption of products of the first workshop for the production of products of the second workshop.

A correctly calculated production capacity of an industrial enterprise, supported by a detailed plan for eliminating bottlenecks, indicating the effectiveness of their elimination and the timing of their elimination, gives the prospect of increasing production using existing equipment.

The production capacity of the leading workshop is calculated by the formula:

M c \u003d M 1 a 1 + M 2 a 2 + ... + M n a n (13)

where: M 1 , M 2 , ... M n - annual production capacity of this type of equipment of the same type;

a 1, a 2, and 3 - the number of units of this type of equipment.

The production capacity of the enterprise as a whole is determined by the formula:

where: n is the number of units of the leading equipment;

F r - the actual fund of the operating time of a piece of equipment, h;

Н tr - the rate of labor intensity of processing the product, h.







Control work on discipline

"Economics of the Organization"

on the topic of:

"The production capacity of the enterprise and ways to improve its use"

Artist: Matrosova A.E.

Faculty of FIC, 305 gr., No. 06FFD13560

Head: Khilinskaya I.V.

Chelyabinsk 2009

1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………..3

2. The concept of "production capacity of the enterprise." The role of the production capacity of the enterprise in ensuring the production program. Types of production capacity…….4

3. Methodology for calculating the production capacity of a site, workshop, enterprise as a whole………………………………………………..……8

4. The main ways to increase the level of use of the production capacity of the enterprise………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

5. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………20

6. List of used literature……………………………..………22


This test devoted to the topic "Production capacity of the enterprise." The relevance of this work is due to the fact that the production capacity is the starting point for planning the production program of the enterprise. It reflects the potential of associations, enterprises, workshops for the production of products.

Determining the value of production capacity takes a leading place in identifying and evaluating production reserves. The means of labor, primarily their active part - the tools of labor, should be considered the main factor in the formation of the production capacity of enterprises. However, this should not lead to the conclusion that production capacity can be determined on the basis of production and technical parameters of means of labor without taking into account the specific circumstances in which the enterprise operates in a given period of time.

To understand the essence and knowledge of the nature of production capacity, it is necessary to take into account the socio-economic conditions in which the means of labor are used. Modern tools of production, in whatever form they may appear (systems of machines, complexes of machines), are used by people in the labor process. And the labor process always proceeds under a certain public form, which is determined by the nature of ownership of the means of production. Consequently, production relations are formed on the basis of a certain form of ownership of the means of production. main goal consumption of means of labor is the production of material goods. It is carried out by an organized set of means of labor, which is reflected in the creation and functioning of lines, sections, workshops and enterprises. As part of such organizational constructions, the means of labor act as material carriers of their production capacity.

1. The concept of "production capacity of the enterprise." The role of the production capacity of the enterprise in ensuring the production program. Types of production capacity.

The volume of the main production assets and the degree of their use is determined by the production capacity of the enterprise.

The production capacity of an enterprise (workshop or production site) is characterized by the maximum amount of products of the appropriate quality and range that it can produce per unit of time with full use of fixed production assets under optimal operating conditions.

The production capacity of an enterprise (workshop, site) is the ability of the means of labor assigned to it (a technological set of machines, equipment and production areas) to achieve maximum output per year (day, shift) in accordance with the established specialization, cooperative production and mode of operation.

The production capacity of an enterprise (workshop, site) is calculated, as a rule, in the same natural (conditionally natural) units in which the volume of output is planned, and sometimes in machine-hours and, as an exception, in value terms. The difference between the production capacity and the production program (production volume) is the reserves of the enterprise, i.e. manufacturing program shows the degree of utilization of production capacity. The relationship between production capacity and the production program is shown in fig. 1.

Along with the term "production capacity", the term "throughput" is used, which characterizes the maximum output in relation to the operation of equipment, a machine tool, a unit, a production line, a group of machines, but not a site, workshop, enterprise. The capacity of the equipment is calculated per decade, day, shift and hour, and the production capacity of the structural units of production - per year (in some cases - per quarter and month).

Rice. 1. The relationship of the production capacity of the production program

During each planning period, production capacity may change. The longer the planning period, the higher the likelihood of such changes. The main reasons for the changes are:

Installation of new pieces of equipment to replace obsolete or emergency ones;

Depreciation of equipment;

Commissioning of new capacities;

Change in equipment productivity due to intensification of its operation mode or due to a change in the quality of raw materials, etc.

Modernization of equipment (replacement of nodes, blocks, transport elements, etc.);

Changes in the structure of raw materials, composition of raw materials or semi-finished products;

Duration of equipment operation during the planned period, taking into account stops for repairs, preventive maintenance, technological breaks;

Production specialization;

Equipment operation mode (cyclic, continuous);

Organization of repairs and current maintenance.

The following factors influence the value of production capacity:

1. Technical factors: the quantitative composition of fixed assets and their structure; qualitative composition of fixed assets; degree of mechanization and automation technological processes; quality of raw materials.

2. Organizational factors: the degree of specialization, concentration, cooperation of production; the level of organization of production, labor and management.

3. Economic factors (forms of remuneration and incentives for employees).

4. Social factors: qualification level of workers, their professionalism; general educational level of training.

Production capacities can be considered from different positions, based on this, they determine the theoretical, maximum, economic, practical capacity.

Theoretical (design) capacity characterizes the maximum possible output of products under ideal conditions for the functioning of production. It is defined as the maximum hourly aggregate of capacities of labor means with a full annual calendar fund of working time during the entire period of their physical service. This indicator is used when justifying new projects, expanding production, and other innovative activities.

Maximum capacity is the theoretically possible production output during the reporting period with the usual composition of mastered products, without restrictions on the part of labor and material factors, with the possibility of increasing shifts and working days, as well as using only installed equipment ready for work. This indicator is important in determining production reserves, output volumes and opportunities for their increase, build-up.

Under the economic capacity understand the limit of production, which is unprofitable for the company to exceed due to a large increase in production costs or any other reasons.

Practical power is the highest volume of output that can be achieved at the enterprise in real working conditions. In most cases, practical production capacity coincides with economic capacity.

In contrast to the design, the planned production capacity of operating enterprises is calculated based on the applied technological processes, the available fleet of equipment, the available production areas, as already set values, and the volume of output according to the planned range is the required value, established in conditions of full use of the resources available in the disposal of the enterprise.

Production capacity is a dynamic value, changing under the influence of various factors. Therefore, it is calculated in relation to a certain period of time and even a calendar date. Power is determined at the beginning of the planning period - input power and at the end of the planning period - output power. The latter is calculated by the formula:

M k \u003d M n + M s + M p + M o + M nz - M in,

Where M to - capacity at the end of the planning period; M n - production capacity at the beginning of the planning period; M s – commissioning of capacities as a result of construction of new, expansion of existing capacities; M p – power increase due to reconstruction; M o - increase in capacity as a result of technical re-equipment and other organizational and technical measures; M nz – increase (decrease) in capacities due to changes in the range of products; M in – decrease in power due to its disposal.

1. The concept of the production capacity of the enterprise. Factors that determine it. Calculation of production capacity. Capacity Utilization Indicators

2. Classification of enterprises and their place in external environment

List of sources used

1. The concept of the production capacity of the enterprise. Factors that determine it. Calculation of production capacity. Capacity Utilization Indicators

Production capacity is the estimated, maximum possible under certain conditions, the volume of output by the enterprise (its divisions, equipment) per unit of time. Under certain conditions is understood: the full use of production equipment and areas, the introduction of new equipment and advanced technology, optimal operating modes, the scientific organization of production and labor, the application of technically sound norms for the use of machinery and equipment, the cost of raw materials and materials. Its calculation is necessary to substantiate the production program, identify internal reserves for its increase and increase the efficiency of production, its cooperation.

The value of production capacity is dynamic and varies depending on the conditions of production and the nature of the products (works, services performed), security labor force and its qualifications, the mode of operation of the enterprise and other factors. It is calculated based on the range and range of products established in the plan or corresponding to the actual output, and, as a rule, for a year. In this case, the same units of measurement are used in which the production is planned, sometimes in units of measurement of processed raw materials or in conventional units.

The production capacity should be distinguished from the design one provided for in the design of the enterprise, the actual value of which may be less or more than the production program, but less than the production capacity. At the initial stages of the functioning of enterprises, their production program, as a rule, is less than the production capacity for some time (period), when the development of technological processes takes place, the necessary backlog of work in progress is created, a qualified staff is formulated, cooperative relations are established, etc. Such periods are usually called the period of development of production (development of design capacity).

The periods of development of production are typical not only for newly commissioned enterprises and their production units. In connection with the development of new types of products or processes for their manufacture, they can be periodically repeated on existing ones. At the end of the period of development of output, its volumes reach the design capacity.

In the future, due to the introduction of the achievements of scientific and technical progress into production, for example, more advanced technology and advanced technology, means of mechanization or automation, etc., or vice versa, disposal due to dilapidation of workshops, units, buildings and structures, production capacity may change (increase or decrease). In this regard, a distinction is made between the average annual commissioned and retired, at the end of the year (output) and the average annual production capacity.

The average annual commissioned M s.vv or retired M s.vyb production capacities are defined as the sums of newly commissioned M sv or retired M sb capacities, multiplied by the number of full months of their use during a given year T i and divided by 12, i.e.

M svv = ∑ M iv T i /12; M s.vyb \u003d I M vyb (12 - T i) / 12.

Production capacity at the end of the year (output) M out is defined as the algebraic sum of the input power acting at the beginning of a given year (as of January 1), M in, new capacity introduced during the year, M in and leaving this year M out:

M out \u003d M in + M in -M vyb.

The average annual production capacity M s.g. is the capacity that an enterprise, workshop, site has on average per year, taking into account the growth of new and disposal of available capacities. It is defined as the sum of the input power available at the beginning of a given year, M in, the average annual capacity introduced during the year, M s.vv, as well as the average annual retired power M s. vyb (comparable in the nomenclature, assortment and units of measurement):

M s.g \u003d M in + M s.vv - M s.out \u003d M in + ∑ M inv T i / 12 - ∑ M vyb (12 - T i) / 12.

When determining production capacity, it is recommended to take into account all available production equipment, incl. inactive due to a malfunction, repair, modernization, assigned to the enterprise (listed on its balance sheet, regardless of location), workshop, section. The reserve, mothballed equipment in the amount determined by the current standards, as well as the equipment of auxiliary and maintenance shops, if it is similar to the equipment used in the main shops, is not taken into account.

One of the important factors in calculating production capacity is technically justified norms for the productivity of equipment, the use of production areas, the consumption of raw materials, etc. The norms taken into account should provide for the release of the largest amount of products per unit of time (per unit area, raw materials, etc.). The value of the production capacity of the enterprise also depends on its specialization, the list and the quantitative ratio of products to be manufactured. Replacing one of them with another causes a corresponding change in power.

The operating mode of the enterprise also has a significant impact on the power value. In accordance with this, the following funds of time are distinguished: calendar, regime or nominal, valid (working). For each piece of equipment, the calendar time fund is calculated as the product of the number of calendar days in a year (billing period) by the number of hours per day; the nominal (regime) fund is equal to the calendar fund minus weekends and holidays, taking into account the shortened working day on holidays. With a continuous process, the regime fund is equal to the calendar one. The actual fund of time is the maximum possible for a given mode of operation, taking into account the time spent on maintenance and repair of equipment.

At enterprises with a discontinuous production process, the maximum possible annual fund of time is calculated based on a three-shift (and when working in four shifts - four-shift) operation of the equipment and taking into account the established duration of shifts in hours. From the annual fund calculated in this way, standard time necessary to perform maintenance, current and other repairs, the time of weekends and holidays, and also not work time in shortened shifts on weekends and holidays. In cases where Maintenance and repair of equipment is carried out during working hours and this is taken into account in the norms of its productivity, the time spent on their implementation is not deducted from the general fund of time.

At enterprises with a seasonal nature of production, the fund of equipment operation time is established in accordance with the approved (accepted) mode of operation, taking into account the optimal number of shifts (days) of operation of technological shops or according to the project. For these enterprises, the time for major and other types of repairs that have a significant duration is not recommended to be taken into account.

It should also be borne in mind that when calculating production capacity, equipment downtime associated, for example, with a lack of workers, fuel (energy) and various organizational problems, as well as various time losses due to manufacturing defects, should not be excluded from the worker fund. time. Production areas taken into account when calculating production capacity include, for example, areas occupied by production equipment, workbenches, assembly stands, vehicles, blanks and parts at workplaces, passages between equipment and workplaces (except for main passages), etc. Auxiliary areas include tool areas, repair shop etc. The total area of ​​the workshop is defined as the sum of the production and auxiliary area.

The production capacity of the enterprise is determined by the capacity of the leading workshops; workshops - with the capacity of the leading sections (lines); plots - the capacity of the leading groups of equipment. Leading workshops are understood as workshops (areas) in which a significant part of the main equipment is concentrated and occupying the largest specific gravity in the total complexity of manufacturing products or the most complex and labor-intensive operations of technological processes are performed. So, at ferrous metallurgy plants, such shops include blast-furnace, steel-smelting, rolling; at machine-tool, machine-building, electrical engineering - mechanical and assembly.

If the enterprise has several main (leading) production workshops (sections, units, installations or groups of equipment) that perform individual stages of the technological process, then the production capacity is determined by those that perform the largest amount of work in natural units of measurement or by labor intensity. If there are several workshops (sections, etc.) with a closed (completed) production cycle that produces homogeneous products, it is calculated as the sum of their capacities.

In cases where discrepancies are identified between the capacities of individual workshops, the contingency coefficient is determined - the ratio of the capacity of the leading workshop (site, groups of equipment) to the capacity of other workshops (other production links). In this case, the so-called "bottlenecks" are identified - workshops, sections, etc., the production capacity of which is less than the leading group of equipment (shop, section), which leads to a violation of the principle of proportionality in the organization of production processes, i.e. to the violation of the same relative throughput of individual divisions of the enterprise.

1. Production capacity of the enterprise: concept, types, planning stages

2. Calculation production capacity

3. Production capacity Russian Federation

4. Technical condition production capacity

Productive capacity - This the maximum possible output of a production unit (industries, enterprises, its divisions, workplace) for a certain .

Productive capacity enterprises: concept, types, stages of planning

The volume of fixed production assets and the degree of their use is determined by the production capacity of the enterprise.

The production capacity of an enterprise (workshop or production site) is characterized by the maximum amount of products of the appropriate quality and range that it can produce per unit of time with full use of fixed production assets under optimal operating conditions.

The simplest and most accurate meters of production capacity are natural units. Production capacity is measured, as a rule, in the same units in which it is planned to manufacture this product in in kind(tons, pieces, meters). For example, the production capacity of mining enterprises is determined in tons of mining, metallurgical enterprises - in tons of metal smelting and rolled products; machine-building plants - in pieces of manufactured machines; capacity of sugar refineries and other food processing enterprises industry- in tons of raw materials processed into finished products.

During each planning period, production capacity may change. The longer the planned period, the higher such changes. The main reasons for the changes are:

Installation of new pieces of equipment to replace obsolete or emergency ones;

Depreciation of equipment;

Commissioning of new capacities;

Change in equipment productivity due to intensification of its operation mode or due to a change in the quality of raw materials, etc.

Equipment (replacement of nodes, blocks, transport elements, etc.);

Changes in the structure of raw materials, composition of raw materials or semi-finished products;

Duration work equipment during the planned period taking into account stops for repairs, preventive maintenance, technological breaks;

Production specialization;

Mode work equipment (cyclic, continuous);

Repairs and ongoing maintenance.

The following factors influence the value of production capacity:

1. Technical factors:

The quantitative composition of fixed assets and their structure;

Qualitative composition of fixed assets;

Degree of mechanization and automation of technological processes;

The quality of the raw material.

2. Organizational factors:

Degree of specialization, concentration, cooperation of production;

Level companies production, labor and management.

3. Economic factors:

Forms of remuneration and incentives for employees.

4. Social factors:

Qualification level of employees, their professionalism;

General education level of training.

Production capacities can be considered from different positions, based on this, they determine the theoretical, maximum, economic, practical capacity.

The calculation of production capacity is carried out in units of product measurement. The capacity of a larger production unit is determined by the capacity of its leading unit: the capacity of a site is determined by the capacity of the leading group of equipment; workshop capacity - according to the leading section; the capacity of the enterprise - according to the leading workshop. The leading division is considered to be the one in which a significant part of the production fixed assets is concentrated, performing the main technological operations for the manufacture of products. The sum of the capacities of individual enterprises for the same type of product is the production capacity industries By this species products.

When calculating production capacity, data on:

production fixed assets;

the mode of operation of the equipment and the use of space;

progressive standards for the productivity of equipment and the labor intensity of trade items;

workers' qualifications.

If the productivity of the equipment is known, then the production capacity is determined as the product of the passport productivity of the equipment per unit of time and the planned fund of the time of its operation; in the conditions of multi-product production - as a quotient from dividing the fund of equipment operation time by the complexity of the set trade items produced on this equipment.

The degree of use of production capacity is characterized by the coefficient of use of production capacity, which is equal to the ratio of the annual money issue production to the average annual capacity of the given year. To ensure the planned volume of production and determine the need for natural growth, a balance of production capacities is drawn up.

Production capacity calculation

Productive capacity industries industry, enterprises, its divisions, the maximum possible release high quality products or the volume of processing of raw materials per unit of time (usually within a year). In the socialist countries, production capacity is determined in terms of the range and quantitative ratios established by the plan, taking into account the fullest use of production equipment, areas, advanced technology and firms labor. The calculation of the production capacity of the enterprise is carried out in units of measurement of products adopted in the plan. The simplest and most accurate are natural units of measurement (in products, parts, pieces, tons). According to the capacity of the leading group of equipment, the capacity of the section is determined, according to the leading section - the capacity of the workshop, according to the leading workshop - the capacity of the enterprise. The calculation takes into account measures to eliminate bottlenecks. A significant part of the production fixed assets is concentrated in the leading division, the main technological operations for the manufacture of products are performed. The sum of the capacities of individual enterprises for the same type of product is the production capacity of the industry for this type of product.

To calculate the production capacity, the following initial data: production fixed assets, equipment operation mode and space utilization, progressive equipment productivity and labor intensity standards trade items, qualification of workers. If the productivity of the equipment is known, then the production capacity is determined as the product of the passport productivity of the equipment per unit of time and the planned fund of the time of its operation; in conditions of multi-product production - as a quotient of dividing the fund of equipment operation time by the labor intensity of a set of trade items (parts) manufactured on this equipment.

Production capacity is a dynamic value, changing with the development of technology, the growth of labor efficiency, the improvement of the company's production and labor, and the increase in the cultural and technical level of workers. According to the methodology in force in the industry of the USSR, the production capacity is set on January 1 of the accounting year (input) and on January 1 of the next year (output). The average annual power is also determined. With a uniform increase in power during the year, its average annual value is equal to half the sum of the input and output powers. In other cases, the average annual production capacity is determined as the sum of the capacity at the beginning of the year and the average annual capacity added minus the average annual capacity retired.

The degree of production capacity utilization is characterized by the capacity utilization factor, which is expressed by the ratio of annual emissions valuable papers production to the average annual capacity of the given year. To ensure the planned volume of production and determine the need for an increase in the capacity of the growth i balance production capacity.

Production capacity Russian Federation

Power industry Russian Federation is one of the largest energy complexes in the world, almost completely equipped with domestic equipment, using its own fuel resources, covering the needs countries in electrical and thermal energy and providing electricity. At the end of 2000, the total installed capacity of all power plants in the Russian Federation was 213.3 thousand MW, including thermal - 147.3 thousand MW (69.0%), hydraulic - 44.3 thousand MW (20.8% ), nuclear - 21.7 thousand MW (10.2%). Of the total capacity of thermal stations, the capacity of cogeneration plants (CHP) is 56.8%, condensing (CPP) - 42.3%.

The technical basis of the Russian electric power industry is 432 power plants common use with an installed capacity of 196.2 thousand MW, including 334 TPPs with a capacity of 131.0 thousand MW, 98 HPPs with a capacity of 44.0 thousand MW and 10 nuclear power plants with a capacity of 21.2 thousand MW.

At the end of 2000, the total installed capacity of power plants producing electricity in the network of the UES of the Russian Federation, amounted to 192.2 thousand MW, including thermal (TPP) - 68%, hydraulic ( hydroelectric power station) - 21%, nuclear (NPP) - 11%.

In the last decade, in the context of a fall in the industrial production index and a corresponding decrease in consumption by 20% electricity and its production, the use of installed capacity by all types of AO-energo power plants is extremely low: in 2000, the total level of installed capacity use was 47.92%, including 46.32% for TPPs, hydroelectric power station- 42.50%, for nuclear power plants - 69.07%. For stations of the federal level, this indicator was equal for TPPs - 38.15%, for HPPs - 54.85%.

Technical condition of production facilities

Underestimation by regulatory authorities of the economically justified level of tariffs for electricity and heat, and, as a result, lending to consumers with cheap energy, led to underinvestment in the electric power industry in the field of updating production capacities. As a result of physical depreciation technological equipment The available capacity of power plants for general use does not exceed today 163.5 thousand MW, and the used capacity - 140.0 thousand MW.

The volume of equipment that has exhausted the park resource is growing sharply (the park resource is understood as the minimum reliable term operation in which equipment failure does not occur). By 2001, 30% of steam turbines at TPPs with a total capacity of 39.6 thousand MW had exhausted their fleet life. By the end of 2005, 45% of TPP steam turbines with a total capacity of 59.3 thousand MW will be depleted, by 2010 - 62% of TPP steam turbines or 80.5 thousand MW, and by 2015 - 72% of steam turbines or 94 .6 thousand MW.

For HPPs, where turbine equipment with a total capacity of 21.6 thousand MW (50% of their installed capacity) has already reached its standard service life, a technical re-equipment concept has been developed that provides for refurbishment or comprehensive reconstruction. According to preliminary estimates, the refurbishment will extend the life of the HPP by 15 years at a cost of only 15%-25% of the cost of a comprehensive reconstruction

Sources Great Soviet Encyclopedia Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia Computer Information Systems

Encyclopedia of the investor. 2013 .

  • Reference book of a technical translator - industry, enterprise, its subdivisions calculated, the maximum possible volume of output per unit of time with the fullest use of existing equipment and areas, work force, with this ... ... Economic and Mathematical Dictionary
  • Productive capacity- - the estimated maximum possible output of products per unit of time under certain conditions. [GOST 14.004 83] Term heading: Economics Encyclopedia headings: Abrasive equipment, Abrasives, Roads ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

    Productive capacity- 34. Production capacity Estimated maximum possible output of products per unit of time under certain conditions

What is the production capacity of an enterprise? This concept includes the volume of the maximum probable output. In this case, certain conditions must be observed. First, all released goods must necessarily have high quality. In addition, the equipment must be fully involved in the production process.

The calculation is made taking into account the introduced advanced technology and modern technology, at the highest level in the organization of all links, as well as under other optimal conditions.

Varieties of indicators

The production capacity of the enterprise is measured in the same units as the volume of production. These include the cost expression of output, conditionally natural and natural units. During the operation of the enterprise, the value of the production capacity index undergoes certain changes. This happens in connection with the commissioning of new equipment and the decommissioning of worn-out equipment. Such actions lead to a change in the quantitative values ​​of the volume of goods that are produced by the enterprise. There are only 3 types of power. All of them are classified as industrial. First of all, it is the input power. It is calculated at the beginning of the period for which planning is carried out. There is power output. It is calculated at the end of the scheduled period. And, finally, the third type is the average annual indicator.

Calculation of the value of production capacity

For the correct planning of the work of the enterprise, it is imperative to determine the volume of products that will be produced by them. The production capacity of the enterprise is directly dependent on the capacity of the leading divisions. These include those sections or workshops that are entrusted with the task of performing the most massive, responsible and labor-intensive work. If we take the machine-building industry, then the leading divisions of its enterprises are assembly and machine shops. For metallurgy, these are open-hearth, blast and melting furnaces.

Conditions for calculation

When determining the volume of finished products, some points must certainly be taken into account:

1. The production capacity of the enterprise is calculated from the bottom up. This chain moves from homogeneous equipment to a specific production site. After grouping all the information, the calculation covers each workshop and ends with the entire enterprise.
2. When calculating the value of the production capacity of each unit, the norms for piece time, as well as output, are taken into account. At the same time, the entire range of manufactured products is taken into account in special formulas.

3. The volume of finished products is determined on the target date. This is necessary due to the variability of the indicator during decommissioning or commissioning of equipment, and also due to the need to apply new process conditions, etc.
4. The calculation for assembly shops is required to be made not according to the equipment available in them, but according to their production area.
5. The preliminary determination of the volume of output should not take into account the loss of working time caused by certain shortcomings in the technical and organizational support of the production process. Marriage is not taken into account. Only those inevitable losses of time that are within the approved standard are subject to accounting.

Special cases

In practice, situations arise when the production capacity of individual units differs from the capacity of the leading link. In this case, discrepancies can be both up and down. In this situation, there are divisions of the enterprise that are not synchronized in terms of capacity.

In the event that calculations indicate an excess of this indicator of one of the divisions over the same indicator of the leading link, certain measures should be taken immediately. The administration of the enterprise must either maximize the use of the excess capacity available, or agree that the reserve equipment will be located in this unit. If the calculations made indicate a larger indicator of production capacity at the main leading link, then the problem of the so-called bottleneck arises. Then the manager must decide to expand the problematic unit. For this purpose, additional jobs can be introduced, the time of using the equipment can be increased, or one-time orders are transferred to the side.

Calculation sequence

Determining the volume of products produced using the equipment available at the enterprise goes through the following stages:

The indicator of production capacity is calculated for the leading group of machines and equipment operating in the leading section;
- the capacity of the enterprise determined by the calculation is analyzed to identify bottlenecks of the entire production complex;
certain management decisions are made to eliminate problem areas;

Newly appeared bottlenecks are installed;
- calculation of the value of production capacity;
- coefficients are established that characterize the use of the entire production capacity, both for individual units and for the enterprise as a whole.

Production capacity indicators

The maximum probable volume of finished products is calculated under the condition best organization labor and under ideal conditions of the flow of the technological process. In reality, this is impossible to achieve. That is why the actual volume of output is always lower than that which corresponds to the calculated indicator. To adjust planning, it becomes necessary to determine the level of use of the enterprise's capacities. In quantitative terms, this value is equal to the ratio of the actual annual output to the indicator of output determined for the same period. The level obtained in the calculation, showing the percentage of use of the entire production capacity, directly depends on the internal and external factors that manifest themselves in relation to the technological process. The first of them include those that are directly related to the release of products (modernization of equipment, mode of operation, etc.). A external factors represent the state of the market, the competitiveness of goods, the demand for them, etc.

Conditions for increasing the volume of output

In market conditions, the most important factor in increasing the efficiency of an enterprise is an increase in the use of production capacities. However, this makes sense only when the entire volume of goods produced will be in consumer demand. Otherwise, there will be an overstocking of the enterprise with products.

If the market is well developed and the demand for products is high, then eighty to eighty-five percent of the production capacity can be used. If the necessary conditions are not fulfilled, then the value of equipment involvement in the technological process can fall to a factor of 0.3.

A parameter indicating the possibility of growth

The production potential of an enterprise is an indicator that characterizes the ability of an enterprise to produce goods. Some economists consider this concept analogous to production capacity. However, there is no consensus on this issue. In separate works, the production potential is considered as a certain set of enterprise resources without taking into account technological processes. In another interpretation, this concept takes into account only those resources, the use of which contributes to the reproduction of material wealth.
