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How to lengthen a twisted pair cable. Methods for splicing utp cable twisted pair information networks. Bandwidth Categories

A wired Internet connection is considered more reliable than switching devices via Wi-Fi. Twisted pair transmits a stable signal, despite the distance and interference, which are often critical for a wireless network.

Sometimes you need to extend or repair the Internet cable, and there is no time to wait for the arrival of the master. Agree, in this case, the ability to increase network cable on one's own.

We propose to figure out how to connect a twisted pair cable to each other, which method is the most reliable, and which method is suitable as a temporary solution.

The most likely reason to increase the length is to move a laptop or desktop PC to a back room.

At a great distance in an apartment with reinforced concrete walls and ceilings, the signal weakens, and it becomes problematic to do lessons or prepare a project.

You can reduce the distance from the router to the computer if you rearrange the router as well, but then you still have to build up another cable leading from the landing to the apartment

The second reason has to do with maintenance. If the twisted pair is not sewn under a plasterboard wall or into a baseboard, but lies on the floor, unprotected by anything, then it is easy to damage it. This can be done with a chair leg or a door.

Often small children or animals “help” break the cable - the first by chance, and the second for some reason are very fond of chewing on unattended, unattended cords.

Modern technologies have led to the fact that today almost every home has Internet. The World Wide Web has become an integral part of our daily lives. The main and most common way to connect to the Internet is through a local area network. The computer is connected to the Internet using a network cable. There are situations when the cable is not enough to move the computer to the right place. You can read about how to build an Internet cable in this article.

How to extend the wire: 3 options

It is very inconvenient to use the Internet when there is no possibility to move freely. Many build up a network cable to make using the Internet more comfortable. There are several easy ways to extend the cable.

One of the ways to extend the Internet cable is to buy a special patch cord and a joyner (twisted pair connector).

When buying, it is important to pay attention to the appearance of the joyner, as it is very similar to a phone adapter. It will not be difficult to distinguish a twisted pair, since the adapter has 8 pins, while the telephone adapter has only 7. A computer network card is inserted into the patch cord, the other end of the cord is connected to a network cable.

Internet cable extension options:

  1. Router. Convenient and reliable extension option. The router has a couple of sockets to which you can connect a network cable. Router - "splitter" of the Internet. It allows not only to extend the cable, but also to connect additional devices to the channel. You can refuse the cable altogether if you purchase wifi router.
  2. Purchasing a new cable. The old cable can be replaced with a new one by simply measuring its length beforehand. This method is time consuming, as you will have to call a technician to reconnect. But if we are talking not about a multi-storey building, but about a private one, then the method is quite suitable.
  3. Performing a twist. Masters do not recommend using this method. It involves cutting the cable, and then inserting an additional segment into it required length. Two segments must be connected with electrical tape.

Twisting can lead to short circuits, which will lead to a disruption in the speed of the connection or the complete absence of the Internet. The most reliable and modern way extending the cable is to use a router. If you are not sure that the self-lengthening attempt will be successful, you can always contact your Internet provider for help.

It often happens that the master interrupted the wiring, performing repair work. When working with a grinder or other tools, some may accidentally cut an electrical wire laid in the wall. Damage is indicated by sparks that appear, a power outage or knocking out traffic jams.

The fact that the wiring is interrupted is evidenced by broken sockets and the lack of lighting in the area that is located behind the damaged wiring.

The wires located in the installation box may also break. Often there is not enough length for their correct connection. It should be noted that experts advise not to repair one wire, but to replace the entire damaged area. Of course, this method is suitable for those who are not afraid of damage. finishing materials and ready to renovate.

How to build an aluminum cable:

  1. Twist the ends of the cable if they are long enough. The twist must be wrapped with electrical tape. This method is the most unreliable, because the twist can break again, which will return the problem.
  2. At the ends of the wires, you can put a special heat shrink tube. This method is suitable for connecting and extending any cable. In order to perform plantings correctly, the tube must be heated.
  3. All types of wires (copper and aluminum) can be extended using a block. The ends of the cable must be stripped, and then pick up the block.
  4. If the wires have broken off, they can be repaired using a spiral. It is screwed onto the ends of the wires. After the desired density is reached, you need to make the insulation of the wires.

Extending a twisted-pair cable does not require special skills, and if done correctly, it can even be reliable. When twisting wires, you need to follow the rule of one level and isolate each individual connection. An interesting method is the displacement of joints made by twisting or soldering.

5 ways: how to extend the wire in the outlet

Sooner or later, everyone is faced with the fact that the wiring breaks. Long service life of the wiring leads to damage or breakage of the wires. Wires can be damaged in the most unpredictable places.

Often, wire breakage occurs when connecting sockets (very often this happens with aluminum wires).

The electric cable in an apartment or house can be extended independently. To do this, you need to make sure that the cores of the conductors that are spliced ​​consist of the same material (it can be copper or aluminum). There are five simple ways to help solve the current problem.

Five ways to lengthen the wire:

  1. Adhesive pads. With their help, you can build up and connect electrical wires. This method is suitable for connecting conductors with various metal conductors.
  2. Connecting pads. Their use lengthens the block.
  3. Twisting lived. The damaged end of the wire must be at least 30 mm, then the splicing will be reliable.
  4. Soldering. To do this, you need a welding machine. This method is suitable for building conductors with a large cross section.
  5. Sleeves. It's not very convenient way which takes quite a lot of time.

The twisting method is the most common. It is used to repair headphones, TV, refrigerator, electric stove, etc. When doing work yourself, it is important to remember safety precautions.

If the cable is not long enough to put the TV in a convenient place, you can extend it yourself. It will be quite difficult to completely replace the cable. Of course, you can use an extension cord, but there are times when this is not possible. There are several basic ways that you can choose based on personal knowledge and skills.

You can use a TV extension cable, an adapter, or get ready to work with a soldering iron and soldering.

When purchasing an additional television cable, it is important to pay attention to its brand. To connect two cables, you will need plugs, wrapping and an adapter. It is important that the plugs are correctly sized.

Lengthening Tips:

  • Cut the cable sheath lengthwise a few centimeters.
  • Unscrew the shell in reverse side and remove where the incision begins.
  • Bend the aluminum screen.
  • Screw the wires, which already have plugs, to the adapter.

This scheme can be used to extend the cord for a stove, electric kettle, etc. A broken cord can always be repaired. To extend the wire, it is desirable to use a terminal. But when performing work, it is important to strictly observe safety precautions. To splice several wires, you must first learn the technology of extending the wires. You can also build up the power cable yourself, for this you need to use an extension technique. In order to prevent damage to the floor during repair work, you can lay a sheet on the floor.

Instructions: how to build an Internet cable (video)

Modern man cannot imagine himself without electronic devices. In everyday life, he uses a computer, TV and other devices that run on electricity. It often happens that a computer or television wire is not convenient enough to use, since its length is small. This introductory article showed how to extend the wire. It is important to understand that incorrect actions can lead to equipment failure. Sip can be increased in several ways - each master can choose the most convenient for him.

In our age, every apartment, house, and some have dachas have Internet access. Connecting to the World Wide Web has long become the norm and a vital necessity, and now I am writing these lines, sitting at a table in the garden. The main way to connect to the Internet now is the provider's local networks, which are physically connected to our computer or laptop using a network cable - an eight-wire twisted pair.

Often a situation arises when the computer needs to be moved to another location, and the network cable may not be enough for this move. How to extend the Internet network cable so that it lasts to a new place?

Option one - joyner and patch cord

This method is simple and reliable. To increase the length of the cable, we simply buy a patch cord (see the figure) and an RJ-45 twisted pair connector, or joyner. These computer little things are sold in any store, and they cost mere pennies - when I bought them quite recently, the joyner cost 22 rubles and a three-meter patch cord 60 rubles.

By the way, a telephone adapter and an RJ-45 twisted-pair adapter are outwardly indistinguishable - so do not confuse. The telephone has 7 contacts and the computer has 8 - you can count just in case.

So, we insert the patch cord into the computer's network card, and the other end into the joyner, to which we connect our network cable - everything works.

Option two - router

This extension option is convenient and no less reliable.
To connect using the second method, we need a router that we connect to the Internet. The router has several sockets for connecting a network cable, and thus is a kind of "splitter" of the Internet. With it, we will not only extend the cable, but will also be able to connect additional devices to the Internet from one channel. If you choose a Wi-Fi router, then you won’t need cables for your computer at all - I recommend it for a laptop that is constantly moved from place to place.

Option three - new cable

Simply take a new network cable of the correct length and plug it in. The option is not entirely convenient, since you need to call the provider's technician to include a new cable in the equipment - you won’t climb into the attic to look for where your apartment is connected, right? But for homeowners, this method is suitable.

Option four - twist

I must say that extending the network cable with a twist is far from the best solution, and it is better to use the methods indicated above. You simply cut the cable and insert the length you need, insulating the wires with electrical tape according to the colors. Any signalman will point out to you the disadvantage of this connection method, and he will be right - short circuits will inevitably occur in the twist and the connection speed may suffer.

So use reliable and simple ways- a router or a connection using an RJ-45 adapter, and Internet access will remain the same quality as it was.

Twisted-pair Internet cable has firmly entered our daily lives. Like everyone around us, the cable sometimes fails. A typical situation when working with a twisted-pair network cable is when there are only a few meters left to the connection point, and the cable is literally a couple of meters away, either your pet enjoyed the cable from the provider with pleasure, or the cable is easily damaged during repairs or simply by negligence. In such cases, the twisted-pair cable must be extended or spliced.

Many services and craftsmen will come to your aid. But this problem It is quite possible to fix it yourself, saving time and money. Consider 4 ways to lengthen the Internet cable with your own hands.

Joyner and patch cord detachable connections

This option is simple, accessible to most audiences and does not require special knowledge. To extend the length of the cable, we simply purchase a patch cord and the necessary special sockets and RJ-45 plugs (joyner). Such computer connectors are sold for a small price in almost any office equipment store.

It is worth recalling that an ordinary telephone adapter and the RJ-45 twisted-pair adapter itself are practically indistinguishable in appearance - so be careful not to confuse. As a rule, the telephone has 7 contacts, but in our case, that is, the computer 8 can be counted upon purchase.

The most significant drawback is special equipment (crimper) for crimping connectors, and these are additional costs. And the contact area is smaller compared to the following methods, and reliability, service life and tightness are not at the highest level.

This technique is widely known in almost all areas where the cable is used. The method is available to everyone who confidently holds a knife and electrical tape in their hands, while providing good reliability. In time, such a build-up may well serve the entire service life of the cable itself. Speeds up to 100 Mbps are maintained in sections up to 100 meters, as well as on entire cable sections.

Often twists are made at the same level, and each posting is isolated separately. However, there is a more reliable technology for connecting wires. It is very common among telephonists, system administrators, installers, etc., people who often face the question of how to lengthen an Internet cable with their own hands. The main idea is to connect the cable at different levels to eliminate the possibility of contact between the stripped wires.

It is necessary to release about 10 centimeters of the cable from the outer sheath. A split nylon thread is provided inside the cable, so it is quite enough to make a small incision, find the thread and then use it to clean the sheath. The same procedure must be done with the second piece of cable. The sheath cut along the cable should not be finally cut off, we will use it again when the connection is ready.

We clean each wire of twisted pairs by about one centimeter, not forgetting to make sure that, according to the location of the twist, they cannot touch each other. Stripping the wires will require patience and accuracy, the main thing is not to cut the copper wires. Also, do not neglect folk wisdom“Measure seven times, cut once”, it is better to strip the wires gradually after you finish the next twist. If you still do not have enough experience in stripping cores from insulation, it makes sense to practice on an unnecessary piece of cable.

We apply the two stripped ends of the wire crosswise and twist with our fingers. It turns out something like a "pigtail". When connecting copper wires to each other, it must be remembered that both wires must be twisted together. And it is not permissible for one of the wires to remain straight, and the second twisted around it. After we have made the twist, bend it in half and press it with round-nose pliers to ensure mechanical strength.

It is advisable to insulate each twist with an insulating tape for greater reliability and tightness. Next, the wires are laid in the sheath of one of the cables and covered with the second. To give strength and a finished look, we tightly tighten the junction with an insulating tape and the work is ready.

Twisted pair cable extension and soldering

This method is the most reliable, especially for radio mechanics, and is available to many. However, it is necessary to have experience in soldering. If the place of the planned connection is far from the current source, for example, the attic of the house or the entrance, and there is no way to use an extension cord, a mobile soldering iron will come to your aid.

Before splicing twisted pairs by soldering, we prepare the cable in the same way as when splicing twisted pairs by twisting (see above). The only difference is that the wires do not have to be twisted, it will be enough to hold them next to the cable overlap of 5-6 millimeters. Or you can make hooks at the ends of the wire and hook them together for further convenience when soldering.

The soldering process itself requires accuracy from the performer, since it is easy to damage neighboring wires with a heated soldering iron.

After soldering, we will insulate the wires for greater reliability. Then we fit the wires into one of the outer shells, and cover the second one on top. We isolate the junction with insulating tape for greater tightness and a better aesthetic appearance.

The considered methods can be applied not only to a twisted-pair Ethernet cable. The same principles of extension and expansion are suitable for a wide variety of cables, be it stranded or solid wire for a variety of applications.

Internet cable extension router

This method of building is also quite convenient and practical. By connecting a router, you can connect to global network unlimited number of laptops, computers, etc. (but still within reason).

To extend our Internet cable by this method, we will need to purchase the router itself and a necessarily crimped twisted pair (Internet wire) of the required length. If necessary, you can buy a ready-made crimped piece of such a cable; in some cases, twisted pair is crimped in a specialized store. But even if not, then you can easily crimp the twisted pair cable with your own hands.

Now the Internet cable should be connected to the WAN port (Internet port) of the router, and directly crimped twisted pair to a simple LAN port of the same router and then to your laptop or computer. It remains only to carry out simple router settings, after which you can use the network without problems as before.

In our age, every apartment, house, and some have dachas have Internet access. Connecting to the worldwide network has long become the norm and a vital necessity, and now I am writing these lines, sitting at the table. The main way to connect to the Internet now is the provider's local networks, which are physically connected to our computer or laptop using a network cable - an eight-wire twisted pair.

Often a situation arises when the computer needs to be moved to another location, and the network cable may not be enough for this move. How to extend the Internet network cable so that it lasts to a new place?

Cable extension options

Option one - joyner and patch cord

This method is simple and reliable. To increase the length of the cable, we simply buy a patch cord (see the figure) and an RJ-45 twisted pair connector, or joyner. These computer little things are sold in any store, and they cost mere pennies - when I bought them quite recently, the joyner cost 22 rubles and a three-meter patch cord 60 rubles.

By the way, the telephone adapter and the RJ-45 twisted-pair adapter are outwardly indistinguishable - so do not confuse. The telephone has 7 contacts and the computer has 8 - you can count just in case.

So, we insert the patch cord into the computer's network card, and the other end into the joyner, to which we connect our network cable - everything works.

Option two - router

This extension option is convenient and no less reliable.
To connect using the second method, we need a router that we connect to the Internet. The router has several sockets for connecting a network cable, and thus is a kind of "splitter" of the Internet. With it, we will not only extend the cable, but will also be able to connect additional devices to the Internet from one channel. If you choose a Wi-Fi router, then you won’t need cables for your computer at all - I recommend it for a laptop that is constantly moved from place to place.

Option three - new cable

Simply take a new network cable of the correct length and plug it in. The option is not entirely convenient, since you need to call the provider's technician to include a new cable in the equipment - you won’t climb into the attic to look for where your apartment is connected, right? But for homeowners, this method is suitable.

Option four - twist

Need to say, that extending the network cable by twisting is far from the best solution, and it is better to use the methods indicated above. You simply cut the cable and insert the desired length of the segment,

Repeatedly faced with the need to lengthen the cable of twisted pairs of Ethernet lines. There may be several reasons. When laying a new line, the cable ran out in the bay, and several meters were not enough to reach the connection point, the cable was damaged in the entrance during repair work, when the computer was moved, the cable length was not enough.

There are three options for solving the problem.
1. Make a plug-in connection using a socket and an RJ45 plug.
2. Twist the same-color wires together, as telephonists do.
3. Connect the wires by soldering.

The first option is the simplest and does not require high qualifications from the performer. But it has disadvantages:
– the need for special pliers for crimping,
- lack of tightness of the connection and in case of moisture ingress, instability of the contact.

Extension extension utp cable twisted pair twisted

Extending a twisted-pair cable by twisting is more affordable, does not require high qualifications, provides sufficient reliability and is guaranteed to keep the line working at speeds up to 100 Mbps. With proper twisting, the connection is quite reliable for a long time. Traditionally, all wires in a utp cable are twisted at the same level and each connection is insulated individually with insulating tape or PVC tubes. I will introduce you to the technology that I have been using for a long time when connecting any wires, including a twisted pair cable. Its distinctive feature is the displacement along the cable of the joints by twisting or soldering relative to each other.

From the end of the cable, the outer sheath is cut along 8 cm. To do this, it is enough to cut it a couple of centimeters, find a nylon cutting thread inside and pull it, the sheath will disperse. The same operation must be carried out with the second end of the twisted pair cable. The shell cut along does not need to be cut off, it will still come in handy.

Next, you need to strip all ends of the twisted pairs one centimeter from the insulation in such a way as to prevent adjacent twists from touching each other. The main thing is to properly strip the wires without cutting the copper wires. It is better to remove the insulation gradually, after performing the next twist. Try on two conductors, cut off the excess, strip and then twist.

To connect the conductors with a twist, you need to attach the conductors to be connected crosswise, then take your fingers and turn until both ends completely wrap around each other. Must be at least 5 turns. It is necessary to prevent one wire from remaining straight, and the second wrapped around it. In this case, the mechanical strength of the connection will be very weak. To minimize signal loss at the junction, it is necessary to develop twisted pairs only to the minimum length necessary for twisting. Finally, the twist is bent in half with tweezers in order to reduce its size and increase mechanical strength.

The result is a spliced ​​cable. All twists are made at a sufficient distance from each other.

It remains to wrap the junction with insulating tape and the cable is ready for operation.

If you have not previously done such work, then it is better to practice until you get a positive result on a piece of unnecessary cable.

Twisted pair cable extension by soldering

Extending the utp twisted pair cable by soldering is the most reliable way and has greater mechanical strength. Tests have shown that human muscle strength (stepping on one end with their feet and pulling the other with their hands) is not enough to damage the cable. If a socket for connecting a soldering iron is not available at the junction of the twisted pair cable, then you can use a mobile soldering iron.

Preparation of the cable for splicing and removal of insulation from the wires is carried out exactly as preparation for splicing twisted pairs with twist. Only requirements for the mechanical properties of the twist are not imposed, since the strength of the butted joint will be provided by solder.

It is not necessary to twist the conductors to be connected before soldering, but you can simply attach them to each other with an overlap of a few millimeters or make small hooks out of them and engage them.

After soldering, the junction is wrapped around the sheath of one end of the cable, and the sheath of the other is superimposed on top of the previous one.

A few turns of duct tape tightly screwed in half-width overlap will seal the joint and give it a finished look.

IN Lately to connect to the Internet, providers are increasingly using. This is a simple and reliable way to connect to the World Wide Web. What is especially important when using local network the user does not need to install any programs, drivers or additional equipment (such as an ADSL modem).

Your Internet cable must be connected to the WAN port (Internet port) of the router, and the compressed twisted pair cable to the regular LAN port of the router and to your computer. After a simple router setup, you can use the Internet as before.

Method number 3. To lengthen the Internet cable, you can make a twist.

The easiest way. All you need is a piece of twisted pair cable of the length you need. It is not difficult to buy an uncompressed twisted pair cable.

After that, you need to cut your Internet cable in any convenient place and wedge in the purchased piece of twisted pair cable. To do this is quite simple. In order to connect a twisted pair cable, you do not need to solder anything. All that needs to be done is to strip the conductors and carefully twist the twisted pair by color. Naturally, everything needs to be insulated with high quality electrical tape. You can see how to twist a twisted pair cable in the video.
