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What does a design engineer do in aviation? Profession: aircraft engineer. Pros and cons of professions

Beginning: 25000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 33000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 60000 ⃏ per month

* - information on salaries is given approximately based on vacancies on profiling sites. Salaries in a specific region or company may differ from those shown. Your income is greatly influenced by how you can apply yourself in your chosen field of activity. Income is not always limited only to what vacancies are offered to you on the labor market.

Demand for the profession

The main advantages of working in aircraft manufacturing are a stable high income, the opportunity for rapid career growth, good working conditions and benefits from the state. Qualified employees are highly valued by management and, if they perform their job duties properly, are usually rewarded with bonuses. The profession of an aircraft designer is considered one of the most reliable, since the aircraft manufacturing sector is promising and rapidly developing.

Who is the profession suitable for?

The profession of an aircraft designer is one of the most responsible: the cost of his mistake is measured not just in company losses, but in human lives. That is why extremely stringent requirements are placed on his professional knowledge. Such an employee is required to:

  • knowledge of the design and operation of aircraft
  • ability to work with computer technology and automated systems of a modern aircraft
  • strict accuracy of mathematical calculations
  • concentration of attention
  • ability to withstand stressful situations
  • awareness of one's responsibility


The responsibilities of an aircraft manufacturing employee include:

  • Development of basic technological processes for the final assembly of airliners.
  • Drawing up a plan for monitoring the compliance of technical documentation with the assembly of the aircraft assembly.
  • Development of basic diagrams of the structure of an airliner, creation of drawings of the aircraft cable network, checking of drawings for compliance with GOST standards.
  • Design support for aircraft operation.
  • Checking the technical condition of individual working elements of aircraft.
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In the Russian language in the early 90s, the word “designer” appeared, denoting creative activity aimed at creating aesthetic and ergonomic technical means. When translating foreign publications and especially television and radio broadcasts, translators very often forget that English. designer has several meanings that are translated differently. Also, one should not confuse designers and draftsmen, who only draw a drawing in accordance with the state standard (ESKD) and are not directly involved in development. As a rule, the designer leads the development, giving tasks to the designer/draftsman as needed or drawing the drawing himself.

Functions of a design engineer

Typically, the designer receives from the industrial designer and marketing specialists the basic idea of ​​the development, customer expectations, and also the requested technical characteristics, which together, expressed in an agreed document, is the technical specification for the development. After which the design process begins. Often, designs must match production capabilities, available materials, skills of workers, available packaging and possible delivery methods to the consumer.

If the equipment being developed has an impact on public safety, then a license is required to carry out such activities. For example, in the US a "professional engineer" license may be required. In Russia, a license for the right to carry out the corresponding development must be obtained by the development organization. Article 4 of Federal Law N128-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities” states:

Licensed types of activities include types of activities, the implementation of which may entail damage to the rights, legitimate interests, health of citizens, defense and security of the state, the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation and the regulation of which cannot be carried out by methods other than licensing.

However, this requirement generally does not apply to the development of devices for internal production needs.

In the practice of domestic production since Soviet times, the following division of designers into categories has been accepted:

  • uncategorized - performs simple work under the supervision of more experienced employees.
  • Category 3 - the same as without a category, in addition, he carries out drawings of the simplest assembly units under control.
  • Category 2 - the same as category 3, in addition, it develops individual assembly units of low complexity.
  • Category 1 - the same as category 2, in addition, it develops components and assemblies on the instructions of the leader.
  • leader - develops the fundamentals of the design, kinematics of the mechanism, carries out general coordination of development, etc.
  • chief (general) - carries out general management of the design departments of the enterprise and coordination of their actions.

Impact of CAD

At the same time, the development of computer technologies (primarily three-dimensional graphics and mathematical modeling) led to the emergence of various CAD systems - both two-dimensional (for example, the well-known Autodesk Compass - Graph) and three-dimensional (for example, Autodesk SolidWorks, Pro/ENGINEER, BoCAD 3D, Compass 3D, T-FLEX CAD). CAD blurs the lines between the aforementioned uncategorized, 3 and 2 categories due to the obvious advantages and opportunities provided by CAD. For example, CAD allows you to create a model of a part in a visual representation and place it in an assembly, and also automatically generate a drawing based on the existing model of the part. For more information about CAD, see the corresponding article.

Design preparation for production

It is the responsibility of some designers to create prototypes, after which the prototype is critiqued and revised. Prototypes are either working models or non-functioning models (mock-ups). The actual model is tested, and the simulation is used to determine aesthetic parameters, as well as compliance with the task. All possible inconsistencies are identified and eliminated. At this stage, the design development of the product is completed, and the design documentation is transferred to the technical archive. Next, the production preparation specialist, together with the process engineer, develops the technical process. Also at this stage, packaging development begins.

When, after numerous changes, the prototype is completed and the parts are manufactured, assembly of the prototype begins. The lead product designer, together with the quality engineer and the head of the assembly shop, discuss comments on the prototype and problems during the assembly process. Statistical control methods are also often used. Product variations correspond to certain aspects of the technical process and cancel each other out. The most common indicator used is the process productivity coefficient C pk. The indicator C pk = 1.0 is considered the minimum for putting a product into production.

The designer can accompany the product and make changes and modifications throughout the production of the product. This principle is sometimes called “cradle to grave.”

Education Requirements

As a rule, the following is required from the designer:

  • qualification as a design engineer or several years of experience in this field (usually 2-5 years);
  • knowledge of basic (“standard”) structures and their elements on the subject of development;
  • knowledge of techniques for creating technologically advanced, economical and efficient structures;
  • knowledge of basic technologies and production methods.

Other countries have similar requirements for applicants:

  • a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from an accredited educational institution;
  • experience or knowledge of design methods, production technology.

Those wishing to study as a design engineer can attend additional classes in


For friends!


“Tu”, “Yak”, “Il”, “Su”, “MiG”... These aircraft models are known all over the world. Do you know why they were named this way and not otherwise? Maybe for some this will be a kind of discovery, but the supersonic passenger airliner Tu-144, for example, is named after its creator - A.N. Tupolev. The Yak family of aircraft is the fruit of the hard work of aircraft designer A.S. Yakovleva. “Il” means that these models of bombers and passenger aircraft were created at the design school of S.V. Ilyushin. The list of outstanding Russian aircraft designers can be continued with the names of P.O. Sukhoi, O.K. Antonova, A.I. Mikoyan, G.M. Berieva and others. These people made a huge contribution to the development of world aviation.

By the way, the word “aviation” translated from Latin means “bird”. Already in ancient times, people dreamed of soaring in the sky like winged birds. However, the first aircraft took to the skies only at the beginning of the 20th century. In Russia, the first aircraft was invented by Rear Admiral A.F. Mozhaisky. But, unfortunately, he was unable to take off, since the designer at that time had no engineering experience.

Useful articles

Description of activity

Aircraft designer is an engineering specialty. Specialists at this level know everything about their aircraft. Engineers, as a rule, “support” a technical device at all stages of its “life cycle”. They design and construct. Then they develop manufacturing technology, monitor production, then carry out adjustment and testing. Even maintenance, repair and disposal of the device does not take place without engineers. Thus, an aircraft designer not only designs and constructs airplanes and helicopters, but also brings them into a position of complete readiness for takeoff: performs technical inspections, configures all equipment and equipment.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Job responsibilities

The job responsibilities of an aircraft designer include the design and modification of aircraft systems. The aircraft designer prepares the plane for takeoff and configures the system. If he finds any problems, he fixes them. An aircraft designer can supervise the work of aircraft mechanics. One of the job responsibilities of an aviation engineer is the preparation of technical documents.

A design engineer is a person who designs machinery and equipment. Among his main tasks are the development of drawings of parts and key elements of mechanisms, the preparation of various production and technical tasks, control over the manufacture of parts and their testing. In small industries, such an employee must coordinate projects with inspector organizations and look for customers.

Like any other, the profession of a design engineer has its pros and cons. Among the advantages is the constant availability of interesting developments and the opportunity to develop in this direction; In large companies, career advancement is possible. The disadvantages include a relatively small salary, sometimes too much work, the need for constant testing of structures, which requires even more attention during their design, frequent modifications and redesigns of the design.

Design engineer is a position that is most often found in state research institutes, public or private design bureaus, domestic companies that have successfully entered the market of goods and services, as well as companies that install windows, grilles, fences, and outdoor advertising , gate

Such an engineer must be able to concentrate, have a technical and Design engineer, as a rule, begins his career by studying at a higher educational institution. This profession requires good technical knowledge. In most cases, design engineers with a good education do not have problems finding employment. Of course, it is much more difficult to get a job in private enterprises than in public ones, but it all depends on the level of knowledge of the applicant and his desire to work. The most suitable option for a young specialist is to work in a private design bureau. It is she who guarantees the availability of interesting projects and constant employment.

Study and analysis of incoming design documentation;

Coordination of developed projects with customers;

Economic justification of designs and so on.

Thus, a design engineer is a profession that is currently in demand and interesting. It requires appropriate higher education and the presence of certain character traits.

A person in this profession understands the structure of aircraft - from on-board instruments to aircraft engines - knows how they function. Such a specialist is engaged in the design or construction of aircraft, carries out technical inspections and brings aircraft to a state of readiness. He also corrects malfunctions of aircraft mechanisms, configures on-board equipment and maintains relevant documentation.

Personal qualities

The profession of an aircraft engineer is one of the most responsible: the cost of his mistake is measured not just in company losses, but in human lives. That is why extremely stringent requirements are placed on his professional knowledge. Such an employee is required to:

Knowledge of the design and operation of aircraft

Ability to work with computer technology and automated systems of a modern aircraft

Rigorous accuracy of mathematical calculations

Concentration of attention

Ability to withstand stressful situations

Awareness of your responsibility

Where to study

This specialty can be obtained at highly specialized aviation universities and technical universities, where training is provided in the areas of “aircraft engineering”, “aviation navigation”, “aircraft control systems”. Military academies also train to become aircraft engineers.

The learning process is traditionally divided into two parts: junior courses study general engineering disciplines, specialization begins in the second or third year, and subjects such as aerodynamics, aircraft design, and avionics are added. The curricula for training civil and military aviation engineers have minimal differences.

University "Dubna"

Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great

Pros and cons of professions


Huge demand associated with the development of the aerospace industry;

High or average, but stable salary;

There is almost no risk of unemployment;

Internal competition is extremely low.

High barriers to entry: the learning process is long and difficult;

Nervous tension;

Professional mistakes are unacceptable;

A lot of specialized knowledge and a suitable character are required.

Career, places of employment

First of all, aviation engineers are welcome in airlines and aerospace industry enterprises. The place of work may be a design department or a repair and testing area for aircraft systems. It is possible to specialize exclusively in radio-electronic equipment: radars, flight recorders, attitude indicators, etc.

This specialty also allows you to find employment in a number of industries not related to aircraft manufacturing. A design engineer can be useful in factories, dealing with light-alloy structures, working in enterprises (for example, those producing equipment for working in aggressive environments, robotic and radio engineering, or refrigeration units). You can work with video surveillance and security systems or develop software that automates design work.

Aircraft mechanic and aircraft engineer: difference in qualifications

Mechanics and technicians, which belong to groups A, B and D1, perform basic maintenance. Job title engineer implies more advanced qualifications, more complex tasks and an increased degree of responsibility. He conducts final maintenance certification or leads a team of aircraft mechanics.

A specialist who works in a design bureau to design aircraft is called aircraft designer.
