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What to do to sell the goods. Conspiracies for good trade, sale (many). For the seller to lower the price

All about religion and faith - "a prayer to sell your stale goods" with detailed description and photographs.

Whispers to trade are magic words that help a person in everyday life. Our ancestors actively used them in various life situations to attract good luck, protect against ill-wishers, fight illness or successful trade. Our words and desires tend to materialize, and whispers are nothing more than voicing our desires. This is the reason they are so effective.

Whispers on good trading

Each of us, if desired, can use whispers, and their magic will help achieve what we want. You just need to believe in what you are doing, and the result will not be long in coming. If you have no experience in trading, then you can make it more successful quite simply.

How to pronounce whispers correctly

Many often confuse whispers and conspiracies. It is a mistake to believe that the same thing, because the conspiracy is used on a certain day of the week. The number or time of day, but a whisper is spoken at any time when circumstances require it. Another important difference is that mainly objects, water, earth, etc. speak. Whispers are a certain way to convey your desires and requests to higher powers.

When we figured out what a whisper is and how it differs from a conspiracy, we can discuss exactly how whispers should be pronounced. In this case, not only the text of the whisper is important, but also how you pronounce it. In order to achieve what you want, try:

  • pronounce the words clearly and distinctly, it is advisable to do it quietly in a low voice or to yourself;
  • think about what you want to achieve with this whisper, the brighter you imagine the result, the faster everything will work out;
  • If there are any mandatory conditions, then strictly adhere to them.

By following these simple rules and learning by heart the whisper you need, you can apply it on occasion and improve your trading.

Whispers for successful trading

Those who worked in the field of trade or sold at least something in their lives know the problems when the goods stagnate and there is no trade. For this case, there are whispers that will attract buyers and help establish trade.

Before trading, cross all the goods and say:

“I am a good merchant, my goods are attractive. I'll sell everything. Goods for you, money for us. Full of bins, replenish the treasury. Amen".

After that, turn to face east and cross yourself. After such a ceremony, buyers will fall one after another, and the goods will be sold quickly.

Another equally effective whisper should be said when the buyer picks up your product. While a person is examining an object in his hands, you need to have time to say:

Buy here and now. Remove the evil eye from yourself. Amen".

This must be done before the buyer releases the goods from the hands. After this whisper, people have a desire to consider the assortment and buy something from you.

After the first sale, the showcase is fanned with the received banknotes and sentenced:

“I am a good merchant! We sell our goods to you! Money to money! Money on money! Not your money for you, your product for you! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Well, if the first profit received will be calculated without delivery. This means that luck smiled at you, and trading today will be successful.

Immediately after waking up, look out the window and say:

“Where I go, nowhere is there a refusal for me. Well done merchant, I have God's crown on me! As soon as I go to the market full, I will come empty. Money in the chest, you have the goods! Amen!".

Whisper to attract buyers

If too few buyers visit you and the cash desk is not replenished at all, then this state of affairs can be corrected with the help of whispers to attract buyers. To do this, in the morning before trading, go out onto the porch, spit on your palms and run them through your pockets, saying:

“Oh yes, merchant, oh yes, well done! Every merchant is a merchant! I bargain with all sorts of merchants! Their word is the first, and my second! Their word is copper, but mine is gold! Amen!".

Then boldly go to the market, because there will be no end to buyers.

You can also speak after the departing buyer:

“Go, go, bring with you. It will be so, but nothing else! Amen!".

Look at the person's back until they leave.

Passing by a large anthill, you need to say 3 times:

“Also crowded! Amen!".

Then walk away from the anthill without turning around. With this whisper, you will attract a lot of people to your counter.

If there are no customers at all in your store, then leaving the store, after the end of the working day, you should say:

One today, two tomorrow! As bees swarm, as dews are born, so let there be a lot of people here! I am a good merchant! Everyone is envying money for money! Amen!".

Whispers for good earnings

If you have a Thursday salt, then you can perform a ceremony for good earnings. Preparing this salt is very simple. They consecrate it in the church on a clean Thursday on the eve of the great feast of Easter. Leaving the house in the morning, turn around over your left shoulder and throw a pinch of salt over it. Moving away from the porch a couple of meters, say:

“It's nice to watch when the treasury is full! It's nice to look when the bins are full of gold. Let it be so! Amen!".

In order to increase revenue, you need to go outside at night and look at the sky, saying:

“As the sky is full of stars, so my pocket will be filled! I am a good merchant! A merchant to all merchants! The stars are in the sky, and the gold is in the chest. Goods for you, chest for me! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

In order for this whisper to work, the sky must be clear without a single cloud.

The next time you start cutting up a whole head of cabbage, say:

“I cut cabbage, I add money! Gold flows into my purse like a river, and the goods bring joy to you! Let it be so!"

Conspiracy for successful trading.

Conspiracy for successful trading.

Conspiracy for successful trading. 00:54. - Feature of the rite

Conspiracy for trade: so that the goods are bought up.

Whispers for the sale of stale goods

So it happens that the product is stale on the counter and is not sold in any way. For this case, there is a whisper that will make the product more attractive to buyers. Stroking the stale product, say:

“As I looked, I was so stunned. The goods are good, the merchant is handsome. I sell, you buy! My word is strong, like a castle, like a rock, like a stone! Amen!".

Then spit 3 times over your left shoulder.

You can also sell goods that have some defects. To do this, put your right hand on the product and tapping it with your fingers, say:

“I am a good merchant! I have God's crown! I'm walking across the field, leading the bees! Bees fly to honey, and I go to the market! My product is good! Goods for you, money in my wallet! Let it be so! Amen!".

Whispers for a profitable successful livestock trade. If you need to sell livestock, then you will need a whisper to trade in live goods. Looking the animal in the eyes, say:

“As my hands stroke and cherish you, so will other people's hands groom. As the spring is full of water, so you will not know thirst. As the forest of trees is full, so you will always be full. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

So that the animal does not fall into bad hands, read a whisper before feeding it. It sounds like this:

“If I groomed you, then other people’s hands will groom you. As honey is sweet to bees, so you will heal sweetly! I'm locking the word! Amen!"

Whispers for the sale of real estate

If you are going to sell an apartment or any other property, then you can do it quickly with the help of a whisper for a successful sale. To do this, go around the room around the perimeter, saying:

“Good host, good host! As I sweep the rubbish out of the house, so I call on buyers. The first will come, the second will come, and the third will buy! Amen!"

You can also stand near the window in the apartment that you are trying to sell quickly and whisper through the open window:

“As the wind scatters dry leaves, so I spread the message! The buyer will come, pick up the goods! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

In the morning before meeting with realtors, wash your face with clean water, saying:

“My face is red, my pocket is full! I am a good merchant! Just as people cannot live without bread, so can they live without my house/apartment/cottage. You don't have to worry about living there! Language, lock! Amen!".

If you are interested in the question of a successful sale of real estate, then late in the evening, after sunset, go around your house 3 times counterclockwise, saying:

“Kings live in high houses, and I live in my mansions! Come and live! Forever and ever! Amen!".

If you want to sell property not only quickly, but also for a good price, then every time you see potential buyers, quickly say:

“The house is on the grass, and the grass is on the ground, and the ground is under us. Amen!".

Whispers for a successful sale of vehicles

Another whisper for successful trading is:

“Just as people don’t eat without salt, so you can’t live without a car! Go, look, buy! Goods for you, profit for me! Let it be so!".

To pronounce the magic words, you need to look at the back of the head of a potential buyer and keep your right hand in your pocket.

Whispers for a successful trade in needlework

Now exclusive things made by one's own hands are very popular. In order for your creations to find their buyer, it is recommended to use a whisper for a profitable successful trade:

“Hands did, hands and profit will receive! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

At the end of work on a particular product, put it in front of you, and looking intently, say:

“I am a good merchant! New product I have, and you have a fee! Let's change and it's done!"

Using whispers for successful trading in the store, you will certainly see how things in your store go up. Good trading can be expected if all the prescriptions of the rite were carried out correctly. Another important fact is that you have to believe that everything will work out. This plays one of the most important roles in the use of whispers in everyday life. The use of whispers and conspiracies is based on the fact that you concentrate your strengths and desires and send them to higher powers.

How to read conspiracies for the sale of goods

If you are connected with the sphere of trade, then you probably want to sell your goods as quickly as possible at a bargain price, while receiving good revenue. Magic comes to the rescue in this case - you will need to read a plot to sell goods. In this article, we will tell you how to properly trade rituals, as well as give examples of effective rituals.

Rules for the work of conspiracies for the sale of goods

In order for the magical actions you perform to have the desired effect, you should adhere to certain rules, namely:

  • Unconditionally believe in the effectiveness of the conspiracy. The presence of even minor doubts will easily nullify the result of the ritual.
  • Sincerely enjoy your business, love your customers. If you really hate people, feel annoyed by the trading process, any magical actions will be ineffective.
  • Of course, you can read the plot from a piece of paper, but it's best if you memorize it. You need to read at a calm, measured pace, without rushing or straying. In extreme cases, it is allowed to rewrite the text on a piece of paper, but it is unacceptable to pronounce the text from a monitor or mobile phone screen.
  • When the rite is completed, you will need to wholeheartedly thank the Forces to which you turned (in some rituals, a ransom is done for this purpose).
  • The ideal days of the week to perform successful trading conspiracies are Wednesday or Saturday. Best time- early in the morning, the moon should be in the growth phase.

Vanga left behind a lot useful tips, in particular, there are recommendations that provide good trade And constant flow clients.

  1. If you want to sell the goods as soon as possible, you need the first person who comes to you to buy something. You should not be greedy - make a discount, and the first bill received from the sale will need to "mark" the rest of the product.
  2. An important point - be sure to give change to the first buyer, even if he gives you an amount equal to the cost of the item. You can present it to him as a discount or promotion. Thus, there is an activation of the flow of monetary energy.
  3. Do not try to cause any harm to your competitors - remember that all evil actions and even thoughts will certainly come back to you.

And now let's move on to examples of proven conspiracies for successful trading.

Examples of conspiracies

For a coin

Is your activity related to the constant sale of goods? Then it will not be superfluous to prepare for yourself a special talisman that will speed up the process of buying both inexpensive and quite expensive goods - an apartment, a car, and so on.

For the ceremony, you will need to stock up on a coin, the face value of which is 5 rubles. The time of the ritual is the growing moon. Take a coin in your right hand and say the following text:

"Pyatak Pyatakovich. Give me (say your name here) luck and no change. For now and forever, forever. Amen".

The number of repetitions should be no less than twelve. Now the coin is charged with the necessary energy and can be used as a talisman. You should keep it with you at all times (ideally, put it in a separate pocket in your wallet).

On a pigtail of candles

First you will need to go to the church and purchase 3 wax candles. Then in the morning, before going to work, you should light them and read the prayer “Our Father” on each candle. Then connect them one to the other, as if you are braiding and place in a candlestick. After that, say the following magical text three times:

Then the candles are extinguished with a coin, this is all done with the left hand. The final part of the ceremony is to disguise the coin and the remains of the candle somewhere at your workplace, while the coin should look up tails.

From the following video you will learn another effective rite for the success of a trading business

To attract buyers on the banknote and thread

This rite can be resorted to on any day of the week, the only exceptions are Saturday and the numbers thirteen, twenty-two and twenty-seven. Important condition- No one should be in the room during the ceremony.

For the ritual, stock up on the following attributes:

  • a paper bill of one hundred rubles;
  • red wool thread.

It is necessary to measure the length of the banknote on the thread forty-nine times, and then cut it off and wind it around the wrist on the left hand. The ends of the thread are wrapped down. All the time while you are doing the thread, you should pronounce these magic words:

I have money, I have trade.

And you - the goods and delivery. Amen.

Very soon you will have no end to those who want to buy what you are selling.

For the sale of "stale" goods

If you have a product in your store that is not in demand for a long time, we recommend that you use this rite.

The venue is the forest. Look for an anthill there, get a handful of ants out of it.

Put them in a bag and take them to your workplace, then pour them on it, making a speech like this:

Like ants in that house

many, many buyers

for my goods send me,

Ritual for an expensive thing

If you want to sell some thing with a high value, you can resort to a powerful rite to realize what you want.

You will need to stock up on a key that drops into boiling water. You need to boil it well. While the key is boiling, you say a slander:

The water remaining after the magical manipulation should be drained into a jar. Before you go to work or before closing a deal, wash your hands in this water.

Important point! When pronouncing the text of the slander, be sure to indicate the exact name of the item being sold. Also pay attention to the fact that the conspiracy will help to realize only inanimate objects.

Now you know what magical actions you can use to increase the flow of customers and speed up the sale of goods. Don't forget that good seller is, first of all, a polite seller who cares about his customers and works in good faith, and not just for his own benefit. We wish you successful sales and grateful customers!

A very timely article! I am preparing to sell handicrafts, and therefore I read with interest the tips that you can even intuitively feel. Magic is present in everything, you just need to strongly believe. And I also often thank the forces that hear me and help me. It would be interesting to read the conspiracy specifically for handicrafts.

I started selling things, the so-called second-hand through the Internet. For some reason, for the first few months, no one bought anything from me, and my comrades had high sales. I thought to spit on this business and turn off the shop when I accidentally got to this site with conspiracies. I have nothing to lose, so I tried to say a couple of things. What kind of conspiracy helped, I won’t say, one grandmother told me, don’t divulge the secret and things will go. There has been a demand for goods for a week now! Thank you!

I do not work in the field of trade, but for a long time I have not been able to sell my daughter's children's things on the Internet. I'll try to make such a conspiracy, maybe it will help me finally sell these things. If it doesn't work, I'll give it to charity.

The ritual with the key is used when selling an apartment. If the property is not sold for a long time and buyers do not come, then you need to weld the key and things will move! Checked.

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Unexplored world of magic and esotericism

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A conspiracy to quickly and successfully sell things

In the life of every person there comes a moment when it becomes necessary to get rid of some object. Often, throwing away the object of desire does not arise, since it can be expensive, useful and in good condition.

In this case, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bselling an item comes to mind, and a conspiracy to sell a thing can help realize what was planned much more profitable and faster.

To conduct a successful sale of goods, it is enough to use magical powers and call on higher powers for help in this matter. So, without the help of magic, it can take quite a long time to realize what was conceived, while with the help of magic, the item being sold will be acquired very quickly.

To quickly and profitably sell one thing, it is enough to pronounce a conspiracy over it, sincerely believing in its power.

Through a magical rite, you can create talismans, the constant wearing of which will improve the daily sale of goods. Such talismans will perfectly help the owners of outlets, sellers whose salary depends on revenue, and ordinary people who occasionally sell personal belongings.

What determines the effectiveness of the ceremony?

In order for the conspiracy to be effective, and the result to the liking of the performer, it is necessary to strictly observe all the instructions for its implementation. So, conspiracies for the sale of things should be read all alone, so that no one knows about the ceremony.

Moreover, even after the successful sale of the goods, it is impossible to tell even the closest people about the previously performed ceremony, otherwise it will cause some unpleasant consequences.

It is absolutely unacceptable to laugh at such rituals - they should be taken extremely seriously, otherwise the consequences are inevitable. The ceremony is allowed only for people who believe in magic, who know how to concentrate on what they want and put all their strength into the conspiracy. In addition, most of these rituals are performed on the growing moon, while 3 days before the ritual, the performer is not allowed to drink alcohol.

The charmed item will bring profit to the seller

The people know a large number of conspiracies that can help you quickly sell this or that thing. So there is a rather strong rite for the successful sale of goods through water. Spring water is drawn into the vessel, a spell is pronounced three times over it, after which the item being sold is sprinkled with the charmed water.

Another no less powerful conspiracy is read to the key. To perform the ritual, you will need a glass or earthen vessel, spring water and a key. A container of water must be put on fire, then a key should be thrown into boiling water. The words of a prayer are said over the steam 9 times, after which the water is left to cool.

Chilled water together with the key must be drained into a glass vessel. As soon as the day of the sale comes, hands are rinsed with charmed water, and the things being sold are sprinkled. It is recommended to keep the key until the next sale.

In order for the trade to be successful, things must be crossed three times, after which it is necessary to cast a spell over them, while stroking the goods with your right hand.

A very strong rite for a quick sale is carried out with the help of a penny. On the growing Moon, a coin should be taken with the right hand, held for a while, and then said a prayer over it 12 times.

In order to quickly and profitably sell the goods, it is recommended to take the coin with you all the time.

Will the trade be successful?

In order to avoid consequences, magical rituals should be used in exceptional cases, when no other ways to sell the goods fail. The use of black magic is not free - at some point, the performer of the ritual will have to pay for the service rendered. Thus, a trader may lose some part of the goods or all, lose a round sum of money, or pay with health. The most severe consequences will manifest themselves in cases where the ritual was not performed according to the rules or as a joke - magic does not like to be mocked at it.

Personally, as an experienced trader, I have had to rack my brains more than once on how to sell stale goods. Quite often, one or two things from the party remain and ... hang. They lie in the store for a year or two, but are not sold. Sometimes it happens even worse - you get a batch of goods, they seem to be fashionable, of high quality, they should quickly disperse, but no one is looking at him.

At the same time, often, goods that were in doubt during the wholesale purchase and were bought “for the assortment” disperse like hot cakes and, conversely, the goods from which you expect good profit may not be of interest to buyers at all.

1. Discounts are the easiest way to sell stale goods and the one that is used in the first place. Just do not forget to warn buyers about links - create bright signs or cross out prices in red and put new ones on them. And remember - 5% is ridiculous!

2. Promotions: two products for the price of one, you take two - the third one is free, all for 299, all for 999, "Bestseller", etc.

13. Liquidation, final sale. Everyone knows that closing the store and department, they arrange big sales, selling everything at bargain prices. You may well arrange something similar outside of your outlet, preferably where no one knows how much your goods are actually worth.

How to sell stale goods on the Internet?

The World Wide Web is a special world; here, along with the usual laws, completely different ones, unknown in real life, work. How to sell stale goods on the Internet? To do this, you can create your own website, online store, Vkontakte group or place ads on virtual bulletin boards. In addition, many goods can be sold through auctions or specialized forums. In addition, as in real trading, you can hold a variety of promotions, contests and sales. And it is here that photos of stars with your product will be especially relevant.

If you have your own experience in how to sell stale goods, please share them in the comments. Perhaps it will be useful to some of my readers.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 36 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To sell stale goods

To sell stale goods

God help me! God bless!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the dark forest stands a cypress tree,

Roots up and branches down.

Who will see my goods,

My word will win.

Who will look at my goods,

That my word will remember:

Look at my goods and take

And put your money in return.

Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen.


This text is an introductory piece.

To sell a car There are a lot of requests to include conspiracies to sell cars in the book. For example, Nina A. for a long time gave paid advertisements to the newspaper, wanting to sell her car, she spent a lot of money on it, but there was no result. After reading a special plot, she

In order for the product to be sold Touch your product and say three times: Like people from rain and thunder run into the hut, Like people go to church on a holy holiday, So that they go to my product, Take it, buy it, but not for nothing. For everything that they took from my hands, I would have my money

To sell stale goods In autumn, when rye and wheat are harvested in the fields, countless numbers usually fly different birds. All of them, taking advantage of the opportunity, eat grains to their heart's content. For people involved in bargaining, this time is truly a fertile time, as they can

In order for the goods to be bought up Standing near the shelves, be baptized and read such a conspiracy: Go, the goods, get out, Return the money for it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Important: do not do this on major church holidays and the first of March!

In order to sell a house, an apartment at a profit They slander on a broom at three in the morning, and in the morning with a pink glow they sweep in the house. So for three days in a row. As I sweep, I sweep, so I nail buyers to me. The first will come, the second will come, the third will buy, take it for himself. Amen.

In order for the goods to be bought up, they are baptized near the shop with the goods, saying: Go, the goods, get out, return the money for it ringing. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Do not do on church holidays and the first

The magic of trade, or How to successfully sell goods Success in trade Particular attention was paid to the magic of trade among the people. It uses conspiracies and prayers, talismans and amulets, rituals and rituals. To succeed in trading, I advise you to use the following

To quickly sell out the goods 1st method. Bring the first money from the proceeds, put them in the corners of the table. Light 3 candles on the table. Talk, stomping and clapping your hands:? “Altyn Khatan took all the goods. I bought one, saved the second, so I will have everything. Amen. Amen.

How to make your product quickly sold out The first money received for the product is laid out on the corners of the table, on which you first place three candles. The plot is read by stomping and clapping their hands. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: Altyn Khatan took, took all the goods. One

The modern consumer makes high demands on the product that he intends to purchase. This is quite understandable, since he pays his hard-earned money.

The seller is faced with the task of convincing the buyer that it is his product that meets all his requirements. And if you manage to convince the buyer that this purchase will be useful to him and buying it in your store is the most profitable, in this case you get a permanent customer.

What does a person dream about when he goes to the store. Probably about meeting a seller who, first of all, takes into account the interests of the buyer and will not try to sell him the stale goods. And what does the seller dream about? About the fact that one day his stale goods will be in demand. When you think about it, what is an unsold commodity?

Just at one time they could not properly reveal its merits or its advertising was not very successful. Realization of goods in more depends on good advertising or resourcefulness of the seller.

Turning weaknesses into strengths

At first, if you put yourself in the place of the buyer, it will become more clear to you what exactly does not suit him in your product. Then mark for yourself all its positive qualities. Think about what benefits the buyer can gain for himself by buying it. Let's say that you have a problem with the implementation of ordinary house slippers. Their disadvantage is a dark, nondescript color.

  • Shall we turn it into a virtue? They get dirty less and do not have to be cleaned often, and this is savings. detergent and time. Talking to the buyer, tell them how comfortable they will be in these light and soft slippers. Visualizing a picture of comfort and coziness, you make it clear that you are driven by caring for a person, and not about your own benefit.
  • Do not argue with the buyer. Any objection on your part will cause him dislike and irritation. It is best to support his opinion and switch his attention with amplification to another quality. For example, we are talking about the high price. “Yes, you are right, the price is above average. But you and I know that good quality requires high costs. Moreover, a quality product lasts much longer.”
  • Saying "we" removes the barrier always existing between the seller and the buyer. "Association" allows you to switch to more confidential communication, in which the interlocutor is ready to listen to your opinion. Just don't abuse that trust too much. Otherwise, you risk losing your client forever.

