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What is a paper show. Paper show: features of the holiday. Showroom - a new direction for promoting goods

But I wonder if you know what amazing properties the most ordinary paper has? Well, yes, you can cut various figures out of it, do it, ... However, this is far from all! The paper show will change your idea of ​​the usual paper!

Merged the arts together

In fact, a paper show is a synthesis of several types of art, including choreography, plastic arts, music, acting, directing and, of course, the main character - Her Majesty Paper! All known paper textures and colors are used: foil, paper threads, ribbons, kabuki, serpentine, confetti…

As a rule, a paper show is led by an entertainer who entertainingly comments on what is happening and is in constant contact with the audience. You will see the mysterious theater of shadows, and skillful juggling with paper figures, and exciting video projections on a paper screen, and curly serpentine waves, and thousands of paper pieces falling in a multi-colored stream ... There is something to be surprised about!

Paper has its own, special world, filled with lyrics and sensual images. Artists transform either into lovely angels dancing in snow-white flakes, or into outlandish birds soaring among snowflakes, or into fantasy heroes straying in serpentine threads of dreams ... During the entire show, the phrase will spin in your head all the time: “Stop, moment you're great!"

Paper paradise for kids

By ordering a paper show on children's holiday, you will be able to enjoy the magnificent play of actors who have tried on the images of cartoon characters so beloved by children: the kind Dr. Aibolit with his little animals, Snow White and the seven dwarfs, mischievous pranksters Tom and Jerry, Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf, funny company from Madagascar, etc.

The animators will definitely get to know all the kids, involve them in exciting interactive games, hold a competition for the best paper suit and show a master class on creating origami and holiday cards studded with rhinestones, feathers, etc.

In addition, at the festival, the kids should especially be “beware” of huge guns and wind blowers: at any moment they can pour over little tomboys from head to toe with a crazy paper waterfall.

The children's paper show is always a complete mess, but the main thing that delights the little ones is that there will be nothing for it! Only joyful laughter, incendiary music and a hurricane of emotions!

Also one of the popular elements of the show is a huge inflatable pool filled with balls. Kids just love this fun! They are happy to "swim" and "dive"!

Paper extravaganza for a wedding

The banquet hall is decorated with paper installations, there are themed paper figurines on the tables… The paper show for the wedding begins!

Meeting with guests

Girls dressed in paper dresses greet guests, handing each one paper caps, boutonnieres and bows. Also, at the entrance, anyone can take a picture with the president and Hollywood stars (of course, I mean paper life figures). A video sequence on a given topic is projected onto the screen, pleasant music sounds, artists teach guests to cut out various paper silhouettes.

Paper fashion show

And then the presenter announces the beginning of the fashion show! Models demonstrate paper wedding dresses and bridesmaids outfits.

Design competition

After an unusual paper fashion show, a design competition is held. To do this, the presenter invites two people from each table - the actual creator and the model. Participants are given a specific topic, such as creating a unique suit for the groom using only paper, glue, scissors and tape, and coming up with an interesting name for it. 15 minutes are allotted for the creative process. Next, the models parade in ready-made suits, and the designers describe in detail their paper masterpieces.

Everybody dance!

The dancers, dressed in colorful outfits, do all kinds of steps, transform into different images and, laughing, shoot at the guests from a confetti machine.

Paper show is a completely new approach to organizing entertainment. The essence of the whole performance is that guests are given the opportunity to plunge into a crazy whirlwind of paper, similar to a real snowfall. Snow-white stripes swirl in the air, fall to the floor and form whole “drifts”. This spectacle is unusually funny and bewitching at the same time.

Essential elements

Usually such events are booked in special studios, but since they are not cheap, you can try to do everything yourself. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic elements of a presentation conducted by professionals. These include:

  1. Paper. On large-scale holidays, such as those held in clubs, it can take up to 70 kg. The most elementary way to get stripes is to use paper for printers and a regular office shredder. But remember that such raw materials can be unsafe, because hard edges can easily be cut. Special paper for the show is sold in online stores. Its edges are soft, they are not cut and do not crumble. After it remains much less dust than after ordinary.
  2. Air guns, they are confetti guns. From them shelling of the room is made, the whole "snowfalls" are created. Of course, you can just bring boxes of stripes and throw them at guests right from the stage or even a chair, but real cannon volleys will make a much more impressive impression. Confetti cannons are available for rent. They differ in power and range of volleys, are easy to operate, and besides, they are safe - volleys from them are carried out by compressed gas.
  3. Special lighting. Remember how beautifully white glows in ultraviolet light. Special lighting makes the performance even more magical and spectacular. If there are ultraviolet lamps in the room where you plan to spend a holiday, be sure to use them. In addition, such lamps can simply be bought or rented.

It is very difficult to repeat such an event on your own with the same scope as professional creative groups carry it out, but it is worth trying to reproduce it.

How to diversify the program

In general, the three main elements - paper, guns and lighting - are already quite enough to successfully run your own show, but the maximum effect from it is achieved through the use of additional entertainment elements. These include:

  1. Musical accompaniment. Of course, creating a special atmosphere is simply impossible without appropriate music. It will depend on your own tastes and the tastes of your guests. Most importantly, use a stereo system with good sound.
  2. dance programs. The maximum effect is achieved by staging dances or other entertaining numbers. Usually the actors are dressed in white clothes, so that their performances among the falling white stripes seem to be something mystical. You can try to stage your own performance with your friends.
  3. . If the performance is organized at a corporate party or, for example, children's day birth, worth developing entertainment program with fun games and competitions.

Remember that everything should take place after the guests have eaten. This nuance is very important, since the strips will easily scatter everywhere, including they can fall into plates and thereby ruin many dishes. The duration of such events is usually short, on average - about half an hour.


Paper must be actively used in competitions. The content of the contests is only limited by your imagination. You can declare a "war" in which, of course, friendship will win. Your guests will surely be happy to throw paper at each other.

You can organize more relaxed competitions, for example, for the most unusual costume or creative hairstyle from improvised material. The winner is christened the paper king or queen and rewarded, made, of course, also from paper.

If the holiday is for children, then it is worth introducing children to the art of origami. Do not forget to choose a simple lesson in advance, prepare everything necessary materials and work space. While the children are busy, you will have the opportunity to clean the room a little.

Another important point that any person preparing such an event should take into account is how to organize cleaning after it. Paper can tear, fly under tables, leave behind fine dust. Cleaning can be such a time consuming process that when hosting a party in a large room, it is worth considering the services of a professional cleaning company. If the holiday will take place at your home, after the main cleaning, be sure to also wet it to get rid of dust residues.

This is a fun performance during which paper is scattered throughout the hall. But this is not plain paper, but thin soft strips, as well as multi-colored confetti. All this happens to incendiary music, to which guests of the event can dance, have fun, throw snow-white flakes. A whole snow-paper whirlwind forms in the hall. All children simply love such entertainment.
- this is a great solution! Children will be delighted with flakes and strips of paper flying out of a special cannon. They seem to plunge into a fairy tale, dancing in a snow-white cloud of ribbons.
Children's paper show is held under the strict control of the animator. He not only entertains the participants of the event, but also makes sure that no one is bored and everyone has fun, and also ensures the safety of the guests of the holiday. The host comes up with many fun games and contests that take place in a snow-white whirlwind, which makes them even more exciting.
Event Features
Not everyone knows what a paper show for children is. It's relative the new kind entertainment, which has gained immense popularity. Internet users are increasingly asking search engines questions about where to order such an event. And all because people want to give an unforgettable experience to their baby and his friends. Such a performance can be ordered for a children's birthday, a morning performance in a kindergarten or a school event.
Here are some of the highlights of this event:

  • this is a fun performance, during which strips of paper and sweets scatter around the hall from a special cannon. To the incendiary music, the guests dance among the paper flakes, and a whole whirlwind of snow-white material rises around them;
  • The show is held exclusively indoors. To organize it, you need an outlet and a sufficient amount of free space to accommodate all guests, as well as equipment. All equipment must be connected only by specialists;
  • for the presentation, a special material is used - soft and durable, without sharp edges and corners. This eliminates the possibility of injury to the participants of the holiday;
  • The main feature of such a holiday is that in its process there is an interaction between the participants of the holiday and animators. It's just not possible to look at it from the outside. Professional presenters not only show an interesting performance, but also interact with the audience, actively involving them in the fun.

When ordering such a performance from the Confetti Agency, you will see how simple paper can become a way of fun entertainment for kids. We can organize professional paper and confetti shows for you, where experienced animators will act as hosts. They will definitely not let the little guests get bored and will involve every viewer in a whirlpool of miracles and magic.
The price varies widely. It depends on the number of guests, the equipment used and the number of animators. We will definitely select the most advantageous offer for you and draw up an individual scenario for the event.

We are sure that the success of a paper show depends, first of all, on high-quality paper. The paper should not dust, it must take the proper volume on the site and not cut your hands.

Paper for the show happens:

  1. based on paper
  2. metallized (foil, film, etc.)

Let's take a look at each type of paper in more detail.

1. On a "paper basis".

The most commonly used for the show "Paper" paper is also of two types:

  • lightly coated (many people call it just coated, which is not entirely true)
  • tissue paper (silence paper is called low-weight paper)

One strip of tissue paper has a weight 2-3 times less than one strip of lightly coated paper. Accordingly, 1 kg of tissue paper contains 2-3 times more stripes than 1 kg of lightly coated paper.

Light coated paper is the most affordable and is used mainly for shows with adult guests, as it has a fairly high density of 55 g/m2. Important! Do not use paper with a weight higher than 65g/m2 in the show, it is too rigid and the risk of cuts is greatly increased.

Tissue paper has a density of about 18-20g/m2 and is used in shows with the participation of the youngest guests. The paper is safe, and large snowdrifts can be easily lifted by a child without any fear of getting cut. Also, the feature of paper with silence is almost 100% absence of paper dust.

About paper dust

It is important to understand that any paper, whatever it is, carries some amount of paper dust. High-quality coated and quiet paper has a minimum amount of dust. During the show "by eye" should not be visible dust particles.

The absence of dust is ensured by high-quality raw materials and the sharpness of the knife with which the paper is cut into strips. Our store works only with high quality imported paper and the best paper cutting equipment.

If you bought paper with an undetermined weight (for example: 52-60g/m2), then this means that most likely the paper in the box is of poor quality and heterogeneous. Quality paper has certain number density. Our shop works with 55g/m2 light coated paper and 18g/m2 tack paper.

I would like to say a few words about offset paper: the absence of a coated coating creates more dust on the site. If you have a choice between lightly coated and offset paper, then we recommend that you always make a choice in favor of the first.

2. Metallized paper (foil, film, etc.)

It is a film dyed in various colors, or originally created metallized (+ dyed). It has high density, but low thickness (12 microns). According to the weight of one strip, this paper can be compared with tissue paper.

This type of paper is best suited for indoor shows, especially when lighting is available. Metallized coating reflects any light, creating additional lighting effects.

It is impossible to cut yourself with metallized paper! The film is too thin and soft to cut.

Metallized paper has no dust at all in its structure. Dust is 100% excluded.

The film has gained particular popularity due to the fact that many people use it several times. "Crumpled" film does not lose its luster, retains its structure and allows you to show up to 4-7 times.

Over the years, we have held more than a thousand shows with various papers. All paper available in our store has been tested to be of the best quality and perfect for any size paper show.

The organization of any entertainment event requires a serious approach and careful preparation. The popularity of the organizers and their earnings depend on how professionally it is prepared and how successful it is with the audience. The success of the show will be ensured if all the details are taken into account. Namely: venue, scenery, availability of equipment and an interesting program. When planning to surprise the audience with something unusual, it is worth considering their status, cultural preferences and position.

paper extravaganza

When planning a holiday and thinking about how to organize a show, you can try to make a show with paper. This is a new direction in the entertainment industry. The original performance involved special effects, scenery and animators. Paper commotion will be interesting for adults and will bring pleasure to children. A pile of confetti, cut paper, crispy, colorful and shiny stripes that fall from above and settle in snowdrifts underfoot is an unusual and bewitching sight.

The artists working in this show know how to stir up the audience with their music, energy and positive. The program of the paper show takes place in the format of a disco, it can be tied to any topic.

Paper show - affordable and easy

If you want something unusual and new, such a show will bring a lot of positive emotions and impressions. A spectacular event can be held indoors and outdoors, the main condition is the availability of sockets. The show is structured in this way: during the performance, a paper whirlwind is fired from a cannon into the hall.

How to organize a paper show yourself? To do this, you will need to purchase paper and are specially decorated for such events and decorated with luminous diodes. Important: it is better to launch paper at the audience at the end of the event so that it does not settle on plates and snacks.

Cooking Show: Learn how to cook delicious food

If you plan to hold an interesting party, then there are basic rules for organizing a culinary show. This involves not only cooking original recipes, but also involving guests in a culinary performance, then you get a double pleasure: cooking and subsequent tasting.

When preparing a cooking show, it is necessary to come up with an original approach and present it in such a way that it is not only informative, but also interesting, and flavored with jokes and witticisms of the presenter. We can safely say that a culinary show is a creative process, where improvisation and the skill of the chef rule.

Showroom - a new direction for promoting goods

The concept of showroom comes from the world of haute couture and fashion shows. It is a perfectly functioning conduit between the client and the producer of goods or services. The fashion industry offers a product that is beautiful and sophisticated, respectively, and it must be sold gracefully and stylishly.

An important tool in sales is the showroom. This is a special room in which it is customary to demonstrate new collections to buyers and representatives of stores selling branded clothing. It is here that you can get acquainted with each item of the collection in detail. Feel the fabrics, inspect the seams, stitching, trim and decor.

Here, in the showroom, models are selected for subsequent sale, contracts and agreements are signed. This place is also often used for promotions or companies. The showrooms have a conducive and comfortable atmosphere that creates a feeling of exclusivity. It's more like a club, the entrance to which is open only to the elite.

Showroom in Russia

In our country, showrooms are clothing stores where designer items or models that have already been in use are presented. Clothes and accessories from their own collection are often exhibited if the owner is a designer. But, unlike an ordinary boutique, the interior of the room is more like a dressing room.

How to organize a clothing showroom? The prospects for the development of demonstration halls in Russia are very encouraging. is dynamic and constantly evolving, so the problem of how to organize a show to show clothes is relevant. Many Russian brands are declaring themselves as players, and it is more convenient for them to promote their products through the showroom. Their mass development is influenced by a dilemma: will they become in demand, or will the client prefer to travel to Europe for fashionable novelties.


The successful organization of a concert largely depends on how much time, energy and money have been invested in its preparation. Agencies that know how to organize a show promote their services for holding events of various levels. But if you do not want to get into unnecessary expenses, then you can try your hand at preparing and holding a concert on your own.

This will require: a commercial vein, patience, perseverance and the presence of a cohesive team. In organizing the performance of artists or the most difficult stage is the planning of the event. It is easy to agree with those who are at the beginning of their creative path. Novice soloists or groups need their promotion and performances to make themselves known.

If you decide to invite already well-known and popular artists, then a solid approach to preparing the event will already be required. It is important to properly prepare everything for the arrival of the artist. This requires:

  • Concert venue and equipment.
  • Leading.
  • Scenario. The exact time of the release of each artist is compiled in advance. It is necessary to be prepared for a possible change in the script during the concert.
  • Raider. It should be treated with due attention, because, focusing on it, it will be necessary to choose a hotel for accommodation and fulfill all the conditions and requirements of the artists.
  • Fees and ticket prices. One of the significant moments. It is necessary to calculate everything in such a way as to avoid losses, and the cost of the ticket was not high for the public.
  • To advertise the concert, you need to connect the media and social media, this will increase the effectiveness of promoting the proposed performance.

What is required in order to organize a show? This is the ability to mobilize a team, diligence, communication skills with the audience, interesting topic and spectacular decorations.
