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What is a personal account number in Rostelecom. Personal account of Rostelecom users. At the support service


Rostelecom subscribers need to know their personal account number to pay for the services provided by the operator, and if necessary, find out the debt and about the connected services. Without a personal account number, when contacting technical support, operators will not be able to help. What does a Rostelecom personal account number look like, how can you find it out?

What is a personal account?

Subscribers who enter into an agreement with the provider Rostelecom and use its services are included in the operator’s database under a unique number - this is a personal account. It consists of 14 digits, and not only the operator, but also the subscriber himself must know it in order to confirm his right to carry out financial and other transactions and manage services. There are several ways to find out your personal account number.

The number is listed in the documents from the provider

Being interested in how and where to look at the personal account number, users often forget that they have in their hands a document that was signed with the operator about the provision of telephony, Internet or television services. Documents are required to be issued to each newly connected subscriber, and this is the easiest way to find out your Rostelecom personal account.

On the paper, the personal account number is listed as follows: “L/S” or “Subscriber’s personal account number.”

Some users believe that the contract number is the personal account number. In some cases, the numbers are the same, but sometimes the numbers are different, so you need to look for the personal account number.

In addition to the agreement with RTK, subscribers can examine the payment receipt. In some regions and for people who do not have access to the Internet (for example, the older generation who do not know how to use the network), the provider still sends them to in paper form. On the receipt, the Rostelecom personal account number is indicated under the company logo, at the top of the sheet, and is duplicated in the text of the document. If the subscriber receives a receipt from the provider by email, the principle will be the same. You need to open the operator’s letter and find the required combination of numbers.

If the subscriber has saved old payment receipts, then the personal account number can be found on them.

Each subscriber needs to know that even for the same user and at the same address, different services can be issued to different personal account numbers.

Before finding out your personal account in Rostelecom for television, you need to take documents related specifically to television. Your personal internet or phone account may not always match this information.

Find out the Rostelecom personal account number on the operator’s website

Another convenient and easy way to find out your personal account number is the subscriber’s “Personal Account” on the website of the provider Rostelecom. How to do it?

  1. If the user is already registered there, you need to log into your account and select the “My Services” tab.
  2. By going to “My Services”, the subscriber will see a spreadsheet containing all the personal account numbers associated with the account and information for each of them. To find out which numbers relate to a particular service, you need to click on a line in the table. This will provide more detailed information.

How can I find out my Rostelecom personal account if the subscriber is not registered in the provider’s “Personal Account”?

You need to complete a simple registration:

  • Go to the operator’s website;
  • log in to your “Personal Account”;
  • press the "Register" button;
  • create and enter a username and password.

Requirements for credentials are indicated on the website; the registration procedure will take no more than 5 minutes, taking into account the time to confirm registration via SMS message or email.

Next, the subscriber will need to link all connected services to his account in the “Personal Account”. To do this, you do not need to know your Rostelecom personal account number - the link is made using your phone number or Internet password.

After linking, the subscriber will have full access to all information regarding numbers, services, and accounts.

Rostelecom subscribers have the opportunity to work in their “Personal Account” using a temporary password. But this is not suitable for finding out your personal account number; you will need to make a full registration.

How can I find out my personal account number at the support service?

If the user does not have documents, the ability to access the Internet, and the data is needed urgently, you can contact the provider directly:

You need to call a single number 8-800-1000-800, and the operator will provide necessary information. Before you can find out your Rostelecom personal account by phone, you need to have on hand the documents of the person for whom the contract with the provider is signed. The personal account number is confidential information, The company operator will definitely ask you to dictate the following data:

  • subscriber's passport details;
  • a code word voiced by the user when concluding an agreement;
  • the address where the service is registered.

If the subscriber was unable to provide information on one of the requested questions, the employee will ask the date and amount of the last payment to Rostelecom.

Such identification is not a whim of the company. Knowing the 14 digits of a personal account, anyone can connect and disconnect any services remotely and receive financial information from the company. To prevent possible harm to subscribers, the operator takes their personal data seriously. Therefore, it will not be possible to find out your personal account number only by address or last name through the support service.

Personal visit to the Rostelecom office

To find out your personal account number, you can personally contact the provider’s office. The subscriber can find out the address of the office located in the city on the Rostelecom website:

  • on the website, click on the “For yourself” option;
  • select the “Support” section and scroll down the page a little;
  • Click on the section “Addresses of the nearest offices on the map”, select a branch that is more convenient in terms of location and operating hours.

Before working with the site, you need to set your region and city in its settings.

In addition to information on the official portal, office addresses can be found in the city information bureau or using the 2GIS service; by calling the Rostelecom support service they will also provide all the data on regional branches. We must remember that the operators are located in another city, and asking them to name the office “Closer to Lenin Square” is pointless, since they cannot know the geography of each locality. It will still be more convenient to use the maps on the website.

  1. At the Rostelecom office you can find out your personal account by address and other data. But to do this, the subscriber must appear in the contract with the provider and provide the company’s operator with his or her identification passport.
  2. If the contract with the Rostelecom provider is signed in the name of another person (even a spouse or parents), you will need a power of attorney from him to provide information.
  3. It happens that the subscriber’s heirs try to find out the personal account number in order to disable the service or obtain information to pay for it. If this is exactly the situation, then the company’s office will need to take:
  • your passport;
  • agreement concluded with the provider;
  • death certificate of the owner of the service.

This is the standard minimum; the entire list of document requirements in this situation can be obtained by calling the Rostelecom office.

When connecting to Rostelecom services and concluding an agreement, it is assigned a unique number - this number is your personal account number, it clearly states all the points for paying for services, connecting and setting up equipment.

When you enter it, all information about your funds, connected services, tariffs and limits will appear.

Call support

If you urgently need to find your data, contact your provider directly. Call the toll-free number 8-800-1000-800 and the operator will provide you with the necessary information. But before you find out Rostelecom’s personal account by this phone, keep the documents of the person for whom the contract is drawn up close. A personal account is assigned to everyone personally, so the company operator will definitely ask you to provide the following information:

  • subscriber's passport details;
  • code word from the contract;
  • the address where the service is registered;
  • Subscriber's full name.

The employee may also ask about the date and amount of your last payment to Rostelecom, but only if you cannot answer one of the questions listed above. Knowing his personal account number, anyone can connect and disconnect any services remotely, as well as receive financial information from the company. To prevent possible harm to subscribers, the provider takes their personal data very seriously. That is why it will not be possible to find out the Rostelecom personal account number only by address or last name through the support service.

If suddenly there is a complete discrepancy between the personal account, then contact a specialist personally at phone number 8-800-100-08-00, which is, as always, a toll-free number for the subscriber and wait for a response, finding out which number you were personally assigned. At the same time, dictating the series and number of the passport, your personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, registration address) or contract number.

How to find out your personal account number through the Rostelecom website

The easiest way to find out the Rostelecom personal account number is through the subscriber’s Internet account on the provider’s website. If you are already registered there, go to your account and select the “My Services” tab. You will see a table that will list all the personal accounts linked to your account and information for each of them. To find out which numbers apply to the service you need, click on the desired row in the table and you will see more detailed information.

For Rostelecom subscribers, the Personal Account using your personal account number allows you to obtain information about your balance and, if necessary, make a payment using a plastic card or electronic money.

Today we’ll talk about minor nonsense, which, nevertheless, at certain moments of communication with a given operator is very important - how to find out the Rostelecom personal account number?


To begin with - what is it?

This is a unique digital identifier of the client in the system, to which he is initially assigned and which is specified in your service agreement. However, it is not uniform in nature, and each individual service has its own set of signs. For example, one for home Internet, another for a phone. This, of course, is somewhat inconvenient for the subscriber; I would like the rules of the game to look somehow different, but what to do...

Why couldn’t everything be linked to a mobile phone, like everyone does, even banks?

It’s difficult to understand, apparently these are the consequences of historical habit (subscription book, etc.), the specifics of technical capabilities, and most importantly the vision and understanding of the world by the company’s management. But God bless him...


Due to the fact that this is the official channel for communication with Rostelecom, all mutual settlements are tied to it - on the contrary, the balance in your personal account is reflected, and so on. That is, you just need to tell the LP numbers, for example, to a company employee by phone, and he will give you the information you need.

What is it needed for:

  • check balance and debts
  • conduct mutual settlements
  • make payments
  • manage services
  • order details
  • And so on

However, the question is even more complicated...

The fact is that the Republic of Tatarstan, in an attempt to level out the shortcomings of its built infrastructure (meaning the presence of a personal account and the need to use it) and in the desire to get closer to meeting completely different needs of society, made LAN and home phone from Rostelecom synonymous. What does it mean? You can tell the operator both your personal account number and your phone number - he will find you in a single database anyway.

But what if you don't use a landline? telephone line this operator? Then in many cases you really need to know the drug number.

How to find out

How to find out your Rostelecom personal account number - this can be done in several ways:

Call to operator

Do you like talking on the phone? Is it easy for you to pick up the phone and make a call?

Well, let's pick up the pipe and dial 8 800 100 08 00 .

We are waiting for you to be connected to the first available operator. We tell him either your phone number or full name (he may ask you to also state the series and number of your passport), indicate other data (region of residence, address). The more you tell about yourself, the more accurately the employee will identify you, and in the end, the more successfully you will receive an answer to your question.

This entire dialogue is significantly shortened if you have a home phone from Rostelecom - it is essentially synonymous with a personal account. You call it - the operator sees the drug. You call DM - he sees your phone number and your entire profile.

Check the contract

This is the clearest and effective method obtaining any not entirely necessary and public information, such as details of the parties, etc. It is especially good for obtaining data on home internet or satellite television. The username and password, the subscriber’s personal account number, etc., etc. are indicated there.

And if you don’t archive utility bills and other similar papers, then you’re doing it in vain! We live in a country where all documents need to be collected, especially since their statute of limitations by law is up to 5 years.

Checking payments

This is also a good method, quite fast, absolutely similar in meaning to the previous one - just go into the room to the closet where your entire home archive of papers is stored, find a folder with a stack of bills for your home telephone or other services (depending on what you need ), take any one and examine it carefully. Usually all such details are indicated at the top of the receipt.

Visiting a telephone exchange

This is the longest, most inconvenient and primitive way of obtaining information. Nowadays only older people use it – but whoever is more comfortable with it. In any case, if your daily route home takes you past the Rostelecom subscriber service center, then you can stop by for 5 minutes.

Then we wait for our turn (fortunately, this is not the Russian Post - the place is much less visited). We ask the employee the appropriate question - what is my personal account number. He may ask you to provide your passport and/or your home phone number, which is serviced directly by the Republic of Tatarstan, and he will provide you with the necessary information.

There may be problems with home Internet and television, but torture the employee to the end! He definitely knows and can do everything!

Personal Area

You can find out the Rostelecom personal account number for a particular service without communicating with real people, and without going to the automatic telephone exchange - in your personal account using the Internet and without leaving your home. Moreover, if you know what and how to look for, you can do it in a couple of minutes.

How to proceed:

  • open the page
  • enter your username and password (this is your address Email, which you entered when registering your personal account)

  • and that’s all - your personal interface will open, where right at the top you will see lists of personal accounts for each of your services and their balance (it’s difficult to confuse, there will be a corresponding abbreviation “l/s” next to it)

It would seem that everything is simple?!

But there are two catches here:

  1. try logging into your account first (problems often arise - you enter the correct username and password again and again, and the system gives an error)
  2. your account may not be linked, so you won’t see it

In the first case (it is unknown why this happens, apparently the company’s programmers have their hands full), the issue is successfully resolved by changing the password. To do this, click next to the “remember password” link. Enter your active email address on the new page. Check it, open the letter from RT, click on the link, enter a new password and save. Please try to log in again with the changed information.

We will analyze the second point separately.

Binding drugs

Why is this necessary? A question from the same series - why do you need to use the concept or phenomenon of “personal account” when working with your balance, and not just a number mobile phone. No one knows! But believe me, it is necessary.

How to do it:

  • we try to enter to the bitter end Personal Area
  • we immediately see the next image on the screen
  • Click on the “Link DM” button

  • in a new window, select your region (the system often detects it automatically)

  • then you are asked to indicate your personal account directly - but we don’t know it yet

  • This means we indicate the choice of home phone number from Rostelecom, and if it is not there, then the service login

This login applies only to the Internet and Television; it is specified in your contract for receiving the service (we will not dwell on this issue in detail - let’s say you know it or understand what we are talking about).

  • click “continue”
  • on the new page we directly select the service that we want to link and from which you want to receive a personal account

  • Next, we indicate the other data that the system asks you to enter (they are intuitive)
  • and click "ok"
  • your PM is linked and now you can see its number

It’s not for nothing that a personal account has such a name - it is the “face” of all your financial transactions as a Rostelecom client. Knowing your personal account number can greatly simplify paying for services in special terminals, especially when you do not have ready-made payment templates.

In addition, without knowing your personal account number, it is impossible to pay for services through electronic wallets such as Qiwi Wallet. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to find out your Rostelecom personal account, as well as check its status.

There are four simple and accessible ways to find out your account number:

  1. Agreement.
  2. Personal Area.
  3. Call the operator.
  4. Visit to the company office.

Now let's look at the algorithm of actions for each of them.

Service Agreement

The simplest of all possible methods. If the documentation is stored in a place clearly designated for it, then finding an agreement with Rostelecom will not be difficult and will not take much time. It will necessarily indicate your personal account number.

Personal Area

Another easy way to get the information you need. In it, registered users can not only find out the account number itself, but also get up-to-date information about its status, for example, about the balance, connected services or possible debt. To find this information, follow these simple instructions:

Now you can rewrite your account number so as not to forget it.

Call to operator

Among other things, you can contact the operator regarding your personal account. To do this, dial the Rostelecom number relevant for your region (can be found on the website) or a single hotline number. After waiting to connect with a company representative, state the essence of your question and receive a competent answer.

Visit to the company office

Not the most convenient, but always a trouble-free way to get all the information you need. Perhaps you were unable to find out your personal account number using any of the above methods for one reason or another: the Internet does not work, you were unable to reach the operator or find documentation. In this case, Rostelecom employees will always be happy to help you.

Just go to the company branch nearest to you and state the essence of your question to a specialist. The main thing is, when going to the company office, do not forget your identification document.

In addition to the account number itself, at the company’s office you can find out its status, connected services, as well as printed form to control your expenses for the selected period.

Each of the above methods is good in its own way. For those who are not very good with the Internet and prefer to receive information from a competent employee, it will be much easier to call the operator or go into the office. For others, on the contrary, it is easier to figure everything out on their own, and for them, a personal account and searching for a number in the contract will be more preferable methods. The advantage first three from the list is that you don’t need to leave your home to find out your account number.

Choose the one that is most convenient for you and receive the information you are interested in quickly, easily, and in a short time.
