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Effective ways to remove stains from a tablecloth. Stains on kitchen towels and tablecloths

probably, each of you who had to leave the noisy city in winter, visit suburban summer cottages, admired the beautiful red-breasted bullfinches. In the winter months, bullfinches keep close to human dwellings and roads. In summer, the secretive bullfinch is hard to see. In autumn and winter, bullfinches feed on the seeds of thorny plants growing near garden and garden fences, in deep roadside ditches. Quiet, melodic modest song of a bullfinch. I really love the red-breasted bullfinches, clearly visible on the white tablecloth of winter roadside snows.

I have had to keep bullfinches in cages more than once. They quickly get used to the person, easily endure captivity. It is pleasant to listen to the quiet song of the bullfinch in the room.

I remember that in ancient times a cage with a bullfinch hung in the room of my little daughters: Arinushka and Alyonushka. To the singing of the snowman, they were going to school, fed him hemp seeds and grated carrots. The bullfinch was looked after by my grandmother, my mother, a village woman, for whom caring for the bullfinch replaced the usual peasant work. We loved our bullfinch very much. He freely flew around the room, bathed in a bath placed on the floor, flew himself into the cage, where food was prepared for him; never seemed to get bored.

Good bullfinches in the wild. On a bright winter day, somewhere near a hedge or in dense bushes, on the branches of a wild rose or viburnum, bullfinches sit down with large red beads. They are almost not afraid of a person passing by. The bullfinch is our Russian bird. Bullfinches do not make long journeys to warm countries, they remain to winter in their native places, flying only over short distances.

It is easy for an experienced birder to catch a gullible bullfinch in autumn and winter. If you have a bullfinch living in a cage, be gentle with him, never scare him, and he will get used to you very much, he will rejoice at the arrival of the owner, sit on his shoulder. Bullfinches can live in a cage for many years, apparently not longing for freedom at all.

In the spring, when the nesting of forest birds begins, the bullfinches, of course, are a little melancholy, sitting dejectedly in the cage. But what can you do? It is risky to release birds that have lived in cages for a long time: they have lost the habit of getting their own food, finding friends and building nests.

In a large cage-aviary, some birds caught in the forest, with appropriate care, make nests and take out their children. Now there are few lovers of indoor birds and bird singing. Small living birds have been replaced by bulky televisions. In the past, there were many lovers of songbirds. Overseas canaries, cheerful siskins and beautiful goldfinches were kept in cages. With skillful care, they feel good in captivity. Perhaps, of all indoor songbirds, I especially loved the modest bullfinches. I also admired how near the winter road in free will, flying from bush to bush, my bullfinch friends whistle. I wanted to greet them, wish them good luck.

In the old park, which begins outside the fence of our house, there is a maple alley. Bullfinches visit there every day, they are beckoned by trees, completely strewn with light winged seeds.

Birds sit on maple trees importantly, calmly, slowly pecking golden seeds. And how good! The bullfinch's chest is scarlet. The back is blue, and on the head is a black beret.

"Wah-wah-wah!" - is distributed in frosty silence. Bullfinches sing with the whole flock: both ruddy festive males and modestly dressed females. My grandfather called their singing "the silver harp of winter."

From time to time the birds dive into the snow, bathe in it, draw grooves and traces-crosses.

From the word "snow" the name is given to the bird - "bullfinch". And for good reason: bullfinches are the first heralds of winter.

Once under New Year I was given a snowman. He lived in a spacious wooden cage with a round top. For a long time he whistled a monotonous, simple tune, and then creaked like sleigh runners in the snow, and pounded on the perches with his thick beak, as if he were hammering in nails. For this habit, we called him Grishka the Blacksmith.

As soon as my grandfather or I approached the window sill where the cage stood, the bullfinch lifted his black beret on his head, starting to jump briskly from perch to perch and whistle.

Rowan, crushed pine nuts, pieces of apple he took from his hands. It will approach sideways and sedately take a delicacy directly from the palm of your hand.

On Sundays we let the bullfinch fly around the room, Sometimes he sat on grandfather's shoulder. And in the evening he himself flew into the cage or took a fancy to himself a secluded corner on deer antlers.

In March, when the snow in the yard began to darken, the sky turned blue, and drops rang on the eaves of our house, my grandfather and I removed the cage from the windowsill and headed to the park. We found the treasured bullfinch place in the maple alley and opened the door. At first, Grishka Kuznets glanced around apprehensively, but soon he heard native voices, jumped through the door and took off on a maple tree with a light diving flight. He stroked his feathers, fluffed out his chest and set to work - he began to peel the winged seeds.

Bullfinches friendly accepted him into their flock, which was soon going to leave our lands and migrate to the northern forests ...

In the mornings I often wake up from an early bullfinch wake-up call. It's twilight in the room, it's fresh, and outside the window you can hear the call; "Wa-wah-wah"...

I listen to a mournful song full of sadness and tenderness, and a snow-covered old park, a maple alley, a flock of red-breasted bullfinches rise before my eyes ...

Where are you now, our Grishka Kuznets?!

In autumn, before I seal the windows, I put bunches of red rowan, hawthorn, yellow maple leaves between the frames. When the wind begins to scratch the glass with bare branches, and the rain drums loudly on the roof, the maple leaves at times seem to come to life and tinkle a little audibly.

One Sunday morning I was sitting at the table, reading a book, The revived maple leaves reminded me of the drowsy silence of the forest, decorated with lemon-yellow, brown, cherry colors.

Suddenly there was a light knock on the window. Who could it be? I look ... and this is a bullfinch granted. Red-breasted, important, magnificent, with a black beret on his head. Well, right Grishka Kuznets! He clung to the frame with his paws, as if pressed against the glass, and froze, as if drawn in the picture.

“Knock ... knock ... knock ...” - he squinted his eye - he noticed the mountain ash, but he doesn’t know how to get it.

I got up from the table to throw a bunch of berries to the bird, and the bullfinch was already gone. I started reading the book again.

An hour or two went by unnoticed. It began to get dark quickly.

In the evening I went out into the garden. It was getting cold. Snowflakes slowly swirled in the air, as if the leaf fall continued, however, now not autumn, fair, red, green and yellow, but timid, winter, blue and white.

And it seemed to me that the gloomy, leafless garden was transformed, as if rejuvenated.

Hello winter! - I said. - The bullfinch reported to me about your arrival in the morning!


During the night, the rain drummed loudly on the roof. A gusty wind bent branches, cracked and creaked tree trunks.

With dawn the rain stopped. The sun imperceptibly broke through a chain of gray clouds. Starlings sang under the windows. In their farewell songs, joy and sadness are heard.

Yegorka ran out of the house. He jumped along the path, leaving footprints in the sand. Stopped near the gate. The fence bent bird cherry. Old, hollow, she fell down, as if lying down to rest.

Yegorka shook the wet, rough trunk, as if asking the tree: “Stop lying down, get up!” Suddenly, from somewhere, nuts fell on him; one...another...third...

Grandfather! called Yegor. - Nuts have grown on the bird cherry!

There is an elder in the garden, an uncle in Kyiv, - the grandfather answered from the apiary. - In the morning, for some reason, the alarm clock began to disassemble and broke ... Now the nuts on the bird cherry?

Slowly, grandfather approached the fence, like a doctor, felt and examined the tree. He put the twig into the hollow - and nuts appeared on his wide wrinkled palm ...

Miracles are happening in the world ... - Grandfather shrugged.

Suddenly, a red squirrel jumps right along the grass towards the bird cherry tree. He noticed uninvited guests, stood up on his hind legs, and how angry he was, how he clattered: “By what right do you take my nuts?”

The grandfather beckoned to his grandson and put his finger to his lips. They hid with Yegorka behind the currant bushes.

The squirrel calmed down, slowly began to approach the bird cherry. He jumps, stops, stretches his neck - he smells the air.

He grabs a nut with his teeth and - with an arrow back.

Today the animal feeds the day for a year, - said the grandfather. - Winter is coming. It is necessary to keep up with the snow in the new storeroom to carry the supplies.


The wind whistles through the forest, throws snow shawls off the branches. But then the wind died down, and in the frosty silence a song rang out, thin, something like a mosquito squeak. I glanced at the furry firs. And here are the singers themselves - tiny birds. They scurry among the branches, swarm, look out for something ... One singer separated from the flock, raised his golden tuft. According to the crest, exactly according to the crown, they gave him the name - the kinglet!

The kinglet is the smallest bird in our forest, it weighs only five grams. And how agile! He won’t sit still for a second: he will stick his sharp beak into every crack in the bark, into every crack. In the north, it was nicknamed "forest carnation". All the same, the “carnation” will check: if a sleepy bug has hidden somewhere for the winter, if the pupa or larva has been buried, or maybe you’re lucky, and a treasure of silkworm eggs will open.

My friend, an actor from the Perm theater, had four kinglets in the winter. He made an aviary for them, placed a nest box there and decorated it with fresh fir branches. He fed his pets crushed pine nuts, cottage cheese and eggs; the birds felt good, were cheerful and funny. A friend called them "my pranksters."

Once I looked into his light and found an unusual picture. Vitaly Ivanovich rehearsed a new role, walked with measured steps from the kitchen to his office, and the pranksters followed him on his heels. When he began to try on a magnificent wig in front of the mirror, the birds fearlessly landed on his head and immediately drowned in gray hair. Only my loud sudden laughter made them leave such a high and magnificent throne. But the pranksters were not at a loss, they immediately found a new business for themselves - they found an old down pillow on the sofa and began to pull out feathers and scatter them around the room. After all, "forest carnations" cannot live without work!

Sometimes after the feast there are dirty spots on the tablecloth. Many of these traces are very difficult to remove if you do not begin to eliminate them immediately. Therefore, every housewife should know in advance how to remove stains from a tablecloth that have different nature appearance.

Types of stains on tablecloths

Wine: "First Aid". The main condition for an effective fight against traces of red wine is speed. As soon as fresh contamination has been detected, it must be immediately blotted and then gently wiped with a damp sponge. We should not forget that under the tablecloth it is necessary to put several napkins and put a heavy object on them so that all the moisture is absorbed. After the guests disperse, the canvas needs to be soaked in warm water with the addition of powder.

How to wash a white tablecloth from wine? If the white tablecloth is damaged, you can use hydrogen peroxide. To do this, dilute 1 teaspoon of peroxide in one glass of water and pour wine pollution with this solution. Another remedy can be diluted in similar proportions - based on citric acid. They also need to be used, just like hydrogen peroxide. After the procedure, white material must be thoroughly rinsed or washed.

How to get stains out of a tablecloth folk way? To do this, you need to use raw yolk, which is mixed with glycerin in equal proportions. Dirty places are carefully rubbed with this mixture, and then the canvas is rinsed and sent to the wash.


If you are a beer lover, you need to know how to get beer stains out of tablecloths. Ammonia is excellent at fighting them, which is just enough to wipe the pollution.

A beer trail from the material will remove a solution of 1 teaspoon of laundry soda and a liter of water. You can also use a soap mixture, which is prepared from 5 grams of soap, half a teaspoon of soda, a glass of water. It is worth considering that when using this composition, it must be kept on the fabric for a day, and then the fabric should be washed.

If you still have blue or purple traces, the canvas should be boiled in water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide. But this method must be applied only to white materials!


Colored fabrics and artificial: if the feast is accompanied by an abundance of fruit juices or fruit juicy fruits, you need to remember how to remove nectar stains from the tablecloth. A solution consisting of 1 incomplete mug of hot water, half a teaspoon of ammonia, half a teaspoon of peroxide will cope with the problem of traces of juice.

Also, pollution can be rubbed with a gruel of soda, and then rinse the fabric under water.

How to remove juice stains from a linen tablecloth? If you are the owner of a snow-white tablecloth made of linen or cotton, traces of fruit must be soaked in ordinary milk, and then the entire cloth should be washed in a washing machine.


Heated glycerin, in which a little salt is diluted, will help to remove coffee marks on the material perfectly. The dirt is rubbed with such a mixture, after which the canvas is washed with a washing machine.


How to remove greasy stains from the tablecloth: folk methods. Fat contamination can be removed using a gruel made from potato flour. The flour must first be dried a little in a pan, and then mixed with gasoline and treated with areas of contamination. After a short amount of time, the canvas is erased.

Oily contaminants will be removed by kerosene. However, then you will need to eliminate traces of that product with soap and soapy water.

Fresh stains: if it is possible to take measures to eliminate the grease mark that has just appeared on the fabric, you need to understand how to remove grease stains from the tablecloth in the most the shortest time. For this, ordinary salt is useful, which you just need to cover the dirt for a couple of minutes. After that, the salt is removed, and new crystals are poured. This needs to be done several times until the trace becomes light.

How to remove old grease stains from a tablecloth? For such purposes, chalk or talc is suitable, which should be poured onto the area of ​​​​contamination, covered with a blotter, and then ironed with an iron. If the stain does not come off well, it should first be soaked, and the talcum powder should be left overnight.


How to remove grease stains from a tablecloth after using candles? This question is asked by many romantic couples. To eliminate such contaminants, you first need to remove the wax from the material using ordinary knife. Remains of wax can be removed by ironing this place with an iron. But it should be remembered that before ironing under the dirty area and on it, you need to lay a few napkins.

If the candle was colored, then traces of its wax must be removed with a stain remover.


Traces of strong tea also create difficulties for housewives. Glycerin (4 parts) and ammonia (1 part) can help in this matter, which must be mixed and applied to the contaminated area.

Beet and tomato

How to remove old stains from a tablecloth if they are left by beets or tomatoes? Many women are often tormented by this question, as it is believed that these impurities are among the most difficult to remove. However, the procedure for removal is far from difficult. To do this, wash the fabric with warm water and soap. If the traces of vegetables have not disappeared, they must be treated with citric acid and left for 5 minutes, after which the fabric should be rinsed or washed.

Types of fabric:

White canvas. How to remove yellow stains from a tablecloth? After some time, linen and cotton materials turn noticeably yellow, and sometimes uneven traces of yellow color appear on their surface, which completely spoil appearance tablecloths.

If you use chemical agents, then the yellowness will recede, but the structure of the tissue will gradually collapse.

In the question of how to wash a white tablecloth from yellow spots, it is better to use folk remedies, which will not only make the fabric whiter, but also preserve its fibers.

  1. A couple of liters of milk is heated to such a temperature that you can hold your finger in it, and then a yellowed cloth is placed in it and left in this state for 1 night. The next morning, the material is taken out and dried in the shade, after which it must be washed in a machine with the addition of powder.
  2. Also, placing the fabric in a solution of wine-calcium salt for about 9 hours will give the fabric a fresh look. After soaking, the tablecloth is dried and then washed.


Characteristics of the fabric: silk fabric requires delicate care, therefore, in order to choose the means by which to wash a tablecloth from old stains made from this material, it is necessary to choose gentle methods.

In no case natural silk cannot be treated with alkalis. And acetate silk fabric is aggressive towards acetic acid.

How to wash a silk tablecloth? Silk should be washed carefully, as traces can give stains. From the inside, you need to put gauze or cotton stretched over a wooden block. In order to avoid the appearance of streaks, around the dirty area, the material is wetted with water and sprinkled with talc. You need to wipe off the pollution with a cotton pad dipped in the necessary solution (depending on the type of stain), in the direction from the edges to the center. After the dirt disappears, the fabric needs to be washed.

To remove contaminants, you can use: talc, glycerin, hydrogen peroxide, turpentine, alcohol, salt.

Silk: how to wash a white tablecloth from old stains? If the silk tablecloth has White color, it is better to wash it with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. To do this, a cotton pad is dipped into the solution, and then the dirty area is carefully treated with it. After this procedure, it is necessary to wash the fabric or rinse it.


To remove dirt from linen fabric, it is necessary to determine what it came from and proceed to eliminate the stain. The sooner the hostess starts removing the trace, the easier it is to wash off.

How to remove old stains from a linen tablecloth? To do this, use a stain remover or boil the fabric in water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide. Using the latter method, you can not only clean the fabric that has a white color, but also give it a fresh look. For dyed linen, use a stain remover soap.

How to protect a tablecloth from stains? You can only protect yourself from the appearance of old stains if you take “first aid” measures to remove pollution during the holiday. Also, the dirt is well washed off if the canvas is processed immediately after the holiday.

The only way to protect the festive canvas from the appearance of food contamination is to use a transparent film. Thanks to the oilcloth, you can not only preserve the appearance of the tablecloth, but also protect it from the damaging effects of its fiber, as well as reduce the woman's time spent on cleaning after the feast. In this case, the hostess will simply need to wipe the film, and roll it up, and then fold the clean tablecloth.

Every woman at least once faced with the problem of contamination on the tablecloth. It would seem that nothing can spoil the mood after a successful feast, but traces of food or, worse, of wine on a new, completely white tablecloth will horrify any hostess. But there is no need to rush to throw it away and think that such stains cannot be washed off. It is possible, and your favorite tablecloth will delight you with its cleanliness for a long time to come!

Stains from different products: is it possible to remove?

Depending on what product got on your tablecloth and caused it to become dirty, there are various effective methods that will not present any particular difficulties for you in their use and will help you deal with the problem quickly enough.

  • Lemon juice can easily remove traces of berries and fruits: just cut a lemon and carefully wipe the dirt with it. Also a really great remedy is regular citric acid mixed with water.
  • To cope with such a misfortune as greasy stains, you need to mix salt with water to make a thick homogeneous gruel, and apply for half an hour to an hour on the stain, and then rinse with a little warm water. In addition, a common dishwashing detergent can become a good helper in this “war”. An excellent tool for removing such traces will be talc or chalk. It is enough to sprinkle pollution with these substances, put a piece of absorbent paper on top and carefully iron it. If this does not help, then you should leave the tablecloth sprinkled with talc or chalk for the night, and then repeat the same thing.
  • Wine stains, which at first glance are very difficult to deal with, can be easily removed with a mixture of glycerin and the yolk of one egg. An effective remedy is a solution that can be prepared from 5 grams toilet soap, ½ teaspoon of soda and a glass of warm water. It is necessary to soak the fabric in this solution and leave it to soak for a day, and after a while wash it in water of medium temperature.
  • Tea, coffee or chocolate will not cause problems if the stains left by them are thoroughly moistened with hydrogen peroxide and left for 15-20 minutes, and then rinsed under the tap. Another recipe for removing such stains is a mixture of glycerin and ammonia, prepared in a ratio of four to one.
  • Beetroot or tomato marks, which are not so easy to remove, will help to remove ordinary laundry soap. At first, it is enough just to wash the tablecloth with them in hot water, and then sprinkle citric acid on the stains. After 10-15 minutes, rinse the tablecloth in warm water.
  • Such a solution will perfectly remove traces of compote or juice: in one glass of hot water you need to mix 1/2 teaspoon of ammonia and the same amount of peroxide.
  • Stains left from a wax candle should be removed in this way: first of all, you need to carefully scrape off the wax with an ordinary kitchen knife, and then carefully treat this place with an iron, after placing several napkins under the place of contamination.
  • With the remnants of beer on the tablecloth, a solution of a teaspoon of laundry soda and one liter of water will do just fine. Also ammonia works well here. To do this, just try to wet the place you want to clean with it.
  • Stains from grass and greenery will help to remove a warm solution made from soapy water and ammonia. An alternative is a saline solution, consisting of half a tablespoon of salt in half a glass of warm water. If such traces have already eaten into the tablecloth, then you need to treat the place of contamination with salicylic alcohol, and then rinse under running water.

How to get rid of old stains on tablecloths?

There are many fairly simple, but at the same time effective means to remove old stains on the tablecloth, which, it would seem, have already ingrained into the fabric forever. Here are some useful and proven ways to remove them:

  • Mix potato flour with water until it has the consistency of a thick puree, apply this mixture to the stain. Leave for a few hours to soak, and then remove the flour mixture. Wipe the stain with a cloth soaked in gasoline, and then wipe the stained area with a piece of stale bread. After the operation, it is enough to wash the tablecloth in warm water.
  • Gasoline is a good stain remover and copes with stubborn stains. It is enough to moisten a piece of tracing paper in gasoline and place it under the stain, and rub the stain itself in the direction from the edge to the middle. After that, you need to rinse the tablecloth in warm water.
  • A proven method is hot potato starch, which must be applied to the stain, wait and rinse.
  • Do not forget about the usual laundry soap. Apply soap to the stain, soak in warm water for a few hours and rinse.
  • For natural fabrics, the following method is considered effective: boil 10 liters of water and add one mug of washing powder and two to three tablespoons of bleach powder or stain remover to it. Next, two tablespoons of ordinary refined vegetable oil should be added to hot water. This mixture must be brought to a boil, and then soak the tablecloth in it and leave to cool. Finally, rinse the tablecloth in water at room temperature.

How to remove stains from different types of fabric?

Not all tools can be used in all cases. The fabric that the tablecloth is made of plays a big role, as the type of fabric determines whether a particular stain control method can be used, whether it will be effective and whether it will completely ruin your tablecloth. Some products are great for silk fabrics, but completely unsuitable for stains left on cotton, while others, on the contrary, should never be used to remove stains from delicate fabrics.

For example, on a linen or cotton white tablecloth, after a certain time, yellow spots appear that are striking and spoil the original appearance. In this case, milk will help, which must be heated to a warm (but not hot!) State. Just dip the tablecloth in the resulting milk for 8-9 hours and wash in the machine with a regular powder.

You can also restore the snow-whiteness of the fabric with the help of soda. It is enough to prepare a warm solution of soda and soak the tablecloth in it. After that, squeeze the tablecloth well and carefully apply laundry soap on both sides. Next, you need to fold the tablecloth four times, wrap it in a roll and leave it in this form for one day, and then wash, dry and iron thoroughly by hand.

For linen fabric, a stain remover or a solution of water with hydrogen peroxide is also suitable, in which it is necessary to boil the soiled tablecloth. If the tablecloth is made of dyed linen, then in this case soap-stain remover will help.

Attention should be paid to silk tablecloths, which require special care. To remove stains from such a tablecloth, in no case should you use alkalis (for example, ammonia or baking soda). To remove a stain from a silk tablecloth, place a reverse side gauze or cotton stretched over a block of wood. Around the stain, the tablecloth must be wetted with water and sprinkled with talcum powder. The stain can only be removed with a cotton pad in the direction from the edge of the contamination to the center. To remove this kind of stains, it is permissible to use alcohol, glycerin, hydrogen peroxide, talc and salt.

A few practical tips in conclusion:

  • If the stain on the tablecloth is very fresh, then try treating it with onion juice or yogurt whey, and after a while wash it in warm water.
  • Potassium permanganate is a good tool for removing stains from a tablecloth. To do this, wet the stain with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then wipe the place of contamination with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, which is prepared in the proportion of a teaspoon of peroxide per cup of warm water.
  • In order not to damage the fabric, it is necessary to treat the place of contamination with a cotton pad or soft cloth in the direction from the edge of the stain to its center.

sloppy stains on kitchen towels or on holiday tablecloths able to spoil the mood of the hostess for a long time ... unless she knows simple and effective methods fight them. But there are many of them. Let's list some of them.

How to remove fresh stains on tablecloths?

These stains are the easiest to deal with, but the product used will depend on the type of stain. The most common options:

  • Spots from juice easy to put on the tablecloth using a mixture of glycerin and vodka;
  • Are there traces of fruits and berries on the tablecloth? A concentrated solution of citric acid can easily cope with them. Better yet, cut a fresh lemon and rub it well on the problem area;
  • To remove grease, make a thick slurry of salt and water, apply to the stain and wait about half an hour. There is another way: use any dishwashing detergent;
  • Dark stubborn stains from tea, coffee, chocolate will disappear if they are carefully treated with hydrogen peroxide and left for 10-15 minutes, then rinse the contaminated area with water.
  • How difficult it is to get rid of traces of paraffin on the tablecloth - well, nothing takes it! And yet, there is a means of struggle - a hot iron. But first, scrape off what you can with a knife. Now cover the stain with a paper towel and iron it. Paraffin will be absorbed into the paper and there will be no trace of the stain;
  • The most difficult thing is with wine stains, which terrify housewives. And only a few know a simple way to eliminate them. Let's reveal the secret: just mix the egg yolk and glycerin and wipe the stain with the mixture.

And now, when each of the stains has been processed according to all the rules, it remains only to wash the tablecloth or towel and enjoy its impeccable cleanliness.

Old stains on tablecloths and towels

Stains, which are sometimes several years old, do not always lend themselves to the simple means described above. But do not lose heart: to remove old stains on tablecloths and towels We launch "heavy artillery".

So, boil water (10 liters) in a large pot or bucket. Add two large spoons of bleach powder or stain remover and a glass of any washing powder to it. It is advisable to take one that does not foam too much. And now the most interesting: add two tablespoons of refined vegetable oil to boiling water.

Let the mixture boil, then remove the bucket from the heat and put the tablecloth in it. Everyone, let it cool down. Consider a few nuances:

  • This method is applicable only to natural fabrics;
  • It is undesirable to soak things of different colors at the same time;
  • Without oil, which softens pollution, the method is ineffective.

After the water has cooled, the tablecloth can only be rinsed. Alternatively, you can even do it in the washing machine. This tool helps withdraw even old stains on kitchen towels and tablecloths.

And simple for white towels: add to water washing powder and some silicate glue. Boil for half an hour and wash. Your towels will be white.

In conclusion, another method of struggle with old greasy spots: rub the thing soaked in hot water with laundry soap and put it in plastic bag for a few hours, then wash. The spots will disappear.

We have described just a few ways to remove stains on kitchen towels and tablecloths. We hope that they will help you, and your towels and tablecloths will be immaculately clean from now on!
