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Joseph Murphy is a miraculous power to obtain endless wealth. How the Rich Get Richer: Joseph Murphy read book online, read for free Become Rich Joseph Murphy read

Joseph Murphy

How to attract money

You have every right to be rich, to live in abundance, radiating happiness and success. We need money in order to free ourselves from the burden of poverty and limitation.

There is really no virtue in poverty. It is like a mental disorder that needs to be treated just like any other illness. We came to earth to reveal own capabilities and talents, as well as grow and develop not only spiritually and mentally, but also materially. Everyone is given the inalienable right from birth to express themselves in all directions, to surround themselves with beautiful things and luxury items.

Why be content with little and live from paycheck to paycheck when you can discover endless sources of wealth. In this book I will tell you how to make friends with money so that you never have a shortage. There is nothing wrong with your natural desire to become rich, happy and successful; on the contrary, it is given from above, sent by cosmic force.

Look at money in a new way, learn its true function - to serve as a unit of exchange. You can exchange money for freedom from poverty and poverty, buy beautiful things and luxury items with it.

Now, as you read these lines, you may have thoughts like this: “I wish I had more money” or “I deserve a higher salary than I receive.”

I agree with those people who believe that their work is often undervalued. But why does this happen? One of the reasons is the wrong attitude towards money, or rather, secret or obvious neglect of it. Many consider money to be “a base metal” or believe that “the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10). Sometimes thoughts creep into the subconscious that poverty is still a virtue, which also become a stumbling block on the path to prosperity. Such an incorrect attitude can be imposed on a person from childhood, based on prejudices or an incorrect understanding of the Holy Scriptures.

Poverty is not a virtue, but a mental illness. Agree, if you feel physically unwell, you begin to worry and try to find the causes of the illness. You see a doctor or try treatment on your own. In the same way, you need to seek help if you begin to notice that there is no abundance in life. This is an alarming symptom, meaning that something is wrong with you.

Money is only a symbol. Over the centuries, they took a wide variety of forms: salt, beads, all kinds of trinkets. At the very beginning of our era, wealth was measured by the number of sheep or bulls. But over time, the form of calculation became more and more convenient. Agree, it is much easier to write a check for the required amount than to lead a flock of sheep.

Remember, the Lord does not want you to live in a miserable shack and go hungry. On the contrary, He wants to see you happy, successful and rich, because the Almighty Himself is accompanied by success in all His endeavors, be it the creation of a new star or the Universe!

In the desire, for example, to travel around the world or study history contemporary art, get another one higher education or choose for children the best school there is nothing reprehensible. After all, you, as loving and caring parents, want your child to be surrounded by beautiful things from childhood, to learn to appreciate beauty, to enjoy the harmony and uniqueness of the world.

You came into the world to win and overcome all difficulties on the path to success, to fully develop your abilities and talents. Therefore, if you feel that you are constantly short of money, do not sit idly by - it’s time to act.

Immediately throw away all prejudices about money, never again treat it as something dirty or bad. This approach to wealth will lead to the fact that it will simply evaporate and disappear, because we inevitably lose what we condemn or despise.

Imagine that you have found a deposit of gold, silver, lead, copper or iron. Is there anything bad about this? Everything that the Lord has created is wonderful. Evil comes from an insufficiently deep or incorrect understanding of the laws of life or a person’s unreasonable use of the power given to him by God. Uranium, lead or any other metal can be used as a monetary unit, that is, as a medium of exchange. In our society, it is customary to pay with paper money and checks. I think you will agree with me that there is nothing bad either in them or in the paper from which they are made. Physicists have found that the difference between metals is the number of electrons in the nucleus and the speed of their rotation around the center of the nucleus. Using a special cyclotron, you can bombard the nucleus, thus transforming one metal into another. For example, mercury can be obtained from gold. The day is not far when any metals can be obtained in the laboratory, synthetically. I don’t know about you, but personally I don’t see anything wrong with electrons, neutrons, protons and isotopes.

Think about it: the bill in your pocket is just a piece of paper, which also consists of electrons and protons. It differs from a silver coin only in the number and speed of movement of these particles.

Many will object to me: “But people steal and kill for money! Because of them, countless cruel crimes are committed!” This does not make money evil.

The problem is that we often use money for harm rather than good. For example, a customer gives a killer five thousand dollars for a murder. But anything can be used incorrectly, with malicious intent: with the help of electricity you can kill a person or light up a house, you can give a child water to drink or drown him, you can warm a child by the fire or burn him.

If, for example, you take a handful of earth and put it in a cup of coffee, you will not like it. But there is nothing bad in either the soil or the coffee. This means that the problem is different: the soil has no place in a cup, it should be in the garden bed or garden.

In the same way, I think you will not be happy if you stick a pin into a finger rather than a pincushion.

There is nothing wrong with the forces of nature or its phenomena. We ourselves force them to bring benefit or, conversely, harm.

An acquaintance once told me: “I’m broke. I hate money, it’s the root of all evil.”

If you believe that money is more important and above all else, then soon the material side will begin to dominate in life, and the balance will be disrupted. Learn to use the power of your desires wisely. Some strive for power, others for wealth. Many people allow the thirst for money and gain to completely take over them. “I want to become fabulously rich, and for this I will do anything,” they say, forgetting that “man cannot live by bread alone” (Matthew 4:4). A huge fortune will not bring happiness and joy if there is no peace of mind and harmony in life.

Nature requires that both external and inner world people were beautiful, so it is important to maintain a sense of proportion in everything, because it is very easy to lose balance. For example, if a follower of a religious sect or cult becomes a fanatic, moves away from family and friends, forgets that he is a member of the family and society, then he soon becomes withdrawn and unsociable, irritable and unbalanced. If you spend your life in pursuit of material wealth, you will soon feel that illnesses are coming from all sides, your soul is restless and anxious, there is no joy and love in life. Then you will understand that real friendship, love, devotion and affection cannot be bought with money. The millions of dollars that belong to you are not actually evil. The root of evil is that you

Translation from English made according to the publication: HOW TO ATTRACT MONEY by Joseph Murphy, D. R. S., D. D., Ph. D., LL. D. - Marina del Rey, CA 90294: DeVorss & Company, 1998.

© 1955 by Joseph Murphy

© Translation. Potpourri LLC, 2004

© Design. Potpourri LLC, 2013

Being rich is your birthright

You have every right to be rich, to live in abundance, radiating happiness and success. We need money in order to free ourselves from the burden of poverty and limitation.

There is really no virtue in poverty. It is like a mental disorder that needs to be treated just like any other illness. We came to earth to reveal our own capabilities and talents, as well as to grow and develop not only spiritually and mentally, but also materially. Everyone is given the inalienable right from birth to express themselves in all directions, to surround themselves with beautiful things and luxury items.

Why be content with little and live from paycheck to paycheck when you can discover endless sources of wealth. In this book I will tell you how to make friends with money so that you never have a shortage. There is nothing wrong with your natural desire to become rich, happy and successful; on the contrary, it is given from above, sent by cosmic force.

Look at money in a new way, understand its true function - to serve as a unit of exchange. You can exchange money for freedom from poverty and poverty, buy beautiful things and luxury items with it.

Now, as you read these lines, you may have thoughts like this: “I wish I had more money” or “I deserve a higher salary than I receive.”

I agree with those people who believe that their work is often undervalued. But why does this happen? One of the reasons is the wrong attitude towards money, or rather, secret or obvious neglect of it. Many consider money to be “a base metal” or believe that “the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10). Sometimes thoughts creep into the subconscious that poverty is still a virtue, which also become a stumbling block on the path to prosperity. Such an incorrect attitude can be imposed on a person from childhood, based on prejudices or an incorrect understanding of the Holy Scriptures.

Poverty is not a virtue, but a mental illness. Agree, if you feel physically unwell, you begin to worry and try to find the causes of the illness. You see a doctor or try treatment on your own. In the same way, you need to seek help if you begin to notice that there is no abundance in life. This is an alarming symptom, meaning that something is wrong with you.

Money is only a symbol. Over the centuries, they took a wide variety of forms: salt, beads, all kinds of trinkets. At the very beginning of our era, wealth was measured by the number of sheep or bulls. But over time, the form of calculation became more and more convenient. Agree, it is much easier to write a check for the required amount than to lead a flock of sheep.

Remember, the Lord does not want you to live in a miserable shack and go hungry. On the contrary, He wants to see you happy, successful and rich, because the Almighty Himself is accompanied by success in all His endeavors, be it the creation of a new star or the Universe!

There is nothing reprehensible in the desire, for example, to travel around the world or study the history of modern art, get another higher education or choose the best school for your children. After all, you, as loving and caring parents, want your child to be surrounded by beautiful things from childhood, to learn to appreciate beauty, to enjoy the harmony and uniqueness of the world.

You came into the world to win and overcome all difficulties on the path to success, to fully develop your abilities and talents. Therefore, if you feel that you are constantly short of money, do not sit idly by - it’s time to act.

Immediately throw away all prejudices about money, never again treat it as something dirty or bad. This approach to wealth will lead to the fact that it will simply evaporate and disappear, because we inevitably lose what we condemn or despise.

Imagine that you have found a deposit of gold, silver, lead, copper or iron. Is there anything bad about this? Everything that the Lord has created is wonderful. Evil comes from an insufficiently deep or incorrect understanding of the laws of life or a person’s unreasonable use of the power given to him by God. Uranium, lead or any other metal can be used as a monetary unit, that is, as a medium of exchange. In our society, it is customary to pay with paper money and checks. I think you will agree with me that there is nothing bad either in them or in the paper from which they are made. Physicists have found that the difference between metals is the number of electrons in the nucleus and the speed of their rotation around the center of the nucleus. Using a special cyclotron, you can bombard the nucleus, thus transforming one metal into another. For example, mercury can be obtained from gold. The day is not far when any metals can be obtained in the laboratory, synthetically. I don’t know about you, but personally I see absolutely nothing wrong with electrons, neutrons, protons and isotopes.

Think about it: the bill in your pocket is just a piece of paper, which also consists of electrons and protons. It differs from a silver coin only in the number and speed of movement of these particles.

Many will object to me: “But people steal and kill for money! Because of them, countless cruel crimes are committed!” This does not make money evil.

The problem is that we often use money for harm rather than good. For example, a customer gives a killer five thousand dollars for a murder. But anything can be used incorrectly, with malicious intent: with the help of electricity you can kill a person or light up a house, you can give a child water to drink or drown him, you can warm a child by the fire or burn him.

If, for example, you take a handful of earth and put it in a cup of coffee, you will not like it. But there is nothing bad either in the earth or in the coffee. This means that the problem is different: the soil has no place in a cup, it should be in the garden bed or garden.

In the same way, I think you will not be happy if you stick a pin into a finger rather than a pincushion.

There is nothing wrong with the forces of nature or its phenomena. We ourselves force them to bring benefit or, conversely, harm.

An acquaintance once told me: “I’m broke. I hate money, it’s the root of all evil.”

If you believe that money is more important and above all else, then soon the material side will begin to dominate in life, and the balance will be disrupted. Learn to use the power of your desires wisely. Some strive for power, others for wealth. Many people allow the thirst for money and gain to completely take over them. “I want to become fabulously rich, and I will do anything to achieve this,” they say, forgetting that “man cannot live by bread alone” (Matthew 4:4). A huge fortune will not bring happiness and joy if there is no peace of mind and harmony in life.

Nature requires that both the external and internal world of a person be beautiful, so it is important to maintain a sense of proportion in everything, because it is very easy to lose balance. For example, if a follower of a religious sect or cult becomes a fanatic, moves away from family and friends, forgets that he is a member of the family and society, then he soon becomes withdrawn and unsociable, irritable and unbalanced. If you spend your life in pursuit of material wealth, you will soon feel that illnesses are coming from all sides, your soul is restless and anxious, there is no joy and love in life. Then you will understand that real friendship, love, devotion and affection cannot be bought with money. The millions of dollars that belong to you are not actually evil. The root of evil is that you have forgotten about eternal values, so you are haunted by disappointment and irritation.

Sooner or later you will realize that you made the wrong choice when you decided that money was all you needed. In fact, you wanted peace of mind to reign in your life, and there was harmony and prosperity in your home. By realizing this and turning to the Lord, you can, if you want, become a millionaire and at the same time save spiritual harmony, stay happy and healthy.

Human nature is good, so there is nothing bad in you. All your desires are sent to be fulfilled by the Lord himself, the Wisdom of Eternity and Life.

For example, a boy wants to study, but he does not have the money for it. He sees how the children who live in the neighborhood are getting ready for school, and this makes the desire even stronger; he thinks: “I also want to study.” As a result, he may steal or embezzle other people's money to pay for education. The desire to learn and learn new things is wonderful in itself, but the boy simply used it incorrectly, thus violating not only the laws of society, but also the cosmic law of harmony, or Golden Rule, and therefore found himself in trouble.

If the boy had known about the existence of spiritual laws and the all-conquering power of the Lord, he would have ended up on the school bench, and not in the dock. Who is to blame for the fact that he ended up behind bars? Could it be the policeman who handcuffed him? No, a police officer is just a person who sets in motion the mechanism of punishment for breaking the law. The boy himself is to blame, he put himself in prison when he took what did not belong to him. The feeling of guilt and fear that chained the consciousness soon turned into the stone walls of a prison cell.

Money is a symbol of Divine abundance, harmony and beauty. They can be a source of countless blessings if used wisely for constructive purposes. Money is also an indicator of the economic health of a nation. Judge for yourself: if blood circulates freely through your veins, then you are physically healthy, and if money circulates freely in your life, then you are economically healthy. This is why economic crises and problems arise in the country when people begin to hide money in stockings and are afraid to spend it.

The financial crisis of 1929 was the result of a psychological panic. As if by evil magic, people all over the world were gripped by fear and uncertainty about the future.

Remember that we live not only in an objective, but also a subjective world, so do not forget about spiritual food. May every day of your life be filled with laughter and fun, beauty and harmony, peace and love.

Knowledge about spiritual power takes us on a direct path to abundance - both spiritual and material. Anyone who studies the laws of the soul and mind knows and believes that, regardless of the name and exchange rate of the currency, there will be no shortage, despite possible economic instability or stagnation, exchange rate fluctuations valuable papers, strikes, wars or other unfavorable conditions. The reason for such strong confidence lies in the inner consciousness of one's own wealth. Man convinced his mind that infinite Divine abundance reigns in his life. Even if war starts tomorrow and all his property depreciates, like German marks after the First World War, the Lord will not leave him, and he will not need anything.

Wealth is a state of consciousness, the confidence that God's grace will never cease. Financial scientists view the movement of money as the ebb and flow of the sea, that is, money may go away for a while, but then return again. The tide inevitably follows the ebb, which means that wealth and abundance will roll in like a wave if you truly believe in the existence of an eternal, one and vast ocean of the Almighty Divine Presence that washes over your life. Anyone who knows what power lies in consciousness does not worry during an unstable economic situation or panic in the stock market, during devaluation or inflation, because he is sure that the Lord will not abandon him. The right hand of God always overshadows such a person: “Look at the birds of the air: they do not sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns; and your Father in heaven feeds them. Aren't you much better than them? (Matthew 6:26).

As soon as you are able to pronounce with faith the words of the Holy Scripture, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105), the Divine Presence will guide you through life and protect you in all paths, blessings will rain down like from a cornucopia, and wealth will exceed even your wildest expectations.

It’s easy to create a picture of constant prosperity in your subconscious; you just need to relax, turn off consciousness and attention, and immerse yourself in half-sleep and contemplation. Then ask yourself these questions: “Where do thoughts come from? Where does wealth come from? Where did I come from, my mind and soul? Gradually, step by step, you will approach the One Source from which everything came.

Now you have felt the awakening and work of spiritual forces within yourself. The mind will no longer resist the idea that wealth is a state of consciousness. Repeat slowly to yourself three to four times a day for four to five minutes ( Special attention taking time before going to bed) such a short phrase: “I am not afraid to spend and receive money, so it circulates freely in my life and brings God-blessed profits.” Do this regularly so that the thought becomes entrenched and imprinted in the subconscious. But remember that meaningless, mechanical repetition of these words will not bring the desired result. It is important to feel every word and feel the truth in it, to understand what you are doing and why, because the subconscious perceives only what the conscious mind believes.

That is why people who find themselves in a difficult financial situation cannot get out of it by simply repeating: “I am rich (rich),” “My business is thriving,” or “I am successful in everything.” Moreover, such statements often lead to a worsening of the situation. The fact is that the human subconscious can perceive only one thought or mood, feeling. For example, you say: “My business is thriving,” but the feeling of dissatisfaction only intensifies, because you know perfectly well that this is not so, and an inner voice repeats: “No, it is not thriving, but is falling apart before our eyes.” As you can see, each time the feeling of helplessness intensifies, which means that the words spoken bring the exact opposite result, and even more problems fall on your head. To overcome such a state, beginners need to choose words that neither the conscious nor the subconscious will agree to accept, and that will not cause contradictions between them. Remember that our subconscious mind only accepts those beliefs, feelings and convictions that we ourselves have consciously accepted.

You can attract the subconscious to cooperate by saying: “Every day my company is doing better and better” or “Every hour I am becoming richer and wiser”, “My income is increasing every day” or “With every step I am moving forward.” go ahead and improve my financial situation.” These and similar phrases will not create a conflict between the conscious and subconscious.

If the owner of a small store has only ten cents in his pocket, he can easily imagine that tomorrow, for example, he will sell a pair of shoes and thus improve his financial situation. To himself, he can repeat the following words: “Every day they buy more and more from me” or “With every step I move forward and improve my financial situation.” Such a prayer will not cause psychological protest, and therefore will bring the desired result.

For those who know the laws of the soul, in order for a miracle to happen, it is enough to consciously, confidently and with feeling repeat to themselves the following words: “My business is prospering” or “I am successful in everything”, “I am rich (rich).” Why is this happening? The fact is that when they say or think: “My business is prospering,” this means that for them the Lord is the personification of All kinds of Abundance and Infinite Wealth. Such people recognize everything that is fair for the Almighty. They know that the Lord, this Inexhaustible Source and Fount of Prosperity, lives within them.

I have often found that thinking about abstract ideas such as health, wealth and success is extremely powerful, especially for men. Health is the Divine Reality itself, Wealth comes from the Lord, it is eternal and endless. Success is also from the Almighty, as He is successful in all His endeavors.

To change their lives for the better, every day in the morning in front of the mirror while shaving, they repeated the following words for five to ten minutes: “Health, wealth, success.” Notice that they did not say: “I am healthy” or “I am successful in everything,” so as not to create internal contradiction. First you need to calm down and relax in order to prepare your mind to perceive important information, and only then say the words. Thus, they merged with eternal values ​​that do not change and are not subject to time.

As you can see, by using the ideas presented in this book, you can create in your mind a strong confidence in wealth and prosperity, and then “the desert and the dry land will rejoice, and the desert country will rejoice, and it will blossom like a daffodil” (Isaiah 35:1).

I once had the opportunity to meet a young guy in Australia who really wanted to become a surgeon, but he had neither money nor higher education for this. He earned his living by cleaning up doctors' offices and carrying out small errands. He said that every night before going to bed he imagined that a diploma hung above his bed in a frame and under glass (similar to the ones he polished to a shine in the hospital) and his name and surname were written on it in large beautiful letters. I don’t know exactly how long he cherished such dreams in his soul - probably several months.

Joseph Murphy

How to attract money

Being rich is your birthright

You have every right to be rich, to live in abundance, radiating happiness and success. We need money in order to free ourselves from the burden of poverty and limitation.

There is really no virtue in poverty. It is like a mental disorder that needs to be treated just like any other illness. We came to earth to reveal our own capabilities and talents, as well as to grow and develop not only spiritually and mentally, but also materially. Everyone is given the inalienable right from birth to express themselves in all directions, to surround themselves with beautiful things and luxury items.

Why be content with little and live from paycheck to paycheck when you can discover endless sources of wealth. In this book I will tell you how to make friends with money so that you never have a shortage. There is nothing wrong with your natural desire to become rich, happy and successful; on the contrary, it is given from above, sent by cosmic force.

Look at money in a new way, learn its true function - to serve as a unit of exchange. You can exchange money for freedom from poverty and poverty, buy beautiful things and luxury items with it.

Now, as you read these lines, you may have thoughts like this: “I wish I had more money” or “I deserve a higher salary than I receive.”

I agree with those people who believe that their work is often undervalued. But why does this happen? One of the reasons is the wrong attitude towards money, or rather, secret or obvious neglect of it. Many consider money to be “a base metal” or believe that “the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10). Sometimes thoughts creep into the subconscious that poverty is still a virtue, which also become a stumbling block on the path to prosperity. Such an incorrect attitude can be imposed on a person from childhood, based on prejudices or an incorrect understanding of the Holy Scriptures.

Poverty is not a virtue, but a mental illness. Agree, if you feel physically unwell, you begin to worry and try to find the causes of the illness. You see a doctor or try treatment on your own. In the same way, you need to seek help if you begin to notice that there is no abundance in life. This is an alarming symptom, meaning that something is wrong with you.

Money is only a symbol. Over the centuries, they took a wide variety of forms: salt, beads, all kinds of trinkets. At the very beginning of our era, wealth was measured by the number of sheep or bulls. But over time, the form of calculation became more and more convenient. Agree, it is much easier to write a check for the required amount than to lead a flock of sheep.

Remember, the Lord does not want you to live in a miserable shack and go hungry. On the contrary, He wants to see you happy, successful and rich, because the Almighty Himself is accompanied by success in all His endeavors, be it the creation of a new star or the Universe!

There is nothing reprehensible in the desire, for example, to travel around the world or study the history of modern art, get another higher education or choose the best school for your children. After all, you, as loving and caring parents, want your child to be surrounded by beautiful things from childhood, to learn to appreciate beauty, to enjoy the harmony and uniqueness of the world.

You came into the world to win and overcome all difficulties on the path to success, to fully develop your abilities and talents. Therefore, if you feel that you are constantly short of money, do not sit idly by - it’s time to act.

Immediately throw away all prejudices about money, never again treat it as something dirty or bad. This approach to wealth will lead to the fact that it will simply evaporate and disappear, because we inevitably lose what we condemn or despise.

Imagine that you have found a deposit of gold, silver, lead, copper or iron. Is there anything bad about this? Everything that the Lord has created is wonderful. Evil comes from an insufficiently deep or incorrect understanding of the laws of life or a person’s unreasonable use of the power given to him by God. Uranium, lead or any other metal can be used as a monetary unit, that is, as a medium of exchange. In our society, it is customary to pay with paper money and checks. I think you will agree with me that there is nothing bad either in them or in the paper from which they are made. Physicists have found that the difference between metals is the number of electrons in the nucleus and the speed of their rotation around the center of the nucleus. Using a special cyclotron, you can bombard the nucleus, thus transforming one metal into another. For example, mercury can be obtained from gold. The day is not far when any metals can be obtained in the laboratory, synthetically. I don’t know about you, but personally I see absolutely nothing wrong with electrons, neutrons, protons and isotopes.

Think about it: the bill in your pocket is just a piece of paper, which also consists of electrons and protons. It differs from a silver coin only in the number and speed of movement of these particles.

Many will object to me: “But people steal and kill for money! Because of them, countless cruel crimes are committed!” This does not make money evil.

The problem is that we often use money for harm rather than good. For example, a customer gives a killer five thousand dollars for a murder. But anything can be used incorrectly, with malicious intent: with the help of electricity you can kill a person or light up a house, you can give a child water to drink or drown him, you can warm a child by the fire or burn him.

If, for example, you take a handful of earth and put it in a cup of coffee, you will not like it. But there is nothing bad in either the soil or the coffee. This means that the problem is different: the soil has no place in a cup, it should be in the garden bed or garden.

In the same way, I think you will not be happy if you stick a pin into a finger rather than a pincushion.

There is nothing wrong with the forces of nature or its phenomena. We ourselves force them to bring benefit or, conversely, harm.

An acquaintance once told me: “I’m broke. I hate money, it’s the root of all evil.”

If you believe that money is more important and above all else, then soon the material side will begin to dominate in life, and the balance will be disrupted. Learn to use the power of your desires wisely. Some strive for power, others for wealth. Many people allow the thirst for money and gain to completely take over them. “I want to become fabulously rich, and for this I will do anything,” they say, forgetting that “man cannot live by bread alone” (Matthew 4:4). A huge fortune will not bring happiness and joy if there is no peace of mind and harmony in life.


Convincing a wide range of readers that each of them has the right to be rich, the author talks about the roads that, in his opinion, will lead you to the realization of this right.

Joseph Murphy
How to attract money

Being rich is your inalienable right

You have every right to be rich, to live in abundance, radiating happiness and success. We need money in order to free ourselves from the burden of poverty and limitation.

There is really no virtue in poverty. It is like a mental disorder that needs to be treated just like any other illness. We came to earth to reveal our own capabilities and talents, as well as to grow and develop not only spiritually and mentally, but also materially. Everyone is given the inalienable right from birth to express themselves in all directions, to surround themselves with beautiful things and luxury items.

Why be content with little and live from paycheck to paycheck when you can discover endless sources of wealth. In this book I will tell you how to make friends with money so that you never have a shortage. There is nothing wrong with your natural desire to become rich, happy and successful; on the contrary, it is given from above, sent by cosmic force.

Look at money in a new way, learn its true function - to serve as a unit of exchange. You can exchange money for freedom from poverty and poverty, buy beautiful things and luxury items with it.

Now, as you read these lines, you may have thoughts like this: “I wish I had more money” or “I deserve a higher salary than I receive.”

I agree with those people who believe that their work is often undervalued. But why does this happen? One of the reasons is the wrong attitude towards money, or rather, secret or obvious neglect of it. Many consider money to be “a base metal” or believe that “the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10). Sometimes thoughts creep into the subconscious that poverty is still a virtue, which also become a stumbling block on the path to prosperity. Such an incorrect attitude can be imposed on a person from childhood, based on prejudices or an incorrect understanding of the Holy Scriptures.

Poverty is not a virtue, but a mental illness. Agree, if you feel physically unwell, you begin to worry and try to find the causes of the illness. You see a doctor or try treatment on your own. In the same way, you need to seek help if you begin to notice that there is no abundance in life. This is an alarming symptom, meaning that something is wrong with you.

Money is only a symbol. Over the centuries, they took a wide variety of forms: salt, beads, all kinds of trinkets. At the very beginning of our era, wealth was measured by the number of sheep or bulls. But over time, the form of calculation became more and more convenient. Agree, it is much easier to write a check for the required amount than to lead a flock of sheep.

Joseph Murphy (May 20, 1898 – December 16, 1981) was a writer, philosopher, and teacher.

Murphy has lectured and trained hundreds of thousands of people around the world for over 50 years on the power of the subconscious mind.

Joseph Murphy was born in Ballydehob, Ireland. He was educated in England and Ireland. After receiving a degree in chemistry, he emigrated to the USA.

Murphy's most popular book is The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, in which he describes in simple terms how a person can use his thoughts to change circumstances and achieve certain goals in life. The book has been translated into 17 languages.

Joseph Murphy hosted a daily radio program and is the author of more than 30 books: “The Miraculous Power to Get Infinite Wealth,” “The Amazing Laws of the Cosmic Mind,” “Discover the Divine Power Within You.” As a rule, his books are full of stories about how a person who applied his method of persuasion and imagination achieved the desired results.

Books (10)

Collection of books

Murphy led the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles for 28 years, where his lectures were attended by approximately 1,300 to 1,500 people each Sunday. His daily radio program was also broadcast for a long time, which was very popular throughout that time.

Live life to the fullest

A decent and happy life. Isn’t this what all people on the planet strive for? But are we doing anything to get one step closer to our cherished goal?

Many people tend to blame circumstances, others, fate, and God for their failures. In fact, everything depends only on us. Yes, there are things that are beyond our control: the movement of the planets, the change of seasons, the ebbs, flows and currents in the oceans, the rising and setting of the sun. We cannot change another person's thoughts either, but we can change ourselves. Each of us has unlimited power that can replace negative beliefs with positive ones and thus give us the key to a new life.

How to become confident and increase self-esteem

The world-renowned author, in How to Become Confident and Raise Self-Esteem, shows how prayer can help you program your mind to overcome negative feelings about yourself and rebuild self-esteem, and with it, self-confidence.

The Magic of Extrasensory Perception

The book “The Magic of Extrasensory Perception” tells how, with the help of extrasensory perception, people managed to save their loved ones, prevent various troubles in their own lives, miraculously heal incurable diseases, and much more.

She will teach you to face any problems, difficulties, challenges and provide you with special techniques and techniques to make your psychic abilities work for you.

Control your destiny

In the West at one time this book became famous as a bestseller. It presents to a wide circle of readers the opportunity to master a power that evokes awe, is capable of working miracles and at the same time is completely accessible to every reasonable person, since it is located not outside, but inside each of us.

Learn from Dr. Murphy to manage the resources of your personal psyche - and then for the rest of your life, excellent health, true prosperity, and true happiness will become your inseparable companions.

Miraculous power to obtain endless wealth

The book is intended for people who want to become rich. You live to lead a fulfilled and happy life, and have necessary means to do whatever you want, whenever you want.

Money should have free circulation in your life.

The miraculous power of the Universe

Try, using the mental and spiritual formulas offered in this book, to establish conscious contact with Cosmic energy - the power of the Infinite - and allow it to operate in your business and your family life.

The results can be amazing!

Reader comments

Konstantin/ 07/24/2013 Guest, this is what Christ said about the incompatibility of money and God:
“You cannot serve God with wealth” and those who crucified Him laughed at Him.
And here’s another: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a coal than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” To the apostles’ question, “Who will be saved then?”, He answered: “What is impossible with men is possible with God” (Luke 18:27)
And just as in the time of Christ there were righteous and unrighteous priests, so there are now.

Salkynay/ 07/22/2013 I call Joseph Murphy my Teacher. Thanks to him, my life has completely changed. Yes. I never thought and could not that a person who passed away in the last century could put me on the true Path. I am simply GRATEFUL in my heart for his books that got me back on my feet.

Simone/ 06/23/2013 This is super!!!


Andrey/ 05/22/2013 Please tell me how to find the book of the secrets of the I Ching. Thanks in advance!

Guest/ 05/18/2013 Murphy - great person. Thank him very much for his work. He opens his eyes to many things. And about “the incompatibility of money and God,” haha ​​three times. Go to any Christian church, find the coolest jeep near the door, it will belong to the priest. Outrageous? Nothing like that, everyone is born to live in abundance. “Give us this day our daily bread,” and why do church ministers tell us that we should so disbelieve in God and his capabilities as to imagine this bread as a stale crust, and not as a fat, delicious pie. And another simple example. The Lord is our father. So, for those who have children, what do you want to give them that they ask for? For a normal parent, the answer is ALL THE BEST! And what is the reward for any parent for what they give - when your child is happy and happy, or when he suffers? The answer is obvious, with his joy he pays you for all your efforts in full, and you are happy. We remember “OUR FATHER”, our father i.e. Conclusion, the more things in our lives that please us and make us happy, the more we honor God.

Antar/ 02/25/2013 Thanks to Joseph Murphy for his amazing books. He truly was a man of God.

Novel/ 02/14/2013 Alice, do you want a miracle in one day? Or maybe it’s God testing your faith, because you even write the word God with a small letter.

Victor/ 01/29/2013 Alice, there are simply dark forces at work in our world that don’t want you to change anything in your life.

Rodion/ 01/28/2013 Alisa, in a year I have more than 400 clients and various situations. I teach a neurobiological approach to changing reality, the "Information Funnel Concept". What you write about, I have observed both on myself and on many clients. Whenever you strive to change your not very interesting and even chaotic reality, resistance arises first of all. It always happens when reality changes. And if this happens, it is important to be sure that this only means that your practice had an effect. It’s just important not to get emotionally involved in an unpleasant event and continue the practice, then within a few days everything will get better! This is not only theory - it is observations from long-term practice!

Alice/ 01/14/2013 I’m reading the book “You Can Become Rich”, I began to apply the techniques from it, i.e. I work at work, and I say to myself, “God provides me with everything I need now,” when there are few clients, “Thank you God for the fact that I have many customers and excellent revenue,” “Thank you God for the fact that I have all the benefits which I need for happiness.." And that evening, after all these statements, my aunt printed 60 sheets of copier and refused them, and at the same moment the goods were stolen... I was in shock... It seemed like I was radiating all day positive energy, thanked God, and imagined myself happy in abundance... How do you understand this?!

Montmorency/ 01/14/2013 who can tell me the book “The Magic Power of the Mind” is the same thing as “The Power of the Subconscious”, it seems not, but I can’t find the first one ANYWHERE! Can someone post a link where I can download it?

Svetlana/ 12/17/2012 Thanks to Joseph Murphy's book "The Power of Your Subconscious" I was able to change my life for the better during a difficult period of my life!!! The main thing is not to be lazy to put what you read into practice. Thank you Joseph Murphy for my happy present!!!
