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How to achieve harmony in the soul? Excellent advice from the book "Gymnastics of the Soul" The husband does not know what spiritual harmony is

Success is often directly related to happiness. The only problem is that there is no such thing as happiness, just like there is no such thing as justice. Happiness and justice are some sort of advertising headlines, just like these strange detergents, with which you can wash the bathroom, toilet, wash clothes, wash dishes, wash yourself, your head, cat and brush your teeth. Too many concepts in one, too many meanings, almost the same as with the notorious spirituality. And it is unlikely that they exist in the form that they advertise to us.

But in this post, I decided to call the notorious happiness spiritual harmony, because it is this phrase that best describes what is usually understood as happiness. Very often, happiness, as we have been drummed into various media products, depends on personal success. In fact, this is not entirely true. It depends on him, but only in terms of such inspiration and nothing more.

In our modern culture based on profits and incomes, we are accustomed to perceive happiness as success, measuring our lives by the achievements achieved by the goals we have achieved. Success is in the foreground for us, spiritual harmony is unlikely to even take second place, and all because we think that, having reached the goal, we will achieve both happiness and harmony, and, of course, many depraved women.

Success is not and never was a reflection of happiness, but rather the opposite. It seems to be successful, but still something is wrong? If success really led to happiness, shouldn't the very rich and successful people be the happiest people in the world? Why are there so many divorces, strange quarrels, suicides, drug addictions and other troubles among them? Maybe these things are categorically different?

You see, success and spiritual harmony are two different things that sometimes intersect. Or they may never cross.

Spiritual harmony can appear there when there is no success. Spiritual harmony can be born with no fig, but success takes a long time to go. But first things first.

1. If success is to earn as much as possible, spiritual harmony is to learn how to manage it so that it is not boring and informative

Of course, I will not say all this crap like the rich also cry. And I won’t even say that happiness is not in money. Having cash (sorry for the pun) can lead to a lot more opportunities for you. All this suffering of successful, rich people, buying gold yachts and diamond toilets from the fact that they have no idea what to do with this wealth. The presence of hobbies, interests and what you can use your success for is spiritual harmony.

2. Success can be measured, but harmony is difficult

Success is measured by targets hit, enemies hit, money earned, successful projects, and other quantitative characteristics. But harmony is not measured by quantitative characteristics, it either does not exist, or it exists. Harmony can be felt very well, as the absence of anxiety and other negativity. It's like the binary system: either 0 or 1.

3. If success is a great car, then harmony is a great ride.

Here is such an analogy.

4. If success involves long hard work or overcoming oneself, spiritual harmony is work that brings pleasure.

Of course, it makes sense to work at an unloved job. But best job- the one you like, not the one that brings in the most money. If you think that it is impossible to achieve success while working at a job you hate, you are very mistaken. If you have enough intelligence and no knowledge in this area, coupled with the ability to work hard, you will achieve success, another question: will you be satisfied with this? Yes, you have a little more money than usual, you can afford that expensive Starbucks coffee. Feel how awesome you are! And now what?

5. If success is fame and glory, then spiritual harmony is growth and improvement.

6. Success is earned, happiness is achieved

It seems to be absolutely the same things, but the difference is obvious. Happiness (read, spiritual harmony) is always a combination of various states that you come to. This is experience, this is understanding of some things, this is the reduction of mental anxieties, this is finding your place in the world and your favorite things. Success is the product of certain actions.

Either you work hard, invent something, push someone or deceive. Spiritual harmony in this respect is more priceless, despite the fact that you can run after it for as long as you like and not achieve it, or you can get it after any one event from which you learned the right lesson.

7. Success can be shown to someone, happiness and harmony are understandable only for yourself

Success, as I wrote above, can be boasted. It immediately becomes clear that this is precisely success, because it is expressed in a paper, material and more understandable form. But it is impossible to boast of peace of mind, you can’t even show it to anyone. No one will understand that this is exactly what peace of mind is, the maximum that they can say: “Well, that's cool! I'm happy for you". If you flaunt your happiness, tell everyone about it and try to impose it on someone, I assure you, you are not under the influence of happiness or peace of mind. You are trite obsessed or trying to wishful thinking. One who has achieved spiritual enlightenment without hard drugs, but by banal reflection and getting rid of aggravating circumstances, has understood life.

8. Success - the achievement of material well-being and the accumulation of good things, peace of mind - the ability to use these good things

For many, material well-being is happiness. Now dudes and girlfriends have figured out that saying something that betrays your mercantile inclinations is at least soulless. Therefore, they say that they will now work, achieve something, deceive, linger, risk their health and nervous system, but when they accumulate material resources in an envelope, they will immediately become fucking happy on the beach in Goa or Thailand, learning from some guru and absorbing spicy dishes. But over time, they understand that peace of mind does not come from the fact that you have a place where you can retire with a cool “plasma”, a brand new Xbox and a bottle of expensive alcohol, but from how you know how to use your resources and the fact that What do you have. Because if you do not know how, all these achievements will not please you in the slightest. Also, don't forget that .

Learn to see where everything is dark
and hear where everything is quiet.
In the darkness you will see the light
in silence you will hear harmony.
Chuang Tzu.

In the modern pace of life, many complain about the lack of spiritual harmony, feel dissatisfied with the fact that they do not have time to do all the things. And even if they have time, they don’t understand why the soul is restless again. And even if there is a beloved home, husband-wife, children, still very often there is dissatisfaction with life.

Maybe that's why many people prefer to forget from the hassle of someone else's life in soap series, gossip, endless talk shows, and then reluctantly plunge back into everyday affairs? And wait for weekends, holidays, vacations, and then be upset that they have passed unnoticed. That is, they lose the taste for life, the feeling of its every minute uniqueness. Harmony - the balance of soul and body - is not felt and a vicious circle is obtained. After all, in order to seek this very harmony, strength and desire are needed, and they are spent on involving us in life that is, in fact, unnecessary to us and other people's affairs, worries, on unnecessary fuss and an overabundance of tasks and information.

But there are assistants to find harmony: for example, yoga, which helps the body to gain flexibility and sensitivity. It is also easy to find spiritual harmony when, in silence and loneliness, in nature (in a park, in a forest or on the shore of a reservoir), you simply, without thoughts, be alone with yourself. Look at the water, at the clouds serenely traveling through different cities and countries, at the night sky, so far from the bustle of people.

Creativity helps to balance the energy of the spirit and body. And it doesn't matter if you can draw or embroider, sculpt or play on musical instrument- try, improvise, draw the mood, without clear lines and plot. You will definitely hear the subtle voice of your soul and get positive attitude.

And it is known that spiritual harmony is when you do your duties without strain, without a “five-year plan in three years”, when you measure your strengths and rejoice not so much in the result as in the process. An illustrative example - public transport or a busy street where you can see the faces of people you don’t know: someone is walking calmly, someone is on the move, on the phone, solving some business, someone is listening to music and singing along, and someone, pursing his lips, scrolls in head of upcoming or past events. Who would you call harmonious looking?

Why are there more happy, calm people living in harmony with themselves and nature in the mountains? Maybe they don't need to work? Maybe they live alone and spend a lot of time in silence? In modern cities, it’s easier to work, arrange life: you don’t need to go to the well for water, you don’t need to freeze in the cold, because there are a lot of warm clothes in the markets, you can not be afraid that the stove will go out, which needs firewood ... And still, not despite external well-being, it is in cities that people cannot find spiritual harmony.

A woman can see the harmony behind the word “if”: if I have a husband, children, new furniture, clothes, good neighbors, loving relatives, a rich life ... And in such an expectation it is difficult to find a balance, because external world constantly changing. For many, fortunately, it is obvious that harmony must be sought within oneself. Listen to your heart, intuition, your inner music - and then spiritual harmony will rightfully become your almost permanent state.

In the last three years, I began to clearly notice a direct connection between my internal state And external events. The world is changing and Lately we live in new energies, making the transition to some other step, another level. And for all the energies that we send, we receive an instant response.

Many people began to notice that using and sending thought forms with feeling, with sensation, one can easily fulfill one's desires. Those that come from the heart, from the heart. What we radiated is what we received, and the speed of the embodiment of what we radiate is quite high. I even heard such a version that there has been no karma for a long time and children are no longer responsible for the sins of their parents, since “retribution” comes already in this life. Everything has accelerated and we are now responsible for everything ourselves.

Therefore, today it is important to clearly realize that we are the masters of our sensations, and only we ourselves make the choice of what exactly we will feel at every moment of time. Either we immediately create obstacles for ourselves, or we can immediately reprogram a negative emotion, accepting it, rather than suppressing it. For example, we got angry with someone, irritation appeared, and then we begin to think about why people annoy us, what is wrong with us, why we are not good and condemn ourselves for negativity and negative emotions.

Or we can do something else - just accept and dissolve this emotion. To do this, you can simply inhale-exhale and say that we accept it and dissolve it. Just allow yourself to experience it, accept it and let it go, and not suppress it and squeeze it in the body.

But with acceptance, many people today have big problems. The level of acceptance directly depends on how we are in balance and trust in our hearts and life in general. And, of course, there will be no balance without gratitude and unconditional love. If our body radiates these energies, we immediately receive a response, including the mechanism of energy exchange with the Universe (I advise you to read the article on this topic) and get what we are grateful for.

Harmony of the soul = Harmony in life

When we feel unconditional love, when we simply trust with our hearts without any checks and proofs, a very strong energy begins to flow through us with a powerful stream. The healing energy of peace and harmony, which, like sunlight, is now pouring onto the Earth. Therefore, in order to achieve balance and harmony with yourself and with the world as a whole, you must strive for a certain state of mind. And this is not an external aspiration, not a path to some external goal. This is an inner aspiration, the purpose of which is to realize as much as possible in this life the energies of love, harmony, happiness and gratitude.

Yes, it is quite difficult to maintain this state of mind all the time. This is work on oneself, this is spiritual work. It is a conscious emphasis on what is and not on what is not. This is an radiance of gratitude, not irritation. And yes, you need to make some efforts to tune in to the “here and now” moment as much as possible and admire this moment. We always need something that we don't have. Receiving this, we experience short-lived joy and forget that we once dreamed about it. You quickly get used to good things, and this habit prevents you from feeling admiration, gratitude and love for what we now have.

With the help of the above feelings, you can not only heal difficult situations, but also reveal your essence and give a powerful impetus to self-realization. In general, it is important to maintain trust in life and unconditional love in absolutely any manifestations and interactions.

How to find harmony? Stop playing in other people's performances ...

All changes in the creation of life towards happiness and harmony always come from the inner circle. That is, that degree of acceptance and trust in life will certainly affect your relationships with loved ones, relatives, colleagues, neighbors, in general, with those people with whom you constantly intersect.

When you feel that there is some kind of “splinter”, some kind of misunderstanding, it means that you simply fell out of the state of the heart. Instead of throwing and worries, turn inside yourself and ask what do you lack now? Instead of thinking about the person who triggered a painful reaction in you, think about yourself! Not why HE does this to me, but why does this happen in MY life at all.

Being upset, judging and discussing the other person and his actions, you, in fact, are in connection with him and in no way in a higher position. Not understanding one thing: no matter what happens, it does not interfere with your personal experience love. Don't focus on what annoys you, focus on what you have. Direct your focus to your inner harmony and a sense of trust in your heart (the exercises from the article can help you to “turn on and open” your heart). And then you will simply be amazed that when you accept yourself and focus on your inner harmony, the situation is corrected automatically and even the most difficult people from your environment begin to behave differently around you. Just when you think not about them (about how bad and bad they are), but focus on your inner harmony.

Even your closest and dearest people came to this planet in order to live THEIR life, to go their own way. And you came here to live YOUR life. And if you want to achieve inner harmony, then leave your loved ones alone. Do not turn away from them, of course, but simply understand that their soul goes its own way. And they need all their delusions and mistakes for something.

The best thing you can do for them is to become harmonious and happy. Create your own life, making it joyful and prosperous, without interfering with the lives of other people. Change yourself and then your environment will change. It is so tempting to instruct your loved ones on the true path. This is a kind of trap when it seems to us that we, worrying about loved ones and saving them, are doing a good deed. But in fact, in this way we simply go away from ourselves in every possible way, from doing good deeds in relation to ourselves. Sometimes we are simply afraid to look deep into ourselves, to unhook from other people and put things in order within ourselves. It is much easier to interfere in the lives of loved ones and teach them, argue with them, prove something endlessly. But this path will never bring happiness and harmony, because in doing so, we move further and further away from ourselves.

Take care of yourself, grow, bloom, shine. This is the elementary law of psychology, which says that when you become happy, flourishing and prosperous, people themselves will come to you and ask how you achieved this. In the meantime, do not meddle with your advice, which can do more harm than good. Don't speed up their game, let them finish it on their own! Every time you start meddling in someone's life with your own rules and advice, stop yourself.

Of course, sometimes you really want to get into the essence of why everything happens with relatives or why some unpleasant situations happen at work. But as soon as you start asking the question "why", you immediately go into the polar world, where you begin to act within the framework of the script. Trying to answer the question of why this mask behaves this way in relation to this mask? And in fact, it doesn't matter at all why she behaves this way, IMPORTANT - why are you watching all this and asking questions!

It's just someone else's game that you get into. Which takes you further and further from reality. And reality is a kiss of your loved one, a magical sunrise and a wonderful sunset, the beauty of nature and the singing of birds. Reality is YOUR life in the present moment. This is your job that brings you satisfaction, this is physical exercise that gives you energy and strength, this is a warm herbal bath. This is reality. And why certain people act one way or another is not a reality, it is a performance in which these people participate. And they must win! And they have the right to finish playing what they want to play.

Just always know that when you encounter any kind of unpleasant plot, it is just a moment of scenery on the stage, some plot of some game. But when you experience the gratitude of life, unconditional love and trust - this is a reality. And these magical energies will allow you to always have a resource for accepting and transforming your life. These energies give strength and joy, lightness and a sense of harmony.

Spiritual harmony creates a field of goodness

In any life situation, in any activity, at any moment, ask yourself the question - does this help me to be in harmony? Does it help me to love and feel better?

Try to keep this state of gracious gratitude of life constantly. Yes, you can feel tired, hurt or angry, you can act demanding and irritable, but at the same time you can radiate a tremendous amount of unconditional love and create a field of goodness that changes everything around! What matters is what's inside.

When you focus on the state of goodness, all problems and worries remain on the periphery (by the way, it is in this state that you can attract the best man for yourself, read the article about this). A state of trust, a state of love and harmony. It is enough just to accept this magical state and then you do not need to fight with anything, since everything will work out in the best way for you.

And for this, you just need to constantly focus on gratitude, on love for the current moment and for what is here and now. You need to be warm in the heart to the maximum! Not in nervous euphoria and burning yourself in super positive emotions (“Oh, how wonderful everything is!”, “Oh, how wonderful everything is!”, “I am a super positive person!”, And so on), not in a permanently glued cheerful smile , not in passions and emotions, but in quiet, calm goodness, when you don’t cling to anything and, in fact, you don’t care how events develop. You just know that they will develop well and with great benefit to you.

True happiness shines and warms, and does not burn and burn. True joy radiates, not explodes. True cordiality is simple, quiet and clear. Not flashes, not fire, but a warm glow of love, gratitude and trust. The simplest signal that you are on the right track is the feeling that all is well.

New energies are now coming to the Earth, and all of it is already permeated with this radiance. Let him in, trust life. Easy enough to do conscious choice– always strive for this state. And if you focus on it, it will come to you.

Turn on the light of your heart!

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It is impossible to feel like a completely happy person if you are constantly accompanied by spiritual discomfort. In this state, it is not possible to enjoy life to the fullest. Nothing pleases - neither rising warm sun, neither the successes of relatives and friends, nor own achievements. But if true harmony and peace of mind reigns in the soul, then every morning, even if on Monday, is long-awaited and joyful. A happy person with great anticipation treats any events, new meetings, seasons of the year. Why is this happening? What is the secret of truly happy people, why is it easy for some to find harmony and balance, while others do not?

Happiness is in our hands

Another great Petrel - Maxim Gorky claimed that each of us was born for happy life just like any bird for flying. Agree, it is impossible not to agree with such a statement. But most mistakenly believe that happiness is something that does not depend on us. This feeling is either granted by the Lord God, or not. In fact, we are in a hurry to pleasantly disappoint with a banal phrase - happiness is in your hands. You can feel spiritual harmony, balance with your own efforts. Moreover, psychologists are sure that happiness is easy to cultivate. If you want to know a simple recipe, carefully study the valuable recommendations and strictly follow the rules below.

Don't narrow down your goals

In the first place, happiness does not need to be the only goal. She comes unexpectedly to those who do not expect her. If you think about this main component of a harmonious existence all the time, then you can, as they say, “get to know”. And the waiting time will turn into a terrible nightmare, torture. Do it differently - while joy is on the way, do not stop enjoying life, catch successful moments and have fun. There may be situations of failures, troubles - do not be discouraged. Fate sometimes teaches us lessons to be more patient and wiser.

It does not happen that there is a continuous black stripe, the laws of life are not arranged that way. Be sure to flash gray, then white, and everything, as they say, settles down. So, we study gold and universal rules, thanks to which a beacon of hope, joy and a prosperous existence on our beautiful Earth will surely flash in the life of every reader.

Rules for a happy life

There are some things that cannot be bought for any wealth on the planet. These include our health, which should be taken care of from a young age. Many begin to think about their body too late, when there are serious diseases. But it is not at all difficult to maintain health in good condition, if we are not talking about congenital pathologies. What is needed for this:

Good health

  1. Get up with the sunrise. No wonder people from ancient times wake up early in the morning. After all, the biological clock, daytime, a certain time of sleep - all this was invented for a reason. And note - those who get up with roosters, start working on time - always win. Everything is going well with them, they have stable and good earnings The house is always clean, comfortable, warm and satisfying. Early risers have enough time for everything - for work, rest, entertainment, communication with family. And they do not need to constantly rush, there is enough time.
  2. Do physical therapy daily. Let it be aerobics, regular movements, yoga, qigong - it doesn't matter. Thanks to activity, a person’s blood flow improves, stagnant, inflammatory processes are excluded, excellent coordination, a sharp mind, good mood. Also, physical exercises do not allow excess fats, toxins to accumulate and the level of bad cholesterol to rise. Consequently, vessels, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, lungs, bone and nervous systems are preserved in good condition.
  3. After classes, be sure to take a contrast shower, wipe yourself with a hard towel - activate all points, let the skin breathe freshness, and improve blood microcirculation. Thanks to this procedure, the skin will always be tightened, the areas of the brain responsible for calmness, self-control, vision, hearing, and appetite are activated. Immediately after the shower, you feel lightness, a colossal flow of energy and vivacity flows.
  4. Eat right. Yes, each of us is sinful craving for smoked meats, fatty, sweet foods. You don't have to cut out junk foods completely, just eat them in minimal amounts and occasionally. Lean on vegetables, fruits, seafood, fish, white meat, nuts.
  5. Drink as much water as possible. Normally, you need to consume at least 2 liters per day, you can add green tea, herbal decoctions, compotes, juices to the diet.
  6. Work in moderation. No need to overwork and try to do everything in one day. Work should be easy and unconstrained. This is the only way to enjoy your activity and at the same time maintain your health. The same applies to study. Treat your path as a subscription to a promising future. Learn for fun, but don't be lazy.
  7. The road home should not be accompanied by the consumption of alcohol. It is better to take a glass of a light drink - tea, smoothie, healing cocktail.
  8. During breakfast, lunch and dinner. No need to overeat, light snacks from nuts, pears, etc. are also useful.
  9. Any meal should take place at the family table in the presence of all household members. Not only should there be freshly prepared dishes on the table, a positive attitude is also important. Eating between laughs, jokes, in an atmosphere of benevolence and mutual respect is an important aspect for excellent health.
  10. Go to bed early. No need to stare late at the TV, in which there is a lot of negativity. It is better to turn on an old comedy or light music, and by 21-00 hours go to rest. The body needs rest and wants to plunge into a pile of clean bedding to see sweet and rosy dreams.

In addition, it must be said that if there are any problems with the psyche, contact a specialist. A visit to a psychologist is not a shame, but a banal way to solve problems with the participation of a relationship professional.

Spiritual health

Most often, mental discomfort occurs due to psychological problems. There is a confusion of cause and effect here. For example, ladies who did not manage to feel happy with some man most often have a negative attitude towards all representatives of the strong half. One word - Goats! Is everything so clear? Maybe it makes sense to pay attention to your own behavior. It is important to analyze all the steps that preceded the separation. Believe me, self-criticism has never hurt anyone. If an unpleasant situation arises, be kind, treat your person with humor and do not assume that you are surrounded only by bad personalities.

Optimism, openness and kindness will be an excellent guarantee of a benevolent attitude from the outside, especially this attracts men.

Learn to Say "Thank You"

Our generation is perhaps the most ungrateful. Psychologists say that ungrateful people, in the end, remain completely alone and are not loved by others. Here we are talking not only about specific gratitude for something. We do not know how to be grateful for what life has given us. Strange, but even with good home, excellent work, healthy and lovely children, a successful marriage, a person manages to be indignant and grumble. It is even worse when we do not notice the kindness directed in our direction from others. We take everything for granted and forget to note that this is a gift of fate.

The reason for everything is a selfish nature, for which everything is not enough and everything is bad. Need more and more. Does this remind you of anything from Russian literature? Remember ... The old grandmother from the fairy tale about the Golden Fish also grumbled, and everything was not enough for her. And with what she was left - with a broken trough. Instructive, you know, a story that is not superfluous to re-read.

It is impossible to experience happiness to the fullest if you are not grateful. Learn to thank your parents, children, spouses, friends, and life for everything you have and don't have. In a moment, harmony and peace will reign in the soul.

you are already happy

You always need to be sure that there is already happiness in your life. Even if a stressful situation arises, be optimistic. Convince yourself that it won't be long. Shift your focus to something positive. Self-blame, self-flagellation will not lead to anything good, but will aggravate the depressive state. What kind of happiness can we talk about in such cases.

Pay attention to kids. They never give a damn about what they've been told. Babies have a short memory for negativity. And the only thing adults do is that, like beads, they string on a thread all the experiences, the barbs of colleagues, the rudeness of teenagers, the loss of a wallet, the lack of time. As a result, a spoiled mood and growing, like a snowball, depression, sad thoughts, etc.

Don't call trouble

Someone wise said that thoughts tend to materialize. Constant fears, fears that something will happen, an accident is coming, a terrible disease will break out, children will grow up bad people, will lead to the fact that all this will come true. If a spouse constantly hears in his address that he is a womanizer, at some point his eyes will be turned towards another woman. Stop, stop senseless tantrums, exclude pessimism, look at the future only with wide open eyes, full of good hope for happiness.

Program your destiny

In order to program your life only for luck, success and prosperity, deal with your own feelings. If negativity constantly arises, you are in a depressed state, and there are no reasons for this - it's bad. Well, such a person cannot have a chance for a harmonious existence. Imagine that your thoughts are a sheet with negativity, and immediately tear this sheet in your mind, from which there are only problems. Think about what brings pleasure, causes a smile - about the sound of a wave, a light night breeze, remember the smile of your baby, the moment when they gave flowers, or pleased with good news.

Manage your mood

Most probably, the state is familiar when, in a completely cloudless state of affairs, sadness, sadness, and resentment arise. In short, cats scratch at heart. It may also turn out that in case of serious troubles, the mood, on the contrary, rises sharply.

  • first, you need to see a doctor and check your health;
  • secondly, in no case should you take on important matters in such a state. Especially if the mood is bad.

The situation will get better very quickly, in any case, there will be relief in the soul, joy will arise, and then you can plunge headlong into serious negotiations, take on important projects.

Start with yourself

Do not try to change people, believe me - this is a thankless task. Whatever the self-criticism of the person with whom you communicate, but the words of criticism from you will be perceived negatively. It is also worth understanding that teaching others is easier than changing yourself. We are always sure that we are smarter, more serious and wiser than others. This is not true, at least not everyone thinks so. The process of changing your own attitude towards others will take much less time and will pass without consequences. Moreover, by changing yourself, you will find more friends, feel respect, which will certainly bring a certain harmony and balance to your soul.

Think positive and live purposefully

You painfully want to buy something, buy or build a house, a car, meet your other half. Think as if your wish has come true. Imagine yourself inside a beautifully furnished home flying on high speed expensive car. Thinking about the positive, enjoy, attract, attract happiness.

Flickering in your thoughts, your dreams should be framed in some kind of shell. That is, set specific goals and gradually move towards them. Remember Pumpkin from Cipollino. He dreamed of a house, but along the way he mined one brick at a time. A specific wording gives a signal to our subconscious and all deeds, plans are focused precisely on achieving the intended desires.

Leave work questions at work

If there are conflicts with colleagues, the authorities shouted at you, subordinates took up arms - do not think about it. Remember: working moments should remain within the boundaries of the office. You need to go home light and completely cut off the negative memories associated with the current situation. Incessant self-flagellation, mental anguish, fears of losing a job can lead to a nervous breakdown. Be simpler, make yourself respected and let everyone understand that you cannot be broken and peace of mind and peace of mind are more important to you than a vacancy. You can always find a job, but restoring your nerves is difficult.

Learn to forgive

Resentment, deceit, a rude word, a scandal - these and other unpleasant moments can lead to serious frustration. People who are not able to forgive only make things worse for themselves. They, unfortunately, do not know what a wave of positive, pleasure covers when you forgive insults and put up with the offender. Let there be no close relationships later, but there will also be no barrier that torments every minute.

This also includes the unwillingness to put up with any particular trait of a person’s character. If this is not a criminal moment, not a lie, you need to forgive and reconcile. Remember - the older the person, the worse he becomes. There were no cases when people changed in old age positive side. Since a character trait does not allow you to continue to be in a relationship, leave and think about a new life.

  1. . Let the main motto of your life be - "I will be loved and respected only if I treat myself with love." Thanks to this, you will not only feel spiritual harmony, but also become a source of goodness and joy.
  2. Everyone has their shortcomings. Do not dwell on your problems, physical pathologies. There are practically no perfect people in the world. Do not allow yourself to be insulted and humiliated, fight back, and even better - do not communicate with boors.
  3. Never compare yourself and others. Remember once and for all - you are perfection itself, your individuality is unique, there are no more like you.
  4. Accept your weaknesses and shortcomings. If there is no way to correct weaknesses, transfer them to the rank of exclusivity, merits.
  5. Work on yourself. You can improve throughout your life. Improve your temper, only in this way will you prove your love to yourself.
  6. Stop looking back. Stop worrying about what others think of you. Of course, we are not talking about outright defiant behavior. But live the way you want. Allow yourself small joys, plunge into relationships as if into a pool with your head.
  7. Reward yourself. Any successful business should be rewarded, so praise yourself, give yourself gifts.
  8. Whatever you undertake, everything must come from the heart, according to own will. Then - there will never be any doubt that someone forced you to do something.
  9. Make your own decisions. Whatever it was, everyone learns from their mistakes. Over time, your intuition and knowledge will cease to fail.
  10. Don't wear a mask, be yourself. Don't play, don't pretend, do what you want.

Chat with people, take up some hobby, let it be swimming, painting, macrame, playing the piano, etc. Get out into nature more often, breathe fresh and clean air, admire the colors of nature, listen to the rustle of leaves, the sound of rain. The bustle of the city, the noise of cars, the fast pace of life tire and bring confusion to the soul. Solitude with friends or relatives by the river or the sea, a trip to the forest are useful not only for peace of mind and harmony, but also for health promotion.

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

Learn to see where everything is dark
and hear where everything is quiet.
In the darkness you will see the light
in silence you will hear harmony.
Chuang Tzu.

In the modern pace of life, many complain about the lack of spiritual harmony, feel dissatisfied with the fact that they do not have time to do all the things. And even if they have time, they don’t understand why the soul is restless again. And even if there is a beloved home, husband-wife, children, still very often there is dissatisfaction with life.

Maybe that's why many people prefer to forget from the hassle of someone else's life in soap series, gossip, endless talk shows, and then reluctantly plunge back into everyday affairs? And wait for weekends, holidays, vacations, and then be upset that they have passed unnoticed. That is, they lose the taste for life, the feeling of its every minute uniqueness. Harmony - the balance of soul and body - is not felt and a vicious circle is obtained. After all, in order to seek this very harmony, strength and desire are needed, and they are spent on involving us in life that is, in fact, unnecessary to us and other people's affairs, worries, on unnecessary fuss and an overabundance of tasks and information.

But there are helpers: for example, yoga, which helps the body gain flexibility and sensitivity. It is also easy to find spiritual harmony when, in silence and loneliness, in nature (in a park, in a forest or on the shore of a reservoir), you simply, without thoughts, be alone with yourself. Look at the water, at the clouds serenely traveling through different cities and countries, at the night sky, so far from the bustle of people.

Creativity helps to balance the energy of the spirit and body. And it doesn't matter if you can draw or embroider, sculpt or play a musical instrument - try, improvise, draw a mood, without clear lines and plot. You will definitely hear the subtle voice of your soul and get a positive attitude.

And it is known that spiritual harmony is when you do your duties without strain, without a “five-year plan in three years”, when you measure your strengths and rejoice not so much in the result as in the process. A good example is public transport or a busy street where you can see the faces of people you don’t know: someone walks calmly, someone on the go, on the phone, solves some business, someone listens to music and sings along, and someone pursing his lips, he scrolls through the upcoming or past events in his head. Who would you call harmonious looking?

Why are there more happy, calm people living in harmony with themselves and nature in the mountains? Maybe they don't? Maybe they live alone and spend a lot of time in silence? In modern cities, it’s easier to work, arrange life: you don’t need to go to the well for water, you don’t need to freeze in the cold, because there are a lot of warm clothes in the markets, you can not be afraid that the stove will go out, which needs firewood ... And still, not despite external well-being, it is in cities that people cannot find spiritual harmony.

A woman can see harmony behind the word “if”: if I have a husband, children, new furniture, clothes, good neighbors, loving relatives, a rich life ... And in such an expectation it is difficult to find a balance, because the outside world is constantly changing. For many, fortunately, it is obvious that harmony must be sought within oneself. Listen to your heart, intuition, your inner music - and then spiritual harmony will rightfully become your almost permanent state.
