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Small home business ideas. Ideas on how to open your own business at home. Business in a private home: ideas related to handicrafts

Have you decided to start your own business? To do this, it is not necessary to rent an expensive office, the rent of which will have to pay a large part of your earnings - if it is a small business, then there are dozens of ideas for home production. This kind of thing requires a small investment! Let's explore what you can do now.

Pros and cons of a home business

Before opening a workshop in your garage or next door, it is better to first weigh the pros and cons of such a decision. Despite the minimal investment, you will still have to spend part of the money on preparing the site, purchasing materials, and any additional expenses. If you know the advantages and disadvantages in advance, this will allow you to more accurately assess your own strengths.

The advantages include:

But, of course, there were some downsides. The most striking disadvantages include:

  • Difficulties with self-organization. Freelancers often suffer from this because it is difficult for them to create a productive work schedule.
  • At the beginning of a career, high labor costs are expected both for the production of goods and for their sale. You may even have to work seven days a week at first.
  • Income depends only on you - by going on vacation or taking sick leave, you lose part of the profit.
  • If you open a business without registering it, you cannot receive vacation pay, sick leave, or other social guarantees.

What options can a man choose?

Let's take a closer look at the most suitable types of business for men. The most profitable ideas include the following:

Production of polyurethane foam

This product is very popular in construction and renovation. Despite the fact that this product is relatively new on the market, it is indispensable not only for professional builders, but also for ordinary people who use the product for domestic purposes.

The main steps to produce a product are as follows:

  1. Mix all the ingredients according to the instructions to obtain polyurethane foam.
  2. Place the resulting mixture in a sealed container. If it “leaks”, the polymerization process will go wrong and you won’t get the final product.
  3. We create the necessary pressure in the vessel using propane-butane.
  4. After a certain time (this will also be indicated in the instructions), you need to connect the gaseous components of the foam and the polyurethane foam composition.
  5. We put a special valve on the container - the mixture is ready for use.

It is important to remember that the production of polyurethane foam requires special knowledge, so at first it is better to consult with specialists in this matter.

Cement production

Probably, cement is one of the most popular materials in the construction industry, since it is used for building houses, pouring paths, etc. However, this cannot be done without a small start-up capital to purchase all the required equipment. But if things go well, you can quickly recoup your investment and start making good profits.

The main stages of the technological process:

  1. Clinker is an intermediate material consisting of granules. It is the basis of ready-made cement. To get it, you need to mix clay and lime, and constantly. This process is one of the most expensive – it accounts for more than 65% of the cost of cement.
  2. Next, the components of the mixture are ground - clinker, mineral additives and gypsum are crushed. The size of the treated grains should be no more than 100 microns.

By the way, the method of cement production will also depend on the production of raw materials:

  • Wet. In this case, the raw materials should be crushed directly in water, and the mixture will have the form of a suspension. Humidity will be approximately 40%.
  • Dry. In this case, the mixture will be in the form of a powder, which must be dried before mixing it with the other components.
  • Combined option, requiring a combination of “dry” and “wet” methods. In this case, the resulting mixture will have a moisture content of about 20%.

Most of the expenses will go towards the purchase of equipment, since you will need to buy a special crusher for crushing limestone, a mill for grinding the rest of the products, a clay mixer, a kiln (to produce clinker), refrigeration units, pumps for supplying the mixture, packaging equipment.

Tool making

You can start making shovels or rakes - such a tool is needed both in construction and in agriculture. Therefore, it is profitable to produce it, especially if your prices are lower than those of your competitors. Here you also cannot do without equipment, but the main thing is the ability to work with your hands.

What small business ideas are suitable for women?

But not only men, but also women can engage in home production - they cope with such small businesses no worse, and in some cases have advantages. Let's look at some profitable options.

Sewing workshop

The main thing here is not to do everything with your own hands, but to properly organize a staff of craftsmen, organizing sewing production at home.

At the same time, you are responsible for opening an individual entrepreneur, forming a staff, purchasing raw materials, providing work, finding clients and promoting the business, maintaining accounting - that is, all administrative and organizational work.

To minimize risks and not go broke, it is worth expanding the list of manufactured goods - this could be bed linen, children's clothing, outerwear, school uniforms. Separately, it is worth dwelling on sewing clothes for dolls from scraps that were left over. In this case, you will simply have waste-free production.

One good idea is to create holiday costumes that can not only be sold, but also rented out.

Production of semi-finished products

Whatever the economic situation in the country, people will always buy food. That is why the production of semi-finished products is a very profitable business. To make this small home manufacturing business idea a reality, you will need:

  • High quality freezers.
  • Cooks.
  • Bags or packaging containers.

In addition, you can make jams and various confectionery products at home. However, to do this, you should contact the competent authorities to obtain permits to conduct such a business. The best way to promote your business is by word of mouth, when your phone is passed from hand to hand. But posting advertisements, advertising on the Internet, and contacting offices and other companies directly to organize lunches are also suitable.

Landscape design

To decorate the garden, people often use various figurines, accessories, and other items. This is where you can start making good money, especially since the process of making products is very simple, does not require large investments, and sketches for manufacturing can be found on the Internet.

Which options are considered the least expensive?

Most often, beginning entrepreneurs do not have much money to purchase serious equipment and set up production processes. Therefore, there are several business ideas that practically do not require start-up capital.


Many people today are engaged in hand-made things: beautiful bracelets, accessories, jewelry, toys—whatever people produce. You just need to choose the option that suits you - better do what your soul strives for, because only in this case the accessories will be of high quality, beautiful, and interesting.

So, you can create your own website and additionally make pages on social networks, you can find a shop with souvenirs and give them your products for a percentage. Don’t forget to participate in specialized exhibitions - you will definitely find your buyers there.

Making business cards

This business is considered very profitable and quite simple if you own special programs, and the contribution will be minimal. The main thing is to create unique and interesting business cards that people will want to buy. You can post your work on freelance sites or even create your own website, promote it, and distribute advertisements in offices and shopping centers.

Making business cards is very simple: we create a layout, print business cards, laminate them and hand them over to clients after payment.

Dry cleaning

A very profitable business, the organization of which does not require serious investments. You just need to purchase equipment (you can use one washing machine) and good cleaning products. Advertising your business is easy - place advertisements on the Internet, newspapers, or you can post them at entrances. In the future, when the business begins to generate income, you can start visiting clients - picking up laundry, doing dry cleaning and bringing it back. In this case, there will be many more clients.

Animal care

This area is very popular and can bring good income if properly organized. For example, you can organize a temporary hotel for animals whose owners need to leave for a few days. You can sew clothes for animals by posting your work on social networks.

A few unusual ideas - take note

If growing and caring for plants is more your thing, let's look at the following small business ideas.

Growing coffee trees

Today, many people would like to purchase for themselves a “home” tree or bush that would bear fruit. Why not grow a coffee tree? First, try to start with 3-5 seedlings no more than two years old, which will allow you to immediately begin harvesting cuttings. Try to sell such trees during their flowering period - then they are most attractive.

Growing Tender Violets

The main advantages of choosing violets are that they require minimal care, are easy to propagate and grow, and bloom for about 7 months of the year. Some of the species of this flower can bloom for about 10 months.

To achieve the maximum effect from growing, it is best to organize a mini-garden in a separate room with an area of ​​at least 15 square meters, where you can create the required conditions for temperature and humidity. Also prepare a substrate for growing plants: you will need peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, activated carbon, dolmite flour, microelements.

Growing figs (wine berry)

This plant and its fruits are known throughout the world due to their beneficial properties, because fig fruits contain iron, a lot of vitamins, organic acids, minerals - such fruits have a lot of advantages. True, the disadvantages of the fig tree include its rather high cost, so a good option is to grow figs yourself at home, especially since they do not require serious care or the creation of any special conditions.


We told you about several suitable ideas for promoting a home business. The main thing is to choose a niche and fruitfully promote it, not forgetting to register with the tax authorities, which will allow you to avoid fines for illegal business activities.

In contact with

A home business has a number of advantages compared to other types of entrepreneurship:

  1. You can do it if you can’t fully devote yourself to work. For such people, a home business serves as an important help in solving financial problems.
  2. You can choose the simplest business with a minimum investment.
  3. You can create your own business based on an activity that you enjoy. You can start a business from scratch, and in the future it will bring profit.
  4. Home business is universal: even teenagers, pensioners and mothers on maternity leave will find themselves here. It is also convenient for beginning entrepreneurs.

Features of a Home Business

  • Only a business that does not require you to leave your home can be considered home-based. That is, any family smokehouse, brewery or workshop for the production of semi-finished products does not apply here, as well as any production related to the rental of premises. But this does not mean that in the future you should be limited only to your apartment.
  • A home business can be opened as a franchise, that is, you can enter into an agreement with an already established company under whose brand you are going to work. The advantage of such an agreement is that you will not need to invest in promoting your own name and you will purchase a ready-made business plan. The downside is that you will share income with the brand owner and agree to follow already established rules.

A home business can be opened as a franchise, that is, you can enter into an agreement with an already established company under whose brand you are going to work.

  • The main thing to remember is that a home business is required to register just like any small business. Business activity without registration or appropriate license is illegal.

How to organize and develop a small business at home is discussed in our review of the main areas. We found out which home business will be profitable in Russia in 2017.

Animal breeding

If you have an interest in zoology, then breeding all kinds of animals is suitable as a home business option. This business is gaining momentum and brings good profits to the owners, despite the fact that we are not talking about everyday goods.

Breeding worms

Despite the fact that, at first glance, this seems absurd, the topic is quite interesting. Anyone can do this activity if they really want to. To begin with, you can take ordinary, familiar earthworms, and not look for purebred ones that require more complex care. From one cubic meter of farm, in a year of successful operation you can get up to 10 thousand worms and half a ton of vermicompost.

What do you need?

  • a room for a worm farm (a place where worms are bred);
  • containers for breeding worms;
  • soil for worms;
  • the worms themselves;
  • container for selling worms.

Main clients

  • fishermen;
  • fish farms;
  • zoological stores;
  • summer residents and farmers.


  • starting capital is minimal;
  • low production costs;
  • no need for special skills;
  • many workers are not required to care for the worms;
  • demand for products is stable;
  • virtually waste-free production;
  • profitability up to 150%.


  • a room that not everyone has (it’s better if you live in a private house or have a plot);
  • constant maintenance of the necessary conditions (air temperature, soil acidity level);
  • Not everyone likes such pets.

Snail farming

This business is quite exotic for our country, so there are few competitors. However, snails require more complex care and equipment than, for example, worms.

What do you need?

  • room for pets and for keeping breeding stock;
  • land plot of at least 18 sq. m;
  • equipment (aviary for keeping young specimens, containers for selling snails, cuvettes for young specimens, cuvettes for laying eggs, shelving);
  • food for snails.

Main clients

  • cafes and restaurants;
  • supermarkets;
  • enterprises producing semi-finished products;
  • European restaurants and shops;
  • pharmaceutical companies.


  • minimal competition;
  • does not require large capital investments;
  • snails are not susceptible to any diseases;
  • the number of gourmets in our country is growing;
  • In Europe, snail meat is very expensive: the price for 1 kg reaches 30 euros.


  • exotic products for our country;
  • difficulty of care;
  • constant search for markets.

Breeding butterflies

In Russia, this type of business is still actively developing in large cities. In the provinces, ordering butterflies for celebrations is not common, which opens up great prospects for entrepreneurs in this area. Butterflies are often used as a very effective fireworks display for newlyweds (instead of boring white doves). In general, the release of large tropical butterflies into the air will decorate any holiday and give guests an unforgettable experience. Sometimes butterflies are used as an unusual gift.

The release of large tropical butterflies into the air will brighten any holiday and give guests an unforgettable experience.

What do you need?

  • special room (insectarium);
  • equipment: heater, humidifier, temperature and humidity sensors;
  • butterfly pupae.

Main clients

  • holiday and wedding agencies;
  • Any person who wants to surprise loved ones or decorate a holiday with butterfly fireworks.


  • low competition;
  • simple pet care;
  • aesthetic pleasure - it's so beautiful!


  • products are in demand mainly in large cities;
  • fragility of pets;
  • the harsh climate forces you to carefully monitor the temperature of the insectarium (at least 26 degrees Celsius).

Parrot breeding

The peculiarity of parrots is that in order to breed offspring, the birds must show sympathy for each other, otherwise a pair of them will not form. Birds must be healthy, preferably young.

What do you need?

  • cell room, well heated, light and spacious;
  • equipment: cages, feeder, drinking bowl, thermometer and hydrometer;
  • parrots of different sexes (at least two dozen).

Main clients

  • pet stores;
  • private individuals.


  • parrots reproduce well (several times a year, the bird becomes independent at 2 months);
  • parrots quickly sell out like a commodity;
  • You can sell it to pet stores, individuals, or sell it at the poultry market.


  • birds are susceptible to various diseases;
  • parrots are very capricious, and for reproduction you need to choose the right pair;
  • after breeding, females need rest;
  • parrots are tasty prey for predators (including domestic animals).

Home production

If you enjoy cooking, then make your hobby a paid activity. One of the tasks in the era of eternal employment of women is the production of semi-finished products. A home business is, as a rule, a mini-production of already familiar products.

When cooking at home, an entrepreneur must clearly determine for himself whether to register his activities. If you decide to bake exclusively in your kitchen, then most likely you will not be able to meet the requirements of the SES. Therefore, home cooks, as a rule, do without registration and sell products to acquaintances and acquaintances of their acquaintances, that is, using word of mouth. But when the number of your consumers increases and cafes and restaurants are included in their number, registration of cooking is required.

Dumpling production

Making dumplings is an ideal family business. All the necessary tools, as a rule, are available in any kitchen, and the manufacturing technology is simple and known to everyone. The big advantage of this business is that dumplings are one of the favorite dishes in our country.

Making dumplings at home assumes that they will be created by hand. Therefore, if you are doing this in your apartment, then a good assistant will not hurt you.

What do you need?

  • room (50 meters): warm, illuminated, ventilated;
  • equipment: flour sifters, dough making machine, meat grinder, minced meat mixer, refrigerator for storing dumplings and raw materials.

Main clients

  • Retail Stores;
  • supermarkets;
  • catering establishments;
  • private individuals;
  • offices (as hot lunches).


  • the dish is always popular;
  • the filling is varied and gives room for experimentation;
  • does not require large capital investments;
  • You can use your own kitchen as a workshop;
  • no seasonal dependence;
  • just set up production;
  • quick payback.


  • careful selection of raw materials;
  • high competition.

Homemade noodle production

The technology for making homemade noodles can be automated using both manual mechanical devices and electric machines. Using different techniques will make the noodle making process much easier.

What do you need?

  • preparation room;
  • equipment: dough kneaders, dough sheeters, noodle cutters, noodle dryers.

Main clients

  • markets;
  • wholesale warehouses;
  • the shops;
  • catering establishments.


  • suitable for beginners (low-risk business);
  • simple technology;
  • rich recipe;
  • the ability to automate the manufacturing process;
  • wide markets for products;
  • availability of raw materials.


  • it is necessary to purchase expensive tools;
  • many housewives make noodles themselves without going to the store for them;
  • high competition.

Baking production

A friend of mine works in a grocery store, and do you know what product, according to her observations, is the most in demand among the population? These are cookies. In our well-fed time, few people sit down to drink tea without tasty treats. Therefore, a home business related to baking is very popular especially among women, who already spend half their lives in the kitchen. So why not make money from it?

Determine for yourself the types of baking you want to do - your customer base will depend on this. For example, you can supply nearby offices with pies and cheesecakes at lunchtime, while cakes are usually made to order for a specific holiday.

Determine for yourself the types of baking you want to do - your customer base will depend on this.

What do you need?

  • spacious kitchen;
  • equipment: oven, hob, mixer, kitchen scale, set of baking dishes, dishes, confectionery airbrush.

Main clients

  • private individuals;
  • offices (as a business lunch);
  • shops and catering outlets.


  • baked goods sell well through social networks, which will save on expensive advertising;
  • this product is always in demand;
  • a variety of types and recipes will allow you to create a unique product;
  • you can deliver products directly to offices during lunch;
  • no crisis cancels holidays for people: anniversaries, weddings, birthdays. What’s a holiday without a gorgeous cake?!


  • strict SES requirements;
  • high competition;
  • constant dependence of the quality of the product on all ingredients.

Growing on your own plot

Growing mushrooms

Mushrooms (and these can be champignons, oyster mushrooms or honey mushrooms) are grown in two ways: intensive and extensive. With the first option, you need to purchase special soil (substrate) and mycelium - living mycelium. The extensive method involves growing mushrooms on tree stumps and bran. It brings mushrooms as close as possible to their natural environment, but is not suitable for serious production because it is more troublesome.

What do you need?

  • well ventilated room;
  • cultivation chambers (chambers for growing mushrooms);
  • substrate (raw material base for mushrooms);
  • mycelium (mycelium).

Main clients

  • retail stores;
  • retail chains;
  • catering establishments;
  • private individuals.


  • mushrooms are very popular (according to statistics, more than 70% of people eat mushrooms);
  • low costs at the start;
  • there is no need for a huge room - on average 15-25 square meters is enough. m;
  • simplicity of technology;
  • obtaining several harvests from one mycelium;
  • low daily labor costs (several hours a day);
  • high profitability – 60-100%.


  • not all mushrooms are unpretentious; some require careful care (for example, champignons);
  • Helpers are required for the smooth operation of the farm;
  • the need for careful selection of mycelium;
  • if your farm is located far from the place of sale, then the business due to expensive delivery may be unprofitable;
  • your competitors are not only business mushroom growers, but also private mushroom growers who pick mushrooms in the forest.

Growing flowers

This business is considered very profitable. With good organization of work, you can get about 2 million rubles from one greenhouse.

What do you need?

  • plot of land;
  • polycarbonate greenhouse;
  • heating devices (automated water heating system, solar collector, etc.);
  • properly selected soil;
  • planting material;
  • related products: pots, vases, fertilizers.

Main clients

  • wholesale customers;
  • flower shops and pavilions;
  • private individuals.


  • flowers are always a popular product, since not a single holiday is complete without them, and modern floristry offers a huge selection of original bouquets and ways to decorate any event;
  • You can save on soil by taking it from an ordinary meadow;
  • if you sell goods as the owner of a personal plot, you do not need to register as an entrepreneur;
  • profitability – 70%;
  • full payback in 8-9 months.


  • considerable investments at the initial stage;
  • it is necessary to have additional knowledge of gardening;
  • flowers are whimsical and therefore require careful care;
  • big expenses for heating.

Growing greens

Greens are in demand in our kitchens, especially after the active spread of vegetarianism. It is convenient to grow; one room is enough for this - some people simply use the window sills of an apartment. A square meter of sown area yields about 10 kg of greenery (with good planting material - even more).

A square meter of sown area yields about 10 kg of greenery.

What do you need?

  • pots, containers or boxes for “beds”;
  • the soil;
  • fluorescent lamps (for lighting);
  • fertilizers;
  • seeds.

Main clients

  • wholesale vegetable warehouses;
  • markets;
  • restaurants and cafes;
  • the shops;
  • private individuals.


  • the demand for healthy and nutritious food is growing steadily;
  • greens “grow on their own”, they do not need special care, and you need the knowledge of an experienced gardener;
  • no special area required, can be grown in an apartment;
  • profitability reaches 500%!


  • cut greens are not stored for long and require immediate sale;
  • the need to equip a greenhouse if you want to get a year-round harvest.

With your own hands

Perhaps the calmest type of business, also creative and very interesting. Its advantage is that there is no need to equip special rooms. To run a business, your apartment and skillful hands are enough. Handmade (do-it-yourself, original work) is in great demand, be it making souvenirs or tailoring clothes to order.

Sewing and knitting to order

We combined both knitting and tailoring, although in practice you can do one thing at a time. The home textile business is very popular. You can start a business right in your own apartment and without registration (which is necessary if you have grown to become an atelier). This business is interesting for its creative unpredictability. There are a lot of styles, fashion changes rapidly, and you have the right to invent something of your own, focusing on the diversity of tastes of your clients.

What do you need?

  • knitting machine;
  • sewing machine;
  • overlock;
  • fabrics, yarn;
  • accessories for sewing (needles, scissors, buttons, rhinestones, beads).

Main clients

  • private individuals.


  • no need for separate premises and complex equipment;
  • minimal costs;
  • high demand for products;
  • free schedule;
  • freedom of creativity.


  • competition with ready-made clothing stores and tailor shops;
  • Difficulties in choosing a style, adjusting the model to each client.

Soap making

One of the most famous handmade styles. Investments in soap are minimal; the first thing that is required of you is patience and hard work.

There are three options for soap making: industrial soap, colorless soap, and natural soap. The essence of the technology is the same: the crushed base is placed in the microwave to melt. Aromatic ingredients are added to the resulting mass, color is added using dyes, and additives are added (honey, coffee beans, etc.). All that remains is to pour the soap into the molds and then remove the finished product.

There are three options for soap making: industrial soap, colorless soap, and natural soap.

What do you need?

  • basis for soap;
  • additives;
  • forms;
  • precision scales;
  • cooking container.

Main clients

  • Beauty Salons;
  • hairdressers;
  • gift and souvenir shops;
  • private individuals.


  • minimum investment;
  • no special premises required;
  • creative, interesting work;
  • Holiday soap has long been an excellent gift option.


  • great competition, including with factory goods;
  • original soap is not an essential product, so you need to think through advertising and look for ways to attract customers: unusual packaging, a specific purpose for each product, etc.

Home service

Here is everything that is directly related to serving people. If you decide to engage in any service, then keep in mind that your sociability, charm and sense of tact play a big role. In addition, today’s popular areas of home service are related to servicing someone else’s body (manicure, sugaring, etc.). Therefore, you need to determine exactly how squeamish you are and whether constant contact with someone else’s body will bother you. The undoubted advantage of home service is its low cost level and great popularity. An ideal option for both mothers on maternity leave and housewives.

The undoubted advantage of home service is its low cost level and great popularity. An ideal option for both mothers on maternity leave and housewives.


Probably the most popular activity among women in terms of both business and consumption of services. The variety of nail services is great: manicure, pedicure, extensions, nail design. A nail salon at home requires a minimum investment and the necessary footage for a meeting with a client. Of course, before starting this business, you need to take special courses, the price and duration of which vary - the choice is yours.

What do you need?

  • a place to receive clients (purchase furniture, think about lighting);
  • tools (cutters, scissors, files, tweezers, spatulas, buffs, sterilizer);
  • nail care products (varnishes, gels, nail polish removers).

Main clients

  • private individuals.


  • you don’t pay for renting the premises, which affects the price of services (cheaper than in a salon);
  • fashion for well-groomed nails in modern society;
  • even if you saved on the courses, it doesn’t matter, no one will require a diploma - skill itself is valued here;
  • nail design is a rapidly developing industry (in addition to various “paintings”, inlays, stickers, etc. are used on the nail), so a creative person will not be bored.


  • unlike a salon, a home master is not subject to inspections by the SES and Rospotrebnadzor, so not everyone is inclined to trust such a business;
  • it is believed that only salons take care of their reputation and use high-quality products, so the master needs to try to dispel this myth;
  • If you are squeamish, then you shouldn’t take a manicure, much less a pedicure.


Everyone knows what massage is (in order to master it professionally, you need to learn a little). Keep in mind that for official registration it is required that the area of ​​​​the room where you meet clients is at least 8 m² and has a bathroom and shower.

What do you need?

  • room for the procedure;
  • a massage table;
  • relaxation couch;
  • towels, massage oils.


  • It is enough to complete short (2-3 months) courses to master initial skills;
  • no initial capital required;
  • no need for expensive tools and equipment;
  • no need for a special room;
  • The demand for this service is high.


  • there are diseases for which massage is contraindicated;
  • the work of a massage therapist is hard work, your hands get very tired even in one session;
  • The massage therapist is on his feet all day, which leads to occupational diseases (for example, varicose veins).


Sugaring is the removal of unwanted hair from the body using sugar paste (sugar depilation). Depilation using sugar paste is also an additional peeling. The procedure is quite simple, although it requires special training (there are many courses for this).

What do you need?

  • a room for working with clients (possibly in your own apartment);
  • couch;
  • Sugaring paste (sometimes prepared at home from sugar, water and lemon juice).

Main clients

  • private individuals.


  • a carefully thought-out business will pay off in 6-8 months;
  • the sugaring procedure is less painful than waxing, and therefore is becoming increasingly popular;
  • the effect of the procedure lasts longer than other types of hair removal and practically does not cause irritation;
  • the procedure is much cheaper than laser hair removal, which also increases its popularity;
  • Sugaring has a minimum of contraindications;
  • no initial capital required;
  • cheapness of drugs.


  • the need for special training certificates;
  • careful choice of drugs;
  • There are contraindications: intolerance to citric acid, diabetes, chronic skin diseases, papillomas, varicose veins.


What do you need?

  • tools (it’s better not to skimp on them);
  • animal care products.

Main clients

  • owners of dogs and cats.


  • if you really love animals, then this job is for you;
  • you can receive clients at home, go to them, all your equipment will fit in one bag;
  • quickly payback costs;
  • The work is creative, there are many hairstyles and forms of dog haircuts!


  • high level of competition in large cities;
  • there is no fashion for groomer services in the Russian provinces;
  • the need for knowledge of veterinary medicine (only healthy pets are allowed to get a haircut);
  • The work is seasonal (in winter there are the fewest orders).

Earning money using a computer

The simplest and easiest type of business in an apartment. If you have the necessary equipment and access to the Internet, you can already open your own business.

A very popular job as a copywriter is writing articles for money.


What do you need?

  • computer, laptop;
  • Internet.

Main clients

  • private individuals;
  • Internet publications;
  • commercial sites;
  • owners of public pages on social networks.


  • the technology is quite easy to master;
  • free schedule - you are the absolute master of your time;
  • significant opportunities for growth;
  • there is no territorial attachment, absolutely everything can be done via the Internet;
  • there is no need to show past achievements, diplomas, or work experience.


  • simplicity of operation has given rise to enormous competition in this area;
  • the complexity of the intricacies of modern copywriting (for example, SEO texts) for older people;
  • encountering inadequate customers (they don’t know what they want) or scammers;
  • static work can affect your health.

These are not all options for business ideas at home. Share your home business idea in the comments and maybe you will become the next hero of our success stories!

New and original ideas: this is the path to big money. Doug Hall, Marketer

“Own business” is a phrase in the minds of many future businessmen that is perceived as synonymous with freedom. The ability to manage your time as you wish and no more hated wake-up calls, standing in morning and evening traffic jams, sitting in the office from bell to bell... After all, business can be done anywhere: even on a white sandy beach in the Maldives, or on a soft sofa in your cozy apartment.

By the way, the latter option seems increasingly attractive to businessmen today. Of course, without leaving your “hole” you can do great things, not paying attention to external circumstances. That’s why young mothers on maternity leave, pensioners, and simply connoisseurs of freedom of working age are increasingly turning their attention to “home business.”

But the prospects for such a business often remain very vague. Is this not a handicraft income? Is it really possible to engage in home business, fully supporting yourself and constantly increasing volumes? Can home-based self-employment even be considered a full-fledged business? And what are the pros and cons of running a home business?

Home business: is it a business?

Today, thanks to the Internet and related technologies, anyone can conduct business from home. Bosses, ordinary employees of companies and “servants of many masters” - freelancers work in slippers and an easy chair. This means that not everyone who works from home can be considered a businessman. And if everything is more or less clear with hired employees who work remotely for the benefit of one company, then it is not always possible to determine where the fine line between freelancing and business lies.

Of course, hardly anyone would call a cook or, for example, a seamstress a freelancer. Either the term is not suitable for such areas of activity, or people are already accustomed to home craftsmen and do not try to label them. But can each of these masters be considered a business owner?

It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. Registration of a “home” businessman as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity does not clarify the situation. Formally, this is already a business, but this criterion does not convince everyone.

Even if a master, in addition to producing his products, conducts master classes and teaches people his craft, this is not yet a business

It is even more difficult to separate business from freelancing in industries related to the creation of any intellectual product. In fact, is a marketer who works with other outsourcing companies a businessman or a freelancer? What about the translator? Designer? How do entrepreneurs themselves define the line between business and freelancing?

Sergei Troubadour

Web copywriting agency Sergei Troubadour

Freelancing and self-employment are essentially the same thing. The contractor is not an employee, but a counterparty in projects of different customers.

Self-employment can also be considered a form of business, but a simplified one. Cooperation is often temporary, project-based, although it can also be permanent. And, unlike an employee, a freelancer is not provided with the means of production. But this is also a business, in my opinion.

Arseny Medvedev


In my opinion, any freelancing is a business, but not any business is freelancing. A person who works for himself, for example, developing programs without leaving home, can’t he call himself an entrepreneur? It has its own channels for attracting customers, work algorithms, profits and costs. Perhaps the only requirement for a freelancer so that he can proudly call himself an “entrepreneur” is a serious and professional approach to his business.

Svetlana Kaznovskaya

Confectionery “Piece of Happiness”

For me, the line between business and freelancing passes where the need to hire employees arises, and they are still hired. Because you can take the path of increasing prices for products and thus leave the amount of work at the same level and independently cope with orders, as before.

Hiring employees is a very serious step for any beginning entrepreneur. Both the level of responsibility and turnover (ideally) increase sharply. This is where the real business begins. And it doesn’t matter where everything happens: at home or in the office.

Ivan Trufanov

The separation of business and freelancing is extremely simple - if you have a business, then it should not depend on the amount of time spent on it. For example, if I simply offer my services, then I have 8-10 hours a day and a certain income ceiling that cannot be broken.

If we are talking about the fact that I assemble a team of specialists like me, they become my employees, then this can already be called a business. But employees are not a mandatory criterion. If you have created a product yourself that can be replicated without your participation, this can also be considered a business.

To summarize the opinions of entrepreneurs, working from home can be considered a business if it meets a number of criteria. Namely, the business should not directly depend on the time spent on it and can work without the direct intervention of its owner, it must generate tangible income on an ongoing basis (otherwise it is just a part-time job) and most often requires the presence of employees, and not just the businessman himself.

Now that we have finally figured out how business differs from all other types of home activities, it is worth figuring out who it is suitable for.

To be or not to be?

A business based on the living space of the businessman himself can be as diverse as desired. And our section with business ideas for the home is direct proof of this. As well as ordinary everyday life, in which entrepreneurs make money by preparing dinners and desserts in their kitchens, sewing clothes and accessories in their living rooms, launching interesting online projects using their PCs, and even selling goods.

But still, for some types of business, a home location is much better suited than for others. First of all, home-based businesses can be run by those who can work with clients remotely. If the main sales channel is the Internet, then the business is certainly suitable for home.

Emma Kairova

Individual entrepreneur

I-translator and editor. Having an office and spending time, money and effort getting to it is irrational and economically unfeasible for me. I receive and transmit all assignments from clients and completed work via the Internet.

Elizaveta Vikulova

For business areas related to graphic and web design, for illustrators, screenwriters and other similar professions, working outside the office is not easy, but often necessary, since special conditions are desirable for the work of creative specialists, for example, a more flexible schedule.Today I don’t see any reason for a business such as a graphic design studio or video studio to have its own office.

At home, you can open a small online store, engage in design, develop websites, sell the services of other companies as an intermediary, and much more. But if the future businessman is on good terms with the Internet, then in this case it is quite possible to conduct the bulk of the work from home. For example, if your activity involves meetings with clients, it is not necessary to organize them in the office; you can also choose a nice cafe nearby.

You can also organize small productions at home - bake cakes, make plastic cards, etc. True, it is very important that such a business does not cause inconvenience to either household members or neighbors. Keep in mind that often such activities are semi-legal. The same cakes, according to Rospotrebnadzor standards, simply cannot be prepared in a room that does not meet a number of requirements. And home cooking often does not correspond to them.

And of course, there are types of businesses that simply do not belong at home. First of all, we are talking about activities related to large volumes of goods or requiring special technical conditions. It is difficult to imagine a grocery supermarket or a blacksmith's workshop in an ordinary apartment, as well as the production of farm products.
But even if your business is ideally suited to your home, there is no guarantee that you will be able to successfully run your business in such an environment. Not all teams manage to work smoothly remotely. Not all people work well outside the office.

Risk Factors and Disadvantages of Home Business:

- It is difficult to force yourself to work with full dedication. The house is more conducive to relaxation, and it is not always clear to those at home that you are working and not sitting on your trousers.

- It is difficult to reach reputable clients. The lack of an office in the central area of ​​the city for large corporate customers who can really increase the turnover of your business is often a serious disadvantage. This company is not trusted. In addition, at home you do not always have the opportunity to fulfill large orders.

- Lack of live communication. And here we mean not only that a businessman can “go wild” while sitting within four walls. If you work with employees remotely, it can sometimes be difficult to achieve understanding on some issues that require teamwork.

- Limitations on company growth. Conquering new heights and scaling while sitting on a chair at home is incredibly difficult. Most often, a home business develops to a certain limit, and then hits an invisible ceiling, remaining a micro-enterprise.

Despite all the listed difficulties and limitations, running a business from home still has a number of advantages. It’s not for nothing that an increasing number of potential and existing entrepreneurs choose their home location.

Pros of running a home business:

- Cost Savings. The first and most significant expense that you can simply cross off is office rent. After all, you don’t have any office. Well, in addition, which is often also important, you will pay for utilities at rates for individuals. In most cases, you can also forget about transportation costs.

- Flexible schedule. You can easily start your working day at a time convenient for you, waking up literally 5 minutes before it starts.

- Wide geography of orders. In many cases, working from home, you are not limited to the number of potential clients only in your city. After all, you can easily work with customers from any part of the country, and possibly from abroad.

- "Price fork". Working and living in the outback, where prices are usually lower, you can work with capital clients at the same prices as the capital.

It is worth noting that some of the pros and cons of a home business are very relative. For example, it is not always possible to use a “price fork” or fulfill orders for companies from the other side of the world. But one way or another, a home business is a good opportunity for novice businessmen to try their hand without losing too much money.

There are many options for ideas for a small business from scratch at home, but you shouldn’t rush into choosing. Franchises and unfamiliar activities are best left for later.

For a beginner businessman he should do something in which he can become the best over time. It will be much easier for an accountant, builder and any other professional to market services in their specialty.

The first step of every businessman is market research. To conduct successful business activities, even before opening a project, you should analyze the target audience, their needs and requirements for goods or services. If the research confirms the demand, then a decision can be made to open a business.

Tip: You can use social networks to study your target audience. To do this, just post a questionnaire or survey on your personal page, groups in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. You can check the demand for goods and services by placing test advertisements in the newspaper.

Before starting your own business, you need not only to draw up a portrait of a potential buyer, but also to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. To do this, you can use a technique such as a “mystery shopper.” When studying competitors, the following characteristics should be taken into account:

  • pricing;
  • service;
  • positioning of goods or services;
  • quality of goods and services;
  • market coverage;
  • marketing methods.

The results of the “raids” will further serve as a tool for making marketing decisions. For a new businessman, the weaknesses of competitors can become an advantage. To enter the market, you will have to rely on advertising, the basis of which will be a unique selling proposition.

No matter what marketers write, consumers are invariably interested in three things:

  • quality corresponding to the price;
  • service level;
  • guarantees.

If each item is at least slightly different from competitors’ offers for the better, demand is guaranteed.

Remember: Dumping is a road to nowhere. Don't fight your competitors by cutting costs services or goods. Low prices usually make buyers suspicious. In addition, due to low prices, it will not be possible to quickly return the invested funds, and the profitability of the project itself will go into the negative. Without a safety net in the form of impressive capital, dumping alone will not be able to get rid of competitors.

Theater begins with a hanger, business begins with registration

The state provided small businesses with a choice of 3 forms of registration depending on the form of ownership: Limited Liability Company, Individual Entrepreneurship, Peasant Farm.

Law and order: It is not prohibited to register multiple forms of ownership. Often, entrepreneurs open one or more LLCs in which they are founders. The rules for state registration are established by Federal Law No. 129-FZ dated 08.08.2001 “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”.

For state registration as an individual entrepreneur, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service at your place of residence with an application for state registration of a legal entity (drawn up), as well as a receipt for payment of the state duty in the amount of 800 rubles. When submitting documents you must present your passport.

State registration procedure can be accessed on the website of the Federal Tax Service. But for this you need to have a personal taxpayer account, the login and password for which are issued only by the tax office itself.

The application for state registration must be filled out according to the form approved by the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Usually this work is entrusted to the relevant companies. The cost of the service throughout the country varies from 1,000 to 4,000 rubles.

By the way: When submitting documents to register an LLC, you can immediately submit an application for a simplified taxation system (6 percent tax instead of 13 percent).

Choosing a home business field from scratch

This point was specially left for last, so that future entrepreneurs would first learn the main lessons of starting their own business, even if it was a small home-based business from scratch. If you have not influenced your decision to start a business in any way, it makes sense to consider several areas that can be implemented right at home.

An accountant, lawyer or psychologist can set up an office in one of the rooms in which he will receive clients. To make your home office look solid, you will have to spend money on renovations, furniture and some office equipment, in particular a computer and a printer for printing contracts and documents.

Approximate costs:

  • renovation of a room for an office - 50,000 rubles. and higher;
  • desktop - 2000-5000 rubles;
  • rack for documents - 1800-7500 rubles;
  • computer chair - 6000-9000 rubles;
  • computer - 25000-35000;
  • printer - 4500-7000 rubles;
  • stationery (paper for printing documents, pens, notepads) - 1000-1500 rubles;
  • 2 chairs for clients - 14,000-20,000 rubles.

Sewing, furrier services and household appliance repairs It can also be provided at home if it is possible to allocate one of the rooms for a workshop. When planning these areas, the business plan should include the costs of repairs, purchase of equipment, materials, and tools.

Priority expenses:

  • for furrier services:
  • furrier's knife - 1500-2500 rubles;
  • fur comb - 500-1000 rubles;
  • needles for sewing leather and fur - 53-400 rubles;
  • accessories - 1000-3000 rub.
  • for sewing services:
  • sewing machine with overlock - 17000-25000;
  • scissors - 900-3000 rubles;
  • tailor's mannequin - 4000-5000 rubles.
  • for household appliance repair services:
  • a set of tools for repairing air conditioners and refrigerators - 20,000-25,000 rubles;
  • universal set of tools - 2500-10000 rub.

Financial independence not only provides a person with peace of mind regarding the future, but also allows him to realize his creative abilities. But what about those who are limited in their capabilities: pensioners, mothers on maternity leave, the disabled? Start earning money on your own, without an employer and without leaving home.

But before you set off on a free voyage, you need to resolve several basic issues:

  • The most important thing is to decide what kind of business to open at home? It is necessary to formulate an idea that will be developed in the future. It is better if it is related to your hobbies and skills;
  • Decide what you will need to develop your own business, find out what equipment you may need, whether there is enough space for it, whether you will need the help of hired workers;
  • Assess your financial capabilities and draw up a business plan. Much depends on the required starting capital;
  • Choose at home options that will be within your capabilities, both in terms of time and the cost of moral strength, financial investments or basic knowledge;
  • Find out the prospects of the chosen business. Opening another online store for a product that is sold by tens of thousands may seem attractive, but it is unlikely to bring the desired results;
  • Do you think you have prepared enough and can start a business? You can go to the tax office and register as an individual entrepreneur. We advise you to ask the tax inspector all the questions that interest you, because you will not only have to work, but also report on the profit received.

It should be remembered that a company that does not have a license, is not registered, or violates an obtained license is considered illegal. However, to establish the illegality of a business, it is necessary to establish its systemic nature or the fact that large-scale income was received.

And a small home-based business can hardly be classified as such cases, at least in the early stages. Therefore, small home business options that do not immediately generate large incomes can be started without registration.

And later, when you get back on your feet and start making a good profit, you can go through these official procedures.

Watch the video: Making a photo album using scrapbooking technique

What kind of business can you start at home?

Many of today's big businessmen started their business by working from home, why not follow their example? Decide what you can already do really well?

You can read about the latest news and trends in franchise business

Great business idea: building houses

You can take advantage of the strangeness of our real estate market. For example, an apartment in the city. Even if it’s not the biggest one, it’s quite expensive. At the same time, for a much smaller amount you can purchase a plot of land and build a frame house of a decent size on it.

Even taking into account the supply of all communications, it will cost much less. And this state of affairs gives rise to the idea of ​​building houses for sale.

However, the implementation of such a plan will require the hiring of qualified labor and the development of careful But the profit, with the right approach to business, will be very, very good.

Another piece of advice that will be useful to anyone who wants to start. Don’t think that owning your own business is necessarily something new, unrelated to what you are doing now.

For example, a good economist may well turn his knowledge to his own benefit and become a good trader in the securities market, bonds or Forex. It is not necessary to look for funds to open your own salon - it is quite possible to receive clients at home.

And a knowledgeable doctor can provide online consultations over the Internet. Each of us already knows how to do something and loves to do it, so the best idea will be one that allows you to enjoy your work - only in this way can a business bring both real income and real pleasure.
