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Why does a dove shit on your head? Birds pooping on your car - a good omen? Other interpretations of the sign about a bird that shits itself

The most important signs associated with the behavior of birds are:

  • If a bird pooped on its head - a sign good. It means that a pleasant event will definitely await you in the near future. For example, it could be a successful meeting, an unexpected financial increase in salary, a promotion up the career ladder, or you simply find money somewhere. If you are a military personnel and at the moment when you are wearing uniform, then bird pooped omen on your shoulder will bring you a guaranteed increase in stars on your shoulder straps.
  • If a raven flies into the courtyard of a house for several days and does not fly away for a long time, then this foreshadows bad events for the family living here and possible troubles.
  • If a bird poops on the hood of your car, then this is a pretty bad omen. It is considered a harbinger of an emergency situation, so you need not to remove bird droppings from your car throughout the day so as not to attract the fulfillment of this sign.
  • if during the wedding celebration the bride or groom the bird pooped an omen on its head bad. It means that the family ties of this couple are based on sincere love, and simply on the financial gain of any spouse.
  • If a street pigeon poops on you, then this is a very good omen. This is due to the fact that pigeons are considered the purest creatures that subtly sense the character and mood of a person. Nakakav - these birds make you stand out from the crowd of people, indicating your noble deeds and pure intentions. Pigeons will never get close to evil and dangerous people, they will not even fly up to the window.
  • If a bird knocks quietly on your window, it means that guests will definitely come to you that day with news. If you do not want to receive guests at the moment, then you need to immediately go to the window on which the bird knocked and knock on the glass three times while saying “take the bird back to you.”

All signs were added up over many years and popular observations. But, despite this, it’s up to you to decide whether to believe in them or not. After all, any sign can be considered as a simple bird life. For example, the bird pooped an omen doubtful, because perhaps she wanted to poop, but she can hardly stand it, and then you pass by. And people, for some reason, take this behavior as a sign. Thus, any popular superstition can be rejected.

But the most amazing thing is that there are a huge number of people in the world who strongly believe in the truthfulness of omens and prove this in practice. Therefore, only you yourself decide whether to believe in folk signs or not.

Many popular beliefs are associated with the forces of nature. It was believed that flora and fauna help a person in life by predicting good and bad. So, there are signs associated with our smaller brothers: animals and birds.

Signs about birds

Now, if a bird poops on you, there are completely different signs for this case. The first thing any person will tell you is: “This is for money!” Almost everyone knows this. But there is another interpretation of this rare event. How do ancient folk signs interpret it? The bird pooped - it means that the person will soon receive well-deserved fame. Previously, it was believed that the feathered world marks only outstanding people capable of accomplishing a feat. A person who has received such a “mark” will find himself in a critical situation; fate will give him a test that he will pass with honor. This one was rightfully considered lucky.

It's good if the bird is small. Then her excrement will not harm you much. But they say that a cormorant can poop on a person. Most likely, this will lead to a very large income.

We also got this interpretation from our ancestors that a bird pooped on its head. The sign suggests special luck for this person. Almost all his wishes on this day will be fulfilled without hindrance. Wish everything you want, even the impossible will happen!

Modern signs

The intelligence of the people is a phenomenon

irresistible. In any case, civilization has not taken away from people the desire to create signs and customs. There is no less observation and analysis of events now. Drivers have a different interpretation of such an event as a bird pooping. Signs born by people driving say that this means that the car may get into an accident. Many are sure that if the hood is dirty, then increased care is needed on the road.

And here’s how young people interpret the event when a bird pooped on a guy’s shoulder. Signs tell the young man that he will soon wear shoulder straps. That is, he will either be drafted into the army, or he will go to work in the police, or some other event will happen that will allow him to flaunt in uniform.

Special beliefs about birds

There are interpretations associated with special events in a person’s life. For example, if a bird pooped on the bride’s wedding dress, signs indicate that the marriage is an arranged marriage. A girl loves not her chosen one, but the benefits that she plans to receive from him. The groom needs to think about it, if he believes in omens, maybe it’s better to hold off on shaping his destiny.

Most people associate bird excrement with income generation. But, even if you do not receive unplanned profit, something will still please you on this day. The bird marked you - this is fortunate, this is another version of the popular interpretation of this event.

But if a bird flies into the window, then this definitely means unhappy events in the house. It is believed that trouble awaits the owners of such housing. After this, a fire or other disaster may occur. Bird knocking on the window is also interpreted. It is imperative to take precautions.

The bird always brings special news. Our ancestors believed that birds could convey a message from the afterlife. Most often, deceased relatives try to contact you in this way to warn you about something.

We continue to believe in various signs associated with birds. For example, and.

Birds symbolize the connection between worlds, and signs from birds should be taken very carefully.

The messengers of heaven can predict anything, and even such signs as “the bird pooped” have their own special meaning. It is traditionally believed that such a “gift” from a bird means wealth, but this sign is much broader, it has many nuances.

Although the situation is not very pleasant, its interpretation is quite positive, as popular wisdom says. Therefore, you should not be upset; various events are associated with the sign, and it can be deciphered depending on various factors.

What does this sign mean? Basically, this extraordinary event is interpreted as positive - for money or good luck.

But depending on the location of the mark, there are certain subtleties that decipher why this happened.

A bird shits on a person

Although it is not very pleasant to receive such a “surprise” from a bird, especially if you are in a hurry somewhere, and you have to scrub off the stain, or even wash your hair or change clothes. But overall it bodes well for the future. The sign differs somewhat depending on which part of the body the bird has placed its mark on.

On your head

If a bird marks your head with its droppings, it is certainly unpleasant, but it promises good luck. The sign of a bird pooping on its head is a very good sign that opens financial flow.

Money and prosperity that follow this sign neutralize troubles. You will receive a large sum of money - a win, bonus, or salary increase. This is receiving an expensive gift or just good news. If a bird shits on its head in the morning, it means that the whole day will be successful, and everything will go well.

Moreover, the larger the spot, the greater the monetary reward. Try buying a lottery ticket!

If at this moment you were thinking about money, plans for work, a career, financial well-being, then these dreams will come true.

Arm and shoulder

In the esoteric tradition, it is believed that if a bird pooped on your arm or shoulder, you are a special person. People with exclusive abilities, extraordinary, with wonderful energy, hidden abilities for magic - this mark means that the bird chooses special people, marking their hidden talents that they did not pay attention to.

If the bird poops on the left hand, the monetary profit will be very large. On the right - professional advancement, acquiring new skills.

If this happens on the wedding day, one of the newlyweds is getting married for convenience. The future wife marries out of self-interest, or the groom is counting on an expensive dowry, but the young couple has no feelings. In this case, the stain must be washed away quickly, otherwise the superstition may not be fulfilled.

The right shoulder is stained with a bird “bomb” - a gift awaits you, large financial gains, an unexpected gift. Left shoulder - like other signs associated with the left side, may mean that there is an ill-wisher in your environment.

Chest, back

This happens quite rarely, but if a bird manages to land on your chest or back, for example, when you are relaxing on the beach, this also means money and unexpected good news.


If a bird defecates on your leg, this is a good sign, it means that you are moving in the right, necessary direction, your actions are correct and deliberate. The path to wealth and success awaits you.

Sign of a bird pooping on clothes

The sign of a bird pooping on clothes also has a good interpretation. If a bird stains a piece of civilian clothing, then a valuable gift or cash increase awaits. But for those wearing a military uniform, exposure to bird droppings promises career advancement and a promotion in rank. If you wear a uniform - it could be a fireman's uniform, work clothes, or even a cashier's uniform - it promises career growth and promotion.

Various gifts of fate await you if a bird soils a bag, backpack or briefcase; this is a bonus, a win, good luck in business. Bird droppings on your shoes mean you are doing everything right and moving in the right direction.

A girl who goes on a date in smart clothes and receives such a gift should not be upset - this means that the date will go very well.

Sign by bird type

The sign “bird pooped” has its own characteristics in connection with the type of bird. Each of them has its own character and its own interpretations in beliefs - positive and negative meanings. But if you were unable to identify the bird that shitted you, then the omen is definitely positive, and good luck will await you.

Pigeon- birds of the world, a messenger of good, this is a good omen and good news.

Gull- to travel.

Dark colored bird(raven, jackdaw, thrush, rook) - a dark, unsuccessful period in life is possible, and the money that this sign brings will quickly run out and be spent. Unkind gossip.

Crow, as a messenger between the world of the living and the dead, also does not bode well. It may mean that a deceased relative is reminding you that you should visit his grave.

Sparrow, swallow, tit- “shit” means good news, a large bonus, a salary increase, career growth.

Lark- to good, very long-awaited news.

Even such a not very pleasant incident as a bird pooping, as a sign, promises well-being and good luck. Therefore, do not rush to get upset and curse the bird that marked you. It could just be an accident, or maybe good, promising changes will actually happen in your life. In any case, listen to your intuition, do not neglect the wisdom of your ancestors and do not take everyday everyday things too seriously.

Have you ever wondered why the sign that a bird pooped is a sign of profit? After all, it enjoys unprecedented popularity among other interpretations.

  • The bird marks the gifted for good luck

    Psychics are sure that the masters of heaven can give a sign from unknown worlds, and if a bird shits on a person, it does it intentionally. To warn about a significant upcoming event.

    In magical circles they think that this is how she marks extraordinary people who have the gift of foresight and the ability to heal.

    Although it is difficult and at the same time funny to imagine how a bird sits and looks out for a potential clairvoyant in order to reward him with a mark.

    In addition, if you conduct a large-scale sociological survey on the topic “have you ever found yourself in such a situation,” there will probably be 80% or more positive answers.

    Everyone who is in an area where birds gather is at risk of being smeared with droppings, especially in the spring and summer.

    But if you believe that “a bird pooped on your head” is a sign of the chosen ones, try to develop psychic talents in yourself. Perhaps you will become a great diviner and healer.

    Another popular sign: if a bird poops, it means good luck and money. Moreover, the favor of fortune and financial luck will come very soon.

    It would be wrong to judge such superstitions unequivocally. Therefore, interpretations of the folk sign “the bird pooped...” are deciphered depending on the species.

    It is considered a good omen if a dove poops on its head, as it is considered a messenger of peace, goodness and happiness.

    A sparrow, swallow or seagull rewarded - also good news. Perhaps you will become the owner of a large sum or get a promotion at work.

    But crows and rooks, called messengers from the world of the dead, cannot promise anything good. If you become a victim of these birds, expect trouble or gossip from ill-wishers.

    Signs about tits and jackdaws have received negative meaning among the people, since they themselves are harbingers of deprivation and failure.

    If you weren’t able to notice which bird was targeted, don’t despair. This means that this sign will only be positive for you.

    Regarding the common folk signs “the bird pooped...”, interpretations vary depending on where the droppings landed.

    • If you poop on your head, the belief promises success.
    • If you notice a stain on your clothes, you will soon receive or buy something new. Litter on the uniform promises military promotion.
    • For newlyweds during the wedding ceremony, this situation is a sign that the marriage is based on material gain and calculation.
    • A bird pooped on your car – you shouldn’t drive it out in the near future. You risk getting into an accident. In this case, we recommend using .
    • If the window is dirty - perhaps it’s time to do some general cleaning and wash the glass.

    There is no separate sign - a bird pooped on a window - among the people.

    Mostly beliefs are associated with the fact that or. In the first case, the owners expect news from afar, in the second - troubles associated with household members.

    So, more often they promise good events, especially if a bird pooped on a person. But they can also become the beginning of a series of small dirty tricks on others.

  • Depositphotos/Vladimir

    A huge number of folk signs are associated with birds. It is birds, as a symbol of the sky and nature, that for many years have been for people some kind of “indicators” that predict the weather, the arrival of spring, or even financial well-being. Probably, many of us have believed since childhood that if a bird poops on our clothes or head, this is not just an accident, but a sign from above.

    It is interesting that the more unpleasant a sign is for a person, the more pleasant its interpretation. So it is with bird excrement that lands on a person’s shoulders, arms, clothes, windowsill, or even head. Most interpretations promise the poor fellow financial well-being or at least receiving “easy money” in the near future. However, there are also negative interpretations, so there is no need to rush to conclusions.

    So, a bird pooped on its head - a sign of untold riches or a harbinger of an imminent meeting with water?

    A bird pooped on its head: a sign

    If you find yourself in such an unpleasant situation, do not rush to despair. Of course, it’s not pleasant to be crapped on by a feathered creature, but, fortunately, there’s nothing fatal here either. Moreover, if you believe the signs, the bird pooped on your head for a reason - good luck awaits you soon, and money will pour into your pockets like a deep river and without much effort.

    It is advisable to take a close look at what pleased you with such a “present”. If it is a dove, sparrow or seagull, this is a good sign, since these birds are cautious and prefer to approach only people with good energy.

    Ravens and rooks, as well as other dark-colored birds, are notorious among the people. They say that they accompany evil and dishonest people everywhere, which means they can endure their failures.

    At the same time, among the pragmatic and non-superstitious population there is a superstition that if a bird poops on its head, it means .

    Sign: a bird pooped on clothes

    Military people are very happy about this sign, because if a bird poops on their uniform, it means receiving a new rank or significant promotion. For ordinary people, according to superstition, bird droppings on clothes foretell the receipt of unexpected money or a gift, as well as the likelihood of finding a wallet or jewelry.

    If a bird poops on your arm or shoulder, it is a sign that you are special. Esotericists, for example, claim that birds shit exclusively on selected people with a powerful biofield and extraordinary mental abilities. They say in such a simple way for special individuals. Naturally, it is unlikely that anyone will be happy with such a mark, but everyone will be happy with money and well-being.

    At the same time, if a bird craps on the shoulder or arm of one of the newlyweds on their wedding day, this is a bad sign. He may be talking about the fact that someone from the newly-made family is not entirely pure in his thoughts and is tying the knot not out of love, but out of convenience. At the same time, in order to neutralize the consequences, it is recommended to immediately remove the dirty dress or jacket and wash it as quickly as possible.

    Other interpretations of the sign about a bird that shits itself

    There is an opinion that if pigeons or other birds poop on the hood of a car, this is a sign of failure. An unpleasant encounter with the traffic police or even minor accidents is possible. You need to be as careful as possible and not plan important events for this day.

    Do not immediately wash the hood of your car. Believing superstitions will not only not help, but will also increase failure. Wait a few days or rain - then all the bad things will go away as easily as they came.

    Or a window sill, the sign promises good news soon. Popular legend says that these can be either relatives whom you have not seen for a long time, or long-lost friends and acquaintances. Look at which side the tarred window faces - that’s where you’ll soon be waiting for guests.

    To believe or not to believe this sign

    Knowledgeable people say that if you should believe in various superstitions, then only the good ones. Thoughts are a material thing, so you need to think only positively, and drive everything bad away. Therefore, even if you become a “victim” of a bird on your wedding day, do not rush