Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Which program is better than 1 s. "We need the most comprehensive functionality, the most versatile system - we can afford it, we have a large enterprise."

Finding the best solution for automating accounting is actually not easy. To do this, you need to accurately and clearly understand:

  1. For what or what types of accounting do you need a software product (s).
  2. How many legal entities Or individual entrepreneurs?
  3. How many people will work with the software product and what is their specialization.
  4. It is necessary to determine exactly how unique the specifics of accounting in your enterprise are and how important it will be for you to automate these unique and specific sections of accounting (the choice of a standard solution or an industry one will depend on this).
  5. Will you be able to install the software product yourself or will you need to implement it (what are the differences you can read)?

You can send the answers to these questions to us by e-mail and we will independently select and demonstrate to you the best solution for you.

If you still want to choose software products yourself, then further information is for you.

When choosing a software product for automation, it should be borne in mind that the range of software products produced by 1C and partners together with 1C is very large. And in order to make it easier for you to make a choice, the first thing you need to do is answer the question:

Is a standard 1C solution suitable or is it necessary to choose a solution from the industry, or maybe it is necessary to combine these solutions?

And to help you deal with this issue, the purposes of typical and industry solutions are deciphered below.

Standard solution 1C is a solution for automation typical for any activity tasks of accounting and enterprise management. A typical solution is not tied to any industry and, accordingly, does not contain specific printing forms (for example, such as the construction form KS-2), options or specifics of in-depth accounting that are relevant only to this respective industry.

But at the same time, the vast majority of organizations keep records on standard 1C solutions, since they are more widely known to all users. Also, standard solutions are selected and finalized by our programmers for the specifics of any organization in the event that none of the industry-specific functional solutions suits.

Industry and Specialized Solutions- are aimed at maximum compliance with the needs for automation of the most important business processes for enterprises, allow to reduce costs during implementation due to the fact that they are supplied as ready-made solutions. But at the same time, it should be taken into account that there are several times fewer specialists in industry solutions than in standard ones, which complicates the process of implementing and maintaining the system.

If you want to get advice on industry solutions, please contact our managers by phone 69-23-21 , email. mail or

Request a call

If you have settled on a typical solution and want to choose a program for yourself, then you need to answer some questions and read useful information below:

To automate what kind of accounting do you need a 1C software product?

The procedure for maintaining and updating products can be read.

The procedure for maintaining and updating products can be read.

The procedure for maintaining and updating products can be read.

The procedure for maintaining and updating products can be read.


2. Differences between Basic versions of 1C and PROF versions.

Basic versions of 1C programs are mainly suitable only for micro-enterprises, where only one person will work with the program. Also, the Basic version of 1C has certain limitations, unlike PROF:

  • In the Basic version of the 1C program, in one database it is possible to keep records for only one organization, unlike PROF, where in one database records can be kept for many legal entities. At the same time, the Basic one has the ability to keep records for several companies in separate information bases.
  • In the PRO version, several users can work in one database at the same time, while only one user works with the Basic version.
  • The advantage of the PRO version is the ability to modify the program to meet the needs of the organization, unlike the Basic version, which does not support configuration changes. That is, if the standard functions included in the configuration are not enough for you, you need to finish something in the program, change the program's capabilities - then this can only be done in the PRO version.
  • Also, the Basic version does not support client-server operation, does not support distributed infobases, and does not support COM connection and Automation server.

Below is a table of comparative features of the Basic and PRO versions.

On the example of 1C: Accounting 8 Basic PROF
Ready-made solution for bookkeeping and tax accounting
Preparation of accounting and tax reporting
Income tax calculations
Setting up inventory accounts and settlements with counterparties
Tax accounting: USN and UTII
Accounting for several organizations in separate infobases
Accounting for several organizations in a single information base
Ability to change (configure) the application solution
Multi-user mode of operation, including support for client-server operation
Operation of geographically distributed information bases
Support for COM connection and Automation server

If you still find it difficult to decide, remember that you can, if you wish, switch from the Basic version to the PROF (upgrade). But if you are planning further business development (increasing retail outlets, the number of employees working in the database), then the best solution would be to purchase the PROF version of the software package.

So the long holiday weekend is over. I sincerely congratulate you on the past holidays, New Year and Merry Christmas. Now let's talk about serious things, although I really don't want to. In the last article, we reviewed the Trade Management configuration. A system based on this configuration is best suited for wholesale and retail (low volume) companies.

What information will you definitely not be able to get from the Trade Department? You will not be able to obtain information about the full financial condition Your company. Well, for example, every company has staff whose salary does not directly depend on sales volumes, for example, an office manager or Chief Accountant. Yes, and sales managers also do not have the full amount wages may depend on sales. Also, you will not be able to form a full-fledged costing of works or products.

Perhaps your business has some other requirements for the accounting system, in which "Trade Management" is not fully suitable for your company. It's not scary. There are a sufficient number of products in the 1C line, there are plenty to choose from. In the current publication, I would like to consider two configurations from the 1C line at once - “ Integrated automation"and" Management of a small firm. Both of these systems are designed to maintain more or less full-fledged management accounting for the whole company.

But, first, a small "lyrical digression." In the 1C product line there is a so-called. "single component" products. This tradition began with version 7.7. Then everything was simple. It is necessary to take into account trade operations - take the "Trade and Warehouse" configuration, you need to keep accounting - take "Accounting", for payroll - take "Salary and Personnel". The same system, although not fully, "migrated" to the eighth version. These configurations were replaced by Trade Management, Enterprise Accounting, and Payroll and Human Resources, respectively. In general, the use of these configurations almost completely "closes" the needs of a small enterprise. However, there are two issues that are not resolved by using multiple configurations. The first is the category of users who prefers that all data be stored in one database. The second is the need to see the full picture of the enterprise in one place. In this case, there are two options. Either use a rather expensive solution, like "Holding Management" (which I will write about separately), or use complete solution, such as "Integrated Automation" or "Small Firm Management".

Let's start with Integrated Automation. This system can keep track of trading operations, small production, full-fledged accounting and reporting, personnel management and simple payroll. Actually, at first glance, "Management of a small firm" differs from it only in the absence of accounting. But in fact, there are several other differences that may affect your choice.

For clarity, I will present information about the pros and cons of a system built on "Integrated Automation" in the form of a table.

Configuration feature

What is good

Why is it bad

All data is in unified system(including regulated accounting) Both managerial and regulated accounting are kept in one program, there is no need to keep records in several systems. This is good if you don't like having data in multiple systems. If your management processes"go beyond" the capabilities of the standard configuration, it will have to be modified. At the same time, the 1C company itself periodically releases updates. To update the modified configuration, you need to involve a specialist, and this is an additional cost for each update. Plus, if you need an urgent update, when updating the legislation, you will have to wait for this specialist.
Includes payroll settlement mechanisms The same as in the previous paragraph, provided that your payroll is not very complicated. If you need a complex payroll calculation (not just a percentage of sales or salary, but a complex motivational scheme), then it is impossible to build it on the "Complex Automation" without refinement.
Part of the configuration functionality is available for remote use via the Internet (new interface, version 8.2). Most of the interface - only available in the "old" interface (still from version 8.0) Perhaps your employees (especially the accountant) know this interface.

There is no possibility without certain "difficulties" to organize a remote workplace, for example, for an accountant.

You can only calculate the cost of material products Perhaps you do not need to calculate the cost of services. If you provide maintenance services, the main part of which is usually wages, you will not be able to correctly calculate the cost of these services.
The balance sheet and income statement of an enterprise can only be built according to regulated accounting. Perhaps you don't need it. In addition, the configuration has a performance monitor that allows you to track the key performance indicators of the company on-line. To build these reports based on management accounting data, it is necessary to carry out a series of “dances with a tambourine”, at least upload, say, to MS Excel, a number of built-in reports and figure out how the management balance sheet or financial result should look like.

Information about the configuration "Management of a small company", about its pros and cons, I will also present in the table.

Configuration feature

What is good

Why is it bad

There is no regulated accounting in the system You can always install "Enterprise Accounting" separately and keep regulated accounting in it. In the case when the management accounting data do not coincide with the accounting data, there is a duplication of data entry.
All configuration functionality is available for remote use via the Internet (latest interface, version 8.3) The further, the more the new interface (versions 8.2 and 8.3) will be used. Perhaps your employees (especially the accountant) are not familiar with this interface and they will need time to learn it.
The system only allows the calculation of managerial wages. If your motivation system depends on various employee performance indicators, for example, on the number of service jobs, you can set up this calculation. Taxes and payroll deductions must be transferred from accounting or entered manually.
Sharing access implemented in a very simplified way You can set the rights yourself, without involving a specialist. If you need a complex separation of access, you will have to invite a specialist to configure and refine
The configuration is adapted to transfer information to the "cloud" You can upload data at any time and switch to using the "cloud" mode of operation (without storing data in local network) Perhaps you are afraid to store your data in the cloud.

In general, the following conclusions can be drawn.

It makes sense to take the “Integrated Automation” configuration if you:

  1. We would like to keep all records in a single system.
  2. You do not provide services that require costing to calculate the cost.
  3. Do not plan to "customize" the system to fit your business processes and management accounting principles, i.e. do not plan major improvements.
  4. We are ready to allocate additional funds for updating with the involvement of a specialist, in the event that improvements are still planned.
  5. You do not need a management balance sheet and a financial results report (one that is based on accounting data or a separate one, for example, in Excel, is suitable).

“Management of a small firm” should be appropriately selected if:

  1. You cannot say exactly how deeply you will have to modify the system for your business processes.
  2. You are not afraid that Accounting will be conducted separately.
  3. You provide services that require costing.
  4. Are you interested in building a management balance sheet and financial result quickly, without difficulties with unloading in Excel.
  5. You are thinking about moving your data to the cloud.

I hope in this publication, I was able to make it easier for you to choose the configuration for maintaining full-fledged management accounting in your company.

All the best and until the next post.

Andrey Vinogradov, consultant at International Projects LLC

Since 1999, when the popularity of 1C systems exploded with the release of the 1C 7.7 platform, the number of software products created on this platform has increased like an avalanche. To date, there are hundreds of solutions on the market based on the modern 1C 8.3 platform, developed both by 1C itself and by 1C partner companies (franchisees).

In such conditions, with the widest choice of products, one may get the impression that it is not easy to choose a 1C system. In this article, we will try to debunk this myth and give some simple and clear recommendations in order to understand which configuration to choose.

Formation of requirements for the 1C system

The first step should be the formation of requirements for the future system. It is this document that will be the basis for an objective choice of the solution that is most suitable for your organization. It must contain the following sections:

  1. Description of the boundaries of automation: which accounting units should be automated;
  2. Functional requirements for the future system. All processes and functions to be automated should be listed. The list can get quite voluminous, consisting of hundreds or even thousands of items. To obtain an objective assessment, it is necessary to grade the requirements for the system, dividing them into several blocks, starting with the most critical and ending with those that are optional for implementation;
  3. Requirements for integration with external systems;
  4. Non-functional system requirements (for example, scalability, performance requirements, etc.).

Criteria for choosing a system based on the 1C platform

Prepared at the previous stage, the list of requirements for the future 1C system will become the basis for making a decision: each 1C software product can be evaluated in terms of compliance with each of the requirements, and in case of impossibility of implementation, an approximate assessment of the forthcoming amount of work to finalize the system.

As a result, a preliminary assessment of the functional capabilities of the candidate should be obtained, which, although with a certain error, is transformed into a cost and time estimate of the future project.

When determining the cost of a system, it is important to evaluate it according to at least three indicators:

  • Acquisition cost
  • Implementation cost
  • Ownership cost

Only such a comprehensive assessment will make it possible to make a relatively objective decision on the choice of the system.

Choosing a system for complex automation of an organization

There are only a few 1C solutions on the market today, designed for complex automation of typical accounting functions of an enterprise.

For small companies engaged in trade and procurement activities or the provision of services, the 1C Trade Management 11 product is suitable. This solution will ensure not only the automation of basic accounting functions, but also the receipt of basic management reporting. The tasks of automating accounting and tax accounting can be solved by separately installing the 1C Accounting product, version 3.0, which is closely integrated with 1C Trade Management 11.

For more large companies or companies that want to implement one product, 1C offers a circulation solution 1C Integrated Automation 2. In this system, in addition to the full range of functions of 1C Trade Management, accounting and tax accounting is implemented, a module for implementing budgeting, the basic functionality of accounting for production operations has appeared.

Finally, for the big ones, first of all manufacturing companies, 1C offers its flagship product 1C ERP Enterprise Management, which, in addition to the functions of 1C Integrated Automation, includes modules for reporting in accordance with international standards, advanced production management functionality (including planning and repair management) and a number of other functions.

Choosing a system for automating a separate accounting unit

The task of automating a certain block of accounting or a group of processes is the second most popular task solved using 1C products. If we are talking O typical processes typical for most companies, for example, on internal document management or automation of logistics operations, then such solutions can be presented both by 1C and partner companies.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the tasks of automating the functions of planning, managing and controlling movement. Money in other words, budgeting and treasury functions.

There are a large number of systems on the market that implement these functions and are closely integrated with other 1C products, starting with the 1C solution Holding Management from 1C (designed for large companies with a complex structure and heterogeneous IT landscape) and ending with products that can satisfy the needs of small companies, such as, for example, WA Financier, the main advantages of which are versatility, modularity, low cost and speed of deployment.

Choosing a system for automating functions related to the industry specifics of the organization

Industry-specific, specialized solutions are mainly represented by 1C partners, franchisee companies. It does not make sense to list such products - there are hundreds of such solutions on the market, and most of them are built on the basis of 1C circulation products, including those that we have listed above.

However, it should be understood that, unlike the 1C company, which has the resources to support and develop its solutions, some 1C franchisees, having released an industry solution, replicate it without paying due attention to its development. In order not to become the owner of a “stillborn” product, when choosing an industry solution Special attention should be given to the company that is developing this solution: how many real implementations does it have, how often does the company release updates with bug fixes, new features, are there plans for product development, etc.


To date, there are dozens of 1C programs on the market developed and supported directly by the vendor, as well as hundreds of programs released by 1C partner companies. You can get acquainted with the list of the main typical configurations of 1C Enterprise 8.3 and find out their cost on our website, and our specialists, if necessary, will help you choose the program that is most suitable for your business.

Clients often ask us questions: “What to choose for IP?”, “What software product is suitable for simplification?”, “How to automate production?” etc. In the article, we will figure out which 1C software products will help to best solve these issues.

1C software products cover the full list of automation needs of any organization - from small individual entrepreneurs to large ones. manufacturing enterprises With separate divisions with a complex system of business processes. 1C programs are used for accounting, payroll, wholesale and retail sales, organization of simple and complex production, budgeting, IFRS, state defense order, electronic document management in the company, etc. For each line of business, 1C offers several options for software products.

Accounting and regulated accounting in 1C If you are just starting your business, the staff is minimal and you only need a program for accounting under the simplified taxation system (STS), which allows you to submit reports to state regulatory authorities, you should consider the following software products:

  • 1C: Simplified - a specialized version of the 1C: Accounting basic version, pre-configured for a simplified taxation system. Allows one accountant to work in the program, without the possibility of adding new users. Great for IP.
  • 1C: Accounting basic version - an analogue of 1C: Simplified, but at the same time you will have the opportunity to choose any taxation system: USN, OSNO, UTII, etc. Only one person can work in the program. There is an electronic delivery option: the key to the program, files for installation and methodological materials are downloaded upon purchase in personal account on the website of the company "1C". Also suitable for IP.
  • ​1C:Accounting Prof is the main software product of 1C company for accounting, supports multi-user mode, the ability to change the configuration and maintain several legal entities in one information base, which is not in the two previous programs. We recommend this 1C program for LLC.

In addition to the above programs, the accounting block is present in many other 1C software products: 1C: Integrated Automation, 1C: ERR, 1C: Accounting for non-profit organizations etc.

Wholesale and retail trade

If you need to automate trading activities, it doesn't matter if you are an LLC or individual entrepreneur. Consider a list of such software products:

  • 1C: Trade Management basic version includes procurement management, stocks, warehouse operations, CRM block, full sales analysis based on charts and reports, the ability to connect any commercial equipment, setting up discounts, promotions and much more. But since this is the basic version, only one user can work in it, which is a rather rare case for this software product. But if you are an individual entrepreneur, calmly start with this version of 1C.
  • 1C: Trade Management Pro is a full-fledged version of the wholesale and retail program that allows an unlimited number of users to work in the program - cashiers, merchandisers, sales managers, managers, etc. Each user has their own access rights. Both basic and Pro versions support data exchange with any version of 1C:Accounting. Suitable for LLC.
  • 1C: A set of applied solutions for 5 users - a set of software products that includes 1C: Accounting, 1C: Payroll and Human Resources and 1C: Trade Management. Suitable for medium-sized companies that need to manage Accounting, payroll and sales management accounting. By purchasing this kit, you save money compared to purchasing each program separately. A good option for an LLC with a staff of 5 or more employees.
  • 1C: Retail - if the company is engaged exclusively in retail trade, then this software product should be considered. The functionality is close to 1C: Trade Management, but there are no blocks associated with wholesale sales, thereby simplifying the work of users and not distracting with unnecessary functionality. Suitable for sole proprietors and LLCs.


If your organization is engaged in production and sales, then it also does not matter whether you are an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. The size of your company and the complexity of production are important.

  • 1C:Management of our company is a universal software product for small and medium-sized organizations, which includes the ability to submit reports for individual entrepreneurs, payroll for employees, automate simple production, wholesale and retail sales, full management analytics and reports, the ability to connect commercial equipment and much more. Often the program 1C: Management of our company is chosen by individual entrepreneurs, but LLCs also acquire it.
  • 1C: Integrated Automation - a software product for medium and large companies, includes full-fledged software products:1C: Accounting, 1C: Payroll and Human Resources, but unlike 1C: A set of applied solutions for 5 users, work is carried out not in three separate databases, but in one common one, which reduces the complexity of accounting, and there is also a production unit similar to 1C: Management of our company. Accounting for state defense orders has also been implemented.
  • 1C:ERP is the flagship software product of 1C, designed for large manufacturing companies and, unlike the two previous programs, automates complex production. The product has budgeting and IFRS blocks, in addition to standard accounting, payroll and wholesale and retail. If we compare it with European analogues, then our development is several times cheaper, and further implementation, configuration and maintenance are ten times more profitable.

Let's compare all the listed 1C programs for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs in the table:

To sum up, the 1C company has a very wide range of software products for each industry and it is simply impossible to consider them in one article. Therefore, we recommend that you contact our specialists who will help you understand the intricacies of 1C software products. Order a demo version of the 1C program that interests you. Many of them are presented in the form of "cloud" solutions, where there is a trial period for 30 days to work in the program and see if it suits you or not. Ask a question about the 1C program or order a trial access in the online chat on this page.

How to choose a 1C program for a small trading company

Our customers, retailers and small business owners often ask:

  • How to choose a 1C configuration?
  • Which 1C is better?
  • What is the difference between 1C:Accounting and 1C:Enterprise?
  • What version of 1C: 8. we need?
  • What 1C program to buy?

Until relatively recently, everything was simple: the vast majority of companies used 1C: Enterprise 7.7 "Trade and Warehouse" or 1C Accounting 7.7. These are convenient, fast and well-proven programs. Although many continue to successfully use 1C: 7.7 "Trade and Warehouse" (TiS) at the present time, nevertheless, programs on the 1C: 8.2 / 8.3 platform have decisive advantages.

There are several standard 1C:Enterprise 8.3 solutions suitable for small trading companies:

  • 1C8: Retail, ed. 1.0

These programs have more service capabilities, compared to 1C: 7.7, more accurately take into account the direction of the enterprise. However, our clients sometimes find it difficult to choose, because they cannot find information about which business processes this or that program automates, which 1C solution is optimal for their specific tasks. In this material, we give recommendations based on our experience in implementing 1C: Enterprise 8 software products for trade.

1C:Enterprise 8. Standard configuration "1C:Retail 8", edition 1.0

Ideal, simple program for a small retail store. Easy to learn. A large list of connected equipment: cash registers, scanners, etc. Nothing extra! There is a Basic version (for one workplace) and a Pro version (for working in a local network). It is possible to configure programs to combine several retail outlets to the trading network.

1C:Enterprise 8. Standard configuration "1C:Retail 8", edition 2.0

The main change in version 2 "1C: Retail 8" is the work in thin client or web client mode. As our experience shows, this program requires more highly qualified employees and is more difficult to master.

There are several industry solutions developed on the basis of "1C: Retail 8":

  • 1C: Retail 8. Pharmacy
  • 1C: Retail 8. Clothing and footwear store
  • 1C: Retail 8. Shop household appliances and means of communication
  • 1C: Retail 8. Auto parts store
  • 1C: Retail 8. Construction and finishing materials
  • 1C: Retail 8. Bookstore
  • 1C: Retail 8. Optics salon
  • 1C: Retail 8. Jewelry store

1C: Trade Management 8, ed. 10.3

Powerful and proven software for wholesale and retail. The basic version is convenient for small firms. Prof. version more suitable for medium and large enterprises. It is possible to set up programs for the operation of several warehouses and retail outlets in a single distribution network, as well as integration with 1C: Retail 8 and 1C: Accounting 8 programs.

1C: Trade Management 8, ed. eleven

Completely redesigned program compared to ed. 10.3., focused mainly on wholesale trade. Work in thin client or web client mode. Designed for medium and large firms. Possesses great opportunities of differentiation of access rights of users. Requires highly qualified employees and a serious attitude to implementation.

1C: Small business management 8

Good program for small companies engaged not only in trade, but also in production, services and contract work. However, the trading block has fewer capabilities compared to 1C: Trade Management 8.

1C: Accounting 8

As our experience shows, the capabilities of the program are often enough for small trade organizations. The program allows you to write all Required documents for wholesale and retail trade. The basic version of 1C: Accounting 8 is the best-selling 1C program. The main drawback: the lack of convenient management reports (information is stored on accounting accounts) and inconvenience in system work with a large number of goods and customers. However, we have developed additional external reports that partially remove this problem.
