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Hero 3 black edition reviews. The GoPro Hero3 Black Edition is an extremely durable and compact action camera. New Versions of SanDisk Extreme Memory Cards

I'll start with the main one.

What is an action camera and what is it for?

About terms. The phrase action-camera is understood as a small camera with a minimum of settings and controls, designed for shooting in various uncomfortable conditions, which dictates the basic requirements that such a camera must meet:

  • minimum weight
  • ease of mounting (ideally, an action camera can be mounted on anything, including a dog)
  • a minimum of controls and, in general, a minimum of operator participation
  • dust-, shock-, heat-, waterproof case
  • the longest possible battery life (but not at the expense of weight)

It is indispensable for skydivers and other flyers, skiers, surfers, divers and other extreme sportsmen. I especially want to draw attention to divers: in their case, an action camera can be a very cheap and convenient alternative to a bulky camera in.

Many companies are engaged in the production of action cameras, but here I will tell you about the camera of the company gopro, because it was she who was at my disposal.

GoPro Hero 3 action cameras

GoPro cameras have made their way into our market quite widely, and you can now find them in any more or less serious computer or photo store. They gained a large number of fans and received a diminutive name "goproshka".

The Hero 3 series cameras come in three variants (ordered in descending order of coolness):

  • Black Edition
  • Silver Edition
  • white edition

They differ in capabilities and equipment, but structurally they are exactly the same. My camera, the one that is white (White edition) is the worst, but it also has quite pleasant, pleasing to the eye, properties.

Briefly about the technical characteristics of the GoPro Hero 3 White edition camera:

bare weight, g 74
weight in a hermetic box, g 136
immersion depth in the hermetic box, m 40
video resolutions 1920x1080 (25, 30 fps) 1280x960 (25, 30 fps) 1280x720 (25, 30, 50, 60 fps) 848x480 (50, 60 fps)
photo resolution 5 megapixels (2592x1944)
timelapse (intervals), s 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 60
continuous shooting, frame / s 3
battery capacity, mAh 1050
battery life without WiFi from 2 h 15 min to 3 h, depending on the mode
WiFi battery life 15 minutes less than without it
governing bodies 3 buttons
display b/w LCD with mode indication and a couple of digits
memory card microSD up to 64 GB
connectors mini USB
micro HDMI

The camera comes in an incredibly pretentious box, most of which is empty space. The box is crowned with a transparent cap made of thick plastic, under which we see, in fact, a camera in a hermetic box, mounted on a special platform.

Inside the box is:

  • sealed box door
  • two sites for double sided tape(for mounting on flat and convex surfaces)
  • paper about the guarantee
  • a piece of paper saying that there are no instructions here, and everything that is interesting - see the website
  • a piece of paper telling us to make sure we have the latest firmware
  • some "GoPro(r) Be a Hero" stickers

A huge, too cool box is, of course, overkill, but the lack of a multi-page instruction for downs, and replacing it with a piece of paper that sends us to the site is right, at least here they saved a little wood and saved users from unnecessary waste paper, which most of them will not even open.

On the side of the camera are connectors and a slot for a microSD card.

There are 3 buttons on the camera:

  • on/off/mode switching
  • shooting/photo
  • on/off WiFi

WiFi is used to connect to a WiFi remote control or smartphone, on which you can install an application that allows you to remotely control the camera and see on the screen the same thing that it sees. Since I don’t have one or the other, this button annoys me, but if you have the appropriate devices, its benefits are obvious: after all, WiFi drains the battery 10-15% faster, so when it’s not needed, it makes sense to turn it off.

Video and photo quality, examples

Video quality I was satisfied almost completely (if we are talking about shooting in good light). At least, it is much higher than that of a budget camera. The main mode I use is 720p at 30 fps. One minute of video in this resolution weighs about 70 MB.

It's all about, basically, clarity and built-in deshaker which, by the way, works well. But with color reproduction things get a little worse.

The camera very noticeably "softens" the image, giving it a yellowish-pastel tone. Moreover, the color ratio is preserved, and when using auto levels in the editor, the picture acquires the lost blue and becomes much more similar to the original. But this is provided that there are no blockages in the frame, for example, a bright sun. If they are, all adjustments will have to be done manually. Here, for example, is the same frame shot on GoProshka and on a regular camera, see the difference:

GoPro Hero 3 camera features that won me over

Underwater photography

As you know, everyone who has ever snorkeled in more or less transparent waters must have thought that it would be great to capture underwater beauty in a photo or video. Some citizens solve this problem with underwater shooting boxes, to which this site is dedicated.

GoPro owners get an amazing bonus of underwater shooting without any additional devices: because the camera is already supplied with a hermetic box! And what is especially nice here is the price. For example, a GoPro Hero 3 White camera (with box) costs $200, and an aqua box for Canon camera Powershot G15 - over $300.

Let's add here the ability to fix the goproshka on any part of the body, freeing your hands and focusing on diving and contemplating the beauties, and not on whether we are even or not in this moment We also shoot on how uncomfortable it is to row with one hand.

This is what a person who knows the problem firsthand tells you: I have ever dived with Canon camera SX100 in . Unfortunately, I can’t give an illustration of using the GoPro Hero 3 camera underwater yet, but I will correct it.


For some strange reasons, the ability to shoot time lapses, with all the simplicity of its implementation, is not available in all cameras. And those in which it is implemented usually cost much more than $200.

Typical timelapse (3.2 Mb) - not shot on GoPro, but the essence is the same

GoPro cameras capture time lapses with adjustable frame intervals, which can be selected from the following set of values: 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, and 60 seconds.

Actually, that says it all. After all, capturing how quickly the sun sets and how wildly the clouds rush across the sky is, perhaps, the second obsessive desire of all amateur photographers after underwater photography and dew on the leaves.

GoPro Hero 3 White edition camera disadvantages

Yes, this camera, of course, also has disadvantages. I can draw your attention to the following:

1. The camera is designed exclusively for shooting in bright light, ideally on a clear day outdoors. When trying to shoot video indoors, an incredible amount of noise appears in the frame, and the overall video quality becomes indigestible.

2. Incorrect color reproduction, incl. in bright light (“softening” the picture, as mentioned above).

3. Very strange behavior of the camera when shooting a long time lapse, especially when the light starts to change (for example, the same sunset). From frame to frame, exposure and color balance can jump as they please. In low-light scenes, the camera can increase the exposure as it should be, or it can suddenly decide that enough is enough and set the parameters at which we can see only a black screen for the next thousand frames. Here good example illustrating all these jambs:

4. Camera GoPro Hero 3 shamelessly buggy. Maybe it's just my copy. But the glitches will be below in detail.

5. Of the less obvious and more controversial shortcomings: well, why not make more mounting lugs on the case? This would have made the structure heavier by a couple of grams, but how much more versatile the camera would have become in terms of mounting!

Well, since we're talking about fixing...

GoPro camera mounts - make or buy?

A little pleased with the acquisition, I thought. The two adhesive tape mounts included in the kit - one on a flat surface, the other on a convex one - did not impress me very much, because where to glue them, you still have to figure out, and then constantly live with the thought “what if it falls off?”

As a bonus third mount, a flat platform on which the camera stood during the sale can be used, but in my case this was also not an option, because. the length of the mounting lugs does not allow the camera to be positioned parallel to the platform.

Well, there is an easy way here - to buy. After all, a crazy amount of different accessories are sold for GoPro cameras. If you look at the Internet on this topic, then, literally, your eyes start to run wide. And, it seems, each gizmo separately is not so expensive. It turns out expensive when the leading eyes also want this mount on the steering wheel for $ 20 and this for the head for 22 and this for the chest for 30 ... As a result, the amount quickly exceeds 100 bucks. In general, buying is not our way. And I decided to do it myself.

Homemade GoPro forehead mount

The first thing that came to mind was to adapt the mount from a headlamp. No sooner said than done, since there were plenty of substandard flashlights in my household.

Not as beautiful and functional as industrial. The main two drawbacks are the impossibility of quickly removing the camera from the site and the periodic spontaneous loosening of the nuts, accompanied by “pecking”. The disadvantage, in principle, is removable, but for now it will do.

An important point. Pay attention to the metal plates hammered between the fixing ears of the hermetic box. It is necessary to select them so that the total thickness of the plates exactly matches the gap, otherwise, when tightening the nuts, you have every chance to spoil the product!

The disadvantage of this GoPro mount on the forehead is its non-rigidity. When driving on a bumpy road, the camera jumps quite a lot relative to the head, adding jitter in order. In this regard, the fastening must be reinforced with additional straps, although, in my opinion, it is impossible to ensure a sufficiently rigid position on the head with the help of a brace. That is why cameras are very fond of mounting on helmets: a properly selected helmet is practically a single whole with the head.

Homemade GoPro camera mount on the chest and other parts of the body

The forehead mount easily transforms into a chest strap. It is enough to slip it under the belt tightened in the right place.

The mounting platform from the flashlight turned out to be quite versatile. With shorter straps, it can also be attached to places such as the ankle and knee. In general, there is room for creativity.

In the following video, I give examples of mounting the camera on different parts of the body during a ski trip.

For some unknown reason, my camera always turns out to be tilted to the right. Moreover, if at first I thought that I always ride with my head tilted, then I suddenly discovered that the same tilt is obtained when attached to the knee, ankle, chest. What is the catch - it is not clear. Either the camera warps a little towards the battery due to imbalance, or I fixed it on the site with an offset to the right.

Sometimes you really want to attach a bubble level to the goproshka.


Although the manufacturer will not pay me a cent for these lines, I will say that gopro- an extremely convenient thing, completely worth the money (of course, I was doubly pleased to receive it as a gift, but we're not talking about that). The scope for capturing reality from a variety of angles and in a variety of conditions, this camera provides huge.

For example, there is a video on Youtube where one American DIYer attached it to a radio-controlled glider, on which he descended from a height of about 30 kilometers, so we have someone to take an example from. Although, this do-it-yourselfer is not the only one, Youtube tells us that only the most notorious lazy person has not yet tried to attach a gopro to an airplane / glider / balloon. For example, I’m going to make a report with, but I’ll wait for the wind ...

UPD: Problems with the GoPro Hero 3 White camera: the camera does not turn on

Despite the general enthusiasm for the product, I regret to add the following unpleasant remark here. If in the future there will be problems with the camera, I will add their description here.

Description of the problem

For no apparent reason, the camera suddenly refused to turn on.

The harbinger of strange behavior was the flashing of the WiFi light, which could not be turned off by pressing the corresponding button. It helped only to remove the battery, after which the camera no longer turned on.

How did they do it?

Since the camera is under warranty, I did not try to climb inside, and without this, all options for action boil down to the following:

  • remove/insert memory card
  • remove/insert USB
  • remove/insert battery
  • Turn on, turn off
  • shake, knock, blow

And also to all possible combinations of the above actions.

Having resorted to all these measures at the moment the problem was discovered, I did not get any effect, caught fire and went to bed, with the idea that now I need to look for warranty documents and ... in short, I lost my camera for a long time.

After about an hour I touched the camera - it turned out to be warm! In horror, I pulled out the battery, already suspecting that there was a short circuit inside, everything burned out, and the battery also died.

The camera worked after I blew into the battery compartment and then inserted the battery. After that, she began to turn on, turn off and shoot without any problems.

Causes of malfunction and disappointing conclusions

What was the reason is completely incomprehensible, but the incident leads to extremely unpleasant thoughts about reliability of GoPro cameras. And if this happened at the moment when it was supposed to be filmed the most valuable video in life?

For example, it was precisely because of these problems that the moment of flight from rescuers was not captured on video at the time, which is rather insulting.

I will definitely unsubscribe about further oddities in the behavior of the camera, although, of course, I really hope that the glitch was a one-time, caused by bad location satellites around Jupiter, and it will not happen again.

Continuation of a story

Alas, the disease progressed. About a month after writing the previous paragraph, the camera finally died: it refused to turn on and charge the battery when connected to USB. The “let it rest and try again” method, which worked well earlier, has now failed to produce results.

Recharging the battery outside the camera did not help either, and the methods of reviving the camera, which are in abundance at the request of “GoPro dead”, “GoPro won’t power on”, etc., did not work either.

Tellingly, no extraordinary actions with the camera, or use it in extreme conditions did not have. The problem arose upon arrival home after a completely normal past video shooting.

In May 2014, the camera was handed over for warranty repair in Moscow and returned to me only in August. The fault is the motherboard that was replaced. As it turned out during a thorough examination, it was not the board that was replaced, but the entire camera as a whole (some characteristic abrasions on the case disappeared).

One way or another, let's hope that the problems are over. At the moment (December 20, 2014) — the flight is normal.

(Questions about GoPro Hero 3+)

IN: How to turn on the camera?

ABOUT: To turn on the GoPro Hero 3+ camera, you need to install a charged battery into the body, then press button No. 5 (see photo) on the front of the camera once

IN: Why is there a "white elastic band" (retainer) in the kit?

ABOUT: The latch is installed in the mount (see photo). In most cases, it is not necessary, because. the plug is very tight.

IN: How to enable video recording?

ABOUT: To start recording video, you need to press the button on top of the camera once

IN: Camera modes

IN: How to enable Photo+Video mode?

ABOUT: Simultaneous Video and Photo mode allows you to shoot both video and photo at the same time. You can set the camera settings so that photo capture is activated every 5, 10, 30, or 60 seconds during video recording. Before setting Photo Capture in Video Recording mode, check that the appropriate video resolution is set and that Protune is turned off.

Note: You can shoot in Simultaneous Video and Photo mode only when the resolution is set to: 1080p at 30 and 24 fps, 720p at 60 fps, or 1440p at 24 fps.

IN: How to reverse a record?

ABOUT: If you are mounting your HERO 3+ camera upside down but want the files to display correctly when viewed or edited later, you must enable this feature. It will avoid the need to flip video and photo files after recording.

To enable this mode, you need to turn on the camera, enter General settings, then to the Capture Settings section and select the required item marked with the icon

IN: Why spot meter mode?

ABOUT: Spot Meter should be used when shooting from a dark area to a bright area, such as when shooting from inside a car.

To enable this mode, you need to turn on the camera, enter the general settings, then the Capture Settings section and select the required item marked with the icon

IN: Why low light (auto low light) mode?

ABOUT: The GoPro HERO3+'s Auto Low Light mode automatically adjusts frame rates to find the optimal frame rate for use in both bright and dimly lit environments.

IN: How to quickly exit the settings?

ABOUT: In order to quickly exit the camera settings menu without scrolling to the EXIT item, you need to press and hold button No. 2 (see photo)

IN: Why are blurry photos?

ABOUT: Because the camera does not have an image stabilizer, flash, and / or other source of external illumination of the subjects being shot, the presence of good lighting in the shooting area is very important. On a sunny day, you will definitely get good dynamic pictures, but their quality will drop commensurately with a decrease in illumination (evening, twilight, night)

Advice: To reduce photo blur, use a Wi-Fi remote/smartphone with the proprietary GoPro app by pressing the capture button on it. Thus, the camera will remain more stable. You can also turn on continuous shooting in the camera settings, one of several shots should turn out clear.

IN: How to enable/disable Wi-Fi?

ABOUT: In order to turn on the Wi-Fi module in the camera, you need to press the button on the end of the camera once

The fact that Wi-Fi is on is signaled by a blue LED on the front of the camera and an icon on the display.

To turn it off, press and hold the button on the end of the camera. Switching off is signaled by 7 flashes of the blue LED, as well as the absence of an icon on the LCD display.

Attention: remember that the wireless module works autonomously, even when the camera is turned off.

IN: How to connect the Wi-Fi remote to the camera?

ABOUT: To connect the camera and the remote control, it is necessary to carry out the so-called pairing. First, turn on Wi-Fi on your camera.

You need to enter the menu WiFi settings. To do this, click again on the Wi-Fi enable button.

Choose New

The camera will enter remote search mode

After that, you need to turn on the remote control by holding the red button. After turning on (2-3 seconds), release the red button - the remote control will go into search mode. After a while, the pairing will be established.

Can the remote control be submerged in water? is he water resistant?

It is dust/moisture/splash resistant. The remote control can not be submerged deeper than 3 meters under water

IN: How to connect a smartphone/tablet to the camera?

ABOUT: To connect the camera and your device, you need to download the proprietary GoPro app. You can do this in App Store(for IOS) and in PlayMarket (for Android).

First, turn on Wi-Fi. Press the button again and go to the settings. Choosing a GoPro app

Let's move on to the smartphone / tablet. Open the WiFi connection settings and select the network with the camera name. Enter the standard password to connect goprohero(pay attention to the case of letters, this is important).

We open the application. We are asked to change the name WiFi networks and her password (this step is required).

A confirmation of the change with new data will appear on the screen

The connection is established, you can use the functionality of the application to control the camera.

IN: What is the standard Wi-Fi password?

ABOUT: goprohero (no spaces)

IN: Camera operating time. Charger

The charging time of the camera may be different, it depends on the output current of your charger. If you charge the camera through the original charger, the charging time will be 1.5 hours at 80% and 2 hours at 100%. Standard charging gives out a current equal to 1A, at a voltage of 5V. When choosing Z \ U, look at its parameters. Ideally, they should match the parameters of the original chargers. When using a charger with a higher current strength, battery wear increases. Non-original chargers can charge the battery up to 100% in two to three hours.

IN: What is hard reset for GoPro?

ABOUT: hard reset is resetting the camera settings to default values.

IN: Does a hard reset reset the firmware?

ABOUT: No, the firmware does not change, all your settings are simply reset to factory defaults

IN: How to make a hard reset?

ABOUT: Turn off the camera, remove the battery, press the capture button and do not let go, insert the battery, press the power button. The settings will be reset.

IN: How to format a flash drive through the camera?

ABOUT: You need to go to the settings and scroll to the last item with the trash icon. At this point select All/Format and confirm the action.

IN: Why can't I delete files from the memory card when the camera is connected to a PC?

ABOUT: The Hero 3+ camera is protected against file deletion when the camera is connected to a PC via a USB cable. In order to clear the memory card, you can use the above method (No. 21) and clear the contents of the card in the camera itself. Or by connecting a memory card to a PC using a card reader.

IN: How can I watch the captured video on TV?

ABOUT: There are several options, you can choose the most convenient:

1. By connecting the camera via an HDMI cable (the cable is not included and must be purchased separately)

2. By copying files from a memory card to a USB flash drive and connecting to a TV (smart), set-top box / player, etc.

3. By connecting the camera to the TV directly via the USB port, like a flash drive

IN: Why does the video slow down when viewed on a PC?

ABOUT: The camera shoots video with a high bitrate and the computer can not cope with its decoding. There are several ways to fix this situation:

1. install the current (fresh) codec

2. try another player (VLC for example)

3. if possible, then use "hardware video acceleration"

4. change the computer to a more powerful one (upgrade the CPU, video card, RAM)

5. transcode the captured video into a less "heavy" format/bitrate and then watch it.

IN: How and with what to process the captured video?

ABOUT: There are many programs for video editing, you need to decide which one will be convenient for you? Which one is right for a particular task?

The most simple to learn, but at the same time quite powerful in terms of functionality are:

Sony Vegas (Windows)

Final Cut Pro (Mac)

Further, more complex programs can be noted, such as Adobe products - Adobe Premiere Pro (not to be confused with Adobe After Effects, because AE for compositing and special effects). So are simpler ones, for example, standard Windows Movie Maker, etc.

IN: What to do if the camera freezes?

ABOUT: If your camera freezes, it usually means that you need to update the firmware or you have some problems with the SD card. Below are the steps to help you troubleshoot the issue:

1. Find out what you have installed latest version firmware. You can find out how this is done in item #30. If you have an old version of the firmware, or if you are not sure that you have the latest version, we recommend that you update it.

2. If you have the latest firmware, you may need to update it manually, as some failures may have occurred during installation.

3. Try reformatting the SD card using the "delete ALL" menu function.

Try another known good SD card. Try to use cards of quality manufacturers!

4. If your camera is still freezing, you need to contact GoPro Customer Support using the "Contact Us" form.

IN: How to reduce the fisheye effect?

ABOUT: First, let's figure out what it is. Fisheye, fisheye (from the English fish-eye) - a distorting ultra-wide-angle lens. It differs from conventional (orthoscopic) short-focus lenses by a pronounced uncorrected barrel-shaped distortion and a field of view angle close to or greater than 180°. The use of a fisheye lens is most often reflected in shooting outdoor extreme sports (parkour, skateboarding, BMX, etc.). We can say that it is the "main" lens in such shootings, allowing you to capture from a short distance both the "rider" himself and the architecture used when performing tricks. Also, the use of a fisheye lens is very common in shooting spherical panoramas, since it allows you to get a full panorama sphere with a minimum number of frames.

We now know that this is the type of wide angle lens found on the Gopro Hero 3+. In order to reduce this effect, the settings need to be done a few simple steps. Open the camera settings and select the menu with the settings for resolution and frames per second. There are 4 setting items in this menu: RES (Resolution); FPS (frames per second); FOV (angle of view \ field of view); LOW LIGHT (low lighting).

We need an item called FOV. The camera has three viewing angle settings: WIDE (wide) MEDIUM (medium) NARROW (narrow). To reduce the fisheye effect, we need to set the viewing angle to exactly NARROW (narrow). Note that as the viewing angle decreases, the picture will no longer be widescreen.

Reducing the viewing angle through the settings is not the only way remove fisheye. For those who process video, there are video tutorials on how to remove fish in editors. When using editors, some part of the picture will still be lost.

IN: What should I do if the camera does not turn on?

ABOUT: If your camera does not turn on, then the problem may be either in the camera itself, or in the battery, SD card, or somewhere in the camera the contact is lost. Here are some tips to help you figure out what problem you have.

1. Disconnect all BacPac accessories, battery and SD card from the camera. Insert only one battery. If the camera turned on, then your camera just hung and now you can safely continue to work with it.

2. If the camera still does not turn on, remove and reinsert the battery and charge the camera using a USB charger or your computer. Do not try to turn on the camera while it is charging. You should see a red light on the front of the camera. Once the light is off, disconnect the camera from the USB and turn it on. If the camera turned on, then your battery was dead and just needed to be recharged.

3. If your camera won't turn on and it's a HERO3, look at the red light on the back of the camera. If it is dim, remove/insert the battery and try turning the camera on again. You may have to do this 10 times until the camera turns on.

4. Try to make a Hard Reset (item #20)

5. If your camera still won't turn on, you'll need to contact GoPro Customer Support using the "Contact Us" form.

IN: How to find out the firmware version of the camera?

ABOUT: You can check the firmware version installed on your HERO2 or HERO3/3+ camera by looking at the version.txt file saved on the SD card in the MISC folder.

If you cannot find the file, follow these steps:

1. Reformat the SD card using the "delete ALL" menu function.

2. Record a short video or take one photo.

3. In the MISC folder you will find the version.txt file.

4. Open the file. For the HERO3 camera, you will find a firmware version line, "firmware version", and a Wi-Fi version line, "wi-fi version". For the HERO2 camera, you will find a line with the firmware version, "version".

IN: Why do I need .lrv and .thm files on a GoPro memory card?

A: .lrv - These are video files in low resolution (Low Resolution Video).

.lrv can be used to edit video files on weak PCs, and in the final render, replace them with high-resolution originals. If you change the extension of these files to .mp4, you can view them with a simple player. These files can also be used by smartphones to display captured videos through a proprietary application.

.thm are thumbnails of recorded video files (Thumbnail Image File).

.thm can be used to display the first image on the camera's LCD screen, or preview it on a smartphone via the GoPro app.

These files may appear on the memory card if you shoot with: HERO3+ Black, HERO3+ Silver Edition, HERO3: Black Edition, HERO3: Silver Edition, HERO3: White Edition, HD HERO2, with LCD screen, or via the GoPro app

IN: Why can't I view the captured photos and videos on iOS through the app?

ABOUT: In order for you to be able to view the footage through the application in an iOS smartphone, you must allow the application to save photos on the device when you first start the program.

Everything is solved simply: open "Settings",

and move the slider in front of the GoPro

Instead of a preface

The history of GoPro began during a trip to Australia by Nick Woodman. It was then that he decided to bring to life an idea that he had been thinking about for several years. He dreamed of conveying in photography the sensations that you experience when riding a perfect wave: what is it like to be inside a water tunnel and run your hand through the water that closes above your head? Cameras that could handle such a task in those days were very expensive, and only professionals could shoot such videos. Nick and his comrades wanted to become professionals (“go pro”) and look like heroes (“hero”) in the eyes of others. Thus, he set out to develop the world's first affordable wrist-mounted camera.

Contents of delivery

GoPro Hero 3 comes in a quality plastic box. On a special stand-mount, the camera itself flaunts in a waterproof case, and a rather rich set of accessories is compactly placed under the camera.

Despite such a serious set of accessories, you still have to buy additional ones, depending on the needs of the videographer.

And now the kit itself:

  • the camera itself
  • case with waterproof (up to 60 m) and conventional (non-sealed) lid for improved sound recording
  • flat mount
  • 3-way swivel
  • stickers for attaching the mount itself to flat (1 pc.) and curved (1 pc.) surfaces
  • USB cable
  • 2 branded stickers (a la Apple)
  • instruction
  • guarantee


The camera is very light (74 g) and very tiny, even in a bulky waterproof case. Made from impact resistant plastic.

This is what the camera looks like with the iPhone 4S, with not the biggest and longest phone.

On the front there are two indicators (on and shooting), a monochrome display, a power button, which is also one of the control keys, and a slightly protruding lens.

On the left side there are HDMI, microUSB connectors, a slot for micro-SD memory cards (up to 64 Gb).

At the back is a 1050 mAh lithium-ion battery. Enough for 3-4 hours of active shooting.

Photo and video shooting

GoPro Hero 3 Silver Edition has an 11-megapixel matrix, shoots Full HD (up to 30 fps), HD (up to 60 fps) and WVGA (848 × 480) 120 (!) fps. You can shoot excellent slow-motion, even at 60 fps. The image quality is quite good for this sensor size. Detailing starts to suffer in the dark. But in general, for an action camera, GoPro shoots just fine, copes with all its tasks 100%. There will be no videos of their own yet, since the camera has not been used in the conditions for which it is intended. But in the winter they will...

I think many people remember the video when the camera was thrown from the stratosphere, and it did not suffer at all ...

And here is how the camera was used on RedBull Mount biking.

Additional functions

There is a special accessory for GoPro cameras - a remote remote control via Wi-Fi (with Black Edition included). It duplicates the monochrome screen of the camera itself and receives a signal up to 200 m line of sight.

The same function is performed by a special GoPro application, which is available in the App Store, Play Market and even in the Windows Store.

White, Silver, Black… What to take?

As you know, there are three models of cameras that differ in the characteristics of shooting photos and videos, equipment and price. About each in order:

  • White Edition: 5-megapixel sensor, full hd (up to 30 fps) and hd (up to 60 fps) shooting.
  • Silver Edition: 11-megapixel sensor, full hd (up to 30 fps) and hd (up to 60 fps) shooting + shooting in WVGA (848×480) 120 frames per second, shooting in Protune mode (a special shooting mode with a wide dynamic color range).
  • Black Edition: 12-megapixel sensor, full hd (up to 60 fps) and hd (up to 120 fps) shooting + 2.7K (30 fps) and 4K (15 fps) shooting, Protune mode + Wi-Fi remote control.

Their post-GoPro Hero 3+ prices are $280, $340 and $440. I consider the Silver Edition to be an ideal option for purchase, since it is unlikely that you will use a Wi-Fi remote control and shoot in 4K. The only plus is 120 fps in hd, you can shoot really cool slo-mo.


The GoPro Hero 3 Silver Edition does a great job not only as an action camera, but also as a regular camera that you can use to capture memorable events, carry it around with you all the time and shoot fun slo-mo videos.

And imagine how cool you would look on skis or snowboard with a camera on your helmet among a crowd of “non-professionals”. It can also be used for a trip to the sea for shooting underwater and not only.

It may seem that if you are not involved in extreme sports, then you do not need such a camera. In fact, the camera hides a lot hidden opportunities and ways of application.

Not every Class 10 memory card will work properly on GoPro HERO 3+ cameras and HERO Black, and in particular, crashes are observed in ProTune mode and when shooting video at 4K resolution.
The GoPro HERO3+ and the slightly older GoPro HERO3 are particularly sensitive to this type of microSD card. If you notice that the video recording stops unexpectedly, then the memory card is definitely the problem (the only exception can be a battery that is almost empty).

The incompatibility of a memory card with GoPro equipment is precisely when you are trying to record video at the maximum resolution that the camera is capable of. The problem will be more visible if you use ProTune mode, which allows you to record more data than in the standard camera mode. Manufacturers of microSD 10 CLASS also did not announce its speed in advance, which further aggravated the situation. If you look at any packaging of memory cards from world brands, you will definitely find information that identifies speed data. Some manufacturers indicate the reading speed. Some indicate a label to indicate the write speed, such as 300x.

Both of the above GoPro 3 cameras need a microSD card with a fast write speed, and this CLASS 10 card does not meet this requirement. I used a Sandisk Ultra memory card. Although on paper its characteristics seemed to me more than high, in reality the video shooting was not carried out properly. But, as soon as I purchased a SanDisk Extreme memory card, the video “flyed” not just in standard mode, but even in Protune mode.

Both GoPro cameras, HERO 3+ and GoPro HERO 3, work on a CLASS 10 microSD card, but only up to 64 GB. However, not all CLASS 10 flash cards are the same. It would be great if the cards of this class were standard, but, unfortunately, this is not the case. Two different CLASS 10 cards from two different manufacturers can have different write speed parameters, and this is the main problem! But if you delve deeper into this problem, it turns out that there are different kinds write speeds, which vary depending on the combination of hardware and software used digital device. Below is a list of memory cards that are officially recommended for use with GoPro HERO 3+ cameras.
And if you are wondering what is the difference between SDHC and SDXC, then this has nothing to do with speed. It's just that the SDHC card type has a storage capacity of up to 32 GB, while SDXC has more than 32 GB.

SanDisk Extreme 64GB microSDXC Memory Card(Model No. SDSDQXL-064G)
Includes microSD to SD adapter
SanDisk Extreme 32GB microSDHC Memory Card(Model No. SDSDQXL-032G)
Includes USB adapter
Lexar 64GB SDXC 300x(Model No. LSDMI64GBBNL300R)
Lexar 32GB SDHC 600x(Model No. LSDMI32GBSBNA600R)
Memory card plus small USB adapter
Includes SD adapter
Delkin 32GB SDHC(Model No. DDMICROSDPRO2-32GB)
Kit with SD adapter
Samsung 64GB SDXC(Model No. MB-MGCGB/AM)
No adapter. Although this card is officially recommended by GoPro, some users are having trouble using this card due to the slow write speed.

New Versions of SanDisk Extreme Memory Cards

SanDisk Extreme cards, which are included in the official GoPro listing, have faster read speeds (60MB/s) and slightly slower write speeds (40MB/s).
The new map version seems to work perfectly in GoPro HERO3+ Black cameras. And while a new version is not on the official GoPro list, there are two benefits to working with the new model. The first is the price. As the stock of the older model decreases, some retailers increase the price due to high demand. And some sellers generally inflate the cost by half compared to the new model. The second advantage is that the new model is much easier to find in the sales markets. So here are the newer versions.

. Model No. SDSDQXN-064G-G46A.
Included with SD adapter
Model No. SDSDQXN-032G-G46A
Included with SD adapter
(Model No. SDSDQX-064G-AFFP-A)
Included with SD adapter
SanDisk Extreme Plus 32GB.(Model No. SDSDQX-032G-U46A)
MicroSD to SD adapter

Other GoPro Hero models aren't as picky about their requirements, as their specs are lower than their Black Edition counterparts. However, there are skeletons in the closet here too: the problems of matching the card with some models and some shooting modes.

HERO3 Cameras: White and Silver

These two cameras are compatible with any CLASS 10 microSD card (both SDHC and SDXC). Under certain circumstances (see below), you can get away with a lower class card.

HERO3 Silver and HERO3+ Silver

Requires MicroSD CLASS 10 up to 64 GB for 0.5 second time-lapse; for continuous shooting (10 frames per 1 second - 10/1); to support Protune mode.

HERO3: White Edition

Requires a CLASS 4 microSD up to 64 GB.
Requires MicroSD CLASS 10 up to 64 GB for time lapse shooting at 0.5 second intervals.


Requires SD 10 CLASS up to 64 GB for time lapse shooting at 0.5 second intervals; for continuous shooting (10/1); to support Protune mode (if you want to use any of these features, make sure your memory card is SDHC, not SDXC).

HD HERO Original and HD HERO 960

Requires SD 4 CLASS up to 32 GB.
SDXC type cards (more than 32 GB) will not work in these models.

GoPro is an industry-changing camera whose name has become a household name. You often hear how this name is called any action camera. Just 16 years after the first prototype was built, the manufacturing company, led by Nick Woodman, experienced explosive growth, and today is the fastest growing camera and video company in the world with an annual turnover of more than $ 1.5 billion.

Nicholas Woodman, the founder of the company, an amateur photographer and avid surfer, had the idea back in the early 2000s of attaching some existing camera to his hand to show how riding a surfboard through the eyes of the surfer himself, since shooting from the shore was not so spectacular, and professional equipment was expensive and completely immobile. After several unsuccessful attempts, he decided to create his own camera complete with a mount and a sealed box. This is how the GoPro company was born, today there are more than twenty full-fledged action cameras, each with its own character, functionality and set of accessories. But they are all united by one idea: "Go Pro" - literally, become a professional. Indeed, the capabilities of the camera and its mounts allow you to shoot, in no way inferior to professional athletes and cameramen.

The variety of released models and their external similarity often raise the question: what is the advantage of one model over another, and how to distinguish between them? This article aims to answer this question.

GP HERO (2005)

This is the first industrial model of GoPro, which was then called GP HERO. Known for being the only camera to take photos on 35mm film. It was powered by two AAA batteries. The delivery set included a camera, a hand mount and a sealed aquabox with the ability to dive to a depth of 5 meters.

GoPro Digital HERO (2006)

GoPro Digital HERO is the world's first digital action camera. The name has changed from GP to the usual GoPro. Unlike its film predecessor, it supported shooting 10-second videos - then the camera did not have a slot for memory cards, and the internal memory was only 16 MB. But this was already enough to win over an army of fans and earn the first serious money on it.

The scope of delivery has not changed: a camera, a waterproof box and a soft mount on the hand. She was also powered by two finger batteries.

gopro Digital HERO3 andDigital HERO5 (2007)

The following two models are very similar to the original Digital HERO in appearance and functionality, so it's easy to confuse them.

Digital HERO3 differed from its predecessor by the presence of an SD card slot (support for a memory card up to 2 GB), and Digital HERO5 by a similar slot and an improved 5MP matrix.

GoPro Digital HERO Wide (2008)

Then comes the Digital HERO Wide, a very important model in the company's history. Since it included mounting not only on the arm, but also on the head and other parts of the body, the line of accessories began to develop rapidly, thanks to which GoPro made a splash among amateurs. active rest and became popular with the masses. The number of competitors trying to diligently copy the camera and its functionality has also increased.

It is the first model to record video in 640x480 resolution and equipped with a 170-degree wide-angle lens, better known as "Fisheye". The matrix "Hero" was inherited from the previous model, but the waterproof box and the packaging concept have changed, which has remained unchanged to this day: a stylish black box with accessories and documents, and above it - a plastic cube with a camera.

gopro HERO 960 (2010)

The camera has been further developed, abandoning AAA batteries in favor of a replaceable lithium battery, which made it possible to make a flat rear surface. The design of the aquabox remained the same, but the box itself became a little deeper, since the novelty was a few millimeters thicker. Manufacturers also abandoned the viewfinder window, which was present on all previously released models. What's more, HERO 960 now shoots in 960p and 720p.

gopro HD HERO (2011)

The big brother of the HERO 960. GoPro now has the ability to record Full HD video in 1080p resolution at 30 frames per second. For 2011, this was a big breakthrough. A multifunctional port appeared on the back of the novelty, allowing you to connect BacPac accessories - LCD screens and additional batteries. The HD HERO, like its budget-friendly alternative, the HERO 960, sold very well and fueled the company's growth.

gopro HD HERO2 (2011)

In 2011, the manufacturer, following HD Hero, launched its new development on the market - GoPro HD HERO2. The camera was equipped with an 11MP sensor and an advanced processor, which allowed HD HERO2 to shoot video at up to 120 fps. A new Protune mode has been added to the camera - a special shooting mode with an extended dynamic color range. The model was released in three different trim levels: Outdoor Edition with helmet mount, Motorsport Edition with suction cup mount and Surf Edition with surfboard mount.

The manufacturer also released a new accessory: a BacPac Wi-Fi module with a remote control, with which you could remotely control the capabilities and settings of the camera and link it to mobile devices or a computer using a special program.

GoPro HERO3 White Edition, Silver EditionAndBlack Edition (2012)

Three new cameras were introduced at the end of 2012: GoPro HERO3 White, Silver and Black. They were 30% smaller and 25% lighter than their predecessors, despite the built-in Wi-Fi module in each new product, and were equipped with new waterproof boxes that can withstand water pressure even at a depth of 45 meters. Complete accessories and camera mounts remain the same. The models themselves in this line could be distinguished from each other by the color of the number "3" on the front panel.

White copied the functionality of the HD HERO model: shooting photos at 5MP, 1080p video at up to 30 fps and 720p at up to 60 fps. Silver copied the HD HERO2: 11MP stills, 1080p video up to 30fps, 720p up to 60fps, WVGA (848x480) up to 120fps, and support for Protune mode. And the new flagship of the company, Black, became incredibly popular in the market due to its capabilities: the camera shot photos at a resolution of 12MP and 4K video at 15 fps and 2.7K at 30 fps. Moreover, the manufacturer decided to include a Wi-fi Remote in the Black Edition, which was previously only available with the Wi-Fi BacPac accessory. Like the HD HERO2, HERO3 Black also came in three different trims: Adventure, Motorsport, and Surf Edition. While the first two trims were identical except for the box design, the Surf Edition included a surfboard mount instead of straight and curved adhesive platforms.

GoPro HERO3+ Silver Edition and Black Edition (2013)

In 2013, GoPro releases HERO3+ Silver and Black, replacing the respective previous generation models. At the same time, HERO3 White Edition is still in the lineup as a budget model. Serious work has been done on the bugs: improved stability, quality of shooting in low light, image stabilization, increased battery capacity and redesigned noise reduction system. Now the cameras heat up less during operation, which was so lacking in the previous series.

Externally, the models differed only with a "+" sign next to the model name. Silver in FullHD resolution now shot at 60 fps, but the manufacturer decided to remove the ProTune mode from its functionality. The technical specifications of the Black series have not changed much, but the equipment has changed: the Motorsport version has disappeared, and a new Music version has been added to the Adventure and Surf with a special mount for musical instruments, mic stand mount and clothespin included.

The plastic of the HERO3+ boxes has become a little thinner, the aquabox has become more compact and lighter, because of this, the immersion depth with it has decreased to 30 meters. However, the box was still compatible with previous generation cameras. It is also possible to connect an external microphone via an adapter.

gopro HERO 2014

This camera is also known as the GoPro HERO4 Gray Edition. This model inherited and developed the concept of the HD HERO model. Due to its low cost, it has become one of the leaders in the budget market.

Of the features, it should be noted a 5MP matrix, shooting video in FullHD at a frequency of 30 fps, a capacious battery that allows continuous shooting up to 3 hours, interval shooting (Time Lapse) and a wide viewing angle (Superview). Of the obvious disadvantages: the lack of a Wi-Fi module, a battery built into the case, as well as the inability to get the camera out of the aquabox.

In the entire history of the company, this model is the most budgetary, its price at the time of the start of sales was only $129.

GoPro HERO4 Silver Edition and Black Edition (2014)

In September 2014, the manufacturer announced the release of two new models: HERO4 Silver and HERO4 Black. The delivery set included a camera, a waterproof box (immersion depth - up to 40 meters), several mounts and a USB cable. The cameras weighed only 85 grams.

HERO4 Silver copied the functionality of HERO3+ Black, but was sold without a remote control - instead, an LCD touch screen was built into the camera. The design has changed slightly: the LEDs are now located near the monochrome screen. The ProTune mode has also returned, the battery capacity has increased and its location has changed.

HERO4 Black outwardly differed from Silver only in the absence of an LCD screen (for economical battery consumption), but they had significant differences in the filling: now it was possible to shoot 4K video at a frequency of 30 fps, 2.7K at a frequency of 60 fps and 1080p at a frequency of 120 fps, photos in 12MP resolution. Of the features of the model, it should be noted burst shooting (Burst) up to 30 fps, continuous shooting up to 10 fps, Time Lapse with an interval of 0.5 to 60 s, turning on the camera and starting recording by pressing one button (QuickCapture) and tagging mode (HiLight Tag). All three trims of the flagship have been inherited from the HERO3+ Black, with the only exception being that the Adventure Edition is now called the Standard Edition.

GoPro HERO+AndHERO+LCD (2015)

In 2015, two new models were released one after another: HERO+ and HERO+ LCD. Both new items were a logical continuation of HERO 2014, replacing it in the budget segment.

HERO+ differed from HERO 2014 in the presence of a Wi-Fi module, and HERO+ LCD differed in the presence of a Wi-Fi module and an LCD screen. Otherwise, the characteristics of the new models coincided with those of HERO 2014.

gopro HERO4 session (2015)

The GoPro HERO4 Session was announced back in 2014 along with the HERO4 Black and HERO4 Silver, but the camera didn't go on sale until July 2015. HERO4 Session was shaped like a cube (perfectly new format for GoPro) and turned out to be 50% smaller and 40% lighter than the cameras of the fourth series, with a side size of 38 mm and a weight of only 74 grams. On top of the model was the "Record" button, below it - a small display. Another button was located on the back of the camera: it was responsible for the output useful information on the screen and for turning on Wi-Fi. "Cube" was waterproof to a depth of 10 meters and was equipped with two microphones for audio recording.

After the release of the 5th GoPro series, the manufacturer renamed the HERO4 Session to HERO Session and re-released it in a new, white box.

gopro HERO5 Black Edition AndHERO5 session (2016)

In the fall of 2016, the manufacturer released new series cameras - GoPro HERO5 Black and HERO5 Session. Both models had a sealed case that allowed diving to a depth of 10 meters without a special aquabox, equipped with voice control and a digital stabilization function. They could automatically upload footage to the GoPro Plus cloud (a subscription to the cloud in Russia, unfortunately, is not yet available).

HERO5 Black could be called the flagship in the action camera market due to the following features: the ability to shoot video in 4K resolution at 30 fps, 1080p at 120 fps and 720p at 240 fps, photos in 12MP resolution, the ability to shoot in RAW format and the presence of a GPS module for receiving telemetry. What's more, HERO5 Black has an LCD touchscreen that lets you control all of the camera's settings. The HERO5 Session has slightly more modest specifications: shooting video in 4K resolution at 30 fps, 1080p at 90 fps, 720p at 120 fps and photos at 10MP resolution.

gopro HERO6 Black (2017)

The new HERO6 Black model was released exactly one year later and became a logical continuation of HERO5 Black. She inherited the appearance from her predecessor: the same stylish dark gray sealed case with an LCD screen on the back, which ensured full compatibility of accessories. At the hardware level, the differences are more significant: the camera was equipped with an optimized GP1 processor, which improved image quality, and doubled the performance compared to HERO5 Black. Now GoPro could shoot video in 4K resolution at 60 fps, 2.7K at 120 fps and 1080p at 240 fps. This is indeed a major breakthrough for a small camera weighing only 117 grams. Also, thanks to the new Wi-fi module, support for 5GHz networks has appeared, image stabilization has improved, shooting quality in low light has improved, and zooming has become possible.

gopro Fusion (2017)

The next model released by GoPro in the fall of 2017 was a 360-degree camera capable of shooting spherical content in 5.2K30 and 3K60 resolution. In general, the camera inherited some of the characteristic features of past GoPro models, such as water resistance, shockproof, voice control, Wi-Fi connectivity, GPS module, etc., but also included several innovations. Of particular note are the presence of two lenses, each of which writes to a separate memory card, an 18MP matrix, an updated futuristic design, an improved stabilization system and an increased battery capacity.

But Special attention attracts not appearance or specifications cameras, and software designed specifically for this model. The first interesting feature is the ability to record and “glue” photos and videos without visible seams. Another interesting feature is the ability to programmatically remove the complete monopod from the frame so that the immersive effect during viewing is maximum. And not to mention OverCapture - with this feature built into the GoPro App and Fusion Studio, the user can turn spherical content into a traditional 2D video format for further processing and export, for example, to social networks.

GoPro HERO (2018)

In the spring of 2018, GoPro released new camera for novice users - HERO 2018. The following can be said about the novelty: the appearance and design are fully consistent with and, which will ensure full compatibility of mounts and accessories for these models. HERO 2018, like its predecessors, is shockproof and completely waterproof at a depth of up to 10 meters, equipped with a removable 1220mAh battery, and is also equipped with a touch screen, electronic stabilization, Wi-Fi module and voice control.

However, if you look at the technical specifications in more detail, you will find that the model is really focused not on professionals, but on novice users: there are no 4K and 2.7K modes and some flagship functions, but the novelty is capable of shooting video in 1440p and 1080p resolution at 60 frames per second, photos in 10 MP resolution and time-lapse. And the most important difference between HERO 2018 and its predecessors is its price. The camera starts at just $199, making it affordable for just about anyone who wants to buy a GoPro.

GoPro HERO7 (2018)

In the fall of 2018, GoPro updated its line of cameras and introduced three new models: HERO7 White, HERO7 Silver, HERO7 Black. The cameras have a similar form factor, which ensures compatibility of accessories and mounts from previous models.

Model for beginner GoPro lovers. Rugged, waterproof to a depth of 10 meters, supports video in 1440p60 resolution. The camera has built-in digital stabilization and is capable of taking photos at a resolution of 10 MP. The built-in battery will provide up to 1.5 hours of continuous shooting.

Like the younger model, it has a non-removable battery, but it can shoot video in 4K resolution. Digital stabilization, voice control, touchscreen display, the ability to take photos in HDR format - these and other features that users love GoPro so much are implemented in HERO7 Silver.

Without a doubt, the flagship model of this year. Manufacturers have made a breakthrough by equipping the camera with digital three-axis stabilization. This kept the camera compact and made it possible to get incredibly smooth video even without the use of stabilizers. And the implementation of the live broadcast function will allow users to share moments of what is happening without a lag in time. The camera is waterproof up to 10 meters, has a removable lens, which allows you to use aquabox and dive to a depth of 60 meters. Removable battery, 12 MP photos and, of course, 4K video at 60 frames per second.

Also for the most dedicated fans of the company's products, an exclusive limited edition of HERO7 Black is released in all white colors called HERO7 Black Dusk White.

GoPro HERO8 Black and GoPro Max

In the fall of 2019, GoPro once again made a technological leap and updated its line of cameras. On October 1, two professional-class products were presented to the public at once - a model that is a follower of last year's flagship HERO7 Black, and a sequel to the panoramic GoPro Fusion, so beloved by fans of spherical shooting. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

GoPro HERO8 Black not only incorporates all the best features of the previous top GoPro models, but also offers a number of revolutionary solutions that have not previously been seen in the action camera industry, namely, it received support for the so-called "modules" - additional accessories that are integrated into the camera ecosystem and allow you to get a turnkey solution for shooting vlogs.

In particular, the presentation featured: a multifunctional media module with a gun microphone, MicroHDMI, Type-C and 3.5 jack connectors, and two clips for connecting light sources, microphones and LCD screens, commonly called a “cold shoe”, a compact folding screen module designed to make life easier for operators when shooting vlogs, as well as a waterproof and shockproof flashlight module providing brightness up to 200 lumens. The manufacturers promised not to stop there and eventually release a few more modules that will help operators shoot on GoPro faster and better.

The camera itself has also undergone significant modifications. First, the design of the body has changed: it has become slightly larger and narrower, the microphones have been redesigned and improved, and the protective lens of the lens and the legendary “ear” mounts have been integrated into the camera body, which eliminates the need for a mounting frame.

But the main changes concerned precisely the functionality: the device received support for the ultra-modern stabilization of HyperSmooth 2.0, which became available in all resolutions and at any frame rate. New features have been added: LiveBurst (similar to the iPhone's LivePhoto feature), Night VideoLapse - night time-lapse video capability, TimeWarp 2.0, improved HDR photos, and live social sharing in Full HD.

Of particular note is the redesigned interface: it has become even more friendly, and for GoPro users who are just starting to comprehend the basics of action shooting, presets have been invented - recommended preset settings for standard, sports, slow motion and cinematic video shooting. Don't forget about the pros too: shark photography can now use all photo modes to shoot in RAW, and vloggers can use the revolutionary horizon leveling for cinematic shooting!

You can not ignore and - the long-awaited camera for spherical shooting, in the production of which engineers and designers took into account all the shortcomings of its predecessor, Fusion, and turned them into advantages. The camera itself is positioned by GoPro marketers as “Three cameras in one”: after all, in addition to shooting 360 ° video in 5.6K30 resolution, the user can now shoot on each lens separately with 1440p60 parameters, receiving standard 2D video at the output. Also, future MAX users will obviously be delighted that now they need only one flash card to shoot panoramic content, which was so lacking in the previous generation model.

Of course, the manufacturer did not stop at just working on the bugs and added several new, but much-needed and long-awaited features: to please the vloggers, the device was equipped with an LCD screen from which you can control the settings and watch the shooting in real time. Audiophiles are not left out either: MAX is equipped with six (!) Microphones for excellent sound capture. Other highlights include improved MAX HyperSmooth stabilization and MAX TimeWarp, 270° panorama photos, and Full HD social media feed. Finally, the integration with the GoPro App has been completely redesigned for easy creation and sharing of the resulting videos.

In summary, we can conclude the following conclusion: by confidently following the trends, creating and improving its ecosystem of mounts and accessories, and moving towards supporting vlogging, the GoPro camera has ceased to be a highly specialized device for action filming and has become a full-fledged means of self-expression that you want to use every day and take with you everywhere and always.

In just 15 years after the release of the first industrial model, GoPro has made a huge leap from the manufacturer of film cameras to the modern market leader in digital action cameras, which all major players in this niche are guided by. This fact is confirmed by both multimillion-dollar sales and the presence of a huge number of GoPro fans.
