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How to spend a part-time job in 1s. Part-time work: setting up a schedule and calculating wages. Part-time work in the 1s program

03.05.2018 17:44:27 1C:Servistrend ru

Part-time in the 1C program: Accounting 8.3

The fact that an employee is underemployed is reflected in the established work schedule and work time sheets. Let's turn to the program and consider the possibility of accounting for part-time work in the personnel and payroll modules of the program.

This configuration does not contain functionality for creating working time schedules. Accounting for hours worked is carried out on the basis of the production calendar, which can be found by following the navigation path: Main menu / Directories / Production calendars. By default, the production calendar with the name “Russian Federation” is used, which contains the current working time standards for the current year.

To print a time sheet, the responsible user goes to the section: Salaries and personnel / HR reports / Time sheet (T-13). The report will be automatically filled in based on the production calendar with a 5-day, 8-hour work week.

To reflect the fact of part-time work, the printed timesheet form should be edited manually. To do this, you need to execute the command: Main menu / Table / View / Editing. Next, the table cells will become available for input, where the required number of hours is indicated in accordance with the employee’s current schedule.

As an example, let's consider an employee working in an organization at 0.5 pay rate and edit the timesheet for printing.

When calculating wages, the number of hours is also edited manually. Let's go to the section Salaries and personnel / Salary / All accruals. By clicking the “Create” button, the user creates a new “Payroll” document. The days and hours will be automatically filled in the document in accordance with the previously discussed production calendar.

The person responsible for payroll changes the planned rate of hours; when these fields are changed, the columns “Accrued”, “NDFL”, “Contributions” are automatically recalculated.

To work with various work schedules, fully reflect the business processes of personnel records and subsequent automatic calculation of accruals for employees, a program is provided.

Work schedules in this system are indicated upon hiring; they can additionally be changed using the documents “Personnel transfer” and “Change of work schedule”. When creating a graph, you need to click on the “Edit graph properties” hyperlink and make some settings.

Personnel department employees indicate the type of time “Part-time work”, the type of part-time work, and, if necessary, a general schedule for calculating the standard hours and set the number of hours to fill out the annual schedule.

In this case, the timesheet will be filled out automatically based on the annual schedule, i.e. taking into account part-time employment, accordingly, accruals will also be calculated automatically, without requiring additional manual corrections in settlement documents.

Still have questions? We will help you arrange half a working day (0.5 rate) in 1C 8.3 as part of a free consultation!

Hello dear site visitors. Today we will talk about how in the program 1C ZUP 3.0 (3.1) set up salary calculation for an employee who works in the organization part-time on a part-time schedule.We will talk about how to configure the program itself so that it can take into account such employees as correctly set up a part-time work schedule, and we will also analyze the features of calculation for employees with salary in hours (accrual type “Payment by salary (by hour)”) and with salary in days (accrual type “Payment by salary”).

Based on articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (93, 74,203), by agreement between the employee and the employer, a part-time working day (shift) or a part-time working week can be established both upon hiring and subsequently. When working part-time, the employee is paid in proportion to the time worked or depending on the amount of work performed. Salary is set based on full working time.

So, let’s look at a specific example of how to register an employee for a part-time job, and how 1s ZUP 8.3 set up a part-time working schedule (Part-time work). From 11/01/2016 we will accept F.B. Semenov into the organization. In the ZUP program 3.0 (3.1) in the document "Recruitment" We can set different rates for employees. For example, 1(bet), 1\8(eighth of the bet), 1\4(quarter of the bet), 1\3(third of the bet), 1\2(half the bet), 2\3 of the bet (two thirds of the bet), an arbitrary number of bets (any arbitrary fraction), and we can also indicate the bet as a decimal fraction. Employee Semenov F.B. we indicate - 1/2 of the bet.

Setting up a part-time schedule in 1C ZUP 3.0 (3.1) and calculating an employee’s salary

Next, we’ll set up a part-time work schedule. To do this, open the “Settings” section and in the document log “Employee work schedules” we will create a work schedule with the name “Part-time (20 hours)”. Let's press the button Change chart properties and in the “Work schedule settings” window that opens, check the box - Part-time work, type of part-time work – Part time. Also check the box Calculate the norm using a different scheduleFive days(schedule of normal working hours). Let's fill out the work schedule, set the duration of the working day from Monday to Friday - 4 hours (Attendance), the duration of the working week will be calculated automatically - 20 hours. We have set all the parameters, then click the “OK” button and the “Part-time (20 hours)” schedule will be filled in in accordance with the established settings. Now in the “Hiring” document we can indicate this work schedule to our employee.

Let's consider two options for paying an employee working part-time on the Part-time schedule, but with different planned accruals.

Calculation of the salary of a part-time employee with the planned accrual “Payment by salary (by the hour)”

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

In the “Hiring” document, on the “Payment” tab, we will assign the employee a planned accrual of Payment by salary (by the hour). The settings for this type of accrual indicate that the result is calculated using the formula Salary*TimeInHours/NormalHours.

Now we can guess how this employee’s salary for November will be calculated:

  • Salary- in the amount of 40,000 rubles based on full-time work,
  • TimeInHours– this is the time worked according to the part-time work schedule (Part-time work (20 hours)),
  • NormHours– these are hours according to a full-time working schedule (Five days).

If an employee works the entire month, then the time worked according to the “Part-time (20 hours)” schedule will be 83 hours, and the standard time according to the Five-day schedule will be 167 hours. Accordingly, the calculation will be as follows: 40,000*83/167=19,880.24 rubles.

Let's fill out the document, indicate the month of accrual - November. As you can see, the calculation turned out exactly as we expected.

But it is worth noting that the amount turned out to be less than 20,000 rubles. In this situation, this may seem unfair to the employee, since 19,880 is less than half of the full-time salary (40,000). Why is this happening? The fact is that in November there is a pre-holiday day - this is “November 3” and the working hours on this day are reduced by 1 hour. This is what the program did.

If we still want to pay an employee a salary of 20,000 rubles, then we can adjust part-time work schedule manually, setting the operating time on the pre-holiday day to 3.5 hours. Accordingly, the standard time in hours per month will be 83.5 hours, i.e. exactly half of 167 hours (according to the Five-day schedule).

Let's recalculate the document Calculation of salaries and contributions. Now we see that in November the employee worked 83.50 hours. Accordingly, 40,000*83.5/167=20,000 rubles.

Calculation of the salary of a part-time employee with the planned accrual “Payment by salary”

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

In the “Hiring” document, on the “Payment” tab, we will change the employee’s planned accrual to Payment according to salary. The settings for this type of accrual indicate that the result is calculated using the formula Salary*Share of Part-time Working Time*TimeInDays/NormalDays:

  • Salary— we indicated that this is the amount of 40,000 rubles,
  • Share of Part Time Worker- the number of bets for which the employee is accepted. In this case it is equal to 0.5, because our employee is hired part-time,
  • Time in days– this is the actual number of days worked per month according to the schedule Part-time (20 hours),
  • Normal days- determined according to schedule Five days.

Share of Part Time Worker is a very important indicator in the formula; if it is not there, then the salary will be calculated at the full rate, i.e. in the amount of 40,000 rubles. In the form of accrual " Payment according to salary" actual time worked and the norm are calculated in days. Thus the indicator "time in days"(essentially calculated on the basis of a part-time work schedule) and "normal days" according to the Five-day schedule, the five-day period will be the same - 21 days for our example, so this proportion will result in 1. In order for the salary to be recalculated in accordance with the number of rates for which the employee was hired, the developers introduced an indicator Share of Part Time Worker.

Let's fill out the document Calculation of salaries and contributions for November and see how the employee’s salary is calculated this time. On the “Accruals” tab we see Planned accrual – Payment based on salary, worked – 21 days, Standard time – 21 days. Also, please note, a new indicator has appeared Partial time share– 0.5. The calculation is made in accordance with the formula Salary*Share of Part-Time Worker*TimeInDays/NormalDays: 40,000*0.5*21/21=20,000 rubles.

Thus, to correctly calculate wages in the 1C ZUP 3.0 (3.1) program, when hiring, it is necessary to correctly indicate the number of rates for which the employee is hired and correctly set up a part-time schedule.

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When conducting its business activities, an employer sometimes hires part-time employees, and the accountant has questions about how to register it in 1C 8.3. Accounting.

In order to answer that question, we must first turn to the Labor Code: for an established working day for an employee, different from the general one, the duration of the working day should be indicated in his employment contract (Article 57). In addition, the employment contract must agree on the terms of remuneration, which include: the size of the tariff rate or official salary, bonuses, etc. The Code determines that since an employee is accepted into the organization’s staff on a part-time basis, payment for his work must be made in proportion to the time worked (clause 3 of Article 93).

In order to register part-time work in 1C 8.3 Accounting, first of all, you need to create an order for hiring an employee to the organization’s staff, in exactly the same way as is done for full-time employees.

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When working part-time, the employee is paid in proportion to the time worked or depending on the amount of work performed. Salary is set based on full working time. So, let’s look at a specific example of how to register an employee for a part-time job, and how to set up a part-time work schedule (Part-time work) in 1C ZUP 8.3. From 11/01/2016 we will hire F.B. Semenov to the organization. In the ZUP 3.0 (3.1) program in the “Hiring” document, we can set different rates for employees. For example, 1(bet), 1\8(eighth of the bet), 1\4(quarter of the bet), 1\3(third of the bet), 1\2(half the bet), 2\3 of the bet (two thirds of the bet), an arbitrary number of bets (any arbitrary fraction), and we can also indicate the bet as a decimal fraction. Employee Semenov F.B. we indicate - 1/2 of the bet.

"1C salary and personnel management" in examples!

Then on the “Payment” tab we will see that the salary for this position will be equal in our case to 30,000 rubles. and the employee’s payroll will be 15,000 rubles. Rice. 2. Let's review the document. Figure 2. Now let’s calculate the salary for January and look at the calculation for our example.


From the calculation, we see that the program calculated the full salary for the main place of work and half the salary for internal part-time work. Rice. 3. Figure 3. Note that the accrual has the “Share of part-time” attribute.

Let's turn to the formula for calculating payment based on salary. Salary * Share of Part-Time Working Time * Time in Days / Standard Days The indicator Share of Part-Time Working Time is calculated from the ratio of the length of the working week of part-time and full-time working hours. We will calculate it manually to make sure the calculation is correct.

30 000 * 0.5 * 15 / 15 = 15 000.

Part-time work in 1C 8.3 accounting. how to place a 0.5 bet in 1s

In order for us to be able to indicate the number of rates and set up part-time work schedules, we must first select the Use part-time work checkbox in the personnel records settings (Section Settings - Personnel records). All other settings for personnel accounting and salary accounting are described in great detail in this article: Part 1: Initial settings of 1C ZUP 3.0 (3.1) and Accounting policy Setting up a part-time schedule in 1C ZUP 3.0 (3.1) and calculating employee salaries Next, we’ll set up work schedule Part-time.
To do this, open the “Settings” section and in the document log “Employee work schedules” we will create a work schedule with the name “Part-time (20 hours)”.

1s: salary and personnel management ed. 3.0 - accounting for part-time work

The settings for this type of accrual indicate that the result is calculated using the formula Salary * Share of Part-time Working Time * Time in Days / Standard Days:

  • Salary - we indicated the amount is 40,000 rubles,
  • Share of Part-Time Working Time - the number of rates for which an employee is employed. In this case it is equal to 0.5, because our employee is hired part-time,
  • Time in days is the actual number of days worked per month according to the Part-time schedule (20 hours),
  • The norm of days is determined according to the Five-day schedule.

The share of part-time working time is a very important indicator in the formula; if it is not there, then the salary will be calculated at the full rate, i.e.
in the amount of 40,000 rubles. In the form of accrual “Payment according to salary”, the actual time worked and the norm are calculated in days.

Registration of a half-time employee in 1C


Thus, to correctly calculate wages in the 1C ZUP 3.0 (3.1) program, when hiring, it is necessary to correctly indicate the number of rates for which the employee is hired and correctly set up a part-time schedule. Read also: To be the first to know about new publications, subscribe to blog updates and notifications about new publications will be sent to your e-mail: or join our groups on social networks, where all articles are also regularly published:

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Best regards, Dmitry Gerasimov! If you liked the publication, you can save a link to it on your page on social networks.

1c lessons for beginners and practicing accountants

This Code and other federal laws may establish reduced working hours for other categories of workers (teaching, medical and other workers). In this article we will consider the first option, part-time work with payment by the treasure (by the day).

Let's consider an example: Employee Ivanov I.I. is employed under a part-time contract as an internal part-time employee. An employee's salary is calculated by day.

Payment will be made in proportion to the time worked. Before we start creating a part-time schedule, we need to set up the program.

To do this, you need the program 1C: Salary and Human Resources Management 8th edition.

Part-time work in the 1s program

Salary for full-time work at this workplace is RUB 10,000. We need the following changes to occur in the program:

  1. the report card showed “Y4” instead of “OZH”;
  2. salary accrual was automatically calculated for 4 hours worked daily;
  3. the accrual of “Child Care Allowance” continued until the child reaches the age of one and a half years;
  4. the end of the working period for calculating leave should be shifted to the time spent on parental leave - 164 days (from January 1 to June 12, 2012).

Return to work To reflect in the 1C program the employee’s return to work, you must enter the document of the personnel subsystem “Return to work of organizations.”

The document is entered into the interface “Personnel records of organizations” / menu “Personnel records” / “Accounting for absenteeism” / “Return to work of organizations” (Fig. 5 below). Rice. 5.
In the reference book “HR accounting and settlements with personnel in 1C programs”, new articles on the program “1C: Salaries and personnel management 8” (revision 3.0) have been added to the section Setting up work schedules:

  • Setting up schedules for shortened working hours - the article discusses the features of setting up work schedules for shortened working hours, provides an example of setting up a schedule and calculating wages for this type of work;
  • Setting up schedules for part-time work - the article discusses the features of setting up work schedules for part-time work, provides examples of setting up schedules and calculating wages when working part-time.

For other directory news, see

Payroll calculation for part-time work in 1s

But before setting up the program, you need to determine what type of time the employee’s work belongs to.

  1. Part-time work - Art. 93 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. By agreement between the employee and the employer, a part-time working day (shift) or a part-time working week can be established both upon hiring and subsequently.
    The employer is obliged to establish a part-time working day (shift) or part-time working week at the request of a pregnant woman, one of the parents (guardian, trustee) with a child under the age of fourteen years (a disabled child under the age of eighteen years), as well as a person carrying out caring for a sick family member in accordance with a medical certificate issued in the manner established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

In the timesheet - Report “T-13” - from June 13, 2012, “Y4” is displayed (Fig. 9 below). Rice. 9. Report “Ticket T-13” Salary calculation. When calculating wages, salary payment is calculated in proportion to the time worked according to the part-time work schedule. The time limit is taken according to the standard five-day period. The standard working time for a five-day working week in June 2012 is 159 hours. The employee worked part-time according to the timesheet for 52 hours.
According to her salary for June 2012, she was accrued 3270.44 rubles. (RUB 10,000: 159 hours × 52 hours). Child care allowance. Child care benefits continue to be accrued until the child reaches the age of one and a half years, based on the average daily earnings of the employee - 1000 rubles. in a day. For June 2012, its amount will be 12,160 rubles. (RUB 1,000 × 30.4 × 40%). Compensation payment in the amount of 50 rubles.

The program needs these indicators in order to calculate wages in proportion to the amount of time worked. Work schedules are configured in the “Enterprise” / “Work Schedules” menu (Fig.

7 below). Rice. 7. Directory “Work Schedules”. Changing the filling parameters Changing accruals On the “Accruals” tab of the “Personnel Transfer of Organizations” document, in which the work schedule was previously assigned, the types of accruals for the employee are established. This tab will be automatically filled with the currently valid charges. We only need to add the line “Salary by hour”, select the “Start” action and indicate the salary amount - 10,000 rubles. (Figure 8 below). Rice. 8. Document “Personnel transfer of organizations” RESULT OF ADJUSTMENTS IN THE PROGRAM After the changes made in the program, the following results are obtained. Marks in the time sheet.

ALGORITHM FOR ESTABLISHING PART-TIME WORK FOR AN EMPLOYEE IN THE PROGRAM We will consider the procedure in the program “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8” using the example of an employee of Deltaon CJSC Larisa Petrovna Samsonova, who joined the company on January 1, 2011. On October 22, she gave birth to a son and, from January 1, 2012, took leave to care for a child up to three years old. She did not use annual leave for 2011. Registration of parental leave The fact of granting an employee parental leave in the program is recorded in the document “Child Care Leave” (Fig.

1 below). It opens in the “Payroll calculation of organizations” interface, menu “Payroll calculation” / “Absences” / “Parental leave”. Rice. 1. Document “Parental leave” This document is reflected simultaneously in both the personnel and payroll subsystems of the program.

Due to difficult economic conditions, many enterprises are forced to take measures, in particular, to introduce a part-time or part-time working week. A.V. talks about how to reflect such changes in the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program in this article. Yarvelyan, Sea Data CJSC.

Let's now see how the changes made to the program affected the calculation of workers' monthly earnings (using the example of wage calculation for January 2009 shown in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3

If Ms. Petrova had worked in January as before (5 days a week, 8 hours each), she would have worked 128 hours (16 days, 8 hours each - the reduced working hours on holidays are not taken into account in this example). That is, the standard time, which, as indicated in the schedule, is calculated according to the main work schedule (the usual five-day week), is 128 hours.

Let us remind you that Ms. Petrova’s earnings are calculated based on hours worked. In fact, according to the new work schedule, 96 hours were worked in January (16 days, 6 hours each). Thus, Ms. Petrova for January 2009 should be accrued earnings in the amount of:

20,000 rub. x 96 hours / 128 hours = 15,000 rub.

Note that if Ms. Petrova had been assigned a calculation type Salary by day, then the amount of her earnings for January 2009 would not have differed from previous months, and would have been, as before, 20,000 rubles. This would happen because the number of working days in a month according to the new work schedule is exactly the same as in a regular five-day week (16 days). This means that earnings would be calculated using the formula:

20,000 rub. x 16 days / 16 days = 20,000 rub.

For Mr. Sergeev, the standard time in January 2009 is the same as for his colleague, but in his case, not hours, but days are taken for calculation, because his earnings are calculated by day. Thus, according to the norm, he had to work 16 days, but in fact he went to work 9 times, therefore, the amount of his earnings for January 2009 is:

20,000 rub. x 9 days / 16 days = 11,250 rub.

Please note that in this case, the type of salary does not have any significance for the calculation, because on the days on which the employee went to work, he worked exactly as much as he should have worked according to his old schedule - the usual five-day week.

In the event that the month is not fully worked, the earnings of any of the workers considered in the example will be reduced in proportion to the time worked. However, other things being equal, Mr. Sergeev will have some advantage: he can be sick for 4 whole days (from Thursday to Sunday), and the illness will not in any way affect his main income in the organization, because he was sick on his days off.

Thus, using an example, we examined the mechanisms by which the “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8” program can reflect the transfer of employees to reduced working hours.

From the editor: We draw the attention of our readers that this article is about reduced working hours if standard work schedules are used in the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program. An article about timesheets and individual schedules will be published in the next issue of the magazine. In it, the author will specifically address the issues of recording data on work during reduced working hours.

Legal justification for transferring employees to part-time work

In accordance with Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), in cases where reasons associated with changes in organizational or technological working conditions may lead to mass dismissal of workers, the employer, in order to preserve jobs, has the right to introduce a part-time regime. working day (shift) and/or part-time work week for up to six months.

A part-time working regime can only be introduced taking into account the opinion of the trade union organization. Changes to the terms of the employment contract, introduced in accordance with Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, should not worsen the employee’s position in comparison with those established by the collective agreement and agreements.

In letter dated 06/08/2007 No. 1619-6, Rostrud explains:

“When working on a part-time basis, the employee’s payment is made in proportion to the time he worked or depending on the amount of work he performed.

Thus, when a part-time working regime is established, the amount of wages is reduced regardless of the remuneration system (official salary, tariff rate)."

Registration of transfer of employees to part-time work in the program

In order to formalize the transfer of employees to part-time work in the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program, it is necessary to create new work schedules that meet the requirements of the new work mode, and then register the corresponding personnel movement.

Let's look at an example.


ZAO Stankoimport employs Ms. V.A. Petrova, consultant, and Mr. S.A. Sergeev, advisor. The working hours for both are five days, the salary is also the same - 20,000 rubles, the only difference is that for Ms. Petrova the amount of earnings is calculated based on hours worked, and for Mr. Sergeev - based on days worked.
Thus, provided that the time worked is fully worked, the amount of accruals for the month for both employees is equal to 20,000 rubles.
Due to changes in working conditions, the employer is introducing a part-time working regime at the enterprise from 01/01/2009. In this case, consultant Petrov is transferred to part-time work (that is, a five-day work week with a working day of 6 hours), and advisor Sergeev is transferred to a part-time work week (that is, a three-day work week with a working day of 8 hours).

As a result of the change in working hours, the monthly earnings of these employees will be reduced, despite the fact that the salary amount in the employment contract remains the same.

Let us now reflect these changes in the program "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8".

Introduction of work schedules

Information about work schedules at the enterprise is contained in the directory Opening hours. Let's introduce two new graphs - Five days for 6 hours And Three day work week(see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1

In both cases:

  • the schedule type remains Five Days;
  • in the Part-time working time attribute, a flag is set and the corresponding type of shortened working time is indicated (the field is simply informational; it may be left blank).

The method of accounting for standard working hours is calculated According to the specified schedule, in this case, the main work schedule must be selected as the schedule before the order to change working conditions comes into effect - a five-day week of 8 hours.

For graph Five days for 6 hours table Work schedule is filled in in accordance with the new schedule, for example: Monday from 9 to 13, Monday from 14 to 16, etc. In this case, data must be filled in for all working days from Monday to Friday, and the total number of working hours per day must be equal to 6.

In graphics Three day work week table Work schedule filled in as follows:

  • for days on which the employee will go to work (for example, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday), the schedule completely coincides with the main five-day schedule;
  • There should be no non-working days in the table; if the day of the week is not specified in the table, it is considered a weekend by default; however, for clarity, you can create additional lines for non-working days with empty values ​​for the start and end times of work; in this case, when checking the schedule, the program will report empty fields, but such filling in the schedule will not affect the correctness of the work.

It should be noted that the total number of days in the work schedule for both schedules must match the specified type of schedule (for a five-day week, 5 days must be specified), and the total number of hours in the table must match the value of the attribute Hours per week. So, in our example, the total number of hours for the chart Five days for 6 hours equals 30, for graph Three-day work week - 24.

After saving both schedules, you need to fill out a calendar for each of them. Since in our case the order to change the regime comes into force on January 1, 2009, we fill out the calendars for 2009. At the time of filling out the schedules in the program must be completed Regulated production calendar for the corresponding year.

So, the graphs have been created. The next step will be to create a personnel transfer that will change the working hours of Ms. Petrova and Mr. Sergeev.

Creating a personnel move

new document Personnel transfer of organizations can be created:

  • separately for each employee whose working conditions change;
  • one for all employees whose working conditions change.

After filling out the list of employees in the tab table Workers the date of entry into force of the order to move (column C) is filled in, only column is changed Schedule- it indicates new part-time work schedules (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

On the bookmark Accruals all data remains the same.
