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When is HR Day? When is HR Day in Russia When is HR Day in a year

Every company has one or more serious and responsible people responsible for working with personnel. Heads of personnel services, personnel managers, personnel inspectors. All these workers dedicated their lives to a very important cause - employment of citizens, regulation labor relations, protection labor rights workers. HR specialists are needed not only for large enterprises with thousands of employees, but also in any small work collective.

Since 2005, Russia has celebrated Personnel Officer Day on May 25 by decision of the All-Russian Personnel Congress. In 1835, on this day, the first document regulating the relationship between employee and employer was published, it was called “On the relationship between the owners of factory establishments and workers employed by them.”

People rush to the HR department with papers,
And everyone dreams of a small miracle:
About a couple of days off, about a vacation in May,
That the dates be agreed upon by everyone.

Any personnel officer will handle the matter quickly,
Kohl can find at least a little meaning there.
Our career is in their hands,
Therefore, we must love this area:

Appreciate their work, don’t bother them
And on a busy day give an hour of rest,
Give coffee, tea, cake and chocolate,
So that the personnel officer is kind, cheerful and happy during the day.

Let me congratulate you
Happy HR Day!
Let there be work
Nice and easy.

Let the boss be happy
Intelligent team
And encourages generously
For your painstaking work.

We wish you good health,
Wonderful intuition
And holidays on a grand scale
In Cannes or Nice.

Congratulations on Personnel Officer’s Day and wish you perseverance, courage, confidence, rigor in important matters and ease in every day of life. Let everything work out at work, let every morning begin with great idea, good news, great luck. And may success, prosperity and happiness always increase!

Today is a holiday - personnel officer's day,
And I congratulate you with a smile,
Good luck and health forever
I wish you with all my heart and warmth.

Let everything be easy at work,
And any endeavors go well,
Let the sun smile through the window
And warms with warm rays.

We sincerely congratulate you
Happy HR Day.
We call for your health,
Happiness - for centuries!

Let people respect you
They appreciate your talent and work.
Let the salary increase
Your nerves are protected.

In your personal life - good luck.
May happiness await you in your deeds.
Positive, mood,
All good things in life!

Personnel worker -
Company pleaser.
He reads orders
Fills out paperwork.

Work experience is written into everyone's work report
And he knows when our vacation is.
He staffs
So that the working plan does not suffer.

Congratulations on your day
And we sincerely wish
Health in life, laughter,
In the profession of success,
Love and inspiration,
Finance replenishment!

Personnel officers are held in high esteem everywhere,
Because at work
He is the director's assistant
And a doer of various things.

On this day we congratulate you,
We collectively glorify your work.
Always be like this -
Sweet, kind, lively.

Happy HR Day to you
Congratulations today,
In personnel matters
I wish you order.

I wish in the states
You didn't know the turnover
So that according to the article it is bad
People weren't fired.

So that the team is friendly,
Soldered together
The credit for this is yours,
Favorite personnel officer.

I wish you happiness in life,
Good luck at work,
Your work to be appreciated
And he was always held in high esteem.

Happy holiday to you
I want, my personnel officer.
Your contribution to the common work
Very important and great.

I wish you great shots
And salaries of a hundred thousand.
So that in work and personal life
Definitely lucky.

Let your company strengthen and grow,
Let your income increase from this.
Your boss is always behind you.
Yes, he orders you to provide a kettle for tea.
Work so as not to tire yourself,
And personal affairs were rearranged.
At lunch it’s convenient to sit down,
Treat yourself to a huge delicious cake.
Let them always come to you for advice.

Workers are brought to your harsh trial.
Success and career, always be held in high esteem.

Congratulations to those who know for sure
Will answer the question both during the day and in the dark at night.
The question sounds so simple and so difficult:
So that things go well, where can I find reliable workers?
You keep records of workers and employees,
And you know them all!
You are the ones who are precise and smart in everything.
Especially how to draw up an employment contract.
Systematic career for you!
Solve problems on topic!
Good luck to you!

Several dozen professional holidays are celebrated in Russia. This tradition mainly appeared in Soviet years, at the same time, the events that laid the foundation for certain holidays could have taken place in previous periods of our history.

Some dates are celebrated only in our country, and some have international status. It happens that determining the date of celebration causes discrepancies. This happened with Personnel Officer’s Day, which we often celebrate twice.

When is Personnel Worker Day celebrated in Russia?

The history of personnel services in our country began in the pre-revolutionary period. On May 24, 1835, the royal decree “On the relationship between factory owners and workers” was issued, which defined the legal relations between employers and employees.

The document became one of the first legal acts on labor and the responsibilities of the parties. He was the first to introduce such concepts as “ employment contract", "compensation upon dismissal", "compensation for loss of working capacity", established minimum size wages.

In 2005, on the initiative of the All-Russian Personnel Congress, a holiday dedicated to this date was established. And to the question: “What date is Personnel Officer Day in Russia?” many answer - “May 24th”. Currently, the National Union of Personnel Officers celebrates the holiday on this day.

What kind of holiday do personnel officers celebrate on October 12?

But there is another day when we honor personnel service workers, paying tribute to the traditions that developed in Russia during the Soviet years. Soon after the establishment of Soviet power in the RSFSR, new professional structures began to be created.

Thus, on October 12, 1918, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved the “Instructions on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia.” The first personnel apparatuses (personnel departments) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were created under this organization.

Later, when many new plants and factories opened in the country, a reorganization of old enterprises took place, and the need for personnel officers increased. Most enterprises have developed rules for hiring and firing employees, and job descriptions are provided for each position.

Later in the Soviet years, a tradition developed to celebrate the Day personnel worker exactly October 12th.

Don't forget to wish your HR friends.

What is the correct date to celebrate Personnel Officer's Day in Russia?

Officially this holiday is Russian Federation is not approved, therefore in different cities of the country and at different enterprises it is celebrated on different days. April 27 can also be considered a contender for the official date of this professional holiday. On this day in 1993, a resolution on work books was adopted in the Russian Federation.

Whenever Personnel Worker Day is celebrated in Russia, we pay tribute and gratitude to these workers. Among them are specialists in personnel selection and training, HR managers, HR inspectors, benefits and compensation specialists, and heads of personnel services.

The management of enterprises and organizations highly values ​​the work of personnel officers, because the quality composition of the company’s staff depends on them.

The responsibilities of personnel officers, who in recent years, in accordance with Western tradition, have come to be called HR specialists, are not limited to hiring and firing personnel.

They calculate the need for specialists, develop job descriptions, evaluate the results of employees’ work (conduct certifications, surveys, assess the socio-psychological microclimate in the team), participate in the development corporate culture enterprises take part in solving various labor disputes and conflicts.

Personnel officers build connections between enterprise departments and individual employees, and are involved in the distribution of personnel areas of responsibility.

These specialists must have knowledge in many areas - such as law, economics, management, psychology, etc. They must have an analytical mind, be able to conduct a dialogue with people, be purposeful, friendly, responsible and punctual.

On May 24 and October 12, 2018, when HR Employee Day is celebrated in Russia, management awards the best employees of HR departments with certificates of honor, gratitude and memorable gifts.

Programs about the profession of personnel officer and employment of the population are broadcast on television and radio; similar materials are published in newspapers, magazines and on websites on the Internet.

Regardless of what date a particular enterprise celebrates Personnel Worker Day, congratulations on both the spring and autumn dates of this holiday will be pleasant for every specialist involved in this professional field.

Every person has contacted employees at least once in their life. recruitment agencies, talked with personnel officers at enterprises, in various organizations, and among your friends there are probably such specialists. Don’t forget to congratulate them on their professional holiday, wish them success in their work and personal happiness!

The most beautiful congratulations Happy Personnel Officer's Day, see.

When is HR Day?

    I began to look into the issue and found out that since the holiday is unofficial and not officially approved in Russia, there are two different dates when it is proposed to celebrate it. First date - May 24, second - October 12. Both numbers have the same right to exist.

    The day of the personnel officer, HR department employee, or as it is now fashionable to sometimes say and write HR specialist, is celebrated on May 24th. The day is international and has been celebrated since 2005. The holiday is not official, but people involved in personnel selection definitely celebrate it. Therefore, do not regret a few warm words for HR workers on this day, especially if you are going to get a job or just went to the HR department with some question. On my own behalf, I congratulate all employees of the HR department on their holiday!

    As far as I know, currently in the Russian Federation, Personnel Worker Day is not an official professional holiday, so there is some confusion with the dates of its celebration. In particular, some Russian personnel workers note this professional holiday annually on May 24, other Russian personnel workers celebrate this professional holiday annually on October 12, and some Russian personnel workers celebrate this professional holiday annually on both May 24 and October 12.

    Personnel Officer's Day is celebrated unofficially, but annually on May 24th. This is not an international holiday, so this date can only be attributed to Russia. On this day, you need to congratulate the employees of the HR department, because sometimes the fate of a person at work can depend on them.

    Personnel Day or personnel worker celebrated on May 24th. In Russia, Personnel Worker Day has been celebrated since 2005. It was introduced on the initiative of the All-Russian Personnel Congress. True, on this moment This holiday is not official, but is celebrated by representatives of this profession. And it wouldn’t hurt to congratulate your HR department on their professional holiday, even if it’s unofficial.

    Officially, Personnel Worker Day in the Russian Federation has not yet been approved, and in different cities of Russia it is celebrated on different days. Sometimes simultaneously with the founding of large enterprises and organizations or the creation of a personnel service within them.

    But there are still days when HR workers across the country can celebrate this day. On this day, they are congratulated by the administration of enterprises, and sometimes by the heads of local administrations.

    It was on May 24, 1835 in Russian Empire A decree was issued entitled On the relationship between the owners of factory establishments and hired workers.

    On October 12, 1918 in Russia, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved the Instruction on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia. Then the personnel apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was actually created.

    Personnel Officer Day in Russia was introduced on the initiative of the All-Russian Personnel Congress and is celebrated on May 24th. This day was not chosen by chance. The fact is that in 1835, on this day in Tsarist Russia, a Decree was issued on the relationship between the owners of factory establishments and hired workers.

HR Day in 2017, what date is this professional event celebrated in Russia? First, it must be emphasized that the holiday was officially included in the calendar of memorable dates of the Russian Federation only in 2005. Until this moment, the unofficial Personnel Officer's Day was celebrated. This is the explanation why this holiday falls on different days.

When to celebrate?

Personnel Officer's Day in the Russian Federation is celebrated on May 24, but in addition this holiday also falls on October 12. It is the second date that is official and enshrined at the legislative level. Why was the celebration moved from May to October? So it was more logical to coincide with the events of 1918. What happened then?

In that distant year, the People's Commissariat of Justice adopted special instructions. According to it, the first militia was created in the new country, made up of peasants and workers. Yes, it’s not yet clear what HR Day has to do with it. But it was precisely according to this instruction that the establishment of the first personnel apparatus was prescribed. They also thought that a contender for the official date of this professional day could have been April 27, the site reports. Because on this date in 1993, a resolution on work books was adopted in the Russian Federation.

But it so happens that many personnel officers in our country celebrate their professional day in the old fashioned way on May 24th. Here, too, the date was not chosen by chance, because in 1835 a decree was issued on the relations between working people and the places (factories, factories) where they worked for hire. That is, then it was approved legal form relationship between employer and employee.

About the profession of personnel officer

Now why and when is HR Day in 2017, what date is it in Russia in October. But not many people know, especially for the younger generation, what exactly personnel officers do. These are specialists responsible for hiring and firing employees. They work according to approved job descriptions. Today, most people are legally literate and know how to properly build relationships between a subordinate and an employer.
It is clear that the success of any enterprise is based on its personnel. The HR manager is responsible for recruiting interested and dedicated specialists who will work for the prosperity of the company. At first glance it seems that this simple work, but here you need to understand that finding a candidate for a vacant position that is suitable in all respects is extremely difficult. It is required not only to select people based on resumes, but to interview each and do right choice, don't make a mistake.

In honor of the holiday, you can cook delicious minced hedgehogs with rice and gravy in a frying pan.

It doesn’t matter what date a particular specialist celebrates Personnel Officer’s Day in Russia in 2017, everyone wants to receive congratulations on this professional holiday. These should be kind and pleasant words about how much the profession of a personnel officer is in modern world important. And this is how it actually is, because it is extremely difficult to select a good and interested specialist today, Soviet time everything was much simpler and clearer.

Personnel officers in Russia

It is probably no coincidence that in our country this professional holiday is celebrated twice a year. Because large and small enterprises understand how important it is to have a specialist on their staff who knows how to select employees, helps new employees adapt and maintains the integrity, interest and motivation of the team.

So, the work of a personnel officer is responsible and ramified. Today this is especially evident when the task of organizing the professional team united by a common goal and motivated to do even better. The HR employee controls, among other things, office work, training and retraining of personnel, wages and other options for motivating modern employees. So, celebrate this professional holiday twice, on May 24 and October 12, just to please the personnel officers.

Once again about the double date

To finally understand the question, what is HR Day in 2017 in Russia (a postcard will be relevant on any day and will make you smile), let’s summarize. The unofficial Personnel Officer's Day is celebrated on the 24th of May. As for the official date, it falls on October 12. The document on holding the holiday on this day has been strictly regulated since 2005.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, Personnel Officer Day is celebrated at the end of spring - May 24. The event is informal. Not all organizations adhere to the traditions of its celebration. The appearance of this holiday was preceded by a decree adopted in 1835 regulating the relationship between employees and employers. Personnel Worker Day is celebrated on October 18th. But the May event is more common.

history of the holiday

The founder of the event in question is the All-Russian Personnel Congress. On May 24, 1835, a decree “Relations between factory owners and ordinary workers” was developed and issued. This order became the first official document that regulates the relationship between a mercenary and an employer. On the territory of the Russian Federation, this event acquired special significance in 2005. The event really deserves the closest attention.

In each modern company, regardless of the scale and direction of activity, there is this position. The personnel officer is the second most important person after managers. The tasks of the person who holds this position are recruiting staff, maintaining the document flow accompanying this process, drawing up orders, processing vacations, etc.

Large enterprises have entire HR departments. All these people deserve to be rewarded for their hard work. Therefore, one should not be surprised by the fact that HR officers once acquired their own holiday - after all, no one has canceled their enormous responsibility for the entire team, and no one will miss the opportunity to once again celebrate a significant event.
