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Congratulations to farm workers on Village Day. Beautiful and funny congratulations on Agriculture Day. Daily task

Russia celebrates Worker's Day Agriculture and processing industry. This is a professional holiday for all those who work in the food production sector and has been celebrated since 1999 on the second Sunday of October.

The country's leadership congratulated everyone involved in this holiday.

Congratulations from the Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev:

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

I cordially congratulate you on our professional holiday- Happy Agricultural and Processing Industry Worker's Day!

The work of people who work in agriculture has always been valued and enjoyed special respect in our country. And today it is becoming even more important in light of the large-scale challenges facing the industry. Among them are ensuring food security, increasing the export potential of the agricultural sector, technical and technological modernization, and most importantly, a significant improvement in the quality of life in rural areas. Thanks to the skill and perseverance of workers in the agro-industrial complex, we have already achieved significant success along this path - the agricultural industry has shown good results over the past years and is the driving force of the domestic economy.

This year, despite the difficult weather conditions that we had to face, Russian farmers have once again proven their high professionalism and dedication - this year’s grain harvest could be one of the best in modern history. We are heading towards records in the production of greenhouse vegetables, fruits and berries, sunflowers, soybeans and rice, and we expect an increase in indicators in livestock farming. This means that we will not only meet our country’s internal food needs, but will also continue to develop exports and increase our presence in the global agricultural market.

Russia already supplies its agricultural products to more than 150 countries around the world, is a leader in wheat exports, and is one of the three leading players in a number of other areas - and we are not going to stop there. Our country has significant potential to become a key supplier of food on the planet - not only raw materials, but also highly processed products, organic and environmentally friendly food products. Achieving this goal is one of the main vectors of state policy in the agricultural sector for the coming years.

Today, the agro-industrial complex gives impetus to the socio-economic development of all of Russia. We understand that the future of our country depends on you, agricultural workers, therefore the most important priority for the state is to create comfortable living conditions in the countryside. I am confident that in the near future we will achieve significant success in this direction, and the Russian Ministry of Agriculture will make every effort to ensure that rural residents have access to all modern opportunities for quality education, medical care, life and work.

I wish you and your loved ones peace, goodness, prosperity and all the best!

Happy holiday!

Congratulations from Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev:

Dear friends!

Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers.

Your profession deservedly enjoys special respect. You work in the most difficult conditions, often seven days a week, in any weather. And always approach your work responsibly, conscientiously, putting all your strength and soul into it. After all, you know the true price of labor on earth, which requires enormous dedication, patience and knowledge. Largely thanks to you, Russia is a powerful agricultural power. Today your products are on everyone’s table. Russian house. She's different high quality and is widely in demand abroad.

It is important that the Government continues to provide serious support to farmers. It is necessary to further introduce modern biotechnologies, improve the agro-logistics system, increase the export of agricultural products, and build housing and roads in rural areas. The successful development of the agro-industrial complex, strengthening the country’s food security, and therefore the health and well-being of millions of people directly depend on this.

Dear friends, thank you very much for your work, which allows the industry to rightfully be considered the pride of the national economy. I am sure that even more significant achievements lie ahead of you.

I wish you good health, success and all the best.


Congratulations from Russian President Vladimir Putin:

Dear friends!

I congratulate you, all veterans, workers of Russian agriculture and processing industry on your professional holiday. And first of all, I want to wish health and prosperity to you, your family and friends, thank you for your hard work, which is so necessary for the country, for all of us.

Agriculture is one of the basic, key sectors of the economy, the work of which directly affects the quality of life of citizens. And it is important that today the domestic agricultural sector is developing confidently. Moreover, it is increasing its influence in world markets, and this indicates its effectiveness and growing competitiveness, which means that our Russian products enjoys well-deserved recognition and trust from consumers, both in our country and abroad.

We currently supply agricultural products to more than 150 countries. At the end of last year, Russia ranks first in the world in wheat supplies, and in a number of other positions - for example, barley, sunflower, rapeseed oil - it is among the top three world leaders. All this, of course, is the result of your work, your professionalism. We must and will definitely move on and increase our potential.

And of course, our task is to ensure that life in the countryside, in terms of housing, infrastructure, and general comfort, meets the most modern standards so that each of you can rightfully be proud not only of your work, but also of your native village or town.

In conclusion, I would like to once again sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday and say thank you for what you are doing for Russia.

Good luck to you and all the best!

Everyone involved in agriculture
He dedicated his life and work.
Congratulations on a wonderful day,
May you have enough strength for everything.

Thank you for your work,
After all, you feed the people.
I wish you good health
And not to know adversity in fate.

May work be a joy
The result warms my soul.
On the way to outstanding victories
Let there be less interference.


Agricultural workers, I bow to you
For hard work and eternal worries.
Thank you for creating all the good things,
For your important and difficult work.

For your hard work, honor and praise to you.
May all early sunrises be good,
May the Country respond kindly to you...
And your children will be happy and healthy!

On your bright holiday, may your dreams come true.
Let the earth please you with its yield.
Let it be joyful, joyful in your soul.
And all the best to you, how else could it be?!


I greet the real workers who work tirelessly for the benefit of their country, all workers in agriculture and the processing industry. I always wish you a fruitful year, good milk yield and stable growth. I wish you prosperity and great wealth. Health and always Have a good mood so that your products are always charged with positivity and a piece of your good soul.


I wish you a great harvest,
To continuously grow your income,
And so that people respect your work,
Was very fertile every year.

Love and happiness to your kind families,
Abundance and luck in everything,
I wish you awards and many prizes
For your success in such great work!


Thanks to everyone who sows, plows,
Who protects our crops,
Handles them thoroughly
So that the harvest gets to our table.

I wish you health and strength in abundance,
To go to work with a smile,
The weather is clear every day
And the atmosphere is soulful for you!

Congratulations on Agricultural Workers Day


Agriculture is the head of everything,
Everything in it must be done only according to the mind,
We need to work for the harvest
It would be the best, and the income would be heaven!

We congratulate you on this bright day,
We sing a song like an ode for you,
We wish you joy and happiness,
Harvest tons of gold fields!

More equipment, and warmer rains,
Sunlight so that everything is on its way,
And there is a lot of health for a whole century,
After all, this is an important person on the farm!


Today we congratulate great people.
You won’t find a more difficult job in the world:
And keep the livestock and harvest the crops,
And remake it so that the region is well-fed.

Congratulations to the industry workers
Which has long become the main one
For human life. And let this work
Always respected, and appreciated, and respected.

You are in agriculture like a fish in water,
So let it be in everything to you, always and everywhere
Luck accompanies, just luck.
And may happiness certainly find you!


Land lovers, rural workers,
It’s not an easy fate and life is always about work.
We wish you well and all the blessings of life,
So that it would be good, because you are held in high esteem!

Your holiday is dear to everyone, everything rests on you,
Everything we have is the result of immeasurable labor.
We wish you warmth, prosperity and love,
And faith that good will certainly return!


Congratulations to those who know for sure
About how millet ripens in the field!
For you, who knows how to work,
And he doesn’t spare his strength at all!
Your work will be easier and there will be more rain,
And since it’s winter, you can rest longer.
Always good luck in everything!
Let the house be great and huge.
Beautiful life, bright in it!
Work is not a wolf, they say here and here.
Don’t even let your wolves run into the forest!


In agriculture
All of Russia is worth it!
It is our wealth
And in it is our strength.

We welcome you
Good luck!
Your work for the country
Means a lot!

Let there be health
And there is prosperity in families,
And she will be worthy
You get paid for your work!

When is Agricultural Workers Day 2019 - October 14


We cordially congratulate you
Happy professional day!
We wish you good luck in everything -
At work and in the family circle.

Let there be a friendly team,
Laughter helps with work.
You supply the country with goods,
You feed all the residents.

We wish you good health,
And don’t get sick and don’t get sick.
We wish to always be an example
And overcome all obstacles.


Agriculture is so important
That your work is truly invaluable.
Success walks nearby, let it bravely
Let us keep our age healthy.

We wish you more strength, patience,
Everything is easy to achieve heights.
And don’t let doubts bother your soul,
And may you be lucky in everything, of course.


To everyone involved in agriculture
I wish you health and strength.
Try to laugh more often
May every day be joyful.

Your job is not easy,
We appreciate your hard work.
I wish you a comfortable life,
Let them love you and wait for you at home.


To all those who work in agriculture,
I wish you good luck and personal happiness.
Let people appreciate your work,
And in life there will be neither grief nor fear.
Live stress-free and positive,
So that sad thoughts do not come.


Happy Agricultural Worker's Day!
Let success flow in full swing
So that in the heat and in the rain, in the cold -
In a fighting mood.

May luck not fail you
And there is warmth in the soul,
So that everything that happens
It was only good for you!

Agricultural and Processing Industry Worker's Day


Your work is the prosperity of the country.
So let her not forget you.
Let him appreciate the work by which we live,
And more often than not, he rewards you for everything.

Let there be respect and honor,
Regalia, recognition and benefits.
May you, of course, be lucky in everything,
And so that there is joy from work.

May there be happiness and comfort in your home,
Health to you and your household.
Let your income exceed all expectations,
And there would be no reason to be upset.


Thank you for working for us...
Why do you bend your backs in the fields every time,
So that we always have bread and milk,
After all, it’s not easy at all...

Thank you for your hard work,
May good luck await you in life,
Love of family and everyone who will be nearby,
To be greeted only with a kind glance!


You plow and sow,
You don't know how to be lazy.
Not knowing sleep and rest
Your work is like a feat.

Let the plans come out
Cultures are improving
The weather spoils us with rain,
And the productivity is encouraging.

We also wish you sincerely
Incomes to increase.
We thank you
We say thank you.


Work in agriculture is honorable and glorious,
You supply us with fresh products,
Today we celebrated your main holiday,
We congratulate you, people of labor, now!

Let the field be filled with ripe grain,
Let the vegetables ripen, the flocks graze,
Let it be free and beautiful in the village,
May it always be safe and satisfying!


Russia's power is growing and prospering,
As long as we have such people.
Everyone wishes you a happy holiday,
Wishes you health in reserve.

Success, prosperity, wealth,
And happiness to you for many years to come,
Your choice is correct, everything is fine with you,
Let your names be glorious.

SMS congratulations on Agriculture Day


We wish you passion, perseverance in work,
So that your labors are not wasted in vain,
After all, you bring us so many useful things
Products, working only as dawn rose.

More health, success, patience,
Big harvests, offspring, wealth,
And let only luck be constant,
And you, dear ones, don’t overwork yourself!


There is a lot to do in the village,
Sometimes I did it, sometimes I didn’t…
But today it is very important
Put them all aside a little,
And with friends for farming
Have a couple of drinks.
I just ask you to know the measure,
Because tomorrow, in the morning,
Back in the field, back in business.
Glory to rural labor!


Happy Agriculture Day
All working people!
After all, through your labors
Our country lives.

Let the productivity grow stronger
There will be no rodents.
I wish you only the best
Hardy varieties.

Health and happiness to you
For many years.
And life will be long and long
No less than 100!

You are pride and support,
Breadwinners of the whole country.
Your work is very dear to us,
Its fruits are visible.


Today I want to congratulate you on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you stability, success, prosperity and prosperity in your activities. Let your work bring you pleasure. Let life delight you with happiness every day, let your loved ones and loyal friendly support be nearby.


Do you work with soil?
Know that today is your holiday!
To everyone who works in the field,
I wish not to know grief,
So that you have luck with the weather,
To have enough strength for everything,
For a rich harvest
I have always collected your region!

Touching congratulations on Agriculture Day in verse and prose


Agricultural worker
Today your holiday has come,
Even if it’s not an easy fate at times,
Mark it with dignity, good!

Your work is honorable and enormous,
Such a big bow from us,
For everyone, you are a hero, although modest,
We wish you happiness with all our hearts!


Agricultural workers, thank you for your work,
I wish you great weather,
May the harvests not fail you,
Time and expenses will be generously repaid.

Health and prosperity, may your dreams
They come true and new ones come.
May the grapes of happiness be so juicy,
How is black soil fertile?


All those who are attracted to work in agriculture,
Those who are engaged in processing rural products,
Let us now congratulate you on your professional holiday,
Let the holiday be bright, magical, unreal!

We wish you success, great achievements,
Significant income and solutions to all problems,
Unprecedented progress, creative approaches,
The desire for success and positive emotions!


Congratulations to the agricultural workers,
And we wish you prosperity.
Always stability and growth,
Healthy livestock and livestock growth.

May the year be abundant
Prosperity in activity awaits.
Health never lets you down,
Let trouble always pass by.


Low bow to you guys
Who works with the land?
May the payment be worthy
The spirit is as before, fighting!

Bogatyrsky health,
Do everything in life with love,
Always be happy
After all, we are nowhere without you!

Poems for Agricultural Workers' Day


Happy Agricultural Worker's Day,
With the receipt of wonderful wealth,
With diligence applied to work,
Well, with honesty, that every day is held in high esteem!

Be happy, responsible, loved,
Be young, always unique,
Let work always be a joy,
Bringing "luck" “sweetness” to you too!


On Agricultural Worker's Day
Accept congratulations,
I wish it's frosty
The harvest was not destroyed.

To make work a joy,
Income grew continuously
And everything in life worked out
No problems and no hassle!


On the day of the agricultural and processing industry worker, I would like to wish him great recognition and respect for his work and efforts, high prosperity in life and promising ideas, loyal comrades nearby and loving loved ones, confident positions and perfectly executed plans.


On the day of agricultural workers
We wish you a convoy
Remarkable harvest
Your work is very wonderful!

The fields are very rich for you,
New technology and precise,
For the farm to prosper,
So that the work inspires.

Health and success to you,
And there is more laughter at work,
The pride of our country, you,
Happiness and kindness to you!


Your hard work is not in vain,
The heart is gladdened by a significant harvest,
The pantries are filled to the brim,
Our native land is thriving!

Agricultural workers
We greet you from the bottom of our hearts,
Are you creating countries of wealth,
Kudos to you for this from all of us!

Cool congratulations on Agriculture Day in verse


Agriculture, processing industry,
I congratulate you sincerely and from the bottom of my heart!
Let success be present in development,
And in life, all dreams come true.

Of course, I wish you prosperity,
Prosperity to grow.
Good luck so that all efforts end,
The stock of well-being was not small.


Agricultural workers
I send my heartfelt greetings,
I wish the fields to make ears,
The land gave a generous harvest.

I wish you friendly shoots in the spring
And in the autumn of rich bins,
So that it is assembled on time and remade
All harvest from fields, gardens, meadows.

I wish you floods of rivers of milk,
And an abundance of meat and sausages,
In honor of the holiday, thanks for your work
Accept from each of us.


Let agriculture flourish
After all, you always work persistently!
Let success follow you,
I wish you fruitful work!

Let your salary only grow upward,
After all, you definitely deserve this!
I wish you always a lot
They just lived happily and peacefully!


Agricultural Workers Day
We will celebrate with inspiration!
Let the golden times
They will definitely come.

And comfortable cars
Let them invent it for you.
To complete your task
Let them find an easy way!

To process raw materials
Brought profit to all of you!
You will do everything willingly,
Up let things be!


Thank you that we are all full,
Our tables are always set with food.
The shelves in the stores are full,
Everyone always needs products.

We welcome agricultural workers
We wish you to be happy.
Less cold weather for you,
Let the shoots always be successful.

So that success accompanies everywhere,
And the harvest was always at its best.
So that your house is full of prosperity,
We wish you health and strength too.


We wish you a lot of happiness,
Harvest and milk yield,
Thank you for your work
And food supply!

Let it be for business, family and friendship
Success accompanies you,
And always at your service
There will be peace, kindness and laughter!


On Agricultural Workers Day
I wish you to smile more often.
Congratulations, I wish you happiness,
Generous, big harvest.

Prosperity, blessings to all, inspiration,
Very joyful mood.
Everything planned to work out,
May luck be with you!

Let comfort always lurk in the house,
Achievements that are valuable to you, huge.
Respect, goodness and hope to you,
May joy be inevitable!


May there be enough sun and rain
Happens over the fields
To make the harvest grow more cheerfully,
We were pleased with you.

Also, the salaries are stronger,
Good luck and good luck.
For you, field workers.
And on holiday - pleasure.


All agricultural workers
The holiday is celebrated
Harvest with congratulations
Now they are collecting.

We praise the golden hands,
We say thank you.
We wish you happiness and health
The most glorious masters.


Feeds us and gives us water,
Congratulations on the holiday
You are worth it today.

We are grateful to you
For your daily work,
For bread, for milk,
For meat and canned goods.

We wish you
So that the fields give birth,
Fat herds
We walked through the meadows.

Let them be rich
Your harvests
We are love and happiness
We wish you on your holiday.

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 7 Published 2019-10-12

When is it celebrated?
D The day of agricultural and processing industry workers is celebrated in Russia annually on the second Sunday of October.
The date is fixed by Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated May 31, 1999 No. 679 “On the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers.” The document was signed by B. Yeltsin.
An indispensable attribute of the holiday is a sheaf of wheat, which is placed indoors.

What to wish?
T texts of short official congratulations on the day of agricultural and processing industry workers in prose (in your own words).

Official congratulations

P Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you to be a leader in your field, a winner in life and a constant favorite of great luck. I wish you not to feel tired, I wish you to successfully implement your plans and maintain a high level of quality.

WITH Today I want to congratulate you on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you stability, success, prosperity and prosperity in your activities. Let your work bring you pleasure. Let life delight you with happiness every day, let your loved ones and loyal friendly support be nearby.

P I congratulate the real workers who work tirelessly for the benefit of their country, all workers in agriculture and the processing industry. I always wish you a fruitful year, good milk yield and stable growth. I wish you prosperity and great wealth. I wish you health and always a good mood, so that your products are always charged with positivity and a piece of your good soul.

D Our dear employees of agriculture and processing industry, we congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you good health, career growth and excitement, interest and love for your work, success in all your endeavors, future prospects and, of course, being in demand. Thank you very much for your work and the soul that you put into your hard work.

AND What would big cities turn into if agricultural and processing industry workers ceased their activities?! Of course, your work deserves respect and financial confirmation of this. On this day, please accept sincere words of gratitude and wishes for stable growth.

P Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish that the harvests will grow and there will always be order in the farm, that there will always be enough resources, and that you will have to forget about losses. Good results in your activities and prosperity in life!

P Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I sincerely wish to manage not only the vastness of rural fields, but also the perimeters of my life, to earn a living not only in processing, but also in glorious deeds. Health and prosperity, success and love!

Short wishes

WITH I cordially congratulate you on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you great success and remarkable achievements in your activities, successful and hard work, high prosperity and amazing opportunities, good health and confident strength, respect and sure luck, bright happiness and goodness.

P Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. May your life be fertile soil for generous harvests of prosperity, joy, and love. I wish you good work and successful implementation of all your goals, as well as the rapid transformation of any idea into success!

Z farmers, livestock breeders, your goal is high, you work for the benefit of the entire population, your work provides us all with food. Thank you for your useful work! Today we wish the owners of the fields, the rulers of animals, good health and happiness for many years to come, highly paid labor, family warmth and prosperity!

P We congratulate all the real hard workers, workers in the processing industry and agriculture. Your work produces the results that we see and use every day of our lives. Thank you for working tirelessly and by the sweat of your brow for all of us!

P Congratulations on your professional holiday! Let your business prosper, be successful, in demand and highly paid. Good health, career growth, implementation of new ideas, innovation, high productivity. I wish you deep satisfaction with your activities and life!

P Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you great happiness for your broad soul, great success for your broad ideas, great achievements in the wide scope of your activities. I also wish you health and vigor, inspiration and strength!

IN On the day of the agricultural and processing industry worker, I would like to wish him great recognition and respect for his work and efforts, high prosperity in life and promising ideas, loyal comrades nearby and loving loved ones, confident positions and perfectly executed plans.

WITH Agriculture is an important industry in our country! I wish every agricultural worker fruitful work, excellent harvests and easy everyday life! May your life be full of love, kindness, happiness and prosperity!

P Please accept our bright and warm congratulations on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. Low bow for your tireless daily work. Be healthy, let your work be a pleasure, and let its fruits bring benefits to people, and to you good earnings. We wish new creative ideas, innovation, progress and prosperity.

Congratulations in your own words

P Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you to skillfully manage all resources, I wish you to achieve high results in your activities and realize all your dreams in life. May the hopes and expectations of every day be safely transformed into success and prosperity!

IN On your professional holiday, we wish that any undertaking is fruitful, and that difficulties are resolved easily and end in success. I wish you health, peace and good luck in your honorable and necessary work.

TO as the Greek philosopher said, “agriculture is for the noble and high spiritual person- the best of all professions and arts by which one can seek a means of subsistence.” Happy day to everyone who works the land and provides us with the food we see on our tables! May every year be fruitful, may your animals be healthy and obedient, and may innovations and technologies continue to make your life easier. Happy holiday!

P Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you to be a wonderful, bright person, like a sunflower - an inflorescence of the sun. I wish you rich harvests in the fields, and good raw materials in the bins, I wish you always skillfully manage resources and, in general, cope with your work with a bang!

WITH We heartily congratulate those who feed the country with their own hands! Thanks to whom bread on the table is familiar to us! Thank you for your work, all the effort you put in, and may good health help you out!

P Congratulations on your professional holiday! Happy day of the hard worker, thanks to whom priceless gifts of nature come to our families and homes. A well-fed life for you, milky rivers of health and buttered, favorable fate!

P I congratulate people whose hearts are forever given to our native open spaces: fields, forests and rivers. People whose hands work every day for the good of our people. I wish you, dear ones, that your health will be as strong and powerful as our entire processing industry. I wish that every day of yours is prosperous and happy, and that every hour of yours is filled with joy, success and positivity. I wish you great achievements in business, new discoveries in your field, a good harvest, large offspring and a stable income. Happy Agriculture and Processing Industry Day!

Strange as it may seem, but all people want to eat. And not sometimes, but every day. But people are accustomed to the fact that store shelves are always full of a variety of products and often do not appreciate the work of agricultural workers, those who provide the entire country with food. And these are not necessarily workers of large agro-industrial complexes, these are people who spent their entire lives on the land, that is, they worked on private farms, in small private businesses, raising livestock, developing vegetable growing, plant growing and processing grown products for public consumption. They provide us all with fresh milk and meat, fruits and vegetables... Having assessed the role of agriculture and its processing in the life of the country, by presidential decree of May 31, 1999, every second Sunday in October is considered the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers.

I wish you a great harvest,
So that your income continuously increases,
And so that people respect your work,
Was very fertile every year.

Love and happiness to your kind families,
Prosperity and luck in everything,
I wish you awards and many prizes
For your success in such great work!

Everyone involved in agriculture
He dedicated his life and work.
Congratulations on a wonderful day,
May you have enough strength for everything.

Thank you for your work,
After all, you feed the people.
I wish you good health
And not to know adversity in fate.

May work be a joy
The result warms my soul.
On the way to prominent victories
Let there be fewer barriers.

Congratulations to the people whose hearts are forever given to our native open spaces: fields, forests and rivers. People whose hands work every day for the good of our people. I wish you, dear ones, that your health will be as strong and powerful as our entire processing industry. I wish that every day of yours is prosperous and happy, and that every hour of yours is filled with joy, success and positivity. I wish you great achievements in business, new discoveries in your field, a good harvest, large offspring and a stable income. Happy Agriculture and Processing Industry Day!

Thanks to everyone who sows, plows,
Who protects our crops,
Handles them thoroughly
So that the harvest gets to our table.

I wish you health and strength in abundance,
So that you go to work with a smile,
Clear weather daily
And the atmosphere is soulful for you!

In agriculture
All of Russia is worth it!
It is our wealth
And in it is our strength.

We congratulate you,
Good luck!
Your work for the country
It means a lot!

Let there be health
And there is prosperity in families,
And she will be worthy
You get paid for your work!

Today we congratulate great people.
You won’t find any more difficult work in the world:
And keep the livestock and harvest the crops,
And recycle it so that the region is well-fed.

Congratulations to the industry workers
Which has long become the main one
For human life. And let this work
Always respected, appreciated and honored.

You are in agriculture like a fish in water,
So let it be in everything to you, always and everywhere
Luck accompanies, just luck.
And may happiness certainly find you!

Agricultural workers, our deepest bow to you
For hard work and eternal worries.
Thank you for creating all the good things,
For your important and difficult work.

For your hard work, honor and praise to you.
May all early dawns be kind,
May the country respond kindly to you...
And your children will be happy and healthy!

On your bright holiday, may your dreams come true.
Let the earth please you with its yield.
Let it be joyful, joyful in your soul.
And all the best to you, how else could it be?!

Happy Agricultural Worker's Day!
Let success flow in full swing
So that in the heat and in the rain, in the cold -
In a fighting mood.

May luck not fail you
And there is warmth in the soul,
So that everything that happens
It was only good for you!

Agriculture is the head of everything,
Everything in it must be done only according to the mind,
We need to work for the harvest
It would be the best, and the income would be heaven!

We congratulate you on this bright day,
We sing a song like an ode for you,
We wish you joy and happiness,
Harvest tons of gold fields!

More equipment, and warmer rains,
Sunlight so that everything is on its way,
And there is a lot of health, so that for a whole century,
After all, people are important in this economy!

We wish you a lot of happiness,
Harvest and milk yield,
Thank you for your work
And food supply!

Let in business, family and friendship
Success accompanies you,
And always at your service
There will be peace, kindness and laughter!
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