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Summer impressions presentation for children. Summer presentation. presentation for the lesson (senior group) on the topic. What do we celebrate in June

Slide 1:

Hello summer!

Presentation prepared

Junior group teacher

MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 2"


Askarova Anastasia Reshitovna

Slide 2:

How much sun!

How much light!

How much greenery around!

What is this? This summer!

Finally hurries to our house.

Slide 3:

First month of summer:

June is the beginning of summer.

We have been waiting for him for a whole year.

All, warm sun warmed up

Fragrant and blooming.

Slide 4:

What are we doing in June

In June the warm time of summer begins. Summer is at the very beginning

so there may be cold days, there may be rain and thunderstorms, but in general

the weather is good during the month. You can spend more time outside, look at colorful butterflies, walk in the garden and wear a sun hat, because now there is a lot of sun and the days, towards the end of June, become the longest of the year.

Slide 5:

What a good day:
A light breeze blows
Summer sun rays
So nice hot!
And you don't need no boots
No shirt, no stockings, no jacket, no galoshes...
What a good day!

Slide 6:

Summer rain, warm shower!
Sparkling in the wind! Leaves a sea of ​​puddles
To get everyone drunk!

Slide 7:

Trees and bushes show off in lush green outfits.
The ground is also covered with green grass.

In the forest and meadows...

Flowers are blooming everywhere: in gardens and parks...

Even in a pond and river

Slide 8:

Butterflies, bees, beetles fly, grasshoppers chirp.

Slide 9:

Slide 10:

Second month of summer:

The hottest month of the year is

It's a colorful July.

Strawberries ripen in July

Both in the clearing and in the garden.

Above the river the sun is like a flatbread

And the rainbow bridge is an arc.

And there are nimble fish in the river

They invite you and me to swim.

Slide 11:

What do we do in July

The hottest and sultrymonth. The sun is so hot that it is better to walk early in the morning and evening. You can help in the garden and vegetable garden, not forgetting to protect yourself from the hot rays of the sun. And further

know that at any moment, evenin the clearest weather, they can

clouds will come and eruptthunderstorm, because July is the stormiest month. But usually the storm passes quickly and the sun comes out again.

Slide 12:

In summer you can swim in the lake, river or sea.

Slide 13:

And you can make Easter cakes from the sand on the shore and build castles.

Slide 14:

How many delicious sweet berries

In a clearing in the woods!

Here I am hired for a year

Stock vitamins!

Slide 15:

And in the garden

Slide 16:

And in the garden they begin to ripen

fruits and vegetables…

Slide 17:

Third month of summer:

August is coming

He rewards all people.

For hard work,

He brings fruit to all of us.


Say goodbye to summer.

Slide 18:

What are we doing in August

Tasty and sweet timeAugust. The beds and bushes give the most delicious fruits. At the end of summer, mushrooms appear in the forest. Walking this month is a pleasure, because the sun is no longer so hot, and the days are warm and calm. But in the evening you need to dress a little warmer, as the sun sets early.

Slide 19:

We collect in August,
Fruit harvest.
A lot of people of joy,

After all the work.

The sun over the spacious
Niwami is worth it.
And sunflower grains
Full of blacks.

Slide 20:

Riddles for children about summer

Hung in the sky

colored rocker.

After the rain comes

Then he quickly leaves.

Answer: (Rainbow)

The sun is heating up

Flowers are blooming.

The berries are ripe

When does this happen?

Answer: (Summer)

Slide 21:

I am a hot summer, on a thin leg.
I'm growing in the grass in the meadow.

Who loves me will lean towards me,

And the name was given to me by my native land.
Answer: (strawberry)

The clouds are rolling in

It's pouring rain.

At first it sparkles brightly

Thunder runs across the sky

Answer: (Thunderstorm)

Flies and dances over the flower

Flapping its beautiful wings at us

Answer: (Butterfly)

Slide 22:

How beautiful all the flowers are! Do you agree with me?

All nature blossomed in wondrous colors.

Thank you, SUMMER!

The material contains a presentation for class hour"Fire Summer" The event is held in middle and high schools. The purpose of the class is to tell students about the terrible fires in the summer of 2010.

The material contains a presentation for the class hour "Summer has come." The event is held in 1st grade. The class hour is held with the goal of telling children about the signs of the onset of summer and the rules of behavior near bodies of water.

The material contains a children's presentation for the Summer class hour. The event is held in primary school. The class hour is held to give children an idea of ​​such a time of year as summer.

Presentation on the topic “Hello, summer!” made for classroom or lessons in elementary school. You can download the material for almost any class. Younger schoolchildren will be interested to learn about the time of year that attracts them so much, which gives them the long-awaited summer holidays.

A manual about summer was completed on 23 slides. Each page is separate small discovery. Here is a story about the summer months, about signs. In addition, schoolchildren will read a lot of poems, solve riddles on the topic, and crossword puzzles.

A summer background and a beautiful clean presentation template on the theme of summer will definitely be appreciated by those who like to do multimedia work on their own. Do you also have a lot of interesting poems about summer, a wonderful selection of riddles and vivid pictures about this time of year? You can draw up your own work both for a lesson and for a class hour or some kind of competition, but first we offer you to download a ready-made blank, which will be filled with material over time. On its pages are symbols of this season: flowers, butterflies, bees. Delicate colors and a neat frame are chosen for the summer background. They fully correspond to the stated theme of the work.

The presentation will tell in an accessible and understandable way what rules of behavior in the summer must be followed so that the rest is safe, so that trouble is avoided. Downloading the resource is recommended for cool hours or life safety lessons that will be held before the summer holidays.

Summer has come! Nature blossomed, the forest, garden, trees in the park changed beyond recognition, became covered with thick green leaves. The sun is getting hotter and hotter, the days are getting longer and the birds are singing incessantly.
In summer, nature is busy with growth and development, life in the forest is in full swing, plants stretch upward, and animals nurse their young, the sun gets hotter, dawn comes early and gets dark later, in August you can see shooting stars.

Other materials on the theme of summer:

June month.
June is the harvest season, because the rising rye is heading. Look how the rye is sprouting in the field, the lingonberries and rose hips are blooming, if you see a hive, then in it the bees are collecting honey from the pollen of plants.

(S. Marshak)

June has come.
"June! June!" -
Birds are chirping in the garden...
Just blow on a dandelion -
And it will all fly apart.

What are we doing in June
In June the warm time of summer begins. Summer is still at the very beginning, so there may be cold days, rain and thunderstorms, but overall the weather in the month is good. You can spend more time outside, look at colorful butterflies, walk in the garden and wear a sun hat, because now there is a lot of sun and the days, towards the end of June, become the longest of the year.

What do we celebrate in June
June 23 is International Olympic Day. Once every four years the Summer Olympics are held, this is when athletes different countries compete with each other in various types sports And then there is the Winter Olympics, which also takes place every four years, only in winter.

July month.
July is a bad month, because hot days with thunderstorms set in. This month there is haymaking (hay is being cut), blueberries are ripe, strawberries are being poured. And if you go to the forest to pick berries, you can pick up a whole basket. Look! In the parks there is fluffy “white snow” in the summer?! This is a poplar tree in bloom, and “summer snow” is poplar fluff.

(S. Marshak)

Haymaking is in July
Somewhere thunder grumbles sometimes.
And ready to leave the hive
Young bee swarm.

What do we do in July
The hottest and sultriest month. The sun is so hot that it is better to walk early in the morning and evening. You can help in the garden and vegetable garden, not forgetting to protect yourself from the hot rays of the sun. And also know that at any moment, even in the clearest weather, clouds can appear and a thunderstorm can break out, because July is the stormiest month. But usually the storm passes quickly and the sun comes out again.

What do we celebrate in July
July 8 is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. This is a family holiday. which you can celebrate with the people you love and who you live with.

Month of August.
August is Stubble, because the main time of harvesting begins. Touch the water near the shore in the lake. It got colder. This is because the days have become shorter and the nights have become longer. But the sun still warms like summer. The month of August gives us a large harvest of fruits, vegetables and delicious berries.

(S. Marshak)

We collect in August
Fruit harvest.
Lots of joy for people
After all the work.

The sun over the spacious
Niwami is worth it.
And sunflower grains

What are we doing in August
Tasty and sweet time - August. The beds and bushes give the most delicious fruits. You can eat raspberries, strawberries, and if you go to the forest for mushrooms, then on the sunny edges you can pick sweet wild strawberries. Walking this month is a pleasure, because the sun is no longer so hot, and the days are warm and calm. But in the evening you need to dress a little warmer, as the sun sets early.

What do we celebrate in August
August 14 - First Spas. Honey rescue. On this day, honey is taken out from the bees, so it is customary in churches to illuminate honey on this holiday.
August 19 - Second Spas. Apple Spas. Now the apples are ripe, the apples are illuminated in churches.
August 29 - The third one saved. By this day, nuts ripen and in Rus' they baked pies from fresh bread.

Tell me what is shown in the picture in the summer?

Attachments: Picture 1

    Along with the seasons, time of day, children should know such common natural phenomena such as the sun, rain, thunderstorm, rainbow, wind, leaf fall and other weather phenomena that we encounter every day on the street. It is better to demonstrate natural phenomena for children with pictures and poems, to explain at what time of year this or that phenomenon occurs and what nature looks like, for example, in the summer after rain, when a rainbow appears, or in winter, when snow falls on the trees.

    The natural world is made up of the colors, sounds and smells that surround us. Among them, the seven colors of the rainbow stand out: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
    The year is made up of four seasons, with one or more primary colors being the most common in each.
    So, we study the colors of the rainbow with our child, and at the same time find out what the seasons look like in their characteristic bright colors of nature. We will need pictures, a sketchbook and colored pencils. Let's try to combine colors and seasons together and see which color suits which season best.

    Winter has come! Les put on fluffy white fur coats. The water in rivers and lakes froze and turned into ice. But now you can skate. If the snow is wet, you can make a snow woman and play snowballs, and if it’s dry, then take a whirlwind ride down the mountain on a sled.
    In winter, nature sleeps, covered with a white blanket of snow and ice; found on bare tree branches winter birds; animals leave footprints in the snow; sometimes there are blizzards and frosts; the days are short and the nights are long and cold.

    Autumn has come! The forest threw gold on the leaves, the leaves rustled, and then the wind tore them off and let them fall along the road. The leaves will continue to swirl for a long time until they fall and the trees remain bare. Then we will look forward to the first snow.
    In autumn, nature slows down its development and prepares for winter; bushes and trees shed their leaves; birds fly away to warmer regions, and those animals that remain dress in warm fur coats; The weather becomes colder and towards the end of autumn the first snow falls.

Hello summer!

How much sun!

How much light!

How much greenery around! What is this? This summer! Finally hurries to our house.

First month of summer: June is the beginning of summer. We have been waiting for him for a whole year. Everything is warmed by the warm sun, Fragrant and blooming. What are we doing in June In June the warm time of summer begins. Summer is still at the very beginning, so there may be cold days, rain and thunderstorms, but overall the weather in the month is good. You can spend more time outside, look at colorful butterflies, walk in the garden and wear a sun hat, because now there is a lot of sun and the days, towards the end of June, become the longest of the year. What a beautiful day it is: A light breeze is blowing, The summer sun’s rays are so pleasantly hot! And you don’t need any boots, no shirt, no stockings, no jacket, no galoshes... What a good day! Summer rain, warm shower! Sparkles in the wind! Leaves a sea of ​​puddles for everyone to drink! Trees and bushes show off in lush green outfits. The ground is also covered with green grass. Flowers are blooming everywhere: in gardens and parks... the forest and meadows... ...even in a pond and river ...butterflies, bees, beetles fly, grasshoppers chirp. The voices of birds are heard everywhere





Second month of summer: The hottest month of the year is It's a colorful July. Strawberries ripen in July Both in the clearing and in the garden. Above the river the sun is like a flatbread And the rainbow bridge is an arc. And there are nimble fish in the river They invite you and me to swim. What do we do in July The hottest and sultry month. The sun is hot so much so that I walk better early in the morning and In the evening. You can help in garden and vegetable garden, not forgetting protect yourself from hot weather sun rays. And further know that at any moment, even in the clearest weather, they can clouds will come and erupt thunderstorm, because July is the best stormy month. But usually the storm passes quickly and again the sun is peeking out. In summer you can swim in the lake, river or sea. And from the sand on the shore you can make Easter cakes and build castles.





How many delicious sweet berries

In a clearing in the woods!

Here I am hired for a year

Stock up on vitamins!


Red Ribes



And in the garden








...and the garden begins to ripen



Third month of summer: August is coming He of all people rewards. For hard work, He brings fruit to all of us. Harvesting... Say goodbye to summer. What are we doing in August Tasty and sweet time August. Beds and bushes are given the most delicious fruits. At the end In summer, mushrooms appear in the forest. Walking this month is one thing pleasure, because the sun It’s not so hot anymore, but the days they stand warm and calm. Just in the evening I need to get dressed a little already warmer because the sun is shining starts sitting down early.

We collect in August, the fruit harvest. There is a lot of joy for people, After all the work.

The sun is above the spacious fields. And the sunflower is filled with black grains.

Riddles for children about summer

The sun is heating up

Flowers are blooming.

The berries are ripe

When does this happen?

Answer: (Summer)

Hung in the sky

colored rocker.

After the rain comes

Then he quickly leaves.

Answer: (Rainbow)

Flies and dances over the flower

Flapping its beautiful wings at us

Answer: (Butterfly)

I am a hot summer, on a thin leg. I'm growing in the grass in the meadow. Who loves me will lean towards me, And she gave me a name

native land. Answer: (strawberries)

The clouds are rolling in

It's pouring rain.

At first it sparkles brightly

Thunder runs across the sky

Answer: (Thunderstorm)

How beautiful all the flowers are! Do you agree with me?

All nature blossomed in wondrous colors.

Thank you, SUMMER!
