Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

O light of my eyes hottabych. A funny scene for men. "Spring song" music. etc. N. V. Kulikova

Dear birthday girl!
A guest has arrived from the East,
He is a famous doc in miracles!
He's on the carpet, so he can hurry up
Arrived for the Anniversary!
This is the well-known and amazing Old Man Hottabych!

(Hottabych comes out in a robe, a turban, with a long beard, with a rug under his arm. Folding his palms in an oriental manner, he bows to the birthday girl and says to her: “Hello, oh most beautiful of birthday girls!” Then he turns to the guests: “Hello, honorable guests! ” He spreads out the rug, sits on it, bending his legs in an oriental manner, and then says to the birthday girl):


Oh, the light of my eyes! Incomparable and most beautiful birthday girl Antonina! I came here to fulfill all your deepest desires! But first, let me, my wisest, ask you a few wise questions!

(birthday girl allows)


I listen and obey!
Oh, my most worthy! Please listen to my first question:
Is it possible to celebrate a birthday two days in a row?
(the correct answer is no, because there is night between them!)

Oh, my darling! My second question: what is given to the birthday girl, and people use it more often than she does?
(correct answer is name)

Oh, my wise one! And my third question: what fabric cannot be used to make a suit for a birthday girl?
(the correct answer is from the railway)

May there be peace and prosperity in your home, oh healing balm of my soul!
And now I will fulfill all your secret desires! And I will do this with the help of your honorable guests, O most beautiful of the beautiful! And so that the guests do not resist your wishes, I will pluck three hairs from my magic beard!

Listen and understand! (pulls out first hair)
Fulfill all the wishes of the birthday girl! (pulls out second hair)
Let it be so, and not otherwise! (pulls out third hair)

(gets up from the rug, approaches the guests with an eastern bow and tells them):


Oh distinguished guests! Now you will fulfill the wishes of the birthday girl by completing these simple tasks. Please, I am ready for anything, pull out each of your tickets!

(Hottabych takes a bag with numbers out of his pocket and the guests draw them out one by one, then Hottabych gives them a task one by one):


Kohl came to the Jubilee,
Drink some vodka soon!

Have a glass of wine
For a rosy face!

Treat the neighbor on the left
A stack of vodka skillfully!

You, my friend, have the right
Give your friend a peck on the cheek on the right!

compliment now
Birthday girl from us!

To make it more fun
Sing us a song quickly!

Good guests today,
Throw away your timidity,
Tell a joke
This is what the people expect from you!

We'll have fun
If you get up now
In the swallow position, my friend,
Give us a small toast!

We have a birthday girl
A sight for sore eyes, simply classy!
Come to her, hug her
And smile at all the guests!

Kiss the birthday girl
Just don’t spoil too much!

Well, and you, my friend, the wall
Kiss me with your back turned
Forget at least for a while
About your beloved chondrosis!

Describe a circle with your right foot,
Knocking on the tummy with my left hand,
At the same time, try to drink a glass,
You shouldn't spill a single drop!

Use modern jargon now
Confessing your love to the birthday girl,
My order is the strictest law,
Speak without hesitation!

(after completing all tasks Hottabych says):


Oh, the most beautiful birthday girl! And now the main surprise that I have prepared for you!
To please your wonderful eyes and ears, as well as to bring joy to distinguished guests, now my students will perform an oriental dance, not sparing their belly!

(2-3 girls in oriental costumes come out and dance a belly dance to some oriental melody, or the soundtrack of the song “Rasputin” performed by the Boni M. Hottabych ensemble is very suitable, then he comes up to the birthday girl, kisses her hand and says) :


O mistress of my thoughts! I'm leaving you until your next birthday!

(bows to everyone in Eastern style and leaves)


Dear birthday girl!
A guest has arrived from the East,
He is a famous doc in miracles!
He's on the carpet, so he can hurry up
Arrived for the Anniversary!
This is the well-known and amazing Old Man Hottabych!

(Hottabych comes out in a robe, a turban, with a long beard, with a rug under his arm. Folding his palms in an oriental manner, he bows to the birthday girl and says to her: “Hello, oh most beautiful of birthday girls!” Then he turns to the guests: “Hello, honorable guests! ” He spreads out the rug, sits on it, bending his legs in an oriental manner, and then says to the birthday girl):


Oh, the light of my eyes! Incomparable and most beautiful birthday girl Antonina! I came here to fulfill all your deepest desires! But first, let me, my wisest, ask you a few wise questions!

(birthday girl allows)


I listen and obey!
Oh, my most worthy! Please listen to my first question:
Is it possible to celebrate a birthday two days in a row?
(the correct answer is no, because there is night between them!)

Oh, my darling! My second question: what is given to the birthday girl, and people use it more often than she does?
(correct answer is name)

Oh, my wise one! And my third question: what fabric cannot be used to make a suit for a birthday girl?
(the correct answer is from the railway)

May there be peace and prosperity in your home, oh healing balm of my soul!
And now I will fulfill all your secret desires! And I will do this with the help of your honorable guests, O most beautiful of the beautiful! And so that the guests do not resist your wishes, I will pluck three hairs from my magic beard!

Listen and understand! (pulls out first hair)
Fulfill all the wishes of the birthday girl! (pulls out second hair)
Let it be so, and not otherwise! (pulls out third hair)

(gets up from the rug, approaches the guests with an eastern bow and tells them):


Oh distinguished guests! Now you will fulfill the wishes of the birthday girl by completing these simple tasks. Please, I am ready for anything, pull out each of your tickets!

(Hottabych takes a bag with numbers out of his pocket and the guests draw them out one by one, then Hottabych gives them a task one by one):


Kohl came to the Jubilee,
Drink some vodka quickly!

Have a glass of wine
For a rosy face!

Treat the neighbor on the left
Skillfully shoot a shot of vodka!

You, my friend, have the right
Give your friend a peck on the cheek on the right!

compliment now
Birthday girl from us!

To make it more fun
Sing us a song quickly!

Good guests today,
Throw away your timidity,
Tell a joke
This is what the people expect from you!

We'll have fun
If you get up now
In the swallow position, my friend,
Give us a small toast!

We have a birthday girl
A sight for sore eyes, simply classy!
Come to her, hug her
And smile at all the guests!

Kiss the birthday girl
Just don’t spoil too much!

Well, and you, my friend, the wall
Kiss me with your back turned
Forget at least for a while
About your beloved chondrosis!

Describe a circle with your right foot,
Knocking on the tummy with my left hand,
At the same time, try to drink a glass,
You shouldn't spill a single drop!

Use modern jargon now
Confessing your love to the birthday girl,
My order is the strictest law,
Speak without hesitation!

(after completing all tasks Hottabych says):


Oh, the most beautiful birthday girl! And now the main surprise that I have prepared for you!
To please your wonderful eyes and ears, as well as to bring joy to our distinguished guests, now my students will perform an oriental dance, not sparing their belly!

(2-3 girls in oriental costumes come out and dance a belly dance to some oriental melody, or the soundtrack of the song “Rasputin” performed by the Boni M. Hottabych ensemble is very suitable, then he comes up to the birthday girl, kisses her hand and says) :


O mistress of my thoughts! I'm leaving you until your next birthday!

(bows to everyone in Eastern style and leaves)

We have posted especially for site visitors

Elena Shevtsova
Scenario for the holiday on March 8 preparatory group with the participation of old man Hottabych Video

The presenter enters the hall and reads a poem by Valentina Belyaeva:

I'll tie your life together

Made from fluffy mohair threads.

I'll tie your life together

I won't lie a single loop.

I'll tie your life together

Where there is a pattern across the field of prayer -

Wishes of happiness,

In the rays of true love.

I'll tie your life together

Made from a cheerful melange yarn.

I'll tie your life together

And then I will give it from my heart.

Where do I get threads?

I will never confess to anyone:

To connect your life,

I secretly unravel mine.

Poems (only girls read):

With a number, like a pretzel.

How many of you guys know

What does the number mean?

The children will tell us in chorus:

B. Zakhoder

2 Velcro-why

Mom loves and regrets.

Mom understands.

My mom can do everything

He knows everything in the world!

– Why do wasps bite?

I'm asking directly.

And to ALL my questions

Mom answers.

Tell me where from the sky

It snows in winter.

Why a loaf of bread

Is it baked with flour?

Why is the dog barking?

What will dream in a dream?

Why does the icicle melt?

And your eyelashes tremble?

Why is there a cloud in the sky?

Is there a lawn in the forest?



(T. Bokova)

You are the most beautiful,

You are the best.

To the gentle sun

And it looks like the moon.

I give you a smile

I give you a big flower:

I want you to flutter

Always like a moth.

(V. Solonikin)

4. Mom is loved by everyone in the world,

Mom's first friend.

Not only children love their mothers,

Loved by everyone around.

If anything happens

If suddenly there is trouble,

Mommy will come to the rescue

It will always help.

Mom has a lot of strength and health

Gives to all of us.

So, really, there is no

Better than our mothers.

5. Asterisk

Darling, good one, I love you!

"Spring song" music. etc. N. V. Kulikova

1. I’ll sing a song

The sun is playing with its rays

My dear mother

For care and kindness

Thank you

2. Spring flowers

To my beloved grandmother and mother:

Sun is shining, sky blue,

Dear Mammy, dear Granny,

Presenter: guys, look what I found, what kind of vessel is this and where did it come from here? So unusual, very similar to magic. The patterns are so strange (he begins to rub the vessel, unusual music sounds, Hottabych appears in the hall).

Hottabych: Apchhi! I greet you, O beautiful of the most beautiful, wisest and most wise.

Presenter: Who are you? Where did you come from?

Hottabych: I am from this vessel. Know, O most blessed of the beautiful, that I am the mighty and renowned genie Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Hottab in all countries of the world, or, in your opinion, Hassan Abdurrahman Hottabovich. And it happened to me - wow! -- amazing story. I, an unfortunate genie, disobeyed Suleiman ibn Dawood and he imprisoned me in a clay vessel, from which you, O blessed savior, - apchhi, apchhi! - pulled me out. May your days be long, oh. Forgive me, I would be incredibly happy to know your name.

Presenter: Tatyana Petrovna.

Hottabych: what an unusual and beautiful name: Tatyana Petrovna. Tell me, Tatyana Petrovna, where did I end up, where am I now?

Presenter: Hottabych, you ended up in the “Solnyshko” kindergarten, at the children’s matinee.

Hottabych: wah, wah, wah….oh, oh, oh! I've never been here before. May there be peace to this house. Hello, the most educated of the educated and the loveliest of the loveliest. Children and dear guests. Do you know the star of my heart, dear Tatyana Petrovna, that I will henceforth do everything that you order me, for you saved me from a terrible imprisonment.

Presenter: Whatever I order? Well, okay, but first, Hottabych, sit down, rest, and our guys will sing you a song. What did your mother feed you as a child?

Hottabych: porridge.

Presenter: So, our song is called “Cook the Porridge”, and we will cook it for our mothers.

Song "Cook the Porridge"

1. We got up early today

And while mommy is sleeping

They decided to cook porridge for her,

To surprise with something.

While we were looking for cereals,

Milk ran away

How it happened, we don't know

It looks fast

ETC. Boil, boil the porridge

Have fun and have fun

Boil, boil the porridge

Be lazy and lazy

2. Together we decided

Outsmart milk

And this time it's a bucket

To be safe, pour

To make the porridge tasty

Added what they could

Sausage, candy, bun

Salted from the heart.

Hottabych: Oh, well done, my ears have never heard better music. Wonderful, incomparable. Now, order whatever you wish, O diamond of my soul.

Presenter: Then, can I ask you, Hottabych, to congratulate our mothers, grandmothers and girls on March 8?

Presenter: ok, ask Hottabych.

Riddles from Hottabych:

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms one bit,

If you are next to me... (mother)

There is no dirt or trash in the apartment,

I put everything away clean... (mom)

Borscht in a plate is the most delicious,

Only cooks like this... (mom)

Addresses parents

The son plays the scale loudly,

This only makes me happy... (mother)

Elephant, hippopotamus

There is also a kind one... (mother)

Dad and I go shopping for flowers

We love to give them... (to mom)

If your daughter is stubborn,

Wags his finger at her... (mom)

Those kids feel shame and disgrace,

Who offended their own... (mom)

And capricious and stubborn,

Every morning there is drama in the house -

There is no one more dear to her in the world,

Fairer and kinder.

I'll tell you straight, friends -

Best in the world... (mother)

Hottabych: O wisest of the wisest, how were you able to answer all my questions? Well, now let's get down to the parents (rubs his palms and hurriedly runs to his mothers and grandmothers.)

Riddles for parents:

What's not in a woman's handbag?

Answer: About

Answer: Kilogram

Answer: Collapse

Answer: Out the door

How to catch a tiger in a cage?

Hottabych: We figured it out, oh wise ones... and now allow me to congratulate you on the holiday, on Women's Day, on the holiday of spring, beauty and love. May your soul be filled to the brim today with light, warmth and joy from sincere wishes, delicate flowers, pleasant gifts! Let swallows build nests over your windows and bring prosperity and mutual understanding to your home, and let the first rays spring sun will point to a happy path in your destiny!

Presenter: of course of course.

Tricks from Hottabych

1. " The water changes color"

2. "Magic handkerchiefs"

3. Gift for the presenter.

4. Appearance of rain

Dance with umbrellas.

Presenter: Yes, Hottabych, you are a real wizard. Hottabych, do you want to hear what poems the boys know about our beautiful, magical mothers?

Hottabych: very, very interested

Boys' poems for mothers:

Mother! Happy spring holiday

I sincerely congratulate you!

Long life, love, fun

I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

Let all misfortunes melt away

And adversity will disappear.

I wish only happiness -

Let the years not age you.

So that you don't lose your strength,

So that business is carried out successfully,

Always be so beautiful

Smiling, tender!

You are the best, for sure

I'll say it like a man

Hottabych: how your speeches flow, caressing my ears. After all, your mothers are so beautiful, gentle, sweet, beautiful... But here in the East we have a beautiful princess Budur. You won’t find her better in the whole world: she has white skin, black hair, a magnificent waist, and an elegant smile of modesty on her lips. (raises hands to the sky). A beautiful, delicate flower.

Presenter: Hottabych, you haven’t seen what kind of princesses we have, one is more beautiful than the other, let’s see.

Hottabych: I obey and obey, let's watch

But I don’t want it by calculation.

Hottabych: wonderful, divine. Addresses the presenter. Oh, diamond of my soul, let me organize a competition for the most beautiful mothers.

Competitions are held for mothers.

Hottabych: I saw what beautiful beauties are here in your garden, Sunny, even Princess Budur herself fades in the rays of your beauty. O beautiful ones, O radiant ones, O most beautiful of the beautiful...

Presenter: Hottabych, remember, you said that you would fulfill all my wishes? I want you to please children, mothers and grandmothers with some unusual gift. Are you a wizard? Create a miracle for us.

Hottabych: I listen and obey. I have a magic basket, I will show it to you now.

Presenter: This is magic, this is a gift. Did you guys like it? (Yes)

Presenter: This is where our holiday came to an end. Dear mothers and grandmothers, happy holiday once again. I wish you happiness, beauty and health. Thank you for having us. Guys, let's say thank you to our mothers.


Presenter: See you again!

The presenter enters the hall and reads a poem by Valentina Belyaeva:

I'll tie your life together

Made from fluffy mohair threads.

I'll tie your life together

I won't lie a single loop.

I'll tie your life together

Where there is a pattern across the field of prayer -

Wishes of happiness,

In the rays of true love.

I'll tie your life together

Made from a cheerful melange yarn.

I'll tie your life together

And then I will give it from my heart.

Where do I get threads?

I will never confess to anyone:

To connect your life,

I secretly unravel mine.

Mom - what a simple and amazing word for each of us. The warmest, the kindest. For any of us, mother is the most beautiful, the most tender, the most beloved, the most understanding and much more the most... This is the very first word, our life begins with it.

To the music “Mom is the first word,” children enter the hall with flowers and perform dance movements. They hand flowers to mothers and grandmothers and sit on chairs. (children who read poetry line up).

Poems (only girls read):

With a number, like a pretzel.

How many of you guys know

What does the number mean?

The children will tell us in chorus:

This is our mothers' holiday! (CHORUS)

B. Zakhoder

2 Velcro-why

Mom loves and regrets.

Mom understands.

My mom can do everything

He knows everything in the world!

– Why do wasps bite?

I'm asking directly.

And to ALL my questions

Mom answers.

Tell me where from the sky

It snows in winter.

Why a loaf of bread

Is it baked with flour?

Why is the dog barking?

What will dream in a dream?

Why does the icicle melt?

And your eyelashes tremble?

Why is there a cloud in the sky?

Is there a lawn in the forest?



(T. Bokova)

You are the most beautiful,

You are the best.

To the gentle sun

And it looks like the moon.

I give you a smile

I give you a big flower:

I want you to flutter

Always like a moth.

(V. Solonikin)

4. Mom is loved by everyone in the world,

Mom's first friend.

Not only children love their mothers,

Loved by everyone around.

If anything happens

If suddenly there is trouble,

Mommy will come to the rescue

It will always help.

Mom has a lot of strength and health

Gives to all of us.

So, really, there is no

Better than our mothers.

5. Asterisk

The star is shining brightly in the sky.

It shines, but does not warm - mom says.

I will stretch a ladder to the sky from the balcony.

I’ll pick up a star for mom from the sky.

Mom will light this star on her chest.

And he will warm you with warmth and sing a song.

Mom is my star, my bright one!

Darling, good one, I love you!

All children stand near their chairs, the readers come up to them and prepare to perform the song.

"Spring song" music. etc. N. V. Kulikova

1. I’ll sing a song

The sun is playing with its rays

My dear mother

For care and kindness

Thank you

2. Spring flowers

To my beloved grandmother and mother:

Sun is shining, sky blue,

Dear Mammy, dear Granny,

At the end, the children sit on chairs. The presenter at this moment finds an unusual vessel and shows it to the children.

Presenter: guys, look what I found, what kind of vessel is this and where did it come from here? So unusual, very similar to magic. The patterns are so strange (he begins to rub the vessel, unusual music sounds, Hottabych appears in the hall).

Hottabych: Apchhi! I greet you, O beautiful of the most beautiful, wisest and most wise.

Presenter: who are you? Where did you come from?

Hottabych: I come from this vessel. Know, O most blessed of the beautiful, that I am the mighty and renowned genie Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Hottab in all countries of the world, or, in your opinion, Hassan Abdurrahman Hottabovich. And it happened to me - wow! -- an amazing story. I, an unfortunate genie, disobeyed Suleiman ibn Dawood and he imprisoned me in a clay vessel, from which you, O blessed savior, - apchhi, apchhi! - pulled me out. May your days be long, oh. Forgive me, I would be incredibly happy to know your name.

Presenter: Tatyana Petrovna.

Hottabych: what an unusual and beautiful name: Tatyana Petrovna. Tell me, Tatyana Petrovna, where did I end up, where am I now?

Presenter: Hottabych, you ended up in the “Solnyshko” kindergarten, at the children’s matinee.

Hottabych: wah, wah, wah .... oh, oh, oh! I've never been here before. May there be peace to this house. Hello, the most educated of the educated and the loveliest of the loveliest. Children and dear guests. Do you know the star of my heart, dear Tatyana Petrovna, that I will henceforth do everything that you order me, for you saved me from a terrible imprisonment.

Presenter: Whatever I order? Well, okay, but first, Hottabych, sit down, rest, and our guys will sing you a song. What did your mother feed you as a child?

Hottabych: porridge.

Presenter: So, our song is called “Cook the Porridge”, and we will cook it for our mothers.

Song "Cook the Porridge"

1. We got up early today

And while mommy is sleeping

They decided to cook porridge for her,

To surprise with something.

While we were looking for cereals,

Milk ran away

How it happened, we don't know

It looks fast

ETC. Boil, boil the porridge

Have fun and have fun

Today we will please all our friends

Boil, boil the porridge

Be lazy and lazy

You are already waiting for plates and spoons.

2. Together we decided

Outsmart milk

And this time it's a bucket

To be safe, pour

To make the porridge tasty

Added what they could

Sausage, candy, bun

Salted from the heart.

Hottabych: oh, yes, well done, my ears have never heard better music. Wonderful, incomparable. Now, order whatever you wish, O diamond of my soul.

Presenter: Then, can I ask you, Hottabych, to congratulate our mothers, grandmothers and girls on March 8?

Hottabych: Oh, the light of my eyes! Incomparable and most beautiful Tatyana Petrovna! I will fulfill your desire, but let me first, my wisest, ask them a few wise questions.

Presenter: okay, ask Hottabych.

Riddles from Hottabych:

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms one bit,

If you are next to me... (mother)

There is no dirt or trash in the apartment,

I put everything away clean... (mom)

Borscht in a plate is the most delicious,

Only cooks like this... (mom)

Addresses parents

The son plays the scale loudly,

This only makes me happy... (mother)

Elephant, hippopotamus

There is also a kind one... (mother)

Dad and I go shopping for flowers

We love to give them... (to mom)

If your daughter is stubborn,

Wags his finger at her... (mom)

Those kids feel shame and disgrace,

Who offended their own... (mom)

And capricious and stubborn,

She doesn’t want to go to kindergarten... (not mother, but daughter)

Every morning there is drama in the house -

Doesn’t want to eat porridge... (not mother, but daughter or son)

There is no one more dear to her in the world,

Fairer and kinder.

I'll tell you straight, friends -

Best in the world... (mother)

Hottabych: O wisest of the wisest, how were you able to answer all my questions? Well, now let's get down to the parents (rubs his palms and hurriedly runs to his mothers and grandmothers.)

Riddles for parents:

What's not in a woman's handbag?

Answer: About

A and B were sitting on the pipe. A went abroad, B sneezed and went to the hospital. What's left on the pipe?

Answer: Letter B (I - went to the hospital)

A green crocodile is flying across the sky. Flew for 2 hours and covered 7 kilometers. How much will a kilogram of apples weigh if you remove the screw from the fluid coupling?

Answer: Kilogram

Is Winnie the Pooh a pig or a boar?

Answer: Winnie the Pooh is a bear, and Piglet is Piglet

What do milk and a hedgehog have in common?

Answer: Collapse

Why do students usually get kicked out of class?

Answer: Out the door

The very first semiconductor in the world?

Answer: Ivan Susanin

How to catch a tiger in a cage?

Answer: There is no tiger in a cage, there is a tiger in stripes.

Hottabych: We figured it out, oh wise ones... and now allow me to congratulate you on the holiday, on Women's Day, on the holiday of spring, beauty and love. May your soul be filled to the brim today with light, warmth and joy from sincere wishes, delicate flowers, pleasant gifts! Let swallows build nests above your windows and bring prosperity and mutual understanding to your home, and let the first rays of the spring sun point to a happy path in your destiny!

Dear Tatyana Petrovna, oh the light of my eyes, allow me to give real magic to the most worthy guests and their children.

Presenter: Of course, of course.

Tricks from Hottabych

1. “The water changes color”

They bring out a table with four “empty” glasses on it. At the bottom of each of them is poured a little green (there will be green), potassium permanganate (red, furatsilin (yellow), blue (blue). Water is poured from a transparent jug into each glass. The water in the glasses is painted in different colors.

2. “Magic handkerchiefs”

Preparatory stage: hide the handkerchiefs in the hall (behind the flowers, on the windowsill, in the teacher’s pocket, etc.). put handkerchiefs in a box with a double bottom that opens on both sides and close it. Pronounced magic words, the box turns over and opens on the other side. The handkerchiefs “disappeared.” Further, they are found in previously hidden places.

3. Gift for the presenter.

Flower from a newspaper. A large newspaper is rolled up into a tube, cuts are made along the tube, then you need to grab the central strip of the newspaper and carefully pull it up, you get a flower. (give to the presenter)

4. Appearance of rain

Hottabych pronounces the magic words and says that it will start to rain.

Presenter: In order not to get wet, the guys will take umbrellas and perform a dance.

To the music of Yulia Seliverstova, “Drip, drip, drip, rain is dripping through puddles,” children perform

Dance with umbrellas.

(the girls leave to prepare for the dance)

Presenter: yes, Hottabych, you are a real wizard. Hottabych, do you want to hear what poems the boys know about our beautiful, magical mothers?

Hottabych: very, very interested

Boys' poems for mothers:

Mother! Happy spring holiday

I sincerely congratulate you!

Long life, love, fun

I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

Let all misfortunes melt away

And adversity will disappear.

I wish only happiness -

Let the years not age you.

So that you don't lose your strength,

So that business is carried out successfully,

Always be so beautiful

Smiling, tender!

You are the best, for sure

I'll say it like a man

After all, you raised an excellent son,

Without modesty, this is what I think today.

And I congratulate you on Women’s Day!

Hottabych: how your speeches flow, caressing my ears. After all, your mothers are so beautiful, gentle, sweet, beautiful... But here in the East we have a beautiful princess Budur. You won’t find her better in the whole world: she has white skin, black hair, a magnificent waist, and an elegant smile of modesty on her lips. (raises hands to the sky). A beautiful, delicate flower.

Presenter: Hottabych, you haven’t seen what kind of princesses we have, one is more beautiful than the other, let’s see.

Hottabych: I listen and obey, let's watch

Girls perform a dance to music. from the film “The Flying Ship”

But I don’t want it by calculation.

Hottabych: wonderful, divine. Addresses the presenter. Oh, diamond of my soul, let me organize a competition for the most beautiful mothers.

Competitions are held for mothers.

1. The best oriental turban on my daughter’s head. (4-5 mothers with daughters)

Show options for making a turban made from a colorful scarf. Mothers temporarily tie their daughter's turban, the most beautiful one wins.

2. Oriental gait (4-5 moms)

What makes an oriental beauty truly beautiful? Well, of course, the gait. After all, it is the gait combined with beautiful posture that makes people turn around. Take a closer look at the women on the street: some are simply hunched over under the weight of their bags; the gait of others is more reminiscent of a soldier's march; and someone simply minces in small steps, bending over like a doom. Alas, a pitiful sight. And today, you and I will learn to walk like real oriental beauties, soaring in the air. And for this we will need a ribbon, with which we will lightly tie your legs at the ankles so that you do not run with huge steps, and for the beauty of your posture we will put a book on your head. In this form, you need to reach the landmark, go around and return to the starting place. The mother who does this first is the winner. Let's get started.

Hottabych: I saw what beautiful beauties are here in your garden, Sunny, even Princess Budur herself fades in the rays of your beauty. O beautiful ones, O radiant ones, O most beautiful of the beautiful...

Presenter: Hottabych, remember, you said that you would fulfill all my wishes? I want you to please children, mothers and grandmothers with some unusual gift. Are you a wizard? Create a miracle for us.

Hottabych: I listen and obey. I have a magic basket, I will show it to you now.

Hottabych rolls in a huge basket on wheels. There is a man sitting there, whose hand lies on top, on the lid of a basket in the body of a snake. Hottabych takes a pipe, begins to play, oriental music sounds and the snake “wakes up”, then performs a dance. After the music ends, Hottabych goes to the basket, opens the lid and takes out candy for the children.

Presenter: this is magic, this is a gift. Did you guys like it? (Yes)

Well, Hottabych, let’s hand out the treats.

The presenter and Hottabych distribute treats to the children.

Hottabych says goodbye and leaves to the music (rolls out the basket)

Presenter: With this our holiday has come to an end. Dear mothers and grandmothers, happy holiday once again. I wish you happiness, beauty and health. Thank you for having us. Guys, let's say thank you to our mothers.

So tnank you.

Presenter: see you again!

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 35" city of Sterlitamak Republic

Quiz summary

according to the rules traffic

together with parents

on the topic “The most important of all toys is a child’s car seat”

in the older group.

Prepared and conducted by the teacher:

Traffic rules quiz together with parents on the topic:

“The most important of all toys is a child’s car seat.”

in the older group.

Goal: to encourage parents to think that compliance with traffic rules is the most important thing for preserving the life and health of their children.

1. Strengthen the ability to name familiar road signs, traffic lights, and traffic controller signals; develop observation and speed;

2. To develop the cognitive interest of children and adults in studying traffic rules;

3. Agitate children and parents about the need for transportation to vehicles using special child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle.)

4. Involve parents in joint activities with children in preschool educational institutions;

5. Cultivate attention, compassion, a desire to help those who do not know the rules of the road, as well as develop the skills of conscious behavior on the street and the use of traffic rules in everyday life.

Equipment: models of traffic signs; traffic light layout; children's car seats 3 pieces; children's toy truck; traffic rules posters, sliding folders, holding devices.

Preliminary work:

Familiarization with road signs, learning poems with children, excursions with children on the city streets, reminders for parent-drivers “Rules for transporting children in cars.”


Old Man Hottabych


Quiz progress

(Music on the appropriate theme sounds)

Presenter: Young pedestrians! Future drivers!

Children and their parents!

Our guests, our viewers,

Welcome! Hi all

The way is open for you -

Green light!

Today we met at an intellectual quiz for the title of “The best expert on child restraints,” and all the questions, as you guessed, will be on the topic “Road rules and child restraints.”

Three teams will participate.

Let's welcome our members!

(music includes commands)

Team “Red Light” and team captain……..

Our motto: “The strictest is red light,

Team “Yellow Light” and team captain………

Our motto: “Yellow light - wait!

The light changes color!

Team “Green Light” and team captain……….

Our motto: “When the light is green,

Come on in, there are no obstacles!”

Presenter: I present to your attention our esteemed jury: the head of the kindergarten………, and a representative of the road patrol service………

There is a noise. Old Man Hottabych runs in. Greets the children (looks around).

Old Man Hottabych: Oh, my dear, where did I end up?

Host: For an intellectual quiz.

Old Man Hottabych: Oh, how interesting. O kindest of the kindest, can I stay with you? (Asks the guys)

Host: Dear Hottabych, how did you get here?

Old man Hottabych: I flew on a carpet - an airplane over the city. The carpet broke, I had to land and walk home into the forest through the city. I tried to cross the road, but the almighty policeman stopped me: “Shame on you, grandpa! An accident could happen because of you. This inspector made me learn some traffic rules. What kind of rules are these? And what is this stuffed three-eyed? (points to the traffic light). There is no such thing in our fairy tale!

Host: You don't know anything, dear Hottabych. These rules are called...

Children (in chorus) ... Rules of the road!

Host: And now our children and their parents will tell you about them

1 task “Answer”

The jury evaluates each answer using a point system.

Questions for the Red Light team

1. How and where is the best way to cross the street?

2. How can you tell when a car is about to make a turn? (The driver must turn on the turn signal in advance).

3. (To parents) Name the safest place in a car for a child (Experts from the International University at Buffalo released data in which they claimed to have found the safest place in a car for a child and other passengers. In their opinion, such a place is the back seat center. These data were obtained from the results of a study of road accidents over a three year period. The study found that the rear outboard seats are safer than the front seats by 59-86%. As for the rear seat in the middle, it is 25% safer than the rear ones. side seating Many factors were taken into account in the study.)

Questions for the Yellow Light team

1. Who should drivers and pedestrians obey if the traffic controller’s signals contradict the traffic light signals? (Signals from traffic controller).

2. Why is it impossible to cling to trucks and trams?

3. (Parents) at what age are allowed to ride on the streets and roads.

(allowed from 14 years old)

Questions for the Green Light team

1. Where should I expect a bus, trolleybus, tram?

2. When is it more difficult for a car to stop: in rain or dry weather?

3. (To parents) Until what age should a child ride in a car only in a child seat? (According to clause 22.9 of the Road Traffic Rules (TRAF), transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using special child restraints corresponding to the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened with seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle.)

Host: Well, dear Hottabych, did you remember the rules of the road?

Old Man Hottabych: Thanks guys! I memorized all the traffic rules. And, since I find myself in a city where there are so many people, can you tell me, old grandfather, what news is in yours today? kindergarten?

Presenter: Our kindergarten is hosting a quiz called “The most important of all toys is a child’s car seat.”

Old Man Hottabych: Which chair?

Host: Child car seat.

Old man Hottabych: What else did they come up with?

Host: Now our guys will tell you.

1. We have a miracle chair

This chair is just awesome

Blue and red

And very safe.

If I sit in it

I'll fasten my seat belts

We can travel easily

Good luck awaits us along the way.

2. Little Sasha,

If he's not in the chair

It's very scary to drive

And not interesting

If Sasha sat in the chair,

He is pleased and brave.

3.I was delighted today

I saw Egorka's chair.

It will save him

When he goes to the cinema.

4.Mom bought me a chair,

The chair is not an ordinary one.

The chair is safe

With this chair I'm not afraid

No road.

Let it rush me faster

Mom is on the way.

Old Man Hottabych: Yes, a really necessary thing. Or maybe I’ll also put a child’s car seat on my carpet for my boy? But my airplane carpet often breaks, and I often get into trouble. That's a great idea, isn't it, guys? (addresses children)

Host: Yes, dear Hottabych, what an inventor you are. But the child car seat is only for children under 12 years old (the maximum height of a child for the device is 150 cm, and Weight Limit- 36 kg). Now we’ll see how our parents know how to fasten their children into a car seat).

Task 2 “Buckle up your most valuable possessions”

The jury gives points for correctly fastening the child to the seat. (3 parents come out at the same time and stand by the child seat, the children run up in turn, the parent fastens the child, then unfastens the child and meets the other, and so on for all the children)

Old Man Hottabych: Oh, dear parents! To make your child feel safe, purchase a child car seat!

Presenter: All the parents are great and we can confidently say that your child is safe.

Presenter: And now, while the jury is counting the points, children middle group will perform the song “I am sitting in a wonderful chair”

I'm sitting in a miracle chair

I'm looking at the road

I sit and sit

And I look at everything around me!

How comfortable I am in the chair,

I'm quite pleased with him

I'm sitting quietly

I'm looking at the road!

How comfortable I am in the chair

It's completely safe!

I'll tell you from the bottom of my heart!

Wonder chairs are good!

I am so pleased with the chair!

And the whole family is with me!

Oh, what a great guy!

Master of the Chair - Brilliant!

Host: And now guess the riddle guys:

By the road, like in a fairy tale,

Three-eyed lives on a pillar

Everything blinks and blinks

Doesn't close for a moment. (Traffic light)

Children: Traffic light.

3 task "Traffic light and traffic controller"

The jury puts points only for the answers of the parents.

Host: And our next task is called "Traffic Light and Traffic Controller".

Now our parents are given the task: to explain what the traffic controller is talking about. (Each team is offered drawings with three positions of the traffic controller). While our parents are getting ready, the boys and I will solve riddles. You, dear Hottabych, also guess with the guys.

Everyone knows stripes

Children know, adults know.

Leads to the other side


In cars here, friends,

No one can go

We need to go, you know, children,

Only on......Bicycle

What should I do, how should I be?

I need to call urgently.

Both you and he should know

In this place...... Phone

What kind of miracle is the blue house?

There are a lot of kids in it,

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline. Bus.

I blink my eyes

Relentlessly day and night.

I help cars

And I want to help you. Traffic light.

* * *
Commanding the rod, he guides everyone,
And one man controls the entire intersection.
He's like a magician, a machine trainer,
And his name is... Traffic Controller

Iron Beasts
They growl and hum.
Eyes like a cat's
At night they burn. Cars

striped pointer,
Like a wand from a fairy tale. Rod

The night is dark. There's no sun.
So that the night comes without troubles,

People need a beacon -
One-legged firefly. Flashlight

Striped horses
lay across the roads -
All cars stopped
If we pass here. Zebra

What light tells us:
“Come on - the way is open” Green

What light tells us:
“Wait, the path is closed!” Red

Host: Let's listen to our parents (parents voice their answers, the jury evaluates)

There are many road rules in the world

Both adults and children must know them.

We need to respect all the rules

Follow them and not break them.

Host: In order not to break the rules, we must know the road signs.

Guys, tell me, what are the signs?

Children: Prohibiting, warning, informational

(indicative), service, priority, prescriptive, special instructions, additional information signs.

Task 4 “The ABC of road signs”

Points are awarded for correctly chosen signs (the red team chooses prohibiting signs, the yellow team chooses prescriptive signs, the green team chooses warning signs)

(First, the children go to their tables and choose, then the parents go. The jury evaluates and corrects mistakes.)

Children and parents sit down.

Old Man Hottabych: Now I know all the signs. I’ll buy a car and drive it, the carpet is still broken, and I’ll be a very good driver.

Task 5 “I choose a child restraint seat because...”

Presenter: The parents of each team will prepare a message on the topic of the competition. While they're getting ready, we'll all play a game together.

"We are drivers"

We're driving, we're driving a car (they imitate driving)

Press the pedal (the leg is bent and extended)

We turn on the gas, turn it off (hand towards you, away from you)

We look intently into the distance (put our palm to our forehead)

The wipers clean off the drops (the arms are bent in front of them at the elbows)

Right left. Cleanliness (tilts to the right, left, arms forward)

The wind ruffles your hair (they move your fingers above your head)

We are drivers anywhere (hands forward, thumbs up)

Presenter: Well done! Now let’s listen to our parents (messages are read out).

6 task “Fairytale”

Old Man Hottabych: And you know, I also came up with a task for the teams.

Your task is to remember and name the means of transportation of fairy-tale characters. Oh, my dears, I will name the hero from the fairy tale, and you, tell me what he rode, flew, sailed on.

(Asks each team three questions)

1. Emelya - Pechka

Baba Yaga – Stupa

Old Man Hottabych - carpet - airplane

2. Cinderella - Carriage

Thumbelina – Swallow

Harry Potter - Broom

3. Crocodile Gena - Steam Locomotive

Leopold the Cat – Bicycle

Little Muk – Boots - walkers

Old Man Hottabych: O light of my eyes, well done guys!

Host: And our next final task is called:

Task 7 “To your signs”

Attention task.

Presenter: Team captains come out. You are given road sign, name what this sign is, and then the children of your team start a round dance around you. Children must remember this sign. To the music, the children scatter and dance. At this time, the captains exchange signs. When the music stops, the children go to their sign.

The game is played three times.

Host: Our jury is summing up the results.

A surprise from Old Man Hottabych.

Old Man Hottabych: Oh, my dear children and parents! Although I don’t like noisy places, I really, really liked you today. I learned a lot from you, and now I will not break traffic rules. I wanted to give you a pleasant surprise. Now I’ll do some magic (pulls out a hair from his beard, mutters something to himself, takes out a string, which he pulls from behind the curtains and a truck with Turkish delight drives out). Treats children.

Farewell to Hottabych.

Jury speech. Announcement of results.

Presenter: Now we have left behind difficult trials, at the same time we acquired the necessary and vital knowledge and skills at our game. All teams responded with dignity and showed good results. After all, this knowledge, guys, will be useful to you soon, when you go to first grade.

And we reminded our dear parents once again that your children are the most precious thing in your life. And I want to end today’s event with these words: “BUCKLE YOUR MOST EXPENSIVE.” Thanks to all participants, parents, and our viewers.

If you don’t have money for Gucci and Chanel, it doesn’t matter. Go to our telegram channel, where all analogues are collected famous brands which are chosen by celebrities. We'll teach you how to dress expensively for little money!

Anniversary or Birthday skit “Congratulations from the New Russian grandmothers.”

(two participants, dressed in new Russian grandmothers, come out dancing and sing a verse to the tune of ditties):

We neither sow nor plow,
But we don’t sit idle!
On the anniversary we sing and dance,
Let's make birthday people laugh!

Matryona (speaks):

Flower, oh Flower! Why are you so wrinkled today, like a roll of toilet paper?


Popular articles:

Oh, don’t tell me, Matryona! I didn’t sleep all night, I kept thinking, how better can we congratulate our birthday boy than to please him on such a day?!

Judging by your appearance, you did not come up with anything worthwhile!


Well, why is this?! What do you think I am, good for nothing, or what ?!

So, your expiration date has long passed!


Say it too! Yes, all the men are still looking at me! Look, look at our hero of the day looking so mysteriously!

It's clear, it's a mystery! Why, they say, did they come here, and even for a couple?!


Come on, Matryona, let’s show him the whole breadth of our repertoire!

Come on, Flower, sing! You are the most vocal among the two of us!

Flower: (sings to the tune of the song “Murka”)

You and I, Matryona, were lucky with the hack:
We will sing a verse for the hero of the day!
He decorated his shoulders with a new jacket,
He is a great authority for us! (repeat last 2 lines)

What are you doing, Flower?! I really don’t recognize you, you’re our sentimental one! Where did you get that tune?!


Yes, that’s what inspired...

Listen to what the birthday boy needs to sing on his Jubilee:

(sings, addressing the hero of the day, to the tune of the song “A soldier is walking through the city”):

Your guests on the Anniversary
They're sitting together!
Hints: “Pour it for us!”
Their alarming look!
Made some toast
Everyone drinks to you!
“You are beautiful, there are no words!” -
We will say, lovingly,
We say, love!

We will remember your anniversary!
We'll fill all the glasses
And we’ll drink it all to the bottom today and more than once!
We wish you happiness,
Believe me, we are very happy
Congratulations on your holiday
The most beautiful now!

(repeat the last 4 lines, marching, approach the birthday boy for a kiss, and then the Flower says):

Dear birthday boy, respect the old ladies, have a drink with us at the Brudershaft, we will remember forever with a kind word!

(congratulations on the Anniversary and drinking with the birthday boy for brotherhood)


(he is dressed in a black T-shirt, and on his chest there is a thick chain, in his hands is an envelope with money or, for fun, souvenir bucks)

- Lyudmila! What, by all standards, are you a birthday girl, or what?
“I wish that no one crumbles a loaf of bread on your head!”
- I’ll give you bucks for promotion - get rich,
- If you need a roof, contact me!


Three maidens by the window
Singing late at night!
You all ask about whom
Did the three of them sing together?
About my friend about my
Sang songs on the Anniversary!

(three girls come out, each singing their own song for the birthday girl)

1 GIRL (you can attach a long braid to her).
(sings a song to the motive “Birch, dear friend)

Lyubasha, dear friend,
You are my idol, my favorite!
Tell me, how is it without each other,
Tell me, how is it without each other
We treated you! (3 lines last repeat)

Your soul reaches out for me,
You put your hands on my shoulders,
When I feel bad - you are with me,
You, if it's bad - I'm with you,
Now you will not spill us with water forever! (3 lines last repeat)

(sings a song to the motive “We honestly want to tell you”)

I have to tell you honestly
This is the kind of friend I need!
She is like the sun, friendly, sweet
And her kindness drove me crazy!

Lyuba, Lyuba, my dear friend,
Everyone around is delighted with you!
So stay the same always
I wish you happiness for many years to come! (Repeat entire verse)

3 FRIENDS (you can wear a wig and a sultry Cuban dress, since the song is performed to the tune of “Beisan, beisan mucho...”)

No you,
There is no one better than you
There is no one more beautiful and smarter and kinder than you!
No you,
There is no one cooler than you!
I am happy that you are called my friend!

We all love you, dear Lyubochka,
And we adore you!
The kindest, very beautiful,
I repeat, love!

Let you
Everything works out!
May all your dreams and wishes come true on time!
Let happiness
He won't turn away!
Joy and love protect your home threshold!



As you know, without water -
Neither here nor there!
Very often we suffer
From such nonsense.
But our birthday girl
Problems will be eliminated
On her watch, we know
Water is not a shortage!

For this, grateful residents will perform a touching song for our beautiful birthday girl!
(tenants come out - a woman in curlers, a robe and a basin in her hands, and a man in family shorts and with two glasses, one of which is filled with water; during the chorus he pours water from glass to glass)

(to the tune of “How steamships are seen off, not at all like trains”)

At our boiler room Tatyana
It's been working for years
With hot water all the time
That's why our house lives!
The water from the tap in the kitchen splashes,
And the water warms us,
And the heart trembles joyfully,
When there is water in the apartment!

Water, water, water runs,
Water, water, water all around!

She's looking beyond the horizons
The water pressure is always good!
To treat work like this
You are unlikely to find people!
She's so funny
And the voice rings like a stream!
Charging everyone with optimism,
The look of her eyes shines!

Water, water, water runs,
Water, water, we always have it!


SONG OF D'ARTAGNAN (the birthday girl's husband is wearing his costume):
(to the tune of “I love you, life!”)

- I love you, Tanya,
Which in itself is not new!
I love you, Tanya!
I love you again and again!
After a hard day
I come home from work tired,
You will feed me
Even though you worked hard!

Oh, how the years fly by
Well, don’t be sad, dear!
The guests will confirm everything -
You are still young with us!
In the light of every day
I am so happy that I have no peace!
Kiss me now
Let everyone know what it is!

A scene for a woman’s Anniversary or Birthday “Brownie.” (The Brownie comes out - this is a participant in the scene with a shaggy beard and tousled hair, dressed in a colorful shirt, belted with a rope and short pants with patches. He sings a song to the birthday girl to the tune of “Robin”)

I ask you for courage
Pour me a glass!
I will say then in the hour of joy
Why did I come to you!

(the birthday girl pours a glass for the brownie, he drinks and sings the next verse):

Do you like to clean everything in the apartment?
And you ensure cleanliness everywhere!
Trying to sweep the corners better,
You're lashing my butt unnoticed!

Please be kind
With me, Marina, from now on,
In the corner, so that without fear I
I could sit until dark!

Dear birthday girl, now accept a gift from me:

(takes out a broom)

I personally steamed this broom,
So that he can be treated more gently! (slaps himself with a broom in different places)
And you can wave at them without rules,
I declare to you on your birthday!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And I wish you to bloom and flourish!
Today I promise in front of everyone:
I will always guard your house!

Sketch for a man’s Anniversary or Birthday “Ditties from New Russian Grandmothers”

(two men come out dressed up as new Russian grandmothers and sing verses to the tune of ditties, playing along on a children's balalaika or guitar):


The hero of the day needs a pair
Give compliments!
So let's go blazing hot
Remember them with Matryona!

Give me your word soon
My tongue is very itchy!
I'm already ready
Congratulations are simply chic!


Tie your tongue tighter
I will not give up my place!
My compliment is very much needed,
I love the hero of the day!

Apparently you forgot completely
That's why I came here!
A sign of attention is requested
The hero of the day is from us, idiot!


You're right, I'm just going crazy
When I see Vova!
But I’m timid to say “I love you”
He has his own family!

Drift, don’t drift, but still necessary
You and I should be bolder!
So, let's shout together:
“Happy Anniversary, dear!”

(approach the hero of the day with kisses)

(Childhood runs out skipping - this is a man dressed up as a little boy and sings to the tune of a famous song about childhood):

My childhood, wait,
Don't rush, wait!
Give me a simple answer
What's ahead?!

Dear birthday boy!
The best remedy
Frighten off any attack -
This, of course, goes back to childhood
We must go in immediately!
I will tell you emphatically:
You are forgiven today!

So listen and complete all my tasks:

I know you will remember willingly
What I did as a child
How to be carefree with friends
You were jumping rope!

(offer to jump rope)

To restore you
For further tricks of power,
I suggest you drink
This super dope is cute!

(offer a glass of vodka to the birthday boy)

The ball is a child's best friend!
Remember your childhood again
Step aside
And kick it with your knee!

(the birthday boy kicks the ball with his knee, and the guests loudly count how many times he can do this so that the ball does not fall)

Yes, you kick masterfully
What is there to say for a long time!
We need you seriously
Very generous reward!

(they jokingly pour a glass of vodka for the birthday boy)

We are a whistle made of acacias
We did it more than once as a child!
Musical variations
We are waiting from you now!

(they invite the birthday boy to play a children’s whistle or pipe)

For such numbers
We will all shout “Hurray!”
And they also ask for a glass
Your guests are children!

(everyone drinks a toast together happy childhood birthday boy)

(A man comes out - a participant in the scene, dressed in a scarf and an old colorful skirt with a jacket, in his hands he has a basket with drugs and he addresses the birthday boy with the words):

Dear birthday boy!
Even though you look healthy
And he was in good health since childhood,
But still, darling, no offense
Accept these funds as a gift!
I am an expert in healing
And the healer’s secret
I will open it to everyone on my birthday,
There is no more mystery in this!

(takes out a large head of garlic from the basket and introduces the first remedy):

Stupid grass, don't argue with me,
Eliminate any illness!
Eat the tops and roots,
To cleanse your intestines!
Unpleasant smell
Everyone will be thrown into a slight shock,
But you eat on principle
Stupid grass root!

(gives the birthday boy garlic and takes out the second remedy - horseradish or a jar of pureed horseradish, which you can buy in the store, introduces the second remedy):

So that there is no betrayal
And everything was amicable in the family,
Once a week this shit
You really need to eat at night!
He will immediately raise the tone
And it will take care of your chakra!
He, believe me, is a champion,
Compared to Viagra!

(he gives this remedy and takes out the third one - a bottle of vodka, on which you can write “Moonshine” in large letters, introduces it):

Sprinkle with living water
You need everything in your apartment!
This method is not easy,
But known throughout the world!
You first from the inside
Please your body with it
And then sprinkle it
All corners with their own water!

Dora, dora, tomato,
We caught a thief in the garden -
This is a small worm
Ate the barrel of the apple!
And we have a birthday girl
Gardener, just great!
She's always fine
Fruits, vegetables and garden beds!
That's why the question
We call the worm for interrogation:
Let him explain to the guests
Your excellent appetite!

(a man comes out dressed up as a worm, that is, you can put a very long green cap on your head, he greedily gnaws an apple, then sings a song):

(to the tune “We are cheerful guys, we are October guys”)

I, friends, am a signaller,
Nitrate indicator!
If I eat an apple -
So everyone can eat!

I respect plum and pear,
I just love cherries!
Don't scold me in vain
I'm more useful than aphids!

Dear birthday girl!
Let me be in your garden
I'll find a job!
I'm a pest, but not harmful!
And this copper sulfate
I give you in reserve,
May he save the harvest from aphids!

Dear birthday girl!
One came to visit us
An unusual citizen!
He looks a little strange
He wants to say “thank you”
And now we’ll find out why.
Guest! We invite you!

(a man comes out with very large ears made of cardboard, foam rubber or sewn from something else, he sings a song to the birthday girl):

(to the tune of the song about Cheburashka “I was once a strange, nameless toy...”)

I was once strange
I ate semolina porridge,
That's why I grew such ears!
About fashionable diets
I found out from the newspaper
And immediately, foolishly, I applied it right away!

But one Sunday
Me for my birthday
Larisa invited me and I decided to go,
From delicious treats,
Have a nice experience
I couldn’t leave for a long, long time!

I gave up on my diet
I bought myself some candy!
Thank you, Larisa, I want to tell you
For inviting me
And she fed me delicious food
After all, the ears have become cool again!

(removes his big ears and says a toast):

To consolidate my result,
I ask everyone to pour it now!

Dear birthday girl!
A guest has arrived from the East,
He is a famous doc in miracles!
He's on the carpet, so he can hurry up
Arrived for the Anniversary!
This is the well-known and amazing Old Man Hottabych!

(Hottabych comes out in a robe, a turban, with a long beard, with a rug under his arm. Folding his palms in an oriental manner, he bows to the birthday girl and says to her: “Hello, oh most beautiful of birthday girls!” Then he turns to the guests: “Hello, honorable guests! ” He spreads out the rug, sits on it, bending his legs in an oriental manner, and then says to the birthday girl):


Oh, the light of my eyes! Incomparable and most beautiful birthday girl Antonina! I came here to fulfill all your deepest desires! But first, let me, my wisest, ask you a few wise questions!

(birthday girl allows)


I listen and obey!
Oh, my most worthy! Please listen to my first question:
Is it possible to celebrate a birthday two days in a row?
(the correct answer is no, because there is night between them!)

Oh, my darling! My second question: what is given to the birthday girl, and people use it more often than she does?
(correct answer is name)

Oh, my wise one! And my third question: what fabric cannot be used to make a suit for a birthday girl?
(the correct answer is from the railway)

May there be peace and prosperity in your home, oh healing balm of my soul!
And now I will fulfill all your secret desires! And I will do this with the help of your honorable guests, O most beautiful of the beautiful! And so that the guests do not resist your wishes, I will pluck three hairs from my magic beard!

Listen and understand! (pulls out first hair)
Fulfill all the wishes of the birthday girl! (pulls out second hair)
Let it be so, and not otherwise! (pulls out third hair)

(gets up from the rug, approaches the guests with an eastern bow and tells them):


Oh distinguished guests! Now you will fulfill the wishes of the birthday girl by completing these simple tasks. Please, I am ready for anything, pull out each of your tickets!

(Hottabych takes a bag with numbers out of his pocket and the guests draw them out one by one, then Hottabych gives them a task one by one):


Kohl came to the Jubilee,
Drink some vodka soon!

Have a glass of wine
For a rosy face!

Treat the neighbor on the left
A stack of vodka skillfully!

You, my friend, have the right
Give your friend a peck on the cheek on the right!

compliment now
Birthday girl from us!

To make it more fun
Sing us a song quickly!

Good guests today,
Throw away your timidity,
Tell a joke
This is what the people expect from you!

We'll have fun
If you get up now
In the swallow position, my friend,
Give us a small toast!

We have a birthday girl
A sight for sore eyes, simply classy!
Come to her, hug her
And smile at all the guests!

Kiss the birthday girl
Just don’t spoil too much!

Well, and you, my friend, the wall
Kiss me with your back turned
Forget at least for a while
About your beloved chondrosis!

Describe a circle with your right foot,
Knocking on the tummy with my left hand,
At the same time, try to drink a glass,
You shouldn't spill a single drop!

Use modern jargon now
Confessing your love to the birthday girl,
My order is the strictest law,
Speak without hesitation!

(after completing all tasks Hottabych says):


Oh, the most beautiful birthday girl! And now the main surprise that I have prepared for you!
To please your wonderful eyes and ears, as well as to bring joy to distinguished guests, now my students will perform an oriental dance, not sparing their belly!

(2-3 girls in oriental costumes come out and dance a belly dance to some oriental melody, or the soundtrack of the song “Rasputin” performed by the Boni M. Hottabych ensemble is very suitable, then he comes up to the birthday girl, kisses her hand and says) :


O mistress of my thoughts! I'm leaving you until your next birthday!

(bows to everyone in Eastern style and leaves).
