Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

“Roma, get moving”: Roman Goldman’s personal training is being discussed on Facebook. Roman Goldman: Agricultural cooperative as an alternative to banks Roman Goldman biography

A unique project has been launched in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the author, ideological inspirer and owner of which is Roman Goldman ( see the section “Personal matter”). The cooperative he created is, in fact, an outstanding alternative to modern banking offers, from which residents of Krasnoyarsk benefit primarily. But first things first.

Allies of agribusiness - residents of the region

The Sangilen+ agricultural holding is a strong, dynamically developing enterprise with a full cycle of processing agricultural products, a daily turnover of about 17 million rubles, a powerful fleet of vehicles, its own gas station and the Myasnichiy chain of stores.

General Director of Sangilen+ Roman Goldman says that the holding is currently preparing to implement several new projects. In particular, a joint project with the Komandor group of companies is being developed. To implement the plans, financial resources are needed. What does any Russian entrepreneur do in such cases? He goes to the bank and takes out a loan. It would seem that everything is simple. Moreover, a number of banks, with the support of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, announced in 2017 the issuance of preferential loans to farmers - at 5 percent per annum.

But in fact, it is planned to issue only 21 billion rubles in preferential loans throughout the country - a drop in the bucket. And in reality, the agricultural sector can count on a percentage several times higher. In addition, banks are asking farmers great amount documents, require regular reports and collateral, often valued at several times lower than the actual cost.

Banks have ceased to be allies of business, states Roman Goldman.

The general director of Sangilen+ sees his allies in ordinary residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Anyone who is ready to invest their savings in Agriculture, he is glad to accept him into the ranks of the cooperative’s shareholders.

Benefits and guarantees

At the beginning of this year, the Agricultural Credit Center was registered and began operating. consumer cooperative Financial club "Sangilen Agro". Almost any resident of the region can become its member. It's simple: you place your savings on certain period, receive interest (from 12.5 to 15 per annum depending on the type and term of savings) and thereby invest in the development of the enterprise and the creation of new jobs. Roman Goldman clarifies that all funds received are located exclusively within the agricultural holding, and are not spent anywhere in highly profitable sectors of the economy.

By the way, the cooperative has no serious competitors. In the current economic situation, banks with a good reputation accept savings from the population at 6-8 percent per annum, which corresponds to the actual level of inflation. Where interest rates are higher, saving is often risky. And Goldman’s is reliable. He says that I am personally responsible for the safety and growth! But he backs up his words with specific guarantees. Firstly, all savings are insured at the expense and on the initiative of the cooperative. Secondly, a decision was made to create a reserve fund, into which 10 percent of all funds received by the ACCC are allocated. It seems that for an enterprise with such a turnover as that of Sagilen+, this is unnecessary, but here they do not skimp on the peace of mind of citizens.

There is another significant difference that distinguishes SKKK FC "Sangilen Agro" from others financial organizations. If a bank loses its license, then no matter how large a Russian’s savings are, the state guarantees him a return of only 1 million 400 thousand rubles, while Sangilen Agro guarantees the full return of savings, regardless of their amount.


In the next weekly issue of Komsomolskaya Pravda we will talk about the types of savings available at the SKKK FC Sangilen Agro. But if you want to find out more details and join the cooperative now, you can get the necessary information by phone: 8 800 250 8538 or on the website: sangilen-agro.rf.


Roman Goldman - born November 9, 1975 in Divnogorsk. In 2000 he graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Technological Institute with a specialization in oil refining. He received his economic education in 2008 at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of Russia in Moscow. In the same year he received a management education in Trieste (Italy). In 2010, he continued to improve his management education in Cambridge (UK).

He worked his way up from a cooperative worker to the general director of the Sangilen+ agricultural holding. Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, chairman of the Krasnoyarsk branch of the National Union of Grain Producers in the Siberian Federal District and advisor to Pavel Skurikhin, president of the National Union of Grain Producers.

Practicing business coach. Married, has three children.

SKKK FC "Sangilen Agro"

President of the National Union of Grain Producers

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Siberian Agrarian Holding group of companies

Born in the village of Palatka, Magadan Region, on August 30, 1972. He graduated from the Novosibirsk State Technical University with a degree in Physical Electronics with a specialization in Microelectronics, Organization and Production Management, as well as the Novosibirsk Academy of Economics and Management with a degree in Management.

He began his career in 1991 at the Siberian Commodity Exchange. In 1992-2000 he worked for leadership positions in industries related to the agro-industrial complex: distribution of plant protection products, supply of grain, flour, production and sales bakery products. In 2000, together with his partners, he founded the Siberian Agrarian Holding group of companies and headed the board of directors of SAHO. Co-author of the book “Food Security of Russia: Current State and Mechanisms of Provision” (Novosibirsk, 2000). Heads the Public Reception of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers of the Union State of Russia and Belarus. He holds the post of president of the children's sports and patriotic club “Leader”. Member of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Agrarian Movement (RAD), member of the Board of Directors of the Russian Grain Union, member of the Commission on the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), member Supervisory Board National Union of Judo Veterans, awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

GOLDMAN Roman Gennadievich

Member of the NHS Council.

Chairman of the Krasnoyarsk Committee of the NHS

Born on November 9, 1975 in Divnogorsk. Father is a police officer, mother is a catering worker.

In private business since 10 years, since 1989 - officially. He was the founder of the first fitness center and the first taxi fleet in Divnogorsk. He was the owner of a photo studio and a gym in his hometown.

For many years he has been involved in operations in the market of grains and fuels and lubricants. In 1999, after moving to the regional center, he created a closed Joint-Stock Company“Sangilen+”, which in 2004 turned into a holding (it included LLC “Terminal”, LLC “AgroElite Association”, LLC “Atamanovskoye HPP”, SEC “Atamanovsky Agrarian Complex”, LLC “SibNeftReserve”.

All years he is the sole owner and general director holding. Higher education. Graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Technological Institute with a specialization in oil refining and EMBA IBS Moscow. Completed Cambridge judge business school courses

He was elected Chairman of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Committee of the National Union of Grain Producers on October 26, 2010 at a meeting of farmers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Married. The wife works together with her husband in the same company. The family has two daughters.

Hobbies: in summer - water-motor sports, in winter - alpine skiing, snowboarding and snowmobile racing.

Roman Gennadyevich Goldman BIOGRAPHY. (collapse/expand)

Roman Gennadyevich Goldman was born on November 9th, 1975 in Divnogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region.

Father - militia officer, mother - head of a pastry making shop.
From 1982 till 1992 - secondary school.
From 1993 till 2000 - Krasnoyarsk Technological Institute, specialization: oil refining. Additional education - EMBA IBS Moscow..
In 1994 opened a photostudio "PhotoExpress" with delivery of pictues to the clients.
In 1996 set up the first fitness center "Tornado" in Divnogorsk.
In 1997 became owner of the public catering company “Rodnichok”.
In 1998 organized by a taxi company “Divnogorsk Taxi”.
In 1999, having moved to the regional center - the city of Krasnoyarsk, started up CJSC
“Sangilen+”, which was reorganized into a holding in 2004. The holding comprises the following enterprises: Terminal ltd, Obyedineniye AgroElita ltd, Atamanovskoye HPP, Ltd" Atamanovskiy Agrarniy complex, agricultural consumer cooperative, SibNeftReserv, Ltd."

Areas of business - oil products wholesale supplies, agriculture, elevator industry, sales and service of agriculture machinery, poultry and livestock equipment.

Has been sole owner and general director since foundation of the holding.
Married. Spouse - Larisa Gennadyevna Goldman, was born in 1978. In August, 2007 daughter Sofia was born.
In December 2009 the second day Nastya was born.
Hobbies: summer time - motor-boating, winter - mountain skiing, snowboarding and Skodoo racing.

Has leader qualities - is a “locomotive” in all beginnings.

Demanding to himself and his subordinates, man of principle, reasonably ambitious, attentive, patient and polite. Has perfect planning and managing skills. Has a great influence among the colleagues and subordinates.

My review could appear on social networks, like others whom Roman Goldman kindly took to distant lands, seated in the front row, fed, and entertained. Like those few eyewitness authors whom the Facebook blogosphere, like “Goldman adherents,” smeared all over the wall in the very first hours, however, the Teacher himself suffered even more. In what follows, I will call Goldman “Teacher,” if you don’t mind. There should be a smiley face here.

Some of the readers, and probably many of you, opened this page after seeing the word “sect” in the title. “Now he will crush this United Russia deputy who imagines himself to be a guru into dust!” - this thought also probably flashed through someone’s mind. And Roman Gennadyevich himself, reading this line (of course, he will read it), is not at peace in his soul in these first moments. Breathe deeply, Roman Gennadievich. Breathe!

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's talk about the first reaction of social networks. From dozens of negative comments and posts of people who - I emphasize- were not present at Goldman’s seminar, and spent Saturday, as expected, on the couch or on skis, I don’t know, but in Krasnoyarsk, I’ll mention a couple that definitely deserve attention.

Blogger Vasily Damov hit the fan: “ And yet, what a hell, huh. For someone like that, the bullet shouldn’t just hit the head, it should stay there.”

And away we go.

Social activist, businesswoman Elena Polyakova: “ I can't keep silent! ...Why did I refuse to conduct and organize mass motivational trainings, although I earned with my partner from 8 to 15 thousand dollars for one event. Motivational trainings (if they are focused on pumping up the brain) are a terrible weapon for processing and influencing people. In the process of life, a person develops a certain map of the world, which has limits and boundaries. Liu battle training like @get up and do it, forward to millions, you can@ leads to the fact that a person runs into the limits of the picture of his world. It’s good if so, but if the trainer is charismatic, a super leader, and Psycho-symbolic accompaniment is used, a person can be taken beyond the picture of the world. Everything would be fine, but if there is strong individual Psycho support nearby and another condition is if a person has personal characteristics for growth (5% out of 100 is a proven fact). If not, then: after the training there will be severe emotional breakdowns, suicides, and interpersonal aggression. It’s good if the binge just ends! Time it from 7 days to 1.5 months and we get social effects.I think Roman Goldman is humane, they just didn’t explain it to him. But soon (I think a couple of trainings later) he will learn another effect of motivational trainings for the unprepared - he will become scared. Pursuit effect!And now the question is: who will be responsible for this political damnation?Politics, rating! Hope that the world is fair and you can become more than you are. Complex mind games played by powerful players of this world. If you are smart and smart, then you are already a tool, but you naively think that you are an individual.I’m a sinner myself: I’ll retire and earn money with these trainings, but only if I completely lose my conscience! It is imperative to take measurements of social conflict following motivational trainings.”

Psychologist Elena Rongonen: “Everyone stood up on command and raised their hands up and it was all so “cheerful and correct”, with such pumping up of NLP techniques that I am scared for these people. Does Roman really not understand WHAT he is doing? The seminar for rural youth is intended for unprepared minds, for whom this will be a revelation.”


Here the reader hopes to see a biting, savory revelation of Goldman’s technique. Sweeping, burning bridges, branding the “out of his mind” deputy.

“Yes, this is some kind of sect!” - I heard from my neighbor on the stalls at the moment when Goldman mentioned God in his speech. Some mature, sophisticated, sophisticated people in the audience had this reaction at some point. That he becomes a witness to the Jehovah Cult of Goldman, his “minute of glory” and narcissism - for sure. But the high school students for the most part looked at what was happening with interest and admiration. At school, no one will tell them about this in this form.

Goldman's sect is actually his company. Few people realize how deeply regulated the corporate spirit, rules, culture, atmosphere, values, etc. are. Everything is under control, total management of all processes. The team is a family, an army, a single organism, a single whole. This is Goldman's world. This is how he creates it around himself.

From the stage, Goldman addressed the audience: “Which of my employees came here for money, paid for the seminar?” Dozens of hands went up. One can only speculate why they spent their money. Compulsion? Wish? Faith in Goldman?

Long before the seminar, it was reported that with the money that adults would pay, they would organize the arrival of schoolchildren (probably 100-200 children from surrounding villages and hamlets) for this training: they would rent a hall, organize transport, food, and pay those who needed to pay.


Yes, there is none. And I’m sure Goldman didn’t plan to earn anything. I don’t think he even expected to break even. He hardly expected that Krasnoyarsk residents would buy up tickets and, in their right mind, go to a rural cultural center for the entire Saturday, shaking in the car for a total of 400 km... 30 people participated in organizing the seminar. For a day, a rural recreation center turned into a nightclub with smoke, super-equipment, beautiful girls, with a DJ, with such a sausage music that these walls have never heard and are unlikely to ever hear again. All this was done for the children from the outback, whose parents would never have found 3,500 rubles. for a one-day training.


Hundreds of coaches and business trainers tour around Russia, who know the answers to all questions, who promise to teach how to make a billion, but at the same time they themselves have not created anything, have not earned money, they are nobody, and their own business is breathing its last.

And here we have Roman Golman. A 42-year-old big businessman who has a pig farm worth a yard and a half, a chain of stores, a gas station, and much more - a yacht, real estate abroad and, of course, a helicopter. For his intelligence, business acumen, wealth and arrogance, independence, many of his parliamentary colleagues do not like him.

Goldman is very systematic. Gets up at 4:30. He exercises and eats systematically, organizes his day systematically, and thinks systematically. Such total consistency and self-discipline for a normal person, of course, is not the norm at all. Looking at an abnormal person - finding out the nuances, figuring out whether non-adherents and non-fanatics can repeat this, and whether it’s worth plunging into it at all - is also a topic.


Entering the hall and starting the seminar is something special. Fog, lighting, loud cool music, a clear DJ, dancing girls and boys, a lot of positive emotions, joy. Holiday atmosphere. Fire! Compared to the dull seating at regular training sessions, this is a completely different level.

Constant moving pauses. The whistle of the locomotive sounds - everyone jumps up, hugs and kisses with their closest neighbors, “high fives!”, sits down and continues.

Practical exercises. Simple, accessible. Again, switching attention.

During the lunch break the hall was ventilated. Oxygen is needed for the brain. It wasn’t stuffy in the hall, but Goldman is obsessed with chemistry, he knows how to better assimilate information.


Breaking the mold for Goldman himself. Some of his experiments with the public were new to him. It was fun.


So, about preaching, NLP programming, zombification and other accusations from social networks. Goldman would have made a good priest. Not Orthodox, of course. And in the Protestant-American manner. A clear, competent, well-read speaker. At the altar he would be very convincing, talking about the truth, calling for everyone to join hands together “Hallelujah, brothers and sisters” - this is exactly his theme. Or to be a comedian - all the makings, manner of speaking, artistry, richness of intonation - everything is there for this.

Judge for yourself how useful or harmful what he said from the stage is. Here are Roman Goldman’s phrases and thoughts taken out of context:

· The state models and produces behavior. Behavior depends on condition. The condition depends on the pictures and physiology. Learn to change your state. Words program the state. Breathing changes state.

· When we want to entrust something important to a person, we need to prepare him, create the right state in him. Only after creating a state do we give it an assignment.

· Self-confidence calls on the subconscious to help, and the subconscious has no equal in finding solutions. When the conscious mind doesn’t want to do this, the subconscious mind knocks you out. If I really don’t want to go to a meeting, my temperature may rise, I may get sick, etc.

· We don't have to focus on what we don't want. Otherwise we will attract it into our lives.

· The most important resource is energy. You can do more if you want. When you walk on coals, look not at your feet, but at the sky. Influence the psyche through the body and the body through the psyche. Give the signal.

· While a person is in an unproductive, non-aggregate state, nothing can be done in it. We need to get out of it. Often “I came up with it myself - I was offended by myself,” objectively life is not so bad as to fall into depression. You can't catch depression. Depression has one parent - you. Remember the good things, achievements, fire. Remember who you are. Look at the situation and see how you can turn it to your advantage. Remove more negative pictures in your head, break them up.

· If you want to do something, but can’t force yourself, start doing it a little bit. Praise yourself for the process, not the result.

· Go to the person who is close to your ideal. What kind of company you have, such is your life.

· When you plan your day, you plan your life.

· If we believe in magic, we will live a fabulous life.

· Remembering the past is stealing from the present. Living in the past is driving a car, looking in the rearview mirror.

· Give compliments, receive compliments. This is how you fill up with energy.

· No - it's a brick in the face.

· Read what inspires you.

By and large, these theses - summary 4-hour seminar, excluding the part about diet, metabolism, etc.


When Goldman gave the audience a task and time to communicate, the DJ played music loudly - it was difficult to hear the interlocutor in this hammering. During the debriefing, I hope this point was noted.

The superficiality of some of what Goldman said and taught. This flaw is a flaw for all shortcomings. This remark does not apply to everything that Goldman said. It is clear that the seminar time is limited, but practical classes on meditation, self-hypnosis, and energy techniques for beginners should last more than 5 minutes. What happened was just a demonstration that such a method exists. It’s hard to believe that someone mastered it during the seminar.


Actually, I’ve been asking myself this question for a long time, but I know Golman, I’ve been watching him for several years, and I went to the seminar with this question. Why not - because I heard Goldman’s answer: he wants to share knowledge, gather guys. He comes to TIM “Biryusa”, visits schools, motivates schoolchildren and students, and tells how to mobilize oneself before a long, difficult life. A holy man, in a word.

I think Roman Goldman's performances are a manifestation of his ego. Ego of the Teacher. This is a bursting desire to share information, a desire to discover the truth, to be an example. Goldman likes himself, he loves himself, he is proud of himself, he is a bearer of unique experience - despite everything, in spite of all Russian reality, he has achieved a lot.

Is there a danger to others in this? Is it necessary to fight the “Goldman sect”? Is there any reason to condemn what he does?


P.S. I am sure that Roman Gennadievich and the 30 people from his team who read this text can now breathe easy. In my head: “I could have written it worse... But why? He wrote it cool.”

This is not the first time we have met with Krasnoyarsk businessman and deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the region Roman Goldman, and each meeting seems to open another, new door not even to the secrets of his business, but rather to his style of thinking.
The oil products market, agriculture, livestock farming, food retail, politics, finally... In any of his roles, Roman is dynamic and purposeful. “It doesn't matter what happens around us. It’s important how you look at things,” he will say at the end of the conversation.

- A long time ago, when you went to your first elections to the Legislative Assembly, I asked why you needed this, and in response I heard - I’m a boy, I need victories. I find myself thinking that Goldman's image is changing all the time. The first impression is the guy with the gas station, who, unlike other oil product dealers, is not afraid of the press and therefore all journalists are happy to see him.

Then, bam, Roman is already an agrarian, a union of grain producers and everything connected with it. A little more time passed and a legendary pig farm appeared, in which the most advanced technologies and unique output indicators appeared. How do you make these switches? Is it still the same passion for winning?

Passion for victories and the ability to dream not just in the abstract, but in the details. Everything works out if you really want something, set some clear goal and go towards it. But you must be very specific about your goal. This is one of my rules - dream productively.

Second topic. When you entered, saw, won, and then you say - so what? It’s always like this with a normal man - just some kind of victory, and you immediately feel sad. Why is this happening? When you dream, your body seems to give you a credit of psychological energy. And it rushes and carries you...

Here are the first elections - I slept four hours a day for several months. It is the body that has given a loan of energy and says - fly. But when you fly up, he says - give it back. And your mood drops, there is no joy. And here you can deceive your body. To say - I mean, now we’re flying there, don’t slow down!

I was once asked why you do mixed martial arts, because it’s hard and dangerous. There are injuries, bruises, cuts, abrasions. I ask myself, why? But you begin to feel confident in everyday life, too. And it doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about Thai boxing, business or parliament. What is politics? This is a continuation of the fighting, we just moved from the field to tables and chairs and covered ourselves with papers.

Therefore, yes, the passion remained, and even turned into an adult, meaningful desire for victory.

For about six years I have been closely studying everything that helps a person to be as energy-intensive as possible and accomplish the maximum number of things in a day. How to achieve this, what you need to eat, breathing, gymnastics, everything, everything, everything. Now I already conduct personal growth trainings, I explain, I tell, I show by my personal example that you need to set goals, that they are all achievable, all the energy is concentrated within you, and you don’t have to wait for anything, you have to go and take the best from this day.

- But for some, dreams in business are more likely a desire for higher social status. Now I’m not talking about the opportunity to buy a yacht and a helicopter, you have them, but, for example, do you want your colleagues in the market to respect you?

My own helicopter, yacht - these are exactly those attributes of status that do not cause any trepidation in me. The reputation of a reliable partner, real deeds and achievements are much more important. Success in business is more important than popularity, let’s take agriculture as an example, in which I have been involved for nine years.

And at the beginning, a very important point - we haven’t done a single business from the outside. When we decided that we were going there, two of my deputies, one for technology and the other for future agriculture, went to Canada, America, Europe, Ukraine to adopt best experience. We arrived with huge eyes of surprise, stuffed with knowledge, a head like the Scarecrow! I tell them - you take a breath, and then give us a business plan. They bring me a plan with not very large numbers, and at the end the signature is “and then it’s God’s will.”

How is this possible? They answer - either it will work out or it won’t. They don’t even do this to children, and even less so to businesses. The deputies thought, well, then the budget will be different. I ask - does a different budget guarantee me results? Yes... they brought another plan, there was a figure of 100 million, nine years ago - colossal money. I - ok, what equipment will we take?

And we recruited such equipment! I brought a caterpillar tractor from America that had a navigation system; it can be controlled from a laptop. We bought Italian combines, there were a lot of problems, the Ministry of Agriculture did not want to give us a subsidy, we went to argue and met Minister Shorokhov.

A short digression. The Lord gives me two things. He protects me and gives me a chance to meet good people along my path. These are everyone with whom I work, with whom I am friends, with whom I communicate - I still need to look for such people. And the same thing happened in agriculture - if it weren’t for the minister, I think we would not have gone further. If it weren’t for my guys who supported me, they wouldn’t have gone either. Because our first year was a failure. We prepared, but still Russian realities played a role.

Then I asked - who is the best in Russia and who is the best in the Eurozone? It turned out that there are Aliev and Petrauskas. And we went there, studied, looked, brought a “time machine”, a special thing that really shows what you will have in two weeks on the field. So we reached a highly profitable and interesting business. Of course, without subsidies it is not so interesting, but subsidies are all over the world, it’s like giving milk to mothers in labor.

The pig farm was not my idea either. This was the idea of ​​Governor Lev Kuznetsov. Who told Shorokhov, we are joining the WTO, well, do we have something cool? Well, we need to build this, I wanted something super-technological with the subsequent possibility of using these technologies in our region. I’m a patriot, and at first we didn’t think about economics here, but in the air we put together an ideal project that includes all the most modern, proven techniques from all over the world. Its cost was close to a billion. But now no one in the region even dreamed of the indicators that I have.

- Look, really - you are a charismatic, enthusiastic person, but when you say that there is no economics in business, I begin to worry about the authenticity of your words. How do you make money then? Only on the fact that they give subsidies, or feed on fuel and lubricants?

Each line of business is profitable. Shops, agriculture, a pig farm, fuel - everything makes money. The new meat processing complex is a super profitable project, which in the first two months of operation reached peak productivity and began to make a profit.

- Okay, but how much debt are you now?

1.5 billion rubles. And this volume of loans is quite comparable to our profit and the constant cash flow, which is generated by the entire Agroholding. I also graduated from my MBA in Europe and there is a formula from the DuPont company, which, as you understand, not only makes pens. The formula consists of three rules. First, constantly increase your loan portfolio. Second, constantly increase your turnover. Third, constantly increase your margin. And today I take investments in those areas that provide maximum margin.

- How then to convince an investor that this will not all collapse in the end?

You take an investor, bring it to production, show it, this is actually a money-making machine, it’s already been built, it’s already mine, fill it with gas, take it and drive it. All you need is just gasoline, that is, money. I have a helicopter, I have a yacht, I don’t need your money myself.

A growing enterprise, like a growing organism, needs investment. As for whether it will collapse or not - anything can happen in life. But my personal expression is that the future is drawn from the present. Today we feel confident, we have just completed the second investment project, it was only 30% financed by banks, the remaining 350 million are our funds that we snatched from our circulation. We built a meat processing complex and launched it.

- Why do you still need retail? There is the same approach as in a pig farm - so that there is the most the best shop in the region?

Its retail network is a step towards independence. We have our own fields, our own grain storage, feed production, and a pig farm. It is logical to sell the product on your own terms. As for perfectionism, I won’t answer you anything except the address: Novosibirskaya, 9A.

There is a showroom in the store, deboning takes place right in front of the buyer, a half carcass comes out of the refrigerator, there are two deboners, cameras, probes that show what the temperature of the carcasses is. The store design was developed by Ukrainians. When we made it, people who are involved in retail professionally said - this is the future. Is not Butcher shop. Muscovites came to us to learn from their experience.

- With such an approach and confidence, how can you maintain interest in other people and not consider yourself the center of the earth? Do you even listen to anyone?

Certainly! If a person is interesting, then I have a rule - don’t rush to part with him, take as much from him as possible. They often say - I made myself. But that's not true. Your environment made you. It guided you. The books you read made you. My technique is that every time you open a book, you turn over from the first page and look at the previously underlined places. And with them, like a string, you pull out the information hidden there. I'm currently reading Robert Greene's Laws of Power. Laws of War”, this is what you should read at 20 years old. There are 800 pages. Every time I scroll through and ask if I'm doing this. Every time I ask myself this question.

- Don’t you have a God complex?

I am a very self-critical guy, I have never even had such a feeling, my friends from childhood still continue their relationship with me, nothing has changed for them.

- Do you have friends in business since childhood?

Some from childhood, some from college.

- Subordinates? And nothing has changed for them?

Subordinates is not quite the right word. Sangilen is truly a big family, 600 people who do more than just do the bare minimum. I hope that together we sincerely believe in what we are doing. There is no status gap between us; each employee can discuss a personal issue with me at any time. I don't build artificial barriers in relationships.

- Are there situations when Goldman is free from all rules?

Of course, it happens, I get high from communication, when I’m with friends, it’s important to learn to enjoy what you have.

- Listen, but you always talk about cleanliness and neatness, where does that come from? Who raised you like this?

This is nationality. I am a purebred German. The surname Goldman is the surname of the mother, the surname of the father is Dorzweiler. Order is very important to me. In my taiga, everything is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, the floors are washed. And plus this father’s upbringing, very tough.

-Are you a fatalist? Do you believe that fate is predetermined?

Only partly. The answer to your question depends on my condition. And it comes from physiology and pictures. So, the pictures can be changed. Physiology too. By changing pictures and physiology, you change your condition. Relying only on fate means abdicating responsibility, and this is a weak position that cannot suit me.

- Does this topic interest you?

The topic is interesting, but for me it is already like the periodic table, there is no need to repeat it.

- But you can’t always be in a resourceful state, can you? How important is resource status in business? When you make a decision, do you go somewhere and get yourself into a state? Or how?

Condition is important no matter where. We are now discussing the topics of concentration and relaxation. We are both in a resourceful state, but sometimes we need to concentrate on the task and put in a little more energy, a little more effort. And another situation is when you catch yourself thinking: “I don’t want anything.” There is no need to break yourself. This is your body telling you that your energy battery is low, no need to run. A discharged iPhone will not work. But our culture says that we must work with a -1% charge. And this is stupidity. You must be able to concentrate, achieve results, and relax. We are not constant sprinters.

I am almost always in a medium-resource state, but when necessary, I concentrate on the result and then relax.

It is very important not to arrange meetings in a row, not to go from one person to another. Because you came from one, did not analyze what he said. Maybe he said something that will change your life. I forbid myself to do that. I talked, went out - exhale, rest, think, gain energy. It doesn't matter what happens around us. It's important how you look at things.

With Roman Goldman
interviewed by Dmitry Bolotov

"Our Krasnoyarsk Territory", No. 18 from 08/29/2008

Agriculture in a modern way

In life, everything is arranged according to given, immutable rhythms. We may not be aware of them, but they work. There are laws of social development, principles of doing business, ethical standards human behavior in a team. One of these laws, confirmed by practice, says that any serious matter is revealed through the leader. If you need to create a business, organize people, ensure survival - look for the center, the core of the whole undertaking. In this center you will find a person endowed with special powers. This is the power of suggestion, the energy of action. The mission of a leader, the creator of his own business, especially in Russia with its untrodden paths and bad roads, is difficult, but extremely exciting.

Meeting with the CEO of the company “Sangilen +” by Roman Goldman began with a short wait in the meeting room, during which I was able to watch a piece of video from the life of the company. Dashing snowmobile races were taking place on the screen. It immediately became clear: the Sangilenians are passionate and brave people. Then suddenly the snowmobile fell through the ice. Coordinatedly, quickly, clearly, without panic or fuss, the guys saved the equipment and saved themselves. At such a moment, the team's potential is revealed. So in Russian business– you need to be able to overtake a competitor, not drown yourself, and save the team and material assets. It is important to be prepared for any surprise. "Our Krasnoyarsk region" It is no coincidence that Roman Goldman is visiting again - such leaders and enthusiasts hope for a speedy revival of the village.

Fashionable farming

– Roman, it seems that now there is a fashion for agriculture. Many businessmen who have managed to earn serious money are now entering this business.

– Yes, you might get that impression. But the final answer to the question - is this really beneficial - has not yet been received. My company has already invested millions of dollars in crop production. And we gain a unique experience. For us, agriculture is not the cliches of past times: rotten houses, sick livestock and ancient tractors. We are building a modern, civilized business in rural areas.

– For this business to become civilized, it is necessary to introduce new technologies and work with decent equipment.
- Absolutely right. Do you know what a headache this is? Many dealers selling tractors and combines are not dealers at all, but resellers. There is no decent service. I myself found myself in a ridiculous situation with the purchase of a tractor. The tractor carries a seeding complex and processes 250 hectares per day. You have been preparing for the sowing season for a year and only two weeks are allotted by nature for it. There was a minor breakdown and the tractor sat for four days. Four days out of 12 days are sowing. They calculated the losses - six million. We were perplexed - why don’t the so-called dealers have spare parts? At least a generator?! The torment with this tractor continues to this day. We ourselves have now become dealers, but real ones. We are talking about the magnificent Italian Laverda combines. I was in Italy at the factories where they are assembled; our people underwent appropriate training abroad and received all the certificates.

– “Laverda” is a really “cool” combine harvester?

– It is ideal for Eastern Siberia, because it is designed to grind no more than 40-50 centners of grain per hectare. The waste content at the output is only 1.3 percent. It's amazing! Cleaning speed is 9.5 kilometers per hour. Sophisticated buyers are shocked after testing such equipment in action. My company “Sangilen +” approached the matter very responsibly. Prepared people who will deal service combines, created a warehouse of spare parts. We plan to become dealers of a Canadian company supplying Burgo harvesting complexes and American Case tractors. We sell the best equipment. We are developing sites for its repair and maintenance.

Problem child and cash cow

– Is there a secret to success in business? Why are you taking on a previously unknown direction, but everything turns out better than those who have been doing this for 20 years?

– In any business, the main thing is to build a logic of action. Properly organize the movement of money, correctly assign tasks to the team. If you know how to do this, you can take on any business. I graduated from a business school in Moscow, and this expanded my horizons of understanding. There is such a technique - the “Boston matrix” (BCG). All directions are divided into four parts - they are called: problem child, star, cash cow and dog. Any business goes through these stages sequentially. There is a business - a star, in which they invest. It’s expensive, but it’s about to “shoot.” There is a business - a cash cow, which you simply “milk” and calmly make a profit. There is a business - a dog. This is an old dog, who is, say, 26 years old, and will soon die, but it would be a pity to shoot her. She needs food, a vet, but it doesn't do any good at all. My bakery was such a dog. There is a difficult child. It is not yet clear what - maybe he will become a star, maybe not. My petroleum products business is a cow that we milk. Oxygen production in the Moscow region was a difficult child for me. Our star is agriculture!

– What are the specific results of your activities in agriculture?

– We were convinced that the chosen equipment lived up to expectations and was worth the money we paid for it. I keep an agronomist’s diary for each field, which contains data on sowing time and the amount of fertilizer applied. The first KAMAZ trucks with grain have already arrived, and combine harvesters are working hard in the fields. This is an internally unforgettable feeling - when you sowed everything yourself, grew it, and now you are harvesting it yourself... This is a real thrill.

Honesty check

– As far as I understand, you personally go to the fields and get into the combine?

– Unfortunately, they don’t trust me to personally steer. But I'm sitting next to the driver. We have the best machine operators in the region. There is such a thing as the load on the combine. Harvesting lasts from September to the end of October. The average load on our combine is 950 hectares, three times more than usual! No one has ever achieved this in the region. With just four combines we harvest 3,750 hectares. The Italians came up with an ingenious technical solution: even on a bad field full of weeds, the combine cleans grain by grain. And at the back, a glass bin allows you to see what you have collected.

– A difficult international situation is currently emerging. At such moments, the food issue is always especially relevant - Russia imports a large volume of food, so it never hurts to be on the safe side. So the role of the domestic agricultural producer can be said to be strategic.

“Our regional authorities have an understanding of this. Russia has huge cultivated areas. And if we depend on someone else’s bread, it’s a disgrace. Today the authorities are doing the right thing - they are skimming the financial cream from the oil industry and directing it towards agriculture. The government promises to compensate for the costs of equipment. There are already results. The movement started. But every time we check the authorities for honesty.

Our dossier

Roman Gennadievich GOLDMAN born November 9, 1975 in Divnogorsk. He was the founder of the first fitness center and the first taxi fleet in Divnogorsk. For many years he has been involved in operations in the market of grains and fuels and lubricants. In 2002, he created the closed joint-stock company Sangilen +, of which he is still the general director.

Higher education. Finished Krasnoyarsk Technological Institute with a specialization in Oil Refining and Moscow Business School.

Hobbies: in summer – motorboating, in winter – snowboarding and snowmobile racing.
