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Own T-shirt printing business. # What specialists should you hire? Necessary equipment for business

Everyone has T-shirts in their wardrobe; they have long become an integral part of everyday life. The demand for goods cannot be called seasonal, since people are constantly interested in them. Organizing a business selling T-shirts is a profitable business that often does not require large expenses.

Format selection

First of all, you need to decide on the format of the store. For example, this could be a store selling women's T-shirts different types: sports, every day, polo.

T-shirt example #1

And in terms of development, we can include the issue of printing on T-shirts. It all depends on the starting capital and the end consumer. To do this, it is worth analyzing the market in advance.

When it comes to purchasing goods, there are several options. Some entrepreneurs take the simplest route - they buy goods in China and sell them in Russia at a premium.

But there is also Russian brands, from whom you can purchase goods at reasonable prices and we are sure the quality will be better in this case.

For example, women's T-shirts can be purchased wholesale here: These are trusted partners who always have a wide range and large size range of products.

Market analysis

If you approach the matter correctly and develop your strategy, then you can ignore your competitors. Consumers are attracted to unique and high-quality products. And if you succeed, a small interested audience will appear in the first months.

First, check out the range of competitors, pay attention to prices and other features. Try to understand what is missing or what is superfluous and come up with a unique product.

Also will not be superfluous marketing research, to make it easier to determine the price segment of the audience and needs. All this an important part when opening a store selling T-shirts.

Product range

Most stores sell generic T-shirts, so if you decide to go this route, be prepared for a lot of competition.

The best option is to sell branded products or independently produce goods with interesting prints or other designs.

T-shirt example No. 2

The popularity of a store directly depends on the unusual and unique assortment.

To debug own production original T-shirts, you will need graphic design skills.

You can also hire an employee to handle this, but this will incur additional costs.

It is better to create a catalog of images and provide it to the consumer.

This way, a person can choose the color of the T-shirt, the picture and its size. It is important to find a wholesale supplier of plain t-shirts.

Don’t forget that opening a store that specializes in selling T-shirts alone will require creating a wide range of models and sizes. A poor assortment will not interest buyers. Most often, retail outlets sell other clothing in addition to T-shirts.

Retail or Internet?

Between the usual retail trade There is a significant difference between selling through an online store.

If necessary, both options can be combined.

T-shirt example No. 3

For a regular store, you will need to find a favorable location and hire qualified employees.

The indoor environment and traffic flow also play a big role.

Among the disadvantages of such trading are the costs of rent, maintenance and repairs, as well as wages employees.

If you sell T-shirts in an online store, there are many more advantages.

You won’t need to spend money on rent, you can also not hire anyone and carry out the implementation yourself. Another plus is the wide geography.

Orders can be easily sent by mail to any corner of the world.


Profit directly depends on what store format is chosen. Many people buy T-shirts in bulk and sell them at a 100% markup. When selling goods with your own print, the markup increases significantly.

A T-shirt without any designs costs on average 100-200 rubles. After applying the print, the price can increase 5 times or more. But such a store will initially require a certain budget for equipment and printing supplies.

Therefore, if you have a small start-up capital, you can first implement finished products and, if desired, over time, apply the design to T-shirts yourself.


For any aspiring entrepreneur, such a business is great start. You can immediately do without the huge costs of equipment, rent and personnel and open a store with minimal investment.

Over time, it is easy to organize the sale of T-shirts with prints and earn much more income. Just keep in mind that the costs of doing business will also increase, since the equipment will require maintenance costs. It all depends on your desire, approach and capabilities.

Extraordinary designer clothing is gaining more and more popularity. IN Lately T-shirts with original designs or inscriptions made to order are in great demand. This could serve as an excellent one.

To do this you will need to buy or rent professional car for printing on knitwear or cotton.

You can, of course, start by outsourcing printing orders to another company, but this may turn out to be too expensive and unprofitable.

How to set up your business and what equipment to use will depend on which business model you choose.

You can create a company that will purchase ready-made T-shirts in bulk and only do the printing. Drawings for printing can be either standard or according to individual customer orders.

Or you can open your own production of printed T-shirts. Of course, this option will require more significant investments from you and a larger staff.

Where to begin?

To begin with, you must analyze the competition in the industry and study the market. It should be noted that you should not limit yourself to just your city. You can sell T-shirts with prints throughout the country using mail or courier services.

Think about what advantages your company will have over its competitors. A lot in this business depends on the quality of the T-shirts, the printing and, of course, the design ideas. Try to approach this business creatively and feel not only like an entrepreneur, but also a real designer. It is the creative approach and extraordinary ideas that will be of great value to your business.

The first step to implementing your business project is registration entrepreneurial activity. The easiest way is to register an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), since it requires the least cost and greatly simplifies accounting.

To run a business, you will need production space to accommodate a T-shirt printing machine, as well as storage of finished products. You will also need space to accommodate managers and receive clients.

Necessary investments

To print on T-shirts, you will first need to equip your business with an industrial printer that allows you to transfer digital prints to fabric.

The cost of such specialized equipment starts from $10,000. The wholesale price for T-shirts can be $2-4 per unit. Of course than better quality T-shirts, the higher their price. Check out the offers of wholesalers and try to conclude the most beneficial cooperation agreement for you. Wholesale dealers are ready to meet and offer discounts and various discount programs for regular customers.

Before you start production, you will need to have ready-made designs for printing. To do this, you also need to purchase graphic Photoshop programs or Corel Draw. Licensed software will cost you $600-900. A designer's development of one image project for printing can cost $50-300. The cost of a designer's work greatly depends on the complexity of the design, as well as on the deadlines.

T-shirt with an interesting inscription - original gift, which suits everyone. Such a souvenir will always be popular, and a T-shirt business can be very profitable; moreover, its development will not require too large an initial investment.

How much does a T-shirt business cost?

The only major investment required will be the purchase of equipment for printing designs on T-shirts. An entrepreneur will need:

  • computer or laptop - you can choose the most common one, which costs no more than 12-15 thousand rubles
  • photo printer - it must be equipped with a CISS - a continuous ink supply system, and such a unit costs from 7.5 thousand rubles (ink for such a printer will cost 3 thousand rubles - for a six-color set)
  • thermal press - a T-shirt business should be started with a unit with a good heating area, and this will cost 30-40 thousand rubles (there are also cheaper models on sale, but they do not provide very good print quality)

In addition, you will need to spend money on the T-shirts themselves. The price of one is 250 rubles, and you will need a lot of different T-shirts, so it is better to immediately count on purchasing a batch of at least 1 thousand pieces. In such a situation, you can count on a discount from the supplier, and the price of one T-shirt can drop to 200 rubles.

And, of course, about 20-30 thousand rubles will need to be allocated for renting premises for a store - you can make money on T-shirts by renting a very tiny area, on which it is enough to place samples of finished products and a small counter. To save money on rent, you can install a heat press at home, and only collect printing orders in the store itself.

As for profit, the T-shirt business pays off quite quickly. The price of finished products depends on how many copies the client ordered, and one T-shirt can be sold for 500-600 rubles, but discounts can be offered to wholesale buyers. So, for example, buying 20 T-shirts at once may involve a price of 450 rubles per piece, buying 50 – 400 rubles, etc. the main objective– win customers, and then orders will be constant and income will be excellent.

In general, it is enough for a businessman to reach a sales level of 5-7 T-shirts daily. Then, even at their minimum cost (for example, 400 rubles), you can count on a monthly profit of 60-85 thousand rubles. Such income will allow you to recoup the initial investment in the first few months of operation, after which you can count on net profit. And even if you work seasonally - for example, only in the summer - you can earn substantial capital on T-shirts, which will allow you to develop this business and create entire chains of stores that are in constant demand.

On modern market among small businesses it is difficult to find a new niche that has not yet been used by anyone. Unique and original ideas can attract customers and expand business.

For example, T-shirt printing is an excellent source of income.

It is necessary to draw up a thorough plan for the development of trade. This business can bring not only new financial opportunities, but also a lot of positive impressions from the manufacturing process.

Products with drawings and prints are very popular among young people and adults. T-shirts are often purchased as gifts for loved ones. After all, they are the perfect addition to a festive look. And the plan of a specific design allows you to transfer any image or idea onto the fabric.

In order to accept orders from clients, you need to rent a small room (approximately 8-10 sq.m.). This point can be advantageously located in the city center, where there is a large concentration of potential customers. Also, the order receiving office can be located in large shopping centers, department stores.

A big advantage for such a premises will be its proximity to the metro or transport interchanges. A distinctive sign or bright banner will help attract customers. Before choosing an office, you need to decide target audience, to make a plan. So, if a T-shirt business is aimed at young people, then it would be advantageous to locate it near student dormitories and educational institutions.

When choosing the right place, it is recommended to decide on the range of goods. These can be ready-made products with drawings, or T-shirts will be printed to order. In any case, a mandatory addition and decoration will be ready-made samples. They can be placed in display cases or on special shelves. A business like this needs to showcase the accessories it offers.

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Necessary equipment for business

To print on T-shirts, you need to have special equipment. This could be a direct image transfer printer, jet printer, replaceable ink cartridges, heat press, cutting plotter, computer, graphics applications.

You can apply the applique to fabric different ways. Using a special printer, the design is placed directly on the T-shirt. Another method involves placing the image on special paper. Then, using a heat press, it is transferred to the fabric due to the high temperature.

In addition to printing on T-shirts, you can expand your business. Using this equipment, images are transferred to mugs, magnets, computer mouse pads and other souvenir products.

In any case, when choosing equipment, you need to make a sales plan. Having found out how many T-shirts an entrepreneur will sell per day, you can easily select the necessary equipment. For example, a textile printer prints at low speed. That's why this type printing is suitable for small individual orders.

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For small offices and retail outlets A small number of employees is enough, for example, 2 people. At the initial stage of creating a business, an entrepreneur can independently serve clients. When expanding your trading business, you will need employees who know computers and are able to process images.

Operating a printer or other printing equipment is not particularly difficult. Therefore, students are often among the staff. The main feature of the workers of this business- this is a creative outlook and the ability to explain to clients all the benefits of such T-shirts. Communication skills are very useful for printing employees. After all, you need to present it colorfully original idea of this product for the business to develop.

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Calculation of required costs

At the preliminary stage of starting a business, it is necessary to draw up a plan. Thanks to it, a novice entrepreneur will be able to understand possible risks and calculate future profits. The cost of printing on T-shirts varies within 100 thousand rubles in Russia.

Thus, the cost of a printer and cartridges is about 5 thousand rubles and depends on which printer model the entrepreneur chooses. Today you can buy suitable printing equipment in stores at an affordable price.

The cost of a heat press and other components will be from 35 thousand rubles. Making a plan economic indicators, it is necessary to take into account the costs of materials - clean T-shirts, ink, etc. You also need to include in the financial costs an item on renting premises and advertising.

You can print on T-shirts at home. This will significantly save financial costs on renting premises. However, in this case, you should think about developing advertising and creating an online store.
