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How to look for a job if you had your own business. How to get to a leadership position from a private? Where to look for leadership positions

Any ambitious person, one way or another, strives for career growth, promotion. A long-awaited leadership position, earned through years of hard work in an ordinary position, can plunge the newly minted boss into a state of deep euphoria. Especially if this position is received for the first time.

The work of a leader, in addition to the advantages and privileges, is fraught with difficulties that are not familiar to former specialist. The biggest discovery that an inexperienced boss makes is that a significant part of managerial problems has nothing to do with the professional sphere. It is these specific difficulties characteristic of the “upper floors” of business that often put an end to the career of a young manager. What are the dangers of leadership work, and how to properly avoid them?

Legitimacy of status

Whatever position flaunted in your work book, but the right to leadership still needs to be asserted. People will not work effectively under the authority of a person who is not able to explain to them why he, and not someone else, is sitting in this soft and comfortable chair. There are a great many options for dominance, it is only important to choose the most suitable one and adamantly implement it. The advantage may be unique professional knowledge, developed communication skills, or the ability to effectively administer a wide range of business processes. A leader who has not established himself in the eyes of his subordinates runs the risk of provoking a silent rebellion or even outright sabotage and disobedience. The result can be a series of failures, which will inevitably lead to dismissal with a diagnosis of “failed”.

Old, conservative team

Any boss likes to select people for himself and, perhaps, you will not find someone who sincerely likes to come to an already established structure. As you know, there are no two identical people, two identical leaders, which means that the new boss will inevitably reshape the department for himself, breaking established ties. The danger of transformations in this case lies in their intensity. It is enough to bend the stick of reforms a little, and the paralysis of work processes is guaranteed. A good alternative to revolutionary innovations can be soft evolution, when regulations and rules change gradually, and inefficient employees leave the department one at a time, separated by a significant time interval.

Secret centers of power

Perhaps the greatest danger to the new manager is represented by employees who have informal power. As a rule, these are experienced specialists with ambitions who never became leaders for various reasons. Such gray cardinals can significantly complicate the boss's life by playing their own game that runs counter to his ideas and plans. Often, the gray cardinal wants to lead, but does not want to be responsible, which means that he will substitute his boss at any opportunity. In the worst case scenario, such a "saboteur" secretly contacts the leadership of related units, which makes it immensely difficult for the new boss to build any relationship at his managerial level. The recipe in this case, sadly, is only one - the gray cardinals must be ruthlessly disposed of.

Alliances, clans and undercover fuss

Having dealt with the internal problems, you can move on to the external level. The relationship between the departments of different areas has never been smooth, which is worth preparing from the outset. The life of people exposed to power has always been filled with conspiracies and intrigues. At this level, it is important to quickly understand the structure and composition of numerous alliances and competently join one of them, since there is no sadder fate than the fate of a lonely ship in a stormy sea, which, if trouble happens, no one will come to the rescue. On the other hand, you should not get carried away and make too risky bets, getting involved in combinations of higher leaders. For example, being the head of a small department, it is dangerous to seek trusting relationships with deputy top officials, and even more so with CEO or business owners. It is important to remember about subordination, as well as the fact that superiors weave their own intrigues and the likelihood of becoming a bargaining chip in someone else's game, the meaning of which is hardly clear, can be very high.

This is an approximate list of the main problems most typical for any structure, from a trading company to a federal ministry. Despite the different specifics of organizations, any leader should remember that managerial work is, first of all, the flexibility of the mind and the ability to calculate risks, which, as you know, are in great abundance.

To be in a leadership position, it is important to have certain leadership qualities, take responsibility and often become the object of hatred. It is quite difficult to win a career Olympus and become a good leader, but it is quite real. In this article, we'll take a look at how to become a good leader.

A good chef is a professional and a role model. His mission is to build a constantly evolving team. This cannot be achieved without leadership qualities.

Qualities of a good boss

The leader must be:

  • Honest. A person who wants to win people's trust will not wishful thinking.
  • open. The ability to listen to other people's ideas and treat them constructively is a special skill of a leader.
  • Have a creative approach, which manifests itself in the ability to think differently, to look at the problem from a different angle.
  • Confident in yourself and your abilities.
  • Have a sense of humor to relieve tension and defuse the situation.
  • Possess analytical thinking in order to be able to break the goal into parts.
  • Ready for change.

Other qualities include:

  • Responsibility.
  • Psychological stability.
  • Punctuality.
  • Humanity.
  • Courage.
  • Activism.

The makings of a leader and motivator

You can learn how to formulate goals from motivational books. It is equally important to set daily goals and monitor their implementation.

  • Make decisions in areas where failure will not be critical to self-esteem. When you fail, learn the lesson and move on.
  • You can learn to take risks in the following way. Rate each flaw in the situation from 1 to 5. Imagine the worst-case scenario. Decide how much risk you are willing to take.
  • To properly motivate staff, study their needs. It will be possible to achieve the result if each subordinate understands that his work affects the final result.
  • Analyze your actions and their consequences. The most significant incidents can be recorded in a diary. Try to learn from them.

The potential of a leader depends on the desire of a person to change. The leader must encourage employees to innovate and give them the opportunity to take responsibility for their own decisions. This can only be achieved with a team of professionals.

Understand the intricacies of the workflow

To become a good leader, increase your market value and manage a team, constantly develop: learn a new specialized software take professional online courses. A good analyst should be able to plan his day and focus on the subtleties in the implementation of the workflow. This makes it possible to better assess the risks and be responsible for the result of the work of the team as a whole. If the leader can effectively organize his work and his deputies, then he will always have time to quickly resolve important issues.

Create favorable working conditions

Rational labor management is based on the application modern technology. Automation of labor can be achieved through the introduction of electronic computing systems, the use of office equipment. These are not all the tools with which you can increase productivity.

Additional measures include:

  • observance of sanitary and hygienic conditions in the office;
  • the presence of a desktop;
  • arrangement of the room with furniture;
  • providing an employee stationery and other working tools;
  • organization of the regime of work and rest.

Good lighting, optimal temperature, lack of noise affect performance.

Properly organize the work of the team

Whether you have four or a hundred subordinates, a leader must always be able to clearly explain his requirements. A code of rules and conduct will help you achieve your goal. It is easiest to understand goals and expectations if they are written down on paper. It is even better to prescribe a sequence of actions in advance. If an interesting goal visited you in the middle of a project, it makes no sense to voice it. Employees will not take you seriously and will hardly have time to achieve a certain result. It is not worth introducing major changes in the middle of a project, however, small adjustments to the workflow will not interfere.

Create the right team atmosphere

Perseverance in achieving the goal should not prevent the subordinate from putting forward his proposals. Looking at the problem from the outside will allow you to adjust the course of action. It is especially important to listen to someone else's opinion at the final stage. If you want an honest answer, don't threaten. There are several ways to not scare subordinates and listen to their point of view: organize an anonymous survey, send an email, ask for an opinion in a personal meeting. Employees will share their opinion more quickly if they understand that it affects the success of the project as a whole. They should always have time to think about the problem they are working on.

Keep distance with subordinates

You can earn the love of subordinates not only by familiarity, but also in an honest way:

  • It's easy to admit your mistakes. Anyone can make mistakes, including the boss. Don't blame other people for your miscalculations. Find the mistake, admit it and try to fix it. This is the only way to show the ability to find a solution in any situation.
  • Be consistent. When speaking with an interlocutor, clearly state your thoughts and requirements. In this case, the staff will be able to help resolve the issue.
  • Do not allow familiarity. Of course, the boss must be able to communicate with the employee when he is in any mood. But do not allow familiarity. Always keep your distance. Good communication skills are evidenced by the number of signed contracts, and not by relationships in an informal setting with the team.

Be strict but fair

A good boss supports colleagues and motivates them to achieve results. You can do this with the help of the reward system.

  • Make it a habit to meet with the team for a gala dinner every month. This is a fun way to make friends with the team and motivate them to achieve goals.
  • Arrange a private reception. If an employee has reached incredible heights, you should announce this to the team in an email or in person.
  • Reward workaholics. Any gift, whether it's a new phone model or a movie ticket, can motivate an employee to perform their duties well.

Take responsibility

The ability to take responsibility for the project as a whole is a valuable quality of a leader. Any result of the team's work is, first of all, the result of its own actions. The leader looks for the reasons for failures in his behavior. This attitude motivates the leader to take effective solutions in future.

A subordinate may fail to complete a task because they misunderstood it, forgot about it, or chose an inefficient method. On the part of the leader, there are such failures: correct setting tasks, lack of intermediate control and rules for resolving issues. How to solve unique problems should be developed by the management itself, as well as monitoring the progress of their implementation.

Defend the interests of subordinates

Responsibility also implies the desire to influence everything that happens from within and prevent external influence for no good reason. This cannot be achieved without systematic monitoring of the work of subordinates. The manager should treat his subordinates as equal partners, defend their interests before the higher management and in controversial situations with third parties. Employees will definitely appreciate the loyalty of management and try to improve the results of their work. Trusting relationships in the team are built on the fact that the boss will behave consistently both in personal conversation and in public.

Keep your word

In order for subordinates to respect the leader, he must be able to keep his promises. This applies not only to salary payments and the distribution of vacations. Therefore, before making promises, you need to take a break and think about how to fulfill it. Do not prioritize, because every promise is important. If you have agreed to find an assistant to a major specialist, then do it despite the looming crisis and fund cuts wages. It is important to do this because you have given your word. Failure to keep promises will affect a person's reputation as a professional.

How to lead a team without experience

Many managers dream of leading a department and leading a team. It is not enough just to become a leader, you must also be able to stay in this position.

What a New Director Should Know

According to statistics, the main reason for the dismissal of employees is the lack of common language with the authorities. Therefore, the leader must be able to carefully listen to subordinates. Communicate not only through emails but also live.

The boss must know how to inspire the team. Especially if we are talking O creative work. Before starting work, indicate the importance of the work of each employee.

The leader should be able to motivate the team. Sometimes it is enough to take the initiative and be the first to take on a large amount of complex work.

In any team there is a genius who thinks outside the box and refuses to work in a team. Over time, it becomes uncontrollable. Such individuals must be able to identify and, if possible, immediately get rid of them. Otherwise, it will not be possible to establish work in a team.

What should a manager know?

Formulate development goals for the department and the tasks that need to be completed in order to achieve results.

Use company resources wisely. These include: material resources, capital, information and time. The value of each of them has changed with the development of mankind. Today, information is the priority. The task of the leader is to competently build internal structure organizations.

Know how to motivate employees. For this purpose, you can use external incentives (social package, fines, teamwork), as well as the desire of employees to develop.

Control the situation at all stages. Before starting the project, the available resources are analyzed. The purpose of the intermediate control is to evaluate the performance of each stage. At the final stage, the achieved result is compared with the goal. You can delegate to subordinates only control in the first two stages.

Rules for a good chef

  • Divide labor in order to perform a large amount of work qualitatively.
  • Where there are powers, there is also responsibility. She is a strong motivation in urgent projects. Sometimes only moral responsibility can keep an employee from not giving up.
  • Discipline in the team is based on the authority of the leader.
  • Ideally, an employee should receive an order from only one boss. Today the boundaries of the hierarchy are pushed apart. Orders can be issued simultaneously by heads of several departments. It is important here that the orders do not contradict each other.
  • The interests of one person should not prevail over the interests of the organization as a whole. Otherwise, dictatorship will come.
  • Loyalty and support of employees can be ensured by a stable salary.

How to become a boss with a soft character

It is believed that liberals cannot become leaders because of their humanity and inclination to connivance. Instead, informal leaders manage the team.

To become a good leader, you need to find an ambitious person and make him your adviser. Then, with its help, build a management structure and influence the team using the “good director - strict deputy” model.

The democratic leader must be:

  • proactive, responsible;
  • be creative at work;
  • be able to convince;
  • develop ways to achieve the goal.

Such specialists are expected in highly developed teams, where each employee is well motivated and can justify his point of view on the problem.

You should start your career as a manager from your own life: set goals for yourself, move towards the goal. Communicate with people who have achieved professional success and are ready to give good advice.

  • Listen to your employees' opinions, even if you don't agree with them.
  • Don't try to control every step. Delegate your powers.
  • Do not explode about every mistake on employees.
  • Develop interpersonal relationships with the team.
  • Constantly learn, strive to learn something new.
  • Study yourself. The problem with most leaders is the lack of introspection and meaningful action.
  • Focus on one big goal and develop steps to achieve it.
  • Get rid of ineffective managers. Either all members of the team win, or none of them.
  • Practice your leadership skills daily.

The boss is not always right, but he is always the boss

A situation in which a subordinate is smarter than his leader is rare. The director will not hire an employee who is superior in some way to himself: in terms of education, experience, qualifications. The tendency to hire relatives has also declined to a minimum in recent years. All other conflicts with management can be resolved. The director is also a person with his own experiences and thoughts. If he is wrong on any point, find reasonable evidence to change his point of view. A good leader will appreciate this. You should not quit your job when a conflict situation arises.

Moving up the career ladder can be very difficult. It is especially difficult business women: with the fact that a woman works on an equal footing with a man, society has already come to terms, but a woman boss - this still does not fit in the minds of some. Do you love your job, but feel that you have become cramped within its framework? If you really want to be promoted and are willing to accept the responsibility that comes with being a leader, there are only a few steps you need to take...

I'll go to the bosses, let them teach me

How to get a promotion at work and move from an ordinary position to a managerial one?

Many professionals once think about a promotion. Only for some this intention disappears quickly, while others are sure that they have the necessary experience, skills and passionately want to join the ranks of the bosses. But what if the employee is not familiar with managerial functions and has always performed the duties of an executor? Labor market experts told how to change a linear position to a managerial one.

There are two main scenarios for such a transition: a promotion within your company or a transition to a managerial position in another. What problems may arise for future tops? And how to realize the desire to become a leader?

an old friend is better than two new ones

According to Maria Silina, account manager at Contact Agency, growth within one company is considered a classic career development option and has a number of advantages: “Firstly, a potential manager has the opportunity and time to prove himself from a professional point of view vision, while still in the ranks. Secondly, during this period he can establish contacts with employees of the company, which can affect his position.

Indeed, it is easier to convincingly demonstrate your leadership qualities to the authorities with whom you have been working for several years than to assure the representatives of the new company of the same. But how exactly to grow in your own organization?

“In order to be promoted at work, it is necessary to demonstrate good results in work, to fulfill one’s duties with high quality and on time. It must be remembered that strategic thinking is inherent in leaders. Such people are able to anticipate changes in the industry in which they work, prioritize their work and the work of the team, focus on the main goals, bring creative ideas to make correct and timely decisions. This is not the whole set of qualities that people need to take a leadership position. When working in a team, it is also important to be able to see the situation through the eyes of your boss and abstract from the situational perception of the problem. Your manager and colleagues should be aware of your professional and career preferences,” says Alexei Iodko, Head of Human Resources at Raiffeisenbank.

“First of all, you need to be an active and proactive employee who does not avoid additional workload and participation in the life of the team, whether it is teamwork or brainstorming on how to improve the work of the department. With the conviction "it's not in my official duties» it is difficult to grow professionally in the company and get a large area of ​​responsibility. If you are proactive, active, ready to take responsibility and back up ideas and suggestions with results, chances are career development are growing exponentially,” adds Nadezhda Smirnova, Leading Specialist at the Penny Lane Personnel recruiting agency.

What should be feared?

Imagine that the long-awaited promotion has taken place, yesterday's performer becomes the leader. There are no problems with the performance of duties, everything is working out, the prospects are encouraging. However, there is one "but" - the team. Labor market experts say that relationships with former colleagues (current employees) can significantly poison the joy of promotion.

“The main stumbling block is building relationships with former colleagues. If in professional competencies and personal qualities, the new leader has already proven himself earlier, then he will need to demonstrate his talent as a manager more than once to his colleagues. And only after that he can establish himself as a leader in a familiar team, ”comments Nadezhda Smirnova.

“Many young managers who have grown up within their own company, at the stage of forming their managerial experience, have to face the solution of a natural paradox: on the one hand, with a formal change in their own role, and on the other hand, with the perception of it by the team in a new status. However, this situation can be easily avoided if, firstly, the assigned officer has achieved a transition to new position exclusively by his work, and secondly, if he has a certain authority and weight in the team, not just as a “great friend”, but as a professional in his field,” says Boris Anikeev, head of the recruitment department at Svyaznoy Group of Companies.

Changing places

The process of moving from a line position to a managerial position new company is definitely harder to enhance within one's own. The reasons for leaving the old place can be different.

“Firstly, there may not be a vacant managerial position in the company, and secondly, other, more suitable candidates may apply for this position,” says Maria Silina.

It is possible that the highest echelon of the company's authorities simply does not believe in the leadership abilities of an ambitious employee. In any case, even if a specialist leaves an ordinary position in a large organization, he is unlikely to be able to get a job as a head in a company of the same scale. It would be wiser to choose a smaller institution.

Nadezhda Smirnova confirms that such a transition is possible from a "leading" position in big company for a managerial position in a relatively small firm.
“But 'shrinking' company size still doesn't guarantee a promotion. It is important that the new / potential employer sees, believes that you are not only a good specialist, but also successfully cope with managing people. Therefore, at the interview, remember and name a few situations where you demonstrated leadership and organizational qualities, ”the expert recommends.

“If a candidate does not have managerial experience, it would be reasonable if he does not immediately apply for a very high salary and wide managerial functions. As a rule, such applicants are offered to work on minimum terms for probationary period and, if the results are satisfactory to both parties, renegotiate the terms. Another important point: in the new resume, it is important for the applicant to indicate all the cases when he had to perform managerial functions or managed to show leadership potential (making decisions on the current project, organizing the workflow, building teamwork, etc.),” adds Boris Anikeev.

What should be feared?

Oddly enough, but you should not worry about relationships with new subordinates. Because they already perceive the incoming leader as a boss, and not as a former colleague.

“Sometimes it is more useful for a team to have a fresh look from a new leader “from the outside”. This will allow us to take a bolder step and make radically new decisions on this or that issue,” Alexey Iodko believes.

It is worth being afraid of an unfamiliar environment in principle - the process of adaptation in a new company always requires the expenditure of effort and energy. In addition, you will have to rely only on your own strength (if in old company if there was an opportunity to turn to the former leadership for help or advice, then in the new one, most likely, there will be no one to count on).

Boris Anikeev also sees difficulty in the lack of experience in managing people: “It can be partly compensated for by business acumen, readiness for an irregular schedule and constant improvement.”

Labor market experts shared tips on what to remember for a person who has never led, but is determined to take the manager's chair.

“It is extremely important to tell employees about strategic plans: everyone should understand and share the common goals and objectives of the team. Try to find a mentor and enlist his support, go through additional training. For example, trainings on the development of managerial skills will allow you to make a more confident start,” the expert adds.

“Be confident in your actions! Any doubts will instantly be transferred to the team and shake your reputation. And do not be afraid to rely on your assistants, having previously understood who you really can / should rely on. Delegation of authority is the key to the success of any leader. But absolutely for sure, regardless of whether you are planning a career within a company or when moving to others, you must definitely know the main functions, tasks of a leader, think systematically, be consistent, be active, proactive in order to show and prove yourself, - advises Nadezhda Smirnova.

But the most important thing, according to Alexei Iodko, is to make sure that the desire to become a leader is genuine. To manage because it is “fashionable” or “all my friends have become managers a long time ago, so it’s time for me” are not the best arguments for achieving success. Remember - a person does best what he loves and what he really has a soul for!

To become a good leader, you need at least three years to work in someone's submission? Not always! Some even after a year of work experience feel the strength to move into the ranks of top managers. How to achieve this?

They say that in order to become a good leader, you need to work for at least three years in someone's submission. However, some even after a year of work experience feel the desire and ability to move into the ranks of top managers. How to achieve this?

It's easier to do this if your company encourages career growth. The management itself can offer you a promotion based on your performance, when a suitable vacancy appears. However, the tendency to "grow" personnel is not relevant in all companies. If you understand that you will most likely not be given the opportunity to head a department in your "native" company, start looking for a new job.

To begin with, it is wiser to apply for a position with minimal managerial functionality. And don't count on good salary. There is a kind of barter: you get a managerial position, and the company saves on the salary of a professional.

“In the best case, this amount will be called a “starting salary”, and if you live up to expectations, your salary will increase over time,” says Zifa Dimitrieva, managing partner of the International Institute of Management. “In the worst case, they will not increase (they will “ride” you) or its growth will be minimal. If you have already decided to save money from the very beginning, then they can adhere to this line later.

But, having gained the necessary experience, you can come to another company for good money.

Put the "right" accents in the resume

The task of finding a job in a company, at least for an initial managerial position, is complicated by the fact that your resume is a resume of a "performer". And it most likely does not reflect the facts that speak in favor of the fact that you are able to lead.

However, according to Elena Bakanova, head of the selection of managers at Finam investment holding, there are no "pure performers" today. "Now any employee has to make decisions related to the development of projects, the organization of certain work processes," she recalls. And he advises to focus on these points in the resume. consultant Ekaterina Lukyanova also suggests revising her track record. “Perhaps your organizational experience is small and you perceive it as not worthy of special mention, but this is a mistake,” she says. “It was in these situations that the makings of a future leader, leadership potential, ability to work with a team, and initiative could be revealed.”

When talking about their experience, experts advise using phrases: “on my initiative…”, “I implemented the plan as a project manager…”, “optimized the work of the department, group” –– and similar ones.

According to Elena Bakanova, the employer should also learn about "additional factors that can characterize you as a leader." Are you the captain of the corporate football team? It's a good message, she says.

By the way, the fact that the transition to a managerial position is a natural stage of career development also works for you. “You can also mention your desire for career and professional growth in your resume,” advises Ekaterina Lukyanova.

Before the interview

Take care of your image. “A person who wants to become a leader must look like a leader and speak like a leader,” reminds Ekaterina Lukyanova. successful leaders in this field.

“The more you remind the employer of “your friend on the board”, the more likely it is that in the end you will become one,” Zifa Dimitrieva agrees with Lukyanova and advises you to visit the company where you would like to work as a guest before the interview .

Learn all about the company. Ask the secretary for promotional products, price lists, read the information on the stands, experts advise. In addition, "study the company's website, its history, assortment, the specifics of the market in which the company operates, collect information about its competitors."

Think about what you can offer to the company. Do you have an idea of ​​what could be improved and how? Where would you start your work? You need to know how to answer these questions, because they will definitely be asked at the interview.

"Be prepared to present to the employer a reasoned plan for the development of the department you are going to manage," says Ekaterina Lukyanova.

The main thing is not to offer to build the New Vasyuki, warns Zif Dimitrieva. "Most of the time, companies don't want to have problems with innovative leaders. Your job is simply to give the impression that you know the industry better than anyone else."

Be confident but not arrogant in interviews. And not naive. “It is clear that you really want to get a leadership position, despite the fact that you have never managed before,” says Zifa Dimitrieva. that you will not fail."

By the way, the factor of trust in a person in employment for managerial positions plays almost the main role. The higher the position, the higher the level of trust should be, experts remind. Do not try to deceive the employer, hide the facts of the biography or impersonate someone who you really are not.
