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Scenario for Halloween at school. Games, competitions, sweepstakes, Halloween scenarios. Presentation of the guests of honor

Creative self-realization of students is one of the main tasks educational process. Hosting a Halloween party at school is a great opportunity to create necessary conditions for self-expression of the personality of pupils. It is better to organize such an event in the form competitive program between several teams. How to conduct Halloween at school so that potential participants have equal physical and intellectual capabilities? Usually such a holiday is held between classes of the same parallel, then the level of training will not be affected. An approximate structure of the event is proposed below.

Scenario for Halloween at school

  1. Information block. The presenters provide the audience with information on the theme, goals and structure of the holiday.
  2. Jury presentation. The presenters list the judges who evaluate the competition program. The organizers of the festival must first draw up a map for the jury members, which includes: information on the number of participating teams, a list of competitions and the maximum level of assessment of the teams’ performance.
  3. On at this stage In the scenario, the presenters name the teams who show their business cards. It usually consists of a chant of the name and a short, optimistic greeting (up to 2.5 minutes).
  4. Competitions. At this stage of the holiday, games are organized between the participating teams. For Halloween at school, you can conduct the following: “Holiday attributes”, “Best costume”, “Best craft”, “History of the holiday”, “Best mask” and “Best newspaper”. Their description is offered in the article, after the structure of the event.
  5. Summarizing. After completing the competition program, it is necessary to include several creative numbers in the Halloween script at school so that the jury members have enough time to sum up the results. When the results are ready, certificates are awarded and the participants’ performances are commented on.

Game program

  • Symbols. Participating teams are asked to compile a list of attributes accompanying this holiday within a certain time (one musical composition). Victory is awarded to the team whose list is larger.
  • The best mask. It would be more interesting to hold this competition in the form of a master class. To do this, each team nominates an “artist” and two models (a girl and a boy) to participate. They are given a certain time and necessary equipment: makeup set and then a presentation of the work is held - a show of masks. After each team has demonstrated, there is a general demonstration.
  • History of the holiday. In this competition, the hosts ask questions to the participants that reveal the theme of the event. Below is a sample list of questions that can be supplemented and changed.


  1. What is this day called in Central America? (All Souls' Day).
  2. What is customary to give to children coming into the house for this holiday? (candies).
  3. When is Halloween celebrated in Canada and the USA? (on the night of November 1).
  4. The second name of the holiday in these countries?
  5. What season began on this day for the ancient Celts? (winter).
  6. What symbol does the holiday have? (pumpkin).
  7. What is the reason for the tradition of dressing up in unusual costumes on this day? (scaring away evil spirits).
  8. Where in France are grand carnivals dedicated to the holiday held? (at Disneyland).
  9. What is this day called in China? (Day of Remembrance of Ancestors).
  10. What colors are the main colors for this holiday? (orange, red and black).

Competitions requiring preliminary preparation

  • The best craft. Halloween at school cannot be held without a traditional pumpkin composition competition. Before the start of the holiday, an exhibition of works is organized, which will be evaluated by members of the jury. It can be organized in the foyer, hall or on stage. Each composition must be accompanied by information about the participant, the materials used and have a name. During the competition, representatives of teams defend their work - they argue for its relevance for this holiday and describe the stages of completing their masterpiece.

  • The best newspaper. Before the start of the event, members of the jury study newspapers published for this holiday, evaluate their content and aesthetics.

Halloween situation at school

For a clear organization and conduct of the holiday, a month before the planned event, classes must be familiarized with the regulations, the approximate structure of which is proposed below:

  • Purpose: creative self-realization of students through the inclusion of classes in school-wide collective activities.
  • Date: indicates the time and place of the event.
  • Venue: office, assembly hall, etc., where the holiday will take place.
  • Participants: Specifies the participating classes.
  • Jury members: a list of teachers and circle leaders who will take part in the judging is provided.
  • Conditions: this paragraph should contain the approximate structure of the holiday, a list of competitions, as well as the recommended number of participants in them.
  • Evaluation criteria: here it is recommended to indicate by what indicators the teams’ performances will be assessed, for example:
  • artistry - 5 points;
  • aesthetics of costumes - 5 points;
  • correctness of protection - 5 points;
  • mass character - 5 points;
  • compliance of the content of the speeches with the theme of the competition - 5 points.
  • Summing up: this paragraph indicates the planned number of prize places, the list of nominations, the participation of sponsors and parents in rewarding the participants.
  • Rehearsal schedule: the regulations must indicate by what time an application for class participation in the event must be submitted, as well as the time and place of installation and dress rehearsals.
  • Reference information: here are the coordinates of the competition organizers, who can be contacted by students, parents and teachers in case of questions.
  • Note: An event such as Halloween at school requires that certain rules be followed. ethical standards, therefore, at this point it is necessary to warn participants about the prohibition of showing scenes of violence and cruelty.


To create an appropriate festive atmosphere, it is necessary to decorate the room in which the event will take place. On lessons visual arts and technology students can prepare masks and costumes. Participating classes publish newspapers on a given topic, which highlight the history of the holiday and its traditions. A jack-o'-lantern display is set up in the hall or on the stage. An original decoration of the room will be the drapery made of sports nets located on the walls. Since the holiday is held in the fall, it would be appropriate to use compositions of leaves, flowers and fruits.

Safety precautions

Since candles are one of the traditional symbols of this event, it is necessary to warn classes in advance about the prohibition of the use of candles (they are replaced by lanterns) placed in pumpkins, and other sources of open fire.


Halloween at school involves the participation of a large number of students. Therefore, to prevent delays in the room where the event will be held, it is necessary to place a list of the order of performance of teams and the order of competitions.

Interesting and detailed Halloween script "Unclean Force"

This is a scenario for a Halloween costume party (corporate party, student party, etc.).

The hall is quite dark, only the stage is illuminated.

Hall decoration: paper-cut skulls and bones, bats, grave crosses, torches, etc.

The party is hosted by two people, a girl and a guy dressed as a Witch and a Leshen.

The presenters come out to gloomy music.

Goblin: O powers of darkness! Oh, unclean company! The most important night of the year is coming!

Witch: The most terrible of the worst! The darkest of the darkest! The great and terrible... HALLOWEEN NIGHT!

Goblin: And this night we will be with you, meet the beautiful Witch...

Witch: And the nasty Leshy!

Together: And we start our Halloween!

The solemn intro sounds.

Witch: Every year, from century to century, we gather the real elite of the glamorous unclean world to the main party.

Goblin: What, what? Translate it, otherwise I don’t understand your buzzwords! And in general, you bent: “from century to century”... It turns out that you are already such an old piece of junk?

Witch: You might think, Leshy, you’re young! Instead of being sarcastic, it’s better to announce the topic of today’s party.

Goblin: Our party... Ugh, our meeting is dedicated to a very serious matter. There are rumors that there is someone dishonest among the evil spirits!

Witch: Like this?!

Goblin: And like this! Someone has insulted our unclean thoughts and is secretly doing good deeds!

Witch: What an abomination! But how do we find out who it is? And maybe he’s not even alone?

Goblin: It is necessary to arrange tests, cruel and treacherous. In the end, kindness will come out and be punished!

Witch: Leshy, you are a genius. Begin!

Test one

Participants and participants are called, ten people in total. To the music, they walk across the stage, show off their costumes, introduce themselves (name their characters).

Witch (to Leshem): What a great company! Do you think any of them are good at camouflage?

Goblin: Let's check! Ask them questions.

Witch (to participants): Dear evil spirits, I have a very simple question for you. Remember your most disgusting disgusting thing or the most vile meanness committed over the past year!

Participants respond.

The presenters thank them and consult with the audience how many points each of them earned (for this task a maximum of three points are given - in the form of bones cut out of paper on pins, which will be pinned on the participants’ clothes).

Goblin: No, Witch, let’s come up with a more difficult second task! Look how erudite they all are!

Test two

Witch: Dear evil spirits, imagine that you are facing elections to the Unclean Duma! So, let each of you think and show us your election campaign! And we, as voters, will decide who we will vote for. Get ready, you have a few minutes.

Goblin: This is where they “split”, you’ll see!

While the participants are getting ready, some concert number is going on.

The contestants have prepared and are demonstrating their election campaign. The audience evaluates their performances. Based on the results of two tasks, one participant and one participant with the fewest “bones” are eliminated. They receive small incentive prizes.

An excerpt from the song “Work your magic” (from the repertoire of Dmitry Koldun) is played.

Witch: Listen, Leshy, it turns out that the better the applicants show themselves, the more likely it is that they are hiding something!

Goblin: That's it! You are very quick-witted, Witch. And it's time to announce the third test.

Test three

Now, after each test, two people will be eliminated, receiving small incentive prizes. By the fifth task there will be four left.

Goblin: The third test I came up with myself. This is what I love: crazy dance! Those who want can split into pairs, those who don’t want to dance alone. The main thing is to show all the madness of the soul and the boiling passion!

Witch: Everybody dance!

Energetic music plays and the participants dance. The witch also tries to dance with Leshiy, he groans and grabs his back.

Test four

Goblin: After such wild dancing, we invite you to restore your strength with a bloody drink!

Contestants are given a glass of tomato juice. The goal is to drink as quickly as possible.

Test five

Witch: Our participants are already very few, but this means that the very, very... unclean ones remain! Come on, Leshy, next test.

Goblin: So, the fifth test is the decisive one! It will be held under the code name “Thirteen”. This is the favorite number of all unclean ones.

Contestants will have to quickly and resourcefully answer the question - to each their own.


- name thirteen signs of a real vampire,

- thirteen evil heroes of fairy tales and movies.

For participants:

- thirteen any components of a love potion,

- thirteen magical objects from fairy tales.

Based on the results of the task, the winners are determined based on the number of “bones”. In case of the same number, the audience decides everything.

Solemn music sounds.

Witch: Well, we have decided the winners! Here they are, the best of the best, the worst of the worst!

Goblin: Or maybe the most cunning of the cunning? Addresses the winners. Answer the whole truth: did you secretly do good and good deeds? Helped others? Protected the weak?

Participants say that yes, it happened.

Goblin: I told you so!!!

Witch: And you know what, Leshy... In my opinion, there is nothing bad in good deeds... This means that as long as there is good, evil will always have something to fight.

Goblin (confused): Well, if so, be it your way...

The winners of the competition are awarded prizes and titles “The Most Unclean” and “The Most Unclean.”

The presenters congratulate the winners and thank everyone for their participation.

Witch: Now I would like to make an important statement...

Goblin: You're scaring me!

Witch: But today is the worst night! Listen to the legend...

A long time ago there lived a beautiful maiden. She was so beautiful that it was impossible to look away. And a feisty, disgusting sorcerer fell in love with her. And the girl, of course, refused to marry him. Can't guess who I'm talking about? And the result is obvious: she is me now - old, scary, enchanted. And only the kiss of a beautiful prince can disenchant me!

The goblin asks someone from the audience to cast a spell on the Witch. Many people try, but nothing happens.

Goblin: Eh, guys are the wrong ones these days. As always, you'll have to do everything yourself...

The goblin gets down on his knee and kisses the Witch’s hand. Music is playing - an excerpt from the song “Oh, what a woman” (from the repertoire of the group “Freestyle”), the lights are flashing. The witch takes off her mask and rags and turns into a fashionably dressed young girl. The goblin also takes off his mask.

The presenters perform a song.

Song "Evil spirits" to the tune of the song “Black Cat” from the repertoire of gr. "Bravo"

Evil spirits roam in the forest area,

Everyone is running away from the evil spirits

They are standing up, screaming and squealing

And they are in a hurry to deal with her!

They say you won't have any luck

If evil spirits cross your path,

In the meantime, it's the other way around:

Only the unfortunate evil spirits have no luck!

Apparently, living with evil spirits is not easy:

Do not go to a cafe or to the cinema,

They don't let her into the store

They won't pour gasoline at the gas station!

Year after year on this earth

The evil spirits are crying, sobbing in the darkness.

Tired of being evil spirits - creepy.

Someone have pity on her!

Chorus The disco begins.

Ways to organize a holiday for teenage schoolchildren on merry halloween(October 31) quite a lot. Here is one possible scenario, not too “ominous”, that will allow you to occupy many students at once. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time by all participants and spectators.

Registration and preparation

Without careful preparation and suitable design, any, even the most thoughtful scenario, will not become a real holiday. This is why the preparatory part is so important. The celebration will take place in the large hall. It is advisable that next to it there is at least one relatively small room, which is assigned the role of a “cave of horrors”. The second room will have several thematic areas. However, if the hall is large enough, then all this can be arranged right in it.

Hall decoration

General style: Gothic. The walls are draped with black fabric. Under the ceiling are cardboard figurines of bats. There are large melted candles on window sills, tables and other horizontal surfaces. You can additionally use dark tulle fabrics. Lighting should be dim.

Bar for evil spirits

This area is a real bar and serves a variety of drinks and cocktails without the use of alcohol. Their names should correspond to the theme - “Bloody Mary”, “Cup of Evil” and so on.

The bartender can be real. In the process, he shows interested teenagers the art of mixing cocktails.

Edward's Workshop

Here main character– Edward Scissorhands, who could carve wonderful things with his hands. Those interested can learn “pumpkin carving” and making “otherworldly” bouquets and compositions.

Emily's bedroom

This corner is for girls. This is the so-called “boudoir” of the famous Dead Bride. Here you can add something to your makeup, tell fortunes on cards, or just gossip. This corner can be combined with a specific beauty salon, where they teach how to do. The “bedroom” should be separated from the main room by screens on all sides.

Treats for evil spirits

In this area, which is preferably located next to the bar, special snacks are served that evil spirits love. For example, witch fingers, eye sandwiches, egg spiders, etc. It is most convenient to arrange a simple buffet.

Cave of Horrors or Room of Panic

Another thematic zone that needs to be discussed separately, since this is where the holiday begins. There are black drapes everywhere, even on the ceiling. The lights are turned off, and those entering are offered one small flashlight for two people. In the corner there may be a model of a coffin where a sleeping vampire lies, who wakes up and begins to scream terribly in the light of a flashlight. On the other side is a skeleton or its image.

Near the walls are chests and boxes with incomprehensible and unpleasant contents. You cannot open them to look, but you can simply stick your hand into a special hole.

Here and there on the floor there are toys that make a sound if you step on them. In the air you need to stretch many crossed threads that represent a web. Near the exit there is a “distorted” mirror. In this room you can place many items that are related to the holiday.


All party participants must be dressed in themed costumes in advance. Half an hour before the appointed time, they all gather near the hall without going inside. A presenter dressed as Dracula comes out to them. Following him, two little devils carry a special platform or pedestal.

First test

The presenter makes an introductory speech, welcoming the guys and introducing himself. The main idea of ​​the speech is the eternal war of good and evil. Dracula also says that you can be admitted to the festival of evil spirits only by visiting the room of fear, where the essence of everyone is shown through fear. After that, he gives his word to the devils. His assistants - the same devils - explain to everyone the rules for visiting the room:

The beginning of the holiday

After everyone has been in the scary room, the children are allowed into the main hall. The appropriate music is already playing there. It could be something majestic from the classics, such as Mozart's Requiem. For the first few minutes, you can just let them look around. Then the presenter speaks again. He reminds of the reason for which the holiday is held, talks about the rules of behavior (even representatives of evil spirits must observe them to the best of their ability). Then Dracula introduces his assistant - the leading witch. She calls everyone to silence and in a scary voice briefly talks about the holiday itself: about. This ends the first part of the party. Then various competitions and games begin.

Main part

It will consist of several stages, which have rather conventional names. Thematic competitions and games will be used at almost every stage.

  • Presentation of the guests of honor.
  • Lottery for evil spirits.
  • Scary dancing.
  • Find me.
  • The main villain.
  • Main witch.
  • Bloody meal.

Presentation of the guests of honor

The presenters introduce guests specially invited to participate in the jury, who are famous representatives of the other world, fairy tales or terrible monsters. Their roles can be played by teachers and school administrators. Briefly, in a few sentences you need to talk about each. The Mad Hatter, the father of the Adams family, the witch Ursula, Freddy Krueger, Beetlejuice (the exorcist), Koschey the Immortal and others may be invited to the jury.

Lottery for evil spirits

The lottery is conducted by both presenters. To do this you will need a lot of small prizes - sweets, chocolates and so on. All prizes are numbered.

Additionally, you will need two sets of cards with the same numbers, and one without a number, but with a prediction. On the first there are simply numbers, and on the back is the name of the prize. The second, in addition to the number, also contains a specific task. The player, having drawn a number, reads what he will receive. After that, he finds a card with a task and completes it. The tasks are simple, for example, pretend to be a spider, cry like an owl, etc. The player then receives a card from the third set. Predictions should be funny and scary. For example, “don’t go to the hairdresser, they cut off your ears,” “at 3.30 at night in the courtyard on one of the benches you will find a suitcase with money,” and so on.

Scary dancing

This part is divided into two stages. At its core it is dance competition, the winners of which are nominated by a jury. In the first section, an individual program is presented, and in the second, a doubles program, where couples are selected at random. The jury's decision can be challenged by the majority opinion. After selecting and awarding the winners, the dance ensemble “Witches and Sorcerers” presents its performance. This is a pre-prepared group of students. During the competition, they have time to change into appropriate costumes.

find me

This is a competition game, the task of which is to find a person. To participate, several participants will be required who have red and white colors on their clothes or costumes. The presenter says that the evil spirits of the English kingdom, playing “Find Me,” for some reason only find body parts – arms, legs, etc. And you need to assemble the entire set. Several sets of such parts, drawn on cardboard, are hidden randomly throughout the room. The winner is the one who is the first to assemble a complete set - two arms and legs, a head, a neck, a chest, a stomach and a lower part.

Main villain

This is a kind of competition for boys, where they choose the best candidate for the main villain of today's ball. There should be from five to eight participants. The competition consists of several stages:

  • the most terrible (you need to scare the audience);
  • the strongest (arm wrestling);
  • the fastest (be the first to take a certain place at the other end of the hall);
  • the most dexterous (variation on the theme “egg in a spoon”).

The winner is awarded a certificate confirming the title received.

Main witch

About the same competition, only in a variation for girls. The rules and reward are the same as for young villains. Only the content of the competitive stages differs:

  • best dancer
  • the best seductress (she kisses the boys on the cheek with her lips painted in different colors - whose color is greater is the winner);
  • an ideal flyer (a kind of “flight” on a broom with obstacles that cannot be touched);
  • best comedian (do something funny).

For each stage, the jury assigns points to the participants on a five-point scale, that is, gives marks. The participant with the highest score wins.

Bloody meal

It's both a snack and a competition.. This is where the prepared treat comes in handy. Anyone can come out and talk about how to cook any dish suitable for Halloween. Moreover, the story must be divided into two mandatory parts:

  1. In the first, the participant talks about “an option for real evil spirits.” For example, catch ten spiders, gut them and cook them, and so on with details.
  2. In the second - from what normal human products, and how is a substitute for this dish prepared for people.

Each participant (and others) receives one of the pre-prepared snacks and a cocktail from the bartender.

Final stage

At this stage of the holiday, children can freely move around the hall and themed areas, look at the art of the bartender, learn to carve “Jack-o-lanterns” from pumpkins, watch the creation of professional makeup for Halloween, and so on.

You can take short breaks throughout the holiday and present one of the thematic zones in each.

Adolescence is the most specific age. These are no longer children, however, it is too early to consider them adults. In full accordance with this statement, the reactions and perceptions of adolescents are very different from all other ages, because they think of themselves as independent adults. That is why in the design of the Halloween party and in drawing up the script, elements and points were used that are suitable for older people.

“Recently, attention has often been drawn to holidays that have nothing to do with our country: Valentine's Day, Halloween and others.

"This year our school decided to organize Halloween evening. I am not a supporter of such events, but as a class teacher I had to prepare a short skit with the students. Any educational event should set educational goals.

“Unfortunately, I did not see these goals in this event. This sketch has neutral content, tells a little about the traditions of the Halloween holiday and the storyline is tied to school life, that is, it completely excludes scenes of violence that are offered in materials posted on the Internet.

"“Many thanks to the social teacher of the Yantar support center, A.P. Kolopetsinna, for her help in creating this sketch.

"Halloween scene.

“The children are depicting oak trees around, a fire is burning in the center, a Druid and a Kolobok are sitting by the fire.

"Hello, dear guests, young and old!
I will tell my story about ancient times, about Celtic tribes, about holidays in those great days.
And one of them has survived to this day; it is celebrated in our country now.
Yes Yes! You guessed it - Halloween! Previously, it was called differently, but our author did not go into such subtle details.

"So the story begins:
- Grandfather Druid is sitting by the fire,
He wants to make a sacrifice
The knife, of course, sharpens,
The bun will most likely get wet.

"Kolobok says to him:
“I left my grandmother, and I left my grandfather, and I left the hare, and I’ll leave you, Druid, even more so.”

- Judge for yourself, my friend, people are haunted by heavy fate.

- We need help,
There is one tradition
Light fires this night, make sacrifices,
Save people.
Distribute the coals of these fires to people,
Protect housing from dark spirits

-The mission, of course, grandfather is important!
But why was I chosen?
There is an alternative in the world and more than one.
Animals and people themselves
There are countless candidates in this room.
Of course, there are both hooligans and losers...
And I'm the only one in the world,
I will not repeat it and I will not win!
Maybe I can buy it off
Whatever you want, I'll offer it!

- Offer candies and sweets for all the kids!
Will you buy it off, or not? Do you have enough sweets?

- I’ll give you some candy, friends, take it, I’m not greedy.

- This is a rogue,
Candy will save your life
But what should we do?
Druids - sorcerers.
Sacrifices are needed
They must save us,
From evil spirits.

- There is a way out - we can make another sacrifice.
When I walked here, I found one thing, but it was not very simple!
He takes out a diary from his bosom.

- Here it is, that little thing.
It's called a diary!
Ivanov Dima.
There is one among you, or not.
- There are no such people, well
He is terribly lucky that he is not among you now.

- Do you want to offer him as a sacrifice?

No, of course, what are you talking about, this is a victim, not a victim.
Look what I found in this diary!
He pours deuces onto the floor.

- We will sacrifice them to the dark force, doubly saving the world.

Well, the idea is not new, but I like it.
We don't need two marks in our diaries. It is so?

"The Druid walks around the fire
- We are druids, sorcerers, very strong witches. Let us save the world now from dark forces, from evil and superfluous twos. We will distribute the coals of our fire so that they can help us protect our houses and diaries!
They hand out small red fives along with Kolobok.

"Thank you for your attention, we hope for recognition.


Party scenario for adults

Three presenters:Executioner, Death, Witch

From 19 o'clock the presenters greet the guests: the Executioner at the entrance, Death pretends to be dead at the table and scares those entering, the Witch plays dirty tricks (throws evil spirits into the food) on the first and second floors. The executioner and the Witch persuade everyone, under pain of damnation, to order something from the special Halloween menu. At this time, a recording of music is played. The musicians arrive at 19-30. At 20 o'clock, when live music appears, the presenters take the stage.

Executioner:Welcome to the cafe... (name of the cafe) - a stylish cafe in the heart of the city... (name of the city)! Today we have gathered to say goodbye to the old, bad, unnecessary with the help of rituals. Say goodbye to autumn and welcome Halloween.

Death:Today, on Halloween night, we will move into the unknown new, we will meet winter. Only on this night the gates of time are open in both directions. Halloween is approaching, the hour of transition is coming.

Witch:Only on this night, Halloween night, there is no past and future. Only today we enjoy a mystical “now” that does not exist.

Executioner:Halloween time is a time to shed the burden of worries and worries that have accumulated over the summer. Today we follow the example of trees that are freed from leaves that have outlived their useful life. After all, if a tree does not throw off its dead leaves, they will not give it the opportunity to come to life again in the spring.

Death:Halloween dates back far, far back in history; it is said to be at least two thousand years old. According to ancient belief, it is today that the door to the other world will open, and the inhabitants of hell will penetrate to earth.

Witch:The transition to another time is not easy. The gate is well guarded. We, Witches and Demons, have legitimized this holiday for especially evil and dark jokes.

Executioner:We came up with a Halloween symbol - a pumpkin head. It symbolizes the end of the harvest, the evil spirit and the fire that scares it away.

Death:Today you have to dress up in scary costumes and do strange things to confuse the ghosts. The only thing you can't do on this day...

ALL (in unison):There is no need to be offended by anything.

Witch:Today you have to guess, dance until you drop and misbehave, only today you can do whatever you want. So let's start our evening with a catchy dance and have a lot of fun today! The orchestra plays 2-3 catchy melodies. At this time, the presenters invite the audience to dance, and also go around the hall and hand out ivy leaves to everyone, explaining that they will be used to guess and everyone must take them for themselves. Three presenters come out - Executioner, Death, Witch.

Executioner:So, we begin Halloween fortune telling!

Death:Everyone needs to make a wish! Did you make a wish? Did you all make a wish?

Witch:Women are the first to start guessing! Get your ivy leaves out! Everyone raised a leaf! You must say loudly after me: “Ivy, ivy, I love you, I keep you on my chest.” We hide the leaf on our chest! Let's repeat further! "The first one who speaks to me will be my husband." The result of fortune telling will be known literally within one dance. The orchestra plays one slow melody.

Witch:Women were the first to start guessing and the first to know the result!

Executioner:And we are starting Halloween fortune telling for men! Men, take out your pieces of paper and write your names and phone numbers on them. There is no need to indicate your last name, place of work, marital status, just your first name and phone number! Give us your papers! The Witch and the Executioner are collecting leaves!

Death:So, all the leaves are collected! In order to look into the future of our men, you will have to wait a little, the result will not be as fast as for women! The leaves will be kept in our cafe until the eve of the summer solstice. If the leaf is still green by then, you will have a happy year and all your wishes will come true. Men! Come to the cafe on June 22 and you will find out your destiny for the whole year.

Witch:However, it is clear that if you come to our cafe more often, you will always be happy! Everybody dance! The orchestra plays 2-3 tunes.

Executioner:I look, everyone is having fun, no one is scared anymore!

Death:We need to scare everyone! Let's call the mummy! ALL: Mummy here! Mummy!

The witch invites two teams of 3-4 people to participate in the game and play the game “Mummy”: you need to wrap one of the team members with a roll of toilet paper, making a mummy out of it. The one who did it faster and more accurately wins.

Death:The winner gets a dish called "Halloween Sketch". Hands over the dish. The orchestra plays 2-3 tunes.

Executioner:What a delicious dish from the chef of our cafe... (name, surname) won by the previous winner! Who else wants to try their luck and eat a new dish absolutely free? Take part in the next game!

Death:This will be a game for those who want to know if they will get married or get married this year. We invite those interested! The participants of the game stand in the center of the hall. The executioner and the Witch take out the basin and place it on a stool.

Witch:The one who gets the apple out of the bowl first will be the first to get married this year! After the game, prizes are awarded to the winners - a girl and a boy.

Executioner:You are celebrating a wedding this year, so a wedding cake from cafe... (cafe name) will be very helpful!

The witch brings out the “wedding” cake. The orchestra plays 2-3 tunes.

Executioner:As we found out, several weddings will be celebrated this year, and our next game is for those who are already sailing in the sea of ​​love.

Death:We invite married couples to come to the site!

The spouses come out and line up in pairs, respectively. Witch: Now you will dance across the sea of ​​love. But as soon as the music stops, you need to stand on one of these “islands”. The presenters conduct the game "Sea of ​​Love". They show and lay out “islands” (sheets of paper), the number of “islands” is equal to the number of pairs playing. The music turns on. While the music is playing, all players “swim” in the “sea of ​​love” without entering the islands. As soon as the music suddenly turns off, couples must immediately jump “to the islands.” It turns out that there are two players on one island. The islands are cut to a size so that only two feet can fit on them. Therefore, couples stand almost close to each other, each on one leg, holding each other. Anyone who cannot stay on the island and falls into the “sea” will be “swallowed by the sea”, i.e., drops out of the game (and takes the island with him). Game continues. There are one fewer islands, which means again someone will not be able to hold on and fall into the sea. The last remaining couple is awarded a prize (souvenir). The orchestra plays 2-3 tunes.

The game "Bows" is played. Three or more players participate. The main player becomes in the middle, let's start with the girl. The other two players are blindfolded. For example, men. One of them is given yellow ribbons. He must approach the girl with his eyes closed and tie a yellow bow on her anywhere. Now the second man approaches her, feels for the yellow bow and unties it. Then the players change places - the girl ties a bow. And so on until everyone has tried all the roles.

The “Symbol of the Holiday” competition is being held: yellow is considered the symbolic color of the Halloween holiday, and among the guests we find the one whose costume contains the most yellow. (The prize is a bottle of Champagne.) The party ends with dancing, and you can hold a competition for “Best Dancing Couple.” Fun announcements during the party

Witch:There was one man who really wanted to take a photo with me. The cost of a photograph is 13 rubles, 28 kopecks. (repeat 2 times).

Death:Anyone who wants to have a heart-to-heart talk with Death is welcome to come to my table. (repeat 4 times)

Executioner:Who wants to sing a love song with me? It is inexpensive - only 10 rubles. Who wants me to sing a love song? It is inexpensive - only 10 rubles. Due to numerous requests from the audience, I will now perform a song about love.
