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Message on the subject of a letter to a veteran. Letters of gratitude to war veterans from schoolchildren. Our dear veterans

Elena Dyachkova

Very soon the Great Victory Day. On this day, I attend a rally dedicated to this holiday with the guys and parents of my group. There we will definitely give those present flowers and cards for veterans made by children's hands.

This time we decided to give veterans postcard in the form of a front triangle letters. We hope they enjoy our work.

For us to work need:

1. Colored paper

3. Scissors

4. Figured hole punch

5. Blank for letters

6. Sequins

First, we will make a St. George ribbon, with which we will decorate our front triangle. Cut off a strip of orange paper 15 cm long and 3 cm wide.

From black paper we cut 3 strips 15 cm long and 0.5 cm wide. Then we glue the black strips on the orange one. Using a figured hole punch, we prepare flowers from paper of different colors. Glue a sequin in the middle of the flower.

Then we do directly letter - triangle.

To do this, we fold it as follows - the sheet is in front of us, deployed horizontally. Raise the right corner of the sheet up (or the left down, so that you get a right triangle.

Then we add the upper corner of the triangle with the lower one - we turn it in half. The result is a double triangle.

At the resulting figure, we bend the corners up and fill them into the resulting pocket of the upper triangle.

We have a triangular letter.

Now we need decorate the letter. To do this, cut the previously prepared St. George ribbon in half, and stick it on the edge of the envelope with a corner. We sign the envelope and decorate it with previously prepared flowers.

Our greeting card is ready!

Inside contains text that I printed out on a computer in advance.

Expensive Veteran!

Let the days of war drag on for a very long time,

Let the years of peace pass quickly.

Victories near Moscow, near Kursk and on the Volga

History will remember forever.

May you now fathers and grandfathers,

Whiskey turned gray.

You will never forget the spring of Victory,

The day the war ended.

Let many today not in the ranks,

We remember everything that was done then

And we promise our Motherland

Save for business, peace and labor!

Children, teachers, parents

MBDOU « Kindergarten No. 58"

Ignatov Nazar
On this day, I want to congratulate YOU veteran!
You have traveled over a hundred thousand kilometers. They carried heavy weapons. As soon as you finished school, many of you went to the front. They went on the attack, drove the enemy out of our country, bled, but fulfilled their duty to the end. Thanks to your feat, we live in our country free and happy
I want to TELL YOU THANK YOU for SAVE US LIVES. Low bow to you for YOUR FEAT, dear veteran!!!

Alina Semyonova
Letter to a veteran.
Hello dear veteran! I congratulate you on May 9th - Victory Day. On this day, you won the Great Patriotic War, which lasted four long years. I sincerely wish you happiness, health and long life.
Reading books about the years of the war, I admired your exploits. Many rose to defend their homeland, took up arms and went to the front. You were there too. The rest worked in factories and made ammunition for our soldiers. The Nazis did not expect such powerful resistance from the Russians. Your main quality during the war was unity, which helped to win this terrible, unjust and cruel war. Those who could not get to the front organized partisan detachments and also struck at the enemy.
Therefore, on this solemn day, I want to tell you, dear veteran:
Thank you for living in a free country - Russia!

Alexandra Nikishova
Letter to a Veteran

Dear comrade, veteran! I address you with words of gratitude.
I want to wish you health, happiness, love, so that you live happily ever after. And they never got sick. If you have children or grandchildren, then I want to wish them to always help you. Cheer up, life is full of joys. Be happy and enjoy every minute of your life. Get younger and younger and younger.
I want to express my gratitude to you. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here right now. Thank you for everything! Happy May 9th!!!

Lera Fetisova
Dear Veteran! For 4 long years you fought the Germans. You were very brave and brave, endured pain. At that time, everyone was engaged in business: someone fought, and someone worked in the rear for the front. The war was very terrible. Over 20,000,000 people died. Thanks to you, we are alive now. I wanted you: "Thank you!" and congratulate you on May 9th.

Pauline Isaenkova
Hello dear veteran!

On the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory over the Nazi invaders, I decided to write you a letter and congratulate you on this bright holiday. First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for protecting our Fatherland from the German occupiers and saving our people from Nazi slavery. A lot of blood was shed, many people died, but despite all this, you did not surrender to cruel enemies, did not lose heart in the crucible of war, and defended our long-suffering Motherland. The logical result of your hardships, your sleepless nights, your unparalleled courage was the Great Victory on May 9, 1945. On this beautiful spring day, grateful descendants remember all those who never returned from the battlefield, they carry flowers to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And let the names of those who lie under these granite slabs be unknown, but their feat, accomplished in the name of all mankind, is known to the whole world.

Blessed memory to them!

And I wish you and your family good health and simple worldly happiness. In conclusion, I want to tell you that your feat, heroism and courage will forever remain in our hearts.

Khvorostov Vadim
Happy Holidays to you! Happy 67th anniversary of the Victory! Happiness to you! health! long time to live! Let each new day give you joy, peace! We remember your feat, we know the price of Victory. I bow to you and thank you very much for saving the world. Happy anniversary of victory! Happiness to you and your loved ones, combat comrades-in-arms who forged the Victory!

Dychkova Alina
Hello dear veteran!
Congratulations on Victory Day!
Please accept my words of deepest gratitude and heartfelt gratitude for your great feat, for your love for life and for the Motherland!
Let me apologize for all the people who could ever offend you with a word, deed or indifference. I wish you good health and long life. May peace, love and happiness reign in your life!
Bondarenko Regina
Hello dear veteran!
On the eve of the 67th anniversary of the Great Victory over the Nazi invaders, I decided to write you a letter and congratulate you on this bright holiday!!! First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for protecting our Fatherland from the German invaders and saving our people from Nazi slavery. A lot of blood was shed, many people died, but despite all this, you did not surrender to cruel enemies, did not lose heart in the crucible of war, and defended our long-suffering Motherland! The logical result of your hardships, your sleepless nights, your unparalleled courage was the Great Victory on May 9, 1945. On this beautiful spring day, grateful descendants remember all those who never returned from the battlefield, they carry flowers to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And let the names of those who lie under these granite slabs be unknown, but their feat, accomplished in the name of all mankind, is known to the whole world.
Blessed memory to them!
The paths leading to these sacred places will never be overgrown!
The feat accomplished for the sake of the Fatherland will not be erased from our memory!
And I wish you and your family good health and just worldly happiness. Finally, I want to tell you that your feat, heroism and courage will forever remain in our hearts!

Trunyan Zarine

Letter to a veteran.
Hello dear veteran. We are very proud of you. Thanks to you, we have a bright future. I will never forget what you did. You fought for your Motherland, risking your life. Many died in the war, but the names of the dead will always remain in our hearts. Every year on the ninth of May we celebrate Victory Day. This holiday is dedicated to you and other warriors of the Great Patriotic War. I wish you happiness, health and prosperity.

Matrosova Xenia

Letter to Veteran
Hello dear Veteran! I am very grateful to you for reaching Berlin with your soldiers and saving our Motherland. You endured, you endured...
We thank you for your courage and heroism!
On your shoulders you endured all the hardships of four terrible years of war, not
thinking about your own life. You defended the honor and freedom of the Fatherland!
I wish you good health, prosperity and all the best. May your family and friends be happy!
Thank you today
For life, for childhood, for spring.
For silence, for a peaceful home,
For the world we live in!
Hello soldiers of Victory!

Hello dear veteran of the Great Patriotic War!
A student of class 4 "B" is writing to you Tyurina Kristina . With a warm wind, a clear sky, delicate spring flowers, with tears in our eyes, the brightest holiday on earth comes to us - Victory Day!
We live under a peaceful sky, not knowing hunger and bombings, not knowing how to lose our loved ones, they don’t shoot at us, they don’t take us prisoner, and all this is thanks to you, your heroism and courage.
Now it is even difficult to imagine what you and your generation had to endure. What trials have fallen to your lot!
Only selfless love for your native land, your loved ones, a sense of responsibility for the coming generation helped you win your terrible war. Your courage did not allow you to retreat, and you won!
We owe our lives to you, to your heroism. We owe it to your comrades who died and survived. I will never forget those who gave their lives defending their Motherland.
Many thanks to you soldier of Victory and low bow to you Veteran of the war, for saving our Motherland, saving our shrines, for giving us, unborn boys and girls, life, for a serene childhood on this flowering land.
Your heroism, courage and ability to win will always be a guiding star for me.
I am proud that I am a descendant of great people who defeated fascism.
I wish you, kind person, health, and that you are always surrounded by attention and warmth.
We are forever indebted to you, soldier!

Biryukova Alexandra
Hello dear Veteran! In our country, we celebrate many different holidays every year: New Year, Knowledge Day and others. But for all of us there is only one most important, dear, beloved and important day that we celebrate on May 9 - this is Victory Day.
On this day, we bring flowers to the mass graves of fallen soldiers. Silently we stand at the Eternal Flame, crushed by greatness, fortitude, power, unparalleled feat and your heroism.
On this festive day, military orders and medals shine on your tunics and jackets, and we say our gratitude to you, watch films, listen to poems and songs of the war years and your memories of that terrible war.
And late in the evening, a bright and colorful fireworks in your honor takes off into the sky. We know, understand and will forever remember that this clear sky and even me did not exist, this would not have been anything, without you, dear veteran, and without your Great Victory in May 1945.
Thank you so much for your courage, courage and perseverance. I wish you health, love and attention of people dear and close to you.

- teacher primary school;

- primary school teacher.

Letter to a veteran.

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War! I am writing this letter to you with great gratitude. Thank you for the fact that I have a father and mother, a little brother and that I live in our country. You defended our Motherland in a terrible battle that lasted four years. I know from books and films that this victory was not easy. There was a lot of pain and tears during the war and after it. I am proud that I live next to you, I listen to stories about the war. I will remember the feat of a Russian soldier and my great-grandfather, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. I'll try not to let you down.

Hello dear war veteran. My name is Nelya, I am 8 years old. I want to wish you health, youth, live longer. I study for fours and fives. I am excellent this year. I will try to study well, and soon I will go to the third grade. I am sure that in the third grade I will also study well. There must be many excellent students in the country. In the war you defended our paternal flag. I bow low to you.

Hello, dear veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Kolya is writing to you. I'm 10 years old. How are you? Do you still have health? It's good that you returned alive to your home. I wish you happiness and warmth. Never swear, live long. How old are you? Did you study well as a child? Remember, we sang songs to you so that you would be happy. Happy 65th anniversary of the Victory to you.

Hello veteran of the Great Patriotic War. My name is Zhenya Kirienko, I am 10 years old. And how old are you? I have a brother and a sister. I live well. Do you live well? We have 10 people in the class. We play catch-up at breaks, we all live peacefully, no one swears. We are taught by Nina Nikolaevna.

Kirienko Zhenya

Hello veteran! I congratulate you on the 65th anniversary of the Victory. Denis writes to you. I am 9 years old and I am in 3rd grade. I want you to live a long, long time. My dad did not fight, but grandfathers did. Thanks to you, we live in a peaceful village, go to school, play in the street. Stay healthy. Thank you for giving us life.

Permyakov Denis

Dear veteran! I congratulate you on the great Victory. Thank you for protecting our Motherland. Thank you for peace on earth. I wish you health and long life.

Russian citizen

Ulchugachev Danil

My name is Arina, I am 9 years old. I know that in the war the Nazis brutally killed people. Many families in Russia have suffered. They got funerals. My great-grandfather died defending our Motherland.

We live in a wonderful time: no war, no captivity, no hunger and cold. I express my deep gratitude to you for saving the world. I congratulate you on the 65th anniversary of the Victory. I want to live for many more years. We are proud of you.

Novotorzhentseva Arina

War veterans are people who gave strength and health to their homeland in the war. If our soldiers had not won, then life in the country would have been different. We would not have such a wonderful holiday as the Day of the Great Victory over Nazi Germany. There are very few of you veterans left. We value you and will take care of you, because you are our history. I am proud of the victory, you have proved that we are a strong and courageous state.

Hello dear veteran! I am a 5th grade student. My name is Boyarinov Sasha, I am 11 years old. When I am 18 years old, I will join the army. I'm curious to know how old you were when the war started? Who were you in the war? How did you get back from the war? What cities have you been to? Probably, if there is a new war, then Russia will win again. And if there is a war, then I will go to defend Russia.

Boyarinov Sasha

Hello, dear veteran of the Great Patriotic War! I congratulate you on the 65th anniversary of the end of the war. Thank you very much for not handing over our Russia and other states to the Nazis. We bow low to you for the great Victory.

Lukyanov Valentin

Hello dear veteran! I know that in war you have to fight and defeat the enemy. I know that the war is hard, they kill there. When I grow up, I will defend my Fatherland, but I have not yet held a gun in my hands.

Schmidt Edik

Hello, dear Vasily Gerasimovich. A 5th grade student Valya Redkina is writing to you. The war ended 65 years ago. There are fewer and fewer war heroes, but we remember you, we are proud of you. We help you dig a garden, bring firewood into your house, clean out your front garden to make your life easier. Vasily Gerasimovich, we invite you to school for a holiday - Victory Day. We are preparing songs, a march and gifts for you.

Redkina Valya

Dear veteran of the Great Patriotic War! Congratulations on your victory. When there was the Great Patriotic War, everyone was scared, but you overcame your fear and defeated the enemy. Now you live on the sly, children come to you, help to remove the snow, because you are old. We love shoveling snow. Thank you for protecting our native land.

Stankovtsev Vadim

Dear! I want to ask you about the war. Were you scared or not? After the war, did you have dreams about the war? Have your friends died before your eyes? Did you cry during the war? They say that men don't cry, but they probably cried in this war. Many thought to return home safe and sound, but it turned out that they died or went missing, or died from terrible wounds. I don't want war. My great-grandfather received a shell shock in this big and bloody war and did not live long in a peaceful life. Grandfather Sam loved us all so much! On Victory Day he has a birthday. We will all come to his grave, put flowers on him and sing his favorite song, "The Enemies Burned Their House." Reply to my letter. I congratulate you on the Victory, Grigory Yegorovich.

Oshchepkov Kirill

Dear veterans! Stas Koktoyakov is writing a letter to you. Answer me a question: when you were taken to the war, were you scared? When you saw the Germans for the first time, what did you experience? I'm even afraid of the Germans in the pictures. Grandmother told me that during the war years everyone got it. Women in the rear worked tirelessly. And in the evenings they knitted socks and mittens, sewed pouches, and sent everything to the front for soldiers. The teachers told us about the Katyusha combat vehicle. I would like to drive such a machine. I will grow up and will adequately defend the Motherland. Thank you for winning. Live long and happily.

Koktoyakov Stas

Hello veteran! I am in 2nd grade. I love school very much, I want to study well. The best lesson is singing. And how do you live? I wish you happiness and good. Do you have any dream? I have. To buy a big one. And you don't have to walk. You can ride a bike. What is your favorite fruit? I love watermelons and melons, and I can buy you sweets and give them on Victory Day. My name is Danil. And what is your name?

Grigoriev Danil

Hello dear veteran! I want to wish you the very best, that you be healthy and that there will never be a war. I am proud that you defended the Motherland so worthily. I am a student of the 2nd grade, Kozlitina Katya, I study for one fives and fours. I really like school, I love all the lessons, especially the Russian language. I speak little English. I also like to play with dolls. I just don't have time to play. I grew up and have to help my parents. I don't want another war, I don't want to fight anyone. It seems to me that this is very dangerous. I have a mom, dad and brother. I love them very much. My great-grandfather fought. He came from the war with wounds. His leg hurt for a long time, and then he died. I feel very sorry for my grandfather. I want all people to be healthy and live long.

Kozlitina Katya

Hello dear veteran. I congratulate you on the 65th anniversary of the great Victory. I wish you good health. Thank you for protecting your Motherland. I want you to come on May 9 for a holiday at school. We are learning the song "Katyusha". We will sing on Victory Day. I want to ask you: what cities did you conquer, in what countries did you visit? Did you fight on a tank or on a plane or on a ship? I also want to know if you had real friends in the war? Tell me how you live, what do you eat? You are probably old. Thank you, dear veteran of the war for the saved Motherland.

Shmelev Andrey

Hello dear veteran! I want to wish you a long life. I am in 2nd grade. I have a friend Katya. We are good friends with her. And how do you live?

Tarasova Alina

Hello WWII veteran. I wish you happiness, health and love. A path will be built for you new house to have a toilet and a bath. You have defended Moscow and the Motherland.

Dear veteran! 65 years have passed since the end of the war. On this day, I want to wish you youth and health, I want your wishes to come true. In three days I will be 9 years old, and you? I am a 2nd grade student. We have three veterans left in the village. We invite them to visit the school and listen to their stories. I have notebooks, books. I'd rather study than fight.

Zhurbin Misha

Hello, dear veteran of the Great Patriotic War! I want to know from you how it was for you at the front? Was it scary to kill the Germans? And if next to you lay wounded soldiers without arms and legs and suffered and died from pain - is it scary? I can’t imagine what this war was like, every time I think about this bloody war. Why did the Germans need Russian land? Is yours not enough? Millions of people died in this war. Among them were women and children, the elderly. My mother says that during the war, women ran the household, tried to feed the children, clothe them. But they tried! And now, in our time, women drink, they are not up to children. I want there to be no drunkenness in our village. They need to learn from you, veterans of the war, so that they understand that they need to protect and love their children. I am writing this to you, Vova Shevchenko, a 5th grade student. I congratulate you, dear veterans, on Victory Day and I want you to write advice to those who do not love their children.

Shevchenko Vova

Dear veterans! I am grateful to you for giving your life for the Motherland, for relatives and friends. I am proud of you! I congratulate all veterans on the upcoming holiday - Victory Day. I can imagine what happiness it was to live to see the Victory Day. To stay alive and come home to their native Zheblakhty - every soldier dreamed of this. We will always remember those who did not return to our village. 110 people remained lying in foreign lands and lands. For example, he died on Polish soil. There, in the town of Kazimierz Dolny, he was buried in a mass grave. And Kibanov Ivan, an 18-year-old defender of the Fatherland, died in the first days of the war on Belarusian soil. We will forever remember and honor you, the defenders of the Russian land.

Dear veterans! Thank you for what you have done for our country. You are real warriors-winners. You have shown and proved to the enemy that the Russian soldier is invincible, that the Russian soldier is the most courageous, hardy and strong in spirit. We live in peacetime, but I believe that every man should serve in the army and pay his debt to the Motherland. I wish you health, well-being in the family, even more love from loved ones and relatives. The way to the holiday of May 9, bird cherry blooms wildly for you, dear veterans.

Smolkina Lyuba

Hello dear veterans. I heard about your exploits. They seem very big to me. For example, now many 18-year-old guys mow down from the army. And what happens? We will lose the war if it starts. The guys who came from the army say that their grandfathers beat them there, and because of this, all teenagers do not want to join the army. I am sure that you did not have such a thing in the war. You fought the Nazis and did not beat your Red Army soldiers, because every soldier was dear. I want to join the army and serve the Fatherland, but I don't want to be humiliated. Answer, dear veterans, to those who dissolve their hands - is he a real soldier or not?

Timofeev Pasha

Hello, dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War. I really want to know if you still have hatred for the German people? I am proud of your victory. And sometimes I am ashamed of our behavior towards you. Those for whom you died, mercilessly, taking advantage of your defenselessness, steal your awards from you. This is scary! It must be painful for you to look at all this. I wish you health, patience and long life.

Redkina Sveta

Dear veteran! I bow before your courage, courage, steadfastness. On Victory Day, I really want to give you snowdrops, if only they have time to bloom. For flowers, with spring comes life. And it is no coincidence that Victory Day also fell in the spring. Then, on May 9, the greatest day came. Has come new life- without war. I wish you health and longevity. May your children and grandchildren be well with you.

Kanankova Dasha

Hello dear veteran! Vlad Kharitonov, a 7th grade student, is writing to you. I know that you "plowed" to Berlin, were not afraid to give your life for the Motherland. And now no one is trying to attack us, because you inspired the whole world that Russia is invincible. I would like to accomplish a feat in the name of the Motherland, but I am still in school. I wish you health and happiness.

Kharitonov Vlad

Dear veterans! I love to sing and dance for you. When we had a Courage lesson “I am a patriot”, I listened carefully to our war veterans. Uncle Grisha Kibanov remembers many cases from the war very well, and he told us about where and in what places he fought. I want to thank you, veterans, I know for sure that I am a patriot, because I love my village and the people in it.

Kirienko Olya

Hello dear veteran! The future defender of the Fatherland Yegor Demin is writing to you. I admire you! You fought for Moscow, for Stalingrad, for Leningrad, you burned at the Battle of Kursk, but you survived! And we just go to clean snow in your yard, dig potatoes for you, put firewood in woodpile. Is this a feat? I am proud of you, veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Stay alive for a long time, feed us with your sincerity and kindness.

Demin Egor

Many years have passed, the war is long gone, but the memory of you, dear veterans, is in our hearts. We will always help you. Call the school and we will be happy to come to visit you. And not just talk, calm down, but help you in the yard, in the garden. Live in good health, dear war and labor veterans.

Kanavalchuk Masha

Dear veteran! I know what war is. War is the death of people, and soldiers are the defenders of the Fatherland. If you are not a coward, then you must go to war and defend your land to the end. In general, it should be difficult for a person to kill another person. Well, what if there's a war? The Germans attacked us without declaring war, which means they are enemies and should be killed, but Hitler sent them to this war. So, it was necessary to kill him. Many Russian people died. The families were left without fathers, mothers lost sons, sisters - brothers. This was what the most terrible man, Hitler, wanted. But our army defeated the enemy. I want to wish all veterans that they are healthy, that they live longer and that a new Hitler never appears.

Inin Nikita

Dear war veterans! I congratulate you on the great holiday, on the day of the expulsion of fascism from the Russian land. You have defended Russia with your breasts. Your agony ended on May 9th. I am grateful to you, war veterans, for this feat. If there was no victory, then maybe there would be no me.

Matveev Serezha

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War! I am very grateful to you for protecting us during the difficult years of the war. Now is a peaceful time, and I would like it to remain forever.

Markelov Kolya

Hello, our dear war veteran! I congratulate you on the 65th anniversary of the great Victory. I want to wish you to live forever and we remember you. If you call us for help, we will not take a penny from you, we will simply help you from the bottom of our hearts.

Permyakov Petya

Dear veterans! I know that now is the anniversary of our victory over fascism. My relatives and I are grateful to you for the fact that you fought day and night for our Motherland. And you managed to defeat the enemy. The exploits you have accomplished prove that you truly love your Motherland. You sacrificed your life to protect her. And women who did not go to the front worked from morning to evening. It was no easier for them than those who were at the front. And for the fact that you were starving, did not sleep much, fought, we wish you good health and still live. You will always be in our memory.

Tonkoshkurov Ilya

Hello dear veteran! How are you, what are you doing? What is your health? What was your previous profession? How old are you? Do you have favourite hobby? Do you often remember the war? I wish you to live many more summers and not get sick.

Irodova Galya

Hello dear veterans! The war has long died down. Many people died. Women alone raised children, and some soldiers returned from the war crippled. We try to take care of you, provide all possible assistance, talk about your exploits in the school museum. I wish you to live for many years and that there is peace and harmony in your homes.

Petrova Marina

Hello dear veteran! How do you feel? Tell me, please, about some terrible operation in the war and tell me where it is better to live - in those 40s or in 2010? I want to wish you a long life, because there are so few of you left. The current generation understands this less and less. And they do not understand that people like you must be protected, because you are the real Heroes of the Soviet Union and our time. I bow before you

Grigoriev Nazar

Dear veterans! I wanted to thank you for your deed. This is a great feat! You saved our land from enemies. After all, we could all become prisoners of the Germans, but we won, and we are happy to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Victory. Together with everyone, I will go to a rally at the monument and once again read the names of those who did not return to our Zheblakhty. I will remember my grandfather, Semyon Vasilyevich Smolkin, who is no longer alive, but who bravely defended his homeland.

Smolkin Zhenya

Dear veteran! I sincerely want to congratulate you on the 65th anniversary of the great Victory. In this terrible war, it was a rare happiness to survive, because I know that victory came at a very high price. That is why we young people remember you. Sometimes I am ashamed of some of the actions of young guys, although I myself am from this generation. Now I watch programs and films about the Great Patriotic War on television and ask myself the question: could I fight like that, could I accomplish a feat like Nikolai Gastello or Alexander Matrosov? After all, everyone wants to live. I imagine what that desire was like in last days war. Everyone wanted to see victory with their own eyes. And suddenly death ... I am happy that I have the honor to see war veterans alive, I am ready to bow to them and wish them good health.

Dear and respected veteran, winner in the Great Patriotic War! I want to ask one question: did you love in the war, and was there love during the war? The second question is: what conditions did the state create for you to live better after the war? And why you won, I'll try to answer myself. Because you fought for the Russian land, defended your families, your life, and we were all united in this matter. I congratulate you on Victory Day! I wish you to live up to a hundred years, do not lose heart, more joyful days!

Khudyakov Semyon

Hello dear veteran! Igor Edinach, a 10th grade student, is writing to you. First, I would like to congratulate you on the 65th anniversary of the Victory and wish you good health and longevity. I don’t know how you had to in this war, was it scary? I know that the Germans did not spare anyone. Recall at least Khatyn or Myasnoy Bor ... I want to imagine myself in your place at least for a minute: if I could, hungry, wounded, go on the attack and beat the enemy. I don't know, I'm not very sure about it, and if I got really angry, I might be able to. Dear veteran, live long. Who knows what would have happened now if you had not won.

Hello dear veteran!
I greatly admire the feats that you have accomplished together with your compatriots in the name of the motherland. I am very glad that many people are not indifferent to your act. Already installed and still installed great amount monuments. They convey all the horrors of the life of the Soviet people during the war. And no less films have been made that convey the full burden of your fate and those fighters who, unfortunately, did not live up to our time. A lot of poems, stories, novels have been written, and all of them are about the heroic fate of the citizens of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War.
It is unfortunate that some people are not yet fully aware of the price of peace - a clear blue sky above their heads, in which shells do not explode, the right to freely study, develop and live in independent Russia with their families. And because of this, quarrels occur, and not only between people, but also countries, developing into wars. I hope that all armed conflicts will end very soon and forever.
The war left its mark on my family too…. According to the stories of my grandmother, I know that many of my relatives went to the front. The fate of some of them after World War II is unknown, and almost all of the survivors were badly injured.
Many thanks to you, veteran of the Great Patriotic War. After all, if not your feat, then me and my loved ones would never have been in the world. Health and long happy years to you, dear veteran.
Sincerely, student elementary school No. 24, Mikhailovsk, Stavropol Territory Umnova Maria.

Hello Unknown Soldier!
A 4th grade student Masha Umnova is writing to you. Your name is not familiar to me, but I know and admire the feat that You performed together with Your compatriots. Many wonderful books have been written about the heroic fate of your comrades. Some of them I have already read, but I strive to read them all. I also heard a lot of songs dedicated to the war. In all countries of the former Soviet Union, many monuments have been erected and a huge number of films have been shot that convey the full burden of the fate of the Soviet people.
I, like my classmates, appreciate the world and the fact that Russia is an independent country in which children can freely study and live in a family. What a pity that some people do not appreciate this, and there are quarrels not only between people, but countries that develop into wars. I hope that soon they will realize that they were wrong and stop the conflicts.
I know that my two great-grandfathers went to war and only one returned. I am very grateful to those who gave their lives for mine. After all, if you had not won, then I probably would not have been born.
I bow before your feat, unknown soldier!

There are events in history that remain in the memory of people for centuries. By right, the Great Patriotic War can also be attributed to them. Few remained among us who were a direct participant in those events. In order to show those who defended the freedom and independence of our country at the cost of their lives, schoolchildren write letters to war veterans.

We offer options for those words of gratitude that modern teenagers can express to their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers.

Address to great-grandfather

A letter to a veteran of the Patriotic War can be written as part of the “We Know! Remember! We are proud! One can express one's attitude towards those people who left their relatives and friends in order to go to the battlefields as follows:

“Dear great-grandfather, I did not find you, but I know for sure that you were in that terrible war. I heard many times from my grandmother about what a wonderful person you were: kind, affectionate, patient. It is a pity, my dear great-grandfather, that I have never seen you, but I am justly proud of the fact that it was you who had to defend the freedom and independence of our country at the cost of your life. I will always be proud of you!"

Our dear veterans!

We offer another letter to a war veteran from a schoolboy:

“Hello, dear veteran of the Great Patriotic War! Is a 2nd grade student writing to you? We have never met, but I know for sure that you are a brave and courageous person. After all, only people like you, my dear veteran, could defeat the Nazis, protect our country from the invaders.

Perhaps you took part in the Battle of Kursk, or fought near Moscow, or stormed Berlin. Or maybe you, along with other soldiers, did not allow the Nazis to pass near Stalingrad! From fiction I know a little about how hard it was at the front. But, despite the fact that you had to lose friends, you survived, showed heroism and courage during the attacks. I am proud, dear veteran, that I live in the country that you defended! Thank you for not sparing your life so that I could live and study at school!

Variant of gratitude to the heroes of the war

How to compose the Great Patriotic War from a schoolboy? A similar action is held before the Victory Day. Primary school children, together with their mentors, write words of gratitude to those people who gave Russia freedom and independence.

Here is another version of the letter to war veterans:

“Good afternoon, dear veteran. It is difficult for me to express gratitude for the fact that today I can breathe, speak, hear my loved ones, smile at the sun, swim in the warm sea. It was you, risking your own life, who defended our country. It was you who did not surrender to the Nazis, went on the attack, died for the sake of our country being a free and independent power.”

How can you end such a letter? Gratitude to the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, children can show their drawings, poems of their own composition.

Russia is proud of its sons!

All letters to war veterans are a tribute to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We bring to your attention another option school essay dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War:

"Who are you, unknown soldier? The one who, at the cost of his life, defended the independence of the country. The one who gave the last piece of bread to hungry children, while he himself went on the attack? I am convinced that it is you, unknown soldier, who deserves awards and honors. I am proud that I was born and grow up in a country where a Hero like you was once born. I understand very well that my letter cannot bring back those people who died on the battlefields of that terrible, merciless war. But I want my peers to understand that it was you, the unknown soldier, who gave us a bright and carefree childhood.”

Volunteers of Victory

All letters to war veterans written by ordinary schoolchildren can be folded in the form of front-line triangles and distributed to veterans before May 9th. Of course, sincere words of gratitude written by children will not leave the participants of the Great Patriotic War indifferent. Currently in Russia there is a movement "Volunteers of Victory". The guys not only deliver letters to war veterans, but also prepare congratulations for them in the form of songs or poems. Such a movement is an organization in which young and active citizens of Russia take care of people who have become defenders of the country during the difficult war years.

Addressing a Veteran

How can modern schoolchildren express their gratitude to those people who defended the freedom and independence of the country near Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk? A letter of appeal to veterans is an option to demonstrate your respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

We offer the text of a letter written by an elementary school student to his great-grandmother, whom the child has never seen with his own eyes.

“Hello, my dear great-grandmother. It just so happens that we don't know each other. But I know a lot about you from my grandmother and mother. You were only 15 years old when that terrible war began, but you went to the front and served as a sister of mercy.

Grandma told me about how you pulled out soldiers on your back, risking your own life. You were a little older than me when you received your first award - the medal "For Courage". I'm proud of you, my dear great-grandmother. When I look at old photos in our family album, I see your open and happy smile. You never told your grandmother about how hard it was at the front. I am proud that I have such a great-grandmother! I dream of being as brave and honest, as well as loving and defending my country!”
