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How do I envision my future? All school essays on literature. How to imagine the future

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Essay on OTD: "How I see my future in 5 years"

dream life way

If someone is asked what his future will be like in 5 years. Of course, not everyone can specifically answer this question, because we are not fortunetellers and not clairvoyants, but we are dragged forward by our desires to be happy. But I will answer, because I have the most cherished dreams that lead me through life, which help me choose the right paths to achieve my goals, to their implementation. My future for me is a very serious mission that I must certainly fulfill, otherwise, why was I born into the world, because there is a lot of light and pure in the world. And for this we must love and create.

First of all modern man Nowadays, in order to become successful, you need a profession. One day in seventh grade, I discovered that I could draw. I liked this hobby so much that my inner world began to change, as an attitude to life, I understood why I live and why. Having fallen in love with art, I decided in the future to become an artist with a higher spiritual culture; designer and just a sought-after specialist in architecture.

I see myself at 25 as a more successful person in life. By this time I will have completed some educational institution in the artistic direction. And maybe by that time I will have a family in which I will be a faithful companion of my husband, and a loving mother of my children. What could be more pleasant to give love and receive it, because each of us is worthy of love. But, I would not want to start a family early, like some, because it can be wrong. I think everything has its time.

Therefore, each person must have faith in himself and go through life according to the call of his heart. Hosted on


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How to imagine the future

The future now belongs to two types of people: the man of thought and the man of labor. In essence, both of them are one whole, for to think is to work.

The future, even the very distant one, always opens up magnificent prospects for the whole world, since it is written in the program of human evolution that he must draw closer and closer to the Divine. Try to imagine this extraordinary state of prosperity, beauty, power, and you will already feel it, you will live it, it will become real for you. Here is a wonderful exercise that can completely transform your life. People are far from thinking this way, and their life remains dull, dull, unhappy.

There are two great truths to know: first of all, that thought is a real force, and secondly, that it allows you to move into the future and live it, anticipating it. Look, for example: if you have to find yourself in a terrible situation, take an exam or stand before a court, then already in advance you tremble, worry: how will it all go? And if you know that you will meet your loved one and kiss him, you already feel the joy of these close or distant moments. If you imagine that you will go to the theater, or you are invited to a dinner that promises to be very tasty, you are already living this evening and rejoice in it in advance. So, mentally you can be transported to the near future, why not be transported to the distant future?

The power of thought is real, both in the positive and in the negative, and we must use it for the sake of the positive. Initiates who have paid attention to all these facts have found in them extraordinary means of improving their existence, while most people do not turn to the experience of their daily life to benefit from it. They live unconsciously and always in the sphere of the negative, always with long faces, absorbed in their failures, something terrible, catastrophic. There is no misfortune yet, but they think about it all the time, so that, in the end, it really overtakes them: they attracted it, thinking about it intensely!

Everyone could state this: people live in fear or in hope before the expected event itself occurs. But why live only in the near future of today or tomorrow?.. When I talk about the future, I mean the distant future, in which humanity will live much later, maybe in a few million years. When people talk to me about the future, I notice that their "future" is so close that, in my opinion, it is already the past. For what I call the past are sorrows, sufferings, doubts, torments, anxieties. And people endlessly repeat this past because they project it into the future. Expecting suffering in the future, they are already experiencing it today, not knowing that their so-called "future" comes from the past.

The past, as I understand it, is a deplorable state of consciousness where something is always missing, while the future is a state of perfect consciousness. Therefore, all states of imperfect consciousness that you experience: fears, fears, etc., no matter how they relate to the future, belong to the past, since the past is only disorder, vices, diseases, an animal state. The future, on the contrary, is improvement, perfection, because we are all moving towards perfection.

As long as you project yesterday's imperfections into the future, you keep replaying and repeating the old past, and your future is nothing but fragments of the past that you have projected forward. This is a projection of all that is vicious and rotten. Whereas if you project everything beautiful, bright and perfect, you are already living in the future that awaits you. This future is already real because you are living it. To feel the presence in the present of those things that have not yet been realized is proof of their real existence in a different form. Not in terms of the physical, but in terms of thought, which is already wonderful. Therefore, this is what you need to learn: practice this and you will see that you will no longer be able to live the life that you lived in the past. It will become impossible.

It is a blessing for you to know these truths, because from now on, enriched and armed with new knowledge every day, you will be able to shape your future, completely different from your past. It is mathematically exact, as all the great universal laws are exact. There is nothing left for you but to immerse yourself in this spiritual work. And the first task: watch your thoughts. Whatever you do, look into the depths of your soul to know what your thought is doing, where it is. Always be alert, conscious, keep a clear mind... How many times have I asked some, "What are you thinking about?" And they couldn't answer me, they never paid attention to it. It's amazing: all day long people think about something and don't know what! How do you want them to become able to dominate their instinctive forces, direct them, concentrate and use them? It's completely impossible. If you unconsciously allow whatever forces come into you, those forces will one day take over you. To become their ruler, you must first of all take the situation under control, that is, always be clearly aware of your thoughts and feelings. This is the most important quality of a student: he is always conscious and at any moment knows the nature of the flows passing through him - as soon as a negative thought or feeling slips through, he immediately stops, replaces, or transforms them.

This is the first job: to own and manage everything that happens in us. Remember this well, for it is the absolute truth. The true science of Initiation begins with never allowing an inner event, a psychic phenomenon, an emotion, to occur without the participation of your consciousness. Most people become aware of their inner life only when they experience some kind of tragedy or catastrophe. At that moment, they feel that something is happening in them. But when events are not so terrible, they are not aware of them and thus allow negative elements to accumulate in themselves, which gradually destroy them. And when they notice it, it's too late to fix anything.

So you see that your first task is to keep your mind clear, watch everything that is happening in you, and as soon as a negative element appears, do your best to transform it. Only then can you gain true power. The basis of all power is the ability to observe oneself. And this will not interfere with your activities, work and creativity. Some people think that if they start observing themselves, analyzing themselves, then they will not do anything else. No, quite the opposite, and introspection should become a habit. Those who imagine that their mental life organizes itself without any effort of analysis and awareness on their part will be disappointed. It is useless to expect great spiritual realizations if one does not have the most elementary qualities to begin this work.

How to start building your future

You need to start by always being awake and immediately aware of all the currents that pass through you. For example, you are cleaning, you are doing something, you are driving a car and you are concentrating on it. But in fact, a part of your being is immersed in negative thoughts and feelings of anger, revenge, and this goes on for hours, and you don’t even notice it. This is what you need to be aware of in yourself, otherwise these thoughts and feelings, like underground rivers, will undermine you until you intervene to change something.

You see, we keep coming back to Jesus' command: "Watch and Pray" . “Wake” means “not sleeping”, but “not sleeping” spiritually. One must be constantly awake and careful in one's own thoughts and be aware that there are impure, harmful currents and elements in order to avoid them. He who is not careful, not awake, is exposed to all sorts of dangers. And there is nothing worse than living with your eyes closed. You have to keep your eyes open so that you are constantly aware of what is going on inside you. Only he who keeps his eyes open has the knowledge of the inner life, he will not allow any force, any entity to enslave him. A sleeping person can be taken by surprise by anyone! So you have to be awake.

The meaning of prayer

What does it mean to "pray"? While awake, that is, examining everything that is happening in you, you must intervene in order to remove or add this or that element, to become the master of the situation and prevent the enemy from capturing and ruining you. This is what "pray" means. To pray is to bring in a remedy, an improvement; And The best way to achieve this is to connect to Heaven. The human brain is like a radio or TV: it picks up certain stations, certain wavelengths. By turning the tuning knob on your radio, you can select the music or information program you want ... Well, the same thing happens inside you: if you press some buttons by mistake, you will hear an infernal noise. So change the wavelength! With thought, imagination, press another button, it is quite simple, and you will hear Heavenly transmissions.

“Praying” is nothing but touching the button of the shortest and fastest waves that will connect you with the Lord, and that is how you will change your internal states and vibration. To pray is to evoke in oneself a positive, bright, divine state of mind. Never forget that the first step to freedom, the first step to power, is first to look within yourself to see your condition and correct the situation as much as possible for you.

Thus, this commandment: "Watch and pray" is very important for the spiritual life. The physical body must be given time to sleep, it needs it, but your spirit must never sleep. You can sleep, but your spirit must work, even while you sleep. There are so many unfortunate, suffering, confused people on earth: it is at night that the Initiate can help them. His physical body rests, it is motionless, but his spirit penetrates everywhere to help and enlighten others. His spirit does not sleep, he remains active. And you, too, can begin this work, but first learn how to prepare for bed. Before you fall asleep, say: "Tonight I will leave my body to go to study in the invisible world and help people." Always fall asleep with the thought of a beautiful ideal, because it is thanks to this ideal that you will build your future and the future of all mankind.

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In the life of every person there are many difficulties and unexpected turns of events. I will also have to overcome many obstacles, but I am sure that I can become a real specialist in the field of economics. To achieve this goal, you need to work hard on yourself now and, of course, gain experience in all possible ways. Experience is very important, but it comes with time. Therefore, this precious time cannot be wasted now.

I would like to make my career in some prosperous firm, climb the corporate ladder, open my own construction or design firm.

In my understanding, making a career means achieving a prestigious position in society and a high level of income. This means prestige from the point of view of public opinion.

In order to become a specialist in your profession, you must have personal qualities such as ease of communication, perseverance, willpower, self-confidence, etc.

To reach main goal, you need to go through almost the entire life path. Progress towards a different goal will take place in stages, step by step, through the solution of intermediate tasks.

At the age of 18, I will take a part-time job as a sales assistant in a construction or design organization in order to accumulate some knowledge and experience in my chosen field of activity. For this position, I need such qualities as sociability, attentiveness, politeness and, of course, some knowledge. I think it will be an interesting job, because I will be able to communicate with buyers and more experienced work colleagues. Estimated income is 1500 rubles, because I have no work experience. Thus, I will take the first step towards the intended goal.

By the age of 22, I plan to get a position as a sales manager in the same firm. A month will be enough to demonstrate to colleagues their capabilities and prove that there is noticeable progress in the work. My responsibilities will include the conclusion of contracts with clients, product advertising. Desired income 4000 rubles.

By the age of 25, I want to move up the corporate ladder and get the position of deputy director of the regional office in a construction (design) firm. Having achieved this, I will need to master the art of managing people. The experience and capital accumulated during my time in this position will help me to a large extent to take the leap and become the owner of my own company. Estimated income 10,000 rubles.

At 30, I will open my own business. It will be a construction or design firm. Construction has always been and will be held in high esteem. It has great prospects, despite the fact that it has existed since ancient times. It is especially pleasant to build civil buildings, residential buildings. I want to bring something new to these construction industries. We want the houses to be comfortable for living and have an exceptional interior. This will be of great benefit to people.

Design is closely related to construction and has a wide field of activity. Both the construction and design firms will undoubtedly prosper and pay off in a very short time. Desired income in this position is 30,000 rubles.

By the age of 35, I plan to expand my business and create a network of firms throughout the region. I think that by the age of 40 I will have a certain money capital for the implementation of the main goal, because I think that on this stage quite sad wage will amount to 300,000 rubles.

And by the age of 40, I will expand my business so much that I will become a media mogul. Branches of my company will operate throughout the country and, I hope, abroad. This will be the result of my professional path, the peak of my career. Estimated income is about 5,000,000 rubles. To prosper so successfully, I will need tremendous willpower and drive, enterprise and optimism, professional competence and all the qualities that a manager should have.


"Who does not know which harbor

he swims, for that no

fair wind."

My main professional goal in life is to make a career and open my own business. I want to have a job that will allow me to be independent, even financially. But at the same time, work should be fun. I want to live in order to work, and not vice versa. To do this, first of all, I must successfully graduate from the institute, get a diploma and a job in my specialty. Undoubtedly, I will need computer skills, because now a large amount of information can be extracted from the monitor screen. Also a huge role in modern life knowledge of foreign languages ​​plays a role, so it is desirable to know at least one foreign language. This gives great benefits in dealing with Western partners, plus the opportunity to travel abroad. It is also useful to study the specifics of the economy of other states: you can adopt their experience and technologies in relation to our country, and specifically to your company.

I also think that it is necessary to communicate with business professionals as much as possible and gradually gain experience from them.

So far, my goal is to study well at the university and pass the first session with excellent marks. After passing the session, I will have next target- find the job you want. Then the next one will follow. This will continue until I achieve my ultimate goal.

Long term goals Medium term goals Short term goals
Deputy director of the regional branch Seller-consultant in a construction or design firm Learn to work on the computer
Take an internship in the financial and economic departments of the enterprise
Owner of a construction (design) firm Defend your thesis project
Prepare well for the interview with the head of the company in order to make a good impression
Sales manager in a construction (design) company
Owner of a network of construction (design) firms
Media tycoon, owner of the largest construction (design) company in the Russian market

Rice. 1. Professional goals

Human life... It consists of seconds, hours, days, months and years. And what every moment of it will be depends only on us. But there is something that must always be remembered - life is unique, and its time is irreversible. It is impossible to return to some moment, day or month, to do something differently or repeat a pleasant moment. What you have done once is already done forever. You can do something differently, it can be better or worse, but you cannot redo or repeat what has already happened.

How we live today affects how we will live tomorrow. That is, every day we create our future. Studying or not studying, working on ourselves or hitting the thumbs - every moment we influence our "tomorrow". What will it be, our future? How do I see my ideal future?

For me, the ideal future is one in which my dreams come true. Let not all, but at least the most important. It is very important for me to live in an economically stable country, where there are prospects for young people. This is how I see my homeland in the future. Each of us is a son or daughter of our state, and therefore I cannot imagine my “tomorrow” separately from it. I want Ukraine to become prosperous European country so that young people would not want to leave it, but, on the contrary, would return back and strive to work on its territory ...

In order to have an ideal future, I need to enter the desired university and get higher education. After that, I will be able to work in my specialty at a promising job and build not only a career, but also a better future for my country. It is labor for the benefit of the state that distinguishes conscious citizens from opportunists. Of course, my work should provide me financially, but it should also bring pleasure. I believe that a person working in a specialty that she does not like will not be able to achieve success in it and reveal her talents. Therefore, in my life I want to do what I love, to become a good specialist, to have prospects.

Of course, an ideal future is impossible without a happy family. I want my parents and relatives to be healthy, so that they have as few problems and troubles as possible. I want to start my own family someday, but before that I get an education and get a job...

In general, like everyone else, I dream that there would be no war in our country, that people would not die. I want new jobs to appear, so that young people have the opportunity to work where they want. Of course, I would like this work to be paid appropriately, so that the pensions of grandparents will increase ... And I also have a dream that they find cures for such terrible diseases as cancer and AIDS, and children who live in orphanages and boarding schools, would find parents ...

I understand that all my dreams cannot come true right away, but I imagine the ideal future just like this: without grief, tears and misfortune!

Hello! It's Vera again. I am afraid that this will be my last meeting with you, because I have to prepare for my trip home. Tonight I'm leaving for Sochi. Not only to enjoy our warm southern sun and swim in the open Black Sea, but also to see my family. Besides, I have nothing else to do here: I have passed all the exams successfully, and I am free until September 1st.

As I told you, my father works in a bank. He gets good money, but I never wanted to have a job like his. I think it's so boring and unhealthy to sit at a desk all day. It takes a lot of nerves because it is a big responsibility to work with large sums of money. Especially when the money is not yours and belongs to thousands of other people.

Sometimes my father spends the whole night at work preparing reports.

But anyway, I want to talk about my plans for the future, not about my father. I would really like to work with people rather than numbers. I really want to travel and see other places and meet different people. One possibility for this is to work for a foreign enterprise in Russia or work abroad for large companies. You can also travel a lot if you work in travel agency. And as far as I know, this kind of work pays well.

Of course, it is quite difficult to fit into such a job. You must have a good level of education and good command of spoken and written foreign language, computer skills, and finally some experience.

As I said before, my school gives very good background knowledge of the subject. But this knowledge is too general. Most graduates are prepared for work only theoretically. We didn't have a lot of practice. The only opportunity to work somewhere is during the summer holidays. But of course everyone wants to take a break after a whole year of study and a hard session. But, in my opinion, practice is the only way to get practical knowledge of the subject.

I think it is impossible to have a good command of English after graduation high school. Two or four hours of English per week is not enough. It is necessary to have classes outside the university. Another factor that really helps to master English well is communication with native speakers, and of course reading English well. English language. It is especially useful to read books on economics, business, marketing and management in the original. When everyone knows a specific vocabulary or terminology, it will be much easier to communicate with your colleagues from other countries. As you know, English is recognized as a language international business. But, of course, knowing only English is not enough. There are still countries and people who prefer to use their native language. And how many firms in your city, for example, have staff who speak English? This is the situation in many European countries.

I don't think I'll be unemployed. Firms need specialists in finance, management and marketing. Employers need young and energetic employees who have computer skills.
