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Humorous contests for February 23 for men. Congratulations, invitations, scripts, toasts, frames, postcards, contests for you at the Holiday Center! Oh what legs

parties and corporate parties,dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, this is not only an occasion to meet and have fun in the family circle or a cheerful youth company, but also a chance to glorify the courage and beauty of the strong half of humanity.

Therefore, those are selected in which men of all ages can show off their erudition, artistry, romance, dexterity and strength.

Our collection contains cool games and contests on February 23, which are suitable for both youth and more adult company.

1. Cool contest for February 23 "Knight on horseback".

To conduct this competition, the presenter must take care of the props in advance: “armor” and two “horses” (the funnier these creatures are, the better: you can sew horse heads yourself by stuffing them with foam rubber and putting them on any stick). Cake boxes can be used as armor. And spears will be long balloons.

We choose future knights from among the guests, they themselves appoint ladies of the heart, in whose name they will fight.

The essence of the tournament lies in the fact that, while sitting on a “horse”, with inflatable spears, knock down his armor from the enemy. The one who gets the job done the fastest wins.

As a reward, the lady gives her flower to the winner (previously distribute small flowers to the ladies of the heart) and, as a sign of special disposition, agrees to make a circle of honor on his horse or he does it alone to a solemn, brave melody, sending her air kisses. And the lucky one is declared a knight of the "Scarlet Rose"

The battle can be repeated several times. The reward for the participants is the applause and pleasure of the audience, and the winners are awarded the certificates of the “knight” and the favor of the “lady of the heart”.

For a close adult company, instead of flowers, ladies can give red garters, then the title will be appropriate - “Knight of the Scarlet Garter”.

2. A fun game for February 23 "General's pants are equal on all sides."

For this game you need huge "general" pants with stripes. Each trouser leg should be so large that an adult man could fit in it, and the “trousers” themselves should be made of durable fabric, because the contenders “worn” into the trouser legs will pull each other in them.

The host invites two who want to become a general, each fits into one of their trousers. The goal of the players: to the song “How good it is to be a general”, “fill up” the opponent, pulling over to their side, and still get the coveted “general's shoulder straps” (you can make specially fake shoulder straps for encouragement).

3. Competition for February 23 "Cowboy fun".

For this fun, the presenter selects men (boys) dressed in jeans and announces that with the help of simple tests he will now determine among them “real cowboys”.

At first- warm-up: each player must write on a sheet of paper all the colors of the horses known to him. For each named suit, the player receives a point.

Then we evaluate the jeans worn by the participants, on the degree of wear (or the number of rivets) on a five-point scale. Earned points also go to the players account.

real cowboy does not part with Marlboro cigarettes, so we check the number of cigarettes in the pockets of men. Points are awarded as follows: one point for three cigarettes, who has Marlboro + 5 points. Non-smoking participants - we give 10 points for healthy lifestyle life.

And for a snack we arrange a rodeo, but instead of horses and bulls, each has one chair: we put it at a distance of five to six meters from the participant, in our hands is a rope tied in a lasso. The player's task is to throw his disastrous lasso on a peacefully grazing chair. Three attempts are given. The maximum number of points is ten.

To calculate the points, it is most convenient to organize a jury of spectators, they will calculate the points and sum up the results.

And as a gift to real cowboys, of course, you need to present something "cowboy" - toy guns, a horse, hats or a branded label on jeans.

4. "Noble Cossack".

7. "Our heroic strength."

This is an exclusively male competition, because here you have to do push-ups. The leader is gaining five - seven contenders for the title of hero. One or two observers are assigned to them, it is better to let them be ladies.

The first time men do push-ups for three minutes. The number of exercises done is recorded by the observers. The results are immediately announced to the public. After a moment's rest and the toastmaster's cheering chatter, the second round. It lasts

two minutes. Only a minute is given for the third round, and during this time the passions among the fans heat up to the limit.

Of course, the winner is the one of the men who, in the sum of three rounds, squeezes out more times. He is solemnly awarded a souvenir medal and the title of "Bogatyr".

8. "I draw, I draw you."

For this small competition, you will need two or three easels, on which different types female faces: oval, round, pear-shaped.

We call two - three volunteers. The facilitator announces that male volunteers need to blindfold draw their beloved woman. They can choose the type of face that suits them.

We turn on the music - you can use the old song of Yak Yola “I draw, I draw you”, as soon as the song ends, the bandages are removed from the men and everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the works of the hands of men in love.

9. "Pirates of the 21st century".

From 4 to 6 men are selected for the competition (depending on how many props there are) Each is given pirate hats and a pirate name is assigned: Bloodthirsty Joe, Ruthless Sue, Jolly Smith, etc.

Participants stand in a circle, each comes up with "his" greeting with a hat. The host then warns that a real pirate needs to be very attentive and have good reactions in order to survive. It must be remembered that when the host says “one” - everyone raises their hats and shouts “Hey!” When he says the number “2” - they clap on the shoulder of the pirate standing in front of him, with the number “3” - they turn 180 degrees, and the number "4" means that you need to grab the neck of a comrade standing on your left hand and shout "Rhea!".

With music playing in the background, the presenter tries to confuse the players. The game goes to the eliminations, he made a mistake - “died”, surrenders his hat, and his comrades tell him; "Hey hey, Bloody Joe! (name of a particular pirate) ”and wave their hats goodbye to him. So, until the most attentive one remains, he will receive a prize and applause.

10. "This guy is the smartest."

This one too. To measure the degree of accuracy of the amused defenders of the fatherland, you can use "Darts". At the same time, the distance between the target and the player should be a meter and a half, so as not to throw at all in vain.

As an option: throwing open (that is, without a cap) felt-tip pens or markers: stick a home-made target drawn on a regular sheet of drawing paper on the wall and hand the players "darts" - felt-tip pens. The winner, of course, is determined by the sum of points scored.

11. "Tank battle".

The facilitator needs to prepare in advance a couple of large easels with large blank sheets of whatman paper (or simply large sheets fixed on something) so that there is a “field” for creativity, because they will draw with their eyes closed and collectively. It is advisable to turn the easels to the public so that the participants in the game stand with their backs to everyone, and the process is clearly visible to the fans.

So, the rules of the game: first, we recruit two equal mixed teams. We offer to inspect a toy tank (especially for ladies), and then we announce that each member of the team will draw a certain part of this combat vehicle with their eyes closed. The host invites the players to agree among themselves who draws what and, with the help of assistants, blindfolds the participants.

To the cheerful music and comments of the leader, the teams “create” when the last participant finishes drawing his detail - everyone takes off their bandages and the teams admire their “masterpieces”.

To determine the winners, you can offer guests with the help of applause. Let the losing team "fire" the winners with kisses, and give everyone toy tanks as a prize.

12. "Funny divers".

For this fun contest an obstacle course is being prepared: skittles, bottles, etc. (or just read aloud the route, which the participants must remember and follow as accurately as possible). Participants are given equipment, such as fins and goggles or binoculars, which must be held in reverse (if possible: life buoy, vest, rubber gloves). The exit of the "divers" can be decorated with the song "Wow, you, we left the bay."

First task: pass an obstacle course or a developed route

Second task“find a treasure” - in full ammunition, collect as many pearls as possible in a minute (these can be balls or balls), for example, to the song “There under the ocean”,

Third task- dance your dance (pull out cards with song names and dance to it). Better songs to take

Funny and funny competitions, relay races and competitions on February 23 will help create a festive atmosphere. Quizzes, themed puzzles and games will entertain men and amuse women. Comic competitions will cheer up and make the celebration memorable for all those present. Original tasks on the theme of Defender of the Fatherland Day will give the holiday courage, excitement and fun.

    Balloon Game

    Strong men are chosen to participate in the game. For its implementation, you will need balloons (according to the number of participants). It is better to purchase durable balls - this will extend the game moment.

    The task of the participants is to inflate the balloon until it bursts. It is forbidden to use sharp objects, nails and other things that can speed up the game.

    The facilitator supervises each participant. If the balloon is inflated incorrectly, it can remove the man from the game. The winner is the participant who inflates and bursts the balloon faster than the rest.

    The task can be made more difficult by adding another smaller ball to each player. It must be inflated in the middle of a large ball.

    Game "Mom"

    The game is played by 5 men. The host begins to take turns approaching each of them and pronouncing the phrase "Mom is ...". The task of the players is to come up with a compliment to their mother within 5 seconds. You cannot repeat the words of other participants. The man who could not continue the phrase in the allotted time is out of the game. The player who comes up with the most compliments to mom wins.

    Examples of words: best, beloved, sweet, dear, charming, beautiful, mysterious, sweet, tender, beautiful, charming.

    3 women participate in the competition. Each of them leading in turn blindfolds and spins it well. The rest of the guests line up in a wide circle. A blindfolded woman needs to be found in a circle of men and kiss them on the cheek. In order to confuse the contestant, ladies who do not participate in the contest may wear men's jackets.

    After the start of the competition, the stopwatch starts. Time stops after all the men have received their kiss. After the first woman passes the baton, the second takes over, then the third. At the end, the host announces the time of each participant. The woman with the shortest time wins.

    There are 4 boys in the competition. To carry it out, you will need 4 chairs and clothes that are too small and large (the same number of things for each participant).

    A chair with clothes is placed in front of each guy. The task of each participant is to pull on as many things as possible in 45 seconds. After the time has passed, the guys move away from their chairs. Things that remained in the hands of the participants (were not worn) do not count. Each contestant in turn begins to shoot one stretched thing. The one who managed to put on more clothes gets the title of "real soldier".

    There are 2 guys in the competition. To carry it out, you will need 2 chairs and 2 identical button-down jackets.

    Chairs are placed at a certain distance from each other. A jacket is hung on the back of each of them inside out. The guys stand near the chair of their opponent.

    At the start command, they must run to their chair, quickly remove and turn their jacket inside out. Then they need to maximum speed put it on yourself and fasten all the buttons. After that, they must run around the chair of their opponent, return to their own and sit on it.

    The participant who completes the task faster wins.

    There are 3 boys in the competition. They are given a marker and a sheet of paper.

Competition for two teams "Road to Freedom"

Two teams are formed: one for men, the other for women. On a signal, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and lay them out in a line. Each team has its own line. The team that makes the longest line of clothes wins.

"The most attentive" - ​​table competition

The host reads the text: “I will tell you a story in a dozen and a half phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately!

“Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, and not one, but as many as seven.”

“When you want to memorize poems, do not memorize them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - another, and preferably 10.

“The hardened guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be cunning at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march!”

“Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours ...”

If they don’t have time to take the prize, the host takes it: “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it.”


- Cool lady;

- student I;

— student 2;

— student 3;

- an ordinary man.


3 posters depicting types of men; large cover.

On the stage (or in the open space that replaces it) Cool lady and 3 students. There are posters on the wall. In the corner, under the covers, stands a man. His task is to remain still almost until the end of the scene.

Cool lady:

So, girls, the topic of today's lesson is: “Extinct Species. The man is unintelligent." You all remember that in 2050, the male part of the population of our planet safely died out due to its immoderate craving for reproduction, thus providing us women with a long-deserved opportunity to achieve a brighter future. Today, we have only a vague idea about men, thanks to the myths and legends that have come down to us from time immemorial. But we, your classy ladies, carefully convey some facts to young people. Let's briefly review the material covered, (name), let's start with you.

Student #1:

The first species of extinct male known to us is the Male. A male is such a man from whom the women of the past “dragged”, that is, they could be taken with bare hands and dragged. A feature of the Male was the presence of two thought centers. The first, main, was just below the waist. Im Male thought most of the time. The second was in the cranium, was rudimentary and only prevented the Male from being fruitful and multiplying.

Cool lady:

Great, (name). And how could you recognize the Male in the crowd?

Student #1:

By bright appearance. As bait, he used luxury cars, yachts, cottages and barbecues. His hunting season began in early spring and continued until late autumn. Habitats - bars, restaurants, nightclubs, beaches in summer. In winter, the Male migrated to areas of prestigious ski resorts.

Cool lady:

Everything is correct. Will continue (name).

Student #2:

I prepared a report on the Bore. A bore to the question "How are you?" began to tell in detail how he was doing. Rarely bred, strictly by the clock and if you are very lucky. He was especially cruel with women, bringing them to delirium tremens with his moralizing. Most often, the Bore could be found in public transport, sanitary and epidemiological stations, at a rally, in marriage agencies, as well as on forums on the Internet. At the end of his life, the Bore was transformed into the Old Hrych or the Old Marasmatic. A special sign of the Bore was the horns that adorned him almost all year round.

Cool lady:

Great, (name). Nothing to add. Now (name) will tell us about the Henpecked.

Student #3:

Little is known about this type. He was very timid, shy, he got food with difficulty, preferring to hide under the heel of a woman. With skillful training, he could quite tolerably cope with the household. Well camouflaged, merging with surrounding objects. Sometimes passed from one woman to another by inheritance.

Cool lady:

Okay, but how did scientists manage to find out about Henpecked?

Student #3:

Follow the footprints in the kitchen and on the rug by the door.

Cool lady:

As you can see, the picture is rather ugly. But today I want to inform you about the amazing discovery that our scientists have made. An absolutely new, previously unknown type of man was found in the permafrost. We named him the Ordinary Man. All that is known about him is that women could not live without him.

Students (in chorus):

But why?!

Cool lady:

And this is what you will find out in the practical lesson. Attention! Before you is an ordinary man!

(Tears off the cover.)

The students, pushing each other away, pounce on the Man and drag him "backstage". Passionate sighs and sounds of kisses are heard from there.

Cool lady:

"Why-why" - yes, because what kind of life is it without a real ordinary man!

All participants go to bow.

Competition "Best Legs"

In no case do not say the name of the competition - it's a surprise!

What only work at home men have to do! What can you do for the woman you love! All interested men are invited here (or a certain number, if there are a lot of men - according to the number of chairs allocated for the competition).

The host invites the men to sit on chairs, gives each a children's book.

You should read a book to your child before bed. Who had to do it? Wonderful. But in order for everything to be natural and the reading to be expressive, it is necessary to put the right foot on the left, wrapping the trouser leg to the knee on this leg.

Done? Now open the book and read aloud at the same time.

Fine. Even louder.

Moderator (addressing women):

And now we choose with you the most hairy legs!

(Prize for the man with the hairiest legs).

Competition "Let's talk frankly"

Two sets of cards are prepared in advance for the competition. Ideally, the cards should be of different colors (one color for questions and one for answers).

The host holds in his hands two sets of cards of two colors; questions are written on cards of one color, answers are written on cards of the second.

Each guest is offered a choice of a card with a question that he (or the presenter) reads aloud to all those present. Then the participant selects a card with an answer and also reads it aloud.

The meaning of the game is that any answer is suitable for any question, it is only important that the number of questions matches the number of answers.

Questions for cards:

Does your loved one make you jealous?

When do you have to smile?

Do you compliment your boss?

Do you respect alcohol?

Are you into erotica?

Do you dream of winning a car?

How often do you step on other people's toes?

Do you spend your hard-earned money on trifles? Do you hide your "left" earnings from your family? Do you use obscene words in conversation? Do you criticize our government?

Are you capable of noble deeds?

Answers for cards:

Let's talk about this without witnesses.

I'm ashamed to ask such questions, knowing my character.

It happens, but only at night.

Every day, and more than once.

Every time I go to bed.

I had to suffer from it.

Exclusively in the restaurant.

And under torture I will not tell.

Once a day I allow myself this pleasure.

When there are guests in the house.

Of course, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live.

When kicked out of the house.

Using this principle, you can own questions and answers.

Guess who drinks vodka

This game is a prank, and you can only play it once, but it's worth it. The conditions are simple: any number of participants is called. Then the host of the game takes out the appropriate number of transparent glasses with straws, in which 150 grams of liquid are poured.

The facilitator announces: “Now I will distribute a glass to each participant. In all but one glass, poured pure water. And in one glass - pure VODKA! The task of each participant is to drink the contents of his glass through a straw, trying not to give out with his appearance that he is drinking. The task of the observers is to guess who exactly has poured vodka.

So, the participants sip the liquid, the observers try to guess who is drinking the vodka, expressing their assumptions, placing bets, etc. Each of the contestants believes that only he has vodka and tries very hard to hide his feelings.

When all the contestants have drunk everything, the host announces that “... this is actually a rally and vodka is poured in all glasses!”

Board game "Puffy-cheeked lip-slap"

Props: a bag of sucking sweets (caramels).

You are playing a game involving 2 people.

Participants take turns taking a candy from a bag (it is in the hands of the host who counts candies), put it in their mouths (you can’t swallow sweets!) And after each candy they call their opponent “thick-cheeked lip-slap”.

The winner is the one who puts more candy in his mouth and can say the “magic phrase”.

This competition will delight and amuse not only the participants, but also the spectators!

Two teams of 3 people each (1 woman and 2 men).

A woman stands between men, and they must dress a woman in a minute, but only in the clothes that they themselves have on (watches and rings are also considered). Accordingly, the team in which the woman has more clothes on wins.

Board game "Alcoholometer"

Props: whatman paper with a drawn scale, multi-colored felt-tip pens.

Toward the middle or end of the feast, it's time to check - who is how drunk!

All those who are ready to be tested go to the scale and receive felt-tip pens to make an appropriate mark.

The scale should be drawn on paper in advance (it is better if the scale is long enough so that the minimum values ​​​​are in the region of a meter from the floor and above). The degrees on the scale are indicated in decreasing order: "in the insole" (at the very bottom) - 90 - 80 - ... 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 - "like a glass" (at the very top).

Participants one by one approach the scale, stand with their backs to it, bend over and, stretching their hand to the "Alcoholometer" between their legs, mark the degrees on the scale with a felt-tip pen.

Everyone wants to be more sober, and the smallest degrees are listed high, so players have to stretch their hands as high as possible.

Board game "Thorny path"

The host invites three couples.

Men become 3-4 meters from their wives.

The host opens three bottles of vodka or wine (or takes open ones, but still full from the table) and places them in the path of each man.

After that, each man is blindfolded, turned several times around himself, placed facing his wife and asked to walk up to her and hug her.

When the participants are already blindfolded, the host quickly removes the bottles and swaps wives.

Spectators and wives are asked to remain silent.

(1 ratings, on average: 1,00 out of 5)

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a truly masculine holiday that can be celebrated different ways. Someone prefers to spend the evening in a quiet home environment or in a bar with friends, while someone cannot live without thrills and extreme sports. If there are children, then they will certainly want to attend a special event, too, dedicated to the holiday.

There are many events that you can attend on February 23 and feel the true spirit of this holiday. This applies to entertainment, one way or another connected with the Defender of the Fatherland Day - on military, army or patriotic topics. You can attend such events with children, which will develop their interest in this holiday and broaden their horizons.

Military Museum

Visiting of museum military equipment It will be interesting not only for adult men, but also for the youngest defenders. Most often, among the presented exhibits there are both old samples of military equipment, and completely new modern specimens. Planes, tanks and guns - all this is imbued with the spirit of the army and makes a truly strong impression. Also, the museum can display samples of firearms and edged weapons from different eras, army ammunition, and photographs of war times. By visiting this place with children, you can awaken their genuine interest in history and develop a sense of patriotism.

Military historical reconstructions

Re-enactments of military battles are becoming more and more popular, especially on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day. The skilful play of actors in costumes identical to those of the battle and real weapons create an authentic atmosphere of past times. Spectators become observers of those events in which, fortunately, they did not manage to participate. Young defenders will be simply delighted with what is happening, because it reflects the true events of famous battles better than any film.


This entertainment has recently gained popularity in Russia. Airsoft is a military sports game, the essence of which is the precise fulfillment by teams of the tasks set in the scenario and compliance with all game rules. All participants have game weapons, which are soft pneumatics that shoot plastic balls. For safety, special equipment is issued - protective ammunition and goggles. The game is based on fairness, so when a player is hit by a plastic ball, he must put on a special bandage and be out of the game. The game can last several hours and its duration depends on the territory and the scenario.

There is simply no more courageous holiday than Defenders of the Fatherland Day. That is why many men prefer to celebrate this in a close circle of friends, in which there is no place for women at all. And they can be understood, because February 23 is an excellent occasion to get together as a friendly male team and celebrate your holiday properly. Also, some men have a tradition to meet on this day with their colleagues or colleagues. It is for such events that there are several entertainments only for real men.


Celebrating men's day in a bath or sauna is great option. There are many comfortable places where you can have a feast, take a steam bath and swim in the pool from the heart. For the festive table, it is not necessary to cook various dishes, just take your favorite men's snacks - crayfish, crackers, dried fish, cold cuts. In order not to get bored after stories about the army years or simple communication, you need to prepare your favorite games - dominoes or cards. You can also come up with several contests in advance that would be suitable for the celebration of February 23.


A visit to billiards on Defender of the Fatherland Day would be a good idea. After all, there you can not only play interesting game with your friendly company, but also tasty and plentiful meals, because most establishments serve excellent cuisine. There can also be held various amateur billiards tournaments dedicated to the men's holiday, in which you can simply participate or even compete for a prize. Some establishments provide a fun festive entertainment with contests, music and songs.

Beer pub or bar

Truly masculine places are bars and beer restaurants, which feel a special atmosphere, the best way to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day with friends, colleagues or colleagues. To fully match the occasion, you can choose a themed place in the form of a military bunker or headquarters. This will give the celebration a special flavor and set it in the right mood. In addition to various types of beer, such establishments often offer a wide selection of snacks and dishes.

Winter fishing

The real male entertainment is fishing. And if the men's holiday fell on the winter season, there is no reason to deny yourself your favorite pastime. You just need to stock up on equipment for punching an ice hole or hole, a thermos with warming drinks and good company. There are many winter fishing competitions, but no one forbids you to arrange your own little competition and see who catches the most fish.

sports match

In honor of the men's holiday, hockey or football matches are often held, which you can visit with friends, have a good cheer and have fun. A purely masculine atmosphere is felt at the stadium, which undoubtedly contributes to the desired festive mood. In addition, you can rent a gym and kick the ball yourself or play hockey on an open rink, after which the losing team will have to treat the winning team - why not an incentive to win? A fun pastime that will be remembered for more whole year is definitely guaranteed.

Skiing or snowboarding

Since Defender of the Fatherland Day falls on winter time, why not use this fact to good use and arrange entertainment appropriate for the season. These include skiing or snowboarding. By arranging a ski race among themselves, you can have fun and diversify your leisure time. You can set a special prize for the winner or the most persistent participant. It is not even necessary to have the appropriate sports equipment, most ski clubs rent it out.

23 February celebration with family

For family people, there are also many options for celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day. First of all, you can arrange a festive feast with relatives and friends, which will be accompanied by interesting toasts, singing military songs, dancing and fun contests. For children, you can organize a separate holiday by arranging a fun quiz for them or offering an interesting board game army or military theme.

One of good options The celebration of men's day in the family circle is a visit to the bowling alley, where you can arrange a competition between family members, as well as a delicious meal. If there is an interesting thematic film in cinemas, you can go there with the whole family, and then go to the main square of the city, which will most likely host a festive concert or performance.

If you work in a tight friendly team, you need to remember about the holidays and prepare in advance for their onset. Especially one should not forget about such a wonderful holiday as Defender of the Fatherland Day. On the contrary, it is worth planning it today. Decide how you will congratulate colleagues, what to give them and cook. And if such a thing fell on your shoulders an important part as preparation for the entertainment part, you will need competitions for February 23 for male colleagues.

Where to spend February 23 colleagues?

It is unlikely that your colleagues will be happy if you drag them to your dacha, promising them an “unforgettable” holiday. In addition, there are many great alternatives. For example, paintball. Few will refuse a fierce battle for some unpretentious prize. Of the less active and more social games - bowling or billiards. The main thing is not to break the cues. A good option would be a karaoke bar where your colleagues can show their talent. Organize a competition for them to stir up the interest of the public. But the most interesting option, perhaps, will be the quest. Leisure using logical thinking and the ability to find objects and clues. In general, a fairly peaceful genre, but exactly as long as you do not choose the horror genre. This is where your colleagues will not have fun. But how many emotions!

Room decoration for Defender of the Fatherland Day

If finances allow, this responsible business can be entrusted to a holiday agency that will quickly and tastefully do everything necessary. You will be presented with various design options, and you will choose the one that suits you with the possibility of making your own adjustments.

In case you want to personally prepare a festive site, stock up on the following attributes:

  • Fake weapons(grenades, machine guns, rifles, knives, etc.).
  • Balls. For your taste helium, regular, figured, etc. Colors can be completely in accordance with your tastes. From strictly thematic to multi-colored.
  • Congratulations. Posters, small notes with good wishes laid out on tables or streamers.
  • Musical accompaniment. This is where it's best to stay on topic. Choose the compositions that are most suitable for a particular holiday. And if there are no fans of such music among the guests, refrain from this stage altogether.
  • Table. Tablecloth, dishes, napkins, kind of treats - let all this be done in military style. Men will appreciate!

How to celebrate February 23rd?

It's time to consider the immediate "plot" of the corporate party. In fact, the decoration and style of the room are directly related to it, so it is important not to turn the holiday into a hodgepodge (if the guests do not mind it, of course).

  • Military style. A fairly simple, but nevertheless very practical solution. Appropriate dress code, hats (caps, berets), badges and orders that can be issued to those who won the paintball competition, for example.
  • Cowboy corporate. An option for fans to dream up. Dress some as cowboys, others as Indians. Give some guns, others bows. And may the best man win! Whatever that means.
  • Superheroes. A real platform for creativity, but it is better to be careful with it. Here it is important that everyone feel comfortable, at ease. And so that there are no people for whom the defender of the Fatherland and "some man in leggings" cannot stand in one place.
  • Pirate style. For those who are not averse to capturing a couple of other people's ships. We dress up as sea villains, put on eye patches and take out a bottle of rum!

What to give colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day?

First of all, of course, you can allow small props to be taken away from the “battlefield”. Funny badges and trinkets will be a warm memory of the past party. More serious gifts should be themed. Prefabricated models of armored vehicles or aviation are quite suitable for lovers of such hobbies.

For the layman - a nominal cap with a surname or nickname. And the male half can be presented with T-shirts and sweatshirts corresponding to the theme of the event. However, the simplest and at the same time useful gift for February 23 will be a memory, a specially organized group photo session. She will leave a lot of positive emotions and will recommend you as excellent organizers of festive events. It is only important to find a creative approach to any business.

Entertainment is selected for the celebration of the men's holiday in a friendly team. You need a spacious room good mood, small gifts for the winners and pre-prepared props. With such an arsenal, you will arrange an unforgettable holiday for your colleagues!

Competition "Russian Roulette"

For the competition you need: 5 glasses, water and vodka. The first of several players turns away from the table, with 5 stacks filled: vodka is poured into three, and water is poured into the other two. Turning, the participant must drink 2 glasses in a row. Of course, he does not know which one is better to drink first! Also, other players can only guess where the vodka was. Everyone needs to make their own guess. If it was correct, 1 point is awarded, if not, the point goes to the one who knocked over the piles. The winner is the one who scores the most points in 5 runs.

Competition "Koschey the Immortal"

The award for the competition is selected and wrapped in paper in such a way that the text of the riddle can be glued onto it. The resulting bundle is wrapped again and glued another riddle. There can be as many riddles and wrappers as you like, but 10 bundles will be enough.

The leader invites those wishing to compete. Participants are invited to sit in a circle, and one of them is given a hidden prize by the host. The player takes off the first wrapper, reads the riddle to himself and tries to guess. If successful, the player removes the second wrapper and continues the game. If the answer turned out to be incorrect, the participant reads the riddle aloud and the one who guesses it first gets the right to remove the next wrapper. Whoever guesses the last riddle wins the prize.

Time bomb game

To start, the leader finds one volunteer and blindfolds him. Then he takes several glasses (more than two) and pours an equal amount of liquid into all. One should contain vodka, the rest should contain water. The public knows where everything is. The man is released from the bandage. A girl comes to the table and sips a little from each glass. Her task is to remain unperturbed and not to react to alcohol with a single muscle. The participant observes carefully, then points to a glass in which, on his suspicion, there is vodka. The competition is held until everyone who wants to try themselves in the role of "guessers". The main thing is to keep the principle of "woman against man". At the end, you can calculate which team was luckier and more perspicacious, male or female.

Competition "Intellectual puzzle"

Prepare two sheets of paper with riddles written in such a way that their content is stretched across the sheet. After the leaves should be cut into pieces. Two players are invited to participate in the competition - each will test himself in the role of Sherlock Holmes. Participants are invited to assemble a puzzle from parts of a sheet, read the text of the riddle and guess it. The winner will be the one who completes the task first.

Competition "Erudite"

You need to prepare a list of questions in advance: household, sports, comic. Be sure to include questions about women's "things". The man who gives more correct answers will receive the title of erudite.

  • How far is a penalty kick in football? (From eleven meters).
  • Which of these is never added to unleavened dough - yeast, butter, sugar? (Yeast).
  • When was the centenary of the modern Olympic Games celebrated? (In 1996).
  • How did the people call the Zhiguli VAZ-2101? ("Penny").
  • Why does a woman put nail polish on torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow on them does not go further).
  • How many times did the old man call the goldfish? (5 times).
  • International name for bandy? (Bandy).
  • What country is the headquarters in? car brand Jaguar? (In Great Britain).
  • What is stone therapy? (Massage with hot stones).

Competition "Seekers of Notes"

The participants of this competition are exclusively men, but the responsibility of conducting and preparing will fall on the fragile shoulders of women. You will need the following attributes: a bottle, a "treasure map" and notes with the text of tasks for the players. The women who help in holding the contest sort out the notes, hide them in their homes and sit down among the guests.
Before the start of the competition, you need to announce that all participants choose tasks themselves! Each player must go to the center of the room, spin the bottle and wait for it to stop. Further, the presenter, taking into account the direction indicated by the bottle, begins, as it were, to “read” the map and suggest where the participant should move. For example, a step to the right, two steps backwards, a jump to the left. The player's task is to guess where the notes are and find them as quickly as possible.
