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Christian Easter scenes for kindergarten. An interesting scenario for Easter. Game "Egg Shooting Range"

Cast: Voice-over Detective Jesus Roman soldiers: 2 pcs. Angel Women: 2 pieces Peter John Thomas Unnamed disciples: 2 pcs. High Priest (only needed on video) Scene: Part of the stage should be separated under the tomb: a small angle…

Recitation for Pascha I Jesus Friends, I announce to you What is predetermined for me And in Galilee I anticipate you all as one whole. The author of the Word of Christ is full of sadness And in the set of oil lamps His Eyes, that ...

Time machine. Diyovі individuals: Karkusha, Donkey, pharaoh, servants of the pharaoh - 2, radniki - 3, Moses, Aaron, Jewish family (father, mother, son, donka), father with two sins, Jesus, natovp. Calling on those who are small, actors can play on ...

Reader 1: He had honor and glory in Heaven, He had His servants. No one was offended there, But diminished for the people. He knew persecution and suffering, Living in the midst of darkness and sin, But he won without hesitation All the temptations of the enemy. Then he accepted Calvary ...

Scene #1 Yulia and Nastya appear on the stage. Nastya: The meeting was just great, you, as always, were on top ... Yes, they just didn’t take their eyes off you and signed the contract without looking! And how do you do it?! You are just smart...

Cinderella Act 1. A girl runs in, hung from head to toe with shopping bags. Behind him is a backpack with a mop sticking out of it. Cinderella: Well, I'm finally home. Hooray-hooray (tired and out of breath). So. Have I bought everything? Sponges for dishes, cereals ...

Characters: fictitious characters, with the help of which some real events are told about Cassia - a devout Jewish girl of the middle class, 17 years old, blind Mariam - Her younger sister, 15 years old, Susanna - Mother of Cassia and Mariam ...

RESURRECTION ACT 1 Two warriors are sitting near the fire and talking. On an iron plate, you need to light dry alcohol, and put twigs next to it. Or draw and put fire on cardboard. #1 Not scary? No. 2 It's scary, evening, silence. #1…

TULIP AND NARCISS Theme of the scene: resurrection from the dead Author: Nason Dina, 1999 CHARACTERS: Tulip, Narcissus, gardener, author DECORATION AND DESIGN: Flowers are dressed in yellow and red respectively, a shovel for ...

Act 1 Birth of Christ CHARACTERS: Joseph, Mary, Shepherd 1, Shepherd 2, Shepherd 3 DECORATION and DECORATION: baby, manger, barn, pitchfork, hay, bags, wheel, hammer, saw, board, yoke, staves 3, bags 3

Scene 1 Night. Two guards guard the stone at the tomb of Jesus. Guard 1: Don't sleep! Listen, get up! We are commanded to guard the stone. Guard 2: Why are you shouting? Get out. I just lay down to lie down. Guard 1: We received the order...

Three people stand on the stage and hold tree branches in their hands. Leading: Once in a distant beautiful country On the highest beautiful mountain Three trees began to talk. They dreamed about their life. One said: 1st tree: When I grow up ...

Scene 1 On the stage, Ruth is doing household chores. Ruth: What could have happened? Where could he have stayed so long? Maybe something happened in the synagogue? An excited Joseph enters. Ruth: Joseph, at last you have come, I am so...

The real events on the basis of which the scene was staged took place during the period of developed socialism, on the eve of Easter. The lecturer argued to those gathered in one of the cinemas that there is no God. Proved long and "convincingly". At the end, as expected, he asked if there were any questions. One grandfather raised his hands: "Can I also go on stage and say two words?" "Of course, please," the lecturer kindly invited. The old man came out and, turning to the audience, said: "Christ is risen!" From the hall, several voices uncertainly answered: "Truly, he has risen." He uttered this phrase three times, and each time they answered him louder and more friendly from the audience, perhaps not expecting this from themselves, to the displeasure of the lecturer, who already regretted that he had invited this old man to the stage. "Well," the grandfather, who was a believer, a Baptist, said in conclusion, "I answered your question whether there is a God!"

(There is a chair and a table with a decanter and a glass on the stage. The lecturer comes out with a folder, sits down at the table, opens the folder and begins to rearrange the written sheets, pretending to be preparing for a lecture. The author comes out.)

(Students begin to come in with chairs, one - two - three people at a time (at the end of the scene they also leave with chairs), among them is an old Baptist man. The lecturer actively welcomes them.)

Lecturer. Hello comrades! Please come in, have a seat! (Waits for everyone to sit down and starts the lecture.)
- Comrades! I see among you and people young and old. All of us were lucky to live in a wonderful time: the flourishing of science, culture, art; during developed socialism and victorious atheism. There are almost no dark, uncultured, poorly educated people left in our time who continue to believe in God. And God, comrades, NO! And I want to prove it to you again today. Where is this God? Believers claim that He is in heaven. But our spaceships plow the boundless expanses of the universe, and our valiant cosmonauts did not see any God there. And why? Yes, because He is not there and never was. And this is a scientific fact, comrades!

(You can still continue reasoning like this ... Then the author comes out, and during the words of the author, the lecturer switches to pantomime, as if continuing the lecture, actively gesticulates: raises his hands up, waves his hand dismissively, grins sarcastically, confident in his innocence and obviously pleased with his performance. The audience sometimes nods, sometimes whispers.)

Lecturer. Are there any questions, comrades? (Old Baptist raises his hand)

Old Baptist. Can I also go on stage and say a few words.

Lecturer.(Courtesy) Of course, please come out!

Old Baptist. (Turning to the audience) Christ is risen!

Listeners.(Several voices uncertainly and quietly) He has truly risen ...

Old Baptist. Christ is risen!

Old Baptist. Christ is risen!

Listeners.(Almost everyone, loudly) Truly risen!

(The lecturer at this time stands, dumbfounded, as if speechless, pours water from a decanter into a glass, drinks nervously.)

Old Baptist.(Turning to the lecturer) Well, I answered your question whether there is a God.

(The lecturer leaves, waving at everyone in confusion, and muttering something indignantly under his breath)

Author.(Addressing the audience) We are now living in a happy time, when we can freely gather and praise God, joyfully exclaiming on the day of the Lord's Easter: "Christ is risen! - Truly risen!"

The material was provided by Olga Plautina (09.2008).

Characters: three leaders.

The hall is decorated with willow branches and candles. Music sounds. (“Christ is risen” A. Chernov)

First leader.

Holy night... the temple is flooded with lights,

The prayer of sinners ascends to heaven,

Like burning incense on an altar

Second leader.

Nature is full of gentle trembling,

Stars twinkle in the sky,

Silence reigns over the sinful world...

Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Third leader.

As the grass froze before the storm,

The slumbering forest calmed down before the mystery,

Only the wind whispers gentle words:

"Christ is risen! He has truly risen!"

First leader. Hello dear guests!

Second leader. Welcome to Holy Easter!

Third leader. On this day, Christ was resurrected, which was a sign of victory over death and the triumph of life.

First presenter. On this day, the bells in the temples ring especially solemnly. And this ringing is heard far, far away.

The phonogram of the "Easter Annunciation" sounds.

Second presenter. Orthodox Easter is rich in rituals and customs.

Third leader. So on Easter it is customary to celebrate Christ - to exchange painted eggs, while saying: "Christ is risen!" - "Truly risen!"

First leader. The eggs were painted with red paint, which symbolizes the rebirth by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Second presenter. And the egg itself symbolizes the emergence of life.

Third host. Painted eggs were consecrated in the church. It was believed that such an egg protects the house from fire, and the crop from hail.

First presenter. The egg also served as the main character of Easter entertainment.

Second leader. And now we invite you to take part in Easter fun. There are games with Easter eggs.

Easter egg relay game

On playground mark with a flag or skittles the place of start / finish and turn. The game is played by two teams. Each team gets a spoon and an egg. The task of the players is to run a distance, holding a spoon with an egg on an outstretched hand. The team that completes the distance faster and does not break the egg wins.

Game "Egg fights"

Each player on the team receives an egg. Players of opposing teams take places opposite. Then, on command, the players roll the eggs towards each other. The team with the most eggs left wins.

As a variant of the game, you can not roll eggs, but “clink glasses” with them.

A game " Egg shooting range»

For the game, prize targets are needed, which are located at some distance from the line from which the “shooting” will be conducted. Each player receives an egg, which must be rolled in the direction of the target. If the egg hits the target accurately, the player takes the prize.

Third leader. Jesus Christ suffered for our redemption from sins, died and rose again, having conquered death with his resurrection and granted us eternal life.

First leader. Many poems and songs were composed by the grateful people in memory of these events.

Second leader. We invite you to listen to some of them now.

The song "You redeemed the world from sin" sounds (Compilation of praise songs)

You redeemed the world from sin

You gave him love and light

He lit the extinct hearts and gave hope.

We stand before you

And everyone is dear to you

We thank you and praise you for everything!

Glory to you and greatness

Glory to the ages and nations!

Your strength is limitless

Your grace in all generations!

You took sin and disease,

Washed in your holy blood,

You gave us abundant life for freedom!

How faithful are your children,

We want to know the law of love,

For everything, father, we thank and exalt!

Third host. And now we invite you to the Easter feast. Please come to the table.

Participants of the holiday sit down at the tables.

First leader. Since ancient times, Easter cakes and Easter have been the main dishes at the Easter feast.

Second presenter. They also prepared an Easter lamb, the bones of which were not thrown away, but buried in the field to save the crop from hail.

Easter Service

Members: presenter, preacher, Jesus Christ, disciples, Peter, Judas, Thomas, high priests, Anna, soldiers, Magdalene, servants

Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem

Attributes and decorations: arch "Golden Gate", palm leaves and cloth

Leading: Rejoice with joy, daughter of Zion! Rejoice, daughter of Jerusalem; Behold, your King is coming to you, righteous and saving, and meek!

Song "Hosanna"

People: Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the Kingdom of our Father David coming in the name of the Lord!
(Jesus Christ enters the Golden Gate, passes through the hall and goes backstage)

Jewish Passover
The facilitator talks about what the Easter holiday means for the Jews, and reads out a passage from the Holy Scriptures - Exodus 12

christian easter
A Sermon on the Meaning of Passover in Our Time

Easter play
Attributes and decorations: ancient Jerusalem, Garden of Gethsemane, Temple with a Veil, Holy Sepulcher, crucifixion, costumes, quiet music, phonograms, candles, a dish, bread, bowls and vessels, a bag of coins, swords, a scroll, purple, a crown of thorns, a bloody dress, a cross

Jesus: Jerusalem, Jerusalem that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to you! How many times have I wanted to gather your children together, as a bird gathers her chicks under her wings, and you did not want to! And now your house is empty.
(students arrive)
Students: Teacher! Look what stones and what buildings!
Jesus: Everything you see will be destroyed, so there will be no stone left unturned here.

Leading: It was then the first day of unleavened bread.
Students: Teacher! Where do you order us to prepare the Passover for You?
Jesus: Go to the city; there you will meet a man carrying a pitcher of water; follow him, and where he enters, tell the owner of that house: The teacher says: My time is near, I will celebrate the Passover with you with My disciples.
Leading: The disciples did everything as Jesus commanded them and prepared the passover.
(The disciples prepare a meal, and Judas goes to the high priests)
Leading: Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests.
Judas: What will you give me for betraying Jesus?
Leading: They offered him thirty pieces of silver; and from that time Judas looked for an opportunity to betray Christ. The prophecy says: "And they will weigh thirty pieces of silver in payment to Me."

Leading: When evening came, Jesus lay down with the twelve disciples.
Jerusalem, Apostles, Christ...
Anxious night, a quiet threshold ...
Candles burned brightly, wax melted.
I was walking in the upper room at the Easter supper
Jesus: Truly I tell you that one of you will betray me.
Students: Isn't it me, Lord?
Jesus: He who dips his hand with Me in a dish, this one will betray Me; However, the Son of Man goes as it is written about Him, but woe to him who betrays Him, it would have been better for this man not to have been born.
Judas: Isn't it me, Rabbi? (dips the bread into the dish, Christ does the same)
Jesus: You said it yourself. (takes bread and a bowl, serves to the students) Take and eat: this is my body, which is broken for you. Drink, for this is the blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
But here is the Lord of earth and sky
He takes off his outer clothes
And meekly according to the customs of the earth
They, surprised, washes their feet.
Here He came to the traitor
No anger, no resentment, no reproach
And leaned low... and took
In confusion, the traitor looks cruel.
Teacher knowing that His hour has come,
That on this night of death He will be betrayed,
And he knew to whom He washed his feet,
But, as with everyone, he was meek and restrained ...
(Jesus washes the feet of the disciples)
Jesus: All of you will leave me this night, for it is written: "I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered."
Peter: Even if I died with You, even then I would not renounce You.
Students: Me too.
(Jesus and the music students go backstage, and Judas to the Temple)
Glittering West sparkles
Over the Judean land
With a transparent haze descends.
Calmly rising above the fields,
Consecrated by the sunset
There is a high Eleon
With fragrant gardens.
It's getting dark... Silence everywhere...
Here the lights of the night flared up,
And a bright full moon
Garden of Gethsemane illuminated.
(The disciples are sleeping, Jesus is praying, an angel appears and supports Christ)
And now the Savior again came to the disciples,
And in this wonderful moment
How truly great He was
What fire of inspiration
His beautiful face burned,
And so the Teacher said to the disciples:
Get up, the day of sorrow is near,
And the hour of betrayal has come.
And the sound of pointed swords
Garden of Gethsemane awakened,
And the glow of ominous torches
Illuminated the face of Judas.
(Soldiers enter with Judas and the high priest. Judas kisses Christ)
Judas: Rejoice, Ravi!
Jesus: Friend, what are you here for? Judas! Do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?
(Soldiers seize Christ. Peter cuts off the slave's ear with a sword, Christ heals him, the disciples run away)
Jesus: Leave enough, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. As if you came out against a robber with swords and spears to take Me! Every day I was with you in the Temple, and you did not raise your hands against me, but now is your time and the power of darkness.
(Soldiers take Christ backstage. Jesus changes clothes. Under escort, he approaches the high priest Anna)
They took him and brought him to the house of the high priest Anna. Peter followed him.
1 servant: And this one was with him
Peter: I do not know him
2 servant: And you are one of them.
Peter: No
3 servant: Exactly, and this one was with Him, for he is a Galilean.
Peter: I don't know what you're talking about!
(Phonogram with a rooster. Jesus looks at Peter, he runs away)
Anna: Are you the Christ? - tell us.
Jesus: If I tell you, you won't believe it. From now on, the Son of Man will sit at the right hand of the power of God.
Anna: Are you the Son of God?
Jesus: You say that I
Anna: What further evidence do we need, for we ourselves have heard this from His mouth?
Leading: In the morning the chief priests, with the elders and scribes, and the entire Sanhedrin, took him away and handed him over to Pilate.
Anna: He calls himself the King of the Jews.
Pilate: Are you the King of the Jews?
Jesus: You say
Anna: He stirs up the people, teaching throughout Judea, from Galilee to this place. He calls himself the Son of God. He is worthy of death according to our law and does not teach what God taught us. If He had not been a villain, we would not have betrayed Him to you.
Pilate: You don't answer anything? Do you see how many accusations against You?
Leading: On every holiday, Pilate released one prisoner. Then there was a certain man named Barabbas in bondage with his accomplices, who committed murders during the rebellion.
Anna: Release us one prisoner in honor of the holiday.
Pilate: Do you want me to release the King of the Jews to you?
Anna: Better let Barabbas go!
Pilate: What do you want me to do with the One you call King.
(Soundtrack "Crucify Him!" Pilate takes the scroll and throws it at the feet of Christ)
Leading: Pilate, wishing to please the people, released Barabbas to them, and having beaten Jesus, he betrayed him to be crucified.
(Soldiers dress Christ in purple, put a crown of thorns on his head, beat, spit, bow to Him, put a cross on His shoulders and lead backstage)
Leading: And the prophecy came true: I gave my back to those who strike, and my cheeks to those who strike; He did not hide My face from insults and spitting. He was tortured, but suffered voluntarily, and did not open his mouth; like a sheep was led to the slaughter, and like a lamb silent before its shearers, so he did not open his mouth."
(Soundtrack "Crucifixion". The curtain opens, the scenery "Crucifixion" is on the stage)
Leading: It was the third hour, and they crucified Jesus, and there was an inscription of His guilt: "King of the Jews." Two thieves were crucified with Him, one on His right, the other on His left. And the words of Scripture came true: "And he was numbered among the wicked."
(Lights go out, thunder, the veil in the temple is torn)
Noisy Jerusalem among the crowded streets and buildings.
The last hour has struck cruel tests.
The sudden gloom over him threatened with ominous darkness,
From the Golgotha ​​heights a voice was heard: "It is done!"
Having betrayed his spirit to the Father, the Lord bowed his head,
And the mystery of the heavens all around lit up.
The legend came true over the sinful earth.
Jerusalem trembled, and with it all Judea.
Everywhere darkness reigns, and the ancient walls of the stronghold have disintegrated;
Torn apart by a mysterious hand
The veil in that Temple, where the shrines were kept,
And You were already silent, Unearthly Sufferer.
Soldier: Truly, this Man was the Son of God.
(Curtain closes)
Leading: After all, Joseph of Arimothea, a disciple of Jesus, asked Pilate to remove the body of Jesus and bury it. The body was wrapped in linen with incense, as the Jews usually buried, and they laid it not far from Golgotha ​​in a new tomb.
(At the tomb of the Lord)
So the night above the valley brightly lit the stars.
But Magdalene could not leave Christ.
And frozen like a statue, hugging granite,
And the hard stone warmed from hot cheeks.
And eyes were raised to the sky, full of tears,
And waves of marvelous hair flowed over the stones.
Magdalene prayed, and her lips whispered,
How she loved Jesus Christ.
(Song and dance of the Magdalene at the tomb of the Lord. Jesus appears in a white robe)
Jesus:"Maria!" -
Leading: she suddenly heard
A familiar voice from an unfamiliar mouth
And a veil fell from her eyes,
Before her was the resurrected Jesus.
Maria:"Rabbi!" -
Leading: exclaiming in his joy
She runs to Him with praise to the Creator,
But he does not tell her to touch,
Until He ascended to the Father.
Mary hurries to Jerusalem
Brings good news to the Apostles:
"The Teacher lives! God's Son is eternal!
He is risen! He has truly risen!"
Students: Is the Savior alive? No, it can not be.
Thomas:"No, I do not believe, -
Leading: Thomas said to everyone, -
Jesus lay in the tomb for two days.
Can one pierced by a spear live?
I must first put my finger in
In that deep wound of Christ,
I can only believe in miracles."
Only he said these words,
The light shone, and Christ appeared.
Jesus:"Peace to you!" -
Leading: he said. I don't believe my eyes
They all froze in awe.
Do you see deep wounds on Me? -
Leading: affectionately He turned to Thomas.
Give me your finger and put it on them
Give me your hand and put it in my ribs
From now on, believe in me!"
Thomas: My God! My Lord! -
Leading: Thomas exclaimed.
Jesus: You believed because you saw Me; but blessed are they who have not seen, but have believed.
Festive day lights up the dawn,
The souls of the saved burn with joy.
The Lord is working miracles today.
Do you hear, the whole world is talking about Christ!
Kingdoms, peoples and all tribes.
The planet is full of the glory of the Lord.
Loudly, with delight sounds to heaven:
He is not in the tomb! He is alive! He is risen!

Easter readings and hymns

Glittering West sparkles
Over the Judean land
And on the neighborhood a sleepy evening
With a transparent haze descends.
Calmly rising above the fields,
Illuminated by the sunset
There is a high Eleon
With fragrant gardens.
Around his living pictures
Wonderful patterns shine:
Here crowned Jerusalem
Mountains with their buildings.
Ebal and Gerizim are far away,
To the east of the waters of the Jordan,
And the seas of dead beauty
Looking up at the sky through a dream
And there, in the west, far away
Azure Mediterranean waves
The mighty spill is fenced
Wide sandy shore...
It's getting dark... Silence everywhere...
Here the night lights flared up, -
And a bright full moon
Garden of Gethsemane illuminated.

Song "Twilight covered the Garden of Gethsemane"

And here is the Savior
Again came to the disciples,
And in this wonderful moment
How truly great He was
What fire of inspiration
His beautiful face burned!
How brightly the eyes reflected
All His firm will,
How they admired Him
Light of the pale midnight!...
And so the Teacher said to them:
"Get up, the day of sorrow is near,
And the hour of betrayal has come!"
And the sound of pointed swords
Garden of Gethsemane awakened,
And the glow of ominous torches
Illuminated the face of Judas.

By sunrise flew around
The capital is a terrible rumor:
He was caught, taken, - and thickened with her,
And the idle crowd grew
In front of Pilate's praetorium.

A mob howled in the square,
And mother heard in awe:
"Give us Barabbas, Barabbas!
And the Carpenter must be crucified!"
Crowd in angry faces
Pilate answered in anger.
"Well, I give you the killer,
In spirit he is your friend and brother."
The blows fell violently
On a crowned brow:
Hardened, they beat God
The enemies are sweeping and evil.
Not mercifully tore the body
Lead spikes.
Like the Lamb, without opening his mouth,
Christ suffering was silent.
And perjury, and torture,
And laughter, and scolding, and slander -
Ineffective attempts
Discredit Christ.
to pharisaical questions,
Not answering the executioners
Christ during interrogation
Precautiously silent.
Just think - they beat God!
And He is the beginning of all beginnings,
Chief of life and the living,
So condescendingly silent.

The song "You stand in purple"

Path to Golgotha ​​from Pilate's Palace
Was in drops of blood -
Here I went to the crucifixion
Christ with love.
Without tears, without complaints, in mute silence.
In the road dust
Walked like a lamb to the slaughter
On the cross the Son of God.
Only Begotten Son of the King of the Universe
Spat upon by the crowd!
He accepted everything with meekness, humility
And he was calm.

Song "Along the Via Dala Rossa"

A sharp sting touched the palm,
The blow of a hammer merged with a groan,
Splattered blood - and excruciating pain
The heart was flooded with fire.
Hands have already been nailed to the tree of the cross,
Silently at the feet of the hammer pounded,
Warriors greedily shared clothes,
Some of them have already cast lots...
They raised the cross, and hung doomed
King of the Jews Jesus of Nazareth...
Soft blue chiton fabric
Drenched in blood in the hands of the executioners.
Only not anger was in response and not revenge.
This Blood was shed for redemption!
Forgiveness sounded meekly over the world,
And embraced the planet love!

Song "On a distant hill 2000 years ago"

The night has come: everyone was waiting for a miracle,
A black cross loomed before them,
Kamenev's gloomy heap
Shining under the twinkling stars.
Sad women sigh,
Men's gloomy words, -
Silence could not be broken
They subsided, barely speaking.
The crucified gaze directed to the sky
And, as if suddenly deprived of strength,
"Father! Why did you leave me!"
He screamed with a terrible voice.
And a Roman warrior burning vinegar
He stretched out a sixth on the sponge.
Having tasted it, He cast his gaze from the steep,
"It's done!" - said later.
Everything was quiet. The sky is black.
Silent hill. In the silence
He bowed his head meekly
He bowed his head and walked away.

Slain by the Lamb, and by the Blood of the Holy
The whole universe is sprinkled...
He paid for sins with Himself -
Great redemption price!

Song "We are sinful"

Golgotha ​​was deserted by night.
Blue in the valley acrid smoke.
Christ's lifeless body
The compassionate Nicodemus took it.
Mary cried all night
And she thought over and over:
"He is my Savior, my Messiah,
Why didn't you save yourself?"
The shiver ran to chills,
And fear took over my soul
But the women went to the coffin
With one thought.
"Who will roll away this stone for us,
A heavy stone of a hundred pounds?
The glow of dawn flowed
To the sound of bird voices.
They came, but what a miracle
The stone is rolled away, there are no guards.
To know could not hold the grave
The one who is life, love and light.

The song "Hallelujah!"

No wonder Christ ascended the mountain with a cross,
Not in vain before the angels He was belittled,
Not in vain before Anna at night
The slap was boldly endowed.
No wonder there was a meeting that morning,
When they decided: "He will be crucified!"
It was not in vain that evil deeds were done to Him,
And He was humbled by Herod.
It was not in vain that he walked humbly with the cross,
And the last cry was not in vain.
Crucified with villains shamefully,
He washed away our shame with His blood.
For all the sick, the outcast, the unfortunate
He became the author of salvation,
All the weight of the world and terrible sins,
Like a lamb, meekly took it upon Himself.
No wonder Christ endured shame and torment,
And he drank the bitter cup to the end.
For the sin of the people His hands were pierced,
For you and me the blood flowed from the face.

Song "Oh Jesus, I Believe You Came Down"

Christ is risen! Risen Messiah!
The crucified on the cross is risen!
The holy words resound
As if from heaven.
Christ is risen! Love, forgiveness
He proclaimed to the whole world;
And He died for us in torment,
And on Sunday trampled down death.
Christ is risen! Today, brothers
Let's forget ourselves in our hearts
Let's open brotherly arms
For neighbors, believing and loving!

The song "Christ is risen!"

Role Holiday Readings

Characters: Peter, Judas, Pilate, Mary (mother of Jesus), Soldier, Mary Magdalene, Thomas, leader

(Heroes take turns entering the stage with lit candles, to the music)

We followed Jesus everywhere, saw all the miracles He did. His sermons reached the very depths of people's hearts. Much was not understood, but they were filled with great love.
No one then knew that at the last supper Jesus spoke about His quick, terrible death.
(A phonogram of the voice of Christ sounds: "This bread is My body, which is given for you. Do everything in My remembrance. This cup is a new covenant in My Blood, which is shed for you")
As we ate, He looked into my eyes and said:
(A phonogram of the voice of Christ sounds: "I tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow today, how will you deny me three times...")
These words sounded with such bitterness, but I was indignant.
Then we went to Gethsemane. There He was taken by the chief priests. Hiding behind the trees, I secretly followed them. Pain and fear filled my heart when I saw with my own eyes how Christ was beaten. Suddenly they started recognizing me. Out of fear, I answered everyone that I did not know Jesus. And suddenly the Rooster crowed. The gaze of the Lord pierced me to the bone. God, only then did I remember Master's words. I was very ashamed, tears of repentance flowed from my eyes.

(A phonogram of the voice of Christ sounds: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me; for He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor, and sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, to the blind sight, to set the tormented free, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord").
Why did I betray the Master? Most likely, I was disappointed in Him. He talked so much about liberation, about the kingdom. All these conversations did not fit in my head. I was waiting for that long-awaited hour that would free the people of Israel from Roman oppression. And every day my hope is shattered. My patience came to an end, and I decided to commit betrayal.
I don’t know how Jesus knew about this, but His eyes did not express hatred, but shone with love and tenderness. And there, in the Garden of Gethsemane, I kissed the Master for the last time.
(A phonogram of the voice of Christ sounds: "Judas! Do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?").
I lowered my eyes. My heart already condemned me, but pride got the better of me. An inner voice kept repeating: "Because of you, an innocent person is dying ..." I was ashamed, I was tormented by remorse. The Lord left me. I punished myself for this betrayal.

One early morning a man was brought to me. He had a pitiful appearance: torn clothes, blood flowed from numerous wounds. There were many accusations against Him. The elders insisted on death. Deep down, I didn't believe them. I felt sorry for this meek and silent man. I will always remember His eyes, calm and resolute. I tried to save Jesus from death, but the people insisted. I was surprised when the people demanded the release of the murderer and rebel Barabbas. There was only one question in my head: “What should I do?”. The crowd roared so loudly that I was scared. After some deliberation, I signed the death warrant, betraying Jesus to be crucified.

Mary (mother of Jesus)
How hard it is for me to remember that terrible day. How many tears I shed. My son was walking down the street with a heavy cross on his shoulders. The crowd pressed him, followed by curses and curses. "Son! Son!" I could only whisper. People were like wild animals; and if not for the soldiers, they would have torn Jesus to pieces.
There was fog in my eyes. I did not notice how the procession approached Golgotha. The ringing of nails, the blow of a hammer, the groans ... Oh, the horror! "My son! Why? People come to your senses!" And for a long time I remembered the words of Jesus:
(A phonogram of the voice of Christ sounds: "Father! Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing!").

How often have I seen executions like this. And everything seemed to go on as usual, however, the crowd of people was too huge, and sometimes it was necessary to drive it away from the condemned. I could not understand why this gentle-looking man was condemned, because He did not commit any lawlessness. And then everything was as always ...
Some time passed, and suddenly the sun went dark, and darkness fell over the whole earth. Panic set in. Fear and admiration filled me. Yes, I was scared, but at the same time I admired this man. I did not understand everything that was happening, and I said: "Truly, this Man is the Son of God!"

Mary Magdalene
I could not come to terms with the death of the dearest and closest person to me. Jesus was everything to me: my life, my salvation, my hope... I loved Him with all my heart.
I stayed at the tomb where they laid the lifeless body of Jesus. There were no more tears left, my strength left me, I fell on the grass. Suddenly someone called me:
(A phonogram of the voice of Christ sounds: "Mary!").
I raised my head, but I didn't see anyone. "Probably the gardener," I thought. But suddenly:
(A phonogram of the voice of Christ sounds: "Mary!").
The voice sounded familiar to me. "Am I going crazy?" I turned around: "Rabbi! Rabbi!" my lips whispered. He stood behind a tree, all dressed in snow-white clothes. I didn't believe my eyes. I closed them and opened them again, but Teacher did not disappear. Happiness and joy then filled my heart, a new hope was kindled in me.

"Maria, what are you saying? Alive? Resurrected? You, like a little child, believe in fairy tales?" I answered Mary when she ran into the room. "How can you believe such crazy words?"
Suddenly, to my surprise, I saw a man. He was dressed in white shining clothes. How He appeared, I still do not understand. He took off his cloak, and everyone saw Jesus Christ. His first words were:
(A phonogram of the voice of Christ sounds: "Peace be with you!").
But even then I still did not believe. Then Master took my hand and put it in His ribs:
(A phonogram of the voice of Christ sounds: "Thomas! It's me! I'm alive!").
And we hugged tightly. O miracle! Glory to the Almighty!

Just as at that distant time people treated Christ, His death, and resurrection in different ways, so the same thing happens today. And sometimes we crucify Him anew with our sins, driving the nails of unbelief into His holy hands and feet. Stop people and look at the cross!

Easter poems of the classics

Apollon Nikolaevich Maykov (1821 - 1897)

Christ is risen!

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing
Of all the churches, the people bring down.
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And the nearby forest is greener ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The earth is waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Lidia Alekseevna Charskaya (1875 - 1937)

Christ is risen

Earth and sun
Fields and forest -
All praise God
Christ is risen!

In the smile of blue
living skies
All the same joy
Christ is risen!

The enmity is gone
And the fear is gone.
No more malice
Christ is risen!

How wonderful the sounds
holy words,
in which you hear:
Christ is risen!

Earth and sun
Fields and forest -
All praise God
Christ is risen!

Wilhelm Karlovich Küchelbecker (1797- 1846)

Resurrection of Christ

My soul, rejoice and sing
Heiress of Heaven:
Christ is risen, your Savior
Truly risen!

So! Hell before the Strong was exhausted:
From coffin chains
From the night of the death of the Son of God
And raised you up with Him.

From the light of the eternal Lord
Descended into the dwelling of darkness,
Clothed in dust, dressed in flesh -
May we not die!

Unspeakable love
All sacraments height!
For us His holy blood
He shed from the cross.

With the purest of His blood
He has redeemed us fallen ones
From torment and coffin, from nets
And the powers of the dark forces.

Christ is risen,
My Savior is truly risen.
Rejoice soul; He is in front of you
Opened the gates of heaven!

Princess Elena Sergeevna Gorchakova (1824 - 1897)

Resurrection of Christ

On Easter day, joyfully playing,
The lark flew high
And in the blue sky, disappearing,
He sang the song of resurrection.

And that song was loudly repeated
And the steppe, and the hill, and the dark forest.
"Wake up, earth," they said,
Wake up: Your King, your God is risen!

Wake up, mountains, valleys, rivers,
Praise the Lord from Heaven.
He conquered death forever -
Wake up and you, green forest.

Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,
Violet - bloom again
And send up a fragrant hymn to Tom,
Whose commandment is love.

Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov (1858 - 1915)

Thank You, Risen One

Thank you, the Risen One!
The night has passed and a new dawn
Let the world be renewed
In the hearts of people love grief.

Praise the Lord from Heaven
And sing incessantly:
The world is filled with His miracles
And glory unspeakable.

Praise the Host of the Incorporeal Forces
And angelic faces:
From the darkness of mournful graves
The light shone great.

Praise the Lord from Heaven
Hills, cliffs, mountains!
Hosanna! The fear of death is gone
Our eyes light up.

Praise God, the sea is far
And the ocean is endless!
Let all sorrow be silenced
And hopeless murmur!

Praise the Lord from Heaven
And praise, people!
Risen Christ! Christ is risen!
And trampled death forever!

Apollon Apollonovich Corinthian (1868 - 1937)

holy news

Luminous spring -
During the day and at the late hour of the night -
Many songs are distributed
Above the native side.

Lots of wonderful sounds
Many prophetic voices -
Over the fields, over the meadows,
In the semi-darkness of dense forests.

Many sounds, many songs, -
But most heard from heaven
The holy news is distributed
Song-news - "Christ is Risen! .."

Leaving your shelter
Above the resurrected earth
Choirs of angels sing;
They echo the angelic stump

Your icy chains
Spilling into space
White streams...
There is an old legend

What in spring sometimes -
At the time when the stars twinkle
Midnight game -
Even the very graves
To the holy hello of heaven
They respond with the words:
“He is truly risen!”

Vasily Borisovich Bazhanov (1800 - 1883)

Holy holiday

How easy is my soul!
The heart is full of tenderness!
All worries and doubts
Fly away!
The world fills my soul
Joy shines in the eyes
And as if in heaven
The sun is shining brighter...
People are brothers! Has come
Great day, day of salvation!
Bright holiday Sunday
God of truth, God of strength!…
Away from us enmity and malice!
Let's forget everything! We'll forgive everyone!
Let's honor reconciliation
Day of the Risen from the grave!
He did not rage, did not take revenge, -
But with fatherly love
By His all-honored blood
He washed the unworthy of us ...
He is risen! - the time will come
Sundays for us...
We do not know this time...
Why don't we throw off the burden of sins?
Why don't we think about
With what in the moment of rebirth
From nothingness and decay,
Will we stand before Christ?...
He is risen! abode of paradise
Reopened to the public...
But there is one way to get there:
Life is sinless, holy!

Easter is called "Holidays Feast". Indeed, on this day, Christians celebrate the greatest event - the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Now, when many churches have opened in Russia and many people profess Christianity, the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord is celebrated on a grand scale. In fact, Easter is celebrated even by those who have not yet decided on their attitude to religion. Therefore, it is necessary that children know about this date and understand the meaning of the celebration.

How to tell children about Easter?

In Orthodox families, children from an early age know about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and visit the church for the festive liturgy. But, along with them, there are guys who do not understand the meaning of the holiday or do not understand it well enough.

First of all, the purpose of holding an event in a kindergarten or school is informing children about the history of the holiday, about its meaning, about the traditions associated with Easter in our country and abroad. The organizers also aim to educational tasks, instilling in children such qualities as the ability to empathize, attentiveness to loved ones, friendliness.

It is most convenient to solve all these problems in a children's team using various scenes. When preparing an event, it should be remembered that Easter is a religious holiday. Care must be taken not to offend the feelings of believers, to avoid inaccuracies and excessive simplification that distorts the meaning of events. Also, one should not introduce characters depicting Jesus Christ and the Mother of God into the scenes: this is not accepted and can be perceived by the Orthodox present as a profanity. At Christmas, for example, it was customary to show a nativity scene in which to show scenes related to the birth of Jesus. In them, Jesus and His Mother were not depicted by people or dolls, but by an icon of a suitable size.

You should not get carried away with props and costumes if it represents technical complexity. But it is necessary to use any attributes that symbolize the essence of the holiday or are associated with traditions. For example, you can bring icons depicting the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem and the Resurrection of the Lord, reproductions of paintings, turn on church music.

It is difficult to imagine the celebration of Easter without traditional treats. Probably, it is necessary to prepare Easter cakes, colored eggs, various goodies for this event.

In the design of the room, it is worth using images of eggs, flowers, birds, red ribbons and fabrics, religious symbols. Women can wear red scarves on their heads, and girls can wear red ribbons.

Sometimes it can be difficult to strike a balance between the religious meaning of the holiday that needs to be highlighted and the secular nature of the children's institution in which the event will take place, but this must be strived for.

Easter Scenarios for Children

In the gospel events preceding the Resurrection, there is a lot of terrible and tragic. Apparently, you shouldn't talk about it at the party. So, it makes sense to depict in the scenes one of the following plots:

  1. history of Passover (Exodus of the Jews from Egypt);
  2. the conversation of the myrrh-bearing women with an angel;
  3. dialogue between Mary Magdalene and Tiberius;
  4. conversation modern people about history and modernity, traditions, the meaning of the holiday.

We offer a sketch for children 5-7 years old on the fourth topic.

Characters: Mom, Sonya, Olya

(Mom and Sonya are painting eggs. Olya enters)

Olya Hello. Will Sonya go for a walk?

Sonya Hello!

Mother Hello Olya. No, she is busy now: we are painting eggs for Easter. And then we will go to the church to take out the Shroud.

Olya Why are you coloring? And what is the Shroud?

Sonya Don't you and your family celebrate Easter?

Olya Yes, we will buy a cake for tea. But I don't understand what kind of holiday it is.

Mother But sit down, Olenka, and we'll tell you.

(Olya sits down)

Mother When the Lord Jesus Christ came to Jerusalem, many people rejoiced because He healed the sick and taught how to live according to conscience. But there were also evil people who did not like the words of Christ. They decided to kill him.

Olya Oh, did they succeed?

Mother Yes. The betrayer Judas led the guards to where Jesus was. The Lord was beaten and then condemned to death.

Sonya He was executed on Friday, today in the church they will just remember how Jesus Christ was buried in a cave, wrapped in a shroud (such a fabric) and filled up the entrance with a huge stone. And in the church, the Shroud is an embroidered icon depicting Jesus Christ.

Olya I feel very sorry for him.

Mother Of course, it's a pity. But the Lord said that He would rise on the third day. And so it happened. When the women came to weep over Jesus, they saw that the stone had been thrown away from the entrance to the cave. An angel took him away. He told the women that Jesus had risen. And soon the women themselves saw the living Lord.

Olya They must have been very happy!

Sonya Still would! And we are all happy. In honor of this event, we celebrate Easter. We say to everyone: “Christ is risen!” And the answer must be: “Truly Risen!”

Mother For this holiday, we are preparing a treat: colored eggs, Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter.

Sonya At night we will go to church, and in the morning we will break the fast, that is, we will eat delicious food after fasting. And then we'll play.

Olya How to play?

Sonya We will roll eggs down the hill: whoever rolls further. We will fight with eggs: who will not break longer. We will spin them: who will scroll longer.

Olya Oh, how interesting! And can I come to you?

Mother Of course, Olya, come, we will be very happy!
