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What problems are encountered when painting a wooden egg. Simple techniques for painting Easter eggs. Easter egg painting

Shusharkina Ksenia Andreevna

Project work by a student of Shusharkina Xenia.
Painting Easter eggs.

« Expensive egg for Christ's day, ”says the well-known Russian proverb Easter eggs are specially painted eggs that are given to each other for Easter. However, when watching the news, I heard how they are called either “krashenka”, then “pysanky”, or even “galunky”. And I had a question “Why is this happening?”. And I decided to find an answer to it. (slide 2)

Here's what I managed to find out. Easter eggs are an attribute of one of the main religious holidays of Christians - the day of commemoration of the "miraculous Resurrection" of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. Symbol Easter a long time ago was an egg. Giving each other Easter eggs, Christians profess faith in their Resurrection. So what are the main types of eggs that are given for Easter?

Krashenka- the well-known testicle, which is boiled and painted in different colors. This is done for Easter and Seeing. Krashenki appeared in church festivities in the Middle Ages. They were consecrated, after which they were considered a holy gift. (slide 3).

Krapanka- This is another type of painted testicle. It was done like this. The egg was dyed some color. And then they lit a wax candle, and dripped wax on the testicle. It froze, and the egg was dipped in a different color. There could be any number of flowers. (slide 4)

Malevanka is a more complex type. This technique also uses wax and special brushes. Or just brushes with which the testicle was painted. A woman or children (which also often happened) painted whatever they wanted on the testicle (slide 5)

Dryapanka- this is a testicle that is scratched, thus applying an ornament on a single-color paint. They usually scratch with a metal point. (slide 6)

Pysanka- the most complex and most ancient type of painting. Patterns and ornaments were strictly passed down from generation to generation. Easter eggs are amulets. The main colors of the pysanka ornament

The art of pysanka is accessible to everyone. If you want to master it, stock up necessary materials. Chicken eggs are not a problem, they are always in the house. You will also need: food coloring for dyeing Easter eggs, beeswax, a household paraffin candle (unpainted and odorless), matches, a soft simple pencil, napkins and a brush - a tool for applying hot wax to the egg shell. Dilute the dyes with hot water, add vinegar - the paint is ready. And you can create! What only ornaments and symbols were not applied to the eggs! In my report you can read about their meanings! (slide 8)

In the past, in the manufacture of all types of painted eggs, vegetable dyes were used - a decoction of oak and apple bark, alder branches, onion husks, water lilies, green rye, nettle roots. See how you can achieve certain colors! (slide 9)

Now food coloring can be bought at any store. Here are some options for working with Easter eggs. (slides 10-14)

In the course of my work, I studied the literature on the history of egg painting, got acquainted with the technique and types of painting work, conducted an oral survey of third-grade students, and revealed the presence of interest in the topic I was studying. After acquiring knowledge about painting eggs, I became so interested in this topic that, together with the teacher, I wrote an approximate work program for the school circle "Painting from the Heart", which I plan to use in the next academic year. The purpose of our program: development of the student's personality creativity and individual talents through the arts and crafts of painting. - the development of the creative individuality of everyone, the motivation for independent creativity. To this end, children are introduced to the history of the development of the craft, creative works folk craftsmen. On the example of these works and the works of the teacher, students first imitate, copy, and then they themselves make up their own ornaments and compositions. Pupils bring something of their own, personal, reflect their own vision to each work.

I also developed a catalog with my work on painting Easter eggs, which you will find in the appendix to my work. And she found for herself the answer to the main question of her research “Why are Easter eggs called differently?”. Because the technique of their painting is different. And the meaning is also different. According to the data collected in the course of an oral survey of children and a conversation with the teaching staff, as well as studies of special literature, I can conclude that painting Easter eggs is a very relevant and interesting topic. My opinion is in line with this conclusion. I learned a lot, and now I'm not going to stop there. It is possible that when I grow up, I will become an egg painter and teach this beautiful art to other people.

Thank you for your attention!



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Slides captions:

Shusharkina Ksenia "Painting Easter eggs"

Why are Easter eggs named differently? Krapanka Krashenka Malevanka Dryapanka Pysanka





Thank you for your attention!


Presentation report. Shusharkina Ksenia.

Hello! My name is Ksenia, I am a student of the 3B class of school No. 53. I'm glad to see you all here! Topic of my reportEaster Egg Painting. (1 slide) "Expensive testicle for Christ's day ”- this is the famous Russian proverbEaster eggs are specially painted eggs that are given to each other for Easter. However, when watching the news, I heard how they are called either “krashenka”, then “pysanky”, or even “galunki”». And I had a question “Why is this happening?”. And I decided to find an answer to it. (slide 2)

Here's what I managed to find out.Easter eggsare an attribute of one of the main religious holidays of Christians - the day of commemoration of the "miraculous Resurrection" of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. Symbol Easter a long time ago was an egg. Giving each other Easter eggs, Christians profess faith in their Resurrection. So what are the main types of eggs that are given for Easter?

Krashenka - the well-known testicle, which is boiled and painted in different colors. This is done for Easter and Seeing. Krashenki appeared in church festivities in the Middle Ages. They were consecrated, after which they were considered a holy gift. (slide 3).

Krapanka - This is another type of painted testicle. It was done like this. The egg was dyed some color. And then they lit a wax candle, and dripped wax on the testicle. It froze, and the egg was dipped in a different color. There could be any number of flowers. (slide 4)

Malevanka is a more complex type. This technique also uses wax and special brushes. Or just brushes with which the testicle was painted. A woman or children (which also often happened) painted whatever they wanted on the testicle (slide 5)

Dryapanka - this is a testicle that is scratched, thus applying an ornament on a single-color paint. They usually scratch with a metal point. (slide 6)

Pysanka - the most complex and most ancient type of painting. Patterns and ornaments were strictly passed down from generation to generation. Easter eggs are amulets. The main colors of the pysanka ornament- white, yellow, red and black. (slide 7)

The art of pysanka is accessible to everyone. If you want to master it, stock up on the necessary materials. Chicken eggs are not a problem, they are always in the house. And you will also need: food coloring for dyeing Easter eggs, beeswax, a household paraffin candle (unpainted and odorless), matches, a soft simple pencil, napkins and a brush - a tool for applying hot wax to the egg shell. Dilute the dyes with hot water, add vinegar - the paint is ready. And you can create! What only ornaments and symbols were not applied to the eggs! In my report you can read about their meanings! (slide 8)

In the past, in the manufacture of all types of painted eggs, vegetable dyes were used - a decoction of oak and apple bark, alder branches, onion husks, water lilies, green rye, nettle roots. See how you can achieve certain colors! (slide 9)

Now food coloring can be bought at any store. Here are some options for working with Easter eggs. (slides 10-14)

In the course of my work, I studied the literature on the history of egg painting, got acquainted with the technique and types of painting work, conducted an oral survey of third-grade students, and revealed the presence of interest in the topic I was studying. After acquiring knowledge about painting eggs, I became so interested in this topic that, together with the teacher, I wrote an approximate work program for the school circle "Painting from the Heart", which I plan to use in the next academic year.The purpose of our program:development of the student's personality, his creative abilities and individual talents through the arts and crafts of painting.The basic principle of student learning- the development of the creative individuality of everyone, the motivation for independent creativity. To this end, children are introduced to the history of the development of the craft, the creative works of folk craftsmen. On the example of these works and the works of the teacher, students first imitate, copy, and then they themselves make up their own ornaments and compositions. Pupils bring something of their own, personal, reflect their own vision to each work.

I also developed a catalog with my work on painting Easter eggs, which you will find in the appendix to my work. And she found for herself the answer to the main question of her research “Why are Easter eggs called differently?”. Because the technique of their painting is different. And the meaning is also different. According to the data collected in the course of an oral survey of children and a conversation with the teaching staff, as well as studies of special literature, I can conclude that painting Easter eggs is a very relevant and interesting topic. My opinion is in line with this conclusion. I learned a lot, and now I'm not going to stop there. It is possible that when I grow up, I will become an egg painter and teach this beautiful art to other people.

Thank you for your attention! I will be glad to answer your questions!
(after the question was asked) we say - Thank you for the question! (and then we answer it).


The symbols of the Easter table, in addition to the traditional Easter cake, are, of course, eggs painted for the holiday. You can decorate Easter eggs in an original way using simple painting techniques that are available not only to adults, but also to children. We willingly share with readers the secrets of craftsmanship.

In order to paint Easter eggs, it is not at all necessary to master the brush. In addition to traditional painting with an artistic brush, there are simpler techniques, in some of which this tool is not needed at all. Consider the most popular of them.

Tychkovy painting

To paint Easter eggs using this technique, you will need:

  • cotton buds (poke);
  • acrylic paints;
  • brushes;
  • sponge;
  • cotton pads;
  • sunflower oil or furniture varnish.


1. Boil a hard-boiled egg, dry and cool it. If you want to make a real Easter souvenir, carefully remove the contents of the raw egg through the small holes in the bottom and top and paint the dried shell.

2. Using a foam sponge, cover the entire surface of the egg with white acrylic paint. Dry for a few minutes. If the coating is not thick enough, apply another layer.

3. Start painting the Easter egg. We suggest you decorate the shell with clusters of mountain ash. Dip a poke (cotton bud) in red paint and, applying it with perpendicular movements to the shell, draw 10-15 large berries that form a bunch.

4. The second element of our painting of Easter eggs will be rowan leaves. First, using a cotton swab, draw lines with green paint - the base of the leaves. To revive the painting, apply a more saturated stroke with a thin brush to each green line.

5. Yellow strokes made on the leaves with a thin brush will enliven the painting even more and make it more voluminous.

6. Draw highlights of light on the berries and leaves by applying a few white strokes with a brush or cotton swab.

7. To create contrast, add a few black dots at the base of the berries.

8. After the painting on the Easter egg dries, cover it with furniture varnish. A boiled egg can be treated for shine with vegetable oil using a cotton pad.

Easter egg painting with wax

Easter eggs painted with wax are called Easter eggs. This technique is traditionally popular in Ukraine and allows you to create both simple souvenirs and genuine artistic masterpieces.

To paint eggs using wax technique, you will need:

  • a raw egg;
  • pisachok - a device for applying hot wax to the shell. You can make your own pisachok by twisting a small piece of foil into a funnel and attaching it to a wooden stick. Wax is placed in the foil, heated over the flame to a liquid state and applied to the shell through the hole in the funnel;
  • candle;
  • vinegar;
  • cotton pads.


1. From a raw egg at room temperature (not cold!) Remove the contents through small holes from the bottom and top. Wipe the shell with a cotton pad soaked in vinegar.

2. Prepare egg dye - it can be natural or artificial dye.

4. Immerse the pen in the melted wax and heat the contents of the funnel again over the flame.

5. Apply the wax pattern by rotating the egg without moving the pen.

6. After the wax has hardened, dip the egg into the dye and let the paint dry.

7. While heating the wax painting over the flame of a candle, gradually remove the wax trace from the surface of the shell with a woolen cloth. The places that have been waxed will remain unpainted, and you will get a light ornament on a colored background.

Working with a scribe

The traditional color of Easter eggs is red.

Easter egg is a model of the world, so eggs are often painted with belts
(heaven, earth and underworld) and draw animals and plants on them

On the painting - birds, flowers and ornaments with waves

Variety of colors and styles

And this is how Lusatian wax painting of Easter eggs looks like

Easter egg painting engraved

Easter eggs painted in this original technique are called “shkryabanks”. To create a painting-engraving you will need:

  • chicken, duck or ostrich egg, cleaned of the contents;
  • a sharp and thin engraving tool, for example, a clerical knife;
  • paint for Easter eggs.


1. Dye the eggs in the chosen color using natural or artificial dye.

2. Dry the shell for a day so that the dye hardens well.

3. Use a sharp tool to "scrape" the eggshell selected ornament (you can use a stencil).

Modern shkryabanks

Even a simple skryabana can be masterfully performed

Ornaments for painting eggs

Browse through our selection of Easter egg ornaments - perhaps one of them will inspire you to experiment.

A simple pattern for poke painting and traditional solstice painting

traditional painting

Ornament "Intercessor"

By the way, you can decorate not only ordinary chicken eggs, but also wooden models- they will definitely not crack, and a particularly beautiful pattern can be preserved for years.

If it is customary in your family to exchange Easter souvenirs, make Easter eggs from beads.

"The egg is a wonderful symbol, the oldest pagan symbol of the resurrection from the dead: the egg looks like a dead stone, smooth, motionless, but life beats in it, an amazing miracle is hidden in it. Long before the birth of Christ, the egg symbolized the Universe. In Christianity, the egg acquired a new meaning and became a symbol of the Resurrection, a symbol of Easter, the birth of a new world through the Resurrection of Christ.The red color of the egg marks the joy of the rebirth of the human race.This is the color of the blood of Christ shed on the cross, which atoned for all the sins of the world.


Krashenki- from the word to paint. You can color eggs in different ways.
Some housewives boil hard-boiled eggs, and then immerse them in a solution of warm water with food coloring, which can be bought at the store, for 10-15 minutes.
Other housewives like to paint eggs in a decoction of onion husks. To do this, raw eggs are placed in a pot of water, onion husks are added and boiled for 15-20 minutes until the eggs get the desired color.
And earlier eggs were dyed in a special way: they were wrapped with dry leaves of oak, birch, nettle, tied with thread and boiled. It turned out beautiful "marble" eggs.


For drapanki it is better to take brown eggs. The shell of such eggs is stronger than white ones.
First, the eggs are boiled, then painted in some darker color, then dried. The pattern is applied to the shell with a sharp object - a knife, an awl, scissors, a thick needle, a clerical knife. But before scratching out the pattern, it must be applied to the egg with a sharp pencil. During operation, the egg is held in the left hand, and a sharp object in the right.
The openwork pattern on the drape looks good on brown or other dark paint.
The drawing on the drape can be anything, in contrast to the pysanka with its strictly traditional geometric patterns. With the tip of a clerical knife, we scratch the contours of the picture. To create shades inside the contours, we scratch the pattern not with the tip, but with the entire surface of the knife blade. Erase the pencil sketch with an eraser. The drawing is ready. For shine, you can wipe the egg with a cotton swab with a drop of oil.


Krapanki- from the Ukrainian word "scribble", that is, to cover with drops.
First, the egg is painted with one color, then, when it dries and cools, drops of hot wax are applied to it.
As soon as the wax has cooled, the egg is placed in a solution of a different color.
After the paint has dried, the egg is dipped in hot water.
The wax melts and a very funny egg comes out.
Wax can be gently scraped off.


Pysanky These are elaborately painted Easter eggs. Ukrainian Easter eggs are real works of folk art.
For the drawing of Easter eggs, elements of the plant and animal world, geometric shapes are used. Each region of Ukraine had its own characteristic ornament and color. In the Carpathian region, eggs were dyed yellow, red and black, in the Chernihiv region - in red, black and white, in the Poltava region - in yellow, light green, white.
Pysanka was not drawn, not painted, but written on cheese chicken egg. Every line on a Easter egg is an arc. The arcs form circles and ovals and, intersecting, divide the surface of the egg into fields, the name of which is the baptismal pisanka.
Easter eggs were supposed to be painted with the first strike of the bell. First, the egg was dipped in yellow paint - “apple tree”, and kept in it for three “otchenash”. Each color of the pattern was protected with wax. By the end of the work, the eggs turned into black gloomy koloboks. They were dipped in hot water or brought to the fire. The wax melted, and the pysanka was born, just as the sun is born from the blackness of the night.
To make the pysanka shine, it was smeared with fat. They put it with a whisk around the Easter cake - for God, on a dish with grain - for people, and krashenka on sprouted oats - for parents. And three candles burned in honor of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Currently, the art of painting Easter eggs is being revived. Forgotten equipment is restored, new masters appear. In the city of Kolomiya, Ivano-Frankivsk region, a museum of pysanka was created.


Malevanka- an egg painted with its own invented pattern.
They do not carry a symbolic meaning, they can be signed with paint (and not with wax).
The name "malevanki" came from the word to paint, Easter eggs are painted with invented patterns using paints.
Artists, painting Easter eggs, often, in addition to patterns, draw plot pictures, flowers, landscapes, landscapes.


yaychata- eggs carved from wood and stone, made from porcelain and clay were made in Russia in the 13th century.
Later, eggs began to be decorated with beads, lace, knitting, etc.

Photo: Internet, Text: based on materials from numerous Internet resources and the site

Pysanky, krapanki, krashanki are eggs painted for Easter different ways. Modern housewives usually just boil eggs in food coloring and use special films with patterns, when boiling water gets on them, they tightly envelop the egg. In this article, we will look at the ancient traditions of painting Easter eggs with our own hands, a master class on painting wooden blanks with paints is attached.

We draw with wax

To start painting eggs with hot wax, you need to prepare materials and tools, as well as come up with a pattern design. Basically, pysanky are raw eggs painted with lines and abstract patterns. Sometimes the contents of the egg are blown out of the holes.

So, for work, we need eggs, wax or paraffin candles, napkins, food coloring, pre-diluted in water, and a scribe tool, which is sold in needlework stores. It is a metal funnel with a handle.

Wax is put into this funnel and melted over the fire of a candle. Actually, in this way we will apply the pattern with wax from this watering can.

Eggs need to be washed, dried and wiped with alcohol on the surface, each time we heat the watering can, because the wax tends to cool quickly.

After drawing the main lines, we lower the egg into one of the colors, take it out after a couple of minutes and continue to apply additional patterns. And again we lower it into the paint, but of a different color.

In order for the drawing to now manifest itself, you need to hold the egg over the flame of a candle and wipe it with a napkin.

Another way to color eggs for Easter is with colored wax crayons. You can buy them at stationery store. Crayons are melted in metal containers and colored pictures are applied with an inverted needle or other stick.

Continuous lines are unlikely to work out, but it is quite possible to make petals and spikelets with dot painting.

If you are using empty eggs, satin thin ribbons can be threaded through the holes at the bottom and top, and now they can be hung or rolled into beautiful bows. Although, in fact, Easter eggs can be boiled, dyed and then painted.

Easter souvenirs

Coloring eggs is a fun creative activity for kids. kindergarten, as well as at home. For novice artists, you can paint with gouache paints, and after emptying the eggs. To do this, a hole is made in the upper and lower parts with an awl and the contents are blown out; if desired, the holes can be sealed with a small piece of masking tape or covered with dough. Or if you have a medical syringe, then use it to get the contents. You can draw on the eggs.

To work with drawings, you can connect markers and felt-tip pens, for contouring.

Experienced craftsmen also paint wooden eggs, original souvenir eggs are created with acrylic paints, which can be given to loved ones or sold.

We will consider the painting technique in detail using the example of one of the works.

Step 1. Prepare materials and tools.

We will need - harvesting eggs from wood, sandpaper, acrylic paints (you can paint with gouache), brushes, preferably synthetic, for working with acrylic. The rest, if necessary, is napkins, pencils and protective newspapers, decoupage varnish.

Step 2. Preparing the workpiece for work consists in cleaning the wooden surface with sandpaper. Usually, before painting, wooden surfaces should be coated with either an acrylic primer or a home-made solution of PVA glue and water in equal parts and cleaned. You can use a construction sanding sponge instead of sandpaper.

Step 3. We apply the first layer of paint with a wide brush over the entire surface and let it dry, make a sketch with a pencil and apply the details of the drawing with thin brushes, as shown in the photo.

Ideas for painting

Eggs in traditional folk painting are made in several layers. To draw berries, flowers and birds in the style of Gorodets painting, first a background is applied, then the first layers of the spot are drawn, which determine the positions of the main details, while making the tone lighter. With the second layer, we draw dark details with thin strokes that create the shape of flowers or leaves. And at the end, glare is drawn with white and yellow paints. At the end of the work varnished.

Zoya Grigorievna, good evening. I myself love chamomile very much - the testicle is just a "delight". I found interesting information about the consecrated testicle. I will share. And thank you so much for the tutorial.
consecrated egg
By tradition, both Catholics and Orthodox (either on Holy Saturday or at the end of the Easter Liturgy on Sunday) consecrated painted eggs along with other festive food in churches. In many countries, the old Christian tradition has been preserved to this day - to exchange colored eggs in the church during Christening as a sign of love and fraternal unity of believers.

In almost all Christian countries, a consecrated painted egg is one of the most common gifts for Easter: on the day of the holiday, as well as throughout Bright Week, they were presented as gifts during morning greetings, given to relatives and acquaintances, friends, neighbors, and even just passers-by , in France, godparents always gave such an egg to their godchildren, in Italy and Austria - girls to their beloved (responding in this way to the olive branches given to them during the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem ("Palm Sunday").

In Russia, the egg received from the priest at the end of the liturgy was recognized as especially valuable and never spoiled. It was given to the patient to eat in the belief that after that he would definitely get better. The first egg presented for Easter was endowed with the same great magical power. In the Yenisei province, there was a custom on the Bright Sunday of Christ to exchange an egg with the first comer, it was this egg that was considered the most miraculous here: they believed that it saves from the unclean, and if it is stored in a shrine, it will not deteriorate for three years. In the Vyatka province, a special egg was chosen by chance. On Great Saturday, the hostess, having dyed the eggs, laid as many eggs on the goddess as the number of people in the family, plus one extra. The egg that remained untouched the next day on the goddess after the family sorted eggs for Christ during the Easter meal was called the "Christ egg", it was left lying near the icons and used as a miracle cure.

In Russia, the first meal after a long Great Lent, breaking the fast, began with a consecrated painted egg. On Easter Friday, it was customary to treat young people who came to visit their mother-in-law with eggs, especially the son-in-law, which was also mentioned in the saying: “There is a son-in-law - prepare a sieve of eggs.”

Painted eggs were taken to the cemetery to christen with the deceased, "parents", so that they would break their fast. At the same time, one or a couple of eggs were crushed on the grave or left whole near the cross, and sometimes even buried. The peasants believed that the birds, for which a crumbled egg was laid on the grave, would remember the deceased and ask God for him, thanks to this, his soul would receive relief in the next world. In addition, the eggs were distributed to the poor for the mention of the soul.
