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Job technologist: where is more prestigious? How does a meat processing plant work?

Alexander Nikitishin, Deputy Production Director, Orlovskaya Niva LLC:

Since I graduated educational institution in 2002, now it's hard for me to say where graduates aspire to get a job. At that time, after graduation, we were ready to go to any job - the offers were mainly for enterprises. The prestige of the work depends on the prestige of the company, no matter if it is a production or a trading company. The most important thing is that the work should not be a kind of burden, but bring pleasure and results, both for you and for the management. It's hard to find a job like this the first time around.

Nikita Misunov, chief technologist at Omega Food Technologies:

A meat processing plant or a firm selling ingredients - which is better? The question is really relevant and comes up often. I was asked it more than once, and I asked myself. But there is no definite answer. In my opinion, everywhere there are both pluses and minuses, due to different specifics. In a selling company, work, as a rule, involves a lot of business trips, frequent communication with different and often unfamiliar people. Not everyone is comfortable with this format. But on the other hand, you have the opportunity to improve in many ways in professionally travel a lot, meet different companies and people.

When working at one enterprise, the lifestyle is more monotonous, but the responsibility that you bear, in my opinion, is much higher. Often there is a production need to work after hours, on duty or appearing at work on weekends and holidays, because production is a constantly operating "mechanism" that does not have days off and holidays.

But, as one of my friends, a convinced production worker and, apparently, a real romantic, says: “Slaughter, blood, half-carcasses on hooks, smoking chambers, obscene abuse of deboners, the roar of a cutter - that's what I need!”.

Evgeny Naumov, chief technologist of the Remit company:

- Remit closely cooperates with leading European and Russian companies for the production of mixtures for the food industry. But I can’t say that we don’t do anything and that they come to us to make new items when they call. This is wrong. First, to call, you need to know who and why. All companies produce a huge range of mixtures, but all have their own "highlights" and features. We learn about them through communication and various joint developments. Again, it is necessary to correctly compose technical task to work efficiently and effectively.

Further, when creating a new product, we always, first of all, try to make the most of the auxiliary materials and mixtures that we have available (in the stock nomenclature). And if we start any new position in the warehouse of mixtures, then this is a completely new additive (in terms of taste or technological properties). Because any new position in the warehouse means leftovers, logistics and "frozen" money.

In my opinion, it is prestigious and interesting to work as a technologist in a company where there is a well-coordinated team and clearly defined mission and values. When there is a common understanding of the team “who we are in the market” and “what kind of product we have”, it is much easier to work. You can always check with the mission and values ​​of the company to understand whether you are on the right track or not. AND , Of course, a company in which you are highly valued financially looks more attractive.

As for the priorities of graduates of specialized universities, I can only say one thing: they do not particularly strive for production.

Alexey Shitov, Head of Sales and Technological Development Department of AROMAROS-M:

The prestige of a particular work is a rather subjective criterion. The professional image is determined, as a rule, intuitively, approximately. The main criteria for assessing prestige today is the possession of professional skills, a high level of wages and perspective professional development. Work in a company that only sells nutritional supplements, I can not consider it prestigious. For me, production, participation in the creative process is important. Working in a knowledge-intensive company and creating new products provides an opportunity for professional development.

"Whoever is more impressionable - don't go further. Although there is nothing terrible there, everything is very civilized," Dmitry Averin, head of production, warns. Further - it is to the new slaughter shop of the Snov agricultural complex. The impressionable ones remain, the rest, once again dressed in shoe covers, hats and capes, go along a long gallery to the premises where meat production begins.

Harder than in the West

But it is logical to first explain how journalists ended up where they usually don’t like to take guests. to the Belarusian meat-processing enterprises have exacerbated questions about the control system existing in Belarus. However, there were no doubts about the compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of Snovsky production from the very beginning. Chairman of the SEC "Agrokombinat "Snov" Nikolai Radoman assures that there were no questions or restrictions on their products from the Russian department.

"Today, control in Belarus is much more difficult than in the West. When I was building a new slaughterhouse, I was looking for equipment suppliers - I traveled all over Western Europe Radoman says. - There is no such incoming control anywhere. They count money. We, perhaps, want more from every enterprise. But today our Russian friends demand this from us.".

At the same time, the chairman continues, Russia is much more loyal to its producers. Radoman spoke about his visit to one of the dairy enterprises of the Nelidovsky district of the Tver region: " In appearance, packaging - everything is beautiful, but when we saw how cheeses are cooled in concrete containers of the 60s of production, and maggots on the floor ... I can’t eat this - I am by nature, as the Belarusians say, a “hot” person".

The testing laboratory of the agricultural complex employs 20 people, and about $2 million has been invested in it. " And we took the president there. Only they didn’t take me to the microbiological department - I never go there myself: it’s not allowed", says Radoman.

The laboratory "Again" has an accreditation certificate, a quality system has been introduced here. It consists of three departments: radiological, physico-chemical and microbiological. They study here both raw materials, meat of slaughter animals and poultry, and semi-finished products, and finished products, tells i. O. head of testing laboratory Natalya Sultanshina.

"We accept cattle and check each cow alive - that is, even before it goes to slaughter", - notes the leading engineer-radiologist Alexander Radoman. At his site, the activity of cesium-137 in incoming raw materials and manufactured products is monitored. For eight years of work, the specialist continues, there have been no excesses. Maybe this parameter should not be controlled?" We are in a clean zone, but control must be, - Radoman is sure. - After all, the half-life of all radionuclides is a thousand years.". Selectively check the finished product.

In the physico-chemical department, the content of the mass fraction of salt, moisture, nitrite, phosphorus, protein, and fat is controlled. However, the entrance to the microbiological department, which occupies a separate floor, is prohibited. But products in Belarus are tested for the presence of the ASF genome, certified in the laboratory. For this, the state veterinary service takes samples, and the research is done by the Belgosvettsentr and the regional veterinary laboratory. " We have the right to receive protocols only from an independent accredited state veterinary laboratory"explain the experts.

There were no cases of detection of the ASF genome in Snovskaya products, they say at the enterprise: the zone for ASF is safe here, and all cattle entering the agricultural complex from other areas must have a certificate of well-being of the area for ASF.

But in order to understand how veterinary control works in practice, we still have to get to the slaughterhouse.

35 fighters and six veterinarians

"It is slippery there, the cutting tool, almost all fighters work manually - unfortunately, few operations have figured out how to optimize", - Averin instructs us more specifically. There are two slaughter shops at Snova: livestock and poultry. The livestock slaughter shop was introduced in 2013 - this is a completely new building with European technologies.

Our passage through the gallery is already part of these technologies, the requirement for zoning. It is important that the workers working in the "dirty" and "clean" zones do not mix, the production manager explains.

In total, 35 fighters, six veterinarians, craftsmen and auxiliary workers work here. In the "dirty" area during the slaughter of pigs - only four people.

There are six veterinary control points in the slaughter shop. The first inspection of the animal will take place even before it enters the territory of the meat processing plant. If the animal is in order, it goes to the pre-slaughter base.

To eliminate stressful situations during the slaughter of pigs, conditions are created for them at the pre-slaughter base, similar to the usual conditions for their keeping: the same floors, enclosures, lighting and microclimate. " The quality of the meat depends on the slaughter condition of the animal. To relieve stress in pigs, we turn on the shower for them, they raise their ears, wag their tails - they love all this very much. We stand for about two hours at the pre-slaughter base and then we slaughter. With this approach, there are no problems with animals - they go single file to the pits", - says Dmitry Averin.

In the boxes for each animal, using a computer system, the necessary dose of electricity for stunning is selected - by weight, body condition. " In this case, we do not get any bone fractures or meat defects, bleeding is going well, which means that the sanitary condition of the carcass will be good, the meat will be well stored", explains the specialist.

After bleeding, the carcasses enter the tunnel. " ABOUTthey do not go through a vertical tunnel and are treated with live steam to remove wool - special guides to those areas of the carcass where the wool is held most firmly", - says the production manager, while we are walking along the "dirty" zone to the clanking sounds of equipment. We are looking at the work of the fighters and trying to breathe less often: the air is hot, there is a slight but unpleasant smell of a scalded body in the workshop. The escort continues the story and looks at the journalists - the situation is unusual, someone may "feel bad".

One of the most physically demanding jobs is at the transfer, when a scalded carcass is hooked onto a conveyor hook. " It's a hard man's job that pays well. A fighter and a deboner at a meat processing plant are the highest paid specialties. The salary of a fighter is at the level of the head of the shop. But health needs really excellent. Many do not survive more than three to five years", - says Averin.

At the next stage, the pig's head is cut off and the lymph nodes are exposed, which will be examined by a veterinarian.

The following points of veterinary control: veterinary examination of heads - for finnosis and anthrax, veterinary examination of the intestines and liver, then the carcass itself, and then - trichinelloscopy. " Our legislation is tougher than in Europe - it is done selectively there, we - for each carcass. As long as the carcass reaches the final point of the conveyor, the analysis is ready",- says the specialist.

Implemented on "Snov" new system– conveyors with the carcass and the liver and intestines separated from it move in parallel and at the same speed. If the veterinarian has doubts at one of the control points, he presses the "stop" button and three conveyors stop, all parts of the carcass are removed and sent for additional examination.

The head of production also draws attention to the fact that in the new workshop all slaughter products: tail panicles of large cattle, shoe from hooves, wool - are blown by pneumatic transport. " We don't roll carts on the floor, we don't spread dirt", he explains.

After the carcass has been steamed, it is tarred in a special oven. Conveyor on photocells - the carcass enters the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe machine, the burners turn on, the carcass is processed, the remains of the epidermis are burned.

Then, on special washing machines, this epidermis is washed off with brushes, and the carcass enters the "clean" zone. It is noticeably colder here - the temperature is not higher than 12 degrees. " There we begin to process the carcass cavity: we extract internal organs, we carry out veterinary control, examination of carcasses, intestines, liver", - explains Averin.

The last brand from the veterinarian - and the carcass leaves for storage in the refrigerator.

The premises of the new refrigerator were added and put into operation last year, having invested several million dollars. The carcass feeding conveyor and the refrigerator conveyor are synchronized, and the computer system of the refrigerator, through the barcodes assigned to each carcass, identifies it within its system. The operator sets the movement of this carcass, which can be identified at any time - from which farm, when the slaughter was performed.
