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Onion green cultivation in large volumes. green onion business. Basic tips for beginners. Where and to whom to sell finished products

Growing green onions for sale as a business is a great activity for aspiring entrepreneurs who decide to bet on agriculture. Feather onions grow quickly, allowing for several harvests per year. In winter, onions are grown in greenhouses; in summer, they grow without problems in the ground.

For final success, you need to establish distribution channels, after which you can think about increasing production. So, how to grow green onions at home?

Having decided to engage in the industrial cultivation of green onions, evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this project.

The list of benefits:

  • business does not require large investments;
  • it is possible to grow onions in open ground, a greenhouse or a winter greenhouse;
  • onions are easy to care for;
  • in greenhouse cultivation, it is possible to use hydroponics and aeroponics;
  • ease of implementation.

Despite the obvious advantages, the onion growing business also has its difficulties:

  • the product is perishable, it quickly loses its presentation after cutting;
  • it is not easy to sell large volumes of onions, this requires an extensive distribution network;
  • in the summer, competition increases due to the owners of small household plots;
  • in winter, the cost of the product increases due to electricity charges in the greenhouse.

Green feather can be grown from seeds or bulbs. Growing seedlings will take extra time, but if you have a greenhouse, the process can be accelerated. Another disadvantage of seedlings is losses during thinning.

For those who want to get a crop as soon as possible, it is better to use the bulbs. Give preference to productive early-ripening varieties.

For beginner gardeners, varieties of Dutch selection adapted for Russian conditions (Red Baron, Spirint, Exibishchen, Dutch yellow) are suitable. Japanese variations have proven themselves well. For winter planting in greenhouses, delicious shallots are suitable. It is better to sow batun, slizun, multi-tiered onions in the ground.

How to grow green onions in a greenhouse in winter: step by step instructions for beginners

Choose the right area. For the industrial cultivation of onions, a site of 10 acres is needed. On it you can build 1-2 greenhouses and equip a plantation for growing in open ground.

To work with retail needed A small farm is better with the possibility of paying a single agricultural tax of 6%. You will need to obtain a certificate for products for its sale.

Build a greenhouse for growing green onions in the winter. The ideal option is a construction made of metal arcs, covered with polyethylene film or covered with polycarbonate. For growing onions, a double-coated wall construction is also suitable, saving heat.

You can heat the greenhouse with an electric boiler or a fire and pipes laid underground. The use of biofuel from rotted manure mixed with straw and laid out under the top layer of soil will help save money.

The optimal size of the greenhouse is 100 sq. m. to accommodate seedlings, bunk racks are built. For lighting, fluorescent lamps are needed, it is not bad to organize a drip irrigation system.

In large greenhouses, hydroponic and aeroponic growing systems can be used. These techniques involve forcing the feather with liquid nutrient mixtures that significantly accelerate the growth of greenery. The taste of the finished product does not suffer, but the cost of onion increases slightly.

At the same time as the greenhouse, prepare open plantations. Onions are very demanding on the nutritional value of the soil. It must be fertilized with a mixture of superphosphate, potassium chloride and rotted manure. The earth is carefully loosened. Perennial onions are sown in autumn, seedlings on a feather are sown in early spring.

Step-by-step instructions for growing walnuts at home, as well as tips for their implementation, are contained

It is better to buy planting material not in stores, but directly from manufacturers, in nurseries. In the future, you yourself will be able to sell varietal seedlings and bulbs by adding another column to the list of income. Onions grown in the ground and greenhouse needs in a one-time top dressing with ammonium nitrate and abundant watering.

The feather must be treated with insecticides that protect plants from pests. The onion growth cycle is 21 days, after which the feather is suitable for cutting.

To ensure an uninterrupted production cycle and avoid overstocking, plant onions in batches, and harvest in the same way. After harvesting the next crop, the soil must be thoroughly loosened, a complex of fertilizers applied and the following plantings carried out.

Cut onions must be prepared for sale by sorting out the feathers and clearing them of the ground. Prepared greens are tied into neat bundles.

The subtleties of the implementation of green onions

The most difficult issue is the sale of green onions. In the season, competition greatly increases, green onions are actively growing in all gardens, an inexpensive pen can be bought both in the market and in the store.

In winter, when there is little fresh herbs, the cost of its production increases significantly, reducing profitability. To succeed, an entrepreneur must be sensitive to market fluctuations and be prepared for seasonal price changes. It is most profitable to sell onions in March and April; in autumn, wholesale and retail prices fall to a minimum.

The active sales season begins in winter and spring, until then you will be able to understand the amount of work ahead and find distribution channels. In the future, the business can be expanded by adding lettuce, parsley, dill, cilantro and other types of popular greens to the onion. The larger the plantation, the lower the cost of goods and the shorter the payback period of the project.

How to grow green onions at home in a greenhouse? Watch the following video for expert advice:

Reading 11 min. Views 168 Published on 09.12.2018

Most people starting their own business are afraid to invest their earned money in large projects. That is why many newcomers to entrepreneurship choose low-cost projects that have minimal risks. People who own land can use the land they own to grow agricultural products. The equipment of a small greenhouse allows you to profit from the sale of mushrooms, vegetables and other crops. In this article, we propose to consider the cultivation of onions as a business and discuss several key issues related to this type of activity.

The green onion growing business requires a small start-up investment, is highly profitable and quickly pays off.

Growing onions in a greenhouse: business relevance

The green onion is food product, which contains a whole complex of vitamins useful for human health. Not many businessmen consider this product as a source of income. According to statistics, Russians annually consume several hundred tons of this product. D In order to implement such a project, just a few months are enough. This period of time should be spent on mastering the technology of growing onions, studying the market and creating distribution channels for existing products.

It is the creation of distribution channels that deserves special attention in this business. Many beginners in this field mistakenly believe that in order to start a business, it is enough to get the first harvest. However, in practice, a completely different picture is observed. In the absence of an established sales market, entrepreneurs are faced with the problem of selling the existing crop.

Experts in the field of agriculture note the fact that these plants can be grown all year round. During the summer months, onions are planted in the field. With the onset of autumn, it is recommended to transfer the crop to the greenhouse. The level of profitability of such a project depends on several important nuances. According to statistics, the value of this indicator varies from thirty to fifty percent.

Before starting to develop a business plan, an entrepreneur needs to carefully analyze all the features of the chosen area.

The key advantages of this business include the possibility of an annual harvest. simple technology growing a plant and its unpretentiousness are the key to creating a successful enterprise. Additional advantages include a wide distribution channel for finished products and a high level of demand for this plant among the population. The main advantage of this direction is the low level of entry into the business.

It should be understood that each business has unique disadvantages. One of the main disadvantages of this area is the frequent change in the cost of products. The cost of onions can not only grow, but also rapidly go to the warehouse. That is why many entrepreneurs often have difficulty compiling financial settlements. There is a high level of competition in the agricultural sector. Many residents of provincial cities are engaged in the cultivation of greens and vegetables. This means that before you start creating own business potential risks should be carefully considered. In order to protect your capital, it is recommended to prepare markets for finished products in advance.

Unlike other green crops, onions are quite unpretentious and grow quickly.

Features of the organization of the case

Before you start creating such a project, you need to carefully study all the pitfalls. A feature of growing onions is the short duration of the production cycle.. In order to get the first harvest, just thirty days from the date of planting the greenery is enough. Another feature of this direction is the low level of labor costs. In order to process a plot of ten square meters, one hour of work is sufficient. This means that during a standard working day, one person can process about eighty square meters.

This area of ​​business does not require the employment of highly qualified personnel. When growing onions in a greenhouse, you can use a special technology that allows you to create multi-tiered racks. This approach can significantly increase business performance.

What kind of onion to choose

Growing green onions is one of the promising areas in the field of agriculture. An entrepreneur planning to work in this industry must choose a specific variety of greens. Each of the existing varieties has unique features. When using the Leek variety, you can get more than twenty kilograms of greenery by planting seeds on ten square meters. The use of the variety "Batun" allows you to increase the yield by one and a half times.

Beginning entrepreneurs are advised to use varieties that are resistant to changes in weather conditions. Variety "Shallot" allows you to get about forty-five kilograms from ten square meters. The Egyptian variety has similar performance. Its distinguishing feature is resistance to frost. It should also be noted that the demand for final products does not depend on a particular variety. All of the above types of onions have similar taste and nutritional characteristics.

The most efficient cultivation technology

Each of modern technologies onion cultivation has its own distinctive features. First of all, it is necessary to consider a technology that involves the use of open ground. In this case, the entrepreneur needs to water the plants daily. Planting seeds should begin with the beginning of spring. Some experts in this field recommend using not seeds, but full-fledged bulbs.

The main advantage of this technology is considered to be a low level of financial and labor costs. In addition, it should be noted the ease of making beds and planting seeds. In order to use this technique, you will need a site with a large area. It should also be understood that the quality of the crop is directly related to weather conditions.

In order to protect the crop from the influence of external irritants in the form of bad weather, it is recommended to plant onions in a greenhouse. This method allows not only to reduce production costs, but also to increase the quality of the crop. The main disadvantage of this method is the high cost of creating the greenhouse itself. The cultivation technology without the use of soil deserves special attention. The main disadvantage of this method is its high cost. Despite this, the use of this technology allows you to maximize the payback of the project when using sites with a small area. Using this technique allows you to reduce the process of pen forcing up to fifteen days.

The level of business costs and the rate of profit depends on the choice of a specific method of growing a plant. When setting up a business on a large scale, you will need to plant onions in the field. For this purpose, a plot with a large area is required.

Growing green onions can become not only a source of additional income, but also a profitable business.

Selection of soil for cultivation

After the technology for growing onions is selected, it is necessary to proceed to the preparation of the soil. When growing at home, it is recommended to use a mixture of peat, sand and humus. On the day the plant is planted, superphosphate and sodium chloride are added to the soil. It is recommended to change this soil only after four seasons.

When growing plants, it is very important to use the right fertilizer. Wood ash or lime is used to reduce acidity. In order to prevent the development of fungus, it is recommended to use potassium salt. The fertilizers used should not fall on the plant itself. It should also be remembered that onions belong to the category of plants that require daily watering. In order to protect plants from mold, it is recommended to dilute the water from time to time with a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

Ways to disembark and care

There are three main methods for planting onions. Below we propose to consider the features of each of the existing methods:

  1. Seed use. This method is used extremely rarely due to the long time costs. When planting, seeds are used, the shelf life of which does not exceed twenty-four months. The day before planting, the seeds are soaked in warm water. Experts recommend changing the water every sixteen hours. One hour before planting, the seeds should be immersed in a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Seedling application. This technique is used when planting leeks. In order to get seedlings, it is necessary to plant seeds in special pots filled with peat. After watering, the pots are wrapped in plastic wrap. You can speed up the growth of seedlings by placing pots on the windowsill. After the first sprouts appear, the onion is transplanted into the greenhouse.
  3. Growing from bulbs. In this case, the bulbs are planted in the finished soil. For planting, small bulbs are used, which are previously kept warm for one day. Before planting the bulbs, it is necessary to cut off the “necks”. This method will significantly speed up the production process.

You can grow green onions different ways. One of the popular methods is the bridge method, in which the bulbs are planted in close proximity to each other. This approach allows you to save space and get rid of the need to constantly weed the beds. Before planting plants, you should carefully prepare the soil. Another popular method is band planting, in which the distance between planted bulbs is about three centimeters. The distance between the beds should be at least twenty centimeters. When using seeds, it is recommended to systematically weed the beds.

The third popular planting method is hydroponics. When using this technique, a specialized technique is used, which is a small spray filled with water. This design can be assembled at home. When creating a structure, it is recommended to use materials that do not transmit light. Application this method allows you to accelerate the ripening of the crop up to fifteen days from the date of planting.

The last option for growing onions is the use of special mats that are impregnated with nutrient solutions. For the first ten days after planting, the mats should be stored in a location out of direct sunlight. After the onion sprouts, the mats are transferred to the light.

In the production of onions on an industrial scale, it is grown year-round

Implementation nuances

The low price of planting material allows you to get a tangible financial return from this business. The cost of green onions is significantly higher during the winter months. The average cost of one kilogram of greens can reach three hundred rubles. It is important to understand that in the case of this business, an important role is assigned to existing sales markets. When growing onions in large volumes, it is necessary to establish wholesale sales channels.

To begin with, it is recommended to conclude contracts with several outlets. It can be food markets, small shops or supermarkets. The conclusion of such contracts reduces the risk of crop loss due to the lack of a market. In order to interact with retail outlets, you will need to register your business. Otherwise, an attempt to conclude a contract may result in a fine.

Growing an onion feather in a greenhouse: a business plan

Growing onions on a feather in a greenhouse in winter as a business brings a pretty round profit. According to statistics, the consumption of this product increases with the beginning of autumn. This fact is explained by the fact that people begin to consume more fresh herbs, taking care of their health. The main advantage of this business is the unpretentiousness of the culture itself. The only disadvantage of this area, which must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan, is the high level of competition.

The disadvantage of this business is covered by a mass of advantages, among which the high level of profitability should be emphasized, high speed production cycle and a low threshold for entry into the market. The cyclicality of business is one of the important advantages of this direction. Thanks to the opportunity to grow greens all year round, the entrepreneur gets a chance to create profitable business. Onion feathers are among the most sought after products.

Financial Profit Calculation

In order to start your business, you will need start-up investment, the value of which depends on whether the entrepreneur has own site or a room where a greenhouse will be equipped. In the presence of such assets, twenty-five thousand rubles will be enough to implement the project. Let's look at how this money will be spent:

  1. Purchase and installation lighting fixtures - seven thousand rubles.
  2. Shelving with beds- six thousand rubles.
  3. planting material- six thousand rubles.
  4. Planting boxes- thousand rubles.
  5. Payment utilities - five thousand rubles.

In one cycle, on an area of ​​twenty square meters, you can grow about sixty kilograms of greenery. Within one year, this greenhouse will be able to bring about two hundred and fifty kilograms of greenery. The average profit for this period will be about one hundred thousand rubles. From this amount it is necessary to deduct the invested capital and related costs.

Agriculture is one of the most promising areas for doing business

To achieve such a result is possible only with an established market for the sale of finished products. One of the main tasks of an entrepreneur working in this area is to find regular customers . In order to find wholesale customers, you should place ads on specialized sites or in printed publications. You should also try to visit various outlets on your own and negotiate with their owners.

The overall profitability of the business depends on the literacy of solving organizational issues. Entrepreneurs working in this field can create their own brand by producing colorful packaging for their products. Such products are in high demand in large retail outlets.

Conclusions (+ video)

Growing onions for sale is a promising idea that can be easily implemented in countryside. In order to protect the crop from the aggressive effects of external stimuli, it is recommended to plant onions in a special greenhouse. This business can be an excellent launching pad for a larger project. That is why the cultivation of onions should be considered as an element of preparation for a more complex business.

In contact with

Agriculture is one of the most promising areas for doing business. The demand for fresh vegetables is maintained throughout the year, and production costs are easily controlled by the way they are grown. Most farmers start their business by growing onions, as this is an unpretentious crop that can produce a rich harvest in any climatic conditions. To get started, you need not only to register as individual entrepreneur, but also to draw up a detailed business project that takes into account all the details of the process.

Features of a business plan for growing green onions

Onions are one of the most common crops for industrial and home cultivation. Harvest can be obtained even in the most severe climate, and if you follow the rules for planting care, proper prevention, you can minimize the risk of infection with pests and diseases. You can read more about processing onions before planting.

Growing onions on an industrial scale

Growing onions for sale is acceptable in open ground, a greenhouse or a specially prepared facility (for example, with a hydroponic method). According to statistics, when using equipped greenhouses, it is possible to achieve an increase in yield by 30-40%.

In recent years, agriculture has received a serious state support which greatly increased competition among farmers. Plus, green onions are produt, requiring certain conditions storage, which complicates the process of transportation and marketing. Growing onions for sale has a number of significant advantages:

  • varieties have been bred that allow growing a crop at any time of the year;
  • there is always a high demand for fresh herbs;
  • at the initial stages, rather insignificant investments;
  • onion cultivation is suitable for beginner farmers;
  • There are several ways to market products.

Despite the large number of advantages, this type of farming has a number of important disadvantages that should be considered:

  • in order to achieve high yields, the costs of equipment for the greenhouse are necessary;
  • the price depends on the season, in summer the profit is significantly reduced;
  • for products short term storage and sale;
  • by mid-summer, competition reaches a high level.

Even at the stage of creating a business plan, you should analyze the state of the market, the relevance of products and think over the sales market. There are several ways to sell:

  • Wholesale trade. The most profitable way to sell finished products. Most localities have wholesale companies working directly with suppliers. In recent years, marketplaces for wholesale sales With different system functioning (for example, auction).
  • Selling to establishments Catering . You will have to directly negotiate the supply of your goods. Most catering establishments already have regular suppliers, so first they need to offer profitable terms deals. The demand for onion greens for cafes, restaurants or canteens does not depend on the season.
  • Grocery stores. When selling products retail stores it is important to remember that there is a risk of return low-quality goods and replacement of damaged products. We will have to include packaging material in the expense items, since all retail chains will definitely require packaging of goods. At retail shop markup will be added to the products, so your bow will cost more, which may scare off potential buyers.
  • self sale. With small production volumes, it is most profitable to sell onions with your own efforts in organized trading floors. This requires permission from the administrative authorities, as well as the necessary certificates of product quality conformity. In some situations, cash and refrigeration equipment may be required.

To sell onions in retail and wholesale networks, you must have the status of an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm, as well as all the necessary certificates confirming the quality of your products.


The amount of expenses is determined by several factors - the onion variety, climate and soil features, and the method of cultivation. In each specific case, additional cost items are added, for example, for the transportation of goods or the maintenance of cash equipment, the maintenance of a retail outlet. Usually, the costs are reduced to the arrangement of the greenhouse, the purchase of planting material and fertilizers.

Necessary equipment

Equipment for growing onions for sale is purchased once, and then investments are required for the repair and replacement of devices.

An example of a greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate

Allocate the following expenses:

  • Greenhouse. This is the largest item of expenditure, which can cover the income from the sale of onions in the first season. The average price for a greenhouse measuring 3x8 meters is 20 thousand rubles. When it will take up to 500 thousand rubles for the construction of a polycarbonate structure.
  • Heating. Investments in greenhouse heating depend on the type of heating. To begin with, you can purchase an ordinary potbelly stove, but then you should prepare the fuel in advance. It will take up to 10,000 rubles to heat a greenhouse with birch firewood using a furnace method. Better to buy now infrared heaters for high-quality space heating (average price - 2500 rubles, you need up to 7 devices).
  • Irrigation system. It is advisable to purchase an automatic irrigation system, but if you have access to a water source, you can limit yourself to a compressor and a hose system, which will cost 20-30 thousand rubles for a plot of 10 acres. At the first stages, you can purchase a large water container, as well as hand watering cans. It is important to follow the rules for watering onions both in the open field and in the greenhouse, otherwise you can lose the entire crop. How to water onions is described.
  • Lighting. Required only in winter for growing in greenhouse conditions. The figures for this article depend on the source of electricity and the tariff in your area. On average, it is necessary to lay down up to 7 thousand rubles for the use of electrical appliances in one season. Ordinary light bulbs are suitable as a light source, but it is better to purchase special light sources for agricultural purposes. It is not recommended to install incandescent lamps - they quickly fail and spend a large amount of electricity.
  • Ventilation. Airing the greenhouse is necessary for the harmonious growth and development of plants. The air circulation system depends on the size of the room and your finances. At the first stages, you can use the vents, but later it is desirable to install fans or air convectors.

You can save on the construction of a greenhouse with the help of its independent construction, as well as with the gradual introduction of structures into operation. If several greenhouses are used at once, huge labor and financial costs are required.

Cultivation and care

For the industrial cultivation of onions, certain investments are required, especially in the initial stages. In addition to all processing and registration costs individual entrepreneurship and tax deduction, the following cultivation and care costs are required per production cycle (from 45 to 120 days):

  • planting material. To accelerate the ripening of bulbs for planting, use only. For 10 acres, 200 kg of seed will be required. The average price for sevok is 20 rubles per 1 kg. Why onion sets are more profitable when planting in the fall can be found in this.
  • Priming. Needed for greenhouse or tray growing method. The amount of substrate depends on the volume of the greenhouse. The average price for fertile soil is 380 rubles per 1 m 3.
  • fertilizers. All three macronutrients, phosphorus, potassium and sodium, are essential for optimal plant growth. They can be added separately or as a complex fertilizer. The amount of top dressing depends on the composition of the soil, on average, up to 15 thousand rubles are needed for fertilizers.

Thus, the cost of cultivation and care can be from 35 to 55 thousand rubles for a plot of 10 acres.

You can improve the greenhouse as you receive income from the sale of products. Until you establish a distribution system and reach a decent volume of products, you should get by with improvised methods.


Choosing the type of onion to grow for sale plays an important role in the profitability of the business. Varieties differ in maturation speed, resistance, yield and cultivation requirements. The following types of onions are used:

  • . It has long and narrow feathers, which are distinguished by a pleasant taste, as well as a small bulb in diameter. The yield is only 3kg/1m2. The variety is demanding on lighting conditions, with a lack of light, the greens do not gain volume and turn yellow.
  • . The leaves taste like the feathers of an ordinary onion, but this type of plant does not form a full-fledged root crop, so it is grown only for greenery. Undemanding to external conditions, the yield reaches 4 kg / 1m 2.
  • . It is considered one of the most profitable varieties, since cultivation in longline greenhouses is acceptable. It almost does not produce root crops, and feathers are formed in just 25-40 days and grow up to 45 cm. The yield is 4 kg / 1 m 2.
  • . In its features, it resembles onions, but differs in the structure and appearance of the bulb. Up to 10 lobes are formed in one nest, each of which gives its own escape. Feathers reach a length of 30 cm, which is a good indicator among varieties. Productivity - up to 4 kg / 1m 2.
  • . In the process of growth, it forms wide and tasty feathers that grow on an edible shoot. Usually this variety is planted from seeds, therefore it is used only for greenery. Productivity is one of the lowest among all species - up to 2 kg / 1 m2.
  • Onion. It is used for industrial and private cultivation. For sale, it is recommended to choose southern varieties, as they have the shortest ripening period. If you use intensive cultivation technologies, you can achieve a yield of up to 15 kg / 1 m2.
  • . In the first year of planting, it is used for growing greens, the next year it gives a good harvest of white bulbs.

Onion Elan is a very early variety. In addition to large bulbs, not whimsical to care for.

When choosing a variety or hybrid of onions for cultivation for sale, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of cultivation, as well as the method of planting. The greatest amount of greenery in a short time can be obtained only when planting a variety with a short dormant period in greenhouse conditions.
Cultivation technologies

Two techniques are used to grow onions for sale - getting seedlings from seeds and planting small last year's bulbs (sets). Both methods have features that should be considered:

  1. . You can purchase them or prepare them yourself by waiting for the feathers to ripen last season. Before planting, they must be checked and treated with a disinfectant. Usually the seeds are sown in rows with an interval of up to 10 cm. It should be remembered that the growing season during seed planting will increase to 4 months, and the greens will be thin and short, since all the nutrients go to the formation of the bulb.
  2. Sevok. This is the fastest way to grow onions. The growing season is from 45 to 60 days depending on the variety. Sets can be planted in a band (in a row) or in a more productive way (with the maximum planting density, the bulbs touch each other).

The algorithm for growing onions for sale is no different from the usual method. Regular watering, top dressing, as well as weeding beds with vegetables is necessary.

Growing methods at home and in industrial conditions

There are several methods of growing onions for sale, each with its own pros and cons. Its choice depends on the climatic conditions in your area, the variety, gardening skills and the required ripening speed.

Landing in open ground

The longest and most labor-intensive method of growing onions for sale, requiring a spacious developed area with fertile soil. The first planting should be carried out immediately after the end of frost, but with this method, both sets and seeds can be used. As a seed, it is recommended to choose Dutch or Japanese early ripening varieties. Depending on the region, up to 3 green crops can be obtained in one season with little financial cost.

Greenhouse: greens, onions on a feather in winter

The time of planting the first batch does not depend on weather conditions, since the greenhouse allows you to harvest all year round. By using early maturing varieties and tiers indoors, maximum profitability can be achieved even in a limited area. The main disadvantage of this method is the need for investment in greenhouse equipment.

In greenhouse conditions, you can use any variety of onion, but it is recommended to choose hybrids with a short dormant period so as not to slow down the growing process.

Hydroponics: profitable to grow for sale

Growing onions with hydroponics

The main disadvantage of this method is the high cost of arranging a hydroponic installation, but if there is a sales market, all costs will pay off within 1-2 years.


With this method of cultivation, no substrate is used at all, which completely eliminates interaction with dirt and infection with diseases and pests. Plants are placed in special containers so that the root system is in the air. Plant nutrition is carried out with the help of constant irrigation of the roots of fertilizers in aerosol form, which contributes to the rapid saturation with oxygen and other necessary elements. Aeroponics allows you to achieve maximum yield in a limited space in a short time.

If you're serious about growing onions for sale, it's a good idea to invest in a hydroponic or aeroponics setup right away.



In recent years, the business of growing certain types of plants, in the garage, basement or on a large scale, has been gaining great popularity. Among them, turnips and onions are in particular demand, as they are a stable and unpretentious crop that can be easily grown in winter. Even before landing, you should develop detailed business plan think about ways to sell products. Profitability depends on the method of growing onions, the climate in the region and the characteristics of the market in your area.

Growing onions as a business today is the subject of interest of hundreds of entrepreneurs, because many are concerned about the question of whether it is profitable or not to run such a farm, and whether there is real reviews about such a case.

Onion is a product that has not lost its popularity among consumers for decades. It is used in its pure form to prevent colds, it also becomes an integral part of almost every modern salad and soup. Moreover, it is impossible to imagine a delicious, juicy shish kebab without onions, and a herring appetizer is always complemented by this particular plant.


hundreds today farms onions are produced on a huge scale, with demand rising every year. In just a few months, you can get a full payback for your business, profit and expand own production taking it to the next level.

The relevance is that cultivation can be carried out all year round. In summer, fields are used for these purposes, and greenhouses in winter help to make the process continuous.

Certainly profitable. home business is not only about growing the product High Quality. Despite the high consumer demand for this plant, you will have to invest in advertising regularly - the buyer must know that your product does not contain chemical additives, is grown in natural conditions and contains many vitamins.

Feedback from experienced entrepreneurs makes it clear that profitability directly depends on the approach of the manufacturer, his desire to find his own target audience, coverage of the territory and high-quality advertising. On average, profitability is thirty percent in winter and fifty percent in summer, while it is important to take into account possible seasonal changes, crop death under the influence external factors and other conditions.

Important Details

These include the following items:

  • The production of green onions and onions is quite fast - within a month after planting, you will be able to get the first crop that will bring you profit.
  • The processing of the crop is quite fast - in order to carry out work on ten square meters, it will take only an hour of working time.
  • To work with the onion crop, it is not necessary to hire qualified employees - the process is quite simple and does not require special skills.
  • Using modern technologies, you can organize the cultivation of family onions on racks, which will significantly increase the volume of onion crops.
  • The business of growing green onions involves regular coverage of the plant for at least twelve hours a day, timely watering and compliance with the temperature regime.

All this suggests that the onion growing business is quite simple, while it does not require special skills and serious costs, while production volumes can be quite large.

Variety selection

Growing onions on a feather in a greenhouse is convenient using one of the following varieties:

  1. Leek, the yield of which will be twenty kilograms from nine square meters.
  2. Batun, whose production volumes in the same area can reach thirty-five kilograms.
  3. Shallot, which is resistant to weather conditions, can be obtained in the amount of forty-five kilograms from nine meters squared.
  4. Egyptian onions, which can grow even during slight frosts, reach a yield of forty kilograms.

The largest feathers can be found in the leek variety, however, each of the varieties presented above is in great demand among the consumer, therefore it is almost impossible to make a mistake with the choice.

Growing technology

There are several technologies at once, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Planting onions in open ground, requiring daily watering. The initial planting with this technology is carried out after the end of frost in the spring. During forcing, you can use not full-fledged bulbs, but seeds that will sprout. The advantage of this type is considered to be a certain ease in planting and making beds, as well as low costs for organizing the process. At the same time, a large-scale land plot will be required to use the technology, and the harvest will depend on the season and weather conditions.
  • Growing onions in a greenhouse is also a fairly simple method, where the benefits are maximized, the costs are quite low, but the process of building a greenhouse is expensive and time consuming.
  • Growing plants without soil. With only one drawback - high cost, it has a lot of advantages - the ability to use small plots of land, while the payback of the process will be maximum. It also reduces the forcing of the feather, which lasts a little more than two weeks.

The choice of technology will determine how soon you will make a profit and what costs will be necessary to implement your business plan. It should be taken into account that field conditions are usually used for large-scale production, since the area coverage is usually very large.


The purchase of onions is a regular process for citizens of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other states. The product contains a large amount of vitamins, it is recommended to use it during an exacerbation of colds and viral diseases. It is believed that onions strengthen the human immune system.

This is the reason why the sale of onions is one of the most profitable business in many countries of the world, and even in the presence of high competition and a large number of onion producers, it disappears from the shelves rather quickly.


Like any business, onion production on your own farm requires state registration. This process is quite simple and does not take much effort, time and money. You must contact the local tax office and register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and only after that you can sell.

Please note that the format of individual entrepreneurship somewhat limits the possibilities, while the LLC has many more of them, but its registration is much more complicated.


If your plans include selling the bow on a large scale, try to plan your budget in advance. Preference should be given high technology, since if they are observed, the product pays off very quickly, and in a few months all costs will be compensated.

The table below shows the approximate financial cost of growing onions hydroponically in a fifty square meter area using shelving, which will increase the area to eighty square meters.

Type of expenses Amount, dollars
1. Purchase of lamps $150
2. Purchase of wires in the amount of 100 meters 50
3. Lighting installation 50
4. Installation of two floors of the rack 200
5. Shelving baths 500
6. Working surface for planting material 150
7. Hydroponic technologies without the use of process automation 400
8. Additional installation items 300
Total: 1800 (approx. 107 thousand rubles)

When using this technology, the initial cost of acquiring everything necessary equipment and its installation will not exceed two thousand dollars. The cost and exchange rate may change, it is also worth paying close attention to.

The cost of one cycle of product reproduction will look like this:

All amounts are calculated for one month within one cycle. As a result, the amount of monthly expenses will be $ 220 at constant prices.

It is not at all necessary for a novice entrepreneur to invest large sums of money in a business of this magnitude. If your goal is not to cover the whole locality, or you are not yet ready to conduct big business, there is the possibility of growing at home. In this case, the ways of implementation can be found in the nearest store or in the market, but for the sale you will also need the official registration of the organization.

Each entrepreneur has the right to choose a direction, and only an active, responsible approach will allow him to receive in a short time good profit from any business.

Video: a super simple and reliable way to grow onions for greens is a business idea.

In the past few years, non-GMO products have been considered a real shortage. Thanks to the developed agriculture in our country, the domestic consumer seeks to purchase natural products grown without the use of chemicals. The demand for such products is determined by a number of the following factors: ecological cleanliness and harmlessness, the richness of vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The only drawback is the minimum shelf life. Subject to the technology and compliance with the prescribed requirements for plant care this species entrepreneurial activity will bring significant profit at minimal cost.

Modern agronomists have developed 2 main approaches to growing crops:

  • growing in a greenhouse;
  • cultivation in the open field.

It is easy to guess that the first method will allow you to get a good harvest with minimal time. At the same time, this option involves the construction of a greenhouse, the equipment of an irrigation system, appropriate lighting, the delivery of nutrient soil, etc. An important point in this matter is the choice of an onion variety (hybrid) suitable for greenhouse cultivation.

Literally 5 years ago, there were two types of greenhouses - covered with polyethylene film and glass. The development of modern technology has added one more material to this list - polycarbonate. If we consider the option of growing as a year-round business, it is worth stopping at the last option.

It should be understood that a polycarbonate greenhouse is not a cheap pleasure, but it has no equal in terms of practicality and efficiency.

As for heating, the heating option is common wood stoves or with solar panels.

How many greenhouses do you need to start a business? Experienced agronomists say - at least three. This will allow observing the production cycle: in the first one, sowing is carried out, in the second, greening shoots are controlled, and in the third, the crop is harvested.

The simplest and most affordable method of growing onions is open ground. To implement this project, it will not be necessary to build expensive greenhouses, equip a heating and irrigation system. All that is required is to rent a plot of land and start growing crops in accordance with the prescribed technology.

Despite the simplicity of the method, growing in the open field has several disadvantages:

  • business seasonality (May-June, September);
  • poor soil quality can significantly reduce yields;
  • adverse weather conditions will prevent normal plant growth.

Variety selection

Planting onions is allowed in the form of seeds and bulbs. Greenhouses are characterized by growing greens (feathers) from bulbs. The use of seeds for similar purposes is a solution with low efficiency. Despite intensive care, the sprouts are weak and grow more slowly. As for the bulbs, they grow many times faster, the crop has a beautiful presentation, it has good taste.

Producers from the Netherlands managed to achieve a qualitative selective effect. Recommended varieties:

  • Red Baron;
  • Yellow Dutch;
  • Exhibition;
  • Spirinth F1;
  • Margnit F1.

They are not inferior in quality, but the Japanese varieties Nubucca Green and Nagaoka King are more affordable. Among the products of the German breeding farm, for obtaining early greens, it is worth choosing the Stuttgater Riesten variety.

To get a rich harvest and organize a highly profitable business, you should pay Special attention the process of selecting species and varieties of planting material, as well as methods of growing at certain times of the year.

Knowledge of the main biological characteristics of onion varieties and the requirements for their growth conditions guarantees maximum yield and, as a result, good profit.

For example, onions are not intended for growing indoors in the autumn-winter period. At this time, he is in deep peace. Any species is particularly demanding of light. For planting in the fall, perennial varieties are optimal, they do not need dormant periods (slizun, multi-tiered, chives). November is optimal for planting onions. Favorable for planting shallots in December.

Planting and care activities

The soil for planting onions must be prepared in advance. Characteristic features - friability, fertility. The crop gives a higher yield on fertilized soil. It is recommended to add the following fertilizers to the soil mixture before planting (per 1 m 2):

  • potassium chloride - 15 g;
  • superphosphate - 30 g;
  • manure - 5 l.

If we consider the option of planting with bulbs, then from September to October, planting material should be placed in boxes at a distance of a centimeter from each other. If sowing is carried out in early March, the distance should be increased to 4-6 centimeters.

Onion care is not difficult, the plant is unpretentious. The owner of the greenhouse will need:

  • for the entire period of growth, make one top dressing (a solution of ammonium nitrate 30 grams per 5 liters of water is suitable);
  • onions love a lot of water, so it is necessary to ensure abundant watering;
  • strictly observe temperature regime(at night - not less than +12°С, in the daytime - not less than +20°С);
  • despite the need for abundant watering, control the level of soil moisture to prevent rotting of the bulb;
  • eliminate drafts in the greenhouse.

It is important to cut green onions in time. The optimal indicator is a leaf length of 28-30 cm.

Sales channels

It is important to remember that greens are a perishable product, the sale of which should be carried out immediately. Therefore, you should take care of the channel for the sale of goods even before they land. Green onions are in great demand among the population, so it is advisable to open a point on the market. In order to diversify the range, you can sell other greens.

The most profitable option for a large manufacturer is the sale of greenery in bulk.

To do this, it is recommended to conclude contracts for the supply of onions with large retail outlets, catering establishments, shops, etc.

Some people, wanting to get fresh herbs directly from the garden, can purchase them directly from the manufacturer. For effective distribution of your offer, it is recommended to place an ad in the newspaper and create an advertisement on the Internet.

Costs and profitability

It would be optimal to build a polycarbonate greenhouse with an area of ​​​​100 squares (this is a relatively small room of 5x20 meters) with a two-tier rack system. The greenhouse must be equipped with a lighting, heating and irrigation system. The total cost of equipping the environment for growing products will be 150 thousand rubles.

The average cost of purchasing onion sets is 200 rubles per kilogram. It will take about 50 kg to fill the greenhouse. The total cost of sowing material is 10 thousand rubles.

For fast and high-quality growth of onions, fertilizers will be required. On average, for each square meter the cost of the fertilizer complex will be 30 rubles, which, in terms of the total area of ​​the sowing zone, will be 30 thousand rubles.

We summarize all costs. Based on the information provided above, you will need:

  • Greenhouse equipment - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Onion sets 50 kg - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Fertilizers - 30 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of water, electricity, etc. - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Total: 200 thousand rubles

From the beginning of planting to the collection of onions ready for sale, an average of 2 months will pass. Productivity - 9 kg per m 2, which means that from 100 sq. m after 2 months, you can collect 900 kg. The average selling price of onions is 40 rubles per 1 kg. It is easy to calculate that the proceeds from the sale of the harvest will bring 36 thousand rubles.

It's time to talk about an additional method of making a profit - the sale of green onion feathers. For 2 months from a square meter you can get 0.8 kg of greenery, in terms of the entire plot - 80 kg. At a price of 170 rubles per 1 kg, you can get 13,600 rubles from the entire green crop.

In total, for 2 months from a greenhouse of 100 sq. m income will be 49.6 thousand rubles. The entrepreneur will begin to make a profit after the fifth planting and sale of the bow. The payback period of the project is by the end of the first year.

Video about growing products

On the video - a detailed story about the construction and equipment of a greenhouse for growing greenery in winter and summer:
