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10 leaders in agricultural products. Thank you! You are subscribed to our newsletter! Agriculture of Russian regions located in the Siberian Federal District

World central banks “must continue to support demand and build confidence,” said Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Stock market support

The IMF believes that the international community should take additional fiscal stimulus measures and coordinate their efforts to prevent the possibility of long-term damage to the global economy due to the spread of the coronavirus.

Georgiev added that "about 20 countries have expressed interest" in obtaining loans in connection with the situation around the outbreak of coronavirus, in the coming days the organization will consider these issues. The IMF, Georgieva stressed, is “ready to mobilize its $1 trillion in lending capacity to provide assistance” to its 189 member countries.

The US Federal Reserve cut interest rates to almost zero, resumed buying bonds, and used other measures from its anti-crisis arsenal, connecting the world's leading central banks to support the global economy falling under the onslaught of the coronavirus. The Fed will provide $1.5 trillion to the short-term repo market, where banks take short loans secured by Treasuries.

The Fed announced the re-launch of the program of purchases of short-term corporate debt to improve the situation in credit markets, which were under pressure from the outbreak of the coronavirus, which threatens American economy recession. Under the Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF), first used in 2008, the Fed will buy short-term corporate debt directly from issuing companies. The commercial paper market is one of the key sources of short-term financing for a number of companies.

Actively stimulates the national securities market and the Japanese regulator. On March 16, the Bank of Japan decided to double the buyback of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and real estate investment trusts (J-REITs). In March central bank so far bought back just over 600 billion yen ($5.62 billion) in ETF shares, about 80% of these securities are tracked by the Topix index. On Monday, Japan's central bank doubled its annual buyback target to 12 trillion yen ($112 billion), also launching a lending program in an attempt to match the level of interest rate cuts the Fed implemented over the weekend.

Japanese regulator has been buying up shares since 2010 domestic companies and three years ago he owned 75% of the country's exchange-traded funds. Today, the Bank of Japan is among the ten largest shareholders of half of all Japanese companies. The uniqueness of the Central Bank of Japan is that it is a pioneer in the implementation of ultra-loose monetary policy (SMP), when the amount of money created by the Central Bank grows rapidly, while money becomes cheap, sometimes free.

Unconventional monetary policy measures are not limited to these examples. Experts talk about additional measures to provide domestic liquidity. These are direct money market instruments in the form of reserve requirements and liquidity ratios; systemic agreements for the allocation of liquidity - unlimited provision of national money, expansion of the list of counterparties, mitigation of collateral requirements; provision of liquidity by securities such as the exchange of illiquid securities for liquid ones. Non-traditional monetary policy measures include both credit easing through the purchase of certain private securities or direct loans to investors in certain securities, and quantitative easing through outright purchases of unsterilized government securities and foreign exchange.

Kazakh support measures

“The increase in the base rate to 12% on March 10, 2020 had a preventive effect on the spread of panic in the markets and made timely adjustments to the strategies of market agents, which made it possible to limit emerging inflationary risks and protect the value of tenge assets,” the National Bank of Kazakhstan said in a press release. – At the same time, the expansion of the interest rate corridor to 1.5 percentage points is intended to limit the possibility of speculative pressure on the exchange rate by market participants, increasing the cost of tenge borrowing for banks in the National Bank to 13.5%. Money market rates approached the upper limit of the updated interest rate corridor and reached 13.48%.

The regulator said that on a daily basis it conducts operations to provide liquidity to banks without restrictions in volumes. At the same time, the National Bank has necessary tools to further stabilize the situation in the domestic financial market. In the event of a deterioration in the situation in the global economy, additional measures are not excluded to maintain price stability, the situation in the foreign exchange market and the financial market of the country.

Meanwhile, the situation in the money market of Kazakhstan since the beginning of 2020 remains difficult. Overnight REPO rates (concluded for one day) on state securities(GS) at the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) are kept at the level of 13.5% per annum. Market participants believe that in a situation of imbalance, the regulator could provide additional liquidity to stabilize the situation. In a conversation with Kursiv, several market players agreed that "the system is not balanced, and second-tier banks cannot ensure the normal functioning of the repo market, so again the intervention of the regulator is required."

When asked by Kursiv what non-traditional monetary policy measures would help the Kazakh stock market, market players offered several options for broader incentives for the Kazakh regulator. For example, according to experts, REPO transactions under the shares of national companies or the redemption of bonds of national companies could become incentives. This "won't drive inflation and has the logic of a buyout." Members stock market believe that such measures “will not allow a repeat of the tenge famine of 2014-2016, will not allow the domestic capital market to close and will free up liquidity and squeeze money into the corporate sector.”

AGRONEWS has compiled an agricultural map of the world, which tells about the leaders in the production of agricultural products.


China successfully cultivates 50 types of field plants, 80 garden plants and 60 garden plants. However, first of all, the Celestial Empire is known rice plantations. In 2015, it exported 287 thousand tons of rice. Since the 1990s, China has ranked first in the world in grain production.


The undisputed leader in terms of large livestock cattle can be called India, where 221.9 million are now located. Also, the agro-industrial country, which is home to 2/3 of the poorest people on the planet, ranks second in the world in terms of production Sahara- about 14 million tons per year. And last year, India became the largest producer milk in the world with a share of 18.5%. The country annually exports products worth $112 billion.


In terms of agricultural exports, Brazil is in third place in the world (share in world exports - 6.1%). And for production coffee and sugar cane country ahead of the whole planet. Brazil also has a large number of cattle (208 million heads). According to the latest data, the export of products from Brazil amounted to 199.7 billion dollars.

In terms of agricultural production, the United States is vastly superior to any other country. Thus, the United States ranks first in the world in the production of soybeans and the third - for the collection sugar beets. 16% of the total world crop is grown here. grain and 22% of world volumes sorghum. More than 2.5 million private farms have been created in the state, employing more than 20 million people. Favorable natural resource conditions, scientific and technical progress, as well as investment by the government - factors that contribute to the development of agricultural production in the United States.


Indonesia produced 32.5 million tons in 2015 edible oil, which is 2/3 more than the second world leader Malaysia. Last year, overseas sales of Indonesian palm oil generated $19 billion. The main agricultural industry is agriculture. The main crops are rice, cassava (an edible root plant used to make flour, porridge), coconuts, corn, bananas, sweet potatoes. Great value historically has a fishery. Now Indonesia ranks third in the world in terms of the volume of fish and seafood caught.


First of all, Japan is famous for its love for fish and seafood. On average, a Japanese consumes 168 kg of fish per year, which is the highest figure among countries in the world. However, the main branch of agriculture in Japan is rice growing. About half of all farmland in the country is occupied by rice fields. In 2014, Japanese exports of agricultural and food products amounted to 611 billion yen (about $5.8 billion). In particular, exports of salmon increased by 36.7%, traditional Japanese confectionery, 41% - beef and rice.


Türkiye surpasses all countries in terms of harvest forest nuts, cherries, dates, apricots, quince and pomegranates. Also, the Turkish Republic ranks second in the collection of watermelons, cucumbers and chickpeas, the third - in the collection of tomatoes, eggplants, green peppers, lentils and pistachios. Fruit and nuts are exported from this country for 3.8 billion dollars a year. In 2014, Turkey's total exports reached $157.6 billion, a record high for this country.


About 70% of commercial agricultural products in Germany come from animal husbandry. Among them pig breeding and cattle breeding. The latter, by the way, makes up 2/5 of all marketable agricultural products, and about 1/4 falls on milk. At the end of last year, Germany's foreign supplies increased by 6.4% and amounted to 1.195 trillion euros.


France is the largest exporter of agricultural products. The country ranks first in Western Europe for production grain, milk, sugar beet, the second - for the production meat, potatoes and grapes. In terms of foreign trade turnover (58 billion dollars), France is in fourth place in the world.


At the end of 2015, agricultural production in Russia increased by 3.5%. The country is the third largest exporter in the world grain. Last year it amounted to 31 million tons. A quarter of vegetable oil from all production volumes is also exported from the country. Russian caviar is famous all over the world, in addition to it, honey is also an exclusive Russian product, the export of which is growing year after year.

According to preliminary data Rosstat, agricultural production last year exceeded 5.6 trillion rubles. - 4.8% more than in 2015, including the share of crop production amounted to almost 3.2 trillion rubles, livestock - 2.45 trillion rubles. 25.2% of the total volume fell on the regions of the Central Federal District, 23.2% - the Volga region, 18.3% - the South of the country. Based on data from the statistics department, " Agroinvestor» compiled a ranking of regions in terms of agricultural production in 2016. Unlike the previous ranking, in which , this one takes into account the volume of production in actual prices for all farms. Despite the fact that it is difficult for regions with high production rates to show significant growth in percentage terms, four participants from among the leaders in terms of the dynamics of increase in agricultural output managed to enter this top 10.

The first place is unquestionably Krasnodar region. Last year, agricultural products worth 420.9 billion rubles were produced here. - 6.1% more than in 2015. The crop sector brought 325.5 million rubles, livestock - 95.4 billion rubles. Since 2010, the agricultural sector of the region has more than doubled (from 201.5 billion rubles). The share of the Kuban in the all-Russian volume of agricultural production is 7.5%, in crop production - 10.3%. The gross grain harvest last year amounted to almost 14 million tons (hereinafter - the data without the latest adjustments). Livestock production in the region is somewhat worse: the production of livestock and poultry for slaughter last year remained at the level of 2015 - 495.6 thousand tons (hereinafter - in live weight), milk - increased by 1.1% to 1, 3 million tons

In second place in terms of agricultural production is another region of the Southern Federal District - the Rostov Region with 305.6 billion rubles. Compared to 2015, the agricultural sector added 15.1%, which allowed it to enter the previous Agroinvestor ranking, taking third place in it. The region is also dominated by crop production (222 billion rubles), this sector grew by 20.3% last year, while livestock added only 4.1% to 83.5 billion rubles. In 2016, the region's farmers harvested 11.5 million tons of grain; production of livestock and poultry for slaughter increased by 9.2% to 360.7 thousand tons, milk - by 0.7% to 1 million tons. The Rostov region produced 5.4% of the total volume of agricultural products in Russia, including 7% crop and 3.4% livestock.

The third line of the ranking is occupied by Tatarstan with 238.6 billion rubles. Here, too, the share of crop production is larger (127.5 billion rubles), although the gap from animal husbandry (111 billion rubles) is much smaller than that of the two southern leaders. Compared to 2015, the agricultural sector of the republic grew by 5%, which allowed it to improve its position in the list - then the region was the fourth in terms of agricultural production. Although the output of crop production in Tatarstan in 2016 increased by 8.3%, and livestock - only by 1.6%, the share of the second (4.5%) in the total volume in the country was higher than the first (4%). In general, the republic produced 4.2% of all agricultural products in Russia. The gross harvest of grain amounted to 4.1 million tons, livestock and poultry for slaughter - 484.3 thousand tons, milk - almost 1.8 million tons.

Tatarstan was slightly behind the Belgorod region, according to the results of 2015, the former third in terms of agricultural production, and now it has taken the fourth position with 226.5 billion rubles. In the "meat capital of Russia" the output of livestock products naturally prevails, which gave 138.4 billion rubles. (plus 1.4% by 2015). But the dynamics of growth in crop production turned out to be much higher than the average - 17.5% to 88.1 billion rubles. The region harvested 3.25 million tons of grain, the production of livestock and poultry for slaughter exceeded 1.6 million tons, milk - 542.4 thousand tons. sectors in the all-Russian production - 2.8%. Last year, the region's agriculture added 6.5%, its share in the country was 4%.

Fifth place belongs to the Voronezh region with 219.9 billion rubles, which is 3.4% higher than in 2015. Here, the output of crop production is twice that of livestock - 147 billion rubles. against 72.9 billion rubles, although their growth dynamics are approximately the same: plus 3.2% in the first case and 3.9% in the second. Last year, the grain harvest in the region amounted to 4.7 million tons, which is 10.9% more than in 2015, livestock and poultry production increased by 11.5% to 382.1 thousand tons, milk - by 2.6 % to 828.5 thousand tons. The share of the region in the total production of agricultural products amounted to 3.9%, including crop production - 4.6%, livestock - 3%.

The sixth in the ranking was the Stavropol Territory, whose farmers produced products worth 210.9 billion rubles, having improved the figure of the previous year by 10.3%. As in other southern regions, plant growing prevails here - last year it gave 148.4 billion rubles, while animal husbandry - about 65.6 billion rubles. Nevertheless, the growth dynamics of both sectors is higher than the Russian average: 11.4% and 7.8%. The gross grain harvest in the Stavropol Territory in 2016 amounted to almost 10.2 million tons, an increase of 14% compared to 2015. The production of livestock and poultry increased by 14.5% to 479.7 thousand tons, while milk production decreased by 1% to 680.2 thousand tons. The region's contribution to total production amounted to 3.7%, including crop production - 4.7%, livestock - 2.5%.

Bashkiria is on the seventh line with a noticeable lag, where agricultural products were produced for 165.7 billion rubles. - only 0.8% more than a year earlier. Despite the fact that indicators in animal husbandry deteriorated by 1.6%, the output of the sector (90.85 billion rubles) was higher than in crop production (74.9 billion rubles), although the latter showed a positive trend, adding 3.7%. Grain harvest in the republic was 10.5% higher than in 2015 - more than 3.3 million tons, livestock and poultry production increased by 0.9% to 397.4 thousand tons, but milk yields fell by 4.5% to 1.7 million tons. Nevertheless, Bashkiria produced 3.7% of livestock products in the country, the share in crop production was 2.4%, and in agricultural products in general - 3%.

The eighth place was taken by the Saratov region with 163.5 billion rubles. - in terms of the growth rate of agricultural production of 19.3%, it became the leader of the country, sharing the first place with the Pskov region. At the same time, the latter is in the top ten in terms of agricultural production, while the Saratov region, thanks to such dynamics, was able to improve its position in the ranking - at the end of 2015, it was ninth. Last year, the agrarians of the region produced crop products for 116.5 billion rubles, livestock - for 46.6 billion rubles. The first sector added 26.5% to the level of 2015, the second - 4.7%. The grain harvest in the region increased by 90.3%, exceeding 4.2 million tons. But the production of livestock and poultry decreased by 2.1% to 183.1 thousand tons, milk - by 2.8% to 707.6 thousand The share of the region in the total volume of agricultural production in Russia amounted to 2.9%, for crop production - 3.7%, for livestock - 1.9%.

Ranked ninth Altai region from 163.4 billion rubles. quite a bit behind the Saratov region. It also entered the top 10 in terms of the growth rate of the agricultural sector, ranking seventh with 12.4%. The region produced 2.9% of all agricultural products in the country, including 3.1% of crop production and 2.7% of livestock production. In the first sector, the volume of issue amounted to 97.4 billion rubles. (plus 25.2% by 2015), in the second 66 billion rubles. (minus 2.3%). The grain harvest was 22.6% higher than in 2015, exceeding 4.8 million tons, which allowed the region not only to become the leader in the Siberian Federal District, but also the fourth in Russia. At the same time, the production of livestock and poultry decreased by 3.7% to 316.7 thousand tons, the gross milk yield decreased by 1%, amounting to 1.4 million tons. At the end of 2015, the Altai Territory ranked eighth in terms of agricultural production.

The Kursk region closes the top 10 with 146.8 billion rubles, a year earlier it was only in 12th position. Over the past year, the region's agriculture added 12.1%, which also allowed it to take eighth place in the country in terms of industry growth dynamics. Crop production in 2016 increased by 17.7% to 99.9 billion rubles, livestock - by 3.3% to 46.9 billion rubles. The contribution of the first to the all-Russian volume was 3.2%, the second - 1.9%. In terms of agricultural products in general, the share of the region reached 2.6%. Last year, the region's farmers harvested about 4 million tons of grain, which is 12.3% more than in 2015. The production of livestock and poultry increased by 7.4% to 469.5 thousand tons, but for milk there was a drop of 5.1% to 294.1 thousand tons.

In general, according to the calculations of Agroinvestor, the top 10 regions produced agricultural products worth 2.26 trillion rubles. or over 40% of the total in the country. Their total share in crop production reached 45.8%, livestock - 33.1%. Together they received about 64 million tons of grain, almost 5.2 million tons of livestock and poultry for slaughter, and more than 10.2 million tons of milk.

Agriculture regions of Russia- a series of analytical materials prepared by specialists of the Expert and Analytical Center for Agribusiness "AB-Center". Below in the text, after the introductory part, there are links leading to articles on agriculture in the regions, territories, republics of Russia. The situation in Russian agriculture in general, as well as the trends in key food markets, can be found by clicking on the link -.

Agriculture of the regions of Russia. Rating of Russian regions by agricultural production

The volume of manufactured products in agriculture in value terms for the whole country in 2015 in actual prices amounted to 5037.2 billion rubles. Since 2014, the value has grown by 16.6% or 718.1 billion rubles, since 2010 - by 94.7% or by 2449.4 billion rubles, since 2005 - by 264.8% or by 3656.2 billion rubles

The leader in the production of agricultural products in 2015 in all categories of farms is the Krasnodar Territory - 333.6 billion rubles, its share in the all-Russian indicators is 6.6%. Over the year, the value of agricultural products produced in actual prices increased by 16.4% or by 47.1 billion rubles, over 5 years by 65.5% or by 132.0 billion rubles, over 10 years by 243.5% or by 236.5 billion rubles.

The second place is occupied by agriculture of the Rostov region with a share of 4.6% of the total value - 229.3 billion rubles. Compared to 2014, the cost increased by 19.9% ​​or by 38.0 billion rubles, since 2010 it has grown by 94.2% or by 111.2 billion rubles, compared to 2005 - by 273.0 % or by 167.9 billion rubles.

The Belgorod Region is the third agricultural region of the Russian Federation in terms of the total value of manufactured products (produced agricultural products in the amount of 218.1 billion rubles; the share of the region in the total value in the Russian Federation was 4.3%). Over the year, the cost increased by 15.9% or 29.9 billion rubles, over 5 years - by 122.3% or 120.0 billion rubles, over 10 years - by 567.1% or 185.4 billion rubles

Agriculture of Tatarstan is in 4th place. In the republic, in value terms, they produced 213.7 billion rubles. agricultural products or 4.2% of the total value. In relation to 2014, the cost increased by 14.9% or 27.8 billion rubles, since 2010 the growth was 112.1% or 113.0 billion rubles, since 2005 it has grown by 246.9% or 152 .1 billion rubles

Closes the top five - the Voronezh region, where in 2015 agricultural products were produced in the amount of 200.2 billion rubles. This is 4.0% in the overall ranking in the country. The growth for the year amounted to 26.0% or 41.3 billion rubles, for 5 years - 193.6% or 132.0 billion rubles, for 10 years - 532.3% or 168.6 billion rubles.

The TOP - 20 key regions for the production of agricultural products in value terms in 2015 also included: Stavropol Territory (175.7 billion rubles; share in the total value in the Russian Federation - 3.5%) rubles; 3.0%), Altai Territory (140.4 billion rubles; 2.8%), Volgograd region (125.2 billion rubles; 2.5%), Tambov region (124.2 billion rubles. ; 2.5%), Chelyabinsk region (120.2 billion rubles; 2.4%), Saratov region (119.1 billion rubles; 2.4%), Moscow region, including the territory of New Moscow (119.1 billion rubles; 2.4%), Kursk region (112.8 billion rubles; 2.2%), Orenburg region (99.6 billion rubles; 2.0%), Republic of Dagestan (99.3 billion rubles .; 2.0%), Leningrad region (99.0 billion rubles; 2.0%), Lipetsk region (99.0 billion rubles; 2.0%), Omsk region (96.2 billion rubles; 1.9%), Krasnoyarsk Territory (88.9 billion rubles; 1.8%).

Below are useful links leading to articles about agriculture in the regions of the Russian Federation. For convenience, links to articles by region are grouped by federal districts. Also presented a brief description of agriculture districts of the Russian Federation as a whole.

Central Federal District

Agriculture of the regions of the Central Federal District (CFD) in 2015 ensured the volume of production in the amount of 1,322.9 billion rubles. The share of the Central Federal District in the agricultural production of the Russian Federation in actual prices amounted to 26.3%, which brought the district to the first place among all federal districts in this indicator. Per capita in the Central Federal District in 2015 produced agricultural products in the amount of 33.9 thousand rubles. (on average in Russia, the production of agricultural products per capita was at the level of 34.4 thousand rubles).

In the regional structure of agricultural production in the Central Federal District in 2015, the first place belongs to the Belgorod region with a share of 16.5% (218.1 billion rubles) in the total production volume in the district. The five largest agricultural regions of the Central Federal District also include the Voronezh region (15.1%, 200.2 billion rubles), the Tambov region (9.4%, 124.2 billion rubles), the Moscow region (including the territory of New Moscow) ( 9.0%, 119.1 billion rubles), Kursk region (8.5%, 112.8 billion rubles).

Crop production in the Central Federal District. In total, the sown areas of the Central Federal District in 2015 amounted to 15,354.6 thousand hectares, which is 19.4% of all sown areas in Russia.

In the Central Federal District in 2015, 55.7% of all sugar beet produced in the country, 41.0% of potatoes, 38.6% of corn, 37.9% of mustard seeds, 33.1% of rape seeds, 33.0% of barley, 31 0% soybeans, 30.4% sunflower seeds, 27.3% peas, 24.7% buckwheat, 19.3% wheat, 17.2% oats, 14.8% open and protected field vegetables.

Animal husbandry of the Central Federal District. The regions of the Central Federal District in 2015 collectively produced 45.8% of all pork produced in the country, 35.9% of poultry meat, 16.6% of beef, 17.5% of milk, 20.8% of eggs, 7.3% of lamb and goat meat.

Agriculture of the regions of Russia located in Northwestern Federal District

In agriculture of the regions of the North-Western Federal District in 2015, products were produced in the amount of 244.0 billion rubles. The share in the total Russian production of agricultural products was at the level of 4.8% (7th place in the rating of districts). Agricultural production per capita amounted to 17.6 thousand rubles.

The structure of agricultural production in the Northwestern Federal District in 2015 is as follows: Leningrad region (share in total production - 40.6%, the volume of production - 99.0 billion rubles), Kaliningrad region (12.4%, 30.2 billion rubles), Vologda region (11.6%, 28.4 billion rubles), Novgorod region (11.2%, 27.4 billion rubles), Pskov region (10.6%, 26.0 billion rubles).

Crop production in the Northwestern Federal District. The sown areas in the Northwestern Federal District in 2015 accounted for 1.8% of all sown areas in Russia (1,429.6 thousand ha).

In agriculture, the regions of Russia located in the Northwestern Federal District in 2015 produced 10.5% of the total volume of rape seeds grown in the country, 6.1% of potatoes, 5.2% of vegetables. The share of the district in grain production is low. So in 2015, only 0.9% of wheat produced in the Russian Federation, 0.6% of rye, and 1.8% of barley were harvested here.

Animal husbandry of the Northwestern Federal District. The Northwestern Federal District accounts for 6.2% of pork produced in the Russian Federation, 3.0% of beef, 8.4% of poultry meat, 5.8% of milk and 9.9% of eggs.

Agriculture of Russian regions located in the Southern Federal District

The volume of agricultural production in the Southern Federal District in actual prices amounted to 766.8 billion rubles. (15.2% of the total value of agricultural products in the Russian Federation). The production of agricultural products per capita in the Okrug is significantly higher than the average Russian indicator and amounts to 54.7 thousand rubles. - the highest rate among the districts.

The structure of agricultural production in the Southern Federal District by regions (indicators from highest to lowest in descending order): Krasnodar Territory (share in total output - 43.5%, production volume - 333.6 billion rubles), Rostov Region (29.9%, 229.3 billion rubles), Volgograd region (16.3%, 125.2 billion rubles), Astrakhan region(4.9%, 37.6 billion rubles), the Republic of Kalmykia (2.8%, 21.6 billion rubles), the Republic of Adygea (2.5%, 19.4 billion rubles).

Crop production of the Southern Federal District. The area under crops in the Southern Federal District in 2015 amounted to 11,711.3 thousand hectares. This is 14.8% of all areas in the Russian Federation.

In 2015, the Southern Federal District harvested 89.5% of the total Russian rice crop, 61.6% melons, 38.3% vegetables, 33.0% corn, 29.9% wheat, 28.7% sunflower seeds, 19.9 % sugar beet, 13.9% barley, 10.5% soybeans.

Livestock of the Southern Federal District. Pork production in the Southern Federal District amounted to 5.2% of the total volume in the Russian Federation, beef - 13.0%, poultry meat - 9.5%, lamb and goat meat - 25.9%, milk - 10.7%, eggs - 10, 7%.

Agriculture of the regions of Russia located in North Caucasian Federal District

In the North Caucasian Federal District in 2015, agricultural products were produced in the amount of 390.4 billion rubles - 7.8% of the total volume in the country (5th place in the Russian Federation). Indicators of agricultural production in the district are at the level of 40.3 thousand rubles.

The structure of agricultural production in value terms in the North Caucasus Federal District was distributed as follows: Stavropol Territory (production volume - 175.7 billion rubles, share in the total volume - 45.0%), Republic of Dagestan (99.3 billion rubles, 25. 4%), the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (38.7 billion rubles, 9.9%), the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (28.0 billion rubles, 7.2%), the Republic of North Ossetia (25.8 billion rubles, 6, 6%), the Chechen Republic (17.2 billion rubles, 4.4%), the Republic of Ingushetia (5.7 billion rubles, 1.5%).

Crop production in the North Caucasian Federal District. The sown areas of the North Caucasus Federal District in 2015 amounted to 4,291.4 thousand hectares. This is 5.4% of all sown areas in the Russian Federation.

The share of the North Caucasus Federal District in the total volume of indicators for the Russian Federation in 2015 accounted for 18.6% of corn harvests, 15.4% of peas, 12.3% of wheat, 11.5% of vegetables, 11.2% of melons.

Animal husbandry of the North Caucasian Federal District. In the livestock sector, the North Caucasus Federal District produced 1.9% of all pork produced in the Russian Federation, 9.9% of beef, 6.8% of poultry meat, 27.8% of lamb and goat meat, 9.0% of milk and 3.4% of eggs.

Agriculture of Russian regions located in the Volga Federal District

The volume of agricultural production in the Volga Federal District in 2015 in actual prices amounted to 1,147.7 billion rubles. The share in the total volume of agricultural production in Russia amounted to 22.8%. According to this indicator, the Volga Federal District is in second place in the Russian Federation after the Central Federal District. Agricultural production per capita in the Volga Federal District in 2015 was at the level of 38.7 thousand rubles.

The region with the largest share (18.6%) in the total volume of agricultural production in the Volga Federal District is the Republic of Tatarstan (production volume - 213.7 billion rubles), the Republic of Bashkortostan with a share of 13.3% and a volume of 152.1 billion rubles is in second place. The top five agricultural regions of the Volga Federal District also include the Saratov region (10.4%, 119.1 billion rubles), the Orenburg region (8.7%, 99.6 billion rubles), the Samara region (7.3%, 83.2 billion rubles ).

Crop production in the Volga Federal District. In 2015, the regions of the Volga Federal District provided 73.6% of rye produced in the Russian Federation, 50.6% of camelina seeds, 40.9% of sorghum, 37.2% of lentils, 32.2% of millet, 30.2% of sunflower seeds, 27 .9% oats, 24.9% barley, 23.7% mustard seeds, 21.8% potatoes, 20.7% gourds 20.7% peas, 15.5% wheat, 7.3% corn.

Animal husbandry of the Volga Federal District. In 2015, the Volga Federal District accounted for 30.0% of beef produced in the Russian Federation, 17.6% of pork, 20.3% of poultry meat, 20.0% of lamb and goat meat, 30.9% of milk, 25.1% of eggs.

Agriculture of Russian regions located in the Ural Federal District

In the Ural Federal District in 2015, agricultural products were produced in the amount of 319.5 billion rubles. (6.3% of the total Russian volume of agricultural production). This is the 6th place in Russia. Per capita in the district produced agricultural products for 26.0 thousand rubles.

The volume and structure of agricultural products produced in the Volga Federal District by regions: Chelyabinsk region (production volume - 120.2 billion rubles, share in the total volume - 37.6%), Tyumen region (83.6 billion rubles, 26.2%), Sverdlovsk region (75.0 billion rubles, 23.5%), Kurgan region (40.6 billion rubles, 12.7%).

Crop production in the Ural Federal District. The sown areas of the Ural Federal District in 2015 amounted to 5,197.4 thousand hectares. This is 6.6% of all areas in the Russian Federation. In the Ural Federal District in 2015, 5.5% of wheat produced in the Russian Federation, 7.3% of barley, 9.8% of oats, 9.4% of rape seeds, 8.2% of potatoes were harvested. 3.7% vegetables.

Animal husbandry of the Ural Ural Federal District. In the livestock sector of the district, 6.8% of the total volume of pork in the Russian Federation, 5.8% of beef, 9.1% of poultry meat, 2.9% of lamb and goat meat, 6.3% of milk and 10.8% of eggs were produced.

Agriculture of Russian regions located in the Siberian Federal District

Agricultural production in the Siberian Federal District in 2015 in actual prices amounted to 626.1 billion rubles. (12.4% in the total volume of agricultural production in the Russian Federation, 4th place among the districts). Per capita in the Siberian Federal District, agricultural products were produced in the amount of 32.4 thousand rubles.

The ranking of the TOP-5 regions in terms of the value of agricultural products in 2015 in the Siberian Federal District looks like this: Altai Territory (the volume of production in actual prices is 140.4 billion rubles, the share in the total volume in the district is 22.4%), Omsk Region ( 96.2 billion rubles, 15.4%), Krasnoyarsk region (88.9 billion rubles, 14.2%), Novosibirsk region (88.1 billion rubles, 14.1%), Irkutsk region (59.4 billion rubles , 9.5%).

Crop production in the Siberian Federal District. The sown areas of the Siberian Federal District in 2015 amounted to 15,026.7 thousand hectares. This is 18.9% of all sown areas in the Russian Federation.

In the Siberian Federal District in 2015, 46.5% of the total Russian harvest of buckwheat, 37.5% of oats, 18.0% of rapeseed, 17.2% of peas, 14.9% of wheat, 10.8% of barley, 8.5 % potatoes.

Animal husbandry of the Siberian Federal District. The livestock sector of the Siberian Federal District provided 14.5% of all pork produced in the Russian Federation, 18.9% of beef, 7.6% of poultry meat, 12.8% of lamb and goat meat, 17.5% of milk, 15.4% of eggs.

Agriculture of the Crimean Federal District

Agriculture of the Crimean Federal District in 2015 ensured the volume of production in the amount of 63.3 billion rubles. Specific gravity CFD in agricultural products of the Russian Federation in actual prices amounted to 1.3% (9th place among all federal districts in this indicator). Per capita in the Crimean Federal District in 2015 produced agricultural products in the amount of 27.4 thousand rubles.

In the structure of agricultural production in the Crimean Federal District in 2015, the main share of the total production belongs to the Republic of Crimea - 97.7% (61.8 billion rubles). The city of Sevastopol accounts for 2.3% or 1.5 billion rubles.

Source: Expert-analytical center of agribusiness AB-Center. When using materials, an active hyperlink to the source is required.

According to statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the leaders in wheat production are the countries of East Asia.

10. Ukraine (24 million tons)

Wheat is grown throughout Ukraine, but the most big income bring the central and southern parts of the country. Sowing is carried out in autumn, and the crop is harvested between July and August. Once called the "breadbasket of Europe", Ukraine predominantly produces hard red winter wheat used in bread baking. The increase in grain production between 2013 and 2014 resulted in its eq in Ukraine growing by 41% in 2014.

9. Australia (25 million tons)

Wheat is one of the most popular crops grown in Australia during the winter. Western Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland are the states that produce the most grain on the continent. Sowing takes place in autumn, and harvesting takes place in spring or winter, depending on weather conditions. Western Australia is the most major exporter grain, especially to Asia and the Middle East.

Sales of wheat grown in this state alone bring in about $2 billion annually. Over the past 30 years, grain production in Western Australia has increased by 1% annually. Wheat for the domestic market is grown on the east coast.

8. Pakistan (26 million tons)

Wheat is the most popular cereal in Pakistan and a staple in the diet of the people. From 2013 to 2014, the area used for wheat planting increased by 4.4%. Wheat is grown in all parts of Pakistan, with the largest crops being harvested in the provinces of Punjab and Sindh.

deposits rocks, carried by the Indus River, make the soil in these regions fertile, which facilitates the cultivation of various crops, including wheat.

7. Germany (28 million tons)

Germany is one of the largest grain producers in the European Union. In 2013, it exported over 9 million tons of grain. According to expert estimates, every year in Germany 7.2 million tons of wheat are ground into flour. In winter, wheat is grown throughout Germany, but most actively in the central part.

Bavaria (19% of total production Germany) and Lower Saxony (17%) bring the largest amount of grain. With the predominance of normal climatic conditions, sowing is carried out in October, and harvesting - in August.

6. Canada (29 million tons)

The wheat crop is the most important for Canada; several types of it are grown here: winter, dark spring and durum wheat. Wheat grains are used for various purposes, such as making flour for bakery products and as feed for livestock.

Saskatchewan has the largest harvest of durum (76%) and dark spring wheat (55%), followed by Alberta (26% of dark spring and 18% of durum wheat of the total production in the country). Meanwhile, Ontario grows 82% of Canada's winter wheat crop.

5. France (39 million tons)

France is the largest producer of grain in Europe, its crops are harvested throughout the state. The center of France leads in the production of wheat (16% of the total crop), followed by Picardy (10%). Winter wheat is the most important grain crop grown in the country, it is sown in autumn and harvested in August.

4. USA (55 million tons)

Wheat is the main cereal plant in the United States and is grown throughout the country. Almost 55 million tons of wheat is produced in the US, which is the fourth largest amount of grain in the world. In recent years, the States have been swapping places in the rankings with Russia, which is now in 3rd place.

According to the classification of the US Department of Agriculture, there are 8 types of wheat that are grown in the country. The most important are durum wheat (used to make pasta), hard red winter wheat, hard red spring wheat, soft white and hard white.

70-80% of the wheat produced in the US belongs to the category of winter wheat (often used in bread baking due to its high gluten content). North Dakota, Kansas, and Montana were the top wheat producers in the country in 2014, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. 50% of the harvest goes to eq, which generates an annual income of $9 million.

3. Russia (60 million tons)

Russia is the third largest producer of wheat in the world. From 2006 to 2011, it was in the top 5 countries that export the largest amount of grain. Winter wheat is the most important variety grown in the country. The crop is mainly grown in the western part of the country near Moscow. Sowing takes place between August and the first week of October, and the crop is harvested between July and August of the following year.

2. India (95 million tons)

Wheat is the second most important cereal crop grown in India after rice. Hundreds of millions of Indians eat it every day. India accounts for about 8.7% of the world's production, and 13% of all Indian cultivated land is used to grow wheat. The implementation of the Green Revolution in India led to a strong increase in grain production and a doubling of the harvest, which occurred between 1960 and 1970. Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh are the main wheat producing states in the country.

1. China (126 million tons)

As the world's largest wheat producer, China plays an important role in the world's grain market. About 126 million tons of wheat are produced annually in the country on an area of ​​24 million hectares, which is equal to the area of ​​Algeria. Wheat is one of the main products for the Chinese population, 40% of the cereals consumed are wheat. It is grown in the Huanghe and Huaihe river valleys along with corn and in the Yangtze River valley along with rice.
