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Business plans for animal husbandry. Breeding cattle. Technology of growing feed and breeding livestock

In the modern world, many people think about opening their own own business. As practice shows, this is the only true way to financial stability and independence. The main thing in this matter is to find the most promising and interesting ideas, which will really open up the possibility of real earnings, financial stability and independence. However, in order to achieve success, it is better to use original ideas, go in the direction that is in demand, but at the same time not crowded with competitors.

The best option is the food industry. No matter what happens, people will always buy food.

A wonderful solution for brave and thoughtful people is animal husbandry, which is becoming more and more popular every year. Plan for breeding and selling livestock you can make it yourself or find a ready-made development on the Internet using the phrase "b issued a plan for animal husbandry".

If you look at the statistics, you can see that the demand for natural products is growing. In addition, a huge number of people leave the cities and start all over again in the conditions of a village or a small village, where you can safely raise livestock, and then profitably sell meat.

Where to start?

The idea is really worthwhile, it already brings profit to a large number of people every year. There is nothing surprising in the fact that many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in this topic and open such a business.

How to start a livestock farm business plan? Of course, with the search for territory! Believe me, it plays a big role.

The chosen site must have water and grass, so that healthy and strong livestock can be bred with confidence.

If you do not have experience in this area, then you definitely need to use a ready-made livestock business plan, which will guarantee further success. It is much easier, wiser and more promising to act according to an established system.

Of course, many businessmen do not think for a long time, but immediately agree to use ready ideas to save time and effort. Fact! This is a profitable and practical solution for everyone.

In any case, always carefully and even meticulously consider the territory where you plan to build your business in order to avoid problems in the future.

Is there a lot of capital needed?

What will the money be needed for? To purchase livestock, feed for it, arrange a place to sleep, create a place to live for yourself and your worker. All this requires an investment of money.

However, do not forget that this area of ​​activity is carefully supported by various government programs. If you intend to engage in animal husbandry for a long time, then you will definitely need to find out more about various grants and programs. That way you can save a lot!

State programs provide an opportunity to quickly and easily solve the problem with money, get the necessary capital and engage in livestock breeding for your own pleasure.

Many people started this way. In order to collect the necessary information, carefully read about all government programs, study information about financial support in various banks that participate in such government systems. Then it will be possible to plan your own business at minimal cost!

Should you hire workers?

Of course, it is impossible to imagine a livestock business plan without having work force in your area.

If you want to radically change your life, do business important part routine, to live through all stages of the company's development, then, of course, it is worth going out of town yourself. Of course, this will require a lot of time, effort and skills, but the results will be worth it.

It's great that now you can find responsible and good workers who will help with the housework at minimal cost on your part. If you are planning to open big business in the livestock sector, it will take a lot of labor to achieve results. However, Do not forget: even if you have responsible employees, you still have to personally control the work process in order to be sure of excellent results.

Thinking how to promote your business? Everything about marketing can be found. And the basics of business psychology -.


The payback of the livestock business is excellent, you can rest assured. It will be enough to hand over adult and healthy cattle once to see with your own eyes what great money you can earn in this area.

Now the so-called "livestock business ideas" are in demand for a reason. Many people are really confident in investing their cash and get a triple benefit from it.

You don't have to worry about raising livestock will be time consuming. Believe me, ordinary business requires much more, only the results are not so impressive.

Let us remind you once again: do not forget to find out about possible grants and assistance from the state to novice farmers. There are many ways to invest minimally in a business, and in return receive a stable income!

Remember - in the modern world, meat will always be the main product in the trading system. If you supply meat, then in return you are guaranteed to receive maximum profit and pleasure!

Calculations are current for 2019

MS Word Volume: 32 pages

Business plan

Reviews (279)

Pay attention to the livestock business plan, with the help of which you will be provided with documentary evidence of the profitability of the business - a cattle farm. Growing large cattle requires skill and experience, because animals need spacious pens in which all conditions for keeping will be provided. High-quality feed with special additives, the creation of drinkers and comfortable pens will definitely increase the profitability of the cattle breeding business.

In the proposed finished document, you will find sections that will indicate the cost of an undertaking for breeding cows, fattening cattle, because this activity requires tangible funds and constant replenishment of feed stocks. Also, animals need careful care, and dairy cows require special treatment, so it is necessary to install milking machines, as well as equipment for keeping cows clean.

The carefully structured cattle breeding document also covers the stages of selling meat to buyers. You can not only breed livestock, but also maintain a slaughterhouse on your own. This will require additional investment, however, and the profit will be much higher than just from the sale of livestock. You should also think about updating breeds in order to increase the number of livestock and increase the profitability of the enterprise.

The unstable economic situation in our country has led to the fact that such a business as animal husbandry, alas, is not developing as actively as we would like. Meanwhile, most consumers are interested in local meat products produced as much as possible, since its taste is much higher than imported analogues.

But why are entrepreneurs in no hurry to develop such an attractive, at first glance, niche? The thing is that starting his business with the development of beef cattle breeding, a businessman is faced with huge amount problems. And this is not the amount of initial costs, as it may seem to an unenlightened person. On the contrary, the low threshold for entry into this business can just attract start-up entrepreneurs.

Difficulties elsewhere. First of all, in order to engage in such a business as cattle breeding, it is necessary to have large areas of land - after all, cows need somewhere to graze! If there is not so much pasture land in your region, then this business will be disadvantageous. Good pastures will provide your cows with a natural food base, which will significantly reduce the cost of the final product - fresh meat.

With a competent organization of the livestock business, the cost of livestock feed can easily be minimized. Starting in early spring and until the snow falls, the cows will eat grass, that is, practically for free. While the lack of a natural forage base will increase the cost of feeding animals to such an extent that it will become almost impossible to wait for a profit.

But, in addition to pasture land, livestock farming also needs arable land, which is used for growing root crops and cereals - the basis of winter feed for cattle (cattle). For each cow with offspring, there must be at least 2 hectares of land, equally - arable and pasture. Based on this, the entrepreneur should calculate the maximum number of heads in the herd that he can provide with feed.

The amount of expected profit also depends very much on the breed of livestock that will be raised on your farms. You can’t save on this: it’s better to buy 50 heads of breeding cows that have proven themselves well in terms of fertility and weight gain than to buy 100 heads of unremarkable cows for the same money, from which there will be only problems.

A competent livestock business project will allow you to take into account all the nuances of this type of business. One has only to get acquainted with the reviews about the livestock business, as it becomes clear: success can be achieved by those entrepreneurs who relied on a professional example of a livestock business plan with ready-made calculations. A competent business plan includes such important points as the features of the sale of meat and the conclusion of contracts with suppliers, which is critical for a peasant farm. And only this document will help you make a competent analysis of the meat products market in order to quickly recoup your investment.

Animal husbandry is one of the most promising sectors of the agricultural business, which brings good profit even during a crisis. Of course, such an activity will require certain financial investments from you for the purchase of feed and animal maintenance, but they all pay off in the most short time. With the right approach, animal husbandry as a business from scratch can make you a rich, financially independent person in just a few years. How to organize a small farm, we will tell you in this article.

Where to begin?

In our country in Lately farming business has become very popular.

It develops due to the following important factors:

  • State programs aimed at supporting domestic producers;
  • Rising food prices;
  • The products produced by farms belong to the category of essential goods;
  • A wide range of different activities.

Based on this, we can say that a small livestock business is a promising and quite profitable activity, which, with certain financial investments, can bring a good stable income.

A novice farmer must solve the following important questions:

  1. Choose a direction of activity;
  2. Develop a sound business plan;
  3. Purchase livestock and equipment;
  4. formalize your business;
  5. Seek government financial support.

The organization of any business is associated with certain difficulties. It is best to start your own business in the direction with which you are familiar and to which your soul lies. It is advisable to choose an idea that will allow you to quickly get results with a small financial investment. When you learn in practice the technology for the production of livestock products, you can move on to a larger scale.

Types of animal husbandry

When compiling a livestock business plan, you need to consider that animal breeding is divided into the following sub-sectors:
  1. Pig breeding:
  2. poultry farming;
  3. Breeding cattle;
  4. Sheep breeding;
  5. Breeding rabbits;
  6. Beekeeping;
  7. horse breeding;
  8. Fish farming;
  9. Fur farming.

The most profitable business in animal husbandry is cattle breeding. Farmers who are engaged in such activities provide the population with milk and meat. No less profitable type of activity is poultry farming. The absence of any difficulties in breeding poultry and the high demand for products allow entrepreneurs to receive a stable high income. Another rapidly developing type of farming activity is pig breeding. This business brings good income but to achieve good results, you will have to spend a lot of effort and money.

The most sustainable option is a large farm with diverse specializations. Creating such a farm from scratch is almost impossible, but if you draw up a competent livestock development business plan and strictly adhere to all its points, you can start small and achieve great success. Your the main objective at the start - to get the first profit, which may appear in 6 months or 2 years. It all depends on what livestock business idea you have chosen to start your business.

In order for a small livestock business to bring tangible profits, you need to develop it to a certain extent. For example, if you organize a small cattle breeding farm of 20-30 heads, it is unlikely to please you with a high income. It is necessary to constantly increase the number of livestock, buy equipment and hire employees in order to reach 100 heads at least in a year.

If you do not have experience in this area, you should not immediately invest a lot of money in an organization farming. Start small, like 5 bulls. This will allow you to understand whether it is worth doing such a thing in the future.

What is profitable to grow for sale?

Now let's talk about which types of animal husbandry bring the greatest profit:

  • Rabbits. For beginners who do not have experience in keeping and caring for animals, it is best to start their business by breeding rabbits. The main advantage of these animals is their precocity. In 30 days, their weight increases 12 times. It is quite profitable and useful business. With only 4-5 females on the farm, you can get 200 rabbit skins and about 300 kg of quality meat;
  • Nutria. This livestock business idea, with the right approach, can bring a decent profit. One nutria carcass weighing 5 kg costs $25. If you organize the process correctly, one family will give you $350 worth of meat every month. In order to get nutria skins, you need to keep 9-10 months;
  • Goats. These pets are bred for fluff and wholesome nutritious milk. This is one of the most profitable types of animal husbandry, which opens up wide development prospects for beginners;
  • Turkeys. Despite the difficulties associated with breeding and keeping turkeys, this Domestic bird brings farmers great profits. All initial investments pay off in 8-10 months. By this time, an adult reaches a weight of 20–25 kg. The demand for high-quality dietary turkey meat does not fall in any economic conditions, therefore, there are usually no problems with the sale of finished products;
  • Pig breeding. Pigs are precocious animals. If you provide them with proper care and quality feed, by 6 months the animal reaches a weight of 100 kg. One sow can give birth 1-2 times a year, respectively, in addition to selling meat, you can additionally earn good money selling dairy pigs;
  • Gobies. Beef never drops in price, so growing bulls for meat can be safely called one of the most profitable business ideas in the field of animal husbandry. With quality care and proper nutrition after 1.5 years, the animals gain weight of 300–350 kg.


The biggest expense for a novice farmer is the purchase of feed. Poor quality products can cause irreparable harm to animals, so experts recommend not saving on feed. It is advisable to buy them in bulk from a manufacturer with a good reputation and extensive experience in this field. In addition to hay and grain, it is also necessary to purchase special feed additives that contribute to speed dial weight.

Distribution channels for finished products

Since the main types of livestock products are always in demand on the market, there are usually no problems with their marketing. Start-up farmers sell meat, milk, eggs and other products in the markets or sell them through small shops.

Large farms usually enter into cooperation agreements with retail chains or companies that process livestock products. Some open their own processing enterprises. As a result, they multiply the profitability of their business.

How much can you earn?

To understand how profitable animal husbandry is in Russia, let's try to calculate the profitability of this business using the example of a rabbit breeding farm.

These are extremely prolific animals that give 10 litters in 1 year. Each rabbit brings about 6 cubs at a time. If you keep 100 females, you can get 6 thousand young from them. The average carcass weight before slaughter is 2–2.2 kg. If you grow and slaughter all the young rabbits, you get 12 tons of meat. finished products can be sold at 180-190 rubles per 1 kg, respectively, the annual income will be 2 million 280 thousand rubles. If we subtract the costs of feed, animal maintenance, employee salaries and transportation costs, 1 million 140 thousand rubles will remain.

To reduce costs, you can vaccinate rabbits yourself, grow food for them on your own land, and also take care of the animals yourself without involving hired workers. Rabbit breeding is not the most profitable business in animal husbandry, but despite this, many novice farmers are engaged in this business, since it brings a good stable income.

If we talk about cattle breeding, this is a fairly profitable area, but it will require large investments from you. Don't expect from meat quick payback, because calves gain the necessary weight at the age of 15-18 months. This means that you will receive the first profit in about 1.5 years. The dairy business generates profits faster, but milk is much cheaper than meat, so the initial investment takes a long time to pay off.

Animal husbandry is a rather risky activity. Beginning farmers can face diseases and epidemics that lead to the death of the entire livestock. The profitability of such a business largely depends on the choice of the direction of activity and your attitude to your business. If you manage to prevent all risks and take into account important points, farming will bring excellent profits.

Refers to the agricultural activity.

For a long time, it has brought great profits.

This industry is considered one of the most promising.

Even in ancient times, people raised cattle to provide for families and to sell.

Of course, it's a big area. The main thing here is to choose the right direction. And for this you need to determine which direction is in demand in the region of residence.

But, even having decided on the animal, the entrepreneur should take into account that in order to open a business, he will have to have a lot of money that will have to be invested. At correct staging business, animal husbandry as a business from scratch will quickly pay for itself.

In Russia, animal husbandry is becoming more and more popular not only among ordinary people but also entrepreneurs. This is due to some indicators:

  • In our country, there are special programs that support farming. Entrepreneurs are provided with various subsidies and benefits, as well as land for doing farming business.
  • A noticeable increase in the cost of products, which ensures greater profits.
  • The product line obtained from this type of activity is always in demand. Entrepreneurs usually have their own distribution channels.
  • Restrictions have now been introduced on the import of products from abroad to the market.
  • Lots of directions. The introduction of new varieties, for example, the breeding of ostriches.
  • Russian products inspire confidence and, accordingly, are in demand.

Therefore, farming is considered profitable and shows great promise. It develops rapidly and brings a lot of profit. Only for its organization will have to make a lot of effort and invest money. At the same time, profits can be made very soon.

How to start an activity

The first thing that an entrepreneur needs to determine is what goal he will pursue when breeding cattle. It is possible to combine several in one direction. Now there are many directions. For example, they breed:

  • for the purpose of selling meat
  • for milk production
  • generic method
  • marketing of juveniles

On farming activities There are two types of factors: external and internal. The first ones include:

  • degree of specialization
  • security
  • performance availability

TO external factors can be attributed:

  • availability of demand
  • economy
  • policy

This activity is an integral part modern world. Rejecting it, you can come to primitive times. Therefore, animal husbandry must be supported and developed. Only in this case, the entrepreneur will be successful.

Before raising livestock, a novice in the business should think about several questions:

  • choice of direction
  • business plan preparation
  • registration of activities
  • appeal to the state for help
  • purchase of livestock, feed and necessary equipment

Properly setting up this business is associated with some difficulties. It is recommended to start business from a more familiar direction. It is necessary to adhere to ideas that allow you to quickly recover costs. This will help you reach a new level of activity with greater profit.

Many farmers buy several types of livestock at the same time to determine which one will be more profitable and to their liking. After all, each region may have its own level of sales, connection with the needs of people.

Having studied in practice the technology of growing and feeding livestock in small volumes, you can proceed to a large scale. Just because you need to learn from small.

Possible directions of animal husbandry

Before drawing up a business plan, an entrepreneur needs to carefully understand all sectors of animal husbandry. This includes breeding:

  • birds
  • cows
  • deer
  • camels
  • fur animals

Quite often, entrepreneurs are tormented by the question of whether animal husbandry as a business from scratch is more profitable.

It is worth noting that the breeding of cows is one of the most profitable areas.

Entrepreneurs engaged in such business provide the population not only with meat, but also with dairy products.

In addition, young individuals can be sold.

Of course, this direction is laborious. After all, you have to look for a barn, and for cows it should not be small.

Therefore, for many aspiring entrepreneurs, it is possible to start a business with something simpler. Two more no less profitable industries are:

  • pig breeding
  • poultry breeding

This is due to the fact that the resulting products are among the most in demand. But to achieve a good result, you need to spend a lot of effort and money.

A stable option would be a large farm of various specializations.

But creating such a business from scratch and immediately is quite difficult.

Yes, and it will require a lot of investment.

If we consider separately the direction of breeding cows, then with the number of twenty heads of big profits, you should not expect big profits.

It is necessary to constantly increase the livestock, and then you can come to an excellent result. However, if there is no experience in this direction, it is better to start with a small amount. To begin with, it is enough to have five heads of cattle. This will make it possible to understand whether it is worth pursuing this direction and whether it was generally chosen correctly.

Most Profitable Business

As mentioned above, cow breeding is considered the most profitable activity. This is due, first of all, to the provision of people not only with meat, but also with dairy products. Before embarking on such a business, an entrepreneur needs to draw up a business plan. It should include:

  • volumes that the farmer plans to receive
  • expenses for the purchase of livestock, feed and equipment
  • marketing advertising costs
  • sale value designation
  • sales channel information
  • employee salary costs
  • water, lighting and heating costs
  • expenses for regular animal health care, usually for vaccinations
  • risk analysis
  • planned income
  • business start-up costs
  • taxes
  • rent or purchase price of the premises

It is very important to determine in advance with the room. It should be away from the city. Then you can get an environmentally friendly product.

It is important to determine the purpose of breeding cattle:

  • for sale of young
  • for slaughter
  • dairy production
  • dressing
  • production of meat products

After the business plan is drawn up and the premises are found, you can proceed to the design of the activity. To do this, you will have to obtain a number of permits and collect the necessary documentation.

A dairy cow must have:

  • belly in the form of a barrel
  • small horns
  • good muscles
  • elastic udder

A narrow ass and a sagging back can be attributed to disadvantages.

Be sure to check the documents before buying livestock.

Must be vaccinated.

Livestock must first be provided with feed.

It is ideal to have good pastures nearby.

Be sure to disinfect the barn and vaccinate the cattle. Be sure to provide additional space for the slaughterhouse.

Beef is an expensive and high quality meat. It is in high demand. In order to make more profit, farmers buy livestock different breeds. This helps to make a profit not only from meat, but also from milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese and the like.

What is more profitable for the purpose of sale

Let us consider specifically how profitable each of the areas of animal husbandry is:

  • Breeding rabbits is not associated with large investments and troubles. People who have not previously been involved in animal husbandry are advised to start a business with this type of activity. The main advantage of these animals is precocity. Within a month, their weight increases twelve times. By purchasing five females, you can get two hundred skins and about three hundred kilograms of meat annually.
  • Breeding nutria, with the right business setting, can lead to good profits. After all, one carcass of this animal costs twenty-five conventional units. With proper organization of activities, one family will bring up to twenty thousand rubles per month. To get good skins, they must be kept for at least nine months.
  • Quite often people are bred. From this animal you can get fluff and healthy milk. For beginners in the field of animal husbandry, this is quite a lucrative business.
  • When breeding turkeys, it is worth considering that they are difficult to maintain. But after ten months, such a business pays off. By this time, the bird weighs about twenty-five kilograms. The demand for it is very good, so there are no problems with the implementation.
  • Pigs are classified as early maturing cattle. If you provide them with good care, at the age of six months the animal reaches one hundred kilograms of weight. One female can produce two offspring in a year. Therefore, in addition to meat, you can trade in young animals. Little piglets stand not cheap.
  • Beef has always been and will be in the price. Therefore, the cultivation of this animal for sale can be safely called one of the most profitable. With proper nutrition and care, this cattle gains weight up to three hundred and fifty kilograms in a year and a half.

Due to the fact that the main types of livestock products are always in demand, there are usually no problems with their implementation. Entrepreneurs can sell products on the market or rent them to small retail outlets.

As for large farms, they conclude deals with retail chains, as well as enterprises that are engaged in processing products. Some farmers are additionally equipping own production for processing products, which helps to increase the profitability of the activity.

What is needed for a successful business

Pig farming is a profitable business

Every novice farmer must understand that this type of business does not allow you to earn instant income.

Animal husbandry is one of the most risky activities.

Since there is always the possibility of the appearance of diseases or natural disasters that contribute to the appearance of losses and lead to bankruptcy.

In addition, it takes time to make a profit.

Breeding dairy and beef cattle- the livestock industry in our time, unfortunately, is not particularly profitable. However, with the right approach to business, it is still possible to get a relatively good profit from such an enterprise.

In order to establish a good business, the farmer needs to take care of choosing the most suitable breed of cows, build a comfortable barn for the animals and provide them with high-quality feed. Also, a novice entrepreneur will need to draw up detailed business plan for breeding cattle.

Where to start: company registration

Before starting the construction of a farm, an entrepreneur needs to take care of its legalization. Most often, such enterprises are formalized either asKFK (peasant farm) orLPH (personal utility)or just as an IP. A cattle breeding farm should be registered under a special code (livestock). In this case, taxes in the future will not have to pay too much.Currently, farmers consider CFC to be the most profitable type of registration. The owner of such an enterprise can choose for himself the most suitable system taxation.

Rbreeding of dairy and meat cattle in our time -supported by the state as well. The owners of such an enterprise can even count on a small financial support (about 60 thousand rubles). Funds are issued for the organization of a cowshed, mainly individual entrepreneurs. You can get money at the local employment service.

Direction of activity

Most often, cows in our country are bred for milk production. However, sometimes these animals are also kept for meat. Before starting the construction of a farm, an entrepreneur, of course, needs to decide on the direction of the business. If there are large enterprises for the production of sausages, stews and other similar products in the vicinity, it may make sense to organize a "meat" farm. Otherwise, it is better to focus on such a popular product as milk. There are enterprises for its processing in almost every city in Russia.

Choosing a place for a farm

Composingbusiness plan for breeding cattle,this issue should also be given maximum attention.Place underbarn neededchoose correctly. Sheds dshould be located, of course,at some distance from residential buildings and territories of settlements. Before buying a plot or entering into a lease agreement, you should make sure that there is water for the well in this place.

Also, when choosing land, the farmer should also take into account the expected livestock.. It is believed that one cow should account for:

    perennialgrassy meadows - 0.5-0.7 ha;

    annual and silage - 0.15-0.25 ha.

Also, next to the farm, agricultural enterprises engaged in the cultivation of root crops and grains should be located.


Breeding cows as a business is a complex business. And it will most likely be impossible to cope with it alone. In addition to building a barn and identifying places to purchase feed, an entrepreneur who decides to breed cattle will also need to think about hiring workers for the farm. It is believed that an enterprise of such specialization cannot do without:



In some cases, the owner of the farm can take on some of the responsibilities (keeping records, marketing).

Profitability calculation

The costs of organizing a cattle farm are usually significant. So, building a cowshedsmallsizes(for 7 cows and 3 bulls) will costapproximately at200 thousand roubles. Breeding adult animals cost about 200-300 rubles. per kilogram of weight. The weight of such cows is on average 700 kg. That is, about 200 thousand rubles will have to be paid for 10 animals. Decor entrepreneurial activity will cost about 20 thousand rubles. Thus, the actual organization of the farm will cost at least 420 thousand rubles.

Breeding dairy cattle for productivity, just like meat, also involves the cost of animal feed and wages employees.

Farmers usually buy feed per cow for about 40-45 thousand rubles a year. Thus, 400-450 thousand rubles will have to be spent on 10 goals. Employees will need to pay:

    one milkmaid - at least 15 thousand rubles. per month;

    one handyman 13 thousand;

Approximately per month28 thousand roubles.,and per year336 thousand roubles. That is, the cost of maintaining the farm per year will be 450,000 +336 000 = 786 thousand rubles Also, the farmer will have to pay taxes (depending on the chosen scheme) and spend money on equipment repairs.

When compiling a business plan for breeding cattle, the estimated income should also be calculated. They will depend on the cost of products supplied to the market. The price per kilogram of milk at retail in the market is approximately 50 rubles. One breeding cow can give for lactation - 4000-6000 kg. Consequently, when selling milk at retail from 7 animals a year, it will be possible to receive about 1,750,000 rubles.

Based on these figures, it will not be difficult to roughly calculate the profitability of a dairy farm. The cost of keeping beef cows will be about the same. Income is determined taking into account the cost of a kilogram of meat. On the market for this product they ask for an average400 r. Weightslaughter age bulls is 500-800 kg (live). The yield of meat in this case can be equal to 50-65%, that is, about 300 kg. Thus, the income from one animal will be 120,000 rubles. From 10 bulls you can get 1,200,000 rubles.

Business plan for breeding cattle: which breed to choose

So, the net profit from a cattle breeding farm of 10 animals per year can be approximately 500 thousand rubles. However, not every cow can give 6000 kg of milk, and not every bull-calf can gain 800 kg of weight. Therefore, a farmer who wants to make a profit from his enterprise must approach the choice of breed responsibly.

The most productive dairy cow today, of course, is the Holstein. With good care, such cows can produce up to 9 thousand kg of product per year. Also popular with Russian farmers are such breeds as:

    red steppe;


    Kholmogory, etc.

All these cows, depending on the conditions of detention, give 4-6 thousand kg of milk during the lactation period. Of course, it is most profitable to keep Holstein cows on the farm. However, this cattle, unfortunately, is quite demanding in terms of care. Therefore, a novice farmer, most likely, should still choose a “simpler” breed. In the future, it will be possible to think about buying Holsteins.

Breeding beef cattle will be the most profitable business when choosing bulls of breeds:



    white Aquitaine.

Construction of farms for breeding cattle

The productivity of cows will also depend on how good conditions content will be provided by the owner. Therefore, the construction of sheds should be approached with all responsibility. The dimensions of the farm are determined based on the fact that one animal should have approximately 20 m 3 of free space. The barn plan should include:

    stalls with manure, feed and cross passages;

    feed preparation room;

    rooms for storing inventory, vaccinations, staff.

The meat cattle farm should also be equipped with a mini-slaughterhouse and a refrigeration compartment.

Of course, in the winter season, the sheds must be heated. Therefore, it will be necessary to equip a boiler room in the barn. Also, the farm project should include a ventilation scheme for the premises.

It will, of course, be problematic for an entrepreneur to build even a small barn for 10 heads on his own. In any case, you will have to hire a construction team. To build a large farm, you may also need specialists who are ready to draft a barn for a fee.

It is believed that inexpensive foam blocks are best suited as a material for building a farm. Also today on the market there are ready-made barns made of metal structures. Their advantages are the speed of assembly and relatively low cost.


To get a lot of milk or meat, the farm owner will have to develop a suitable diet for the animals. Feed cows:



    root crops.

Grain or special compound feeds are usually used as concentrates. Roughage is primarily hay. Juicy - beets, carrots, potatoes. Such a diet is provided for cattle in winter. In summer, cows are usually driven out to pasture. Cows are in the meadow all day. The owner of a small farm can arrange grazing with a shepherd from a nearby village. The owner of a large enterprise, most likely, will have to hire such an employee separately. Concentrated feed and root crops are given to cows in the summer in the morning and in the evening.

In addition to grain, hay, grass, beets and silage, cows should also receive vitamins, as well as microelements necessary for their body. Therefore, the owner of the farm will need to purchase various premix additives for them.

Often the owners of cowsheds include in the diet of their pets and prepared according to special recipes industrial way feed. With their use, the cultivation of cattle and its maintenance are more expensive. But the productivity of cows also increases. When using compound feed in the diet, it is not necessary to include additional premixes in it. They are included in the industrial compositions initially.


In addition to stalls and utility rooms, a barn for young animals should also be included in the design of the barn. Dairy calves are taken away from their mother almost immediately. They are fed artificially. After all, milk in this case is the main product of the farm. At meat enterprises for breeding cattle, young animals are left with a suckling cow. This contributes to faster calf weight gain and reduced mortality.

Vaccinations and sanitation rules

The benefits of maintaining a farm can be obtained, albeit not too large, but quite acceptable. However, often novice farmers are faced with such a serious problem as the loss of livestock, and, accordingly, the loss of funds invested in the business.

Some cattle diseases are fatal, others can lead to a significant reduction in productivity. Moreover, infections in barns usually spread very quickly. Therefore, the sanitary condition of the premises for cattle should be given maximum attention. The cattle farm should be cleaned daily. In addition, animals need to be vaccinated.

Hiring a veterinarian on a small farm is, of course, superfluous. In most cases, the owners of such farms, if vaccination is necessary, simply invite specialists from the nearest veterinary clinic for a fee. On a large farm, a doctor of this specialization, of course, should be hired.

The most common cattle diseases are:




    mad cow disease;


From which diseases it is worth vaccinating cows in a particular region and at what frequency, you should find out in the district veterinary clinic in the department for the prevention of epidemics.

Creating a farm: marketing products

Thus, it is quite difficult to organize a cattle breeding enterprise. It is also relatively costly. But it is even more difficult in our time to find markets. The cost of milk and meat given in the article above is retail. If the farm is designed for only 10 animals, it is possible that the owner will be able to find direct markets for it. When expanding an enterprise with retail sales, certain difficulties may arise. The owner of a large farm will most likely have to sell products in bulk - to enterprises of the corresponding specialization. In this case, the price per liter of milk or a kilogram of meat will be much lower. When calculating the possible profit, this must be taken into account.

Sale of calves

Profit owners of a farm with cattle can receive not only from the sale of milk or meat. Many owners of such enterprises are also engaged in such a business as breeding cattle. Thoroughbred calves are quite expensive today. There are always quite a lot of hunters to acquire such animals. The price of one thoroughbred calf on the market today is about 12 thousand rubles.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, the construction of cattle breeding farms is a rather complicated and responsible business. Profit from such an enterprise, of course, can be obtained. However, it will be necessary to spend money on organizing a business of such specialization thoroughly. In any case, of course, you need to have certain skills in keeping this variety of farm animals. Such a business is suitable, most likely, only for a person who is familiar with the basics of keeping cattle firsthand.
