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Documents for replacing the ecl. The Federal Tax Service for the Sverdlovsk region talks about the procedure for replacing ECLs. Eccles replacement procedure

The procedure for replacing ECLZ requires the taxpayer to have a clear procedure and a certain number of documents submitted to the tax office. When submitting documents to replace the ECLZ to the tax authority, the presence of a TsTO specialist is not necessary.

About this Letter of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation for Moscow dated December 9, 2010 N 17-15/129855.

According to the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 N 54-FZ "On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards" (hereinafter referred to as Law N 54-FZ), organizations and individual entrepreneurs carrying out cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards when selling goods, providing services, performing work, are required to use cash register equipment included in the state register.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 4 of Law No. 54-FZ, the requirements for cash register equipment, the procedure and conditions for its registration and application are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Based on Art. 5 of Law N 54-FZ, organizations and entrepreneurs are required to use a working cash register, sealed in the prescribed manner, registered with the tax authorities and ensuring proper accounting of funds when making payments (recording of settlement transactions on the control tape and in fiscal memory).

In the tax authorities, registration, re-registration and deregistration of cash registers are carried out in strict accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2007 N 470 "On approval of the Regulations on the registration and use of cash register equipment used by organizations and individual entrepreneurs" and the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 10, 2009 N 19n.

The regulations determine the timing and sequence of procedures for registration, re-registration and deregistration of cash registers, the procedure for interaction between tax authorities, organizations and entrepreneurs.

A cash register equipped with an ECLZ and included in the State Register of Cash Registers is registered with the tax inspectorates.

All previously adopted and not repealed regulatory legal acts are valid to the extent that they do not contradict Law No. 54-FZ. The provisions regarding the use of EKLZ are regulated by the Guidelines for the use of electronic control tapes protected in cash registers, approved by the Minutes of the meeting of the State Interdepartmental Expert Commission (GMEC) dated June 25, 2002 N 4/69-2002 (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines).

According to clause 1.1 of the Methodological Instructions, an EKLZ is a special technical device designed to register and store information about each monetary payment made. Only technical service centers (TSC) and general suppliers have the right to install, replace and remove ECLZ from CCP (clause 3.1 of the Guidelines).

According to the Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated December 20, 2005 N 22-08/94593, the Moscow tax authorities are guided by the Temporary Procedure for replacing and activating the electronic control tape protected until the adoption of regulations on this issue.

ECLZ replacement is carried out in the following cases:

  1. filling out the ECLZ;
  2. expiration of the established service life of EKLZ;
  3. re-registration of cash registers;
  4. ECLZ malfunctions.
In the event that a cash register is issued (printed) a message about the filling of the memory of an electronic control tape protected by more than 90%, the cash register user immediately notifies the control center about the filling of the electronic control tape and sends a letter of guarantee application for the installation and activation of a new electronic control tape.

In case of expiration of the established service life of the EKLZ (12 months from the moment of its activation), the KKT user notifies the central service center a month before its expiration and sends a letter of guarantee application for the installation and activation of a new EKLZ.

The CCP user submits the following documents to the tax authority before the procedure for replacing and activating the ECLZ:

  • cash register registration card;
  • technical conclusion on the reason for replacing the EKLZ, issued by the Central Technical Center;
  • act in form N KM-2, certified by the seal of the Central Technical Service (in triplicate).
To replace the ECLZ you need:

Take a short report on shift closures from the ECLZ for the period from activation to the last closed shift and the results of the current shift from the ECLZ;

Close the archive in accordance with the operational documentation of the general CCP supplier.

The KKT user, after carrying out the procedure for replacing and activating the EKLZ and completing the necessary documents with the TsTO, submits to the tax authority:

Form (technical passport) KKT. After replacing and activating the ECLZ, an entry is made in the “Special Notes” column about the date of replacement and activation of the ECLZ, indicating the registration number of the ECLZ. The record is certified by a stamp, a seal imprint and the signature of the central technical service specialist who replaced and activated the ECLZ;

An additional sheet to the version passport with a note about the activation of the EKLZ, indicating the registration number of the EKLZ and the date of activation, certified by the signature of the executor and the seal of the Central Technical Service;

Certificate of commissioning of EKLZ (Appendix A to the EKLZ passport). It is drawn up by the CTO specialist who commissioned the EKLZ, certified by the signature and seal of the CTO;

Act in form N KM-2, which is drawn up in the following order:

1) in the field of the report “Nature of the malfunction when sent for repair and the conclusion of the central technical service specialist on the state of the fiscal memory block”, a record must be made about the technological procedure performed, the state of the fiscal memory block and the state of the ECLZ before performing the technological procedure;

2) the readings of the cash register counters before performing the technological procedure are indicated in the column of the act ""Before sending the machine for repair"";

3) the readings of the cash register counters after completing the technological procedure are indicated in the column of the act “When the machine is returned from repair to the organization.”

The central service center that carried out the technological procedure draws up the relevant documents and transfers them to the user for submission to the tax authority. The specified documents must be accompanied by reporting documents drawn up using CCP, on the basis of which the documents were filled out.

The tax authority official signs the act in Form N KM-2 in the section “When returning (receiving) from repairs.” The act is signed in three copies and certified with the stamp of the tax authority. One copy remains with the tax authority. The second copy of the act is given to the user for transmission to the central service center. The third copy remains with the user. The tax authority makes a note about the replacement of the EKLZ in the CCP accounting book.

Removed ECLZs must be stored by CCP users for five years from the date of removal. In this case, the user must ensure the safety of the EKLZ with the information registered in it for the specified period, observing the storage conditions established in the EKLZ passport. An official of the organization or an entrepreneur is responsible for storing EKLZ.

The procedure for replacing EKLZ is not the fulfillment of the state function of re-registration of cash registers.

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A memory unit, protected from overwriting or deleting data, built into the casing of cash register equipment, requires maintenance. This important part in a cash register operates throughout the entire operation of the equipment.

We will tell you when to change the block in time and where, what to do so that it is not blocked by the cash register.


META Technical Service Center is official service center of the company "Evotor" and carries out warranty repairs and maintenance of Evotor cash terminals.

The content of the article:

Timing for replacing EKLZ on a cash register - how to prevent blocking of the cash register?

The memory in a cash register fills up gradually, so it will be impossible to miss the moment of blocking the block, and indeed the equipment itself.

You just need to be more attentive to the technology and monitor the filling of the ECLZ.

Remember these nuances when working with equipment:

  • The block's lifespan is 13 months from the moment the equipment began to be used.
  • If you have been using a cash register for more than a year, then it’s worth change the ECLZ before the 1st of next month! Otherwise, you can wait until the equipment is blocked and the operation of the cash register is completely stopped.
  • About a month before blocking the block, on the cash register screen/display or on a printed receipt (each) a line will appear notifying you that the part has been replaced. You will see: “ECLZ is close to full!” The cashier-operator must inform the manager - or his immediate superior - about this.

In the event that a blockage has occurred, contacting a specialist is inevitable. Highly qualified technicians can help you replace the ECLZ unit or unlock the cash register. You just need to call and indicate the reason for the blocking. Specialists will be able to come to your site, you will not have to go to the office along with the equipment.

The Meta Center presents equipment equipped with an ECLZ unit. For example:

Also present. They notify cash register owners about replacement 3 months in advance. They are distinguished by quality, versatility and energy-saving capabilities.

List of documents to the tax office for replacing EKLZ with KKM

In order to complete the procedure for replacing a block in a cash register, you will need to contact the tax service and provide the following documents:

  • The cashier-operator log (KM-4), it must be filled out.
  • Call log for technical specialists (KM-8).
  • KKT passport (Form).
  • Version certificate.
  • Additional sheet attached to the Version Certificate.
  • Registration card for cash register equipment.
  • Z-report performed before disconnecting equipment from the network. Information from it will be recorded in the act of form KM-2.
  • Passport of the new block. It will be issued by a service center specialist who will carry out the replacement.
  • Certificate of technical conclusion. This document is also issued by the master of the central service center.
  • Act form KM-2. The document is drawn up in triplicate and must be signed by the center’s specialists.

You can contact with these documents. Our specialists will provide high-quality equipment maintenance and help you register the replacement of the ECLZ unit with the tax office.

Procedure for replacing EKLZ with KKM - instructions

To change the ECLZ unit in accordance with all legal requirements, follow these instructions:

  1. Contact the Federal Tax Service and notify the inspector that the ECLZ unit will be replaced with a new one. Be sure to ask for documented consent from a specialist to perform this operation.
  2. Call the technical service center. A professional from the Meta Center will come to you and replace the block himself. In addition, he must complete documentation and make a report confirming the activation of the new tape.
  3. Take the old block and keep it for yourself. It will be useful for reporting.
  4. Collect all documents and submit them to the tax office. There, the specialist must complete the replacement procedure and register the unit itself.

The manager must definitely find time to re-issue the documents and replace the unit, or entrust this task to some person. It is better to replace the unit before it is blocked - and all equipment is blocked.

If you don’t have enough time to re-register documents, call the experts. They will replace the unit at your location, and also prepare documentation for the tax office.

Warranty and non-warranty cases of replacing EKLZ in KKM - what to keep in mind?

The memory unit can be replaced under warranty if the malfunction occurred inside the cash register.

For example, the connecting cable was disconnected or burned out, there was an error with the fiscal memory, or the central board was damaged.

Under such circumstances, the technical service center where you purchased the equipment will replace it for free!

There are also non-warranty circumstances when the unit will have to be replaced for a certain amount. For example, . The specialist will come to your place and explain what papers should be submitted to the tax office.

Non-warranty circumstances include:

  • The past date at which the tape should have been replaced. Approximately 12-14 months.
  • Completely filled ECLZ. This is possible before the expiration date if the cash register has been used intensively and constantly.
  • The unit failed due to equipment malfunction. For example, due to improper use, damage to the case or the unit itself.
  • Other force majeure cases and emergencies. For example, a fire, flood or natural disaster is not a reason to repair equipment for free.

When you contact us, you can rest assured that our technicians will repair equipment and replace the ECLZ unit quickly and efficiently. They also prepare all the documents that need to be submitted to the tax office. Call, consultants will answer all your questions.

→ Replacing ECLZ: sequence of actions

Also, modern cash registers are equipped with ECLZ. The term “EKLZ” stands for “electronic control tape protected.”

The main purpose of the EKLZ: to supplement the fiscal memory of the cash register, to record each check/transaction. The data recorded in the EKLZ is encrypted: it will not be possible to “unscrew” a previously punched check.

Photo of EKLZ


Time frame for replacing ECLZ

EKLZ is designed to operate for 13 months from the moment of activation. If within 13 months from the moment of activation only one check has been punched, the ECLZ will still be blocked and will need to be replaced. In 2-3 months, the cash register will begin to issue a system message: “ECLZ is close to filling.” The cash register will issue this message when X- and Z-reports are taken, printing the message at the very beginning of the cash register tape.

ECLZ replacement procedure

So, it's time to change the ECLZ. What does the procedure for replacing ECLZ look like?

All cash register servicing operations are performed by the Cash Register Maintenance and Repair Center (hereinafter referred to as TsTO), with which you must have an agreement.

The most difficult thing when replacing an ECLZ is choosing the time.
On average, it takes a day to replace an ECLZ. And on this day, the cashier in your office will not be able to accept cash (the cash register will not be on site). If there are several cash registers, then the problem is removed (first the ECLZ will be replaced on one machine, then on another). What if there is only one cash register in the office? You can choose Friday morning or Monday morning - the time when you have the fewest clients.

So, you have chosen a day. You contact your service center with a request to replace the ECLZ at a time convenient for you. The service center assigns a mechanic who will carry out the replacement and issues an invoice for payment.

On average, the cost of replacing an ECLZ in Moscow is about 9,500 rubles.

The invoice has been paid, a mechanic has been allocated, time has been agreed upon with the service center and the Federal Tax Service, and off we go.

Replacement of ECLZ. Step 1 we go to the service center

We take the cash register with the power supply (if there is one) to the control center.
In addition to the cash register, we take with us the following documents:
registration card for cash register equipment
cashier-operator’s journal (KM-4)
log of calls to a technical specialist from the central service station (KM-8)
passport version with additional sheet
passport of the old EKLZ (which is still in KKM)
KKM passport (namely a passport, not a manual)
original of the latest Z-report
copy of the latest Z-report in triplicate
power of attorney to replace EKLZ for the Federal Tax Service


At the CTO office, the mechanic, after familiarizing himself with the cash register, will prepare the following documents:
technical conclusion on the reason for replacing the ECLZ
act in form KM-2 in triplicate

Replacement of ECLZ. Step 2 we go to the Federal Tax Service

You take the documents (which you brought with you and which were given to you at the Central Service Center) and head to the Federal Tax Service. You can grab another box of chocolates.

An employee of the Federal Tax Service (girl or guy) quickly looks through the documents and puts a stamp on all three acts of KM-2. Usually mechanics are asked to call the service center at this moment and report that everything went fine and the Federal Tax Service gave the go-ahead for the replacement.

After your call, the mechanic begins to replace the EKLZ, and you go to the service center office.
In this case, it will take you half a day to replace the ECLZ. If you do not call the central service center from the tax office, then the mechanic will begin replacing the EKLZ after you come to his office and show him the KM-2 act; It will take a whole day to replace the ECLZ.

Replacement of ECLZ. Step 3 return to the central service center

Come to the CTO office. EKLZ has already been replaced in KKM.
You are given a new EKLZ passport.
You sign that you have accepted the old EKLZ for safekeeping.
You are given a new Z-report for 1 ruble 11 kopecks (1.11) (this Z-report is run by a mechanic at the central service station to test the new ECLZ).
They can give you a printout about the activation of the new ECLZ.

You can already use the cash register. Take all the documents and go to your office.
You hand over the KKM with a brand new EKLZ to the waiting cashier and head to the Federal Tax Service.

Replacement of ECLZ. Step 4 final visit to the Federal Tax Service

Yes, yes you need to visit the Federal Tax Service twice.

The Federal Tax Service officer: once again quickly looks through the documents and puts a stamp on all three acts of KM-2 and returns two acts to you (takes one for himself)
signs on the back of the KKM registration card about the introduction of a new EKLZ
put a stamp in the call log of a technical specialist from the central service center (KM-8)

Replacement of ECLZ. Step 5 end

You, tired but cheerful, are heading to the office.
And you start counting down the 13 months until the new ECL replacement.

You will then return one of the two KM-2 acts to the central service center (this is not urgent, you can return it when a mechanic comes to you for a scheduled inspection of the KKM).

The old EKLZ is stored with you for 5 (five) years.

The tape that stores information about all cash transactions has a finite resource. When it is exhausted, as well as under some other conditions, the ECLZ needs to be replaced. This process cannot be carried out by this entrepreneur on his own; it is regulated by certain rules and follows a generally accepted procedure.

Why does ECLZ need to be changed?

EKLZ is a flash memory block with a capacity of about 16 megabytes, which includes a cryptographic code generation system. All operations performed on the cash register mechanism are recorded in this memory; they cannot be corrected or erased. Obviously, sooner or later the memory resource will be exhausted. EKLZ manufacturers limit the amount of information to be stored to 100 thousand receipts.

EKLZ also has a temporary resource that does not depend on the amount of memory it fills.

Any ECLZ is designed to operate for a year plus one additional month.

After this time has elapsed after activation, the system is automatically locked.

A prerequisite for the legal use of ECLZ is the timely replacement of this unit. The procedure and conditions for replacement are regulated by clause 10 of the “Regulations on the procedure for the sale, maintenance and repair of cash register machines in the Russian Federation.”

Conditions for replacing ECLZ

It is important for an entrepreneur to know that the EKLZ unit needs to be replaced not when it has already stopped functioning, but in advance.

NOTE! To prevent this time from being wasted, the EKLZ device issues a warning message on receipts in advance indicating that the memory is close to being full. After the first appearance of such a notification, the entrepreneur usually has about 3 months to carry out the necessary procedure.

In addition to filling the resource, there are other factors that entail the mandatory replacement of ECLZ. Let's consider all the circumstances that require immediate replacement of the ECLZ.

  1. Filling the memory block to 9/10 or higher. With such information issued by the cash register, you need to immediately take steps to replace it so that blocking does not occur at the most unexpected moment.
  2. The recording device has expired. Even if the memory is not full, after a year of service the device must be replaced, for this the entrepreneur is given one more additional month to guarantee the operation of the ECLZ.
  3. Problems with the operation of EKLZ. If malfunctions or equipment failure are detected, after the first malfunction, you are instructed to contact a technical service center. It is prohibited to operate a cash register with an inoperative or incorrectly functioning ECLZ device.
  4. Re-registration of the cash register. If the KKM has changed its owner, the EKLZ must be replaced outside the plan: a new entrepreneur - a new history of the movement of funds.

We replace according to plan and under warranty

All operations with EKLZ are authorized to be performed only by specialists who have a certificate for such actions. An entrepreneur or cashier does not have the right to do anything independently in relation to EKLZ.

It's just time

The system will inform you independently that it is time to worry about replacing the ECLZ:

  • when 11 months have expired from the start of operation;
  • when the memory block is close to being full.

The owner of the cash register has a certain time resource after warnings appear, but it is better not to delay and start the procedure in a timely manner, because it is not so simple.

In the case of a planned replacement, all costs fall on the shoulders of the entrepreneur, who will have to pay:

  • cost of a new ECLZ device;
  • specialist services;
  • Additionally, at the customer’s request, you can order a specialist visit to the place where the cash register is installed (then you won’t have to take the cash register to the technical service center), as well as services for coordinating re-registration with the tax office.

IMPORTANT! The specialist will begin work only after all necessary payments have been made. Existing debt or late payment may disrupt the planned replacement of EKLZ, which will result in additional troubles at the tax office and ultimately result in much larger expenses in the form of a fine.

Planned replacement procedure

So, after printing the Z-report, the device issued a phrase stating that the device’s memory would soon be full. What steps should you take sequentially?

  1. Contact the service center and submit a request for a replacement, agreeing on the day and time.
  2. The invoice for payment issued by the management of the central service center must be repaid in full.
  3. Using the information contained in the latest Z-report, the center specialist generates certificates of technical inspection of the cash register, as well as an act of transferring the device for safekeeping (in case of replacement at the center).
  4. The drawn up acts are handed over to the responsible persons of the customer for transmission to the tax office for re-registration.
  5. Contacting the tax office, where you need to get a signature and stamp on (part 1), which will be the official permission to replace the EKLZ. When visiting the tax authorities, you must have a certain package of documents with you.
  6. The replacement itself is carried out by a technician.
  7. Second visit to the tax office to obtain a signature on the second part of the KM-2 act (do not forget to provide all the necessary documents). 3 copies of this act are distributed as follows: one remains in the INFS, the second remains with the entrepreneur, and the third customer returns to the central service center.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! From the moment of signing part 1 of KM-2 until receiving the second signature (between points 5 and 7), working on a cash register with the ECLZ removed is strictly prohibited.

The company guarantees

The manufacturer provides a guarantee for the EKLZ units sold by it. If the device fails before 12 months after activation, and this is not the fault of the entrepreneur using it, the supplier will provide a warranty replacement. In this case, all the following conditions must be met:

  • the unit recording information was activated correctly;
  • ECLZ memory is not filled to 100%;
  • no independent attempts were made to manipulate the ECLZ block;
  • the replacement request is submitted within 12 months from the date of activation (the additional 13 month of operation is no longer subject to warranty);
  • a technical examination carried out by the manufacturer made a positive decision on a warranty replacement.

Procedure for warranty replacement

If you discover a malfunction in the operation of the ECLZ before the expiration of the warranty period, you must take the following steps.

  1. Immediately notify the technical service center or bring the failed device there yourself. Bring with you the latest Z-report and EKLZ passport, certified by the signature and seal of the organization.
  2. Testing of the problematic ECLZ unit (performed by CTO specialists). In this case, all fiscal information from it is copied to additional external media.
  3. When a malfunction is confirmed, a technical inspection report is drawn up and Part 1 of the KM-2 form is filled out.
  4. Based on these documents, an application for examination is drawn up, which is carried out by the General Supplier (this will take 3-5 days). A positive decision entitles you to a warranty replacement of the ECLZ.
  5. Form KM-2 and the technical report are submitted to the customer for approval by the tax office.
  6. The steps to obtain permission from the tax authorities and carry out replacement work are similar to paragraphs 5-7 of the planned replacement of EKLZ.

Package of documents for the tax office to replace EKLZ

When going to the tax authorities to obtain permission to replace the ECLZ, the entrepreneur must take with him:

  • cash register form (KKM passport);
  • additional sheet characterizing the cash register version;
  • EKLZ passport requiring replacement;
  • cashier's journal (form KM-4);
  • seal of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur (if any);
  • application form for replacement (obtain from the service center);
  • cash register maintenance agreement;
  • a document received after the first application to the central service center, which must be endorsed by the tax office (part 1 of form KM-2).

After the replacement has been made, this must be recorded with another tax visa, for which you will need to have with you:

  • KKM form;
  • passport of your device version with an additional sheet;
  • EKLZ passport, which is now in your device;
  • journal for calls to technical specialists (form KM-8).

REMEMBER! Whenever EKLZ is replaced, the removed tapes will remain with the entrepreneur. He must keep them intact for the 5 years required by law, for which he must strictly observe the storage conditions indicated in the EKLZ passport.

In 2016, amendments to the law on the use of cash register equipment were adopted. Starting from 2017, all trade organizations will be required to send electronic copies of checks to the Federal Tax Service via online cash desks. Over the past few years, this is the most global reform in the field of retail sales. It will affect even those enterprises that operate under the patent taxation system, simplified tax system and UTII. To meet the requirements, entrepreneurs and trade organizations will have to update their equipment, abandoning cash desks with ECLZ.

Requirements for online cash registers and cancellation of ECLZ

An online cash register is a cash register with a built-in fiscal storage (FN), which encrypts sales data and transmits it via a secure channel to the Federal Tax Service through a fiscal data operator (FDO). The online cash register allows you to send a copy of the receipt to the buyer by email or phone.

The replacement of cash registers in 2017 is due to the fact that older cash register models are equipped with an electronic control tape (ECT) and do not support data transfer over the Internet. This is the main reason for replacing the EKLZ, and in all online cash registers registered from February 1, 2017, the control tape is not used.

Please note that the online cash register is not necessarily a new model cash register. Some expensive cash register models can be modified, and in this case it is permissible to replace the ECLZ with a fiscal drive using a special modification kit, which is purchased for separate money. The cost of replacing an EKLZ with a FN in some cases may be slightly less than purchasing a new cash register.

Replacing EKLZ in 2017: changes in law No. 54-FZ

The replacement of cash registers with online cash registers and the timing of the replacement of electronic cash registers are regulated by Law No. “On the use of cash register equipment” as amended on July 15, 2016.

Amendments to the law change the way enterprises work with tax authorities to simplify document flow and business transparency. The procedures for registering cash registers and paying for services, as well as reporting to customers, will be simplified.

According to Law No. 54-FZ, electronic checks are equivalent to paper ones, and at any time, if necessary, they can be restored by receiving them again. The form of cash receipts will change, and the number of details in them will increase.

Replacing ECLZ: when to change?

All new cash registers that will be registered with the Federal Tax Service from February 1, 2017 must have a built-in fiscal drive and operate according to the new scheme. Cash registers registered earlier can be used only until July 1, 2017, even if the service life of the ECLZ has not reached 13 months. In this case, an unscheduled replacement of the ECLZ will be required ahead of schedule.

The abolition of ECLZ in 2017 will take place gradually. The time frame for the transition from EKLZ to FN is from February 1 to July 1, 2017 for all enterprises, except those operating under the patent system and UTII. They will also be required to use cash registers with personal income tax, but from July 1, 2018. Previously, enterprises operating on PSN and UTII may not have used cash registers.

How is ECLZ replaced with FN?

How to replace EKLZ with FN? First of all, you need to find out the date of replacement of the EKLZ and clarify whether replacement with a FN is possible for a specific cash register model.

You can view the replacement period for the EKLZ KKT in the activation receipt for the new tape or the passport from the EKLZ unit, which contains a mark about the activation. Planned replacement of cash desk ECLZ is carried out every 13 months. When the deadline for replacing the ECLZ on a cash register is coming to an end, a warning appears on the receipts 3-4 months before the end.

If the service life of the old EKLZ expires in the first half of 2017, it is more rational to replace it with FN at the end of the EKLZ validity period. For those entrepreneurs whose EKLZ replacement deadline is set for the second half of 2017, it is better not to wait until the last moment, when there may be a great demand for fiscal drives and cloud or online cash registers, but to replace the EKLZ with a FN or purchase a new cash register in advance, without rush in a calm environment.

The possibility of replacing EKLZ and the price of the service can be clarified at the technical service center that services cash registers or directly from the manufacturer. At i-Retail, a new cash register solution with FN costs only 31,990 rubles, while it provides a lot of new opportunities that were not available on previous generation equipment with similar or even higher costs.

The second stage of replacing the EKLZ - submitting an application to the Central Technical Center on time, has been canceled since 2017. Now no one is stopping you from replacing the electronic tape with a fiscal drive yourself. In order to register with the OFD, the use of a technical service center is also not mandatory, but most of them can carry out this procedure instead of the entrepreneur himself.

Law No. 54-FZ states that the user can replace the ECLZ and fiscal memory himself. It is worth remembering that after replacing parts yourself, some service centers may refuse warranty repairs. But i-Retail equipment comes with an already installed FN, so i-Retail customers do not have to worry about losing the warranty on the purchased equipment. If you decide to modify your old cash register, then in addition to installation, you will also need programming of the cash registers when replacing the ECLZ with a fiscal drive, and therefore, the help of a specialist and additional costs. This can make upgrading an old cash register even more expensive than purchasing a new i-Retail OFD cash register.

Re-registration of cash registers when replacing EKLZ in 2017 takes place according to the following scheme:

  • remove EKLZ from registration with the Federal Tax Service,
  • update cash register equipment and software,
  • draw up an agreement with the OFD,
  • submit an application for registration of a new cash register with the tax service,
  • indicate the CCP and FN numbers, information about the trading enterprise and the agreement with the OFD, INN,
  • receive a registration card.

You can register an online cash register via the Internet, on the Federal Tax Service website.

Late replacement of EKLZ: fines and how to avoid them

For non-compliance with the new law on replacing EKLZ and the use of cash register equipment without FN, an individual can be fined in the amount of 10 thousand rubles, and a legal entity - in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. The only way to avoid fines is to update your equipment on time. The use of ECLZ after July 1, 2017 will be equivalent to the entrepreneur not having a cash register.

Within the framework of the law, as an online cash register, you can use the so-called Internet application, accessible from any device: computer, tablet or smartphone. For example, i-Retail, like other more expensive, but less functional cash registers with FN, they encrypt, store and transmit sales data, allow you to accept all types of payments, print and send a cash receipt. And in addition, they allow you to see detailed sales statistics, reports on product balances in the warehouse, the most and least popular products, contain a database of several million product barcodes, can work with scales, remember the contact information of your customers, and allow you to instantly create additional workplaces and retail outlets and much more.

Cloud cash registers comply with the requirements of Law No. FZ-54, but are cheaper than upgrading and servicing old cash registers or purchasing new ones, and at the same time they have functionality that was previously available only to large retail chains. If replacement of EKLZ for an individual entrepreneur or enterprise is required for several retail outlets at once, such cash registers allow you to store the entire product database on one server, without copying it for each individual store.

You can try working with the i-Retail cloud cash register for free. Leave a request on the application website and evaluate how convenient the online cash register is for you.
