Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Crisis of public organizations. What is happening with small business in Russia? What's going on with the business

The Central Bank has prepared a "road map" for the development of financing for SMEs (small and medium-sized businesses). At the moment, the interest rates for them are significantly higher than for other segments, because this lending option also implies increased risks.

According to bankers and entrepreneurs, the road map is necessary and important. According to experts, there will be much more recipients of loans, but rates are unlikely to be reduced, therefore, the main problem will not be solved either.

What is happening with small business in Russia in 2018?

The road map contains measures aimed at developing lending to SMEs. For this you need:

  1. reduce the cost of service;
  2. lower interest rates;
  3. increase lending;
  4. reduce the processing time for applications.

The Central Bank agrees for banks to optimize approaches to provisioning for SME loans, adjust the list of requirements for loans included in the portfolio of homogeneous loans, increase for banks with a basic license, the threshold value of loans to 1.5% of the capital to one borrower for inclusion in the portfolio of homogeneous loans.

- Small business, without any doubt, should receive support. We need to… encourage the banking system to act more aggressively,” Vladimir Putin said earlier.

The Central Bank believes that the planned measures will help level the competitive conditions for lending to SMEs between large and small banks, develop modern methods risk assessments.

“Banks will be more interested in lending to SMEs, as it will become cheaper for them in terms of costs, easier in terms of creating reserves and, ultimately, will increase the appetite for lending to this segment,” notes the head of the Bank of Russia consumer protection service and accessibility financial services Michael Mamuta. - We support the digitalization of interaction, as it will help banks to receive information about small businesses, all required documents and his income as quickly as possible and from all possible sources, which will contribute to a more complete and correct assessment of credit risk.

The Central Bank believes that the measures specified in the "road map" will reduce the interest rate by 1.5% from the current level. Market participants reported that rates for SMEs are currently starting at 15%. In addition, the planned measures will make loans more accessible to SMEs.

“If all this is implemented, then regulation will become not only proportional, but also stimulating,” says Elman Mekhtiyev, Executive Vice President of the Association of Russian Banks. - One of the innovations is the ability to assess the financial situation of the borrower not only according to official reports, but on the basis of any data available to banks with the consent of the client, which will significantly expand the number of enterprises that can receive a loan.

According to Alexander Braverman, General Director of the SME Corporation, it is very important to expand the number of banks involved in lending to SMEs.

“Also now, in addition to direct bank lending, it is planned to expand other products, such as leasing and factoring,” he adds. - It is extremely important for SMEs to be able to access leased assets, factoring will play a significant role in solving the problem of non-payments from large companies SME entities.

Experts say that if loans become more affordable for small businesses, the price will not drop significantly.

“Basically, all proposals concerning banks are aimed at changing the reservation processes and reducing labor costs for their assessment,” says Maxim Svetovtsev, head of the department for the development of small and medium-sized businesses at OTP-bank. - The cost of lending is formed from the cost of funding, the bank's margin, as well as the level of assessment of the default of the borrower, which is very high, so changes in the cost of lending will affect very little.

According to analysts, if rates are lowered, it will be practically not noticeable. For SMEs, 1.5% of the current average rate of 15-20% is about 0.22-0.3 p.p. Given the terms of the loan, this will not be noticeable.

I ask you to comment on this heartbreaking post from one odious resource on the net, gentlemen of entrepreneurs.
Is it true that there is a feeling of the coming f..tsa? How many of your friends are going to close or are they already buried?

Hello, what's going on???

People! What is happening with business in Russia???
Since January, we have been sucking such a paw that now at the end of February it becomes scary.
Our company has many customers. And professional intermediaries, and direct large customers, and various firms and individuals. So, ABSOLUTELY all our customers have dropped the volume of orders so much that it’s time to at least close.
At first I thought that it was some kind of our fault or that competitors offer too sugary conditions. But no.
Volumes have dropped for everyone!

Our regular professional re-customers used to give us a good prepayment and then they gradually chose it. Now they have switched to paying for each order.

Our large customers (an oil company - not khukhr-mukhr) slows down the payment of even small orders for 5 thousand rubles!!!

What to say about the rest? The rest disappeared altogether. Since November last year.

And this is against the background of the closure of 208,000 individual entrepreneurs and 144,000 individual entrepreneurs that are in the process of closing.
I see demolished tents, closed shops and skating rinks.
I see how in a superfood grocery store they shrink their shopping room, and the vacated space is being prepared for rent.
I see queues at the bank for car loan repayment.
I am horrified and shocked.

I called all my competitors and they all say that orders are cool below average.
And among them there are very large firms. Much fatter than us.

Every year there is an artificial increase in rental prices.
Taxes are rising. (Reason for closure)
There are restrictions on trade. (Alcohol and cigarettes in tents).
Demolition of tents. And tents are our everything! Despite their smallness, they started the process of perestroika and they were the flag in the emerging movement for a new economic policy of our time.
Now gaping holes in the asphalt in their place.

So what's going on in modern Russia???
Is this the limit of tightening the nuts and a signal that the nut has been tightened for a long time?
Or is this the result that the authorities wanted?
Total control and power?

If you ask yourself the question - and whose is it - whose is it shopping centers? To whom do they belong?
Who could build them? How much do they cost?
I don’t know about everyone, but some are large and major centers belong to thieves in law. And this is according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs knows perfectly well who is the boss there. And if all decrees to ban the sale of alcohol and tobacco lead to lobbying big business, then it is clear who the state supports. The state supports thieves in law. Amazing!

My landlord told how he was at a secret meeting in the Council, and that everyone was told to quietly reduce the number of tents by 20%. It was 2010 New Year. If we assume that then he could lie for the sake of a red word, then today there are no tents at all.

One year I remember it was already - it was going like in a pipe with a damaged pump - shocks. That is, orders, then no.
But now I'm just out.
We have not invested so much in equipment. And now it is idle.
Heard that on large firms there have already been layoffs. Packs. No severance pay. This is not accepted in our country. Not such a fat business yet. You can say more like a thin mare as in the pictures about the unfortunate peasant.

All the limit reached? Or not? Or it is literally time to bring down those who are already accustomed to running their own business.
Those who in the 90s broke into the revival of Russia? Those who have not yet died at the hands of bandits and have not thundered into prison on a fabricated case. A?

How much she has left to live, Elena Boldyreva does not know herself. She has a disability of the second group, every six months she has to spend a week in the hospital, but she has not been there for four years - at first the investigator from the Armavir prosecutor's office did not release her from house arrest, and now Boldyrev is generally in a pre-trial detention center. All these years her wife individual entrepreneur, who sold groceries, is accused of "distributing drugs through the sale of confectionery poppy", although no convictions have been issued. Only two excuses.

Boldyreva is one of the millions of entrepreneurs who have given up doing business in Russia. Since 2013 alone, their number, according to the estimates of the Association of Russian Banks and the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has decreased from 4.3 million to 2.8 million people. In such a situation, the state, which wants more citizens to get off its neck and open its own business, should make life as easy as possible for business and stimulate the growth of start-ups. But Russia is going its own way: the security forces continue to imprison entrepreneurs - over the past three years, the number of "economic" prisoners in the pre-trial detention center has almost doubled.

The wonderful era when you could open your own business, earn millions and have some kind of confidence that they won’t get to the bottom of you without good reasons, is over. "Secret" investigated three iconic stories of entrepreneurs - of different scale and views - who were disillusioned with doing business in Russia.

club life

In the 2000s, Russians started a business more willingly than a decade earlier. They were encouraged by the growth in consumption that followed the rise in oil prices - it reached $143 per barrel. However, the further, the more impunity the security forces and other officials felt. After the Yukos case, entrepreneurs began to guess that without an independent court there is no legal protection for a company of any caliber: if an official or his relative likes a business, either you can say goodbye to him, or you have to go to an agreement.

Medvedev's "thaw" and the president's slogan with an iPhone "stop terrifying business" did not deceive anyone - there are no fewer applications for the arrest of entrepreneurs, and they are satisfied in 96% of cases. It was at the end of the 2000s that the famous “Butyrka Blog” by Olga Romanova and Alexei Kozlov appeared, and Yana Yakovleva, after the conclusion in the “Chemist Case”, established the human rights organization Business Solidarity and began to help entrepreneurs who are being prosecuted under criminal articles.

To Muscovite Natalya Malinovskaya, all these collisions seemed far away, unearthly. She had only positive business experience. Now 32, she wraps herself in a black fur coat, wears four gold rings and drives a black executive Nissan. And in 2009, she and her ex-husband ran the Novy Gorod company, installed advertising structures and designed, in particular, the ski complex "", the volleyball center in Odintsovo, the ice palace "Arena Balashikha". The contract for registration of gas stations LUKOIL brought fifty million rubles a year.

Young millionaires spent money in clubs, then settled down, but Malinovskaya's dream of opening a nightclub remained. In 2009, she found premises in Balashikha, in a former knitwear factory. It belonged to the Russian Knitwear Company, which produces clothes under the Tvoyo brand. On behalf of the company, the contract was concluded by Ilya Usoltsev, general director of Balashikha Cotton Spinning Factory LLC and concurrently a local deputy from United Russia. Malinovskaya remembered that in his office there was a portrait of Usoltsev shaking hands with Vladimir Putin, and during the first, rather friendly conversation, the deputy casually mentioned connections in law enforcement agencies.

The Zavod club was supposed to open before December 31, 2009. A few days before the appointed date, the owners of the building suddenly began to sandblast the stairs. A suspension of brick dust and sand hung in the air, it was a shame to invite guests to such a place. When the repair was completed, the Lame Horse burned down. Inspectors came to the "Zavod" several times. They did not have any complaints, but the opening was postponed again - already at the end of January.

The start was successful. Party-goers came to Balashikha from Moscow, the Vintage group and hitmakers of the 1990s performed on the stage, the events were regularly and free of charge announced by Energy Radio. On weekdays, the club was used for banquets, corporate parties and birthdays. According to Malinovskaya, the mayor of Balashikha regularly advised the place to high-ranking guests.

But it did not help. In August, Usoltsev's assistant summoned Malinovskaya to his place and, according to her, offered to put up his own guards, who would not only protect, but sell drugs to visitors. “At that time, I didn’t have the habit of recording everything that was said to me on a dictaphone,” the entrepreneur complains, who now cannot confirm these words. Usoltsev did not respond to a request from The Secret.

Malinovskaya refused - and a month later the reckoning came: the owners of the building turned off the electricity. Usoltsev demanded from her first 30,000 rubles (she paid, the light was not turned on), then 70,000 (refused), then 300,000 (refused).

On the morning of October 25, Malinovskaya transferred another rent payment to the account of Russian Knitwear. A few hours later, employees called her: “Natalia, there are some masked people here demanding that we leave the premises.” Malinovskaya, confident that this was some kind of mistake, asked not to resist and to let everyone in. More "Factory" for visitors was not opened.

On that day, she arrived at the club and received a sealing act and a notice of violation of payment terms. Malinovskaya immediately called the bank and asked if the money had arrived. They answered that they had already credited them to the account of the counterparty.

Malinovskaya cried for four days. On the fifth, she broke the seals and entered the club. Nothing inside was touched. Alcohol worth 800,000 rubles, purchased for Halloween, was intact in the boxes. After her visit, the doors were welded with electric welding.

Then Malinovskaya met with Usoltsev. She says that the deputy said that he knew where her child was studying, that “it’s not a problem to find a kilogram of heroin from her,” that he had a party, etc. The owners of Russian Knitwear effectively avoided talking. The police refused to accept a statement against Usoltsev, calling the conflict a "dispute between business entities." Then Malinovskaya wrote a statement to "unknown persons" with a request to find out who welded the doors of the club in which her property is stored. Registration of the document became a separate problem - district police officers took one-day vacations, fell ill, and were absent from the workplace. But at some point, Malinovskaya was lucky: one Balashikha district police officer was about to quit, he had nothing to lose - and he accepted the application and even took explanations from Usoltsev.

The general director of the factory claimed that the contract with the "Plant" was terminated unilaterally because of the rent debt. There was no debt, since Malinovskaya paid the rent, even despite the power outage. They refused to open the case, forgetting about the testimony taken by the district police officer. This was motivated by the presence of a lawsuit by Russian Knitwear against Malinovskaya for the recovery of a debt for the storage of property.

In July 2012, the court rejected the company's claim, as the storage of property was not voluntary. In addition, since December, the premises have already been rented out for a higher price than Malinovskaya had for another club, which partially used the equipment and furniture bought by the entrepreneur for Zavod.

It was only three years later that Malinovskaya succeeded in initiating a criminal case against her offender. All this time, the Balashikha prosecutor's office refused to initiate, Malinovskaya filed a complaint, the Moscow regional prosecutor's office sent the case to additional check, Balashikha lost materials - and so on ad infinitum. At some point, the entrepreneur sold all her property: “To sue, you need to be a wealthy person.”

Having gone through all the circles of bureaucratic hell, Malinovskaya went to the Prosecutor General's Office and only with her help achieved what she wanted. And then not immediately: at first, the Balashikha prosecutor's office opened a case under the wrong article, then it was closed and a new one was opened. The case has not reached the court so far, but, according to Malinovskaya, now the chances that this will still happen are much greater.

A former businesswoman turned into a human rights activist against the backdrop of this story. He helps entrepreneurs and ordinary residents near Moscow, studies to be a lawyer and attends the School of the Public Defender of Olga Romanova's organization "Seated Rus'". She never wants to do business in Russia again, and she considers corrupt officials to be guilty of such stories. In her opinion, fair elections, both federal and regional, could save the situation.

Wet to the end

We call on Skype with Alexei Zorkin - he lives in Spain. I start asking questions, but Zorkin cuts off the conversation: “I don’t really trust Skype - let’s switch to Viber.” Two years ago he left Russia, fearing for his life, and he is still afraid.

46-year-old Zorkin graduated from the military construction institute in St. Petersburg, but refused to serve in the army. It was the 90s, the military was in poverty, and he got a job as a freight forwarder in the Orimi concern. By 2000, he had grown to the head of the direction, but the company broke up after the murder of the owner Dmitry Varvarin.

Zorkin embarked on a solo voyage and opened the Petro-Sorb-Complete set. At first, he supplied engine management systems to the Russian market, which made it possible to save fuel, but the product was not in great demand. Then he decided to organize the production of analyzers of explosives. The idea came after the explosions of residential buildings in Moscow - it seemed to Zorkin that the investigation was not carried out very carefully. He knew about explosives from the time of the university, he knew how to organize production thanks to his previous work. All that was missing was connections in the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the alleged main consumer of the product.

Zorkin sent several letters - and they worked, because, according to him, no one had analyzers of this level and ease of use. The entrepreneur is sure that at that time the security forces were still interested in improving work, and not just in “cutting”, and therefore reacted positively to the proposal. Soon he became a supplier of analyzers and a regular at various meetings, where he learned about the needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in technological products.

By 2011, Zorkin had become the largest supplier of breathalyzers, producing the same analyzers stationary systems video recorders, video recorders software. The company's turnover reached $3.5 million, it worked in 60 regions of Russia. In that year, Petro-Sorb-Komplektatsiya won the first tender for the supply of all video recorders to the Moscow traffic police. With the initial contract price of 30 million rubles, Zorkin agreed to fulfill it for 18.5 million - he wanted to stake out a niche for himself. With such calling card he was sure that he would easily achieve victories in regional competitions. But something went wrong.

Since 2009, the company has been withdrawn from competitions for strange reasons: either the weight of the device does not fit, or the color of one button, or its location (documents confirming the company's withdrawal from competitions are at the disposal of the editors). Since 2011, the terms of reference for competitions have been sent to the regions from the head office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All of them, according to Zorkin, were written in the interests of certain companies controlled by the leadership of the ministry. Inspectors began to enter the office. The most serious blow to Zorkin's business was his disqualification at the competition for the supply of breathalyzers to Tatarstan - after the victory. The organizer of the auction considered that Petro-Sorb-Komplektatsiya would not have time to complete the deliveries on time, and renegotiated the contract with another company without judgment. Soon familiar officials conveyed to the businessman the words of one of the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: “Wet Zorkin’s company to the end.”

In the spring of 2013, Zorkin left the St. Petersburg office of Petro-Sorb-Completion. He was immediately struck by the gray Skoda, which he had already seen somewhere. Two smokers were smoking in it, the entrepreneur failed to identify them from afar. He turned off his car's alarm without approaching it. Approaching, just in case, checked the bottom of the car. There was nothing, he got behind the wheel and went about his business.

Skoda kept a little behind, but Zorkin still guessed that he was being followed. At one of the traffic lights, he saw in the car his former employee Evgenia Kurysheva. Along with several other subordinates, he recently moved to competitors from Alkotektor. Zorkin is sure that this company is connected with the top chiefs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and even names specific names: Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs (until December 2015) Viktor Kiryanov and head of the traffic police of Tatarstan, brother of the President of the Republic Rifkat Minnikhanov. According to the businessman, he sued them because of the results of one of the competitions, and they took his employees away from him in order to gain access to the company's documentation, and the employees themselves then created an identical company - a supplier of breathalyzers and video recorders. During the year, Alkotektor won tenders initiated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 120 million rubles, and the supplied devices, according to Zorkin, were stupidly stolen from its warehouse by former employees.

A representative of Alkotektor, who answered the phone, told Sekret that the company's management was on a business trip and had no time to talk. In addition, "about Zorkin CEO won't want to talk." When asked why, the company representative replied, “If you understand the whole situation, then I don’t need to explain to you.” She declined to elaborate on this statement.

Realizing that he was being followed, Zorkin went to the Central District Department of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg and filed an application. They answered him: “Well, they didn’t kill you,” and they refused to initiate proceedings. The entrepreneur was really scared. He knew the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs well and was sure that they could do anything, and therefore, at the beginning of 2014, he left for Spain, where he bought a house a long time ago. Zorkin assures that he initially wanted to buy land in the Lomonosovsky district of the Leningrad region, but the site he looked after and booked was given to some police chief.

Zorkin lived abroad for a little over a year. opened new business with two offices in St. Petersburg and Spain - sold local real estate to Russians. According to the entrepreneur himself, his company has not yet become commercially successful, but it's better than doing nothing.

During this time, he was deprived of 50% in the Petro-Sorb-Komplektatsiya company, a new director was appointed there, money was withdrawn from the account and, in fact, ruined. But Zorkin still expects to return it, he files lawsuits with the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg.

Another way to fight for him is to help the opposition. After the assassination of Boris Nemtsov, the businessman returned to Russia to help the Democratic Coalition in the elections in Kostroma. He worked the entire campaign, and in October he briefly returned to Spain, only to come back to Russia a couple of weeks later. While Zorkin was in Spain, in his office new company a search was carried out - it seems to be nothing terrible, they simply seized the documents relating to the "Petro-Sorb-Package". But he took it as a sign that his presence in Russia was undesirable. Therefore, he does not plan to visit his homeland for the time being.

Zorkin dreams of returning when "Putin's regime falls." He is convinced that this moment is not far off, and hopes that the new authorities will luster all the security forces and create an independent judiciary, and he himself will revive the glorious name of his company. Until this happens, he will not be engaged in business in Russia. Zorkin is sure that Putin and the structure of relations with business organized by him is the root of all entrepreneurial troubles. Probably, he was prompted to this opinion, among other things, by the fact that he wrote letters to the president four times complaining about his problems (in each warning that this letter was the last one), but received no answer.

poppy business

In June 2011, Elena Boldyreva, a grocery merchant, including poppy seeds, came from the tax office to the Armavir wholesale base. Gray one-story warehouse buildings, pallets piled on top of each other, wrappers, packages, pieces of paper on asphalt heated by the sun. Walking around the counter, she slipped her head into the tiny staff room. Her husband Dmitry was waiting for her there.

Here from the "Set" came. I ordered him instant vermicelli and pasta. They said that if we order a little more, they will give us a 9% discount.

Yes, we seem to have everything, - Boldyreva did not immediately realize.

Well, I thought that I could take something new, expand the range. They offered spices there, poppy, so I agreed.

“There is nothing more to talk about. They took it and began to trade, ”recalls Boldyreva. I came to her in Armavir last September. A woman in her 40s opened the door for me, with disheveled hair of an indeterminate color, in bright leggings and a red hoodie. Boldyreva gave an interview while frying potatoes: “The store brought in up to 100,000 rubles of profit per month, before the new year it turned out even more. And now we have sold our Porsche Cayenne, we live on my and my mother's pension of 9,000 rubles and my son's part-time job. We eat mainly pasta, which is still left from the warehouse.

A couple of months after the first purchase of poppies, employees of the Federal Drug Control Service came to Boldyreva's warehouse. “Behaved civilly”, invited to visit them the next day with documents. The Boldyrevs did not really understand what was going on, but they had been in business for a long time, they were used to communicating with inspectors. The only thing that surprised them was that they were called to the Federal Drug Control Service on Saturday.

The fears were confirmed. At the Federal Drug Control Service, Boldyreva first explained that the poppy may contain narcotic impurities, and therefore it cannot be traded, they gave a warning, and then, according to her, they offered to “pay off”. She refused and was released.

Until February 2012, the Boldyrevs continued to work as if nothing had happened, only they changed the supplier of poppy - just in case, because the sale of confectionery poppy is not prohibited in Russia. By Armavir standards, the family lived luxuriously and was going to diversify the business - they laid the foundation for a hotel on the highway to Krasnodar. Everything collapsed in one moment.

Between the first visit to the Federal Drug Control Service and February, the Boldyrevs began to notice that four strange visitors regularly entered their store at the base - “they looked pale, behaved somehow lazily, spoke slowly.” The entrepreneur guessed that, most likely, they were drug addicts, especially since they bought poppy seeds, but did not understand what to do with them: “What should I ask them for tests? Or shouting: “You are a drug addict, get out of here!”?”

On February 6, suppliers from Rostov-on-Don brought the Boldyrevs the largest consignment of poppies in the history of their trade - 147 kg. It's like three big sugar bags. On the way, the suppliers' car broke down, they were delayed, so they unloaded the consignment at the site of the future hotel, before reaching the wholesale base. In the morning, the Boldyrevs took part of the poppy to the base, sold the first five bags to a local alcoholic loader, and saw how armed men burst into their store. “Hands on the table, turn off the phones, our employee was dragged into the room by the scruff of the neck,” recalls Boldyreva.

Until five o'clock in the evening they described the warehouse. Then we went to the Boldyrevs' house, where one operative had been on duty since the morning. The 19-year-old son Bogdan, who woke up only when the police arrived, was not allowed to go to the toilet all this time and was not allowed to get dressed. What happens is not explained. They sent Bogdan from the Boldyrevs' house to a monkey house, without any tests they wrote a certificate that he was detained in a state of drug intoxication, and left in a bullpen until the morning.

The next day, the court ordered Boldyrev, the warehouse guard Molotkov and the driver Gadzhiev to be placed in custody as a measure of restraint. True, three weeks later, Boldyreva was released under house arrest due to disability. In June, the Board of Appeal Krasnodar Territory recognized the case as unlawfully initiated, and in December the Armavir court passed the same verdict. They considered that the Boldyrevs were selling confectionery poppy seeds officially bought from suppliers in bags that did not show signs of opening, and therefore could not know that they contained narcotic impurities. The defendants were released in the courtroom.

They went to look for work with relatives in Moscow. Boldyreva woke up at six in the morning, boarded the Timiryazevskaya monorail and went to work as a cashier at Lenta at VDNKh. My husband got a job there as a security guard. “We have been entrepreneurs all our lives, and now we have become salespeople ourselves,” she sighs. After their release, they had no money to resume their business. In Moscow, they earned 2,000 rubles a day.

One day in May, at the door of the store, two passers-by in civilian clothes called out to Boldyreva: “Hello, are you by any chance Elena?” At first, she thought that they wanted to fine her for not having a capital residence permit, but she was mistaken: “We would like to talk about your Armavir case.” The ex-entrepreneur exhaled: “Ah, well, I have an acquittal, everything is in order, let's talk after work.” - "No, unfortunately, we have to go to the department."

The police department told Boldyreva that the acquittal had been overturned by the Krasnodar Regional Court. The same one who previously recognized the case as unlawfully initiated. The Boldyrevs themselves were put on the federal wanted list - but they did not know that they had to hide. The next day they were sent by stage to Armavir. The husband was again locked up in a pre-trial detention center, and Elena was sent under house arrest ...

Bogdan is sure that the parents will be released only if they "reach Moscow." But before Supreme Court they need to go through many more circles of judicial and bureaucratic hell. After returning from Moscow in May 2013, the Boldyrevs were acquitted again. The Krasnodar court again canceled the decision and returned the case to Armavir. Since then, he has returned him for further investigation five times. All this time, Boldyrev Sr., Molotkov and Gadzhiev have been sitting in a pre-trial detention center.

The case has long crossed the line of absurdity. At the last examination in the poppy, which had long expired, they found not codeine with morphine, but 0.00146 g of opium poppy straw. Investigator of the Federal Drug Control Service Elena Kotlyar, in a conversation with a correspondent of "Secret", explained this by the fact that the new examination was carried out on more advanced equipment. In any case, according to the previously valid GOST, poppy had an acceptable weediness of 0.2%. For a 50-gram bag, this is 0.1 g. But that GOST was canceled a couple of years ago.

Boldyreva believes that the matter is proceeding with procedural violations - for example, new examinations that found straw in the poppy were carried out during the additional investigation, although the implementation of such procedures at this stage is prohibited. Investigator Kotlyar does not agree with me that the absence of autopsy marks on the packages of confectionery poppy frees the Boldyrevs from liability. According to her, they should have known that confectionery poppy contains narcotic impurities. That is, in fact, the investigator outlaws the sale of confectionery poppy seeds in Russia. This is confirmed by numerous "poppy" cases throughout Russia.

In a conversation with me, Boldyreva casually reports that the life of her family, if you look from the outside, is destroyed, but she will continue to fight, because there is nothing else left for her anyway. In a personal disaster, she, like Zorkin, blames Putin and the "outrage that he committed."

In December 2015, Boldyreva's preventive measure was changed to detention. According to her lawyer Ella Peshnaya, the medical board did not find a previously diagnosed illness in her, and the disability was removed, since the investigator did not release her for confirmation. In addition, Boldyreva violated the house arrest regime several times - in particular, she crossed a double solid line on the "seven" and used the phone.

The case is again considered by the Armavir court.


A month after his second inauguration, Vladimir Putin established the position of business ombudsman and appointed the owner of the Abrau-Dyurso winery Boris Titov to it. True, the powers of the official were severely limited. His only weapon is letters in support of entrepreneurs, tantamount to deputy requests. He can apply to the court to invalidate the decisions of state bodies, only if these are not decisions of the prosecutor's office, the Investigative Committee or the court.

Titov's most successful initiative was the 2013 business amnesty. According to it, 2,466 people left prison ahead of schedule. It was supposed to release even more prisoners, but several articles of the Criminal Code were excluded from the final version of the amnesty bill.

According to Yana Yakovleva from Business Solidarity, the ombudsman should not help specific entrepreneurs, but identify criminal schemes that imprison them, but for this he lacks the authority. One way or another, the problem was not solved - another bureaucrat was called to deal with the cancer of the administrative system. Titov now focused on a political career in the Right Cause party.

The three heroes of this article are people from different social strata, they did business of different sizes, but all their hopes were devoured by the same leviathan. Malinovskaya, who has retained her previous standard of living, defends the humiliated and offended, the oppositionist Zorkin lives modestly in Spain, and the Boldyrev family, who once sold themselves a Porsche Cayenne, has been in prison for four years, despite acquittals.

In his message to the Federal Assembly, Putin noted that in 2014, 200,000 criminal cases were filed against entrepreneurs, of which only 30,000 went to court. business or repayment in a pre-trial order. But the president drew some conclusion from this trend and created a group to analyze conflicts between business and the security forces - in fact, an official structure for "solving issues."

Economist Andrey Movchan called this system of relations "late feudal". Roughly speaking, a business is something that can be used, but cannot be unconditionally owned. And if an influential character likes it, you will not have legal methods of protection. Looking at recent events ranging from the arrest of owner Domodedov Kamenshchik to mass demolition trade pavilions, as well as - more broadly - to the deterioration of the investment climate and the lack of reforms, entrepreneurs are less and less willing to start a business in Russia.

Illustrations: Roman Vechtomov / The Secret of the Firm

Interestingly, even more predatory attitude towards business than tax office And Pension Fund, are occupied by sellers of housing and communal services: a water utility, an electric grid, heating companies, landlords, and management companies too!

Sellers of housing and communal services are brought down by greed, a great desire to break the jackpot from the business as much as possible without making the slightest effort for this, as they say, without lifting a finger. Let's take water utilities, including the Voronezh water utility. They do not even bother to make a normal system of settlements with customers via the Internet. They definitely need to come to their office and personally pick up the bill! Quite recently, it was possible to pay only at their place in the window in the corridor. And submit information about water consumption by any means, including tapping Morse code on a water pipe. And if anything, they will apply penalty rates based on the cross section of the pipe and the theoretical speed of water in it, which usually exceeds the real cost of services by 20-30 times.

The tariff for electricity for business is completely incomprehensible. Before the fall in the exchange rate, it was 10 cents per kilowatt-hour, higher than in the US and Europe. What does this say, besides the predatory habits of our energy sector and the government fawning over it? In the cost of electricity, only about 50% of the cost of its production, the rest is distribution through existing networks. ambition network companies go off scale: TNS-energo sends invoices ahead of the date, which will be in a week, and, moreover, in advance, for the planned amount of energy consumed. Why, apart from engaging in fraud, do they need to “remove” the advance payment first, and then for the actually consumed energy? And it doesn't matter how much it costs to double divert bookkeeping to make payments?

There are also heating companies. Where their huge bills come from in the winter months is not clear, despite the fact that the rooms are cold. Verification of heat energy meters by an affiliated company costs 17-18 thousand. It is likely that no one installs and verifies these meters.

It seems to me that the moment has already come when it is time to talk about the nationalization of housing and communal services companies back. Tariff regulation turned out to be a rotten idea, and the monopolies went wild and lost their sense of proportion.

The behavior of the tenants also remains mysterious. In cities, there are already up to 30% of unoccupied office space, and they have not been occupied by anyone for years, even standing unfinished. But landlords will never reduce their appetites, they will not reduce rental rates. Let no one get better.

Human capital
However, everything that has been said so far is only an introduction to this basic Difficulty of Doing Business. Human capital is people with their education and work skills who want to work. So here it is human capital V Lately tends to zero in the country. No, there are people, there are many of them, but their education, work skills and, especially, the desire to work have practically vanished.

Familiar entrepreneurs complain that, despite the large number of phone calls after the announcement of a vacancy on the site and the like, the actual number of candidates who came for an interview is a small proportion of the calls. Arriving and finding an office for many applicants is an impossible test. And those who did come, are completely deprived of the necessary general culture, literacy and desire to work! They immediately begin to demand that their salary be bigger, and work time and fewer responsibilities. But the employer just wants to find a person who would love his job. If the candidates have some, even minimal, responsibility, they immediately say - "oh, no," and disappear.

We have now received in the country the so-called generation Y, which, in principle, cannot and does not want to work. And it's just ridiculous to say that someone likes to work and knows how to do it from this generation. They would only have high salaries, positions and entertainment. This is the result of the work of education in modern conditions, not education reforms, but education itself. Reforms are trying, but not able to smooth the picture of the resulting new generation, in principle, incapable of working.

Few people still realize the real scale of this national catastrophe. And soon it will lead to the fact that many enterprises in the country and in our region will close. A mechanical plant, an aviation plant, and many others - and all because none of the young people want and will not be able to work for them. And many businesses will stop. And we will indeed descend into darkness and return to planting potatoes in the country houses.

Even the military complain that they used to have personnel of the 1st category in aviation, but now they are 2nd-3rd. They no longer fully understand how their equipment flies and why it shoots.

Behavior of consumers (customers).
There are also problems for business caused by the mentality and past experience of the Russian consumer. This is his ability to be content with little and save on everything. All this leads to the fact that the Russian consumer is more likely to purchase a cheap product than a high-quality one, or simply refuse to buy. And in the niche of cheap goods, no business can compete with retail chains operating on imports from China. Our stores now - even Auchan, even Metro - are cheap stores Chinese goods. Almost everything there is made in China, does not meet any quality and safety requirements. Even foodstuffs - mostly from low-quality components, such as flour from feed grains, dairy products from milk powder and palm oil ... The corresponding consumer behavior is important condition business development, but we do not have it.

At present, the Russian Federation, our country, remains essentially a fragment of the USSR, a country of Bolshevik ideology and a dominant bureaucracy. Eknmically not self-sufficient. There have been very limited transformations on the capitalist model, and there is a rollback in the opposite direction in these transformations. Where it leads?

To poverty, need, and, as a result, to new unrest and social upheavals along the lines of Ukraine. After all, it is only for propaganda that it is said that the nationalists carried out a coup d'état there. Yes, nationalists, but we have no less nationalism in Russia, and it is on the rise.

The coup in Ukraine occurred as a result of increasing poverty, stagnation in economic development. It was a continuation of the bourgeois revolution, stuck in the 1990s, and therefore acquired a terrorist character. Terrorism is the result of the inability to achieve change through democratic or less sacrificial means....
And now our society is in such a state that it is ready to pounce on business and be left with nothing, waiting for an increase in pensions and budget salaries, which there is nowhere to get. This Bolshevism, this poverty among the Russians, they are not so simple - it sits in our heads.

And now in Russia there is such a moment, a time of great opportunities, when you can be poor, and if you want, you can become rich. And you can enter the middle class. And this is determined by nothing more than the mentality of a person, his desire, faith in his own strength, the ability to cite, perseverance ... Everyone decides for himself where to be, everyone chooses a fate for himself and his children ... So, maybe it’s still worth doing business in Russia?
