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Increasing the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the year. Will there be an increase in the salary of the police. Police salaries in the regions

The difficult economic and political situation in the country has affected the life of every Russian, but it brought the most problems to employees budget organizations who have experienced a decrease wages, mass reductions and optimization. In connection with these events, today there is a massive discussion of information about in 2016, because the police are an integral part of every state, and everyone knows that their work is fraught with danger, therefore, it should be highly paid.

The police is the main part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which employs people involved in protecting the life, health and freedom of all citizens Russian Federation. The employees of this service cause awe in most people, because not everyone can take a job where you have to risk your own life every day for someone else's.

Police officers must have special knowledge and skills, as well as be well prepared physically and have the skills to fight crime (do not hide the fact that they are not very liked, therefore, increasing the salaries of the police in Russia, last news therefore, water does not cause joyful emotions among the general population, but millions of people turn to them for help). The duties of police officers include:

  • disclosure of offenses;
  • prevention of crimes (police officers should conduct preventive conversations with the population, calling them to accountability and maintaining order);
  • the fight against crime (small and large).

In general, if we compare the work of the police with the work of office workers, we can conclude that it is very difficult and should be paid accordingly.

The salary of employees of this organization depends not only on the “bare” salary, but also on:

Will there be a salary increase?

Everyone remembers the reform, thanks to which the police "turned" into the police, and its employees began to receive 3-4 times more, because these changes shocked the whole country. then it improved a lot, which made them incredibly happy, because their service was finally appreciated, but whether there will be an increase in police salaries in 2016 is not yet known, because today the country is experiencing a deep economic crisis, which greatly depletes its state budget. The crisis has already "touched" many state employees (, teachers, workers federal services execution of sentences) and the police are likely to face the same fate.

The authorities are spending great amount budgetary funds for the payment of bonus deductions and benefits to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of which is growing every year, and since there is catastrophically little money left in the state budget today and there is no longer enough to increase salaries, the police are waiting for optimization, therefore, the question of whether there will be a reduction police in 2016 disappears on its own, because it is almost impossible to optimize the system and not fire some of the workers. It is worth noting that, according to the words of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, the main share of the reductions will fall on employees of government bodies, that is, optimization will not affect ordinary workers, but practice will show how all this will actually happen. Also, Vladimir says that the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be increased on October 1, 2016, but he does not disclose the exact amount of such an increase. True, there is information that if a person does not fall under the reduction, then his salary will be recalculated by 5.5%, that is, the indexation of police salaries in 2016 in Russia will still take place, because back in 2012 the President of the Russian Federation adopted a decree that by 2018 the salaries of all state employees will have to be increased by at least one and a half times compared to previous years, but since it will be quite difficult to immediately raise them to this level, this will happen annually ( however, in the same document it was described that the benefits must be maintained, but this paragraph, in the light of recent events, as you know, has already been violated).

What are the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs waiting for?

In fact, the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs themselves do not particularly expect an increase in the salaries of the police, explaining this by the fact that the situation in the country today is already quite tense and the authorities simply cannot afford to spend budget money on this. Naturally, everyone understands that wages will increase due to reductions, and no one wants such an increase in wages, because it is not known who will be fired, and it can be anyone, and indexation, which will be carried out after the official inflation. There are also certain problems with indexation, since salaries will be multiplied by those figures that will be officially recognized by the government, and they, as a rule, are often underestimated.

The only good news is that the police in 2016 can still count on a certain package of benefits that will significantly improve their lives. For example, under current law, police officers are entitled to receive full medical care (even if they require a very expensive operation) if the damage to health is caused in the line of duty, in addition, service employees can count on additional paid leave for a period of 14 days (but this is discussed privately, with the head of each unit separately). Well, in conclusion, it must be said that the state plans to increase the volume compensation payments to the families of the dead police officers (this news frightens many).

One of the main goals of reforming the internal affairs bodies, along with optimizing their structure and reducing the number of staff, is the formation of a decent social package provided to an employee of the internal affairs bodies during his service and after his dismissal.

For these purposes, on July 19, 2011, Federal Law No. 247-FZ “On social guarantees employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

The law regulates relations related to monetary allowance and pensions for employees of the internal affairs bodies, providing them with living quarters, medical care for current and dismissed employees, members of their families, as well as providing them with other social guarantees.

The law provides for the creation, starting from January 01, 2012, of a new structure of the monetary allowance of employees, the basis of which is salaries (official salary and salary for a special rank) with a share of about half of the monetary allowance.

Federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, in addition to additional payments and allowances provided for by the Law, other additional payments and allowances may be established for employees. These additional payments and allowances are set differentially depending on the complexity, volume and importance of tasks performed by employees.

The structure of the allowance

The salary of employees consists of monthly salary in accordance with the position to be occupied (hereinafter referred to as the official salary) and the monthly salary in accordance with the assigned special rank (hereinafter referred to as the salary for the special rank), which constitute the salary of the monthly monetary allowance (hereinafter referred to as the monetary allowance), monthly and other additional payments.

Official salaries

The salaries for standard positions and salaries for special ranks are established by the Government of the Russian Federation (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2011 No. 878).

Salaries for other (non-standard) positions of employees are set by the head of the federal body executive power in the field of internal affairs, by the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve, in relation to the size of salaries for standard positions. At present, the official salaries of employees of the internal affairs bodies are determined by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 01, 2011 No. 1192 “On the establishment of monthly salaries for employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation”.

The amount of salaries in cash is increased (indexed) in accordance with the federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding year and for the planned period, taking into account the level of inflation (consumer prices). The decision to increase (indexation) of salary salaries is taken by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Employees are entitled to the following additional payments:

1. Monthly allowance to the salary of monetary maintenance for the length of service (length of service)

The monthly allowance to the salary for the length of service is established depending on the length of service, determined according to the norms of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2011 No. 1158 in the following amounts:

  • from 2 to 5 years - 10%;
  • from 5 to 10 years - 15%;
  • from 10 to 15 years - 20%;
  • from 15 to 20 years - 25%;
  • from 20 to 25 years - 30%;
  • 25 years and more - 40%.

2. Monthly bonus to the official salary for the qualification title installed in the following sizes:

1) for the qualification title of a third-class specialist - 5%;

2) for the qualification title of a second-class specialist - 10%;

3) for the qualification title of a first-class specialist - 20%;

4) for the qualification title of master (highest qualification title) - 30%.

The procedure for awarding and confirming a qualification rank is determined by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated January 10, 2012 No. 1 "On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for awarding qualification ranks to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation." Currently, a temporary correspondence between the existing qualification titles (3 levels) and the introduced qualification titles (4 levels) has been introduced for the period of recertification (confirmation) of class qualifications:

so the existing title of specialist of the 1st class - Mentor is temporarily equated with the new title of Master;

1st and 2nd class specialist - to the new rank of 1st and 2nd class specialist, respectively.

3. Monthly salary increase for special conditions services set to 100 percent official salary. The procedure for paying an allowance to the official salary for special conditions of service and the amount of such an allowance are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation depending on the conditions of service and the nature of the tasks performed (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 08, 2011 No. 1021 “On the monthly allowance to the official salary for special conditions of service for employees bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation). Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 1259 dated December 19, 2011 approved the List of employee positions, the replacement of which is paid a monthly allowance to the official salary for special conditions of service, and the amount of the allowance for these positions.

The monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of service is set at a rate of up to 100 percent of the official salary, depending on the categories of positions of employees, taking into account the conditions of service and the tasks performed by employees.

It is necessary to note the following values ​​of the monthly allowance to the official salary for special conditions of service, depending on the staff position of the employee:

Positions in special units - 100%;

Flight personnel positions in aviation units - 50%;

Positions in divisions in operational divisions - 20%;

Positions in subdivisions of precinct commissioners of the police and for juvenile affairs in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the district level - 20%;

Positions in investigative and inquiry units - 20%;

Positions in combat units of the patrol service, road patrol service, security and escort, private security - 20%;

Positions in duty units of bodies (divisions) of internal affairs - 10%.

4. Monthly bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret, is established in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated February 20, 2012 No. 107dsp.

The monthly bonus to the official salary of an employee for working with information constituting a state secret is established:

  • "of particular importance" - 25%;
  • "top secret" - 20%;
  • "secret" - 10%.

In the manner and in the amount provided for in paragraphs 68-70 of the Regulations on the monetary allowance of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 14, 2009 No. 960, employees of structural divisions for the protection of state secrets, in addition to the allowance, are paid a monthly percentage allowance for the length of service in the specified structural divisions. The size of the percentage bonus to the official salary for a work experience of 1 to 5 years is 10 percent, from 5 to 10 years - 15 percent, from 10 years and more - 20 percent.

5. Awards for conscientious performance of official duties at the rate of three monthly salaries per year are paid in the manner determined by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 1257 dated December 19, 2011 approved the procedure for paying bonuses for conscientious performance of official duties to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The bonus is paid monthly at the rate of 25 percent of the salary of the salary established by the employee on the 1st day of the month in which the payment is made.

6. Incentive payments for special achievements in the service in the amount of up to 100 percent of the official salary per month are established in the manner determined by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 19, 2011 No. 1258 approved the Procedure for establishing incentive payments for special achievements in the service of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. These payments are intended for additional incentives for certain categories of employees.

Monthly incentive payments assigned to the following employees:

  • having scientific degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences (15% and 30% respectively);
  • awarded honorary titles of the USSR and the Russian Federation, whose names begin with the words "Honored" and "People's" (10% and 20%, respectively);
  • replacing positions in special forces and having sports titles candidate for master of sports (5%), master of sports of Russia (8%), master of sports of Russia of international class (10%);
  • replacing positions of medical personnel and having qualification category higher (20%), first (15%), second (10%);
  • replacing the positions of the head of the territorial body of internal affairs (50%), deputy head of the territorial body of internal affairs (40%), deputy head of the police (all titles) (30%), etc.;
  • awarded: medals of the USSR, the Russian Federation (except for anniversary medals) - (5%); orders of the USSR, the Russian Federation and the insignia - St. George's Cross - 10%; badge of special distinction - the medal "Golden Star" - 25%.

One-time incentive payments are established for employees in official salaries in the following amounts when awarding:

  • Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - 0.5;
  • Medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "For merits in management activities":

III degree - 0.5;

II degree - 1;

I degree - 2.

If an employee receives monthly incentive payments for several reasons, their amount is summed up.

7. A monthly bonus to the official salary for performing tasks associated with an increased danger to life and health in peacetime is paid in the amount of up to 100 percent of the official salary in the manner determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2011 No. 1122.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated February 20, 2012 No. 106 determined the size of the allowance for the official salary of employees of the internal affairs bodies for performing tasks associated with an increased danger to life and health in peacetime and approved a list of employee positions for which a monthly allowance is paid.

8. Encryption bonus is established in accordance with Chapter XI of the Regulations on the monetary allowance of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 14, 2009 No. 960 and is paid depending on the length of service in encryption work and the class of the encryption network from 5 to 30 percent.

9.monthly legal allowance is established for employees with a higher legal education and holding positions whose main official duties include conducting a legal examination of legal acts and draft legal acts and their endorsement as a lawyer or executor, a monthly legal allowance is paid in the amount of up to 50 percent of the official salary (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia dated December 14, 2009 No. 960).

Payment for temporary performance of duties in another position

An employee temporarily performing duties in another position is paid a monetary allowance based on the salary for the temporarily occupied position, but not less than the salary for the main position, taking into account additional payments established for him in the main position.

Payment of monetary allowance for the time spent at the disposal of the internal affairs body

An employee who is at the disposal of the internal affairs body, until the expiration of the period determined by the federal law governing the service in the internal affairs bodies, retains a monetary allowance in the amount of the official salary for the last occupied position and the salary for a special rank, as well as a monthly bonus to the salary of the monetary maintenance for length of service (length of service). An employee who is at the disposal of the internal affairs body and performs the duties of the last occupied position, in accordance with the order or order of the head of the internal affairs body or the head authorized by him, is paid a full amount of remuneration. By decision of the head of the internal affairs body or the head authorized by him, an employee who is at the disposal of the internal affairs body and who does not fulfill the duties of the last occupied position, taking into account the actual volume of official duties performed by him, additional payments may also be made.

Payment of monetary allowance for the time of treatment

In the event that an employee is released from official duties in connection with temporary incapacity for work, he is paid monetary allowance for the entire period of temporary incapacity for work in full.

Payments to employees in case of temporary removal from office, including arrest

In case of temporary dismissal of an employee from office, he is paid a monetary allowance in the amount of the official salary and salary for a special rank, as well as a bonus to the salary for the length of service (length of service).

If an employee is accused (suspected) of committing a crime and a measure of restraint in the form of detention is chosen against him, the payment of monetary allowance to such an employee is suspended. When an employee is acquitted or the criminal case is terminated on rehabilitating grounds, he is paid a full allowance for the entire period of detention.

Payment for the performance of official duties in excess of the established normal length of service time, as well as at night, on weekends and non-working hours holidays

In accordance with Article 53 of Federal Law No. 342-FZ dated November 30, 2011 “On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, if necessary, an employee of the internal affairs bodies may be involved in the performance of official duties in excess of the established normal length of service time, as well as at night, on weekends and non-working holidays in the manner determined by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs. In this case, the employee is compensated in the form of rest of the appropriate duration on other days of the week. If it is impossible to provide such rest during this period, the time of performance of official duties in excess of the established normal length of service time, as well as at night, on weekends and non-working holidays, is summed up and the employee is provided with additional days of rest of the appropriate duration, which, at his request, can be attached to annual paid leave. At the request of an employee, instead of providing additional days of rest, monetary compensation may be paid to him.

The procedure for granting an employee of the internal affairs bodies additional days of rest and the procedure for paying monetary compensation are determined by the federal executive body in charge of internal affairs.

At present, the regulations legal acts, regulating payment for the performance of official duties in excess of the established normal length of service time, as well as at night, on weekends and non-working holidays, have not been adopted.

Material aid

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 19, 2011 No. 1260, the Procedure for the provision of material assistance to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation was approved. Financial assistance in the amount of one monthly salary is provided annually when an employee goes on a regular vacation or at other times according to the report of the employee. Within the limits of the funds allocated for monetary allowance, on the basis of a reasoned report of the employee, by the decision of the head, he may be provided with additional material assistance.

Additional payments to employees participating in counter-terrorism operations and ensuring law and order and public security in the territory of the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2011 No. 1174, employees participating in counter-terrorism operations and ensuring law and order and public security in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation are paid monthly bonuses to monetary allowance. The monthly bonus to the monetary allowance of employees included in the OGV (s) or special forces is paid in the amount of two official salaries, and employees not included in the OGV (s) or special forces in the amount of one official salary.

An example of calculating the allowance of an employee of a department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the district level (district police officer, senior police lieutenant with a length of service of up to 10 years) from January 01, 2012

Official salary

Salary by rank

Total (cash salary)

Seniority bonus (15% of salary salary)

Bonus for special conditions of service (20% of the official salary)

For the qualification title of a third-class specialist (5% of the official salary)

Monthly bonus (25% of salary salary)


Income tax individuals 13%

All in hand

Financial assistance (1 salary per year)

Law enforcement and enforcement of Russian law is the main task of the police. If there were no representatives of this profession, the life of ordinary citizens could turn into hell. In order to prevent crime and make people's lives safe, every day police officers must risk their health and even life. The profession of a police officer is associated with high physical and moral stress.

What salary does the state pay to police officers for their much-needed and hazardous work? Are they guaranteed any benefits and bonuses? Can a police officer count on early retirement? What is the amount of the pension benefit at the end labor activity from employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Professional responsibilities

Everyone has a chance to get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, regardless of gender and education. However, in order to get the position of a police officer, several conditions must be met. First of all, this is the absence of a criminal record, both for the job seeker and for his close relatives. In addition, you must provide your written consent to the verification of personal data.

Candidates for police officers will have to go through a serious medical commission, since an absolutely healthy person must work in law enforcement agencies. Moreover, in addition to good indicators of physical health, he must necessarily have good mental health. Therefore, the applicant for the position of a police officer will have to undergo a psychological test. And also provide a certificate from specialists on the absence of drug addiction and sexually transmitted infections.

Another important stage of selection is checking the physical fitness of the future police officer. The list of mandatory tests includes a hundred-meter run, as well as a distance of 1 km for women and 3 km for men. Also, men will be checked according to the standards of pull-ups, and the woman will have to do push-ups from the floor.

A significant advantage for male applicants is the fact of their service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

When recruiting employees to the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, their level of education is also taken into account. Preference is given to candidates with secondary special or higher legal education. Since a good knowledge of Russian laws, criminal and administrative law will allow a specialist to better perform his job duties.

Circle professional duties the cop is pretty wide. Although it should be noted that among the employees of this profession there is a division into various categories of activity. The main professional tasks of all police officers include:

  • reception and registration of applications of citizens about all types of crimes, offenses and incidents;
  • promptly respond to applications and arrive at the scene of a crime or incident;
  • prevent all types of illegal actions, keep traces of crimes until the arrival of the investigating authorities, document the circumstances of the crimes;
  • provide first aid to victims of crime and accidents, take measures to protect and rescue citizens and protect property;
  • counter terrorism and protect facilities from terrorist threats and attacks;
  • provide control measures for compliance with the rules of safe behavior;
  • assist the judiciary.

The profession of a police officer requires the ability to quickly make the right decisions, to be able to coordinate the work of various services and the civilian population. A police officer needs good endurance and knowledge of people's psychology.

What affects the salary of a police officer

The profession of a police officer is always in demand in the labor market. Today, more than 2,500 places for law enforcement specialists remain free in Russia. This situation can be explained by the fact that wages for such complex and responsible work are still low. Although in recent years the earnings of police officers have increased significantly.

It should be noted that the salary of police officers consists of the official salary and bonuses for the rank. In turn, the amount of salary is determined by the following indicators:

Job title

So the salary of a police rank and file is 9.5-12 thousand rubles. The salary of a senior detective is 15-17 thousand rubles. per month. The head of the department has a salary in the range of 20-24 thousand rubles. When the salary of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is 75 thousand rubles.

Region of residence and service

The salaries of police officers living in the capital region are higher than those of colleagues from other regions of Russia. The difference between different categories of police officers can be from 1-2 thousand rubles. from the rank and file and 2-4 thousand rubles. from middle management.


The value of the monetary content of law enforcement officers is affected by the value of the special experience, i.e. length of service. So a policeman who has served in the bodies from 2 to 5 years increases his salary by 10%. If his length of service is 5-10 years, then the salary increases by 15%. Special experience from 10 to 15 years gives an increase of 20%. A police officer with 15-20 years of service receives a monthly increase of 30%, and a service record of more than 25 years gives a salary increase of 40%.

Special Terms of Service

Such allowances are set by the heads of federal executive bodies and can reach 100% of the official salary of a police officer.

For work with information constituting a state secret

Such an allowance is determined by the level of secrecy and can reach 65%.

The amount of the allowance for the rank for an ordinary policeman is 4750 rubles, for a policeman in the rank sergeant police 5225 rubles. Sergeant police receive an allowance of 5,500 rubles, staff Sergeant- 5750 rubles, foreman- 6000 rubles, Ensign- 6750 rubles. The most significant allowances for police officers in the rank general police - 20 thousand rubles.

Additional bonuses and benefits

For police officers federal law the following benefits are provided:

  • the possibility of free travel on all types of public transport, with the exception of taxis, on an official ID when performing official duties;
  • free travel to the place of rest and back once a year;
  • free treatment and prevention in departmental health institutions;
  • children of policemen out of turn receive places in kindergartens, educational boarding schools, summer health camps;
  • when business trips the police officer has the right to make extraordinary reservations and accommodation in hotels, as well as to purchase tickets for all types of transport.

How much do police officers earn

In general, Moscow police officers receive more than their colleagues from other regions of the country by about 10%. An analysis of the job market showed that today the capital needs more than 1,200 law enforcement officers. So the positions of ordinary police officers are waiting for employees without work experience and special education and are ready to pay them from 48 to 80 thousand rubles. monthly.

You can earn 42-48 thousand rubles for the position of district commissioners. per month. The police department of the Moscow metro invites police officers with a salary of 45 thousand rubles. Thus, the average salary of this category of employees in Moscow is 62 thousand rubles.

The amount of salaries for police officers in other cities of Russia

IN St. Petersburg police salaries range from 12 to 60 thousand rubles. Average salaries are 39 thousand rubles. Cavalry police officers earn more than their colleagues - 40-60 thousand rubles. per month.

IN New Urengoy policemen are ready to pay 42-85 thousand rubles. per month. Police officers in Samara, Saratov, Astrakhan, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities of Russia earn an average of 32 thousand rubles, which corresponds to the average salary in the country.

How much do police officers earn in other countries of the world

American police officers earn an average of $4,000 per month (240,000 rubles), German- 3 thousand dollars (180 thousand rubles), French- 2.7 thousand dollars (165 thousand rubles). Police officers earn the most Finland- 5 thousand dollars (300 thousand rubles). This significantly exceeds the income of Russian law enforcement officers.


Given the high level of complexity of work and the magnitude of the risks to life and health of police officers, the State guarantees early retirement. So a police officer who has served in the bodies for 20 years, claims to receive a pension. The average pension of police officers in Russia today is 15-21 thousand rubles.

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, launched in 2009 at the initiative of the President, has, in fact, come to an end and the time has come for conclusions. Naturally, the main question for police officers and their families is whether the salary in the police will be increased in 2018. Most ordinary citizens did not notice anything other than changing the name from "police" to "police", however, in fact, the transformation of the department is in full swing. For example, certification of employees was introduced, many of whom did not pass it and lost their positions.

Since 2016, a number of positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been reduced, after which the total number of police officers in the Russian Federation should not exceed 900 thousand people, although this is not positively assessed by everyone. First of all, due to the optimization of personnel, it is planned to allocate resources to increase the salaries of police officers in 2018, but not everything is so simple.

The salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on the following positions:

  • the salary itself;
  • rank bonuses;
  • assigned regional coefficient;
  • superannuation for years of service;
  • additional payments for the complexity and intensity of work.

All of the above positions, except for the salary, are individual in nature, that is, they are set depending on the specifics of the service, the place of its performance, the risk to life, etc. paper documentation. At the same time, additional financial remuneration is provided for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, marked with state awards.

What are the salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs now?

The current level of income is unlikely to add a desire to go to the department for service. IN Lately There are persistent rumors that the salary of a police officer in 2018 will increase significantly. Before talking about increasing salaries, you should deal with the indicators already achieved. So, ordinary law enforcement officers (without officer ranks) with a length of service not exceeding 5 years are entitled to 25 thousand rubles as a salary. Officers with similar experience can count on 36 thousand rubles, and 42 thousand rubles after 15 years of service in the department.

It should be noted a significant difference in the level of income between officers and heads of departments (divisions). The salary of the latter is at least 80 thousand rubles, and sometimes reaches 100 thousand rubles a month. However, even these figures are inferior to the salaries of ordinary police officers in developed countries peace. If we take the United States, then there the average earnings of an ordinary "cop" in terms of domestic currency is at least 120 thousand rubles a month, excluding allowances. Maybe that's why the demand for this vacancy in America is higher, and the competitive selection is stricter.

Income level in the police for 2018

According to the "May" decrees, by 2018 the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should increase by about 150%. If it weren't for that that broke out in connection with the fall in world energy prices, these figures would have been quite achievable. Now, there is no need to talk about any large-scale increase in the salaries of police officers in 2018. Those funds that were released after the optimization of the state, obviously, will not be enough for a tangible increase in salaries. Most likely next year, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should expect the following figures:

  • the salary of police officers who have worked for less than 5 years in the authorities will be 26-27 thousand rubles;
  • police officers who have worked for at least 10 years will be able to receive 28-29 thousand rubles;
  • those with more than 15 years of service have the right to count on 32-33 thousand rubles.

Employees in the rank from junior lieutenant to captain are provided with a salary of at least 32 thousand rubles. In managerial positions (from major to general), the monthly salary will be from 40 thousand rubles. Return of 13 salaries, as well as free travel to public transport in 2018, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should not be expected: this has already been announced official representatives departments.

However, there are also positive developments. Thus, at a meeting in the Kremlin, President Vladimir Putin recalled the May decrees and that some state employees, including the police, were left “overboard” and the situation needs to be corrected, despite all economic problems in the country. Therefore, there is a very high probability that the increase in the salary of police officers in 2018 will be included in the budget, which means it is guaranteed to happen.

Additional benefits for the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Despite the fact that there will be no significant salary increase for police officers in 2018, a number of benefits have been left for the department that can partly compensate for financial losses. This list includes:

  • additional days to labor leave (up to 10);
  • placing in a separate queue for service housing;
  • the option of receiving sanatorium treatment for yourself and relatives;
  • the possibility of free qualified medical care, including operations.

In addition, for servants of law enforcement agencies, separate housing is provided in hostels when they enter the service. If an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a family, the employer, that is, the department, is obliged to provide him with a separate room. In this regard, nothing has changed since the days of the USSR, when work in the police was perhaps the only reliable way for young guys from the provinces to gain a foothold in Moscow.

Will there be indexing in 2018?

According to the official statement of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in October 2017, officials will consider a bill according to which in 2018 all police salaries will be indexed by 5.5%. Allowances will help overcome Negative consequences inflation, estimated by experts at the level of 5-6%. If the project is approved, indexation should be expected in January-February 2017. The Ministry of Finance also expressed its intention to direct funding to improve working conditions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The funds will be used to refurbish the premises, purchase necessary equipment, professional development of employees.

Thus, the topic of when the police will increase salaries in 2018 is not yet closed, but now we can say that a significant increase in salaries is not expected. Ordinary employees can only hope for a miracle and for finding additional financial reserves in the RF Ministry of Finance.

For more on police salaries in the US, see the following video:

Undoubtedly, the police are an integral part of any country. After all, everyone always knows that in the event of any offense that has occurred, you need to go just to them. Such work is fraught with serious danger - and the latest news about the death of a fairly large number of representatives of this profession in the line of duty is heard all too often and confirms this assertion.

Due to this, What will be the increase in the salary of the police in 2016 concerns a large number of people.

Who are police officers and what are their main duties

Everyone knows the police - their appearance causes a subconscious thrill. After all, they represent law and order. And there is a feeling that when they appeared somewhere, it is not just like that.

Such workers are distinguished by special knowledge and skills, and they also have quite a lot of experience in capturing dangerous antisocial personalities. Although the police are not particularly liked, they are the ones they turn to for help if necessary.

These employees have a number of important job responsibilities, including:

  • disclosure of crimes;
  • prevention of the fact of an offense;
  • prevention of crimes of various types.

It follows from this that, in comparison with the so-called office plankton The job of a police officer is very dirty and hard. And such work must be well paid.

However, it's not that big.

What is the salary of a police officer

The salary of a police officer is usually not only a bare salary. Salaried worker The power department consists of several parameters:

  1. direct salary;
  2. length of service;
  3. experience in this profession;
  4. regional allowances;
  5. the rank or rank of the worker.

Each of these factors, in principle, can add a lot to the salary of a police officer. In fact, it turns out that with all the accruals, he gets only about 1-2 thousand increments.

How did the wages of police officers used to be indexed?

Previously, policemen's treasures were indexed according to quite specific schemes. This happened 2 times a year. The basis for such increases was the decrees of the President of the country, in which he instructed to transfer all employees of the state and budgetary services to higher salaries. This was due to the fact that those who were appointed by him then simply did not withstand any criticism.

Due to low salaries, departments faced various difficulties when the following factors were noted:

  • high staff turnover;
  • corrupt practices;
  • facts of serious corruption.

It even got to the point that the police were no longer perceived as a protector, but became more associated with extortionists. Therefore, the indexation of police salaries has become a rather important factor that has made it possible to solve these difficulties.

They began to raise the salaries of employees of law enforcement agencies quite well, and in some cases they were even able to bring them up to quite competitive figures. However, the situation has changed dramatically and now the increase has become a big question.

Because of what increase in salaries of police officers in 2016 came into question

What will happen to the police salary today is completely unknown and incomprehensible. After all, the country was covered by a rather serious and severe crisis. The reasons for this were:

  1. problems with a neighboring country of a geopolitical nature;
  2. world condemnation and, as a result, isolation from the European part of the world and from across the Atlantic;
  3. internal changes in the Russian market, when very quickly - literally right before our eyes - the cost of everything rose in a row;
  4. problems in the domestic currency market in the country.

All these points have caused problems in the life of the country as a whole and its entire population in particular. So, for example, according to official statistics, the incomes of Russian citizens have decreased by at least 10%. Many businesses have closed. And since the country's budget is replenished regularly, if the whole mechanism functions like a clock, then, naturally, quite serious difficulties have occurred here. The Ministry of Finance even had to print gold and foreign exchange reserves in order to be able to fulfill basic social obligations:

  • pay pensions;
  • give benefits;
  • issue subsidies.

As a result of all these problems, the increase in the salary of policemen in 2016 in Russia has become a big question. After all, there is nothing special to replenish the treasury. And the police themselves are more consumers for the budget than its fillers.

What are your opinions on this

2015 has been a tough year for many. After all, a decision was made at a high level to tacitly suspend the May decrees of the president. And first of all, of course, state employees suffered from this.

All increases and indexations, which were planned for 2015, slowed down. Today, many are on standby. The Government itself is confident that difficult times will not last long. And in fact, in 2016, the situation will begin to change. For example, they are confident that the country has passed its peak of the crisis, as a result of which the situation will begin to improve. This means that an increase in police salaries in 2016 is quite possible.

Experts, on the other hand, believe that if the indexation of salaries of employees of law enforcement agencies takes place, then one cannot count on any big numbers. They say that indexation will be a figure no more than the official inflation rate.

There is a problem and difficulty here. Official inflation rate set at 6%. In fact, it is significantly higher. And it can be seen quite even with the naked eye. At the same time, the Government itself and the Central Bank are confident that it is this figure that most accurately shows what kind of events are taking place in the country today. In general, if the increase takes place, it will be no more than 6%, which, translated into money, indicates an increase of a maximum of a couple of thousand rubles.

An increase in the salaries of the police in Russia, the latest news on which for many workers has long been long-awaited, must take place in the near future. Otherwise, the gap between the income and expenses of employees of law enforcement agencies will be quite a serious figure.

What happens to employee layoffs?

Another problem that is of great concern and interest to many employees of law enforcement agencies is whether there will be a reduction in the police in 2016. This interest is quite natural, because. many have already been affected by such a wave. And today, many are under threat.

Today, layoffs of workers of various public sector are written off for the so-called optimization, which is carried out throughout the country. Optimization affects most of the departments aimed at a more efficient distribution of people and capacities.

For example, as part of the optimization it is planned to:

  • reduce some of the employees (however, as the ideologists of such a program assure, this will affect only the management staff);
  • sell property from the balance of departments that is not used, but only draws funds for its maintenance;
  • redistribution of employees by position to create a balance of employees.