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Detained at the customs authority without giving a reason. What to do if the parcel from Aliexpress did not pass customs? Instruction from a person who goes to customs how to work

In what cases is it possible to open international postal items.

Recently, my package from abroad showed damage to the packaging, carelessly sealed with tape, and a slight discrepancy in weight. Everything pointed to the fact that someone tried to profit from the goods addressed to me.

At my request to check the attachment and fill out the form, 51 employees of the Russian Post fired the assumption that the package was most likely opened at customs. They say it's a common procedure. Taking into account the fact that the act of conducting customs inspection was not attached to the parcel, I let her arguments fall on deaf ears. Next, we proceeded to open the package.

An opened package is an unpleasant event, but sometimes justified. Who has the right to open shipments and when can this happen?

Our friends from the Banderolka service helped us to sort out difficult customs issues, as well as customs officers of the Russian Federation, whose passwords and appearances we will not hand over.

customs control

Customs clearance of international mail is handled by special customs posts. Now there are more than 20 points of international postal exchange located in various parts of our vast Motherland. But most of them are in Moscow - at three airports and at the Main Post Office. All other customs can only arrange transit to places of international mail exchange.

Although the design international mail and is carried out at separate customs posts, the procedure is generally similar to the customs clearance of ordinary goods: customs control– payment of duties and fees – decision on release.

All overseas shipments are accompanied by a completed declaration in the form CN22 or CN23. By the way, for parcels sent from Russia, you will also need to fill out forms CN22 / CN23, which must indicate the description of the investment and its cost.

By default, all incoming parcels undergo documentary control, after which they are tested for radioactivity and the “ inspection»on x-ray. Postal correspondence is often scanned en masse.

If there is suspicion

If the customs inspector suspects that the contents do not correspond to those declared or are included in the list of goods prohibited for shipment, the parcel is sent to inspection. Inspection is the only opportunity for customs to open the parcels.

According to statistics, no more than 3% departures, and for the vast majority of sufficient standard control.

How is the opening

The opening and inspection of the contents takes place in the presence of two postal employees. If the inspector's suspicions are not confirmed, then the shipment is packed, and on the outside it is attached The act of customs inspection, certified by the participants in the process.

If the parcel declares goods prohibited for transportation, then it will simply be returned back to the sender. If the presence of prohibited goods is detected during the inspection procedure, the parcel is subject to seizure and disposal. The goods will no longer be received by either the addressee or the sender.

In addition, customs control zones are equipped with video surveillance systems, so that in the process customs clearance the seizure of the product you like is quite problematic.

By the way!

List of Sanctioned Products.

The current list of goods prohibited for sending by mail can always be found on the website of the Russian Post. It includes:

  • tobacco products, alcoholic and alcoholic products;
    perishable products;
  • weapons (including cold weapons), explosives, their components and components;
  • drugs and similar substances;
  • poisons, hazardous wastes and ozone depleting substances
  • but most importantly: it is forbidden to import goods from the sanctions list into Russia, including by mail.

Packaging damage

Parcels are not always opened with malicious intent. Sometimes damage to the outer layer of a shipment can occur accidentally during transport or postal processing.

If postal employees discover the integrity of the package of the item is broken, they are required to inspect the attachment, if necessary, open the package and compare the contents with the inventory. At the same time, postmen must make Autopsy report and attach a copy of it to the shipment after repackaging.

Based on personal experience, I can add that the parcel must be re-sealed using Russian Post branded tape.

By the way. If you bought something in the USA, then you can protect your parcel from damage using the Banderolkin insurance system and additional parcel protection -.

Who opens

And yet, at what point do they try to get into the package?

During customs control, it is almost impossible to do this. In addition, in recent years I have never heard that any customs inspector was caught stealing from mail.

However, the inspectors have a hypothetical opportunity to safely pass "half-empty" parcels with a discrepancy in weight through the inspection. Collusion between the Postal operator and the customs officer is theoretically possible, although it seems difficult to me.

Who can get into the parcel

But that's where dishonest individuals seem to have room for action, so this is during multiple sortings at railway stations and post offices.

According to the leadership of the Russian Post, now employees are losing one package out of a hundred thousand. Unfortunately, it does not provide statistics on opened and ruined shipments. But for some reason it seems to me that this happens much more often than loss. Judging by the messages on thematic forums, the number of problematic parcels has decreased over the past two years, but has not completely disappeared.

In my case, everything went well. After opening the package in the presence of a Postal employee, the attachment turned out to be intact and complete. Probably, some postman was too lazy to make an Autopsy Report, patching up the damaged package "as best he could."

However, even with a positive outcome, it is unpleasant to encounter opened parcels.

On December 7, the Federal Customs Service of Russia introduced new rules for processing parcels from foreign online stores for delivery operators. The problems started immediately.

Now, to receive the parcel, you will need to specify the TIN and links to the purchased goods. In social networks, users complain about parcels stuck at customs, and in delivery services they say that until the FCS signs an addition to the order on the list of those to whom it acts, the parcels will remain in a “hanging” state.

Delivery services have already sent warnings to their users that when shopping in foreign online stores, along with passport data, it is necessary to indicate the TIN (the requirement applies only to Russian citizens) and links to the pages of the online store with a description of each product. This innovation will not affect parcels, the delivery of which from the sender to the recipient is made through the Russian Post.

Anastasia Solopeko writes on Facebook that her order from the English online store, issued on November 29, has been “hanging” at customs since December 1, and only by calling the delivery company did she find out that now it is impossible to receive the parcel without a TIN.

“So if you ordered something and this “something” is not coming to you, call and sort it out. For some reason, they themselves do not send messages demanding to fill out the customs form again,” she warns.

In service Delivery Boxberry The Russian service of the BBC was told that the parcels would remain in a “hanging” state until the FCS signed an addition to the order on the list of services for which it operates.
When asked when it will be signed, COO Yaroslav Polishchuk found it difficult to answer. “We have no understanding, they don’t tell us anything,” he said.
Polishchuk said that about 25-28 thousand Orders Boxberry are now at customs without a TIN. “It piled up in three days,” he says.

The Russian service of the BBC failed to promptly contact the FCS with the question of when the additions would be signed - the telephones of the press service were unavailable all day.

At the same time, DPD services in Russia and SPSR Express there are no delays with parcels from foreign online stores, the head of department told the BBC Russian Service international transport Evgeny Privalov.
In the delivery service Pony Express reported that on December 4 they began to notify customers about the need to provide a TIN, so they received a “rather high response”. The company found it difficult to provide exact data on the “stuck” parcels.

Experiment for seven months
Letters from delivery services say that new data is needed to "confirm the declared value of the goods." Operators refer to the order of the Federal Customs Service of November 24. Requirements apply only to orders individuals for personal use.
The press service of the Federal Customs Service told Kommersant that the TIN and references to goods are needed to determine their value and weight, as well as to reduce the risk of importing goods to nominees. So the customs will check the excess of the duty-free threshold. Now it is no more than 1000 euros and 31 kg per month.
The Russian service of the BBC was unable to find the order published by the FCS. A copy of it was posted on its website by the Boxberry delivery service.

According to the document, innovations will be valid until July 1, 2018, the initiative is called "experiment".

It follows from the text of the order that this experiment is being introduced to strengthen control over the reliability of the documents provided in the customs declaration. The order establishes the need for the FCS's main anti-smuggling department to conduct a quarterly analysis of passport data. Information about invalid passports must be submitted to analytical management customs service.

So, no matter how sad it may sound, "we stock up on popcorn" ...

08.12.2017 20:15:43 / 65198

To track your package, you need to follow a few simple steps.
1. Go to home page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track the postal item"
3. Click on the "Track package" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the last status.
6. Estimated delivery period, displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not hard ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text "Group by companies", which is located under the tracking statuses.

If there are any difficulties with the statuses on English language, click on the link with the text "Translate to Russian", which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track code information" block, where you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame, with the heading "Pay Attention!", Carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks, you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the country of destination, in this case, tracking the parcel becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the country of destination / after arriving at Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived at Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery deadlines calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, and the parcel travels for more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and therefore they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the package is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the package, and the status of the package "the item pre-advised" / "Email notification received" does not change for several days, this is normal, you can read more by clicking on the link:.

If the status of the mailing does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, it normal phenomenon for international mail.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and new package rides for more than a month, this is normal, because. parcels go by different routes, in different ways, they can wait for dispatch by plane for 1 day, or maybe a week.

If the package is out of sorting center, there are no customs, an intermediate point and new statuses within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who carries a parcel from one city to your home. For it to appear new status, the parcel must arrive, unload, be scanned, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Acceptance / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can see the transcript of the main statuses of international mail:

If the parcel is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the end of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you did not understand anything, read this instruction again, and again, until complete enlightenment;)

Today, many of us at least once in our lives used the services of foreign online stores and ordered the delivery of goods through various postal services. Any product purchased in a foreign online store, as well as a package from relatives living in another country, undergoes high-quality customs control. As practice shows, not in all cases the cargo passes the customs check without any problems. Very often he is detained by customs officers. Therefore, quite a few people are interested in the question of what to do if the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point.

general information

Any private or commercial cargo that enters the territory Russian Federation from any other country, passes customs control. And everything would be fine, but very often it happens that the parcel is delayed at the border. In this case, many fall into despair, believing that the cargo is lost forever. However, if the parcel does not contain any prohibited goods provided for by law, then it is possible to receive your cargo.

Reasons for the delay of cargo by the customs service

So, let's imagine that you ordered some product in a foreign online store, but received a notification that the shipment was delayed at the customs clearance point. What does it mean? Everything is very simple: you will not be able to receive the parcel.

This may happen for the following reasons:

  • if the goods are imported into the country without a declaration and payment customs duty, then it may be delayed if the value of the parcel exceeds 1500 euros;
  • the total weight of the parcel exceeds 50 kg;
  • the parcel consists of a large number of goods of the same group;
  • any goods are prohibited for import into the Russian Federation.

These are the most common reasons why a shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point. What to do in this situation? This will be discussed further.

What to do if the parcel is delayed?

Most often, this problem is faced by ordinary citizens who, in order to save money or purchase exclusive goods, prefer to make purchases in foreign online stores. Delivery can be made by regular mail or by various companies providing similar services. most big company for international shipping is EMS. All of them are very convenient, because they deliver the parcel to the post office specified by the client. When the cargo arrives at its destination, the buyer is informed about this by SMS or by registered mail. In addition, if the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, you will also be notified about this.

If the purchased goods are delivered by regular mail, then the client does not receive any notification, and he will have to find out the fate of the parcel on his own. This takes quite a lot of time, because first you will need to go to the post office, then check the status of your order with the seller, and then submit a request to the customs service.

Contacting the customs service

After you are really sure that the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, you need to contact the control service.

This will require the following documents:

  1. An invoice from the seller confirming the purchase of the goods.
  2. A document confirming payment for the goods.
  3. Passport.
  4. If the parcel contains the same type of goods that were ordered not only for themselves, but also for relatives, then photocopies of their passports will be needed.
  5. Photos of each item included in the package.

Also in the customs service it will be necessary to fill out a special form, which lists all the goods present in the parcel, as well as their purpose. If the reason for the delay of the cargo is the excess of the cost or the weight limit, then you can pick up the cargo after paying the customs duty.

Storage periods for delayed goods

If the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, then the cargo is placed in storage. The maximum period is two weeks, of which the first 5 days are free, and the rest are paid by the owner of the parcel. If the cargo was delivered by airmail, then in this case the storage period is extended to 30 calendar days.

What goods are prohibited from being imported into the territory of the Russian Federation?

In order not to run into problems when sending goods, you need to know which groups of goods are prohibited from being transported across the border of our country.

These include:

  • weapons and ammunition;
  • narcotic substances;
  • flammable and explosive substances;
  • plants and animals;
  • waste that poses a potential threat to environment as well as human life and health;
  • materials promoting terrorism and containing pornography;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • devices for collecting information;
  • cultural heritage values;
  • human organs;
  • any Nazi-themed materials;
  • jewelry and antiques;
  • radioactive substances.

If the parcel contains any of the goods of this category, there is no doubt that a message will come stating that the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point. How long will they be stored in this case? Any prohibited goods are subject to disposal, so they are not placed in storage. In addition, criminal liability may follow for trying to import many prohibited goods, so it is better to immediately abandon the attempt to bring them across the border.

How to avoid problems when shopping abroad?

If you plan to regularly order various goods from China, America, Europe or any other countries, then in order to avoid problems with their delivery, it is best to use the services of logistics companies. One of the largest in Russia is SPSR, which operates not only throughout the country, but also far beyond its borders. Thus, if your shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, "SPSR-Express" will solve all the problems for you, provided that you have used the services of this courier service.

What services does SPSR provide?

The SPSR-Express company has become one of the national leaders in the field of cargo delivery in Russia and abroad. Most customers choose it because of the wide range of services that the carrier provides to its customers.

Among them are the following:

  • fast delivery of parcels in Russia and abroad;
  • postal transportation;
  • courier services;
  • package of parcels;
  • storage of goods;
  • notification of customers about the status of delivery;
  • the ability to track the parcel online;
  • delivery of goods to the address at a convenient time for the client;
  • transportation of goods "from door to door".

The company works with both private and legal entities. If, however, the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, SPSR will notify the customer of the problem and help in solving it.

"SPSR-Express": delivery in the shortest possible time

Most consumers note the efficiency of the work of the company "SPSR-Express" and very fast delivery, and regardless of the region of the country. The time that the parcel will be in transit may vary. It depends on the company or online store in which the goods were ordered, as well as on its remoteness from Russia. Within the country, the delivery time takes no more than two days, and if the parcel comes from abroad, you will have to wait about a week. However, if you compare its speed with other companies, then this courier service is indeed one of the fastest in Russia.

Convenient notification system

The company "SPSR-Express" is very popular among many shopaholics who prefer to shop online, also due to high-quality service. Clients receive SMS notifications about the status of their orders, and if there are any problems at the border, your order will be assigned the status: “Departure delayed at the customs clearance point”, which you will be instantly notified about.


Each person who ordered expensive thing in a foreign online store, wants to receive it safe and sound, as well as in the shortest possible time. If the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, "SPSR" will resolve the issue very quickly, as the company takes its duties very responsibly, as evidenced by consumer reviews. According to customers, all parcels arrive on time, and there are never any problems with their safety. Not only the product itself is intact, but also its packaging.

Cargo tracking

The ability to track the location of a package is a very convenient service that any self-respecting company providing logistics services should provide. "SPSR-Express", being a national leader, provides its customers with such an opportunity. Having access to the Internet, you can always look at the order number on the company's website, where this moment your cargo is located. If your shipment is delayed at customs, SPSR will update this information and you will be notified in time. Also, after the cargo arrives at the post office specified by the client, an SMS notification arrives informing that it is possible to receive the parcel. It is worth noting that due to some system failures, there may be delays in timely updating of information, but such situations are extremely rare.

Cost of services

Price logistics services has always been of great importance for consumers when choosing one or another courier delivery service. Especially the price issue has become very relevant in recent years. This is due to the fact that due to the devaluation of the ruble, there was a significant increase in the price of all groups of goods when purchased in the national currency. Therefore, each person tries to save on everything that is possible. In particular, this applies to the cost of shipping goods from the seller to the buyer.

As for the cost of the services of the SPSR-Express company, although they cannot be called the cheapest, they are nonetheless one of the most attractive on the market. Today, for example, many people order smartphones in foreign stores. When ordering through a logistics company, they will cost significantly less, including delivery, compared to the usual postal service. If the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, and LeEco smartphones, say, or products from another manufacturer did not pass the check, then Logistic company notify the recipient immediately.

Thus, given the relatively low prices, high-quality service, fast delivery and a convenient order status notification system, it makes sense to buy goods in foreign online stores and deliver them to Russia through the SPSR company. In this case, consumers receive a full guarantee of the safety of the parcel on the way, and also minimize the associated hassle associated with delivery and customs clearance.

Buyers Chinese goods on Aliexpress, Pandao, Joom and other sites, since April 2018, they began to regularly observe a special status « Customs clearance not passed", which appears at the moment the parcel crosses the border. Such a strange wording, to put it mildly, causes panic, so it’s worth explaining everything right away. In this article, you'll learn what this tracking status means, what you should do, and how seriously you should take this notification.


Let's immediately decide on the actual designation of the status. "Customs clearance"- this is the passage of customs by the parcel, in particular, a set of formalities that provides for checking the registration of the parcel (correct filling, address), including the collection of duties. Any cargo crossing the border passes through this, and the process itself is automated.

Compliance established norms registration, payment of taxes and fees are the key to successful customs clearance. But in AliExpress, the situation is slightly different. Previously, there was no such inscription in the tracking statuses of Aliexpress goods, but now there are three statuses related to customs:

  1. Customs clearance started;
  2. Customs clearance has been successfully passed (or not passed);
  3. Released by customs.

As a rule, this whole procedure takes place already in the territory of the recipient's country. For example, we already wrote about the postal and customs hub of the Russian Post in, which, in conjunction with the MR LC Vnukovo, processes the lion's share of parcels from China.

What does "Customs clearance not passed" mean?

The emergence of such a status for many came as a surprise. At the same time, the problem has become widespread. starting at the end of April.

It should be noted that in most cases there is no reason to worry. Already within 3-5 days the parcel will continue on its way. You can see this using tracking. Opening the parcel and checking the contents was also not detected in such situations.

There is an opinion among recipients that such a status is a consequence of a familiar machine translation from Chinese into Russian. This is quite logical, because if there were problems with documentation and taxes, no one would receive the goods, but in reality the situation is the opposite. A logical conclusion follows from this - the appearance of a message just the opposite means a successful check.

Choosing a profitable cashback service for Aliexpress

Of course, one should not exclude the emergence of a real problem associated with the clearance of goods and the passage of customs. It is important to know and be able to defend your interests. Fortunately, the Aliexpress service allows you to solve most unpleasant situations by opening disputes.

What to do when a status occurs?

First of all, do not worry, as in most cases this does not mean problems. Follow the status of the parcel on the website of the Russian Post. It is noteworthy that in the starting nodes through the Russian Post service, there is no such status. Usually, during the first three days, the package continues to move without the slightest participation of the recipient. However, if after 5 days this did not happen, then it is worth contacting customs and finding out the reason for the delay.

If earlier it was possible to return the money in full in almost any situation by opening a dispute, now things are more complicated. When similar situation, in most cases it is possible to return the money, except for the cost of transportation. There are already cases when the cargo is delayed or requires payment. The goods are not returned to the sender, and the recipient does not receive the order, and quite rarely can return at least part of the amount back.

What is the reason for the phenomenon? When opening a dispute, in order to prove your case, you must provide certified documents indicating the reason for the detention of the parcel by customs. 7 days are allotted for this, but at the same time, making a request and receiving a response may take more than a day. Calling to hot phone customs service, ask them to send documentary evidence that the parcel is delayed due to the seller. Attach this document, a screenshot of the copy of the order and a screenshot of the tracking to the dispute.

Supplier Responsibility:

  • lack of invoice;
  • lack of certificates and licenses;
  • registration of goods at a reduced price;
  • counterfeit.

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Recipient's responsibility:

  • ordering prohibited goods;
  • payment of duty.

From what was said earlier, it follows that even if the parcel is delayed due to the fault of the seller, it is not always possible to return the money and / or receive the goods. It is likely that the Aliexpress service will change its attitude towards such incidents in the future.

Summing up

So, we found out what “Customs clearance failed” means and the reasons for the appearance of such a status when tracking a parcel. As a rule, this does not predict any problems for the buyer and the purchase continues successfully. However, one should not exclude the possibility of incorrectly filling out documentation and other factors that raise questions from customs officers. It is possible to provide information about the reasons for the detention by telephone with the service employees, but then either wait for the parcel to arrive, or open a dispute with the seller.

The Chinese site "AliExpress" is the most popular online store in Russia. Its Russian audience is more than 20 million people who regularly order a variety of goods from Ali, from women's handbags to widescreen LCD TVs. The purchased goods on their way to the buyer go through several transit stages, one of which is the domestic customs, where parcels can get stuck for a long time. Below we will analyze why a parcel from Aliexpress can be delayed at customs, and what to do in this situation.

In the process of tracking our package, we may find that the status of our package has changed to "Parcel held at customs" or similar, which indicates problems in passing customs control.

The reasons for the delay in the parcel in Aliexpress may be as follows:

  • The presence in the parcel of a number of the same type of goods (a dozen of the same phones, dresses, jackets, etc.), which may be a sign of commercial cargo;
  • Deliberate underestimation of the value of the goods in the parcel;
  • Difference in declared gross and net goods;
  • The total value of the goods in the parcel exceeds 1000 euros, while this parcel customs duty has not been paid;
  • The total weight of the parcel is more than 31 kg. If the weight is exceeded, a fee is also paid;
  • The presence in the parcel of goods prohibited for import (drugs, weapons, plants and animals, alcohol, art, jewelry, spy gadgets, etc.). In this case, the goods will be arrested with an appropriate investigation;
  • Copyright infringing goods (as was the case with Xiaomi phones quite recently);
  • The desire of customs to clarify the data on the sender.

The recipient can be notified about the delay of the parcel at customs by the delivery system (letter from the logistics service). But you shouldn’t really rely on this, because it would be better to track the delivery of your goods yourself on the website of the Russian Post and Chinese postal companies.

Also, earlier we figured out what to do if the message "" appears on the Aliexpress website.

What to do if the customs detained a parcel from China

If your package with Aliexpress received the status "Parcel delayed at customs" - do not rush to panic. It may take 3-5 days for some goods to clear customs, after which the parcel is sent further.

If, after the specified 5 days, the parcel still has the status “Parcel delayed at customs” (when checked on the Russian Post website), then you need to contact the customs office and try to find out the reason for the delay.

If the seller is guilty of the delay (accompanying documentation is incorrectly filled out, the necessary duties have not been paid, etc.), you must open a dispute with the seller for a refund of the funds you paid. When opening a dispute, the Aliexpress administration will offer you within 7 days to provide documents confirming the seller's guilt in customs delay goods.

These documents can be obtained from the customs service, while it may take from 3 to 30 days to receive them (which clearly does not fit into Ali's proposed 7 days). To speed up the process, you will need to go to the distribution postal point yourself, where you will be required to submit the following documents:

  • Invoice from the store where the purchase was made;
  • A document confirming payment for the goods (usually this is an account statement);
  • Passport (original and photocopy). With a lot of the same type of goods in the parcel, they may also require copies of relatives' passports in order to make sure that these goods are bought for them;
  • Photos of the goods in the parcel;
  • Form explanatory note, which will list the names of the goods in the parcel, and their purpose.

If necessary, you will be required to pay a duty on your parcel, for which you will need a passport and an identification code.

If these documents can be obtained, they will need to be sent to the seller, and wait for the dispute to be resolved. You can count on a refund of the full cost of the previously paid item, minus transportation costs, although there have been cases when buyers were refunded 50% or less of the value of the item.

Usually, the parcel is at customs for no more than 14 days after the recipient of the parcel is notified of the delay, after which it will be sent back. At the same time, in some cases (air mail), the period of its stay at customs can be 30 days.

Also you may be wondering when shipping goods from Ali.


If your parcel is detained at customs, do not rush to panic. Perhaps in 3-5 days it will safely pass customs control and go to the recipient. If the parcel is at customs for a longer time (more than 5 days), then I recommend contacting customs and finding out the reasons for the delay. In the case of the direct fault of the seller, feel free to open a dispute on Ali, and it is quite possible that the amount paid earlier will be returned to you.

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