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We draw storks and cranes. Feng Shui cranes - a symbol of health and longevity Drawings on the theme of white cranes

The painting "The Cranes Are Flying" by Alexei Stepanov was written in 1891. The artist managed to create an attractive image of the northern spring. The thawed snow gave way to verdant grass, but in some places there were still wet puddles. The village children froze on a hillock, seeing a crane wedge in the sky. Surely someone was the first to shout out: “The cranes are flying,” and everyone froze, raising their heads up to admire the flock of birds that returned to their native lands in the spring and brought spring on their wings. Only the smallest ones: a white-headed boy with a twig in his hand and a girl in a red scarf look at the viewer, due to their age, still not understanding where to look for flying cranes ...
The figures of children are inscribed in the endless expanse of the Russian land - meadows, forests, peasant villages. And let the guys wear bast shoes, patched clothes - they own this whole huge world, provided by the artist as a great opportunity.
The wedge of cranes is a symbol of a childhood dream in the pursuit of a better life.
The surviving sketches for this picture, sketches of the figures of the guys indicate a very thoughtful study of nature. As a result, the artist managed to convey inner world their characters without even showing their faces.

FAVORABLE offer from the BigArtShop online store: buy a painting Cranes are flying by artist Alexei Stepanov on natural canvas in high resolution, decorated in a stylish baguette frame, at an ATTRACTIVE price.

Painting by Alexei Stepanov Cranes are flying: description, biography of the artist, customer reviews, other works of the author. A large catalog of paintings by Alexei Stepanov on the website of the BigArtShop online store.

The BigArtShop online store presents a large catalog of paintings by the artist Alexei Stepanov. You can choose and buy your favorite reproductions of paintings by Alexei Stepanov on natural canvas.

Alexei Stepanovich Stepanov was born in 1858 in the family of an officer, a hereditary nobleman. At an early age, Alexei lost his parents: his mother died in the year of his birth, his father in 1863. The appointed guardian placed the boy in the juvenile department of the Institute of Chief Officer Orphans in Moscow.
In the future, Alexei studied at the 1st male gymnasium, at the end, at the insistence of the guardian, he entered the land surveying department of the Konstantinovsky Land Survey Institute, in 1879 he graduated with the title of land surveyor.
He studied painting from 1880 to 1883 as a volunteer, from 1883 to 1884 as a student at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.
In 1884, for the presented final work "Father and Son, or Military Conversation" he was awarded a large silver medal with the title of class artist.
In 1889, his painting "Moose" was exhibited at the XVII Traveling Exhibition and brought the author a well-deserved success. In the same year, the artist was invited to teach the class of animalistic painting at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.
In 1891, Stepanov was accepted as a full member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. This was served by the painting "Cranes Are Flying", presented at the 19th exhibition of the Partnership.
In 1894, Stepanov improved his skills, traveling through Germany, Switzerland, France, Northern Italy.
In 1905, Stepanov was awarded the title of academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts for the painting Morning Greetings.
In 1901, Stepanov joined the exhibition association "36 Artists", and in 1903 the artist became one of the founders of the "Union of Russian Artists"
Stepanov headed the class of animalistic painting until 1918, having received the title of professor.
Aleksey Stepanovich Stepanov died in 1923.

The texture of the canvas, high-quality paints and large-format printing allow our reproductions of Alexei Stepanov to be as good as the original. The canvas will be stretched on a special stretcher, after which the picture can be framed in a baguette of your choice.

Photo 1. Encounters with these large and cautious birds became frequent with me as soon as I started visiting places more remote from Moscow. Flocks often fly high and often call to each other in a flock. It is impossible not to notice and hear large and loud-voiced birds. In the spring, I never managed to devote enough time to them to find a nesting pair, find a nest, shoot adults next to the chicks. Being engaged in filming currents of chicken birds, I had to choose to deal with them or cranes. But in the second half of the summer, when there is a lull in shooting for a photo hunter, common cranes attract attention. By this time, the crane families leave their nesting sites. They are easier to watch.

Photo 2. The chicks manage to reach the size of adults only two months after hatching. By the end of July, young cranes, those that have hatched in the middle lane, are already flying. In early and mid-August, families can be seen in the fields. Two or, in extreme cases, one of the adults carefully looks in the direction of a person or machine, and young birds swarm carelessly, with their heads bowed to the ground. The latter are easily distinguished by a uniform gray plumage with a reddish head, while the underside of the head and throat of adults are black.

Photo 3.

Photo 4.

Close at parents it is possible to distinguish a red bare skin on a crown. Very noticeable in adults are white stripes on the sides of the neck, which start from the eyes and go down the neck, ending with a black throat above the goiter. The chicks, despite the fact that they have caught up with adults in size, still squeak like a child. Therefore, often, when birds fly in the air above the observer, their thin squeak is clearly audible. The joint flight of the family is also touching, when parents fly on both sides of young birds, as if protecting them from a shot.

Photo 5.

In the second half of the summer, after the chicks of the common cranes take flight, the crane families leave the swamps and damp swamps of the black alders. Birds appear in hayfields after the grass has been mowed there, and then in the fields of grain when they are harvested. At first, families keep apart, adults teach young people various tricks of the life of a crane, and it takes time for the chicks to gain strength and get stronger before a long journey to warm countries. But from September, cranes begin to gather in some fields in larger and larger groups, and in October, having trained in flights and united in large flocks, they leave us.

Photo 6.

The weather has almost no effect on the daily routine of the cranes, whether it is sunshine or rain, they will fly to feed on the field. In early September, cranes collect the remains of the crop, which they dropped during harvesting, and peck at small living creatures. After the stubble is plowed and winter crops are sown, they collect the grains lying on the surface, since there are so many of them that there is no need to look. A little later, winter crops germinate and the whole field becomes pale green from young sprouts.
Cranes do not arrive at once in a large flock. As soon as it becomes so clear that you can definitely distinguish the blades of grass from a bird's eye view, the first cranes appear over the field. It can be one or two birds or a family of three or four birds. They fly silently, without the usual cooing. Their task is to find out if there is any danger on the field. Cranes make a circle over the field and sit far from bushes, trees and weeds. A few minutes later, the first flock of their relatives flies behind the scouts. They sit down next to the first.

Photo 7.

The first cranes cautiously looked around and listened, but the more birds there were, the more freely they behaved. Then flock after flock arrives and within an hour all the other cranes gather on the field. True, this does not mean that during the whole day the common cranes no longer fly over the field. On the contrary, it is quite normal that some birds fly in and out of here. Birds call to those who are in another field, fly to feed or to a watering hole.

Photo 8.

Cranes fly in small groups or families. In autumn, the family is a strong and indivisible group of 3-5 birds, two of which are adults, and 1-3 are chicks of this year. Chicks are easily distinguished from their parents. They do not have adult plumage. It is very interesting to watch how adults take care of their grown children, even in autumn, when each bird is looking for its own food in the field, one of the parents, having found something “delicious”, can feed it to one of the chicks.

Photo 9.

The chicks emit a thin squeak that does not fit in with the important appearance of a tall legged bird. This voice seems to haunt the parents always. Even in flight, young cranes chirp tirelessly. And they rarely go far from their parents.

Photo 10.

In addition to families in a crane flock, there may be groups consisting only of adult cranes. These are unsuccessfully nesting pairs or one-year-old birds not yet ready for breeding. Such companies are interesting to the photographer because the behavior of non-family birds is more free and unpredictable.

Photo 11.

Either several birds suddenly begin to scream loudly and “trumpeting”, stretching their necks and raising their beaks, then a quarrel breaks out between two cranes, developing into an air duel with low jumps and attacks with legs and beak. This spectacular spectacle rarely occurs near the tent, and it is not always possible to shoot it, but the more valuable the shots received.
The “discovery” seemed very unusual to me, that on a hot, sunny day, cranes definitely need a watering place. Birds are unpretentious and can be content with a puddle at the edge of the field, but if there are no puddles, then the cranes will find a river or a ditch. When the sun bakes, the cranes in families and small groups, in a row, will reach for the water. It is enough to show one bird a place to drink, as others from different parts of the field will be drawn here.

Photo 12.

Overcoming long distances, the flock most often flies in the right wedge. It has been experimentally proven that with such a construction, the first bird is in the most difficult position, and it is much easier for the rest to fly. In open spaces, they can be seen and heard from afar.

Photo 13.

During wintering, young birds molt, but still stay near their parents, and, according to ornithologists, they fly together to our north in spring. Only adults fly to the nesting site, and the young flock and feed all summer in the meadows, where it is easy to feed. They reach sexual maturity after 3 years. It is believed that a pair is formed in cranes for life, but if one of the partners died, then the rest finds a replacement for him.

Photo 14.

Very difficult relationship between common cranes and humans. To begin with, nesting birds do not tolerate the presence of people in the nesting area at all and quickly leave such lands. Until now, they are hunted only in Pakistan and Afghanistan (the West Siberian population flies there for the winter). I was greatly impressed by the report of the German nature photographer Klaus Nigge, who held a master class on December 18 as part of the Nature Photography Day. It was a bit of a shock to see how the common crane behaves in Europe, where it is not persecuted. This is the gullibility of nesting pairs of cranes, which now densely populate all suitable biotopes for this species, when, for example, they nest quite openly in a small reservoir, in the middle of a cultivated field. Photographing Common Cranes in Western Europe and in Russia can not be compared. They don’t even think about shooting such wonderful birds, but in special protected areas they are fed and, perhaps, photographed. In Israel, there is another known wintering of these birds. There they treat this bird no less civilized and the cranes are comfortable.

Photo 15.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.

Photo 18.

Photo 19.

We currently have shy birds, but this caution is acquired with many years of negative experience. Despite the ban on hunting, they are shot at (I heard it myself), either for fun, or to test weapons. It's a shame that for the pleasure of a few stupid people with guns, most of our fellow citizens can't even get a good look at this bird. Just look at other people's photos. Admire these majestic birds, see how gracefully they clean their huge feathers, how they gracefully walk across the field, taking large steps, how slowly they collect grain on the ground, and how beautiful a flock of cranes is in the sky. How great this magnificent spectacle would look in relation to every corner of our country.

Photo 20.

Photo 21.

Photo 22.

Photo 23.

Photo 24.

Photo 25.

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Drawing on the topic: Spring for younger students from grade 3

Spring. Cranes are Flying. Step by step drawing.

Dyakova Olga Sergeevna teacher of the class of fine arts MBOUDO "DSHI" Okhansk
Material Description: this master class will be useful for art teachers, teachers additional education artistic and aesthetic orientation, students from grade 3 can quite successfully cope with this work. This master class can be used in drawing classes, in circle work, for decorating the interior and as practical work when getting acquainted with the animal world of the native land, also as a gift.
Step-by-step drawing - will help to avoid the most common mistakes and give self-confidence.
The work is done without a preliminary drawing.
Purpose: use in drawing classes, in circle work, interior decoration, as a practical work when getting acquainted with the animal world of the native land, as a gift.
Target: execution of the composition - Cranes are flying.
Tasks: improve your gouache skills
formation of the ability to create the volume of the depicted object using pictorial means
promote the development of creative abilities
develop a sense of composition, observation, the ability to analyze the shape of the depicted objects, deepen the sense of perception of color and color harmony
to cultivate interest in the wildlife of the native land, to develop accuracy in work
whatman format A-3.,
nylon brushes numbered 2, 3, 5.

Execution sequence:

Place a sheet of paper vertically. Draw a solar disk with a pencil. We don't need a pencil anymore.

We make the sky with large rings from the solar disk to the edges (gradually increasing the radius and darkening the color). The colors of the circles are sequentially yellow (sun), yellow-white, pale blue, light blue, light blue.

We blur the boundaries between the "rings", making the transitions smoother.

Let's start drawing the birds. With a thin brush - in white we outline the outline of the body and head.

We draw the neck of the crane.

Outline the tail.

Fill in the tail with color.

We draw a beak and a "hat" on the bird's head.

Draw dark spots on the head and neck of the bird.

We draw shadows on the abdomen and tail of the bird.

With a thin brush, in gray, draw the feathers on the tail of the bird.

Slightly blur the contours of the feathers along the bottom edge, creating a shadow effect.

We outline the bend of future wings and their contours.

We color the main masses of the wings.

We draw large feathers in gray along the edge of the wings.

We divide the gray part of the wings into large feathers.

With light white strokes we outline the light on large gray feathers.

We draw the legs of the bird in brown.

We draw fingers.

With light white strokes we outline the light on the paws of the bird.

Next, draw the second crane. With a thin brush - in white, we outline the contour of the torso, head and neck.

We draw the tail and the main volume of the wing.

We draw a "hat" on the head of the bird and dark spots on the head and neck of the bird.

We draw the beak.

We draw shadows on the abdomen and tail of the bird, draw feathers.

Slightly blur the shadows along the inner contour, softening their borders.

With a thin brush, in gray, draw small feathers along the base of the wings.

In gray, we draw large feathers along the edge of the wings.

We draw the second wing.

We divide the gray part of the wings into large feathers, in black.

We draw the paws of the bird and outline the belly of the third crane in gray.

We draw a silhouette of wings. We perform the third crane in a silhouette without small details.

We outline the tail.

Draw the neck and head of the bird.

We draw the legs of the crane.

Look beautiful photos and pictures of a crane in good quality. Download for free the best pictures and photos of a crane online from our website.

Click the left mouse button on the picture to enlarge it and download it in higher quality.

Among huge amount cranes living in Asia, this one is also found under the name of antigone. Local residents revere him to such an extent that they forbid him to kill, because in this case, as the legend says, misfortunes will fall on the hunter and his family.

In winter, the crane feeds on grain, also eats worms, insects, crickets, dragonflies, frogs and small aquatic reptiles, peas and fruits.

The Indians train the antigone, instilling the skills of a real "guard dog" to protect their homes from rodents and snakes, which, in turn, serve as a gourmet dish for the crane itself.

Due to its long legs and shorter neck, the crane is considered one of the tallest birds in the world. He lives in the northern hemisphere of the planet, never daring to cross the equator.

The crane is attractive in many ways. In this regard, he often becomes the prey of hunters and is currently on the verge of extinction.

Cranes attract to themselves in some irresistible way, as if they have the gift of hypnotization, a certain brilliance, radiance comes from them.

Cases have been noted when entire flocks of cranes flew over burning forests with a piercing, excited cry. Despite the obvious risk, many of them got so close to the fire that they choked on the smoke and fell down dead.

In this lesson we will look at how to draw a crane with a pencil step by step. The gray crane is a bird that lives in Europe and Asia, it is large, its height is about 115 cm, and its wingspan is about 190 cm. Cranes are monogamous, they find a mate for life. But if something happens to a partner, for example, dies, they can find another. Cranes feed on both plant food and caterpillars, beetles, pockmarked, etc. In order to take off, they scatter across the water in the wind and flap their wings, their necks in the field are extended, like those of storks. So that they are not visible when incubating the nest, they smear their feathers with mud and silt. They nest above or near water.

We draw the shape of the head, which is shown in the picture, then we draw the beak and the eye. The head should be small, I just showed it here in an enlarged version.

Then we draw the neck and outline the shape of the body.

We make a sketch of the legs, they are quite long for the crane, now we draw the shape of the body with a smooth curve, draw the leg and the main lines of the feather on the tail.

We draw the second leg, feathers, then add more feathers on the tail. We draw the border of the separation of different colors of feathers on the head and neck of the crane.

We paint over dark areas, imitate feathers and for a more realistic image, apply shadows to the body and tail. The drawing of the crane is ready.
