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The script for the children's exhibition of arts and crafts. Scenario of a creative workshop for children. additional education for children

Festival of children's arts and crafts


Developed by teachers:



Explanatory note

The content of the fair is based on folk arts and crafts. This event introduces students to folk arts and crafts, with its origins by the method of integration visual arts and technology. Knowing the works folk art, children learn the wisdom of the people, their spiritual wealth, kindness, love of life, faith in justice, the need for conscientious work, respect and respect for a person.

Goals :

o Promotion of folk crafts and crafts, awakening interest and familiarizing students with folk culture, arts and crafts, understanding its origins;

o Education of respect for the history of the peoples inhabiting our country, education of national identity;

o Formation of artistic taste, aesthetic sense;

o Development of independent artistic activity, fantasy, creativity;

o Consolidation of skills in finishing products

Demo material:

Exhibition of creative works of children made in the lessons of fine arts and technology, circle and extracurricular activities: drawings, embroidery, clay toys, painted boards, etc.;

computer presentation made by the teachers leading the lessons;

Products of folk arts and crafts;

Literary series:

Folk legends, poems, sayings of Russian writers, poets, artists, historical information.

Music line:

Music by Tchaikovsky ("Waltz of the Flowers"), folk songs, folk music, old Russian songs, ditties.


Demonstration screen, projector, stands, cubes, tables, tape recorder. Blanks made of wood, cardboard, clay, pre-made in the classroom; brushes, gouache, palette, jars of water, rags.

Fine art teacher:

The people's numeral-caller calls December like this: jelly, cold, fierce. Closing the year, he starts winter - on the frozen ground he “lays white canvases”, “pleases the eye with snow”, “paves and nails” the rivers ...

Everything in the life of the people is connected with nature. Craftsmen noticed everything, and expressed their love and worship of nature in creativity, in products of applied art.

People sum up the results of the whole year by December: how they lived, how they worked, how much good they did to the world.

All December they were waiting for the bright Christmas of Christ - they were preparing for it.

The phonogram of the song “Ah Samara - the town” sounds, nesting dolls sing ditties:

1 matryoshka:

We are nesting dolls, we are girlfriends,

We get up early in the morning

The three of us sing ditties,

And we dance together.

2 matryoshka:

We are nesting dolls, we are sisters,

We are small fat

How do we go to dance and sing-

You can't keep up with us.

3 matryoshka :

And we don't need beds

Because at night

We sleep together

We sleep together

We all sleep

One into the other.

Dancing, the girls come up to the stand with nesting dolls painted at the lessons, demonstrating them to the audience.

"Golden Khokhloma"

The phonogram of the song "Kalinka-Malinka" sounds. A boy comes on stage in a suit buffoon:

The sun rises bright

People rush to the fair.

And at the fair goods:

Bochata, spoons, samovars,

Supplies, sockets, bowls.

Buy our Khokhloma!

Admire my product

Just don't bargain!

gilded spoons,

Twisted patterns.

Fly in, fly in

Buy, buy!

There are no better products

Our Khokhloma!

Behind him comes a boy in a suit with a story. peddler:

Since ancient times, they have been making and painting dishes in the forest villages of the Volga region of Semino, Khryashchi, Razvodino, Novopokrovskoye ...


And where did the name of the dishes come from - Khokhloma?


Yes, that's how it happened.... Loaded carts roll along the narrow river Uzola. Knock-break! - the wooden goods rumble. They take him to the big village of Khokhloma, to the fair. From there firebirds will scatter bowls and spoons around the world.

Who needs dishes for porridge-okroshka?

A miracle dish, yes cups and spoons!


Where are the dishes from?


She came to you, golden Khokhloma!

Fine art teacher:

And so it happened - Khokhloma and Khokhloma. So, to this day, Khokhloma painted utensils are called. The first products appeared in the second half of the 17th century. How did it start, this amazing Khokhloma art?

“Fairy tale” music sounds, a girl in a kokoshnik and a sundress, decorated with Khokhloma, takes the stage, "Russian beauty":

Old people say different things. They say that a long time ago a cheerful craftsman settled in the forest beyond the Volga. He set up a hut, set up a table and a bench, cut out wooden dishes. He cooked millet porridge and did not forget to pour millet to the birds. Somehow the bird Fire flew to his doorstep. He fed her. The Firebird touched a cup of porridge with its golden wing, and the cup turned golden.


This, of course, is a legend, a fairy tale ... And the beginning of gold painting is from village masters - painters. They wrote on wooden boards, covered them with linseed oil, heated them in an oven, and the oil film turned into a golden varnish. Then they began to gild the dishes in this way.

Fine art teacher:

At first, dishes were carved from linden. Then, they were coated with liquid clay so that the tree would not absorb the paint, would not extinguish it. Dried, dipped in boiled linseed oil and heated in the oven. Then, they rubbed the bowl with aluminum powder, from which the dishes began to sparkle with gold.

And now you can write...

Russian beauty:

The thin brush of the artist ran along its walls and bottom, red and black curls stretched out in a pattern. The blade of grass curls, spins, and berries or flowers peep out of it. And even birds with fluffy tails.

Fine art teacher:

The masters were especially fond of two types of painting - “horse” (red and black ornament on a gold background) and “underground” (a golden silhouette of an ornament on a colored, black or red background).


What a strange and funny word Khokhloma. In it, laughter is heard, and admiration, oh! And enthusiastic ah!


Golden Khokhloma!

And rich and beautiful

Russian beauty:

The guest is glad from the heart.

Cups, cups and ladles…


And what's missing here:

Russian beauty:

Clusters of fire ash,

Sunny summer poppies.

And meadow daisies.

Children come up to the stand with Khokhloma products, demonstrate to the audience, and go into the hall to the accompaniment of cheerful folk music.

At this time, the results of painting toys are summed up, children talk about their ideas, demonstrate toys; viewers share their impressions - whether they liked the toys painted by children and why.


The "Waltz of Flowers" sounds, a girl in a dress with Gzhel motifs comes on stage - 1 presenter:

Blue birds across the white sky

A sea of ​​blue flowers

Golden handicrafts.

Blue fairy tale - a feast for the eyes,

Like drops in spring

Caress, care, warmth and creativity -

Russian voiced Gzhel.

2 leading:

In some kingdom Russian state, not far from Moscow, among the forests and fields, stood the town of Gzhel. Once upon a time there lived and were brave and smart, beautiful and skilled craftsmen. They found wonderful clay, white-white, in their native land, and decided to mold different dishes from it, but such that the world had never seen.

They saw a combination of white and blue in nature of rare beauty and were set on fire with the idea of ​​transferring the sparkling blue overflows to the white surface of a vase, to a slender jug ​​or a simple mug. They drew different patterns from nets, stripes, flowers. Dishes turned out very elegant. She fell in love with people, and they began to call her a “pale blue” miracle.

1 presenter:

The history of Gzhel porcelain goes back to the 17th century, when one of the first ceramic factories was built. And to this day the ancient town of Gzhel is alive. The grandchildren and great-grandchildren of famous masters work in it, continue the glorious tradition, mold and paint amazing Gzhel dishes. They glorified their beloved land all over the world, they told everyone what skillful craftsmen live in Rus'.

Today, the Gzhel Association produces various products. These are sculptural compositions, sets of dishes, items that decorate everyday life. Still painting is done only by hand. Therefore, the created work is unique and keeps the handwriting of the master.

The leading girls sit down near “their” stands with Gzhel.

The music of Georgy Sviridov "Snowstorm", "Waltz" sounds, teachers of fine arts and technology come out.

"Final Word"

Technology teacher:

Be attentive to everything that surrounds you!

Fine art teacher:

Know how to make out a blade of grass in a field, a twig in a forest, a galloping squirrel, a sparkle of silvery water and the last ray of the setting sun.

Technology teacher:

And most importantly - do not overlook a good person. And if from everything that you see, you get the image of a wonderful casket, a fabulous vase or a funny clay animal, try to remember this image.

Fine art teacher:

You will meet him more than once in folk art, as with an old friend. Love the world around you and your heart will be filled with joy.

The fun fair song “Nagrysh” sounds, all participants of the fair come out,

Join hands with teachers and bow to the audience.

Our fair is closed, until we meet again.

Closing scenario for the semi-annual exhibition at the Center for Children's Education "Patterns of Creativity"

Target: honoring talented and gifted children based on the results of a six-month
exhibition of arts and crafts "Patterns of creativity".

promote children's applied art;
stimulate interest in the educational process in creative associations;
foster a sense of fellowship and co-creation.
Participants: students creative associations CDO "Horizont"
Age: 7 to 12 years old
A melody sounds.
Children come up, look at the decorated exhibition of works.

They are met in the hall by two presenters.
Presenter 1: Hello guys!
Boys and girls!
I greet you from the bottom of my heart,
Dear kids!
Host 2: Comrades adults, and you - hello!
I don't have more greetings.
However, why not?
Once again, I say to everyone, everyone, everyone - Hello!
Sounds like a melody
Presenter 1: What well-mannered guests have come to visit us today. But if you are so diligent and well-mannered, then probably everything magic words know?
Host 2: Let's check.
Presenter 1: Invented by someone simply and wisely
At a meeting, say hello ... (Good morning)
Good morning to suns and birds
Good morning to smiling faces.
And everyone becomes kind, trusting.
AND Good morning will last until the evening.
Presenter 2: The old stump is turning green,
When he hears ... (Good afternoon)
The boy is polite and developed,
He says when meeting ... (Hello)
Ice block melts
From the word warm ... (thank you)
When scolded for pranks,
We say "I'm sorry ..." (please)
Presenter 1: If you can't eat anymore,
Let's tell mom we ... (thank you)
Both France and Denmark
They say goodbye (goodbye)
To all of you with much love
We wish you good ... (health)
Host 2: It is immediately clear that polite guys have gathered in the hall.
Presenter 1: Both polite and creative. And all the works (show around) surrounding us at this wonderful exhibition are a vivid confirmation of this!
Host 2: Just look around, how many wonderful works are presented here today. Here are amazing paper crafts, exclusive beadwork, knitwear, entertaining paintings painted with paints and unusual paintings from ordinary cereals, as well as crafts made from waste material.
Presenter 1: Guys, are there any masters among you who have performed these works?
Children's answers:
Presenter 2: And what a fabulous beauty of work from salt dough. Here is one of those works, check it out! Are there guys who work in this technique?
Children's answers:
Presenter 1: See how many unique works knitted from ordinary yarn. Well done, real needlewomen. And who are the needlewomen, you know? Many of you know how to make miracles from threads?
Children's answers:
Host 2: That's how many talents we have gathered in the hall!
Presenter 1: Here, new stars are born once again today, and you could not miss this magical event.
Presenter 1: So, we are announcing the opening of the awards ceremony for the semi-annual exhibition of arts and crafts “Patterns of Creativity”!
musical beat
Host 2: This year's submissions will be judged in the following categories:
"Artists" (drawings in any technique);
"Paper craftsman" (paper products);
"Needlework" (works from fabric, from threads, from yarn, beads);
"Sculptors" (works from salt dough, from plasticine);
"Orders of creativity" (works from waste material);
"Nature and fantasy" (works from natural material);
"Golden Hands" (works submitted for online voting).
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: An artist, just like a poet...
The plot is experiencing...
It leaves a mark on the soul...
Don't know about the consequences...
Host 2: Let him create his own masterpieces...
To make our world much brighter...
It's morning, he's still awake...
He works to make us richer.
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Nomination "Artists". In this nomination, the works of students of the children's associations "Dreamers" and "Colorit" are presented. Exhibition works are made in traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques.
Host 2: Being an artist is fun and exciting! I wanted to, I drew a castle for myself, I wanted to fly, I drew a plane, the main thing would be desire. And probably everyone will agree with us that everyone loves to draw. Someone is better at depicting animals for someone people ... and now we invite you to show your skills in visual arts.
Competition - game
Music screensaver
"Union of Artists"
Two teams take the stage. Two paper sheets and felt-tip pens for each team are prepared in advance. Each team member receives a piece of paper where a certain object or phenomenon is written, that is, what he must draw. The team gets up in a certain sequence and as soon as the music begins to play, the team begins to draw in turn the objects written on the pieces of paper on the paper. The task is to draw a harmonious beautiful picture.
1 sheet: "House"
2 sheet: "Fruit Garden"
3 sheet: "Family"
4 sheet: "Sky with a Rainbow"
Host 2: We invite the winners of the nomination "Artists" to the stage ...
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: I am a paper plane
Made it myself today.
To with the birds in flight
My plane soared -
I will throw it with my hand
High under the clouds.
- Come back, my good,
Goodbye, for now.
Music screensaver
Host 2: Nomination "Paper affairs master". In this nomination, the works of students of the children's associations "Dreamers", "Color", "Little Craftsman" are presented.
Presenter 1: Paper is one of the main assistants in creative undertakings. From it you can make an application, voluminous and flat. You can gradually make some kind of animal using the origami technique. In almost all creative undertakings, paper is indispensable. Raise your hands, who at least once in your life made. Something out of paper. Well, since you are such experienced craftsmen, prove it to us.
Competition - game
Music screensaver
"My paper plane"
Three wishing people come out in front of them are leaflets. The task of the guys on the team is to make an airplane out of leaves and launch it so that it reaches a certain distance. If you do not get a penalty point and a new one until the winning flight.
Host 2: We invite the winners of the nomination "Paper Maker" to the stage ...
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Seconds are knocking like knitting needles
In the hands, obedient to the lady,
The craftswoman weaves patterns -
Your uncomplicated storyline.
Host 2: Loops lay behind a row,
Weaving the fabric of life
Now the colors of the rainbow, then the ashes
There are pictures outside the window.
Music screensaver
Host 2: Nomination "Handicraft". This nomination presents the work of students of the children's associations "Wonderful Moments" and "My Small Motherland".
Presenter 1: Needlewomen are assiduous, diligent craftswomen who create beauty from ordinary yarn and thread. Are there diligent and diligent among you? Eat? Then show how diligent and diligent you are. We suggest you play the game "Cinderella". After all, we all know that she is one of the most hardworking and diligent fairy-tale characters.
Competition - game
Music screensaver
The class is divided into two teams. Each team receives a jar of mixed cereals and seeds. There are three empty jars on the table. The task of the guys is to decompose all the cereals and seeds into jars.
Host 2: We invite the winners of the category "Needlework" to the stage ...
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Many are sculpted from clay,
Someone is making a snowball
I sculpt from plasticine
The most durable house in the world.
Host 2: All the houses in the village are higher
New bright blue
With a tiled red roof
With purple pipe.
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Nomination "Sculptors". This nomination presents the work of students of children's associations "Dreamers"
Host 2: In this nomination, the participants showed all their imagination. These are single crafts, and a whole ensemble of individual items! And when decorating them with a variety of accessories, dough pieces take on a unique look.
Presenter 1: Guys, in the next game we invite you to show your flexibility and imagination. You have to unique opportunity show us some figures and try yourself as a sculptor of your body.
Competition - game
"Ocean is shaking"
The host turns away from the rest of the participants, who are dancing to the music, imitating waves, and says loudly:
"The sea is worried,
The sea is worried two,
The sea is rough three
Marine figure freeze in place!
At this point, the players should freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The host turns around, goes around all the players and examines the resulting figures. Whoever has the most interesting figure is chosen by this child and becomes the leader, and whoever moves first of them is out of the game
Host 2: We invite the winners of the nomination "Sculptors" to the stage...
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Don't throw trash people!
It can become a big burden ...
Protect the gift of nature
Give her attention!
Host 2: Look how beautiful!
Rivers, seas, lakes...
it's a miracle, it's a miracle!
Forest, meadows, fields and boron...
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Nomination "Orders of creativity". This nomination presents the work of students of children's associations "Dreamers". All works are made from objects that have already served their purpose, but in order not to throw them away, so as not to litter our nature, the guys gave them a second life.
Host 2: Guys, the exhibition presents the work of art orderlies, and you know that there are orderlies in the forest too, who serves as a nurse in the forest more often?
Children's answers: Wolf.
Presenter 1: That's right, and now we will play in the orderlies of the forest. We invite four wishing to visit the role of wolves.
Competition - game
"Orders of the Forest"
The players are tied around the waist with a rope so that a "tail" hangs from behind - a knot at the end of the rope. The player must catch the opponent's tail knot so that he does not have time to catch his own tail knot. Whoever caught the "tail" of the opponent first - won. The game is played with cheerful music.
Music screensaver
Music screensaver
Host 2: We invite to the stage the winners of the nomination "Orders of creativity" ...
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Tanya put in a circle of kids:
- Guys, what kind of toy do you need?
Let the bump have no nose or legs
Let's attach a nose - we get a hedgehog.
Host 2: The guys do a good job
- This is the back. And here is the head
A match is good for our legs and nose
And stick the tail - you get a bird!
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Nomination "Nature and Fantasy". This nomination presents the work of students of the children's associations "Little Craftsman" and "Dreamers". If you look closely at the works, you can see in the works a part of the nature around us. These are seeds, leaves, twigs. Add a little imagination to them and such beauty turns out.
Presenter 2: We see you are a little tired, but let's play one interesting game.
Competition - game
"Golden Gate"
"Golden Gate" two players at a distance stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their hands up. Each of them receives a sign (mask) with the name of certain berries. The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front, or simply hold hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate.
"Gate" pronounce:
"Golden Gate
They don't always miss!
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second is prohibited
And for the third time
We won't miss you!"
After these words, the “collars” sharply lower their hands, and those children who were caught must choose a berry from the “collars” which berry they chose for it and stand up. Gradually, the number behind the "gates" increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all the children are behind the "gate". And the result is dragging commands.
Music screensaver
Host 2: We invite the winners of the nomination "Nature and Fantasy" to the stage ...
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: There are difficult hands
Looks like everyone else, normal.
They are called golden
They are accustomed to work.
Host 2: In them, the matter is skillfully argued -
Everything can be done, recreated.
They take it with soul, deftly, boldly.
It is not like this to be bored.
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Nomination "Golden Hands". The winner in the "Golden Hands" nomination was chosen by the Internet voting method. Of all the exhibited works, according to strict criteria, the most striking and high-quality works were selected, which later took part in the Internet voting.
Host 2: According to the voting results, the work of Yakimova Sofya and Ulyanova Dasha "Domovushki" won the most votes.
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Summing up the results of the exhibition, I would like to remind you that the final exhibition is ahead of us.

Target: creation of conditions for the emergence and development of children's interest in creative activities.


  • formation and development of the creative potential of children;
  • development of communicative qualities;
  • creating conditions for children to realize their belonging to creative team, community;
  • creating a festive mood.

Targeting: for children 7-9 years old, engaged in the studios of arts and crafts and fine arts for the first year.

Technical equipment: sound equipment, seven-color flower (on an easel), palette, brush, paints, costumes of the Artist, Brush, Violet Paint, crossword puzzle (can be depicted on a sheet of A0 paper or projected onto a screen - in this case, a projection screen, projector, computer are needed ).


  • Artist
  • tassel
  • Purple Paint

Conditions and features of implementation:

Of great importance is the decoration of the holiday (invitation cards, hall decoration, poster), musical accompaniment, original props for creative competitions, the mastery of the hosts, their speech, and the ability to communicate with the audience.
The celebration is held in a large, festively decorated hall. The chairs are arranged in a semicircle. All the action takes place in the center of the hall. The hall is decorated with colorful balloons. On the stands - the creative work of the guys.
During the holiday, the children receive creative tasks from the Artist and successfully complete them.


(The host of the holiday comes out - the Artist)

Artist: Hello guys! Hello dear guests! Let me introduce myself - the artist, Modest Apollonovich Tretyakov, full member of the Academy of Fine Arts.
Guys, this year you started studying in the studios of the department of arts and crafts of the House of Children's Art. Today I invited you to a holiday called "Hello, creativity!". What is creativity?

(guys answer)

Creativity is the process of creating something new and beautiful. I hope that today you will be able to complete creative tasks and show that you can create!
But where is my assistant, Brush? She's probably painting and that's why she's late.

(Tassel appears)

Tassel: Hello guys! Hello Modest Apollonovich!

Artist: Tassel, but why did you linger?

Tassel: Dear Artist, I couldn't find the palette and your magic brush. They disappeared somewhere. Guys, do you know where?

(guys answer)

Artist: Mysterious phenomenon. A magic brush today is simply necessary for me. Without a magic brush, I will not be able to help the guys create beautiful things. What to do?

Tassel: Continue our holiday. I love the holidays, and I also love to draw!

Artist: Brush, what do you like to draw?

Tassel: Sun, nature, flowers, animals, people…

Artist: Tassel, we must remember with the guys what the images of nature, objects, people are called.
Guys, now I will read you a wonderful poem by the poet Alexander Kushner "What I learned." But the last word of each part of the poem is to be said to you:

If you see in the picture
The river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds
Or a snowfield
Or a field and a hut,
It's a similar picture
It is called ... ( scenery)

If you see in the picture
A cup of coffee on the table
Or juice in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal
Or a bronze vase
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once,
Know what it is... ( still life)

If you see what's in the picture
Someone looks at us
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a climber in a robe,
Pilot or ballerina
Or Kolya, your neighbor, -
Be sure the picture is called ... ( portrait)

Artist: Guys, you got everything right! Brush, what's your favorite paint?

Tassel: Orange. To get it, you need to mix red and yellow paints.

(Purple Paint appears with palette and brush in hand)

Purple Paint: Artist, Brush! I also wanted to mix colors to get purple! For this I took a palette and a brush. But I didn't succeed.


Tassel: Violet Paint, don't be upset. Look how many guys are in the hall! They will help you.

Purple Paint: Guys, can you help me?

(guys answer)

Artist: Knowing which paints to mix to get different colors requires learning and having friends who will always come to the rescue. Purple Paint, do you have a friend?

Purple Paint: Yes! Tassel!

Artist: Brush, let's ask the guys what paints you need to mix to get purple paint?

(guys answer)

Yes, right. You need to mix red and blue paints. Do you understand, Violet Dye?

Purple Paint: Let's mix red and blue paint on the palette and see what happens.

(mixes colors)

Hooray, it worked! My favorite purple color!

Artist: Amazing! Violet Paint, stay with us on the holiday - you will learn a lot of interesting things! Let's invite two participants from each creative team. Let them also try to mix colors and get blue, pink, dark blue, gray, beige, light green.

(The guys mix paints and show what they got)

- Well done boys! You completed the task!

Purple Paint: Guys, do you know that purple is not mentioned in any song?

Tassel: None?

Purple Paint: None! There is an "Orange Song", a song about a green grasshopper and a green light, about a blue carriage, a song about a pink elephant, about a white apple of the moon and a red apple of sunset, about white snow, but not about purple.

Artist: I know how to help you. Let's announce a song contest among students, teachers and parents of the House of Children's Creativity. Everyone can participate! An indispensable condition is that the color purple must be mentioned in the song. Perhaps this song will be composed by a creative team. The competition starts!

Purple Paint: Do you guys agree? After all, it's great!

Artist: Tassel, write a contest announcement today. And our holiday continues! Dear friends, you need to guess the words in the crossword puzzle. These are the words:

  1. Outstanding abilities, a high degree of giftedness in any field (6 letters) (Talent)
  2. Without which you can’t catch a fish from a pond (4 letters) (Work)
  3. The main tool of the artist (8 letters) (Pencil)
  4. Colored pencils without rims, as well as drawings made by them. They are distinguished by soft muted tones, velvety surface (7 letters) (Pastel)
  5. The main tool of the artist (5 letters) (Brush)

The children guess the crossword:

The most difficult thing is to guess the word in the center of the crossword puzzle. You know the four letters of this word. Brush, help the guys.

(Guys guess the crossword keyword - creativity)

Well done! You guessed the crossword correctly!

Artist: And now the next creative task. Remember, please, the wonderful fairy tale by Valentin Kataev "Flower-Semitsvetik". Remembered? Here is a magical flower from this fairy tale.

(Violet Paint pulls out an easel with a seven-flower flower)

The color of each petal is one of the colors of the rainbow. Now you have to write on each petal those qualities that will help you create. I call three participants from each creative team.

(The guys go to the center of the hall to the prepared easels)

Well, friends, let's get to work! We wish you good luck! Kitty, help the guys!

(The guys do the task)

Creative people need the following qualities: talent, patience, imagination, artistic taste, love for nature, knowledge of folk traditions, skill.
Yes, these qualities are necessary to become a real creator, a master of his craft. And with this task you coped! Well done!

Tassel: At our holiday, students of the studio will present the creative work of the fashion modeling studio "Fashionista". The collection is called "Exotic". The exoticism and mystery of the bright colors of tropical nature are reflected in these amazing things, sewn by the hands of young craftswomen.

(Demonstration of clothing models)

Artist: I want to introduce creative teams: Workshop of soft toys "Bees". The motto of this team is: “With a toy - through life!”
The motto of the art studio "Inspiration": "And skill, and inspiration, talent, patience and love!"
Ceramics studio "Way" has chosen the motto "Not gods burn pots".
The favorite time of the guys who study at the April art studio is, of course, spring.
Fine arts studio "Art-studio". The motto is “Drawing is my calling”.
Floral design studio "Fantasy". The motto of the studio: "From skill to mastery, from the Fantasy flower to the flight of fancy."
Clothing modeling studio "Fashionista".
Creative workshop "Growth". Motto "We grow, and our skills grow with us."
Design Studio.
Creative workshop "Academy of Magicians".
Laboratory of technology "Junior".
Let's welcome them, friends!

Artist: And now I want to introduce the teachers of the department of arts and crafts of the House of Children's Creativity.

(Introduction of educators)

Tassel: Now your attention is invited to the collection of the studio "Fashionista" "Shawl Fantasy". A scarf is a very ancient type of clothing. A little imagination - and it will turn into an evening dress or a beach suit. Hello! Fashion Studio!
In the hands of our young fashion models are flowers made in the Fantasy studio. This composition was called "Eternally Blooming Garden".

(Demonstration of clothing models and flower arrangements)

Artist: Students of the department of arts and crafts participate in international, all-Russian, city and regional exhibitions, where they have repeatedly become winners, laureates and diplomas. Over the past year, students of the department participated in 27 exhibitions and competitions at exhibition sites in LENEXPO, Manezh, in the Exhibition Center of the Union of Artists, in the Ethnographic Museum, in the Theater of the Young Spectator, in the Sports and Concert Complex. Here are the names of some of the exhibitions: "Christmas in St. Petersburg", "Room of my dreams", "Mosaic of talents", "School +".
I know that your House of Creativity has existed for 23 years. And in the studios there are guys who have been doing creative work for 6, 7 and even 8 years.
And today, at our holiday, we want to present certificates of completion of the full course of study to graduates of the Fantazy floral design studio, the Inspiration art studio and the Put ceramics studio. Let's congratulate the graduates together!

(Presenting certificates, diplomas and gifts)

Tassel: The next collection of the Fashionista studio is called The Seasons. One season follows another. Golden autumn - snowy winter, gentle spring - green summer.

(Fashion show)

Artist: You have passed the tests and are worthy to create in the department of arts and crafts of the House of Children's Creativity. Guys, go to the center of the hall.

(The guys go to the center of the hall)

Repeat after me the words that will guide you in your work.

(The guys repeat the solemn promise after the Artist)

We, students of the studios of the department of arts and crafts, promise:

In the classroom - do not be lazy!
Try to work hard!
Strive to the heights of creativity!
Achieve high results!
Take part in exhibitions!
Win prizes!
Give joy to people!
Never let your teachers down!

And now I will wave my magic brush and say the word “Dedicate!”. And you will start to create and create wonderful creative works!

(The artist says “I dedicate!” and waves the brush)

A gift from the creative team of ballroom dancing! Great waltz!


After our holiday, I invite all guests to an exhibition of summer creative works by students of the department's studios in the exhibition hall of the House of Children's Creativity.
Dear friends, I wish you to dare, create and conquer all the peaks! Good luck in your work! See you soon!

Paintbrush and Purple Paint: Goodbye, guys!

Scenario of the exhibition "Fantasy flight and handiwork ..."

Vedas. Good afternoon, dear teachers, guests, guys! Today we are opening another door to the world of children's creativity and craftsmanship.
This exhibition is a real carousel, united into one whole by the unearthly fantasy of the authors - children living with a dream of beauty, goodness and joy.
From the bottom of our hearts, we are glad to everyone who came to visit us today at the exhibition dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Magic Beads workshop of the Center for Children's Creativity.
Today, young masters under the guidance of a talented teacher experience real creative joy, because what they have done with their own hands will give others the joy of meeting with man-made beauty. What you do with your own hands is a real miracle, a real fairy tale. And it's all thanks to imagination and inspiration.

Fantasy flight and handiwork
With delight, hold in your hands...
He does not know, fortunately, the beauty of aging,
Love for the beautiful lives for centuries.
A craftsman can make from a piece of iron,
Made of stone, wood - masterpieces of beauty.
From multi-colored beads and fishing line,
As in a fairy tale, we also work miracles.
And I touch the brooch carefully,
She charms and caresses the eyes.
It's hard to imagine how it's possible
Create a pattern of unprecedented beauty.
As a result of patience and skill -
Elegance and purity of color
And the perfection of form ... No doubt
Our world will be saved by talent and beauty!

These lines from a poem by Zinaida Toropchina formed the title of our exhibition. It is appropriate to say that this autumn has become a jubilee for us, in November the Center for Children's Creativity celebrates its 80th anniversary. For 15 years out of 80 ten, together with children, she has been creating things filled with love, a teacher of the highest category, a wonderful mother, wife and hostess, passionate about her work Svetlana Vitalievna Rarich. Together with the teacher, the children get great joy by creating small handicrafts, which eventually turn into great masterpieces. Giving part of her soul, warmth and love to children, Svetlana Vitalievna leads them along the road of needlework to new creative heights. I am pleased to invite this wonderful teacher to us.

Speech by Rarich Svetlana Vitalievna

Vedas. Inspiration doesn't come to everyone. These people are easy to recognize. They look at the clouds - and see curly-haired elephants. They string beads, felt wool, embroider, cut, stick. In a word, they create.
And if it turns out well, then part of the creator's joy is necessarily transferred to his creation. And then those who will look at this creation will feel it. This means that creativity is when joy and inspiration are transmitted to people along the chain from the one who creates such wonderful things. The exhibition presents more than 150 works in various techniques, these are beaded embroidery and bead inlay, felting - works made of wool, nitkography and works from foamiran, diamond laying, products made from waste material, as well as all kinds of jewelry and souvenirs. The works of the guys are prize-winners, winners and participants in competitions of various levels:
- Laureates of the International Festival "Chunga-Changa"
- Diploma winners International Competition"Talents of Russia", " Open Europe» - «Open planet»
- Diploma winners All-Russian competitions"Colors of the World", "Tale of Tales", "Edges of Science"
Participants of the Regional Creative Olympiad "Know-Ka", scientific and practical conference of the NOU "DAR"

Winners of the regional festivals "Cossack Siberia", "Beauty will save the world"
Diploma winners of the regional festival of creativity of children with disabilities "Sparks of Hope"
Our guys have strength, desire, skill. This means that there is a lot of new work ahead. kind people for a look. And so that the sparks of talent and inspiration do not fade away, accept as a gift a song performed by the vocal studio "Kamerton"

Performance of the vocal studio "Kamerton" (song "We are together")

Vedas. Judging by age - 15 years, this is so little, but if you think about how much this wonderful team has done, what results and heights have been achieved, then, believe me, this is a lot.
Remember the first creation
Your hands, and this day
Read for birthday
Birthday at work.
How many needlewomen have been produced over the years, many of them continue their work and now, remembering their first creation, they are happy to meet with the children and the teacher. So today, our graduates Alena Parshukova and Valeria Plotnikova came to congratulate the children and their beloved teacher. You have the floor, girls.

Graduates' congratulations

Vedas. Skilled hands appreciate creations
We have been given such an honor.
Fantasy rise and achievements
At the exhibition, we do not count.
And, believe me, these miracles would not be impossible without the help of reliable and faithful mentors - our parents, who are always there, always ready to help. I invite the Deputy Chairman of the Institutional Council from the Parent Committee of the Center for Children's Creativity, Olga Yuryevna Ponomaryova

Parents' speech

Vedas. Beauty lives everywhere
Lives nowhere but nearby.
Always open to our eyes
Always available and clean!
Beauty heals souls. And this is especially important in our time, to preserve the ability to create, not to lose the spark of creation, given to all of us from above from birth.
After all, every child is an artist! And his life is filled, first of all, with creativity. Many children create beauty with their own hands in the House of Children's Creativity. And everyone here feels like a creator: he invents, invents, fantasizes, composes. And all this under the strict guidance of the teacher and, of course, the director of the Center for Children's Creativity. Speaking about Lyudmila Alekseevna, I would like to say that the guys first of all call her a friend, and only then a director. I give you the floor, Lyudmila Alekseevna.

Speech by Director Vandysheva Lyudmila Alekseevna

Vedas. Today is our birthday, which means it's customary to give gifts. Svetlana Vitalievna, we do not know how to create with our hands such beauty as you, but we know how and love to compose. Accept from us this beautiful poem, which without any doubt about you and about you.
I will collect the pearls of my life ...
I will string them on a thin thread,
I will fix it at the ends - I will save it from losses,
I will fiddle with beads in my hands ...

Scenario of the creative workshop "Secrets of the Masters"

Zverugo Polina Nikolaevna, methodologist of the State Educational Institution "Slutsk Center for Children's Creativity".
Description: The creative workshop takes place in the form of a journey of the Little Prince through the exhibitions-platforms of the Masters of arts and crafts. Students take part in the folk games "Fern Flower", "I counted someone else's steps, lost my bast shoes", get acquainted with the technique of performing work, make a product with their own hands. Duration - 1 hour 20 minutes, number of participants: 110 people. Age of students: 9-14 years.
Target: familiarizing students with the folk crafts of their native land.
- to form the curiosity and cognitive interests of students;
- to promote the development of emotional responsiveness and interest in various types arts and crafts;
- to cultivate love for the crafts of the native land.
Equipment: sound amplifying equipment, a laptop, 5 tables and chairs, a camera, towels, straw panels, clay products, embroidery, game, ritual and protective dolls, cotton fabric, a magic basket, items and tools necessary for needlework (scissors, a ball, a thimble , needle and thread, pin, knitting needles), models of bast shoes for the game “I counted someone else’s steps, lost my bast shoes”, straws, skewers, red threads, demonstration suns, straw flowers, chest, basket, whistle, clay dishes, bell blanks from salt dough, bookmark blanks, colored strips, glue stick, paper flowers for the game "Fern Flower", scarves, products made using the patchwork technique, paper tokens, incentive prizes.
The hosts hand out tokens to the participants of the event. Musical accompaniment.
Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you in our creative workshop "Secrets of the Masters".
Students demonstrate creative works (panels, clay products, embroidery).
Presenter 1: Like bright peas, the skill of folk craftsmen scattered around the world.
Host 2: Decorative and applied art surrounds us in everyday life, since ancient times, it is natural for a person to decorate his life, to make it more beautiful. Samples of products can be seen everywhere: at home, at work, during leisure.
Presenter 1: Truly, the creative ingenuity and craftsmanship of craftsmen has no limits! Straw products attract with a delicate golden color, ceramic products give special warmth, embroidery impresses with its sophistication and attractiveness.
Host 2: Folk art is a sea that holds countless treasures. You just need to know how to get them.
Students leave from creative works. Musical accompaniment.
Presenter 1: Today we want to introduce you to traditional crafts.
Host 2: We invite you to take a tour of the creative workshop.
Magical music sounds. Appears A little prince.
A little prince: Everyone, good afternoon!
Presenter 1: Good afternoon
A little prince: I am the Little Prince. Traveling around different countries and cities. I get acquainted with the work of folk masters. They say that your region is famous for folk craftsmen and amazing crafts.
Host 2: We are very glad to see you here. We will tell and show you everything! We have a creative workshop today.
Presenter 1: Let's start our acquaintance. Let's go to the Craftswoman and find out what kind of craft will be discussed.
The hosts approach the table of the Craftswoman-Beregini. Musical accompaniment.

Craftswoman-Bereginya: I am the Master-Career.
The craftswoman-Bereginya is telling a story about dolls.
Craftswoman-Bereginya: Guys, I have a magic basket in my hands, in which there are objects and tools necessary for needlework. And what objects, you will learn if you correctly guess my riddles.
The craftswoman-Bereginya demonstrates the guessed items.
I am fluffy, soft, round,
There is a tail, but I'm not a cat,
I often jump hard
I'll swing - and under the chest of drawers. (Clew)
The tool is experienced, not big, not bold.
He has a lot of worries, he cuts and cuts. (Scissors)
What is the name of that shield?
what stores fingers and nails? (Thimble)
The iron fish dives
And leaves the tail on the wave. (Needle and thread)
iron bug,
A worm on the tail. (Pin)
Two slender sisters
In the hands of a craftswoman.
We dived into the loops all day ...
And here it is - a scarf for Petenka. (Spokes)
The craftswoman-Bereginya gives a play doll to the Little Prince.
Presenter 1: Our ancestors have long been able not only to work, but also to have fun.
Craftswoman-Bereginya: I have for you interesting game“I counted the steps of others, I lost my bast shoes” (6 participants, 5 bast shoes). The guys who guessed my riddles are invited to participate in the game.
The game "I counted other people's steps, I lost my bast shoes" is being held. The facilitator lays out the models of bast shoes on the floor. The task of the participants is to pick up one bast shoe as soon as possible when the musical accompaniment turns off. Musical accompaniment.
Host 2: (to the winner) What a fine fellow you are, and counted your steps and did not lose your bast shoes!
Presentation of the prize to the winner
Presenter 1: Thank you, Master-Bereginya, for your interesting puzzles and games!
Craftswoman-Bereginya conducts a master class.
Host 2: Well, we continue our acquaintance.
The leaders approach the Master of the Golden Ear. Musical accompaniment.
Host 2: This is the Master of the Golden Ear.
Master of the Golden Ear: Hello guys! Hello Little Prince!

The craftswoman of the Golden Ear holds straws in her hands.
Straw is a beautiful and durable natural material. Our ancestors used straw for household needs: they covered the roofs of houses, lined it with pets, and also made things for storing food and clothes, amazing hats, shoes and jewelry.
Presenter 1: Straw is a wonderful material to work with. She comes to life in the skillful hands of the master. He can revive the golden ears, they will appear before people in a different, unprecedented beauty.
Straw products attract with a delicate golden color.
Master of the Golden Ear: Guys, what is the name of the type of arts and crafts that uses straw? (Straw weaving, appliqué). Well done boys!
Master of the Golden Ear: Little prince, and now you will have a unique opportunity to make a sun out of straw.
The Little Prince participates in a master class on making a sun out of straw.
Presenter 1: Products are especially good when a cheerful song sounds.
Ekaterina Paksadze's musical number "Kupalinka".
A little prince: What wonderful products are made from straw! Thank you, Master.
The little prince puts the sun in the chest. The craftswoman of the golden ear conducts a master class.
A little prince: And what else can surprise me masters?
Host 2: Now we learn from our Master.
The hosts approach the Master of Magic Clay. Musical accompaniment.
Wizard Clay: Good afternoon guys! I am the Wizard of Magic Clay. I have a surprise for you. In the basket there is an object that in the old days drove away evil spirits and attracted good ones. What is this item? (Whistle).

Wizard Clay: That's right guys! A whistle is a piece of clay. Most often, pottery was a family business, all family members were engaged in the manufacture of clay products: both adults and children. The owner was engaged in the manufacture of dishes, and the hostess and children sculpted bells, toys and whistles, and then sold them at the fair. Whistles were used not only for fun, but also had a ritual character. The Belarusians believed that the figurines of people made of clay represent their ancestors. Animal figurines affect the well-being and prosperity in the family.
Host 2: To this day, clay modeling is a folk craft, an art form and a hobby for a huge number of adults and children.
Dough modeling is an art no less ancient than clay modeling.
Wizard Clay: Currently, there are plenty of materials for modeling: plasticine, gypsum, dough, sand.
Of all the materials, I chose the dough and began to successfully use it in my work.
And I want to give you, the Little Prince, a handmade souvenir as a keepsake of our meeting.
The master of magic clay gives the product to the Little Prince. A master of magic clay gives a master class.
A little prince: I got acquainted with the doll, straw weaving and modeling. And I also heard that there is a kind of craft that was done only by women. May I know what it's called?
Presenter 1: And what kind of craft will be discussed, we will find out when you guess the riddle.
A thread, a needle, a canvas - a lighter.
The thread will enter the little light -
A flower will bloom there. (Embroidery)
Presenter 1: Correctly guessed the riddle! Well done!
The hosts approach the Craftswoman-Embroiderer.
Craftswoman-Embroiderer: I am an embroiderer. Let me tell you guys about amazing view decorative art- embroidery.
Embroidery is a homework. Only the most experienced embroiderers performed handmade works commissioned by fellow villagers. Embroidery was one of the occupations of Belarusian women. Embroidered items, especially towels, were passed from mother to daughter. The main pattern is geometric, and the red color is symbolic, like the color of the sun and life.
Presenter 1: Embroidery is an ancient craft. Every girl had to embroider. And today the one who is in love with him continues this craft.
Craftswoman-Embroiderer: And I have a gift for you, Little Prince.
The Craftswoman-Embroiderer presents a gift to the Little Prince.
Presenter 1: And now, guys, a musical gift performed by Sofia Rud and Marina Kurlovich "Dance in the Rain" sounds for you.
The Craftswoman-Embroiderer conducts a master class (the guys need to “embroider” a pattern for the bookmark. The blanks of the bookmark are a white sheet of paper, and colored stripes are used with gold and silver threads. By interlacing them in a certain way, students create a pattern).

Host 2: And now folks, it's time for fun game"Fern flower".
Host 2: Guys, who knows about the Kupala flower? (children's answers). Science has proven that the fern does not bloom, but the legend about this still haunts: they say, whoever finds a fern flower on the night of Ivan Kupala, he will have supernatural powers and be able to look into the future. Our ancestors believed that on the Kupala night treasures buried in the ground let you know, so they set off in search of not only a happy flower, but also treasures.
Host 2: Well, whoever picks a flower for us will win. And so that there are no disagreements, we will choose the participants the way our ancestors chose, and you choose the same way - by counting rhymes.
Host 2: Rhythm (goes down to the hall).
Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out.
Look at the sky - the birds are flying, the bells are ringing.
The game "Fern Flower" is being played.
Host 2: Now we will go to the forest to look for a fern flower. And since the flower blooms at night, we blindfold the participants.
The host lays flowers on the floor. At the command of the host, the children are looking for blindfolded flowers. On reverse side flower - points (from 1 to 5). Presentation of the prize to the winner.
The hosts approach the Craftswoman of a multi-colored patch.

Presenter 1: We continue our acquaintance. Let's go to the Craftswoman of a multi-colored patch.
A little prince: Ooooh! What interesting products! What is this technique?
Craftswoman of multi-colored shred: And this is a special kind of folk art - patchwork (patchwork).
At different peoples and at different times we meet a variety of products made in this technique. They are obtained by sewing together shreds of fabrics of different colors and patterns, while the shreds must have the correct geometric shape.

Host 2: And your magic chest will be replenished with another patchwork product.
A craftswoman of multi-colored patchwork gives a product made using the patchwork technique. A craftswoman of multi-colored shreds performs a master class (Guys need to sew a rug from shreds. The blanks of the rug are a white sheet of paper, and the shreds are geometric shapes cut out of colored paper).
A little prince: Thank you! You are so interesting! I learned a lot of new and interesting things about the traditions of your native land.
But, it's time for me to return to my fairyland.
The little prince leaves. Musical accompaniment.
Host 2: And now we invite our Craftswomen to show their skills.
Presenter 1: Dear guys, at the beginning of our event, each of you received a token of a certain color in order to take part in master classes.
The one who received the green token is approaching the Master-Beregina.
Yellow - to the Master of the golden spikelet.
Orange - to the Master of Magic Clay.
Those who have pink tokens participate in the master class of the Craftswoman-Embroider.
The owners of blue tokens take part in the master class of the Craftswoman of multi-colored patchwork.
Master classes of Craftswomen are held (time: 25 minutes). Musical accompaniment.