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Robert ben rhodes - foreign maniacs - archive of maniacs - maniacs and serial killers. Sinister Photos Hiding Creepy and Tragic Stories Regina Kay Walters' Last Moments

An ordinary photograph can be stored for many decades - it can be a photograph that shakes your faith in humanity, or an era-defining photograph, about which they will later say that "sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words." But the photos below may just leave you speechless.

1. Typical day in Omagh

On August 15, 1998, a car exploded in Omagh, Northern Ireland. The rebel organization IRA (Irish Republican Army) was behind this explosion, and it claimed the lives of 29 people, and 200 people were injured to varying degrees of severity. The explosion came at a time of "controversy" that arose during the ethno-nationalist conflicts in Northern Ireland. These conflicts continued for more than 30 years, and the explosion in Omagh killed the largest number of people.

The camera used to take the photograph presented here was recovered from the rubble of a building destroyed by the explosion. The man in this photo is standing in the middle of a quiet street, and rejoices. A second before the bomb exploded. This is one of the most poignant photos of all that have been published since the explosion in Omagh. Serenity, smiles on the faces of people who are unaware of a mortal threat, all this makes this picture simply heartbreaking. Before us is forever frozen in time, the moment preceding the massacre of unsuspecting people.

2. Last minutes of Regina Kay Walters

Regina Kay Walters was a 14 year old girl from Pasadena, Texas. She was the victim of serial killer Robert Ben Rhodes. She was one of his three proven victims (although Rhodes himself claims to have killed many more), and he decided to finally play with her. Rhodes cut her hair, put a dress on her, and took a picture. It turned out the image of a man in trouble, the one you see here. Rhodes was captured in September 1992, but before that he managed to kill two more people. He was sentenced to life in prison without the right to parole, and to this day is in one of the prisons in Texas.

A photo of a young girl in the last moments of her life, changed, with cropped hair, dressed in an incomprehensible what, and left alone with such a monster as Rhodes - it is very hard to look at this. The camera impassively showed the despair on the face of this girl. He showed us a picture of disgusting torture: when the executioner plays with his victim, like a cat with a mouse. This is a photo that captures the forever broken human psyche.

3. Assassination of Reinaldo Dagza

Reinaldo Dagza was a Filipino politician who was killed in an armed attack during New Year's Eve 2011. The murder of this man gained worldwide fame thanks to a photograph showing Dagsa's family. At that moment, when Dagsa was photographing the family, the killer was also in the field of view of the camera, aiming directly at the politician. This picture was later used by Dagsa's wife as evidence, thanks to this picture, two men were arrested almost immediately, since the police decided that they were directly related to the murder.

This photograph seems bewitching, but it is also the embodiment of the most absurd: a man, 35 years old, at the very beginning of the new year, photographs his loving family, and at the same time photographing his own death.

4. Tragedy on the River Beas

On June 8, 2014, 24 students from Hyderabad, India, died while on a trip when a huge wave of water surged upstream from the Larji hydroelectric power plant on the Beas River. VNR VJIET engineering students were on an educational tour of Himachal Pradesh. They were driving from Shimla to Manali when the bus stopped so the students could get off and take some pictures on the banks of the Beas River. At that moment, the floodgates at the hydroelectric power plant opened without any warning, and a flood of water caught a group of 24 students by surprise, literally sweeping them off the shore in an instant. This happened due to the criminal negligence of the station staff.

This photo was supposed to be just another picture taken as a memento by a student during another exhausting study trip, but instead, the photo shows last moment life of a group of young people.

5. "Doomed"

The photo you see captures the final moments of Ki Suk Han, a 58-year-old father and husband. He was pushed under the train by a homeless man named Naeem Davis, with whom Khan had recently argued about something. According to eyewitnesses, Khan was intoxicated due to a quarrel with his wife, and tried to exchange something with Davis. Davis, in turn, attributes his aggressive actions to several reasons at once: it could be drugs, voices in his head, or even the loss of his boots (according to him, they were very good boots). Either way, Davis claimed that Khan didn't leave him alone, and that he had to respond to Khan's harassment accordingly. And although Davis constantly repeated his "not guilty", he was charged with premeditated murder. Regardless of the reasons that led to the death of Khan, this photo will forever remain a man staring into the face of his own death.

6Bud Dwyer Public Suicide

Robert Bud Dwyer was a Pennsylvania Republican politician in the US Senate. He has been doing this for over 10 years. He later became chief treasurer of the state of Pennsylvania. He worked there until the day of his death: January 22, 1987. One day, Dwyer was accused of taking a bribe and called a press conference. He was supposed to announce his resignation there. If found guilty, he faced up to 55 years in prison and a $300,000 fine. Years later, a former lawyer named William Smith admitted to lying under oath when he accused Dwyer of taking bribes.

The press conference was broadcast live throughout the state of Pennsylvania. After reading part of his pre-prepared speech, Dwyer suddenly stopped reading, and began to distribute some envelopes to his employees. After handing over the last envelope, Dwyer pulled out a gun and said, "If this offends you in any way, please leave the room." As his friends and work colleagues later said, he said this with a slight stutter, and then pulled the trigger. It happened before they could stop him, and he died right in the hall. If for some reason you want to see a live video of Dwyer's suicide, you can easily find it on Youtube.

7. Death of Travis Alexander

You may have already seen this photo: 30-year-old Travis Alexander takes a shower. After that, he will be brutally murdered by his ex-girlfriend named Jodi Arias. When the murder took place, this photo was broadcast on many news channels.

In 2008, Travis was found dead at his home in Mesa, Arizona by friends. He was found on the floor of his bathroom with 27 stab wounds on his body, 1 gunshot wound to the head, and his throat had been cut. Arias initially denied any involvement in Travis' murder, stating that Travis was likely killed during the robbery. But later she changed her testimony, and confessed to having killed Travis in self-defense. Jody Arias is currently in jail awaiting sentencing. The trial is to take place on September 8, 2014.

8 CCTV shot of James Bulger

In February 1993, John Venables and Robert Thompson, both ten years old, killed two-year-old James Bulger after kidnapping him from a building. shopping center Strand, in Liverpool (UK). The details of this murder set off a wave of panic throughout England, leaving parents to wonder what their children were capable of. A CCTV footage of James Bulger being taken away by his killers was broadcast on news channels for several months. And this was the last opportunity to look at a two-year-old child in his last hours.

Venables and Thompson lured Bulger away from their mother, and then walked with him for 4 kilometers, hand in hand, along the railroad tracks, away from the mall. On the way, the children were stopped several times by passers-by, asked if they were lost and if they needed help. They also advised the children to take them home " younger brother who couldn't stop crying. James's body was found two days after his death, tied to rails on a railroad line to Walton. His injuries were horrendous, and after media coverage of this fact, a wave of indignation arose in society due to the lenient sentence against two juvenile delinquents. Venables and Thompson were to spend 8 years in educational colonies and receive psychiatric care until they were 18 years old. And then they were released. Their names were changed and they received care and security guarantees from the government. After all, the government is constantly looking for the right people, is not it?

9. Mark Chapman met John Lennon

The day John Lennon died, the Earth stood still and wept. In cities around the world, grief-stricken fans and musicians united and held a worldwide funeral for one man. It was the love that Lennon gave to people. It was a musical relationship. A month before his death, Lennon released Double Fantasy, a long-awaited album. It was his first solo album, which was the result of five years of work. And it also became his last album.

On December 8, 1980, Mark David Chapman shot and killed John Lennon at the entrance to The Dakota (the building where Lennon lived) in New York. Lennon was targeted by the crazy Chapman because of his fame. And he was only killed because he was able to oust other potential victims on Chapman's list, such as Johnny Carson and George Scott. "If he was a little less famous than the three or four people on my list, he wouldn't have been shot," Chapman told police.

This picture was taken about an hour before Lennon was killed. The quiet, unassuming fan waiting for Lennon's autograph in this picture is none other than Mark David Chapman. He was Lennon's killer, and, unfortunately, he was the last person to be photographed with Lennon alive.

10. Two brothers on vacation

In 1975, Michael and Sean McQuilken were just two smiling guys on a family vacation in California. Along with their sister, Maria, they posed for a photo with their hair standing on end. They posed and laughed at the strangeness of this situation. Other vacationers in the area did much the same. This photo was taken atop Moro Rock, California national park Sequoia, and a few minutes later the brothers were struck by lightning, the impact of which was terrible, but, contrary to popular belief, did not kill anyone.

This photo has been shown countless times over the years. She served social advertising in order to force people to observe safety rules in a thunderstorm. The photo with the happy, carefree brothers very eloquently hints at a huge danger to life: an average of 24,000 people die every year from lightning strikes in the world. It is probably for this reason that this photo is now as shocking as it was before.

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12 never-before-seen images from the world's best photographers

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We bring to your attention 15 photos behind which stand real stories, at one time terrified even the most experienced forensic scientists.

The picture that went down in history under the name "The most beautiful suicide."
Evelyn McHale committed suicide by jumping off the Empire State Building. Photographer Robert Wiles, who happened to be nearby, captured McHale's body as it fell onto a UN limousine. Before committing suicide, McHale left her fiancé. Her suicide note read: “He will be better off without me. I couldn't be a good wife to anyone."

Regina Kay Walters
This photograph of 14-year-old Regina Kay Walters was taken by serial killer Robert Ben Rhoades, who was later captured driving a truck with a torture chamber in the trailer. Before taking this picture, Rhodes cut his victim's hair and forced her to wear a dress and high heels before killing her in a barn in Illinois.

Tyler Hadley.
Tyler Hadley, 17, wanted to throw a party, but his parents were at home, so he beat them both to death with a hammer. He hid the corpses, cleaned up the mess, and invited guests while the bodies of his parents remained in the house. This picture was taken the night after the murder, when Tyler confessed to his friend Max (left).

Photograph by Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Kevin Carter.
South African photographer Kevin Carter worked in Sudan during the 1993 famine. The picture shows a starving child crawling towards a food distribution center while a vulture prowls nearby, waiting for easy prey. Carter could not approach the children because of the threat of infection. Three months after the Pulitzer Prize ceremony, 33-year-old Carter committed suicide, unable to bear the painful memories.

Travis Alexander.
The last photo of Travis Alexander taken by him ex-girlfriend Jodi Arias before his murder. She came to his house and, while they were fooling around, took several pictures of him. Travis' body was found in the bathroom five days later with 27 stab wounds, a slashed throat, and a bullet through his head.

Cult of the Heavenly Gates.
On March 26, 1997, 39 Heaven's Gate cultists committed suicide believing that their souls would be delivered to the Hale-Bopp comet on spaceship. The founder of the cult, Marshall Applewhite, convinced them that aliens would soon cleanse the Earth, so they should leave this world.

Blanche Monier.
Blanche Monnier was kept in confinement for 24 years in a room where she had to live among her own feces. She was discovered in 1901 when someone told the police her whereabouts. A 24-year-old woman has not seen sunlight.

Reynaldo Dagsa.
Filipino politician Reinaldo Dagsa photographed his family during New Year's Eve celebrations. His killer also got into the frame. It turned out to be a car thief, whom Dagsa once hid behind bars.

"Temple of the Peoples".
American preacher Jim Jones (Jim Jones) founded the religious movement "Temple of the People", which went down in history as the largest mass suicide. 918 cult members committed suicide by cyanide poisoning.

Dean Corll.
Dean Corll was nicknamed Lollipop because he constantly handed out candy to the neighborhood kids. He was one of the most brutal serial killers in history. Between 1970 and 1973, Corll raped and killed at least 28 boys. He had two accomplices, one of whom shot him. This picture was found among his personal belongings. The boy from this photo was never identified, which leads to terrible thoughts that the victims of the maniac were much more than 28.

John Lennon and his assassin Mark David Chapman.
Chapman killed Lennon just hours after this picture was taken. When Chapman was asked why he did this, he replied: "I thought I would get his fame."

Massacre at Columbine High School.
This picture was taken two weeks before the Columbine massacre, when 12 students and one teacher were gunned down. In the upper left corner, you can see two schoolchildren who imitate shooting at the camera. Many see this gesture as a terrible prophecy.

Photo taken in the gas chamber in Auschwitz, Poland.

Attack in Oma.
This picture was taken minutes before the Omagh attack in Northern Ireland. The explosive device was planted in the red car you see in this picture. The explosion, organized by the Genuine Irish Republican Army, claimed the lives of 29 people. The father and son captured in this picture survived.

Traveler Christopher McCandless.
The last self-portrait taken by Christopher McCandless before he traveled to the uninhabited part of Alaska. Shortly after this picture was taken, hunters found McCandless's body in an abandoned bus. As it turned out later, the traveler was poisoned by the root of a poisonous plant.

Robert Ben Rhodes(Eng. Robert Ben Rhoades; born November 22, 1945) is a serial killer. He killed at least three people from 1989 to 1990, but investigators were able to prove only one fact of the murder of Patricia Candice Walsh (Eng. Patricia Candice Walsh). Before killing his victims, he brutally tortured and raped them in his truck, which he equipped with a special torture room. Rhodes' travels and killer streak are the subject of a book by Alva Busch called "Roadside Prey", who at one time personally conducted his own investigation. Alva Bush wrote a book about Rhodes almost ten years after the events, by which time Rhodes was behind bars.

Robert Ben Rhodes in custody

Date of Birth:


Truck driver (truck driver)


Rape / Torture

Number of victims:

Killing period:

1989 - 1990

Date of arrest:

Method of killing:

Choking/Pistol shooting

Scene of the crimes:

Texas, Illinois, USA


Life imprisonment

Rhodes is a former truck driver. Investigators believe that a torture room was set up in the cab of his truck, in which he brutally and systematically tortured the women he held captive before killing them.

Robert Ben Rhodes

To be honest, an article in the Tucson Weekly in 1996 contained lines that made the blood run cold. A police investigator said that in early 1990, Rhodes kidnapped and killed an average of three women a month. He always had a briefcase with torture items on the road, according to the data in the article. The exact number of victims is still unknown.

Alva Bush believes that Rhodes roamed the roads for years, using his truck to satisfy his lust by torturing and killing people. His bloody journey came to an end one day in 1990 when an Arizona police officer stopped to examine a truck parked on the highway with its headlights on.

Alva Busch: “When the officer got on the running board to look inside the truck, he saw a handcuffed woman in the cab with a horse bit in her mouth. » A police officer arrested Rhodes and rescued a woman who had been held captive on the highway for many days.

Scott Zyskowski

In 1990, 25-year-old Patricia Candice Walsh and her husband, Douglas Scott Zyskowski, both from Seattle, were hitchhiking in Texas when Rhodes picked them both up on the road. Prosecutors believe he killed Ziskowski and dumped his body in January 1990 in Texas. Utah officials believe that for the next seven days, Walsh was held captive by Rhodes before he shot her multiple times and buried the body.

A month after Walsh's death, Rhodes took in 14-year-old Regina Walters and Ricky Lee Jones, a couple in love from Texas. He killed Walters in Illinois and was later convicted for that crime. On September 11, 1992, Rhodes pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison. Jones' body has never been found.

Walsh's body was found nearly a year later by a farmer and deer hunter who discovered the decomposed corpse 22 miles south of Fillmore in October 1990, she had already been dead for several months when she was found. Examination confirmed through dental records that it was 14-year-old Regina Walters from Pasadena, Texas, who was last seen in February 1990 near Houston with her boyfriend, Ricky Lee Johnson.

Even after the body was found, Walsh was considered an unknown for 13 years, and her remains were stored in the basement of the Millard County Sheriff's Office. But with the help of a set of random circumstances, Millard's detectives were finally able to identify and identify her in 2003. Then 59-year-old Robert Ben Rhodes was linked to DNA.

After identifying Walsh, the next step in the investigation went much faster. The police found enough evidence to link the bastard Rhodes to the crime. By then, Rhodes was already serving a life sentence in Illinois for murder.

Last photo 14-year-old Regina Kay Walters before she was killed by Robert Ben Rhodes.

This picture was a key piece of evidence and proof. In the photo above, the man behind the camera is serial killer Robert Ben Rhodes filming one of his victims moments before she takes her last breath.

Rhodes' bloody story itself came to an end on April 1, 1990, in Arizona, when police stumbled upon Rhodes' trailer truck while he was in the process of torturing another woman. He was convicted and sent to prison. But before he could be released in Arizona, officials in Illinois filed their case. Rhodes was sent to Illinois, where he stood trial and was again found guilty and convicted.

Some horrific deaths have unique photographs taken immediately after the incident or shortly before.

"The Most Beautiful Suicide"

Photographer Robert Wiles happened to be near the Empire State Building in New York, where he captured the controversial image, which was later nicknamed "The Most Beautiful Suicide." A young girl, Evelyn McHale, took her own life by jumping off the top floors of a building and landing on a UN limousine. In a note left before her death, the deceased said that she had abandoned her fiancé and that he would be better off without her, since she would not become a good wife to anyone.

Regina Kay Walters

The dying photo of 14-year-old Regina Kay Walters was recorded by serial maniac Robert Ben Rhodes, who some time before the murder put on the girl a dress, shoes and cut off her hair. Shortly after the incident, the police detained the suspect at the wheel of a truck, where a real torture chamber and the same camera were found in the trailer.

Christopher McCandless

This is the last image that traveler Christopher McCandless took of himself before heading out into the wilderness of Alaska. Very soon, the body of a man was found in an abandoned bus, and an autopsy found that McCandless was poisoned by the root of a poisonous plant he discovered.

Photo by Kevin Carter

A photojournalist from South Africa worked with a camera during the famine in the country in 1993 and captured a truly horrific picture. On the picture Small child, exhausted by hunger, crawls to a food distribution point under the scorching sun and is pursued by a vulture that tracks down available prey. This is a Pulitzer Prize-winning photo whose creator committed suicide at the age of 33 because he couldn't bear the guilt of not acting on the situation. The fact is that Kevin Carter could not approach the children due to the threat of infection.

Blanche Monnier

French woman Blanche Monnier was locked in a small windowless room by her mother for 25 years. All the time until the discovery in 1901, she lived in the waste of her own life and did not see the sun.

Reinaldo Dagza

A politician from the Philippines took a picture of them while relaxing with his family and captured the photo of his own killer, who had already aimed. They, as it turned out later, turned out to be a car thief, whom Reinaldo Dagsa once sent to jail.

John Lennon

The killer of the famous British musician and member of The Beatles John Lennon is considered Mark David Chapman, who lit up with the artist in the photo a few hours before the incident. The only thing Chapman said was, "I thought I'd get his fame."

Massacre at Columbine High School

A couple of weeks before the Columbine murder in April 1999, a group photograph of students was taken, 12 of whom died. Some see the cruel prophecy of this tragedy in the picture in the upper left corner, where several teenagers simulate firing pistols at the camera.

Terror attack in Omagh

A few minutes before the terrorist attack in Omagh, which occurred on August 15, 1998 in Northern Ireland, a father and son were photographed near the red car, where the explosives were planted. As a result, 29 people died, but the family on the frame survived.

We bring to your attention 15 photographs, behind which there are real stories that at one time terrified even the most experienced forensic experts.

In contact with


The picture that went down in history under the name "The most beautiful suicide."

Evelyn McHale committed suicide by jumping off the Empire State Building. Photographer Robert Wiles, who happened to be nearby, captured McHale's body as it fell onto a UN limousine. Before committing suicide, McHale left her fiancé. Her suicide note read: “He will be better off without me. I couldn't be a good wife to anyone."

Regina Kay Walters

This photograph of 14-year-old Regina Kay Walters was taken by serial killer Robert Ben Rhoades, who was later captured driving a truck with a torture chamber in the trailer. Before taking this picture, Rhodes cut his victim's hair and forced her to wear a dress and high heels before killing her in a barn in Illinois.

Tyler Hadley.

Tyler Hadley, 17, wanted to throw a party, but his parents were at home, so he beat them both to death with a hammer. He hid the corpses, cleaned up the mess, and invited guests while the bodies of his parents remained in the house. This picture was taken the night after the murder, when Tyler confessed to his friend Max (left).

Photograph by Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Kevin Carter.

South African photographer Kevin Carter worked in Sudan during the 1993 famine. The picture shows a starving child crawling towards a food distribution center while a vulture prowls nearby, waiting for easy prey. Carter could not approach the children because of the threat of infection. Three months after the Pulitzer Prize ceremony, 33-year-old Carter committed suicide, unable to bear the painful memories.

Travis Alexander.

The last photo of Travis Alexander taken by his ex-girlfriend Jodi Arias before he was murdered. She came to his house and, while they were fooling around, took several pictures of him. Travis' body was found in the bathroom five days later with 27 stab wounds, a slashed throat, and a bullet through his head.

Cult of the Heavenly Gates.

On March 26, 1997, 39 Heaven's Gate cultists committed suicide, believing that their souls would be taken to the Hale-Bopp comet by spacecraft. The founder of the cult, Marshall Applewhite, convinced them that aliens would soon cleanse the Earth, so they should leave this world.

Blanche Monier.

Blanche Monnier was kept in confinement for 24 years in a room where she had to live among her own feces. She was discovered in 1901 when someone told the police her whereabouts. A 24-year-old woman has not seen sunlight.

Reynaldo Dagsa.

Filipino politician Reinaldo Dagsa photographed his family during New Year's Eve celebrations. His killer also got into the frame. It turned out to be a car thief, whom Dagsa once hid behind bars.

"Temple of the Peoples".

American preacher Jim Jones (Jim Jones) founded the religious movement "Temple of the People", which went down in history as the largest mass suicide. 918 cult members committed suicide by cyanide poisoning.

Dean Corll.

Dean Corll was nicknamed Lollipop because he constantly handed out candy to the neighborhood kids. He was one of the most brutal serial killers in history. Between 1970 and 1973, Corll raped and killed at least 28 boys. He had two accomplices, one of whom shot him. This picture was found among his personal belongings. The boy from this photo was never identified, which leads to terrible thoughts that the victims of the maniac were much more than 28.

John Lennon and his assassin Mark David Chapman.

Chapman killed Lennon just hours after this picture was taken. When Chapman was asked why he did this, he replied: "I thought I would get his fame."

Massacre at Columbine High School.

This picture was taken two weeks before the Columbine massacre, when 12 students and one teacher were gunned down. In the upper left corner, you can see two schoolchildren who imitate shooting at the camera. Many see this gesture as a terrible prophecy.

Photo taken in the gas chamber in Auschwitz, Poland.
