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Development of social advertising in the Republic of Belarus. Social advertising in the Republic of Belarus: essence, meaning, features of development

Today Belarus has a well-formed advertising market. It should be noted that every year we observe a significant increase in Belarusian advertising, as well as its worthy quality, in some cases not even inferior to foreign analogues V developed countries.

Recently in Belarus a lot of attention has been paid to social outdoor advertising. After television, outdoor advertising is the most popular type. Today, there are more than 20,000 advertising structures. There are special regional concepts for the development of this kind of advertising, in accordance with which the local authorities have undertaken to promote the development and modernization of this market in every possible way. Every year, regulatory documents are adopted to regulate the field of advertising, which indicates its ongoing development, which cannot but rejoice. It is a fact that today a lot of attention is paid to social advertising.

Social advertising is one of the types of advertising, the main purpose of which is the formation and maintenance of universal human values ​​in society, in the minds of people, drawing attention to socially significant problems and opportunities for their resolution.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 24 of the Law, social advertising is placed (distributed) free of charge, which means: the activities of organizations or citizens in placing (distributing) social advertising, as well as transferring their property to other organizations or citizens for placing (distributing) social advertising is carried out free of charge. Due to the different financial conditions for the placement (distribution) of social and commercial advertising, there is a need for a clear distinction between social advertising and commercial advertising and other information of a social nature. The object of advertising social advertising can be: the rights of organizations or citizens; legally protected interests or obligations of organizations or citizens; healthy lifestyle; public health measures; measures to protect the safety of the population measures to social protection; crime prevention; security environment; rational use of natural resources development of Belarusian culture and art; development of international cultural cooperation; state programs in the field of: healthcare, education, culture, sports; other phenomena (events) of a social nature aimed at protecting or satisfying public and state interests.

Social advertising should not be commercial in nature. This means that PSA cannot mention commercial organizations And individual entrepreneurs, as well as specific goods, products, works, services produced or sold by them. Also, such advertising should not contain information about goods, products, works, services resulting from entrepreneurial activity non-profit organizations.

Only state bodies (ministries, departments, committees, local executive and administrative bodies) can be advertisers of social advertising. As a rule, these are those state bodies whose activities are directly related to public interests, safety, health, ecology, etc. Thus, the information will be social advertising if the following mandatory features are present in the aggregate:

The production of social advertising is carried out at the expense of the advertiser himself (as a rule, these are funds provided for the implementation government programs V various fields life of society and the state). Social advertising, as well as commercial advertising, can be placed (distributed) in any form using any means: in print and electronic media (television, radio), outdoor advertising and on vehicles, on the Internet, by distributing leaflets, etc. According to the first part of paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the Law, advertising distributors - editorial offices of the media are obliged to place (distribute) social advertising provided by its advertisers, within five percent of the broadcast volume (main printed space) per day allocated for advertising.

In accordance with part two of paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the Law, advertising distributors who are not editorial offices of mass media are obliged to place (distribute) social advertising provided by its advertisers within five percent of the annual cost of the services they provide for the placement (distribution) of advertising, calculated at results of the previous financial year.

According to paragraph 3 of Article 24 of the Law, the conditions proposed by the advertiser of social advertising regarding the time and method of its placement (distribution) are binding on the advertising distributor if the advertiser contacts him no later than one month before the expected date of its placement (distribution). If the placement (distribution) of social advertising at the time proposed by the advertiser is prohibited by law, or if it is planned to place (distribute) other social advertising at this time, the application for placement (distribution) of which was submitted earlier, the advertising distributor is obliged to inform the advertiser about this and offer him a different placement time ( distribution) social advertising.

The main purpose of social advertising is the formation and maintenance of universal human values ​​in society, the consciousness of people, drawing attention to socially significant problems and the possibilities for their resolution. Advertisers of social advertising are government agencies. The placement (distribution) of social advertising is carried out free of charge, thanks to which the Republic of Belarus Information support activities of state bodies. Social advertising is most actively placed government bodies on television, outdoor advertising media, by distributing leaflets. There are advertising and television organizations in the republic that have sufficient experience and creative potential to produce high-quality social advertising.

At the same time, the process of production and placement (distribution) of social advertising is somewhat spontaneous, fragmented. The quality of social advertising often does not meet modern trends, does not meet the expectations of society and the state. There is no methodological basis for creating high-quality and effective social advertising. Social advertising is significantly inferior in quality to commercial advertising, both in terms of aesthetics and its effectiveness. In addition, a mechanism for financing social advertising has not been developed. An effective systematic organization of the production and placement (distribution) of social advertising is required to ensure the satisfaction of public and state interests. An important condition development of social advertising in the republic is the creation of a competitive creative environment with the obligatory involvement of various organizations and citizens in this activity.

Social advertising is an innovative segment of the modern advertising market. The purpose of social advertising is to attract the attention of target groups to acute social problems and phenomena, change attitudes towards them and design new behavioral models. Social advertising is aimed at the establishment of moral principles and guidelines in society, at the formation of values ​​that contribute to the full harmonious development of the individual. As a modern marketing tool, it is innovative technology promotion of a product (service). In combination with other tools and technologies, it is able to influence the business environment, help strengthen government, legal and social institutions. Social advertising is of great importance for the implementation of an effective state social policy, since its tasks are aimed at solving the urgent problems of those categories of citizens who are in a difficult life situation and need new value and semantic attitudes and guidelines. The development of social advertising is a complex production, which requires special training to master. Unlike other types of advertising, a social advertising specialist must have a set of not only theoretical knowledge in the field of philosophy, sociology, social work, ethics, pedagogy and psychology, but also special competencies that involve specific skills in the field of graphic design, drawing, etc. In addition, one of the necessary professional qualities necessary to create effective social advertising is the ability to think creatively, to have a special creative personality. Training such a specialist is the most important task. modern stage training of new generation professionals - specialists in social communication. It should be recognized that, despite the fact that social advertising has already acquired some features of institutionalization in the Belarusian information space, many issues remain unresolved. These include such as the status of social advertising in the Belarusian society, its role and place in the formation modern market advertising products, etc. Training of specialists with professional competence in the field of social advertising can be an important direction in the development of this technology, overcoming barriers in public opinion.

1. The information function implies informing citizens about the presence of a certain social problem and drawing attention to it (for example, where and when you can get your TIN, what activities are carried out (fundraising to help refugees), etc.).

2. The economic function manifests itself in the long term and is expressed in the desire to achieve economically beneficial results for the state, since the elimination of many social problems leads to the well-being of the state: the health of the nation, full receipt of taxes to the budget, etc. This increases the potential of the state and ultimately leads to to profit. Thus, workers' concern for their own health leads to an intensive production rate and, consequently, to building the capacity of those organizations and firms in which they work. In addition, the health of the nation means the ability to reproduce healthy children.

3. The educational function involves the dissemination of certain social values, their instillation in society, the explanation of the problem, including, possibly, its source and solutions.

5. The aesthetic function is realized through the formation of the taste of consumers. Advertising products are created by talented designers, artists, directors, people of other creative professions, thanks to which it can even become a work of art. Commercials, which are brought to the level of art, often win at international advertising festivals. However, such videos, unfortunately, are not always functional.

According to Article 2 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Advertising”, social advertising is an advertisement of the rights, legally protected interests or obligations of organizations or citizens, healthy lifestyle life, measures to protect health, public safety, social protection, crime prevention, environmental protection, rational use of natural resources, development of Belarusian culture and art, international cultural cooperation, state programs in the areas of healthcare, education, culture and sports or other phenomena ( events) of a social nature, which is aimed at protecting or satisfying public or state interests, is not of a commercial nature and advertised by state bodies.

Social advertising is one of the types of advertising, the main purpose of which is the formation and maintenance of universal human values ​​in society, in the minds of people, drawing attention to socially significant problems and opportunities for their resolution.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 24 of the Law, social advertising is placed (distributed) free of charge, which means: the activities of organizations or citizens in placing (distributing) social advertising, as well as transferring their property to other organizations or citizens for placing (distributing) social advertising is carried out free of charge. Due to the different financial conditions for the placement (distribution) of social and commercial advertising, there is a need for a clear distinction between social advertising and commercial advertising and other information of a social nature. The object of advertising social advertising can be: the rights of organizations or citizens; legally protected interests or obligations of organizations or citizens; healthy lifestyle; public health measures; measures to protect the safety of the population measures for social protection; crime prevention; environmental protection; rational use of natural resources development of Belarusian culture and art; development of international cultural cooperation; state programs in the field of: healthcare, education, culture, sports; other phenomena (events) of a social nature aimed at protecting or satisfying public and state interests.

Social advertising should not be commercial in nature. This means that commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs, as well as specific goods, products, works, services produced or sold by them, cannot be mentioned in social advertising. Also, such advertising should not contain information about goods, products, works, services that are the result of entrepreneurial activities of non-profit organizations.

Only state bodies (ministries, departments, committees, local executive and administrative bodies) can be advertisers of social advertising. As a rule, these are those state bodies whose activities are directly related to public interests, safety, health, ecology, etc. Thus, the information will be social advertising if the following mandatory features are present in the aggregate:

Non-commercial character;

The production of social advertising is carried out at the expense of the advertiser himself (as a rule, these are funds provided for the implementation of state programs in various spheres of the life of society and the state). Social advertising, as well as commercial advertising, can be placed (distributed) in any form using any means: in print and electronic media (television, radio), in outdoor advertising and on vehicles, on the Internet, through the distribution of leaflets and etc. According to the first part of paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the Law, advertising distributors - editorial offices of the media are obliged to place (distribute) social advertising provided by its advertisers, within five percent of the broadcast volume (main print area) per day allotted for advertising .

In accordance with part two of paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the Law, advertising distributors who are not editorial offices of mass media are obliged to place (distribute) social advertising provided by its advertisers within five percent of the annual cost of the services they provide for the placement (distribution) of advertising, calculated at results of the previous financial year.

According to paragraph 3 of Article 24 of the Law, the conditions proposed by the advertiser of social advertising regarding the time and method of its placement (distribution) are binding on the advertising distributor if the advertiser contacts him no later than one month before the expected date of its placement (distribution). If the placement (distribution) of social advertising at the time proposed by the advertiser is prohibited by law, or if it is planned to place (distribute) other social advertising at this time, the application for placement (distribution) of which was submitted earlier, the advertising distributor is obliged to inform the advertiser about this and offer him a different placement time ( distribution) social advertising. .

Today Belarus has a well-formed advertising market. It should be noted that every year we observe a significant increase in Belarusian advertising, as well as its decent quality, in some cases not even inferior to foreign counterparts in developed countries. Experts advertising business talk about a general decline in the volume of the advertising market in Belarus in Lately because of the crisis. However, after analyzing the statistics for 2011, it can be seen that the volume of television advertising increased by 6 percent, outdoor - by 21 percent. Today, the volume of foreign advertising in the advertising market has significantly decreased: if in 2008 the share of domestic advertising was 47 percent, and foreign - 53 percent, now the situation has changed dramatically: domestic advertising occupies about 59 percent of the advertising market, and foreign - 41 percent.

For some groups of goods, the use of non-standard solutions for their promotion is typical. In this regard, the Internet is very promising today. In the World Wide Web, you can observe more than two hundred enterprises out of 560 operating in Belarus, subordinated to sectoral ministries and concerns. This is a very convenient type of advertising for consumers and very profitable for the enterprise. Internet advertising requires less money than television advertising and is one of the most effective means of promoting a product due to the activity of the Internet audience in recent years. It is convenient that the sites are constantly updated, they contain information about the list and cost of goods, promotions and discounts. Promotions and discounts, as well as information about the products and activities of domestic manufacturers are announced on Belarusian news portals.

Lately in Belarus a lot of attention has also been paid to outdoor advertising. After television, outdoor advertising is the most popular type. Today, more than 20 thousand advertising structures are placed in the country. There are special regional concepts for the development of this kind of advertising, according to which the local authorities have undertaken to promote the development and modernization of this market in every possible way. Every year, regulatory documents are adopted to regulate the field of advertising, which indicates its ongoing development, which cannot but rejoice. It is a fact that today a lot of attention is paid to social advertising.

The main purpose of social advertising is the formation and maintenance of universal human values ​​in society, the minds of people, drawing attention to socially significant problems and opportunities for their resolution. Advertisers of social advertising are government agencies. Placement (distribution) of social advertising is carried out on a gratuitous basis, due to which the information support of the activities of state bodies is sufficiently provided in the Republic of Belarus. Social advertising is most actively placed by government agencies on television, outdoor advertising, through the distribution of leaflets. There are advertising and television organizations in the republic that have sufficient experience and creative potential to produce high-quality social advertising.

At the same time, the process of production and placement (distribution) of social advertising is somewhat spontaneous, fragmented. The quality of social advertising often does not meet modern trends, does not meet the expectations of society and the state. There is no methodological basis for creating high-quality and effective social advertising. Social advertising is significantly inferior in quality to commercial advertising, both in terms of aesthetics and its effectiveness. In addition, a mechanism for financing social advertising has not been developed. An effective systematic organization of the production and placement (distribution) of social advertising is required to ensure the satisfaction of public and state interests. An important condition for the development of social advertising in the republic is the creation of a competitive creative environment with the obligatory involvement of various organizations and citizens in this activity.

The main directions for improving social advertising

IN modern system public relations, social advertising is becoming an increasingly powerful factor in the formation of mass consciousness, comparable in scale and strength of its influence with commercial advertising. High-quality social advertising testifies to the pronounced intellectual potential of the national community, a high level of cultural development, and a widespread practice of constructive dialogue between authorities government controlled with the public.

Ensuring a systematic approach to the choice of topics for social advertising and its timely updating;

Planning activities in the field of social advertising, including the subject of social advertising, taking into account the needs of society and the state in solving urgent problems;

Definition of a system for the production and financing of social advertising, providing high quality and effectiveness of advertising;

Formation of a criterion for the quality of social advertising and evaluation of its effectiveness;

Ensuring the consideration and approval of social advertising by the commission on social advertising and advertising ethics under the Interdepartmental Council on Advertising;

Wider use of radio, Internet and promotions.

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For analysis, we choose following directions social informing the citizens of Belarus based on their importance for the Belarusian state:

  • - formation and support of the system of national identity;
  • - formation and support of state sovereignty;
  • - formation of the prestige of Belarus;
  • - congratulatory social advertising;
  • - advertising of traffic safety, healthy lifestyle, fire prevention, etc.;
  • - advertising of the Armed Forces of Belarus.

The formation and support of the system of national identity is one of the key areas of Belarusian social advertising, both in terms of volume and importance, which in this regard performs an important social and integrative function. The fact is that decades of life in one country - the USSR, the presence of a significant number of citizens of Belarus family ties, for example, with the Russians, has led to the fact that many Belarusians culturally, mentally and ethno-psychologically live in the same rhythm and in the same information and cultural field with Russia.

This situation leads to the need to form a unified state social and advertising policy, which is aimed at supporting the system of national identity of Belarus and Belarusians. Advertising and propaganda materials, made both in Russian and in Belarusian, represent one or another Belarusian ethno-cultural, as well as other social values. So, in the summer of 2008, a wide advertising campaign “We are Belarusians!” was carried out throughout the entire Belarusian state, which had the goal of advertising and information support for ongoing social and cultural events.

Compositional and semantic construction of social advertising within the framework of the advertising campaign "We are Belarusians!" was next. On the advertising posters, which are placed on Nemiga, on Independence Avenue, some fragment of Belarusian life or culture was depicted, which was accompanied by the slogan "We are Belarusians!". So, here we can see two beautiful Belarusian women dressed in national costumes, Belarusian schoolchildren or representatives of a more mature generation.

The formation and support of state sovereignty is the second important area of ​​social advertising information, which does not lose its sharpness and significance in the light of ongoing discussions about how the Union State of Russia and Belarus should be created. No anti-Russian sentiments are promoted here, the image of the enemy is not made from Russia, but still the semantic slogan “For an independent Belarus!” is very popular and relevant. In the subway you can see the placement of this advertisement.

Another side of the formation and support of state sovereignty is the proclamation of the values ​​of the Belarusian identity, in other words, the sovereignty of the Belarusian identity.

In a series of public service announcements of this kind, as a rule, a typical Belarusian is depicted, dressed in a national costume, who is engaged in some kind of traditional craft. Other variants of the storyline are also possible, for example, traditional Belarusian festivities, round dances.

The formation of the prestige of Belarus has something in common with the tasks that are solved by the two considered areas of social advertising, complementing them. The formation of the prestige of Belarus through social advertising is carried out in two ways.

The first is an appeal to the history of the country, its specific places and events. For example, in Brest in 2008, a series of social advertisements was placed under the slogans "Keeping Traditions" and "Increasing Values", which depict buildings known throughout the city - historical (Brest railway station) and modern (Brest regional center Olympic reserve in rowing). The second is an appeal to the current state of Belarus and especially its capital - Minsk. There are different types of information impact. In one advertisement, against the background of a Belarusian playing an accordion, it says that "Belarus is a state for the people!" In another, dedicated to Minsk, against the background of the Trinity Suburb, the following slogan is presented in the Belarusian language: “Minsk is life of my god!”.

However, a similar approach to the formation of prestige can be found in other Belarusian cities. So, on a special stand in Brest, against the backdrop of city landscapes, the slogan “Live, our Brest, and renew in the name of your inhabitants!” attracts attention.

First of all, it must be said that most congratulatory social advertising appears in Belarus during the main state holiday - the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus. Since 1991, Independence Day has been celebrated on July 27, the day the Declaration on the Sovereignty of Belarus was adopted. The decision to celebrate Independence Day on July 3, the day Belarus was liberated from Nazi invaders in 1944, was made during a republican referendum in 1996.

In addition, the congratulatory social advertising of Belarus has a kind of two levels. The first one is congratulations on the holiday or other celebrations of the republic as a whole, for example, “Bloom, Belarus!”. Such advertising is placed in all Belarusian cities. The second - congratulations on a holiday or other celebrations at the level of a particular city. Most of these advertisements can be seen on the streets of Minsk.

Advertising of traffic safety, healthy lifestyle, crime prevention, fire prevention are mandatory areas of advertising for any state that proclaims itself social. Each of the directions of social advertising of this kind is implemented within the framework of specially adopted information or preventive programs, during which social advertising acts as an auxiliary and accompanying tool for social work with society.

Situations with speeding, the appearance of a child on the road unattended, the lack of seat belts - this is the most minimal set of stories used by Belarusian social advertising to comply with traffic rules. An example of a road safety advertisement: a poster “Straighten your dearest. Fasten yourself”, placed on the roads as part of the information program on the safety of traffic rules of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

Fire prevention advertising is aimed not only at the adult part of the population, but also at children. So, on the poster under the slogan "Matches are not a toy!", A playing child and a huge box of matches are depicted, which appears here as a real threat, as well as the emergency number 101, which "everyone should know." The placement of this advertisement can be seen on the roads of the Republic of Belarus, as well as in every Belarusian city.

Belarusian advertising of a healthy lifestyle is associated with the prevention and fight against drug addiction, smoking, and alcoholism. A special place in the system of advertising a healthy lifestyle is occupied by the fight against the spread of AIDS. So, on advertising under the slogan “AIDS. Worth Thinking” posted on Independence Avenue, we could see a potential victim who should make the right move.

Anti-crime advertising includes efforts to prevent Belarusians from leaving to work abroad. In recent years, in the media of the republic appears great amount advertisements that invite Belarusian women to work abroad. It's not a secret for anyone that the passports are often taken away from those who have arrived, and then they are forced to engage in prostitution and are subjected to physical violence. In order to prevent such situations, the Belarusian authorities placed a series of billboards on the roads of our country with the slogan “Working abroad can become slavery”, indicating hotline to combat human trafficking.

Advertising of the Armed Forces of Belarus is also a significant area of ​​the Belarusian advertising state policy. In order to have sovereignty, it must be protected. And in order to protect sovereignty, it is necessary to have armed forces. From the point of view of advertising the prestige of service in the army, the Belarusian state is undertaking a number of active action. For example, a poster with the slogan “I serve the Republic of Belarus!” depicts military youth, who in the near future will be able to defend state sovereignty.

Thus, to consider all areas of social advertising in Belarus within the framework of overview impossible, their complete list not even legally mandated. We only note that, despite the rather high level of social advertising in Belarus (especially concerning issues of state sovereignty and Belarusian identity), Belarusian social advertising, like any other, has many problems. These problems are primarily associated with the inappropriate use of one or another image in advertising, the wrong selection of advertising fonts and other stylistic and compositional errors. However, professionally Belarusian social advertising provides many successful examples of design and semantic solutions to the problems of the country's social and political development. So, in 2010, the most iconic outdoor advertising in Belarus appeared - an unobtrusive series of posters "I love Belarus!", Placed on billboards in all cities and large regional centers of the country. Outdoor advertising"I love Belarus!" interesting because the word "love" is symbolic. The pictures show miniplots with the image of the heart. Such social advertising is designed to evoke patriotic feelings among Belarusians and show guests from other countries what associations citizens have when they mention Belarus.

In my opinion, advertising from the series “I love Belarus!” unobtrusive, efficient and effective. Authors advertising posters beautiful scenes were created, easily perceived target audience, and they decided not to use the standard state symbols. Also, the slogan itself was selected according to the principle: a phrase that is equally readable both in Russian and in Belarusian.

In 2011, a public service advertisement from the Taste of the Belarusian language series appeared in the capital. With the help of photographs of berries, the authors unusual idea demonstrate the beauty and harmony of their native language. The social advertising project "The Taste of the Belarusian Language" demonstrates the unique beauty of the native language to Minsk residents and guests of the capital. "Berry theme" was not chosen by chance.

"Juicy advertising project", which popularizes the native language, was developed by one of the capital's agencies together with the Academy of Sciences. On a white background, the image of a berry, the name, translation into Russian. The watermelon was the first to hit the billboards of the capital. Later rose hips, strawberries, gooseberries, blackberries, cranberries and blueberries were added.
