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Vadim Ligay: “It is impossible to achieve a full-fledged powerful economy without a stable industry. Situation at the Kazan Helicopter Plant - bmpd — LiveJournal Ligai Helicopter


Kazan Helicopter Plant PJSC (KVZ) begins the year with a number of mysterious news.

Firstly, as BUSINESS Online found out, the general director of KVZ Vadim Ligai relieved of his post as Deputy General Director of Russian Helicopters (VR). He was appointed to this post on November 13, 2013 and oversaw the holding's key programs - the implementation of helicopter programs, innovative projects, the modernization of the current model range and the creation of new helicopters - Ka-62, Mi-171A2, Mi-38, a promising medium helicopter. In fact, he was the second person in BP, which undoubtedly strengthened the position of KVZ.

The press service of the plant confirmed the information, saying that Ligay was relieved of his post as deputy general director of the holding on January 18, 2015. One of the main reasons is “high load”, or more precisely, “the emergence of new tasks to create a new industrial cluster of the holding from two production sites - KVZ and KumAPP” (JSC Kumertau Aviation manufacturing enterprise", Kumertau city, Bashkortostan).

Secondly, last week Kazan Helicopter Plant announced the plans of the plant's board of directors to increase the company's capital through an additional issue of 100 million shares with a par value of 1 ruble per share. At the same time, the message indicates the upper limit of the transaction - 20 billion rubles. The placement is planned to be carried out by closed subscription among existing shareholders - Rostec, the Russian Helicopters holding and Oboronprom.

By the way, the decision on additional capitalization will be discussed at extraordinary meeting shareholders on March 16. And at the next extraordinary meeting, on May 6, the issue of early termination of the powers of the current board of directors and the election of its new composition, which may be reduced from 9 to 7 people, will be raised.

Thirdly, all this is happening against the backdrop of an unprecedented modern history KVZ production decline. According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan, which became available after a recent meeting of the ministry, the volume of production at the pride of Tatarstan plant in 2015 fell by as much as 34.8%. KVZ did not comment on this information, suggesting to wait for publication accounting report in March. Meanwhile, there were rumors in Kazan that this time the usual 13th salary was not paid at the plant, labor disputes related to wages became more frequent, and, moreover, the enterprise was allegedly preparing to switch to a three-day work...

BUSINESS Online sent a request about all three news to Russian Helicopters, but did not receive a response.


BUSINESS Online sources in the industry shed light on the situation. One of them pointed out that in 2015 Kazan Helicopters really sold a record low number of helicopters for recent years - “no more than 80”. Recall that the company completed 2014 with 107 helicopters and, as stated by its management, in 2015 intended to transfer 110 helicopters to customers. According to the source, there are two main reasons for the fall. Partly it's a matter of bureaucracy: for a number of reasons, the number of signings of acceptance documents has shifted, with a dozen helicopters moved to 2016. But the main thing is that there are no new large orders.

“The reasons for the decline in production at Kazan Helicopter Plant (and not only) are the collapse in oil prices, the completion of large contracts with the United States ( for 63 helicopters, completed at the end of and India ( for 151 helicopters, completion announced in early Februaryapprox. auto), sanctions, the refusal of Eastern European countries from Russian helicopters, - stated in an interview with BUSINESS Online an expert on helicopter topics, a senior researcher at the Academy. Zhukovsky Evgeniy Matveev, — as well as our internal systemic problems: the existing industry model, which is not able to work dynamically in the new conditions.” According to Matveev, a drop of 34.8% is an abnormal phenomenon, “but this is the reality,” no major contracts are expected in 2016 - 2017, and initial commercial sales of the Mi-38 are not visible, because there are no buyers.

“We really hope that contracts with India will be continued,” a BUSINESS Online source noted. “This is our only way out today.” If not, things will be very bad." Let us recall that in 2015 it was reported that the Indian Air Force could purchase 48 Mi-17V-5 helicopters from Russia for $1.1 billion. According to Matveev, the probability of concluding a contract is 50/50. “Much depends on the balance of political forces in India itself,” he noted. — The decision will be repeatedly postponed and changed. Therefore, we need to show patience and care in the form of improving the organization of after-sales service for already delivered helicopters.”

Experts suggest that in the near future the focus of helicopter supplies will have to shift from export to orders for Russian law enforcement agencies and civilian consumers. But here KHP will face a tough fight with colleagues from Ulan-Ude. And, apparently, you shouldn’t count on large volumes - something in the range of a couple of dozen helicopters... In foreign markets, Russia is being squeezed by China.

“While we were busily engaged in exhibition activities here, China made good helicopters, - stressed the source of "BUSINESS Online". “Yes, today he buys ours too, but this is because his industry is developing rapidly and he takes helicopters wherever he can, but sooner or later our neighbor will have enough.”


What does additional capitalization of up to 20 billion rubles mean against this background? Maybe Moscow decided to lend a helping hand to the plant in difficult times? Moreover, at the end of 2014 alone, Kazan Helicopter Plant paid shareholders a fantastic 7.8 billion rubles. Is this injection related to some major defense project that will require capital expenditure?..

Unfortunately, all these romantic versions are dispelled by the BUSINESS Online source, which connects the additional capitalization with the annexation of the same KumAPP, for the sake of caring for which, according to KVZ, Ligai left his post at Russian Helicopters. Back in early November 2015, it was announced that by 2018 the powers and 100% of the shares of the Bashkir plant would be transferred to Kazan Helicopter Plant. The version that it was decided to complete the merger as quickly as possible is supported by the coincidence of numbers: the upper limit for additional capitalization of KVZ coincides with the volume of assets of the Kumertau plant - 19.97 billion rubles.

It is assumed that the merged enterprise will produce “united” products: Kazan Mi-8/17, Mi-38, Ansat and Kumertau Ka-226T, Ka-32A11BC, Ka-31. The restructuring is explained by the desire to optimally distribute the volume of production and repair of helicopter equipment, optimize the management system, increase (due to a synergistic effect) the revenue and profit of enterprises and revenues from them to the budgets of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. It is stated that there will be more work for Kumertau: the production of parts and assemblies for the Mi-8, Ansat and Mi-38 will be launched there; the volumes of blanking and stamping, forging and pressing and aggregate assembly production will increase; a competence center will be created for the production of blades from polymers, as well as units of the load-bearing system of Ka-52/52K, Ka-62 helicopters; production of ground support equipment was organized.

All this would be good in lean years if KVZ did not have time to fight off customers. Now, Kazan helicopter pilots, apparently, will have to share volumes with Bashkir ones, and they, judging by financial indicators, are on the verge of collapse.

The latest available data is based on the results of 2014. KumAPP's revenue then increased by 0.2 billion rubles - to 3.99 billion. At the same time, accounts payable increased by 1.93 billion rubles - to 4.78 billion, and the net loss - 2.5 times, from 1 billion rubles in 2013 to 2.52 billion in 2014. It is unlikely that in 2015, given the general situation, the plant’s situation has improved any noticeably.


How did KVZ get drawn into this misalliance? The situation was clarified by another BUSINESS Online source in the industry: “The meaning is this. The guys who formed the current mega-holdings like Russian Helicopters, United Engine Corporation ( Let us remind you that both holdings are part of Rostec, which is headed bySergey Chemezov, you don’t want to have in your reports an enterprise that pulls everyone back from year to year. Therefore, it must be “hidden”. Where? There's nowhere in particular. So they decided to join the successful plant... Things are very bad in Kumertau, and trying to hide it is no longer good. People take budget money from year to year, invest it there, but there is no result, although, in principle, everything should be fine at the plant - there seems to be a promising order ( This refers to plans for joint production with India of 120 to 600 Ka-226T helicoptersapprox. auto). In a word, there are no objective circumstances for things to go the way they are..."

Our interlocutor also draws attention to the lobbying efforts of the head of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov, who allegedly promised to raise the issue of Russian Helicopters’ many years of doing nothing with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin: “In fact, he scared them.”

In August 2013, Khamitov actually publicly accused Russian Helicopters of KumAPP’s losses due to lack of orders. Judging by the reports of the Bashkir press, Khamitov’s statements about “Russian Helicopters” were very expressive: “I have met with them several times, heard many beautiful promises, but so far we have not seen the dynamics that we needed... We have been “Helicopters” for a long time Russia" was misled with the construction of a center for composite materials. We even rashly informed the whole country that it was planned to build such a center for composite materials in Kumertau... A year has passed - silence, nothing, just promises. You can make a fool of yourself, but not for so long, and we also understand and understand some things.” Then Khamitov promised to report everything to the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin And talk tough with the leadership of Russian Helicopters...

In turn, Matveev considers the decision to join Kumertau to KVZ as a result of intrigues in the holding and a continuation of tug-of-war in the industry (remember, for example, what legends circulated about the “warm” relations between KVZ and the Ulan-Ude Helicopter Plant). Therefore, he considers all the goals of the merger announced today to be just a screen: “The organizers themselves do not yet know what KumAPP will do after the merger. And no one knows."

What does all this mean for Ligaya himself? On the one hand, the withdrawal of Russian Helicopters from the Politburo, whatever one may say, is a hardware downgrade. In connection with this, in expert circles there were even seemingly wild rumors about his departure from the helicopter industry... to the government of the Republic of Tatarstan.

On the other hand, we can talk, on the contrary, about betting on Ligai and his team as a “magic wand”. Moreover, the KVZ team has demonstrated such qualities more than once over the past two decades. By the way, with the accession of KumAPP, Ligaya also bears responsibility for the aforementioned Indian contract for the Ka-226, on the accuracy and quality of which, as they say, the future of Russian helicopters in the most important Asian market will largely depend. In a word, if Ligai manages to drain the Bashkir “swamp”, turning KumAPP into a flourishing enterprise, his position will certainly strengthen. But no, no.

The honored Kazan helicopter builder is being “retired” before his 65th birthday, but perhaps now he will be promoted

At the Kazan Helicopter Plant these days, they are half-jokingly learning how to say “hello” and “goodbye” in Bashkir. The team is actively discussing the news: in the coming days they will be introduced to a new general director - Yuri Pustovgarov, the ex-head of the Kumertau helicopter manufacturers. BUSINESS Online experts find it difficult to name the reasons for the changes, but do not rule out that Ligai is not retiring, but to Moscow - to the position of deputy general director of Russian Helicopters. And this is not the limit for him...

One can only guess about the reason for the resignation of Vadim Ligai, who managed KVZ for almost 11 years / Photo:


Several BUSINESS Online sources reported the day before that in the coming days the team of PJSC Kazan Helicopter Plant (KVZ) will be presented with a new general director. It will now be the former managing director of JSC Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise (KumAPP; like KVZ, it is part of the Russian Helicopters holding - BP) Yuri Pustovgarov. According to one of our sources, he will also take one of the members of his former team to Kazan - the executive director of KumAPP Ilfira Fayzullina.

"BUSINESS Online" invited the press service of Kazan Helicopter Plant to comment on this information, but they answered us that no orders or other documents on appointments were issued.

Note that talk about the departure of the current general director of Kazan Helicopter Plant Vadim Ligaya have been circulating for several years. The rumors aggravated in the middle of last December, when BUSINESS Online sources reported that the main candidate for this post was the General Director of KOMZ JSC Sergey Rakovets. Our interlocutors claim that he was at an interview at BP, and then the versions diverge: a) refused himself; b) did not suit the CEO of BP Andrey Boginsky.

The reason for the resignation of Ligai, who managed the plant for almost 11 years, can only be guessed at. Yes, formally it can be blamed for reducing the production of helicopters: at the peak of 2014 - 107, in 2015 - 77, in 2016 - 70, in 2017 - no more than 70 helicopters. But there was an increase: 2007 - 35 cars, 2008 - 58, 2009 - 65, 2010 - 80, 2011 - 93, 2012 - 98, 2013 - 103. And It is obvious that the crisis was programmed by many factors, including the actions of the Verkhovna Rada themselves.

Several sources reported the day before that a new general director would be introduced to the KVZ team in the coming days. It will be Yuri Pustovgarov Photo: Ladislav Karpov/TASS

“The years of Ligaya’s reign were a prosperous period for the plant,” says Chief Editor industry portal "Aviarunet" Roman Gusarov. — Perhaps there were higher expectations, but... However, even despite the negative sales dynamics over the past few years, KVZ responded to market demands, including as a developer: last year Ansat received a civil certificate, good send him medical versions.” But an expert on helicopter topics, senior researcher at the Academy. Zhukovsky and industry blogger Evgeniy Matveev, is somewhat skeptical: “Rather, Ligaya’s time was a decade of high oil prices, major orders (India, USA and others), high demand for military transport helicopters from third countries (due to the threat of terrorism, intensification of military conflicts), but also a decade hard work of the KVZ team. However, the era of high oil prices is over..."

Perhaps we are dealing with reshuffles of an administrative-intriguing nature, as happened in Russian leadership circles in general. Factory workers also draw attention to the fact that the honored Ligai was “left” without waiting for a convenient occasion - his 65th birthday (March 26), which is somehow “out of line.”

Evgeniy Matveev: “It’s lining up new system our helicopter industry, the relationship between the center and the regions is changing, management company, developers, manufacturers, service company" Photo: Vitaly Ankov, RIA Novosti

It is possible that we are dealing with a rush associated with the Russian presidential elections and the formation of a new government. “It’s not about the general directors of the factories,” says a BUSINESS Online source in the aviation industry. “It looks like a big reshuffling of leaders is coming after the elections, we see its forerunners.”

According to Matveev, we are simply observing the continuation of personnel changes that started with the arrival of Boginsky (for example, in the board of directors of BP, at the Moscow Helicopter Plant, Kamov, KumAPP, in the Helicopter Service Company). Recall that Boginsky took the post of CEO of BP almost exactly a year ago - on January 31, 2017, moving to the state corporation from the position of the profile deputy minister of industry Denis Manturov. “A new system of our helicopter economy is being built, the relationship between the center and the regions, the management company, developers, manufacturers, service companies are changing,” the expert believes.


But why was Pustovgarov appointed as his replacement? There is no exact information on this matter. One of our interlocutors suggested that if they decided to remove Ligaya for some reason, then at least an approximately adequate replacement would be required: “Well, there has to be someone! And it’s difficult to find a person with as much experience in helicopter engineering as Ligai.”

From March 2006 to April 2011 - Deputy Prime Minister of Bashkortostan - Minister of Industry, Investment and Innovation Policy. Soon after arrival Rustem Khamitov his career began to decline, but did not end - he took the post of president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Belarus, and was elected as a deputy of the State Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.

In December 2015, Pustovgarov returned to the aircraft industry - he was appointed managing director of KumAPP (this is the main position at the plant). This plant specializes in the production of coaxial helicopters developed by the Kamov design bureau. KumAPP produces all types of helicopters for Navy Russia, including modifications of the Ka-27, Ka-29 and Ka-31. In addition to military ones, the company builds civilian Ka-32A11BC helicopters, as well as light Ka-226T.

It is interesting that this return of Pustovgarov to aircraft manufacturing origins happened on the wave of precisely Kazan Topics. In November 2015, BP unexpectedly decided to join the traditionally Kamovskiy KumAPP to the original Milevsky Kazan Helicopter Plant. They explained the reform in an ornate way - by the desire to optimally distribute the volume of production and repair of helicopter equipment, optimize the management system, increase the revenue and profit of enterprises and the income from them to the budgets of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. It was assumed that the combined company would produce "united" products: Kazan's Mi-8/17, Mi-38, Ansat and Kumertau's Ka-226T, Ka-32A11BC, Ka-31. But the source of "BUSINESS Online" then explained the matter by the elementary desire of the leadership of BP to "hide" an eyesore unprofitable enterprise in the bowels of a strong plant. In addition, Khamitov then actually accused the leadership of BP of sabotaging the download of KumAPP and promised to convey this message to the country's leadership.

Be that as it may, it was stated that Pustovgarov would help KumAPP to seamlessly go under the control of Kazan Helicopter Plant. Accordingly, it is unlikely that his appointment could have taken place without approval, or even recommendation, from Ligai - after all, they had to work in the same chain of command.

Now the picture with the “patronage” of KVZ is not very clear. According to an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the Kazan plant still performs the functions of an executive body at KumAPP (therefore, in fact, Pustovgarov is not the general director). However, there is not a word about this on the plant’s page; the wording in the reporting has also changed. The documents for the fourth quarter of 2015 talk about the beginning of management by KVZ, but in the report for the fourth quarter of 2016 the wording changes: KumAPP is part of the same group of persons as KVZ. The wording is similar in the final list of affiliates for the fourth quarter of 2017. A BUSINESS Online source in the government of the Republic of Tatarstan reported that the case simply died out. Perhaps the situation has simply changed - if earlier KVZ could take someone in tow, now it itself is in trouble.


Most likely, our experts were right, who initially stated that BP themselves did not understand what they wanted to do by merging KVZ and KumAPP. It is interesting that then, under the guise of creating the Tatarstan-Bashkortostan helicopter association, Ligaya was removed from the post of Deputy General Director of BP, which he held in parallel with the directorship at Kazan Helicopter Plant. Then it was reported that one of the main reasons for the resignation was “high workload”, or more precisely, “the emergence of new tasks to create a new industrial cluster of the holding from two production sites - KVZ and KumAPP.”

Interestingly, today we can see a kind of reverse process. BUSINESS Online sources report that after leaving KVZ, Ligai will be appointed... Deputy General Director of BP. Second time in the same water? It looks more like a sinecure after an honorable resignation. Matveev believes that we are seeing the result of some kind of “exchange”, and points out that Ligai is not the first to do this (recently, the executive director of the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant was appointed to the deputies of BP Mikhail Korotkevich, and ex-executive director of Kamov Vladimir Makareikin became BP's director for science and technology). “The general director of Russian Helicopters has 9 deputies,” states Matveev. And, one might add, Ligai’s age is appropriate...

One of the BUSINESS Online sources has a different opinion: “Honorable resignation? Then they would have come up with a position without authority, but here it’s quite a full-fledged deputy. Yes, 65 years is a respectable age, and now they are trying to place young animals all around. But Boginsky ( Born 1974approx. ed.), in my opinion, it is too early to run a corporation. And then a corporation is not a civil service; there are no age restrictions. And for different periods of a company’s life there are different tasks. There is a time when you have a product and you need to increase sales - then you need a leader who understands financing, promotions, sales. And when you need to create new products, you need a production worker. Perhaps, now, after the leapfrog of changes in the top management of the holding, such a person was needed. The appointments of economists, lawyers, and sociologists to the aviation industry are already quite bewildering.”

It is worth saying here that experts have long pointed out that the holding, in fact, does not create a new product. The source noted that, according to his information, under the shadow of Rostec (which includes BP), a merger of the helicopter holding and the United Aircraft Corporation is being prepared, that is, in fact, a new ministry is being created aviation industry. Every true professional counts. According to the interlocutor, Ligay has every chance of becoming one of the highest figures in the Russian helicopter industry.

Another of our interlocutors recalled that Vadim Aleksandrovich oversaw the key programs of the holding at BP - the modernization of the current model range and the creation of new helicopters - Ka-62, Mi-171A2, Mi-38, a promising medium helicopter: “It was not for nothing that Ligay was made deputy for new technology , although here the image of KVZ as an advanced plant also played a role.”

At the end of last year, the team of Tomasz Navratil, well known in Tatarstan for his optimization activities, worked at Kazan Helicopter Plant. production processes Photo:


Apparently, Pustovgarov should also give KVZ some acceleration. Under him, things seemed to be going smoothly at KumAPP, and in 2016 the plant sold products worth 6.2 billion, and in 2017 it planned for 13.1 billion. In appearance, it can only be attributed to the lost Indian contract for the production of 60 Ka-226s. Initially, they were supposed to be built in Kumertau, but then the order went to Ulan-Ude.

So, maybe the merger of the Kazan and Kumertau plants will take place after all? BP’s November 2015 release stated: “The main tasks that are planned to be solved when combining production facilities by transferring the powers of the sole executive body KumAPP and its shares in the Kazan Helicopter Plant is the optimal distribution of production and repair volumes of helicopter equipment in 2018–2023.”

However, for example, Matveev is sure that in the near future there will be no merger between Kazan Helicopter Plant and KumAPP, but he points out how Bashkir managers can be useful in Kazan: “Difficult times have come in the global helicopter industry. Manufacturers and developers are actively looking for new ways (and we are no exception). New personnel are capable of new decisions, including unpopular ones.”

In this regard, we note that, as it became known to BUSINESS Online, at the end of last year a team Tomas Navratil, well known in Tatarstan for its activities to optimize production processes at KAMAZ, in the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan and in the government of the Republic of Tatarstan. According to our data, “Torquemada” was sent to Kazan Helicopters by Russian Helicopters. Navratil himself, in an interview with BUSINESS Online, confirmed the fact that his team was working at the Kazan Helicopter Plant, but did not discuss the details. The press service of Kazan Helicopter Plant also does not comment on the invitation of the Czech anti-crisis manager. At the plant, meanwhile, they are talking about the upcoming second wave of the work of the Navratil team and fear a reduction in staff. It is possible that to some extent this will be the case, however, our source, who predicted Ligai to have a prominent role in the new “minaviaprom”, believes that the Kazan Helicopter will receive significant loading preferences.

Supporter of the United Russia party, member of the United Russia faction in the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Member of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Committee on Economics, Investments and Entrepreneurship.

Born March 26, 1953.
. Education - higher, graduated from the Moscow Order of Lenin State Aviation Institute named after. O.S. Ordzhonikidze (1976)
. Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation (1998)
. Awarded the medal. M.L. Mil (1992), medal of the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow (2003), medal of the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, III degree (2005), medal “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth” (2009), anniversary medal “100 Years of Russian Military Aviation” (2012) , medal “For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census” (2012), medal of the Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia “For Valiant Labor” (2012), medal of the Republic of Tatarstan “For Valiant Labor” (2013), medal Federal service for military-technical cooperation “For Distinction” (2013), Certificate of honor Office of Presidential Affairs Russian Federation, Order of Honor of the Russian Federation (2013), Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “For Labor Valor” (2015), Gratitude of the Government of the Russian Federation (2015).
. Chief Advisor to the Managing Director of PJSC Kazan Helicopter Plant.

Day, time, place of reception
Second Thursday of the month from 17:00 to 19:00
Reception place: Dementieva st., 2 B (Primary regional branch of the WFP "UNITED RUSSIA")

Intelligence (for the reporting financial year from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015)

Information on income, property and property-related liabilities (for the reporting financial year from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016)

Information on income, property and property-related liabilities (for the reporting financial year from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017)

Information on income, property and property-related liabilities (for the reporting financial year from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018)

Managing Director of PJSC Kazan Helicopter Plant

Born on November 8, 1964 in the city of Beloretsk, Republic of Bashkortostan. It has higher education. Graduated from the Magnitogorsk State Technical University with a degree in Metallurgical Engineering and the Ufa State Aviation University with a degree in Innovation Management.

From August 1986 to March 2006, Yuri Leonidovich held positions from a process engineer to the general director of the Ufa Motor Building production association". From March 2006 to April 2011, Mr. Pustovgarov was Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan and served as Minister of Industry, Investment and Innovation Policy, Minister economic development and Industry, Minister of Industry and Foreign Economic Relations of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

From April 2011 to December 2015 Yuri Leonidovich was President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Bashkortostan. From December 2015 to February 2018, he held the position of Managing Director of Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise JSC. On February 6, 2018, by decision of the Board of Directors of the Kazan Helicopter Plant, he was appointed to the position of Managing Director of the enterprise.

Mr. Pustovgarov was elected to the State Assembly of the Republic of Bashkortostan. He is also a member of the Central Committee of the Union of Mechanical Engineers of the Russian Federation and an Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Republic of Bashkortostan.




Vadim Ligai: Russian Helicopters and KVZ are increasing cooperation between Russia and Indonesia

The guests were welcomed by Acting President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and Deputy General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding, General Director of Kazan Helicopter Plant Vadim Ligay. Welcoming the guests, he said: “Russian Helicopters Holding and the Kazan Helicopter Plant are constantly increasing cooperation between Russia and Indonesia in the field of helicopter supplies through Rosoboronexport. For many years, Indonesia has been an important strategic partner for us. I am confident that our mutually beneficial cooperation will strengthen.”

The Chairman of the Parliament of the People's Republic of China visited the Kazan Helicopter Plant

“The cooperation between KVZ and Chinese partners goes back more than one decade. The history of our relationship began with the supply of S-4 combines, which were produced by our plant in post-war period. We are now supplying Mi-8/17 helicopters – a total of about 200 machines. We hope that mutually beneficial cooperation between our enterprises and countries will continue to increase momentum, and new commercial ties and contacts will appear,” said KVZ General Director Vadim Ligai.

Vadim LIGAI, Kazan Helicopter Plant PJSC: “Over the past 5 years, the volume of product sales has increased 5 times!”

According to KVZ General Director Vadim Ligai, high results were achieved with the personal support of the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. It was Rustam Nurgalievich who did everything possible to modernize the plant’s production. Over the past 5 years, the volume of product sales has increased 5 times. However, the number of employees remained at the same level.

Vadim Ligay taught schoolchildren leadership

One of the most effective managers of the Russian mechanical engineering - the head of the Kazan Helicopter Plant, Vadim Ligai - at his master class for students of “helicopter” classes, told how to build a career in the field of mechanical engineering and revealed the secrets of leadership.

General Director of the Kazan Helicopter Plant, Deputy General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding company (part of the Rostec State Corporation) Vadim Ligai conducted a master class “Development of leadership qualities” for students of the “helicopter” classes of gymnasium No. 8 in Kazan. Special training classes were created with the support of the plant to prepare applicants entering the country's leading technical universities. The head of the Kazan Helicopter Plant spoke about the prestige of engineering specialties and how to build a career in the field of mechanical engineering and cultivate a leader in oneself.

Vadim Ligay: "It's not enough to do what comes easily"

Why the Kazan Helicopter Plant is not afraid of Western sanctions, where the first Mi-38 helicopters will go, how the work of test pilots in Kazan differs from work at other plants in the country, and also the General Director of the Kazan Helicopter Plant spoke about innovative design solutions in an interview with Vadim Ligai, Deputy General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding of the Rostec State Corporation.

Why Vadim Ligay gives orders outside of Tatarstan

In the technopark "KNIAT" at the end of last week round table on the prospects for realizing the potential of innovative platforms, organized by the Committee of the State Council of the Republic of Tajikistan on Economy, Investments and Entrepreneurship. The parliamentarians invited the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Artem Zdunov and representatives of the venues to speak at it. The correspondent of BUSINESS Online, who attended the event, found out what the “problem of socialist hostel” is according to the technopolis “Khimgrad” and why it is necessary to create an airfield for local airlines in every settlement.

Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Vyacheslav Zubarev earned 467 million rubles, Vadim Ligai - 97 million

The income of the general director of the Kazan Helicopter Plant Vadim Ligay amounted to 97 million rubles, his wife - 1.2 million. He owns a plot of 25.4 square meters. m, less than half of the share in the plot of 31,736 sq. m, a little more than a third of the plot of 3.5 hectares, a house of 700 sq. m, two garages of 25.4 and 232.2 sq. m, real estate with total area 640 sq. In addition, a Mercedes-Benz GL500 and a Gibbs Quadski 600 all-terrain vehicle are registered to him. Ligay and his wife have an apartment of 580.7 sq. m. m. The deputy's wife owns two apartments of 134.4 and 98.3 square meters. m and two parking spaces. She is registered for a Toyota Sequoia platinum 4wd.

Vadim Ligai: “The helicopter market will not shrink”

The company has fully formed a portfolio of orders and is now concluding contracts for 2016. The general director of the plant, Vadim Ligay, spoke about this at a meeting with journalists from Latin America, who came to see who and how produces the world's most famous turntables Mi-8 and Mi-17.

Vadim Ligai: “Ansat is no worse than its competitors, and in terms of price, we believe we are winning”

The Kazan Ansat helicopter has received a certificate and will soon be able to be sold in mass quantities. Moreover, as it turned out, the company largely relies not only on the Russian, but also ... the African market. About when they start commercial supplies"Ansat" and what its advantages are over its numerous competitors, the correspondent of "BUSINESS Online" talked with the general director of KVZ Vadim Ligai and his deputy for scientific and technical work Igor Bugakov during the MAKS-2013 salon.

Sergei Shoigu called Vadim Ligai for direct communication

In general, everything was harsh in a military way. A simple tent was erected on the KVZ airfield, inside which they equipped something like a temporary television center. On a large television screen, one could see how Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu alternately received reports on the delivered products from the Admiralty Shipyards, the Ural Transport Engineering Plant, the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant, and so on.

KVZ “went on air” fifth. Lined up in front of the screen and camera were Deputy General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding company, General Director of KVZ OJSC Vadim Ligai, Head of the 639 military representative office of the Ministry of Defense Anatoly Zolin and the senior group of receivers, deputy squadron commander for engineering and aviation service of military unit 12633 Sergei Rotkin. Behind them, the Minister of Defense had a view of the airfield, where, against the background autumn forest three Mi-8MTV-5-1 “turntables” were wet in the rain - it was on their example that Kazan residents reported today on the implementation of the state defense order

Vadim Ligay found a huge reserve in management expenses

According to the quarterly report according to RAS standards, the revenue of Kazan Helicopter Plant OJSC soared by 43.5% - to 8.3 billion rubles. As the BUSINESS Online analytical center found out, demand from India, Pakistan and the USA provided not only good income, but also an increase in the markup on the bestseller of Kazan Helicopter Plant - Mi-17V-5. At the same time, the management of the plant reduced commercial expenses by 116 million, and easily cut management expenses by 2.6 (!) times. However, despite the record results, the shareholders also saved on the indexation of wages for employees.


On October 29, Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a solemn ceremony held in the Catherine's Hall of the Kremlin, presented the Order of Honor to General Director of the Kazan Helicopter Plant Vadim Ligay. The corresponding decree was signed in July 2013.

“I am grateful to the President and the Government of Russia for the high appreciation of the work done. This award rightfully belongs to the entire team of the Kazan Helicopter Plant,” said Vadim Ligay. “This is a recognition of the merits of the entire Russian helicopter industry and an incentive for new achievements in the helicopter industry and achieving better results.”

Russian Helicopters congratulates MAI on its 85th anniversary

For 85 years of its activity, MAI has produced thousands of highly qualified specialists. Some of them became Heroes of the Soviet Union, test pilots, academicians, general designers. Among them are G.R. Karapetyan, N.P. Bezdetnov, A.I. Akimov, N.S. Pavlenko. Many MAI graduates today occupy leadership positions at the enterprises of the Russian Helicopters holding company. So, for example, Vadim Ligay has been heading the Kazan Helicopter Plant for 8 years, being also the Deputy General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding for the last year. After graduating from the Moscow Aviation Institute, Vadim Ligay began his career at the plant as a process engineer, the holding also noted.
